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Ultimately, it is taxpayers who are on the hook to pay for

these impacts, not the giant poultry processors like Perdue

and Tyson that profit from the factory farm model. The new-

est state-funded “solution” to the excess manure problem in

Maryland is the construction of incinerators that burn poultry

litter — manure, bedding, feathers and spilled feed — turn-

ing it into energy, fertilizer and, potentially, feed for chickens.

Incinerating poultry litter has proven to be economically inef-

ficient and environmentally damaging, and the construction

of these extremely expensive facilities almost guarantees the

expansion of factory farms that produce a steady supply of

manure to feed the incinerators.

As of October 2015, public opposition, technical obstacles and

economic realities of this failed technology have kept large-

scale incinerators from gaining a foothold in Maryland, but

state and federal legislators, pressured by powerful corporate

interests, continue to offer government incentives for the con-

struction of incinerators. It is time that Maryland move away

from false solutions that prop up the factory farm model and

instead focus on building the economic infrastructure needed

to support farmers and consumers — helping to ensure that

environmental sustainability and farmer livelihoods trump

corporate profits.

Factory Farming in MarylandIn 2012, at any given time, there were about 29 million broiler

chickens on factory farms on the Eastern Shore of Maryland

— about five chickens for every person in the state.4 Although

the chickens are grown by independent contractors, the activi-

ties on nearly all factory farms are directed by large poultry

processors like Perdue and Tyson. The companies own the

birds produced on these farms and use abusive contracts that

dictate how farmers raise them.5

This contract system allows poultry processors to make large

profits while farming out much of the risk and debt to inde-

pendent growers — including financial and legal responsibility

for managing the massive quantities of manure generated.6

Maryland poultry operations in four counties on the Eastern

Shore produce an estimated 650 million pounds of excess

manure that should not be applied as fertilizer.7 Maryland’s

broiler chickens produce as much untreated litter as the

sewage from 9.8 million humans, over one-and-a-half times

greater than the state’s human population.8

Poultry Litter Incineration: A False Solution to Factory Farm Pollution

Fact Sheet • October 2015

A reality of factory farming in the United States is the incredible amount of manure that these operations produce: 13 times more waste than the entire

U.S. population each year.1 On the Eastern Shore of Maryland, where hundreds of millions of chickens are raised annually,2 the resulting mountains of manure are often

Bay, causing enormous damage to the environment.3


The big companies that own the chickens should pay the

costs to remove all of the excess manure produced in the

Chesapeake Bay watershed. But, historically, Maryland has

allowed the companies to externalize their costs on the backs

of taxpayers and the environment by allowing factory farms

to over-fertilize agricultural fields with poultry litter, resulting

in large quantities of manure washing into the Chesapeake

Bay, poisoning aquatic life, hurting the fishing industry and

polluting the watershed.9

In 2013, the state signed a contract with a private company for

the construction of a $75 million incinerator that promised to

burn 75 percent of Maryland’s excess poultry waste.10 Despite

being propped up by tens of millions of dollars in subsidies

and government support, construction of this incinerator has

not begun.11

Despite this failure, the state of Maryland, like several other

states around the country, continues to encourage manure-

to-energy projects with a variety of incentives, including

giving nearly $1 million in taxpayer money to fund the

construction of a small-scale incinerator on one factory

farm.12 Likewise, in 2008, the Maryland legislature passed a

bill that classified the energy produced from poultry litter

incineration facilities as a “tier 1” source of renewable energy,

on par with solar and wind. The implications of this change

are great because the state has a mandate for electricity

suppliers to provide 20 percent of electricity from renewable

sources by 2022.13 Maryland has other incentives in place as

well, including a tax credit for each kilowatt-hour of electric-

ity produced by qualified energy sources.14

This financial support follows significant lobbying efforts

from agribusinesses and energy companies. One leading

incinerator company, Fibrowatt, poured more than $100,000

into lobbying the Maryland legislature over several years, and

spent more than $500,000 lobbying the federal government

over a decade.15 When the state issued a call for proposals to

construct a poultry incinerator in 2011, Fibrowatt teamed up

with poultry giant Perdue on a joint bid, although the deal

eventually was awarded to another company.16

Greenwashing Corporate WelfareBy 2015, the United States had only a handful of poultry

incinerators in operation, most prominently a $200 million

Minnesota facility designed to process the enormous amount

of waste generated by the state’s large turkey industry.17 The

facility began operations with a huge subsidy in place: the

local utility provider, under a state mandate to source more

biomass fuel, agreed to purchase energy from the incinera-

tor at twice the rate of conventional energy prices when the

contract was signed.18

But even with major government support, this facility faltered

and, as of 2015, was hundreds of millions of dollars in debt

and had shifted away from burning turkey litter to burning

mostly wood sources.19 The incinerator’s economic problems

confirm two independent assessments of the potential for

poultry incineration for Maryland, which found that generat-

ing electricity from poultry litter would not be economically

feasible without subsidies.20

Despite these economic realities, incinerator projects have

been proposed or suggested in states across the country,

including Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut,21 Georgia, Mis-

sissippi, North Carolina, Texas22 and Virginia.23 North Caro-

lina, a leading poultry-producing state,24 passed an energy

bill mandating that utility companies obtain at least 900,000

megawatt-hours of electricity from poultry waste by 2014,25

creating a major incentive for the construction of incinerators

— and for the expansion of factory farms to provide their fuel.

Environmental and Health ConcernsIn 2014, the Maryland Secretary of Agriculture boasted that

the state’s support for incinerators “improves water quality and

reduces greenhouse gases — all of which will result in advanced

Chesapeake Bay restoration and help farms become sustain-

able.”26 This big talk, however, is at odds with scientific research

and the real-life experience with this polluting technology.

One of the nation’s few operating incinerators, in Minnesota,

was fined $14,000 for air quality violations related to sulfur

dioxide, nitrogen oxide and carbon monoxide emissions, as

well as for incinerating more than 22,000 tons of plywood and

treated wood containing chemicals like formaldehyde.27

Government scientists in North Carolina determined that

poultry litter combustion plants could result in higher emis-


sions of carbon monoxide, particulate matter, nitrogen oxides

and carbon dioxide per unit of power generation than new

coal plants.28 In addition to these emissions, poultry litter

incinerators have an environmental impact through the fossil

fuel used to truck poultry litter to the incinerator — often

more than 100 miles29 — and then to truck the manure ash

back to farms for use as fertilizer or feed. Incredibly, one plan

is to use the ash that remains following poultry litter incinera-

tion as an ingredient in animal feed.30

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the

type of particulate matter produced by incinerators is linked to

higher rates of respiratory and cardiovascular disease as well

as to higher mortality.31 Another byproduct of burning chicken

litter, dioxin, is classified by the National Toxicology Program

as a known human carcinogen.32 These potential public health

impacts may be magnified because energy companies often

propose building incinerators in poor and vulnerable commu-

nities that already have higher-than-average rates of hospital-

ization for conditions like cardiovascular disease.33

The little research that has been conducted has shown that

the manure ash that remains following incineration can

contain unacceptably high lead, arsenic and chromium levels,

prompting scientists to recommend that this ash be disposed

of at a hazardous waste facility rather than used as fertilizer.34

The Need for Better AlternativesThe enormous costs associated with factory farms in Mary-

land — the manure pollution that has greatly hurt the Chesa-

peake Bay, the economic damage to the fishing industry, the

diminished recreational opportunities for Bay residents and

tourists, and the public nuisance problems associated with

noxious odors — clearly indicate that the factory farm model

is economically and environmentally unsustainable. A more

responsible approach to dealing with excess poultry litter on

the Eastern Shore would be to deal with the huge number of

chickens that are concentrated there.

Maryland’s continued support for poultry litter incinerators,

egged on by corporate lobbyists, appears to be little more than

a public relations effort to reduce the visibility of one of the

most obvious problems associated with factory farms: excess

manure production. But it should not be taxpayers who are on

the hook for cleaning up the environmental damage caused

by the factory farms that enrich huge poultry companies like

Perdue and Tyson. Promoting — and subsidizing — litter incin-

eration merely props up the unfair and unsafe factory farm

system in Maryland.

What You Can DoMaryland should put a stop to policies that support an indus-

trial food system and the overwhelming amount of waste that

it produces. Instead, the state must create and enforce policies

that build the economic infrastructure needed for smaller, inde-

pendent and diversified farmers to thrive and that do not harm

communities, the environment and public health. Until a shift

to a more sustainable food system happens, legislators should:

• Eliminate financial incentives for false solutions by,

among other things, stripping incineration, including the

burning of chicken waste, out of the state’s Renewable

Portfolio Standard. Burning chicken waste is a dirty source

of energy that does not address the root of the problem: we

need to diversify our highly concentrated meat production

system so that it is not producing unsustainable moun-

tains of manure. Instead of allowing Maryland to meet its

renewable energy mandate with dirty technologies that

rely on the excess production of manure and threaten com-

munities, we need to advance a common vision that moves

Maryland into clean energy production while creating a

food economy that is good for everyone.

• Support legislation to end the chicken industry’s

free ride and to make the big poultry companies re-

sponsible for the removal and proper disposal of all of its

excess manure. Over the past several decades, the Chesa-

peake Bay has suffered a decline as waste from factory

chicken farms on the Eastern Shore has been dumped

into this historic watershed. Unlike other industries, large-

scale poultry companies like Perdue create an enormous

amount of pollution, yet they do not take responsibility

for cleaning up the mess that they create.

• Establish a moratorium on the construction of

new poultry houses and on the expansion of existing

facilities. We will never solve the existing excess waste

problem — and will make it worse — if we do not stop the

increased consolidation of the chicken industry.

Pollutants from poultry waste incineration include:35

• Carbon monoxide

• Sulfur dioxide

• Nitrogen oxides

• Particulate matter (PM 10)

• Sulfuric acid

• Hydrochloric acid

• Volatile organic compounds

• Dioxin

• Arsenic

These often odorless and colorless pollutants have

been linked to respiratory diseases, cardiovascular

diseases and cancer, among other illnesses.36


Endnotes1 Food & Water Watch. “Factory Farm Nation: 2015 Edition.”

2015 at 3.2 U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), National Agricultural

Statistics Service (NASS). “Poultry – Production and Value: 2014 Summary.” April 2015.

3 Ator, Scott and Judy Denver. “Understanding Nutrients in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed and Implications for Management and Restoration — the Eastern Shore.” U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1406. June 2015 at 27; Wheeler, Timothy. “Federal report tallies toll on Bay of Shore farmers’ overuse of chicken

Baltimore Sun. March 12, 2015.4 Food & Water Watch analysis of data in USDA NASS. 2012

Census of Agriculture.5 Leonard, Chris. (2014). The Meat Racket. New York: Simon &

Schuster.6 Moeller, David. Farmers’ Legal Action Group, Inc. “Livestock

Production Contracts: Risks for Family Farmers.” March 22, 2003 at 4; Urbina, Ian. “In Maryland, focus on poultry industry pollution.” New York Times. November 29, 2008.

surplus phosphorus and manure in major animal production regions of Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.” Water Stew-ardship. February 2010 at 13.

8 Food & Water Watch analysis of data in USDA NASS. 2012 Census of Agriculture.

9 Wheeler, Timothy. “Hogan moves quickly to block controver-sial environmental regulations.” Baltimore Sun. January 21, 2015; Urbina (2008).

10 Kobell, Rona. “MD manure-to-energy plant appears to be going nowhere.” Bay Journal. February 25, 2015; Maryland Department of General Services. [Press release]. “Md. seeks proposals for renewable energy generated from animal waste.” October 13, 2011.

11 Kobell (2015).12 Maryland Department of Agriculture. [Press release]. “MDA

awards $970,000 for new manure management technology project; farm partners with Irish Co. with support from Moun-taire.” October 29, 2014.

13 Maryland Energy Administration. “Plan to Increase Maryland’s Renewable Energy Portfolio by 20% RPS by 2022.” March 2010 at 2; Maryland S.B. 348, Chapter 135. “Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard - Tier 1 Renewable Source - Poultry Litter.” 2008 at 1.

14 Maryland Annotated Code of Regulations § Maryland State Ethics Commission. “33rd Annual Report.”

2011 at Appendix A; Maryland State Ethics Commission. “30th Annual Report.” 2008 at Appendix A; Food & Water Watch analysis of the Center for Responsive Politics lobby database. Accessed September 30, 2015 at www.opensecrets.org.

16 Kobell (2015); Maryland Department of General Services (2011); Gates, Deborah. “Delmarva biomass boiler operation proposed.” Daily Times (Salisbury, Md.). January 8, 2012.

17 Energy Justice Network. Online mapping tool. Accessed September 30, 2015 at http://www.energyjustice.net/map/searchobject.php?gsTable=facility&gsSearchtype=nationalmap; Saulny, Susan. “Turkey-manure power plant raises stink with environmentalists.” New York Times. June 6, 2007.

18 Saulny (2007).

litter power plant.” Associated Press. May 13, 2015.20 Lichtenberg, Erik et al. “Economic Value of Poultry Litter

Supplies In Alternative Uses.” (Policy Analysis Report 02-02). University of Maryland, Center for Agricultural and Natural

Resource Policy. 2002 at 24 to 25; Electrotek Concepts. “Fibro-Shore Power Market Assessment: PJM/Delmarva Peninsula.” Report prepared for Maryland Environmental Service. May 2001 at 10 to 11.

21 Macdonald, James M. et al. USDA Economic Research Service. “Manure Use for Fertilizer and for Energy.” June 2009 at 35.

-try litter-fueled power plant, opens in Benson, Minnesota.” October 12, 2007.

23 Shenandoah Valley Poultry Litter to Energy Watershed & Air Advisory Group. “Meeting Summary.” Harrisonburg, Va. March 28, 2011.

24 USDA NASS (2015).25 North Carolina General Statutes § 62-133.7 (2007).26 Maryland Department of Agriculture (2014).27 Friedmann, Jane. “Whistleblower: citations for pollution issues

double.” Minneapolis Star-Tribune. February 2, 2013; Marcotty, -

tion.” Minneapolis Star-Tribune. November 9, 2012.28 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Re-

sources, Air Quality Division. “Comparison of Emissions from Controlled Coal and Biomass Combustion.” Air Quality Com-mittee Meeting, North Carolina Environmental Management Commission. March 10, 2010 at 3.

29 Kotrba, Ron. “Generating Poultry Power.” Biomass. Accessed June 30, 2015 at http://biomassmagazine.com/articles/1196/

Thompson, Patrick. EnergyWorks. Letter to Miles McEvoy, Deputy Administrator National Organic Program. August 22, 2014 at Item B, 7.

30 Thompson (2014).31 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, National Center for

Environmental Assessment. “Integrated Science Assessment for Particulate Matter.” (EPA/600/R-08/139F). 2009 at Chapter 2, 18 to 19.

32 National Institutes of Health. [Press release]. “TCDD – dioxin — is listed as ‘known human carcinogen’ in federal govern-ment’s ‘Ninth Report on Carcinogens’.” January 19, 2001.

33 Stingone, Jeanette A. and Steve Wing. “Poultry litter incinera-tion as a source of energy: reviewing the potential for impacts on environmental health and justice.” New Solutions. Vol. 21, No. 1. 2011 at 34 to 36.

-ized bed combustion of poultry litter.” Energy & Fuels. Vol. 28. July 1, 2014.

35 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. Air Emission Permit No. 15100038-004. Issue date February 9, 2005; Alternative Re-sources, Inc. “A Review of the Expected Air Emissions for the Proposed FibroShore 40-MW Power Plant to Be Fueled with Poultry Litter and Wood.” February 2001 at 14 to 15.

36 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2009); National Insti-tutes of Health (2001).

For more information: web: www.foodandwaterwatch.orgemail: [email protected]: (202) 683-2500 (DC) • (410) 394-7650 (MD)

Copyright © October 2015 Food & Water Watch

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