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Music Video AnalysisVideo 1: Saint Motel – My Type

Saint Motel is an American indie rock band from Los Angeles, whose music has been described as ‘everything from "dream pop" to "indie prog”.’ The band consists of A/J Jackson (lead vocals/guitar), Aaron Sharp aka "a sharp" (lead guitar), Dak (bass), and Greg Erwin (drums). The song ‘My Type’ where they worked with Parlophone Records, was released on August 17 in the UK and August 19 in the US. The band embarked on a summer tour in support. My Type is described as an exuberant collision of gorgeous tropical horns and percussion, suave indie style and frontman A/J Jackson's velveteen croon. The song is 3mins 29secs and the length of the video matches this.

Page 2: Post 3 - Music Video Analysis 1

Saint Motel – My TypeCamera Work - At the start of the video we have an establishing shot if the TV, this is then followed by a movement out of the screen that is still tracking the object. This zooming keeps going until we see the full room, still with the TV in shot. This panning is matched with panning that is a lot around is the whole video, showing us around the room, on the line ‘take a lookaround the room’. After this we have a part in the video where strips of black and white images are placed along the the screenin strips. These are a match on action of the two people who arein the image who are making eye contact. This section shows us who people are making eye contact at rather than just a direct change. The black and white strip is placed onto the screen at the same time every time, when the the ‘urgh’ noise is made in the song. As well as this there are many extreme close ups in the video, this is a convention that has been told by Andrew Goodwin that The demands of the record label will include the need for lots of close ups of the artist and the artist may develop motifs which recur across their work. This is both when the shot is moving into this black and while thin section and also dotted around the video to other people. Throughout there again seems to be the same camera work happening, there is a lot of zooming into the action that ishappening. This my be to do with the the extreme close ups of the people or to just to get closer to the action.Sound – Very close to the start we see the main man with glasses on is singing along to the words of this song, this is a very typical convention of music videos. This reflects the idea and conventions that is told by Andrew Goodwin. He states that there is a relationship in the video between lyrics and visuals. There are also many parts in the song where the scene or parts of it will change this also happens at a point in the song where the beat also changes or is stronger, this is a type of match on action that is used so much and in nearly every music video that is made.

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Saint Motel – My TypeEditing – At the very start of the video we see some of the action o the TV this action that is on the TV is matched to that that is happening in the room where the TV actually is. This has been done to give us a brief of what is going to be happening in the video. As mentioned in the camera work section we see the thin sections of line across the screen, this has been done using editing. We have two types of editing ones that are like this and can be noticed, but then we also have editing throughout the video that changes us from one scene to another or from one view to another. These are called jump cuts where we jump from one thing to another. This type of editing can not be missed and is in 99% of videos as they will not be shot all at one using the same scene.

Mise En Scene – Throughout the video there is a very retro/60s style that is present. I feel as though this almost matches the style of the song as a very indie song. This style runs throughout the outfits, decoration, lighting, editing etc. all of the people who are in the video are all formally dressed. We can see this retro style throughout the video, at the start we see the TV witch is very retro and old. As we Soon out we see s full shot of the room that they are all in. the décor that is at the back is in color's that complement This Also. We then see a radio That is also is from the same generation time as the other things in the video. It is also a record player on the top this is also how we know the age of it. Most of the shooting has been done in this one room, doing this has allowed them to keep the retro style in this one room. The lighting is both unnatural and natural as we can see the lighting from the lamps at the back of the room but also when the shot is changed around we can see the natural light that comes in from out side, where the other scene is shot in the pool area (this is the only other scene in the video).

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