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Page 1: Positive Thinking & The 5 Biggest Fails

Overcoming the 5 Biggest Fails

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Page 3: Positive Thinking & The 5 Biggest Fails

� � Positive thinking is a mental and emotional attitude

that focuses on the bright side of life and expects positive results.

� A positive person anticipates happiness, health and success, and believes he or she can overcome any obstacle and difficulty.

Think Positive

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Negative Emotions When you are stressed out about everything you have to get done

today, you may find it hard to actually start anything because you’re paralyzed by how long your to-do list has become. Your brain closes off from the outside world and focuses on the negative emotions of fear, anger and stress. These negative emotions prevent your brain

from seeing other options and choices around you (Tiger example).

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Positive Thoughts

When you experience positive emotions like joy, contentment, and love, you will see more possibilities in your life. Positive emotions broaden your sense of possibility and open your mind up to more

options. This in turn allows you to build new skills and resources that can provide value in other areas of your life.

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It’s Contagious

We affect, and are affected by the people we meet, in one way or another. This happens instinctively and on a subconscious level, through words,

thoughts and feelings, and through body language. We want to be around positive people. People are more disposed to help us, if we are positive, and they dislike and avoid anyone broadcasting negativity. Negative thoughts,

words and attitude, create negative and unhappy feelings, moods and behavior. When the mind is negative, poisons are released into the blood, which cause more unhappiness and negativity. This is the way to failure,

frustration and disappointment.

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The 5 Biggest Fails In general there are five main things that keep people

from succeeding at sales…

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� � Do you need to be liked? Fear being disliked? You

need to get over that. � Sometimes you need to ask tough questions. The

customer is your customer, not your pal.

1. Need for Approval

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� � A prospect cancels an appointment. Does that

rejection tip you upside down? You need to recover quickly. Then you can reschedule the appointment, or write off this prospect and move on. Are you a worrier? Do your emotions drag you down?

2. Tendency to get Emotionally Involved

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� � A lot of us were raised to believe that it’s impolite to

talk about money. But if you’re not comfortable talking about money, you’re going to have trouble. You must be able to qualify a prospect for a specific budget. And don’t sell out of your own pocket!

3. Discomfort Talking about Money

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� � When you’re the customer, do you shop around,

compare prices, and take forever to make decisions? If so, you may empathize with your prospects who wish to do the same. No wonder your deals take so long to close, and so many of your prospects drift away!

4. Non-supportive Buy Cycle

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� � These are things you believe that will get in the way

of your success – the “head trash” that prevents us from winning. Negative thinking can lead you to talk yourself out of a deal that you could easily have won!

5. Self-limiting Beliefs

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� Affirmations

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� Attitude

� The number-one attitude that will help a salesperson take total control of a relationship is if they can believe the person they’re talking to has nothing they want. This is a very empowering sales approach because the salesperson takes control.

� Can you get people to say yes or no? Don’t be afraid to disqualify a prospect if you can’t help them. It’s ideal for a prospect because they’ll know where they stand and know whether or not the salesperson can help them or not. It’s honest and upfront and simple.

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Benefits of Positive Thinking

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Happiness is both the precursor to success and the

result of it.

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� What to do now…

� Take time to plan and set goals.

�  Smile. �  Surround yourself with

positive people. � Change the tone of your

thoughts from negative to positive.

� Don’t play the victim. You create your life-take responsibility.

� Help someone. � Remember that no one

is perfect and let yourself move forward.

� Sing. � List 5 things that you

are grateful for right now.

� Read positive quotes.

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