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Page 1: Poster Cover Analysis

In order to fully understand what the magazine’s cover could look like, I felt that I wanted to put the design to practice from the drawing I created. From what was originally meant to occur, there were slight differences that were part of the newer design. Apart from that, I am happy with the look of the image and the layout, but I do feel that the colouring of the character could maybe be done in another way if I were to do it again due t the colour looking too bright as opposed a darker and fearful look. More features could be added, but I did this to get a better understanding of how I could make the magazine cover look. When I look at both of the images, I feel that there aren’t many differences, apart from the adding of images (for what is inside the magazine) and certain layout designs, but apart from that it is fairly similar.

The eyes are similar, due to the character having vessels spread across both of his white-eye sockets. From this, we are able to identify his stress and anger, following his fear and panic. Sal can’t sleep; he can’t relax knowing that his life is in danger. His eyes draw attention from the audience; he is very serious and requires help from Dwayne. As Sal is looking at the audience, it makes them feel sympathy toward him, as

though he wants our help. The images both look fairly similar, and I am happy abut this, but there are differences that will affect the overall finished poster if I agree and complete it with this design. The idea was to show the images of Carlo, Antonio and Dwayne within Sal’s eyes, but unfortunately, the eyes are as large as I drew them in the practice design. The image will have to bee enlarged, missing other facial features which will be needed in order to make the poster look more professional; without the full nose within the front cover, it may not look as effective. I tried to add the images of the other characters, but they were too small.

Page 2: Poster Cover Analysis

The images are too small, especially in the recent design. The opacity level had to be lowered very much in order to make the image look more realistic; this made the character look unnoticeable. This would make the idea challenging as the audience may not be able to identify the characters, which may ruin the idea.

The use of shadows over the protagonist allows the character to seem smaller, suggesting his lack of power and strength, therefore challenging stereotypes of a male character. Sal is weaker than Carlo and Antonio due to their fierceness and blackmailing personas; they are not as caring as they first appeared to Sal when he was young. The silhouettes of the characters are more of an emphasis that Sal is hidden away from the empowering bodies that are in front of him; he isn’t alone, yet feels smaller than ever. The shadows also put him in the dark, emphasising his danger. The silhouettes show two character; Antonio and Dwayne (as I need to add another silhouette for Carlo) show the two sides looking for Sal, between good and bad. Dwayne’s silhouette has a fedora hat to identify him more easily. The characters are at a distance and as Sal’s eyes are open, he is looking for them in order for his own safety. The shadows show that even when the audience don’t know what will happen next, Sal is more aware of the danger he is in due to his experience with Carlo and Antonio and the way they treated him, before he ran away from them. I hope that the audience can identify the shadows; if not, I will make them darker and larger over Sal’s image.

The title of the film is very similar to the design shown from before; the text’s font is bold and stands out, it looks fairly rough and the colouring is more used within certain areas of each letter. The text used on the magazine cover is associated with fingerprints, suggesting themes of evidence, murder and crime (within a crime scene). The text is covered in blood in order to emphasise the violence that is to be expected within the film, especially as it is part of the Crime genre; conventionally, very harsh violence. The blood also looks gruesomely spread across the text with more blood around blunter parts of each letter’s shape. I would like the text to stand out and I hope that the audience will like it; the violent context of the film and its story is shown in the magazine cover to immediately attract the audience looking for a Crime film with violence and danger being present throughout.

The eye will also be one of the smaller images on the page, therefore the hardest to identify the characters within. Due to this problem, I thought of another idea to show that Sal is looking out for other characters in order to protect himself; something that I hope will work to show that he isn’t alone and that he is being in danger by more authoritative characters.

Page 3: Poster Cover Analysis

The images that are shown at the bottom of the page will be used to show and attract the audience what is inside the magazine; this may also attract a wider audience. There will be many options that I could choose when basing the content within magazine about, which includes films that have recently been released in cinema, films that have recently been released onto DVD, films that haven’t been released yet, and films that are part of the same genre; I could also mix the images around in order to attract a wider audience and show conventions of a film magazine. The images that I have selected have been chosen from Crime genre films, three of a more recent releases and one that is from the 1990’s. If the magazine was a special edition, I feel that this would be a suitable thing to include, alongside older crime films from the 20 th century; this may attract a wider audience with a love for older films especially within the genre. This may limit the audience members toward the magazine as not everyone likes the Crime genre, but if they were the only audience (if it was a limited edition magazine), then it would be suitable for them.

The use of shadows from the lighting is used to show the rough nature that Sal is in, consisting of his life being in danger. The darker shades also suggest the feeling of dirtiness from Sal; dirt that he is unable to clean off due to it being too extreme and life affecting; the dirt is his safety, once clean, yet now ruined. The different use of lighting also makes the poster look more professional, but I feel that it could look older fashioned with a black and white colouring to the character (which may not fully become the colour scheme, but will be very noticeable. The rough skin also shows the rough life that Sal is part of when in danger, including his harsher lifestyle when threatened by Carlo and Antonio. His character is traumatised, scared and entirely in danger. His skin shows his stress and his eyes show his fear and vulnerability when alone.

The use f the text is used in order to inform the reader about the magazine’s content, followed with the use of images. The exclamation mark is used to add extra emotion toward the text making it sound more important and expressive.

The barcode is a convention within all purchasable magazines, and will be shown toward the bottom-right location.

The use of this text is shown to attract the audience into reading the magazine due to it being considered rare (with the content), only available to some.

Page 4: Poster Cover Analysis

The poster shown for the film ‘LA Confidential’ sets the tone for the trendiness of the police force within Los Angeles, involving the richness and corruptness of the city. The poster is interesting, showing a range of characters and their differing statuses; celebrity detectives to new detectives and a lover. This layout could be used for the magazine cover, with Sal being the main image (toward the front with a larger image size), Carlo and Antonio within the middle and Dwayne toward the back. This would show that all of the smaller and less important characters are all looking to find the important character who is more in reason to escape. The audience will eel closer to him and his reasons, noticing his fear and danger after being searched for by the men behind him. The background could be used to show themes within the film; a dark background to suggest dark and hidden truths between characters (such as the lies from the Fibonacci brothers over the years), or an orange sunlight to suggest that time is running out (before it gets dark and all is revealed). Each character will have an important part to show their individual personalities and their portrayals of anger.

The magazine front cover reminded of the poster of the 2015 film ‘The Martian’; the use of colouring is used to convey the emotion for the character, similarly suggesting the loneliness of each character. In ‘The Martian’s’ poster, the surrounding are shown coming off f the glass of the air dome, much like the idea of the character Carlo and Antonio from Sal’s eyes. The close-up is used for both of the posters to suggest vulnerability and entrapment of each character; they can’t escape something (a plant and danger). Each character is looking toward the audience as though they want to communicate their vulnerability and requiring of help from us. ‘The Martian’s’ poster doesn’t have the character filling the whole space; this will allow me to try and find the appropriate size of Sal’s character within the poster, in order to show a background which may relate to Sal’s feelings.

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