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Teacher Education in Art for primary Schools - draft

- 1 - NUAE & UCSJ

Communicative Posters


An integrated art project combining text and picture

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Teacher Education in Art for primary Schools - draft

- 2 - NUAE & UCSJ

1. Preparing a process of art works for communication

Reflections of the teacher

Each student is every day confronted with and experience a broad variety of Vietnamese visual

culture. The number of posters, billboards, and advertising signs is heavily increasing.

The art students are also introduced to different theories about learning and development of

competences. In this material the theory of multiple intelligences by Howard Gardner is selected but

many other aspects could have been chosen as content for this project.

In order to combine these experiences the lecturer decides to introduce an art project creating

communicative posters on multiple intelligences to be applied in classrooms, in staffrooms and at

meetings with parents.

Questions before detailed planning:



Visual Culture

A poster Teaching Aid

Multiple Intelligences

Students as Designers

Materials - techniques


Pictorial Language:Composition LinesColorsContrasts


What do you want to say?

What do theobserve see?

Meaning - theme - topic - motif

Why? How?



Find further information and inspiration in Educational Theories for Art Education

Aims/ objectives

This element will


At the end of this element the student will be

able to

Introduce tools for planning art lessons

Challenge the student to take part in

preparing an aesthetic process/project

Take active part in planning a project

Understand the background for the new


Use and understand the five competence

areas as support for planning a lesson

and a project

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- 3 - NUAE & UCSJ

2. Collect and categorize everyday Posters


Each student collects 5 examples of posters from Vietnamese visual culture. They can bring original

posters or pictures of the chosen examples. In groups of 4-5 the students categorize the posters

looking for similarities within these four categories:


You might also want to focus on a

cross section- and non-historic categorization e.g. pictures of animals or peace or portraits

chronological and historic categorization e.g. pictures of one artist or child

Aims/ objectives

This element will


At the end of this element the student will be

able to

Stimulate the student’s awareness of the

surrounding visual culture

Challenge the students to collect various

types of posters

Stimulate the student to compare and

categorize art works

Stimulate the awareness of criteria for

communicative posters

Make a collection of posters

Discuss the concept: visual culture

Categorize pictures/posters

Share criteria for a communicative


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Teacher Education in Art for primary Schools - draft

- 4 - NUAE & UCSJ

3. From choice of Topic to Creating Ideas


To create a common understanding let the student analyse and discuss the four Circus Posters

made in grade 2 Primary School

What is the TOPIC?

What is the MOTIF in each poster?

What is the individual THEME in each poster?

What is the FUNCTION of each poster?

How can you work with posters in your classes?

Close up

Interior included



Aims/ objectives

This element will:


At the end of this element the students will be

able to:

Stimulate the students’ awareness of

approaches to aesthetic processes

Stimulate students to seek out inspiration

on topic within existing culture

Challenge the student to reflect on topics

relevant for different grades

Stimulate the student to reflect on ways

to motivate children to create ideas

Listen to classmates ideas and wishes

Express and clarify own idea

Express an understanding of the

connection between topic, idea, theme,

motif, material, and language of art

Choose relevant topics for different


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Teacher Education in Art for primary Schools - draft

- 5 - NUAE & UCSJ

Thematic Approach

Reflections of the teacher CIE model is a pedagogical, didactic

approach to develop innovative students


The class agrees on common or individual idea for a thematic approach to a learning

process in Arts and each student selects their personal interpretation and motif.

The students can work individually or in groups.

How can I/we express my/our idea? How can I/we improve my/our idea? Where can

I/we search for inspiration and help? With whom can I/we discuss my/our draft?


Starting from the drafted sketches in the groups the

class collects inspiration from other visualizations of MI.

The class agrees one a common style, format, number

of colours etc. for the production. The

students produce their final works.

A project develops in an interaction between the

created idea/focus and the available and challenged

competences in each student


A topic is an objective concept chosen

as a common platform for creating

ideas, memories, associations, fantasy.

Mention or list all the ideas you get

in connection to the chosen topic?

Based on the topic the teacher can

guide the class in creating a mind map.

All ideas are welcome and categorized

during the process

It is essential to get the attention of the

students and motivate them to think

about, elaborate on, and differentiate

the interpretation of the topic. They are

working within the creative platform.

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4. From Idea to Cultural Inspiration to Choice of Motif

The students are going to work with MI and develop teaching aid posters to be exhibited in

classrooms. Visualization of MI can take many forms with different styles. You can find inspiration

from others in books or posters. Here is included some examples for discussion and categorization.

Kindergarden Staffroom with posters of Multiple Intelligence at NCE, Hanoi

Introductory work at NUAE with MI

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5. From Motif to choice of Format, Size, Material,

Technique, Typography to Layout

Aims/ objectives

This element will


At the end of this element the student will be

able to

Introduce the student to relevant

material for making posters

Stimulate the student to make a draft as

foundation for dialog in process

Challenge the student to use paint and

brushes relevant for the content and


Challenge the student to simplify to

strengthen communication

Create a draft and discuss this with the

class for feed-back and communication

Select material according to content and


• Create a visual composition for a poster

• Work reflected on lines, shapes, colors

and text

• Select simple forms and symbols

relevant for the content

Create a communicative poster

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Teacher Education in Art for primary Schools - draft

- 8 - NUAE & UCSJ

6. From Expression to clear Communication of Content

Aims/ objectives

This element will


At the end of this element the student will be

able to

Stimulate the student to be aware of the

visual culture in daily society

Challenge the student teacher to reflect

on the language and effect of

communicative posters

Stimulate the student to consider the

recipient’s optic

Appreciate the language of posters

Analyze and reflect on own and others’

posters as part of a visual local, national,

and global culture

Understand receptive, productive and

communicative aspects of a poster


An index is characteristic of

having a direct physical or

causal connection between

expression and content:

A wood pigeon in the snow


An icon is similar or imitate what

it signifies e.g. Swans on the lake

painted by a 9 year old girl


A symbol refers to a

meaning in addition to what

is shown in the picture. The

white dove with a twig

symbolizes peace

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Teacher Education in Art for primary Schools - draft

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7 From Individual Works to Functional Posters

Aims/ objectives

This element will:


At the end of this element the student will be

able to

Stimulate the student to be aware of the

connection between sender, media and


Stimulate the student to be aware of

teaching aid material meaning for

learning processes in the classroom

Stimulate the student to be aware of the

responsibility and influence of creating a

learning environment

Analyze and differentiate the

communicative, productive, and

receptive factors in posters

Produce teaching material relevant for

current teaching and learning processes

Arrange inspiring learning environment

From topic to idea to draft to painted poster to digital experiments to “professional“ poster

for display integrating Sender, Media and Receiver in a functional interaction.



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