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Page 1: Poster Ancillary Research


Here are some examples of promotional posters from the artists Emile Sande, as you can see the ones that I have chosen are a little different from Emile Sandes’ normal choice of colour scheme normally her album covers and

poster work are in more monochrome – subtle colours. The posters that include much more vibrant colours I think are a way for Emile Sande to show that these tours will be different, or the albums will have different kind of

songs on instead of her usual ballad type genre. The reasoning fort he 2013 poster I think is mainly because it is a summer tour so the oranges and yellows help connote the happy, positive vibe that summer brings making the

tour seem more appealing to the audience. I think the middle poster is interesting because they have followed the

conventional style that Emile Sande normally has of just a simple picture of herself in monochrome colours but they have added some artwork on top of her face which embeds this idea of elegance and royalty as the way it

swirls round her head makes it look like a kind of crown/tiara.

Page 2: Poster Ancillary Research


Here are some examplar posters from the artist Justin Timberlake, I have chosen these three promotional posters because they all take on different aspects. The first poster I think portrays Justin Timberlake in a extremely positive

light as he is holding a music event for cancer – which is obviously a well rooted for cause in which everyone wants to help raise money for. The fact the poster is very simple and plain makes the picture of Justin Timberlake

punching, even more dominant as the picture links in with the typography ‘KNOCK OUT CANCER’. Audiences will recognise Justin Timberlake in a positive light from this poster as he is dedicating his music and money to a cause

that is very important to many people. The second poster demonstrates the use of colour and ghosting on a poster,

which I think looks effective as he hasn’t got much typography on the rest of the poster so it doesn’t look overcrowded and messy. The last poster I think looks the most effective as it looks so simple yet you can tell a lot of

effort went into the production of it, the fact that the silhouette of Justin Timberlake is made up of titles and quotes

of his songs included in the album that he is going to tour with. Then the dominant text on the right side clearly states where and when the audience can watch this tour.

Page 3: Poster Ancillary Research


Finally I have chosen some promotional posters from my inspired artist for my music video, Rihanna. I have chosen four examples because I wanted to included a demonstration of promotion on another media platform aside from a poster.

Rihanna differs from my other artists in her choice of bold colours instead of just black and white although she still sticks to the conventions of having her tour dates, album name, artist name, record label and any other information that will

catch the audiences eye. On the last poster, she uses her trademark ‘R’ which is in a different font to the rest of her name, this makes it easily recognisable to the audience as they are already familiar with this logo. Rihanna never sticks to a

common theme with her album artwork or her poster artwork, every one that she produces seems to be different which I

think portrays a stark change in her music each time she releases tour dates. Rihanna not only promotes her music on posters but has also managed to get herself on front of a magazine – which inside states dates in which she will be touring

or making appearances.

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