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Powderlife’s summer lifestyle magazine









what l iesb e n e at h

Page 2: Powderlife Magazine - Summer life 08'
Page 3: Powderlife Magazine - Summer life 08'

WITHIN days of the spring snow melt a myriad of tiny plants have emerged along roadsides. After waiting patiently beneath metres of snow for almost half a year they’ve seized their chance to thrive and reach towards the sun. Over the coming weeks billions of these little plants will shoot upwards and outwards faster than the snow can disappear. The barren white landscape of winter will rapidly be replaced by a dense, lush green.

Niseko is a spectacularly beautiful place in the summer. After months of relentless snow, the sun finally dominates. The air is crisp and clean and locals revel in the natural warmth of the sun’s rays on their skin. Water from the melting snow inundates the rich volcanic earth and life is everywhere. The vegetation is thick, from the undergrowth to the tree tops. A richer green is hard to imagine, exuding a natural energy. People are drawn to outside pursuits to take in the environment, breathe the sweet air and drink from the pristine water sources.

Forty two degrees north of the equator, Niseko escapes the oppressive heat and humidity of the rest of Japan and Asia, instead enjoying a long, dry, warm spring-summer period. The island’s natural assets – its rivers and streams, mountains, forest and lakes – offer endless opportunities for warm-weather outdoor activities.

Hokkaido truly is an undiscovered paradise. In winter it ’s the beneficiary of bountiful dry powder snow blowing across from Siberia, a hidden treasure, until recently little known outside Japan. In the space of five years since, a multi-million dollar ski boom has transformed Niseko into an exotic new international winter destination. Visitors who stayed on after the melt discovered that in summer, Hokkaido’s summer is equally as full of natural delights. Each year overseas visitor numbers increase, and a buzzing international summer community is evolving. I have no doubt it ’s only a matter of time before Niseko is recognised across the world as one of Asia’s most spectacular four-season resorts.





niseko in the summertime

editor’s note... 編集者注...

Kristian Lund, Editor Summerlife/Powderlife [email protected] Kristian Lund, Editor Summerlife/Powderlife [email protected]

photo: Mathew Hollingsworth, Niseko Photography

Page 4: Powderlife Magazine - Summer life 08'


summer 5500 winter 50,000+

出版者 publisher Bevan Colless

編集者 managing editor Kristian Lund

投稿者 contributors Derek Kennewell, Greg Lund, Magnus Alexander

翻訳 translation Yuko Niizeki, Chika Matsuda, Yahiro Kondo

写真撮影 photography Mathew Hollingsworth, Niseko Photography

編集アシスタント editorial assistant Simone Nance

広告搭載に関するお問い合わせ advertising inquiries [email protected]

予約購読/既刊 subscriptions / past issues [email protected]

summerlife niseko magazine is a niseko media publication


170-5 Aza Yamada Kutchan-cho

Abuta-gun, Hokkaido 044-0081

tel 0136 22 2000 fax 0136 22 2011


©2007 Niseko Media KK

Contents of Summerlife are subject to copyright. Reproduction in whole or in part without

written permission of the publisher is prohibited. The publication of editorial does not

necessarily constitute an endoresment of views or opinions expressed. The publisher does

not accept responsibility for statements made by advertisers.

Summerlife is indebted to Yoshimitsu Onishi, former editor in chief of the Sports

Nippon newspaper in Osaka, for kindly assisting with Japanese language stories.



photo: Mathew Hollingsworth, Niseko Photography











editor’s note

編集者注page seven

ページセブンniseko news


スナップショットin the loop: events


いらっしゃいませmeet the locals

ローカルに会おうvillage map

ヒラフ近辺地図local information

ニセコ周辺インフォメーションlast word











summer calendar: food for thought

ニセコの食べ物summer adventure feature

夏のアドベンチャー特集rafting ラフティング cycling: on road and off

マウンテンサイクリングとロードサイクリングfly fishing and hiking

フライフィッシィングgolf and adventure directory

ゴルフ&アウトドア関連会社名簿real estate feature: reviving rural hokkaido

不動産特集:北海道の田舎を蘇らすthe dirt on real estate: summer scouting

土地購入のポイント:夏の土地購入の利点real estate views: annupuri awakens



Niseko’s first English language periodical magazine – published every two weeks

in Niseko between December and March and once outside winter as Summerlife

ニ セ コ 初 の 定 期 刊 行 雑 誌 。冬 季 期 間( 1 2 月 ~ 3 月 )は 2 週

間 に 1 回 発 行 、冬 季 期 間 外 は サ マ ー ラ イ フ とし て 月 一 回 発 行 。


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page seven

WHILE baseball fans probably outnumber cricket fans a million to one in Japan, Niseko will be all about the flat bat come mid-September. The second Ridgerunner Niseko International Cricket Tournament will take place over two days on September 21 and 22 at the Niseko Soccer Village near Hanazono. Cricket legend Dennis Lillee will once again head an international mix of cricketers from Japan, Australia, New Zealand, England, Hong Kong, and even Sakhalin, the Russian island north of Hokkaido. The tournament will raise money for the Tyler Foundation for Childhood Cancer and the Hokkaido In-ternational School, as well as help promote Niseko as a summer destination. The newly opened Niseko Hilton Hotel will host the event and following its completion a charity auction and dinner dance. For more information go to www.cricket.ridgerunner.jp

There are few things more satisfying than eat-ing wild fruits and vegetables, but when was the last time you did that? If you live in Niseko it was probably within the last few days. Sansai, or mountain vegetables, literally grow everywhere in Niseko in spring and early summer. Someone who knows what they’re looking for doesn’t need to walk far outside their back door to pluck a few fronds, leaves, stems, buds or roots they can turn into a magnificent light snack or meal. Depend-ing on the plant, they are usually fried in tempura batter, simmered in stock, marinated in soy sauce or pickled in vinegar, but a creative chef can trans-form a few simple plants into a unique Hokkaido delicacy. If you’d like to try sansai in season look for them on the menu at local restaurants or even better get some local advice and harvest your own.






The hills of Niseko are alive with a incredible array of birds, bugs, plants, flowers and animals. While kuma, tanuki and kitsune (bears, Japanese raccoons and foxes) are among the most prized sightings, a simple guided tour will enlighten you to just how much life is lurking in them thar hills. If you’re in Hirafu in summer you have to take a ride on the gondola to see what the upper part of the mountain is like sans snow. You’ll be surprised. Local nature guide Kiyoshi Na-kashima, a former park ranger with a passion for the little critters of nature, gives guided tours at the top of the summer gondola. In sum-mer, he transforms the Ace Hill Restaurant next to the big thermome-tre into a nature museum. For details contact the Alpen Hotel.


WATER POWERA JAPANESE company has created an engine that travels at 80km/hr powered by water. There certainly would be no lack of fuel around these parts!


by Kristian Lund


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Reading Room cafe cook Ayumi loves tempura sansai in spring!

The Ace Hill Restaurant... minus ski hill food

Nakashima-san at work

Cricket legend Dennis Lillee will be back in Niseko in September

Everything you need to know about Niseko...

www.powderlife.com summerlife 2008 9

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niseko newsFor all your Niseko news


SIX stars isn’t an official hotel rat-ing, but if Capella Niseko delivers on its promises, it will deserve the tag. In the process it will launch Niseko into stellar international ski destination status.

Capella, the ‘world’s first six-star hotel and resort management company’, announced in April plans for a luxury resort – com-prising an 80-room hotel and a mix of 100 villas, townhouses and condominiums for private sale – set on 13 hectares at Annupuri.

The team that will carry out the plan illustrates this is no ordinary project. Capella founder, president and CEO, German Horst Schulze, quit school at 14 to start work in the hotel industry. He later worked for Hyatt, Hilton and most notably served as vice chairman of Ritz-Carlton. He is respected as a world leader in the service industry.

The Capella philosophy is ‘the guest determines the experience at all times’. “The staff will operate as if they had a sixth sense,” Shulze says. Capella will look after every element of a guest’s stay, such as “giving each guest the kind of pil-

low he wants. You can’t do that in a 300- or 400-room hotel.”

Chief designer will be none other than Ando Tadao, one of the world’s most acclaimed architects. Despite never having received formal training in the field, Ando’s work has influenced a generation of architects. His trademark is the use of architectural themes that follow the natural forms of the landscape, so it will be very inter-esting to see his interpretation of the Niseko environment.

Project master planner is Ameri-can Ben Wood, of BenWood Studio Shanghai. Wood’s defining work is Xintiandi, a luxury Shanghai shop-ping and entertainment district which appears to be an original old Shaghai streetscape, but is ac-tually a completely new creation.

It’s expected Wood will similarly create Capella Niseko with an authentic traditional Japanese atmosphere, ‘incorporating Japa-nese architecture principals and aesthetics, employing materials like wood and screen, and inter-linking paths, spaces, corridors and courtyards.











はスケールが違うとのことです。 代表取締役で





























HALF of Japan’s entire police force is believed to be in Hokkaido ahead of July’s G8 Summit, accord-ing to unofficial reports.

Police are tight lipped about exact numbers and details but Niseko’s Hirafu Village is one of many towns across the island host-ing police who have been shipped in for the event. Hundreds of officers are staying in upper village hotels, and the Welcome Centre car park (pictured) is temporary home to a small army of police vehicles.

Police presence across the island has been highly visible for a full month before the meeting, the bulk of which occurs between July 7 and 9. Heavily manned check-points have been established at key points on roads leading in and out of the Lake Toya area; every for-eigner arriving at Hokkaido’s New Chitose airport is being questioned by plain clothes officers; nearby Rusutsu Ski and Golf resort, which is hosting the media contingent, is like a fortress with very restricted entry; riot squads and secret service police and their distinctive vehicles comprise more than half the traffic on roads around Lake Toya.

The Summit is the biggest international event to take place in Hokkaido since the 1972 Winter Olympics.

The leaders of the G8 nations who will be in Hokkaido for the meeting are George Bush, Gordon Brown from the UK, Angela Merkel from Germany, Nicolas Sarkozy from France, Silvio Berlusconi from Italy, Stephen Harper from Canada, Yasuo Fukuda from Japan and Andre Medvedev from Russia. The combined populations of member countries represent 14% of the world’s people, but account for two-thirds of economic output and a majority of military power.

High on the agenda of the G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit will be issues that impact the global en-vironment. Japan will be building momentum for Cool Earth 50, an initiative aimed at halving global greenhouse emissions by 2050.

Also on the table will be programs to promote further development in Africa, as well as nuclear nonproliferation and world economy issues such as trade, investment and the protection of intellectual property rights.





































No artist’s impressions have been released, but this appears to be the style Capella will aim to achieve.

by Kristian Lund

Police cars, vans, trucks and buses fill spaces more commonly occupied by skiers’ vehicles. Photo: Niseko Photography.

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faces of niseko’s summer

what’s on in niseko over summer in the loop

June 29th // 6月29日Grand Hirafu Spring Bike Challenge // グラン・ヒラフバイクチャレンジNiseko’s annual downhill mountain bike championshipニセコ毎年恒例のタイム計測によるダウンヒルレースDetails @ www.nisekomtb.com

July 5th – 6th // 7月5、6日19th Hanazono Kutchan Jazz Festival //第19回倶知安JAZZフェスティバルTwo days of exceptional jazz from around the world. This year’s event features Roy Ayers, legendary American jazz fusion artist, along with many other world class musicians. 2日間に渡り繰り広げられるこのJAZZフェスティバルではアメリカのジャズミュージシャン、ロイ・エアーズを始めワールドクラスなミュージシャンが集まる。 Details @ www.jazzfes.com

July 13th // 7月13日NAC Off Road Series // オフロードトライアスロン&デュアスロンTriathlon and duathlon gone wild – river swim/mountain bike/trail run or just bike and run Raaaghhhh!水泳、MTB、トレイルランニングの3種目のトータルタイムを競うトライアスロン。MTB、トレイルランニングの2種目を競うデュアスロンが同時開催される Details @ www.nac-web.com

July 20th // 7月20日19th Kyogoku Cold Natural Water Festival //第19回しゃっこい祭りCelebrate the region’s abundance of the finest water in Japan. Shaved ice speed eating contest, catching floating somen noodles in running water contest, karaoke contest, and green tea ceremony.京極吹き出し公園で行われるお祭り。日本の名水を誇るおいしい京極のお水を使ったかき氷早食い大会や名水流しそうめん、カラオケ大会、名水を使ったお茶会など盛りだくさんなイベントだ。

20th July // 7月20日Kamimura Cooking Seminars // カミムラ料理セミナーDiscover the secrets of creating luxury cuisine with Yuichi Kamimura; blending French technique with Japanese seasonal ingredients. Accommodation and seminar packages available. August and September dates世界のレストランTOP5 を誇るシドニーのレストランTetsuya’sでのシェフ歴を持つカミムラ・ユウイチ氏による公開クッキングセミナー。その経験を活かした洗練されたお料理の数々を披露。宿泊付きスペシャルパッケージもあり 。www.hokkaidotracks.com/holidays/cookingPackage.do

July 26th to August 3rd // 7月26日~8月3日Hotel Kanronomori 5th Anniversary Summer Festival //NISEKOグルメ甘露の森の夏まつり&花火Annual summer festival 6-9pm every night. Festival food by local restaurants and beer on tap. Spectacular fireworks finale. Tamami Kaizawa’s Ainu Design Fashion Show on the 26th.ホテル甘露の森毎年恒例の夏祭りは18時から21時までセントラルガーデンの中で催される。このお祭りの場でしか味わえない地元レストランの屋台が出す食べ物、ビールが楽しめ、お祭りの最後は花火で締めくくられる。 又7月26日にはアイヌも文様をベースとし、オリジナルブランドを作っている貝澤珠美さんのファッションショーが行われる 。Details @ www.kanronomori.com

July 27th // 7月27日NAC Lake Toya Big Swim and Kids Aquathlon // NAC ビックスイム&キッズアクアスロンINトーヤLake Toya swim 800m and 1500m races. Kids Aquathlon includes 50m-100m swim and 500m-1000m run.サミットで注目を浴びる、洞爺湖で行われるスイムレース。800Mか1500Mと2種目から選択できる。キッズアクアスロンは小学生対象で低学年スイム50M+ラン500M、高学年スイム100M+ラン1000Mと学年によって種目が分かれるDetails @ www.nac-web.com

August 2nd and 3rd // 8月2、3日Kutchan Potato Festival // 倶知安じゃが祭One of Kutchan’s biggest, most exciting festivals. Taiko drums, traditional dance , potato grab (all the potatoes you can get in one plastic bag), Potato Parade.人間ばんば、じゃがいもじゃんじゃんとり、千人踊り、百人太鼓、じゃがねぶたなど、とにかく盛り上がるお祭り。 Details@ www.town.kutchan.hokkaido.jp

2nd August 8月2日(土)Niseko Summer Fireworks and Star Festival // 七夕の夕べSummer festival in Niseko town for kids and families.ニセコ町運動公園で行われる夏のお祭り。七夕短冊飾り付けや花火大会あり

August 15th and 16th // 8月15、16日Rising Sun Rock Festival // ライジングサンロックフェスティバルHokkaido’s version of the mainland’s Fuji Rock Festival featuring more than 100 acts over six stages!北海道で行われる富士ロックフェスティバル。100組以上のアーティストを迎える超ビックな音楽祭。Details @ http://rsr.wess.co.jp/

September TBA // 9月(日にちは未定)Niseko Harvest Festival // 食べ菜!遊び菜!ニセコ収穫祭♪Celebration of Niseko food after the local harvest ニセコ町内の宿泊施設や飲食店が自慢の地場産品を使ったおいしい料理を提供しますwww.niseko.org/renkei/

1st – 7th September // 9月1~7日Niseko Golf Week // ニセコゴルフ週間For all ages and skill levels, Niseko Golf Week is a great chance to experience Niseko’s stunning courses and the fun of competition and socialising week.年齢、スキルに関係なくこの機会にゴルフにチャレンジしてみよう。ニセコの素晴らしいゴルフ場でゴルフを経験できる他、人脈づくりにも役立つかも!? www.nisekotourism.com

10th -15th September // 9月10~15日Tour de Hokkaido Bicycle race // 北海道バイクレースツアーA week-long celebration with international level racing over 6 days. Also 3 day amateur race.一週間近くに渡り開催される、サイクリングツアー。プロレベルの方は6日間のレースコースを、アマチュアレベルの方は3日間のレースコースがあります。Details @ www.nisekotourism.com

September 13th – 15th // 9月13日~15日Pure Life // ぴゅあライフA celebration of the Niseko lifestyle, music, art and the environment. Three days of food, drink, live music and performance and a local artist’s marketplace. 3日間に渡り開催される、ニセコライフスタイル、音楽、アート、環境のお祭り。Details @ www.niseko-village.com

15th – 21st September // 9月15~21日Niseko Cycle Week // ニセコサイクリング週間Carrying on from the Tour de Hokkaido, the Niseko Cycle Week lets visitors of all levels experience Niseko’s fantastic Downhill, X country, road and recreational cycling.北海道バイクレースツアーに引き続き、どんなレベルの方でも楽しめるニセコサイクリングツアー。この機会にニセコのダウンヒル、Xカントリー、ロードサイクリングなど様々なサイクリングを楽しもう。 www.nisekotourism.com

Locals Haidii and Torie love being able to so readily enjoy all the outdoor

actitives Niseko has to offer in summer. 比羅夫に住んでいるヘイディーさん



Australians Helen and Lawré love how green and dense the trees are, the picturesque hiking and the lovely food. オーストラリア人のヘレンさんとロリーさん。「ニセコの素晴らしい大自然とハイキングそして食べ物が大好き!」

Good Sports rafting guides Toshi (front) and Uchi, Yukki and Tsuno, love sum-mer fun in the sun rafting in Niseko’s rivers. グッドスポーツのラフティングガイドさん達。正面からトシさん、左ウッチーさん、ユッキーさん、ツノさん。「羊蹄山は綺麗だし、ニセコの川遊びは最高!!」

Students from Muroran, near Niseko, Yuta, Kodera and Takuya love the moun-

tain climbing and outdoor activities. 室蘭から来た学生さん。左からユウタさん、コ


For everything you need to know about Niseko

Summerlife asked visitors and locals what they liked about Niseko in summer...

Danish Frank and wife Ann Hansen came to Niseko to go hiking and see their friend’s ski chalet in the summer time. They think Niseko in summer is ‘just gorgeous’. ハイキングと友達の家を拝見しにニセコに来たダニッシュ・フランクさんとアン・ハンセンさん。 「ニセコの夏は本当に最高ですね!」

All the way from Spain, little Kai, Papa Paco, Mama Momoko and little Noemi

love seeing magnificent Mt Yotei in summer. スペインからはるばるニセコに来




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meet the locals

BUILDER Shinme-sanname Yukio Shinmenage 57 hometown Iwate, northern mainland Japantime in niseko 3 yearswhy did you come to niseko? For workwill you be here in winter? Nope, you can’t build in winterski/board? Skiwhat do you like about niseko in summer? Picking sansai (wild mountain vegetables)what’s your favorite activity in summer? Golfwhat languages do you speak? Iwate dialecttrips overseas? Neverwhere do you want to go next? Hawaiifavourite? colour Whitebrand Kanto-tobi (a brand of Japanese-style baggy labourer’s pants)food Fishrestaurant Senchouonsen Shiosaihow long will you be in niseko? For as long as there is work, or until I retirewhat does niseko need? A hardware storewhat’s your life philosophy? Focus and get the job donewhy should foreigners come to niseko in summer? Why don’t you come and work with us??

名前シンメン ユキオ年齢57出身地岩手県ニセコに来てどのくらいですか?3年なぜニセコに来たのですか? 仕事で(型枠工事の仕事)今年の冬はニセコに居ますか?いませんあなたはスキーヤーですか?それともスノーボーダーですか?スキーヤー夏のニセコのどんな所が好きですか?山菜取りができる事夏にするアクティビティーでどんな事が好きですか?ゴルフ話す言語は?岩手弁海外には行った事ありますか?なし次はどこに行きたいですか?ハワイ好きな・・・色は?白ブランドは?関東鳶食べ物は?魚料理レストランは?船長温泉は?しおさいニセコにはどのくらい居る予定ですか?仕事の続く限りいます。ニセコに今無い物で、必要だと思うものは?金物店あなたの人生観は?型枠職人一筋外国人の方にニセコの夏のPRをどうぞ!現場で一緒に働きませんか?

LIFTIE Yuki-channame Yuki Mizuguchiage 33 hometown Kutchan time in niseko 33 yearswhy did you come to niseko?I was born here!will you be here in winter? Yep ski/board? Skiwhat do you like about niseko in summer? It’s so relaxing here in summer!what’s your favourite summer activity? I love raftingwhat languages do you speak? Japanese and Englishtrips overseas? NZ,Canada, HK, Hawaii, Guamwhere do you want to go next? I think I want to go to Egypt or maybe Southeast Asiafavourite... colour pink / greenbrand nonefood chocolate and snacksrestaurant WaiWai (okonomi-yaki restaurant)onsen Hotel Niseko Alpen how long will you be in niseko? I’m not not sure yet, I’ll have to wait and seewhat does niseko need? A big supermarket!niseko rescret? There is a big waterfall in Hirafu in Springwhat’s your life philosophy? Take it easywhy should foreigners come to niseko in summer? Because it’s so quiet and relaxing

名前ミズグチ ユキ年齢33 出身地 倶知安町ニセコに来てどのくらいですか?33年なぜニセコに来たのですか? ここで生まれたから今年の冬はニセコに居ますか? はい スキーヤー / スノーボーダ? スキーヤー夏のニセコのどんな所が好きですか?のんびりしている所夏にするアクティビティーでどんな事が好きですか? ラフティング話す言語は?英語と日本語海外には行った事ありますか?はい次はどこに行きたいですか?エジプトか東南アジア好きな・・・色は?ピンクとグリーンブランドは?特になし食べ物は?チョコとお菓子レストランは?お好み焼屋さんわいわい温泉は?ホテルニセコアルペンニセコに今無い物で、必要だと思うものは?大型ショッピングセンターニセコの秘密は?比羅夫の山の春滝の流れがめちゃくちゃ早いあなたの人生観は?人生お気楽!外国人の方にニセコの夏のPRをどうぞ!静かでのんびり最高です!

RAFTING GUIDE Katsue-channame Katsue Naganoage 27 hometown Tomakomai, on Hokkaido’s mid-south coasttime in niseko 4 yearswhy did you come to niseko? To be a rafting guidewill you be here in winter?Yes, of course!ski/board? Skiwhat do you like about niseko in Summer? It’s so quietwhat’s your favorite activity in summer? Kayaking and mountain climbingwhat languages do you speak? Japanese and Englishtrips overseas? New Zealand, Thailand, Germany, France ++where do you want to go next? Icelandfavourite? colour Pinkbrand Patagoniafood Ramenrestaurant Aji no Tokeidai onsen Yukichichibu Onsenhow long will you be in niseko? Two more yearswhat does niseko need? Noth-ing, it’s perfect!niseko secret? Kutchan used to be a lakewhat’s your life philosophy? Study the past and learn from it for the futurewhy should foreigners come to niseko in summer? To try duckying (two person raft)!!

名前ナガノ カツエ年齢27出身地苫小牧ニセコに来てどのくらいですか?4年なぜニセコに来たのですか? ラフティングをしたかったから今年の冬はニセコに居ますか?もちろん居ますスキーヤー / スノーボーダ? スキーヤー夏のニセコのどんな所が好きですか?静かな所夏にするアクティビティーでどんな事が好きですか?カヤック、山登り話す言語は?英語と日本語海外には行った事ありますか?ニュージーランド、タイ、ドイツ、スイス、オーストリア、フランス次はどこに行きたいですか?アイスランド好きな・・・色は?ピンクブランドは?パタゴニア食べ物は?ラーメンレストランは?味の時計台温泉は?雪秩父温泉ニセコにはどのくらい居る予定ですか?あと2年くらいニセコに今無い物で、必要だと思うものは?何もいらないニセコの秘密は?倶知安は実は昔湖の中にあった。。。あなたの人生観は?温故知新外国人の方にニセコの夏のPRをどうぞ!ダッキーがおもしろい!一緒にやりましょう!

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A milk glut across Japan 15 years ago sent the price of dairy products plummeting. Niseko farms had excess milk they couldn’t get rid of. The owners of the Milk Kobo in Higashiyama couldn’t bear to throw any away, so they started an ice cream shop. The quality of their milk is as good as it gets – cows are hand milked, bred on all-natural feed and the purest water in Japan from Mt Yotei, and exercised daily even in winter – so it was no surprise their ice cream was a hit. They expanded their range to include chou cream puffs, roll cakes, and puddings, and the factory now draws tourists from across Japan, especially in summer for their icecream. On the road to Nisekeo Village, open 10am – 6pm daily.

Many of the young people in Niseko are from other parts of Japan, and are here for one thing... snowboarding! But what to do when the mountain is covered in grass and dirt? Yo Amagai, a former pro ‘boarder cross’ racer, and business partner Nobu Ooe, came across an old rice storage shed (formerly a supermarket and movie cinema) in the back streets of Niseko’s service town Kutchan a few years ago and turned it into the Loaf Lounge, the coolest cafe/restau-rant/bar/retail shop/hangout around, complete with a massive indoor skateboard bowl. The Loaf Lounge is a must see when you’re in Niseko. But in the meantime, take an amazing virtual tour of it and its uber-cool new website @ www.loaflounge.com.

The Saison Club epitomises everything that is special about Niseko all year round. Founder Yasunori Chiba, a fourth generation Niseko resident, established the Sai-son Club in 1985. At the time skiing was already popular in Niseko, but he wanted to create a place that celebrat-ed every one of Hokkaido’s four distinct seasons. The sprawling estate backs onto forest land in the shadows of Mt Annupuri at Higashiyama, and the site stares into the face of Mt Yotei in all its glory. The club provides family activities such as ice cream and jam making, and outdoor activities including horse riding, rafting and even hot air ballooning. Winter accommodation also available. See www.nisekolodge.saison-club.com.





by Chika Matsuda by Eriko Mentzos and Chika Matsuda

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niseko food

fine dining in the comfort of your own home

seven menus available with wine to complement 080 5584 1313 / 0136 556 885 www.nisekocuisine.com

“stylish, unpretentious food, quality wine and first class service”

Niseko’s credentials as a winter paradise for powder snow fanciers are second to none these days, but its evolution as a ‘must go to’ summer destination is still in its infancy.

Year by year, the list of summer activities expands, and its appeal as a year round destination grows. There is one field where Niseko would do well to emulate the American resort of Aspen – which has, of course, been established for far longer.

Each year, when the snow melts, the Colorado resort town transforms itself into a thriving cultural destination, with a packed calendar of music, dance and food festivals. This year marked the 26th annual Aspen Food and Wine Classic, which headlines the so-called summer ‘off-season’ program of crowd-pulling activities. These days, hundreds of local and international chefs gather in what is now known as the culinary capital of the Rocky Mountains.

The basis of this event is that Aspen has the geographical good fortune of bordering some of Colorado’s most fertile agricultural lands and is fast emerging as an organic food growing centre. And, of course, the presence of a substantial number of quality restaurants and chefs servicing the ski community.

Well, switch Niseko, Hokkaido for Aspen, Colorado in that prescription and you could be talking about the same place – except that in Niseko’s case, it also has ready access to some of the best and freshest seafood in the world. It is no coincidence that exit polling of winter season visitors consistently reveals that food is the second major attraction of Niseko (after the powder, of course).




SUMMER CALENDAR: Food for Thought?

Hokkaido has long been regarded by the Japanese as the nation’s ‘food bowl’, and in recent years there has been increasing emphasis on refinement of the traditional agricultural produce and the development of a thriving gourmet culture. More and more, organic vegetable farms are dotting the pristine landscape, cheese-makers are winning gold medals in European competitions, and at least three local beef producers are now ranked alongside the fabled Kobe and Matsuzaka brands on the mainland. Ezoshika, the Hokkaido deer, is now prized for its flavour in gourmet restaurants all over Japan.

Nowhere is this trend more evident than in the fertile farming belt around Niseko, with its rich volcanic soils, crisp, clean air and abundance of pure spring-fed water. And it only takes a visit to the fabulous View Plaza farmer’s market, in Niseko town,

to appreciate the extraordinary variety of seasonal local produce and herbs not often seen in the local supermarkets. The shelves groan with unusual varieties of potatoes, tomatoes, purple cauliflowers and asparagus, zucchini – and more you have never heard of. Usually they are shipped off to Tokyo to satisfy demanding gourmands, but in Niseko, they are there for all to enjoy.

And with a core of restaurants that could hold their heads high in any gourmet company – with the likes of Kamimura, Dragon, 148 Niseko, (Hidden Kitchen) Kame, Shunsai and others – all the ingredients are there for a formidable summer feast event.

Greg Lund is a former diplomat who has lived in Japan for much of the past 30 years, the last five in Hokkaido

by Greg Lund

Powder snow is Niseko’s biggest international drawcard now, but give it a few years and summer alongside food could be the breadwinners

Get the low down on Niseko’s best eats...

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Niseko is one of the greatest snow sports destinations on earth. What is less known is that it’s one of its greatest summer outdoor adventure destinations as well. The region is tailor made for outdoor fun in the sun – volcanic mountains to hike or ride, cliffs to climb, high peaks to conquer and even jump off. Wild rivers with enough power to offer world class rapids in spring, before subsiding later in summer providing gentle streams to drift down and dive into. Rich, volcanic soil nourished by an endless supply of melting snow and spring water ensures the landscape is lush and green, providing beautiful forests to explore and enjoy. To top it all off the climate could rightfully be described as perfect – the temperature rarely tops 30C (86F) without the humidity that dogs much of the rest of Asia. Set against the backdrop of some of the most pristine countryside in Japan and you can understand why more and more people are turning on to this…

summer adventure feature


Rafting is the jewel in Niseko’s outdoor adventure crown. After skiing, it ’s the area’s most popular activity and draws tens of thousands of domestic tourists to Niseko each year.

Rafting is truly a sport for all seasons – yes, you can even go rafting in the middle of winter! But the rivers are at their spectacular best in April, when the sun’s warmth really starts to eat through layers of snow which then feed into the rivers. A layer of up to a couple of metres thick covers the whole of the region, which adds up to a lot of runoff that whips up grade three and sometimes up to grade four rapids. Not surprisingly, the water is literally icy cold. But don’t worry, before you set off you will be suited up in a dry suit with tight rubber seals around your ankles, wrists and neck. You can even jump in the water and not feel too cold.

The starting point in spring is just a five minute bus ride down the beautiful Hirafu Station road. You’re dropped off under a bridge where you receive your final instructions. There’s a calm 100m stretch of river to start with, which gives everyone a chance to practice paddling and reacting to the guides instructions. As the river bends you’re straight into your first rapid. The course is about 12kms from start to finish and alternates between powerful, rocky chutes and wide, calm reaches, with an exciting damn spillway to negotiate along the way. For real thrill seekers, try a ‘ducky’ – a two-person raft without a guide, so named because of its duck like tail. In a raft the guide basically does everything for you. In a ducky you’ve got to think while you’re going down which adds to the excitement. Watch out for those rocks!

After the spring runoff has subsided, the river calms down and the focus is more on relaxing and enjoying the summer scenery. Experienced guides know how to make guests enjoy the trip and often float up to other boats for an impromptu water fight. Another trick is piling everyone into one end of the boat and slowly flipping it, throwing everyone into the water. There’s a lot of swimming involved in a summer rafting trip and it’s a great feeling floating slowly downstream. The season draws to a close at the end of October when the spectacular reds and yellows of autumn fill the banks of the rivers. If you’re lucky, you might even get some snow.

For rafting company details, see the Adventure Guide on page 23.



story byBevan CollessMagnus Alexander

photos byNiseko Photography // NPScott Adventure Sports // SAS


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Do smiles come bigger than that?! In Niseko in the summer they do!


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summer adventure feature

BIKE RENTAL SALES SERVICE [email protected] Located right next to Hokkaido Tracks on the main street of Hirafu village. Ph: + 81(0) 8036125475


Your cycling resource for Niseko & Japan www.nisekomtb.com

While summers and winters come and go, one thing that remains constant in Niseko is the mountain. Coupled with amazing powder snow in winter, Mt Annupuri provides an extraordinary range of terrain for skiers and snowboarders to challenge themselves on.

Fast forward to summer, and you can understand why the local mountain-biking fraternity is so excited. A steadily growing crew of enthusiastic local and foreign riders have been busy for the past three summers working on an ever-expanding trail network across Mt Annupuri. Cross-country trails cover the length and breadth of the mountain and there are currently two official downhill courses, one at Hirafu, and one over the far side on the mountain at Annupuri.

Mountain biking is still a young sport in Japan and the governing body isn’t yet focused on trail advocacy – actively pursuing opportunities to build official trails. Which makes the already thriving Niseko scene all the more impressive. A core local crew meets regularly, once mid week for their Wednesday Night Jam, and inevitably over the weekend to build trails and ride them.

Martin Tse, New Zealand-born mountain biker, trail designer (including the Hirafu downhill course), and 2007 Hokkaido Downhill MTB Champion, says the future of mountain biking in Niseko looks bright. “There is no dedicated mountain bike park in Hokkaido which would be a great opportunity for domestic tourism in Niseko,” Tse says. “Many of the riders at races I have been to in Hokkaido and Honshu are really excited about what’s happening here. The grand vision for Niseko is to follow in the footsteps of Whistler (Canada), where the summer mountain biking community is as active as the winter ski scene.” Grand Hirafu resort built and maintains the current downhill course, and Tse says with further commitment from them, and the formation of a local governing body hopefully by next summer, the mountain is set to reach its goal in the not too distant future.

Niseko-MTB’s Wednesday Night Jam kicks off at 5.30pm. Mountain bikes can be rented from Groovecycles, next to the Hokkaido Tracks office near Seicomart. Groovecyles also hosts a free guided Sunday morning road ride for anyone renting bikes from GC 9 – 11.30am.

For more information check out www.nisekomtb.com.

Niseko and its surrounds have some of the best road cycling in Japan. Among locals there is a thriving cycling scene but few outsiders have caught on. Niseko makes a great base from which to do an array of day trips, or for the more adventurous, a cycling tour of greater Hokkaido. While the altitude is not overly high, the array of courses available will toughen up even the hardiest of legs.

The roads all over Hokkaido are immaculately maintained, with super smooth asphalt, and extra wide lanes. The traffic volumes in Hokkaido and especially around Niseko are very light. It ’s possible to spend two hours riding on top quality roads and see only a handful of cars. Drivers are generally polite and drive slowly – you’re more likely to get a friendly thumbs-up from a driver than a ‘get off the road’ toot of the horn. Unlike most other areas of Japan and Asia, the summer climate in Hokkaido is perfect for endurance training, with mild temperatures, low humidity and no rainy season. Niseko’s air quality is about as clean as it gets.

For triathletes there are ample facilities for swimming and running training too. There is a great range of running courses and trails, and, of course, steep hill runs that are tremendous lung-busters. For the swim leg, the Alpen Hotel has a very clean and quiet 25 metre lap pool and there are several wonderful lakes within 10 minutes drive of Niseko that are perfect for open water swim practice. All the lakes are very clean, picturesque and warm, even though some are completely frozen over in winter! Hangetsuko (Half Moon Lake) is a local favourite – five minutes from Kutchan and Hirafu, and you can ride almost right up to the lake.Here is a selection of the locals’ favourite day rides from Niseko:• ‘AroundYotei’45-70kmsofmostlyflatwithsomerollinghills.• ‘Goshiki’60kmwithalongsteadyclimbandsomeshortsharprises,

followed by a high speed downhill run home via Hanazono. Speeds over70kmh in some sections are easy enough for experienced cyclists.

• ‘PotatoPatch’.Alongrunofperfectlysmooth,almostpancakeflatroadsamong the potato fields, perfect for pyramid or interval workouts.

• ‘LakeToyaLoop’.AgreatlongridewithawidevarietyofinclinestoToya, around the lake, and back

• Sapporoandback.180kmridewithalonglakesidesectionandsomesteep climbs.


水泳やランニングの練習場は豊富にあります。ランニング場では山道を昇ったり下ったりして肺を鍛えることができるし、水泳の練習をしたければ、アルペンホテルに25Mの管理の整ったプールを利用することができます。ニセコの近辺には綺麗な湖もあります。北海道のほとんどの湖は透明度が高く、冬の間氷を張っていた湖も夏には十分泳げるレベルまで暖かくなります。地元の人のお気に入りは半月湖ですが、海水で練習したい人は少し遠いが積丹の海が綺麗でお勧めです。 ニセコ出発地元の人お勧め日帰りコース: 45~70キロの距離の羊蹄山を回るコース。多少のアップダウンはあるが、ほとんど平地の道です; 60キロの五色コース。長い上りの道と急な坂を上らないといけない場所があるがその後は花園を経由してかなりのスピードで坂道を下ることができます。経験者なら時速70キロは軽くでてしまうでしょう。 ポテトパッチコース。ジャガイモ畑の間のスムーズで平らな道を行くコース。 洞爺湖ループ。湖までの道のりは様々な傾斜がある。札幌までの180キロのコース。急斜面を上らなくてならない箇所もあるが湖の周りを走ることができて爽快です。


スを含む)のマーティン・ツエイ氏は、「ニセコのマウンテンバイク・シーンの未来は明るい」と語っています。また現在まだ存在していませんが、「ニセコにバイク専用のパークがあれば国内の観光業にもっといい影響があるだろう」と見ています。「北海道や本州で出会ったライダー達はここで起きていることに興味を持っている。ニセコの未来のビジョンは、冬のシーンと同じくらい活気にあふれているカナダのウイスラーのマウンテンバイク・コミニティーを目指すことだ」といい、今あるダウンヒルコースはグラン・ヒラン・リゾートが計画、管理しているもので、彼らがより積極的な体制をとってくれ、来年夏までに運営団体を立ち上げればその夢も遠くない、というのがツエイ氏の意見です。ニセコの水曜日MTBジャムセッションは5:30スタート。Hokkaido Tracksの隣、Groovecyclesにてレンタルバイク可。なお日曜日9~11:30Amの間にバイクをレンタルされた方には無料でロードライドのガイドをいたします。詳しくはwww.nisekomtb.comをご覧ください。


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Crusty demons... Wazza, Hitomi and Martin

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fly fishing


summer adventure feature


SAS // Scott Adventure Sports // www.sas-net.comRafting, ducky, kids rafting, canyoning, fishing, fun kayak, trekking, MTBNOASC // Niseko Outdoor Adventure Sports Company // www. noasc.comRafting, mountain boarding, bridge swinging, abseiling, eco walkingGOOD SPORTS // www.goodsports.co.jpRafting, Canadian canoe, river fishingLION ADVENTURE // hokkaido.lion-adventure.comRafting, road bike rental, eco rafting, hot air ballooning

WorldWideWeb // WhoWhatWherewww.nisekomtb.com // the home of niseko mountain bikingwww.bikely.com/listpaths/srchkey/hokkaido // road cycling niseko & hokkaidowww.outdoorjapan.com // japan outdoor adventure specialistswww.nisekotourism.com // niseko’s official tourism websitewww.powderlife.com // for everything you need to know about niseko



必ず通る支笏湖はマスと紅鱒の宝庫です。北海道で釣りをするのに免許は必要でなく(本州では必要です)ローカルのガイドを利用することもできます。フライフィッシングのマスターであり、ニセコを知りつくした男が、橋本博次氏です。彼はヒラフにあるVillage House Pensionのオーナーであり、倶知安町にあるレストラン、旬菜のシェフでもある。(食事をしながら彼から学んだフライフィッシングの芸術の話をしながら盛り上がる夜もあります)ローカルの知識がフライフィッシングの成功に導くことは間違いありません。ニセコでフライフィッシングの魅力を体験したい人は橋本さんを訪ねるべきです。

日本でゴルフをするなんて、込んでいてしかも高いだけじゃない? ラッキーなことにニセコを知っていればそんなことはありません。実は北海道ではその真反対です。ここでは土地が豊富で安いし、人口も少ない。そして料金も良心的でフェアウェイには誰もいません。もちろんコースから夏でも雪をかぶった山や緑の丘を望む景色は素晴らしいです。開発があまりされていないため、あらゆるコースが北海道の荒野の奥深くにあるような気がします。空気はきれいで気温は快適。ゆったりとした北海道に似合ったマイペースで一息ついてみてはいかがでしょうか。きっとアジア、いや世界でも一番のゴルフをする環境だということに気がつくことでしょう。

北海道には172のゴルフ場があります。ゴルフの原点スコットランドの三分の一に匹敵する数です。そのうち5カ所はニセコから車で15分以内にあります。本州のゴルフ場同様、地元のゴルフ場は完璧に整備されています。それは見た人しか信じることはできないでしょう。 サラリーマンの仕事休みである週末はプラムタイム、でも平日は全部あなたのものです。お金に余裕がなければすてきなニセコの一流ゴルフ、東急花園のゴルフの早朝割引4000円をどうぞ。そして前もって調べておけばお得な温泉付のパッケージもあります。 最後のアドバイスはニセコで家を買うならスキーだけでなく、ゴルフクラブも買っておいた方がいいでしょう。

All good fly fishermen know that trout only ever live in beautiful places. It is often said that it is just being in the natural beauty of the river and lake environments of the elusive trout that drives anglers to become fanatical about the fine arts they practise.

With its many tributaries, the Shiribetsu River is home to a wonderful array of freshwater fish species. As the summer season progresses, so does the available fish menu. From June through early July Cherry Salmon and Rainbow Trout are most prevalent in all the local streams (though Cherry Salmon are a stipulated catch-and-release fish), and from July through August they are joined by the local iwana and yamame. With a huge variety of large stream and small tributary settings, there is something for everyone in Niseko’s fly fishing offerings. On top of that, lakes like Shikotsu, which all visitors pass by on their way from Chitose airport, are full of Brown Trout and Red Salmon.

No fishing licences are required in Hokkaido (though they are in mainland Japan), and some local fishing guide services are available. The undisputed master of fly fishing and all of its intricacies in the Niseko area is Hirotsugu Hashimoto, owner of the Village House pension in lower Hirafu and brilliant chef at Shunsai Restaurant in Kutchan (where dining guests on some nights share tables with his students of the arcane art of fly-tying).

Local knowledge is always the key to success in fly fishing, so Hashimoto san should always be the first port of call for any visiting enthusiast.

Golf in Japan… crowded and expensive? Not if you’re lucky enough to have discovered Niseko. In fact, in Hokkaido it’s very much the opposite. Up here land is plentiful and cheap, and the population sparse. In turn course fees are affordable and fairways are often deserted. Of course, with rolling green hills and snow capped peaks even in midsummer, the scenery is amazing. Due to the lack of development, every course feels like it’s secluded deep in Hokkaido’s wilderness. The air is clean, the temperature is mild. Take it all in at the laid back pace Hokkaido is renowned for and you have one of the best golfing setups in Asia, if not the world.

There are 172 golf courses in Hokkaido – a third as many as Scotland, the home of golf – and five courses within 15 minutes drive of Niseko. One aspect local courses share with mainland Japanese resorts is immaculate maintenance – perfectly manicured greens and a fairways missing barely a divot. It really has to be seen to be believed.

Weekends are prime time for golf when businessmen are able to get out on the green themselves. During the week however, it ’s all yours. If you’re on a budget, take note of some of the local specials, such as the early bird session at Niseko’s premier course, the stunning Hanazono Tokyu, for just ¥4000. If you really do your research, you’ll find a great deal that also includes a free onsen hot spring bath in the price.

The only other advice I can give you is, if you buy a house in Niseko, invest in a good set of golf clubs as well as a set of skis.

If you’ve read the rest of this feature, there’s little need to explain why Niseko is a fantastic place to hike. The landscape is beautiful and the terrain varies from gentle forest walks to challenging mountain climbs. Niseko probably isn’t going to give the serious mountaineer too much of a rush, but for your weekend hiker and nature lover, there is a tremendous variety of walks to do in the area.

The premier hike is of course, the stunning semi-dormant Mt Yotei. If you’re a keen hiker, this is THE one you want to tick off your list. The accomplishment of reaching the summit and witnessing the inside of the massive, rarely seen crater will be enough for most, but the trek up will be of particular interest to botanists and nature lovers – there are several distinct changes in vegetation as you climb, from forests to fields of flowers (which by the way are at their best in July). There are four paths up Yotei-zan and the ascent generally takes most people between four and six hours. The steepest but shortest path starts at Hangetsu (Half Moon) Lake in Kutchan. The gentlest route starts across the other side of the mountain at Makkari, but of course it takes a little bit longer.

The other big one is Mt Annupuri – the mother of Niseko’s four main ski resorts. Standing on the peak without having used any lifts to make it up is a truly satisfying experience. The view out over the entire region, including glimpses of both the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Japan, is awe-inspiring. Other peaks of note within a short drive of Niseko are Mt Iwaonupuri, Chisenupuri, Shiribetsu-dake and Konbu-dake. Basically, if you based yourself in Niseko for a week for hiking alone, there’s more than enough to keep you busy every day.


って、高山植物やお花畑のある地形まで。ハイキング・コースは4本あり、そのほとんどが4時間から6時間かかります。最も傾斜がきついが最短距離は半月湖から始まるコースで、一番なだらかなのは眞狩からのコースでもちろんその分時間がかかります。ドライバーが居られるなら楽な眞狩コースを登り、火山口を一周して短い倶知安側に下りるのが最適でしょう。もう一つ欠かせないハイキングコースはアンヌプリ山です。ニセコの4つのスキー場の母と呼ばれ、リフトを使わずピークに登ることで満足感を味わえます。山頂から太平洋と日本海を同時に望む眺望は恐ろしいくらい神 し々い。ニセコからアクセスできるその他のハイキング・コースはイワオヌプリ、チセヌプリ、そして後志岳があります。


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real estate feature

Five years ago, a standard residential block of land in Hirafu sold for as low as $20,000. Today, the same block is likely to sell for more than $200,000. Drive 20 minutes out of Hirafu and you’re back in rural Hokkaido, where you can buy a standard residential block of land for $20,000. In some remote towns, land is actually being given away.

Outside the now world-famous Niseko ski-resort precinct, much of the rest of Hokkaido is struggling, economically and culturally. The farming families that fed mainland Japan and made a healthy living for themselves over the past century have retired. Invariably their kids have no interest in the hard labour involved in running a farm. They want to move to the cities where they have a choice of well-paid work and modern entertainment. Rural Hokkaido is dying.

The Revitalising Rural Japan Forum, to be held in Niseko on July 6, will feature leading Japanese and foreign speakers on the issue and how to address it. Headlining the forum will be Alex Kerr, a long time resident of Japan, Rhodes Scholar, author and tourism ambassador, famous for his commentaries on Japan’s cultural crises and preservation. He is the author of the best-seller, Dogs and Demons, a powerful but controversial expose of cultural malaise in modern Japan. Also speaking will be Bruce Gutlove, an organic farmer and viticulturist, who runs Coco Farms in Tochigi near Tokyo, and Honma Yasunori, an ex Citigroup executive with an MBA in agriculture, who runs an organic farm in Niseko.

Sponsor Simon Jackson, director of RidgeRunner, a Niseko-based real estate, construction and architectural design company, and part-owner of Takadai Meadows farm that will host the event, believes the answer is in promoting ecotourism and agribusiness.

“We hope this event and project (Takadai Meadows) will promote agri-tourism as a way of restoring the fortunes of rural Japan, promoting Niseko as a year-round rural tourism destination, and raising awareness of the benefits that sustainable agri-tourism development brings local farming communities,” Jackson says.

He says there is some resentment among the local Japanese community that foreigners are making money out of development in Niseko, while outside the ski resort boundaries the local economy is languishing. Similarly though, Niseko – in order to be sustainable long term – needs to foster tourism outside the winter ski season.

“The idea of the seminar is to engage the local residents and show them they have a part to play in tourism,” Jackson says. “We want to encourage them to see the assets they’ve got, make them realise they’re living in an extremely beautiful part of the world, and that farming is a tourist attraction in its own right. We want to stimulate thought about what opportunities there are for green season tourism and include the locals, so they can be part of something that is very good and sustainable long term.”

For more on the seminar or to attend, go to www.takadainiseko.com or email [email protected].

Reviving rural Hokkaido

5年前のヒラフでは普通の住宅街の1画は僅か2万ドルでした。いまでは同じ土地が20万ドル以上します。車で20分も走れば北海道の田舎に戻り、2万ドルで普通の住宅街の1画を買うことができます。少し離れた村などでは土地をただで配っているところもあるそうです。有名なニセコスキー場近辺の人々は苦労しているそうです。一世紀前まで本州へ農作物を下ろして裕福になった家族はもう既に離職しています。そして彼らの子孫達は農業作業につきものの厳しい重労働への感心はまったくありません。給料のいい現代的エンターテーメント豊富な都心部への動きが見られます。北海道の田舎はいままさに消えつつあります。7月6日にニセコで開かれる日本の田舎活性化計画のフオーラムには日本そして外国の一流スピーカー達が集まって協議を行ないます。最初のスピーカーは日本の危機防止対策への貢献で知られているアレックス・カー氏です。彼は永い間日本に滞在してローズ・スカラーであり、観光大使でもあります。近代日本の文化における不快感について論議を描いたベストセラー「Dogs and Demons」の作者としても知られています。その他、ブルース・グットラブ氏も演説します。彼の場合は有機農業、主にブドウ栽培をしていて、栃木のココ・ファームの経営をしておられます。ニセコの有機農家の経営者で元シティーグループの重役を務めていた農業経営学修士の本間康則氏も演説することになっています。スポンサーのサイモン・ジャクソン氏(リッジランナー、ニセコベースの不動産、施工設計会社のディレクター兼今イベントを主催する高台牧草地「高台メドーズ」の共有者)は、エコー・ツーリズムと農業関連産業が鍵を握ると信じている。


「このセミナーの目的としては地元の人たちに参加してもらい、彼らも観光業の一部としての役目があることを理解してもらうことだ」とジャクソン氏は語ります。「自分たちが持っている資産が世界的にどれだけ素晴らしいものかを理解してもらい、農業自身立派な観光アトラクションであることを改めて自覚して欲しい。夏の間の観光は大きなチャンスであるという考えを頭に置き、地元の人達と一緒に長期にわたって保てるものを作り上げて行きたい」 詳しくはwww.takadainiseko.com

by Kristian Lund


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real estate views

最近よくニュースに出てくるニセコのヒラフの村は、これから静かだったアンヌプリ山での開発合戦により、激しい競争にさらされようとしていますヒラフから車で15分走るか、あるいはアンヌプリ側ピークから30分かけて滑り降りた経験のある人なら分かるだろう。英語で表示された看板は少なく、開発が遅れを取って、雰囲気としてはごく伝統的な日本のスキー・リゾートです。しかし、2007/2008年の冬には数件の新しいプロジェクトが発表され、込々としたヒラフに比べ、より広々と、きっちりと計画されたアンヌプリに人々は目を向けてきました。その中でも最も大きなニュースは2010年にホルスト・シュルツェ(国際的なリッツ・カールトンホテル)元社長による6つ星ホテルのリゾート計画です。CAPELLAニセコは有名建築家安藤忠雄氏によって設計され、80部屋のホテル、150軒の家が13ヘクタールの大地に設立される完全に新しいマスタープランリゾートです。安藤氏はこの開発が地元の環境との調和を保つことを心がけたいと話しています。シュルツェ氏としては「まるで友達の別荘地を訪れるような雰囲気」を創りたいと語っています。アンヌプリの可能性を生かすもう一人の開発者は元東京の証券引受業者クリス・ペック氏です。彼は既存のアンヌプリ・ペンション村のすぐ下の土地を購入しました。彼の開発企画も空間と壮大レジデンスを強調しています。かれのスタイルは他の買い手にも影響をおよぼしています。人々は高級で狭いアパートや小さな家を高い値段で買うよりも徐々に素晴らしい環境を生かしたオールシーズン用の家を建てる傾向にあります。アンヌプリが開発に目を覚まし始めている中で、地域の巨人はぐっすりと眠ったままです。ニセコ~千歳空港間を行き来するバスで知られる中央バスはアンヌプリスキー場の所有者であり、地域の大地主でもあります。ところが中央バスは、周りの全ての主なスキー場が外国の会社と手を組むか地元ベースの開発を進めている中で静かに眠ったままです。花園はグランヒラフから離れて香港の巨頭リチャード・リー氏に売られ、シティーグループに、モイワは日本の開発者ゼファーに買収されています。主な所有者である中央バスと地元の協会区の業者達は、より環境を優しくしようということで規則を掲げ、アンヌプリの開発に重大な役目をはたしています。国立公園規則はアンヌプリの大部分に適用されますが、制限よりむしろ開発を正しい方向に向ける要素になっています。開発地は境界から5m、国立公園道路から20m離れていること。そして伐木の規制ハプライバシーを保つとともに景色の妨げにならないことを保障してくれます。この地区はヒラフに比べて温泉もたくさんあります。Capellaニセコはエリアで初の一つ一つの家に温泉の湧いているリゾート地域になります。1990年のバブル経済時代ではこの湧き水が原因で人々の関心はアンヌプリに集中しました。温泉は日本の観光業で中心的な役割を果たしています。ローカルの誰に聞いてもお気に入りの温泉はアンヌプリ側にあります。また温泉と空間のデザインは香港、台湾、中国本土でと人気を博しています。東アジアからわずか3,4時間でニセコへ行けるとあり今後さらに人気観光地になって行くに違いありません。なんといっても温泉に浸かり、澄んだ空気を吸い、鳥の鳴き声に囲まれてリフレッシュするなんて最高です。 デレック・ケネウエルはリッジランナー不動産会社の社員であり、アンヌプリバックボールをこよなく愛す一人である。

Annupuri awakens Some stiff competition is ahead for Niseko’s headline-making ski village of Hirafu as some very glitzy developments start to appear in the quieter fields of Annupuri.

Visitors who make the 15-minute drive from Hirafu or ski 30 minutes from the peak, find the open spaces of Annupuri. This is an area where the English language signs peter out, development has been slow to take hold and the feel is of a traditional Japanese ski-resort.

But new projects announced in winter 2007-08 promise a face-lift for Annupuri, and all the signs point to a far more spacious and thoughtfully laid-out alternative to the tightly-packed village of Hirafu.

The biggest news was of a six-star resort being planned for launch in 2010 by Horst Schulze, the former president of the international Ritz-Carlton hotel chain. The Capella Niseko will be a completely new master-planned resort with an 80-room hotel, and 150 houses situated on 13 hectares of land that will be designed by big-name Japanese architect Tadao Ando.

Ando has said publicly that the development will be deigned to work in harmony with the local environment, and Schulze has said that he wants the feel of his resorts to be like ‘visiting a friend’s estate’.

Another developer to realize the potential of Annupuri has been former Tokyo investment banker Chris Peck, who has purchased swathes of land below the existing Annupuri pension village. Peck’s developments also emphasise open spaces and grand residences on large blocks of land. His style has influenced other buyers. Instead of taking a typical apartment or small house on an expensive yet small block, many are now opting to take advantage of the gorgeous surroundings and build for all seasons.

As Annupuri begins to awaken to development, the area’s giant remains sound asleep, or at least is keeping very quiet – Chuo Bus Company. Best known for bussing visitors to Niseko from Sapporo’s Chitose airport, Chuo is the owner of the Annupuri main ski field and also the area’s main land-owner. At a time when all the other main ski-areas have either partnered with overseas companies or begun some homegrown development Chuo Bus remains a hold out: Hanazono split from Grand Hirafu to be bought by Hong Kong tycoon Richard Li; Higashiyama was bought outright by Citigroup; Moiwa taken up by Japanese developer Zephyr.

The large chunks of land and leaseholds held by Chuo Bus plus parochial local Japanese vendors have played a major role in the alternate path that development in Annupuri is taking, as have more environmentally friendly regulations

National Park regulations apply to much of the land in Annupuri but these have been discovered to be beneficial to the right kind of development rather than restrictive. Set-backs of five metres from boundaries and 20 metres from national park roads, as well as tree-felling restrictions help maintain privacy and ensure that views are difficult to build out.

The area is also much better supplied by onsen (hot spring) water than the other areas of Niseko. The Capella Niseko will be the region’s first large resort where all homes have their own supply of onsen water. Back in Japan’s economic bubble of the 1990s, the availability of spring water was a key reason why Annupuri was where all the action was. Onsens play a central role in directing Japanese tourism – ask any local and their favourite hot spring is always on the Annupuri side.

Onsen and open space designs are also expected to appeal to the Chinese mass markets of Hong Kong, Taiwian and the mainland itself. As more and more travelers from East Asia find that Niseko is only 3-4 hours away, Annupuri is

expected to be their destination of choice. It ’s understandable – what could be better than recharging your batteries while soaking in hot springs and being surrounded by clear blue skies and birdsong?

Derek Kennewell is a local Annupuri back-bowl rider and estate agent for RidgeRunner Real Estate, Architectural Design & Development.

by Derek Kennewell

the dirt on real estate

Summer scouting

A WISE man once said a summer trip to Niseko to look at land is a good investment. While more deals probably go down in winter, there are several very distinct advantages to buying in the off-season.

First and foremost, you can see what you’re buying. Without metres of snow on top of your prospective acquisition, you can see it warts and all. A local real estate agent warns there is always a slight risk in buying land in winter. “It’s difficult to tell exactly what’s on the land when it’s covered with two metres of snow and for building considerations and surveys you’d have to wait until the snow melts, so any winter purchase does have an extra risk factor. It’s not unknown for people to buy a ‘flat’ piece of land that ends up being on a slope, or finding their block has a spring in the middle of it.”

However, agents’ reputations are on the line and Michael Davenport, director of Niseko Consulting says, “it is the responsibility of the real estate agent to ensure that there are no issues with ownership, rights or land access so in this respect even winter purchases are safe. If land is for sale in winter in a good location, at a good price then someone will undoubtedly buy, so in that case it may be worth taking the risk rather than waiting,” Davenport says, “if you want to buy, watch out for unusual drops in snow levels in the middle of the block and differences in snow levels to surrounding blocks, which could be a sign there is a spring on the block. Also, in wooded areas, patches without trees could also indicate water issues.”

RidgeRunner Real Estate’s Lorne Calhoun says there are plenty of good reasons why the smart shopper comes to Niseko in summer. Traditionally real estate agents stock the shelves with listings over the summer for the hungry buyers that come here in winter and snap up everything.” Calhoun says “If you can make it here in the summer you may find yourself with sneak peek of next winters stock, today. There also tends to be lesscompetition buying in summer. Compare it to buying a snowmobile in the off season in winter theres plenty of people excited about buying a sled so the demand is high. In summer it’s not really on peoples minds as much so if you go out and look you may find yourselfa great deal.

With fewer buyers in the market, you have the luxury of time. In a hot winter market, a good Niseko property will sell as soon as it hits the market. In summer, there really isnt as much urgency and you may get lengthier discussions with the vendor. For an average block you may have a month to weigh up your options. Stock levels are usually at their highest in late summer, although prices do tend to increase in late autumn before winter.

賢者はかつてこう言いました。“ニセコで土地を買うなら、夏に来るといい条件のものが見つかる”―オフシーズンに土地を買うのは、いくつかの有利な点があります。初めに、そして一番の理由としては、これから買おうとしている土地を数メートルの積雪なしで見ることができることです。地元の不動産業者は冬に土地を買うことには少しではあるがリスクがあるといいます。“2メートル積もった雪の下の土地の状態を見ることはとても難しいし、建物の建設、設計は雪が解けるまで待たなくてはならない。平らな土地を買ったつもりが実は斜面だったり、土地のド真ん中に溝があったりします。だから冬の土地購入にはリスクがあります”しかし、この問題を解決するのが不動産エージェントの腕です。ニセココンサルティングの経営者マイケル ダベンポート氏はこういいます。“土地購入に際して、購入者に何の問題もなく売るのがエージェントとしての責任です。なので、冬の土地購入でもエージェントを通せば安全なのです。もしある土地が安い値段で冬に売りに出ているなら迷わず購入すべきです。この場合、冬が終わるのを待つよりも、リスクを背負う価値はある。もし、冬に土地を購入するなら、積もっている雪に変な穴がないか、隣の土地に比べて雪の積もり方に異常がないか、などを注意してみましょう。もしそのような異常を見つけたならば、土地に溝がある可能性があります。さらに土地に林がある場合、木がない所には何か水の問題がある可能性がありますので注意して”リッジランナー不動産のローン カルフーン氏は夏のニセコでの土地の購入のいい面をこう分析しています。“昔から日本人は冬が終わってから土地を売り出す傾向にあります。だから夏の方がいいマーケットです。それに夏には土地の買占めを趣味にしたような外国人は少ない。従って夏は選択肢が多く、競走相手が少ないので有利です。例えていうならスノーモービルを買う時、冬では一台のスノーモービルに何人もの購入希望者殺到しいいものが買えない。それと同じです”購入者が少ないマーケットでは、時間を長くかけて決めることができます。冬の人気のある時期のマーケットでは、景気のいいニセコの土地はすぐに売れてしまいます。夏は冬のような焦りはなく、売り手との交渉も時間をかけることができます。平均では土地1区画を1ヶ月の時間を使って購入することができる。株の値段もだいたい夏の終わり頃が一番高く、土地の値段は秋の終わり頃から上がります。その他、夏に土地を購入する大きな利点は、美しい夏のニセコを見ることができ、年間を通して素晴らしいリゾートになりえるニセコを堪能することができます。

You might be in the market for a winter property, but as local property experts tell us, summer is a great time to visit Niseko and check out the lay of the land.

by Magnus Alexander


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Local information

AIRPORTNew Chitose Airport 0123 23 0111www.new-chitose-airport.jp/language/englishNew Chitose was opened in 1991 and became Ja-pan’s first 24-hour airport in 1994. It services Sap-poro and Niseko with direct international flights from various Asian cities and Australia. The Tokyo to Chitose route is the busiest domestic route in the world. It is the largest airport in Japan by land mass.Getting From New Chitose To NisekoOn arrival at Chitose international airport, visitors not on a full travel package have a few options to complete this last leg of their journey to Niseko and back. Although the trip is only 110kms, due to icy roads and no direct train route, it takes two to three hours.

CAR RENTALIf you are comfortable driving in the snow, renting can be convenient as it allows you to take a trip to Kutchan to stock up the fridge before return-ing the car. One way hire from Chitose to Hirafu is about ¥7,000 for six – 24 hours. Nippon Rentacar, Mazda and Orix have offices in the Niseko area. If you want a car only in Niseko, you can contact Black Diamond Lodge in Higashiyama.Mazda Rent a Car : Chitose airport 0123-45-8756, Niseko 011-231-0118 (drop off and pick up in Niseko only available on weekdays)Nippon Rent a Car : Chitose airport 0123-26-0919, Niseko 0136-43-2929Orix Rent a Car : Chitose airport 0123-22-0543, Izumikyo (Hirafu) 0134-25-0543, Black Diamond Lodge : 0136-44-1144

TRAINThis is the most scenic way to get to Niseko. Un-fortunately there is no direct train from Chitose to Kutchan station (the closest major station). All trains run through Sapporo and Otaru. The journey takes about three hours and the cost is about ¥2,600 for an unreserved seat. If you want a reserved seat, you can ask at JR information desk, B1 Chitose airport. www2.jrhokkaido.co.jp/global/index.htmlThe train schedules are subject to change so it is best to call the numbers below or visit: www.japanrail.com.Airport.........................................0123-45-7011Sapporo.......................................011-222-7111Otaru...........................................0134-22-0771Kutchan station..........................0136-22-1310Niseko station.............................0135-44-2104

TAXIKutchan hire...............................0136 22 1212Misora hire.................................0136 22 1171Niseko hire.................................0136 44 2635

BANKINGYes, we all know Hirafu needs an international ATM! Until then, use the post office in Kutchan open 8.45am to 7pm on weekdays, 9am to 5pm on weekends and holidays. You can also withdraw from the 24-hour Citibank ATM at 3F Chitose air-port and the 7-Eleven near Kutchan station. Most of the cards with Cirrus and PLUS marks are ac-cepted at these places, but round cornered cards are not.

CREDIT CARDSJapan is still a predominantly cash society. Most small bars and restaurants in Niseko do not ac-cept credit cards, but larger hotels, restaurants and hotels often do.American Express.......................0120 020 120MasterCard..................................03 5728 5200

Visa Card...................................00531 44 0022

CURRENCYYou can exchange your money into Yen at the bank, post office, and most inbound travel opera-tors. Please bring your passport – it may be more convenient to change with your hotel. You can also exchange USD travellers cheques at banks or at Kutchan post office.

ELECTRICITYStandard voltage is 100v AC. You can use many higher watt items without a problem but higher wattage devices such as hair dryers may not run on full power. Plugs are the flat two blades type. Many recent buildings have 240v with Australian shaped plugs.

ETIQUETTEJapan is perhaps the most courteous country in the world. Say excuse me (sumimasen) and thank you (arrigato) regularly. Do not eat while walking, or wear your shoes on tatami mats or in most in-door residences. A bow can be used to say thank you, sorry, hello, goodbye and excuse me. It is im-polite not to return a bow. The deeper the bow, the more polite it becomes.

EATINGAt most casual dining Japanese restaurants (Iza-kaya) meals are ordered for the table and shared. You will often receive a small snack with your first drink which may or may not be billed. Rest your chopsticks across the top of the bowl or plate – never leave them sticking out of the rice!

TIPPINGAlthough tipping is not generally done in Japan, some restaurants and bars will include a service fee for groups.

DRINKINGIt is tradition in Japan to pour from a bottle into your guest’s small glass regularly. Kampai is the Japanese word for cheers – use it readily! Also please remember to stay well behaved when under the influence. Poor behaviour by drunken Australians in Niseko has received national media attention in Japan. Remember you are an ambas-sador for your country at all times while you are abroad.

GARBAGE Hokkaido has some of the strictest garbage sepa-ration rules in the world. Please try to follow them, follow the signs on the bins to the letter.

ONSEN (HOT SPRING BATH)Buy a ticket, strip down – no swim suits allowed, keep your clothes in a basket, your valuables in a locker. Take a little towel only into the onsen with you, wash and scrub your body well before you go in to the bath. You can fill your towel with cold water before you enter the onsen. Do not put your towel into the onsen water – leave it on your head and squeeze the cold water out when you get too hot (it’s best not to bring drinks into the onsen). After bathing rinse off under the shower. Finally dry your body well before you walk back into the changing room.

MEDICAL SERVICESAlthough there are rumours of an English speak-ing clinic opening in Hirafu in 2008/9 season presently you will need to go to Kutchan for most medical services. If you can’t speak Japanese you will need to bring a translator, or one may be pro-vided at the hospital.Kutchan Kousei HospitalThe major hospital servicing the area is located 4 blocks from the main intersection of Kutchan. They have an X-ray, a slightly ageing MRI and medical dispensary. No appointment necessary, orthopaedics cases taken in the morning only. It will take you most of the day. Address: North 4 East 1-2, Kutchan-cho Tel: 0136-22-1141Niseko PhysioLocated on the second floor of Australia House, staffed with Australian physiotherapy graduates. Primary care is OK. Sports injuries, back and neck pain, braces and taping. Appointments preferred but not essential. www.NisekoPhysio.com Tel: 0136 22 0399Ueda Orthopedic Clinic A privately run orthopaedic clinic providing more time efficient service than the hospital. X-ray, medical dispensary. 1-4, South 3-jo West3, Kutch-an 0136-22-1386

INTERNETMost accommodation in Niseko will have internet access. If you have a laptop, you can try finding the free wireless hotspots in cafes and bars around the village. Try Pow Pow, the Java Bar or B’s café.

MOBILE PHONES3G phones only will work in Japan. You can hire a phone from IXSM travel 0136 21 5855 or Go Mo-bile 03 4496 4344. For longer term stays the three big carriers have stores in Kutchan:au................................................0136-21-5616Soft Bank....................................0136-21-2588NTT DoCoMo...............................0136-21-6868

TELECOMMUNICATIONSDomestic CallsGreen and grey public phones take coins or pre paid telephone cards, available from convenience stores or at some phone card dispensers in some booths. Local calls don’t require the “0136”, unless made from a mobile phone.Directory AssistanceDial 104 (toll call) and then ask for an English speaker. You must know the location and name to get a number.International CallsInternational direct dial can be made using any of the following prefixes, 001 (KDDI), 0041 (ITJ) and 0061 (IDC). They will cost you.Calling CardsBrastel The most popular international calling card service is available in Niseko. Known for its flat 24 hour rates as low ¥6 per minute to Australia from any type of phone using a non-toll free ac-cess number. Brastel has excellent customer serv-ice available in over 20 languages and the card is available at several locations in Hirafu and can be recharged at IXSM travel or by your credit card. New subscribers get five free minutes. Toll-free: 0120 659 534. www.brastel.comKazak The kazak card is the highest selling card in the Niseko area. Kazak card is available from your hotel front desk, Piz Gloria convenience store and from most inbound tour operators. 0123 36 4000

POST OFFICES Look for the red “T” symbol. For most services you will need to go to the post office in Kutchan.

TOURIST INFORMATIONKutchan Tourism Information centreLocated on Eki-mae Dori opposite Best Denki, the newly opened tourist information centre provides an excellent English speaking service for visitors. They dispense brochures and can help you book accommodation. 0136 22 1121

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the last word

Bevan Colless Is a physiotherapist and exercise physiologist who has spent six years in Japan operating Tokyo Physio and as of 2006, Niseko Physio.

on health: the magic 11%

Spending the winter sliding on snow and the summer training and competing in endurance sports is how I want to live my life. Sure the notion of the endless winter (or summer if that is your thing) has a certain level of romanticism about it, but

once you’ve experienced Hokkaido’s powder the idea of rock-hopping at Perisher or a trip on ‘Crazy Diego’s budget heli-skiing” loses its appeal somewhat. Once the snow has melted it’s time to break out the running shoes, bike and swimsuit and get busy. I have to admit that one of the best aspects of sport is beating someone. If your spouse is also competing; that makes winning all the more enjoyable (and the losing that much more painful). However there’s no denying that there is a biological difference that gives men an uneven advantage, but exactly what is that advantage? What do you have to do to really win over a female? Well if you have a look through the results of the major endurance races over time you’ll see that there is a number that keeps popping up. It ’s known as the 11% difference. The table here shows the last ten years from the Hawaii Ironman Triathlon world

championships. The average between the sexes comes in very close to the “magic 11” at 11.2%.While you can see in 2002 Swiss superstar Natascha Badmann go to within 7.4% of the first male Tim DeBoom, it is balanced out with her 15% loss to German Normann Stadler in 2004.

But the 11% runs across more than just triathlons. The difference between the genders in the 200 metre freestyle swimming world record? 10.5%. The 200 metre athletics world record is also at 10.5%. In the marathon female world record holder Brit Paula

Radcliffe’s 2h15:25 has whittled the difference to Ethiopian legend Gebrselassie’s 2h04:26 record down to 8.8% which suggests the men need to lift their game somewhat.

Whenever my wife compete in the same race we are quick to check the results and put it to the 11% test. The current score is 2-2. Unfortunately for me at our most recent race in June went to her and the difference was down to 7.5%! With my hard training wife out for run as I write I reckon I’ve got a fair bit of work to do.













Peter Reid

Luc Van Lierde

Peter Reid

Timothy DeBoom

Timothy DeBoom

Peter Reid

Normann Stadler

Faris Al-Sultan

Normann Stadler

Chris McCormack












Natascha Badmann

Lori Bowden

Natascha Badmann

Natascha Badmann

Natascha Badmann

Lori Bowden

Natascha Badmann

Natascha Badmann

Michellie Jones

Chrissie Wellington











Average Difference >>

Mens and womens winning times and differences from the past ten years of the Hawaii Ironman Tr ia th lon wor ld championsh ips







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