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Postmodern Texts....

By Charlie Powell

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The opening scene of Inglorious Basterds can be regarded as replicating a scene from ‘The sound of music.’

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• The film opens with 1960s universal logo, WW2 was a global war that lasted from 1939 to 1945. The logo is of the wrong era.

• We also see Bricolage as chapter one is introduced. The text on screen reads “Once upon a time in occupied Europe” reminiscent of a fairy tale. This fits into the process of addition because an idealistic story is not what we associate it with a war film.

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Intertextual reference:

• Tarintino references his previous films within Inglorious Basterds, for example the high levels of gore can be witnessed in ‘Reservoir Dogs.’ He uses these references as almost signatures to identify work as his own.

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Hyper reality

• With Inglorious Basterds being a war film the audience presumes that some of the violence from World War 2 will be displayed in the film. For a film on World War 2 there is a lot less emphasis on standard warfare using guns rather looking at more brutal methods of killing, such as the scalping done by the Basterds or the killing using a baseball bat by The Bear Jew (Eli Roth). This could be consider postmodern form how instead of following the normal fights in war films Tarantino invents his own methods of violence which goes against the general trend.

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Intertextual reference

• In numerous scenes words appear to accompany a sound, such as when Scott deflects Matthew Patels first attack the word ‘KPOW’ appears as he does it. This doesn't usually happen in real life obviously it is a typical convention of comic strips. The reason comic strips do this is because not possible to play sound effects as it is just a media text.

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• The fight scenes are taking place we see the characters as if they were part of a fighting game and then we have the comic book text put on screen when punches are made which has mixed up both of these so that the audience can feel as if they are both watching a game being played and seeing a comic book.

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Hyper Reality

• This whole film challenges the audience’s perception of reality, as it combines realistic characters with unrealistic game like situations, such as mid-air fights where no one gets hurt.

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• This film is attempting to mimic that of a cheesy hero fighter film, but lacks the substance of a well known heroes and villains story. It lacks engaging action and a gripping storyline.

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Intertextual reference

• The scene with the mirror reflections has an intertextualreference to the Citizen Kane (1941) when Kane sees himself reflected indefinitely. This represents in Inception the idea that there are many worlds that reflect off of this world but when Ariadne touches the mirror lightly and it shatters, show how fragile the dream worlds are and that there is only one reality.

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Hyper Reality

• The film ‘Inception’ has many aspects of hyper-reality. During this film, the mind is opened into another reality which could be seen as more desirable than real life reality. This aspect of the film means a sense of anew, better and more sought-after world and so the audience are convinced that it is an authentic world.

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• Within inception, it combines the genres of crime-drama, film noir and a psychological twist. This creates a whole new sub-division of its own. Within these levels all the senses the characters experience are copies of the real world and the unrealistic dream elements are copies of past dreams. The people are copies of reality and some of the places.

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• Inception toys around with the idea of simulacrum and shows it by travelling to a dream world within a dream world within a dream world.

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• This film combines at heart-felt emotional scenes with that of comical circumstances that induce no emotional response at all. This gives the situation a humorous interpretation. Such as the scene where the Hobo places a picture of a bear in the prostitutes empty picture frame.

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• This film is based on a trailer for a bad film, and has attempted to form a copy of the ideas from this trailer. This form of post-modernism can be criticised by the beliefs of, for being vacuous, as it is a text with no intention to serve any purpose, and therefore can be regarded as a pointless and depthless.

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