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Tushar GadhiaSenior Product ManagerServer Technologies DivisionOracle Corporation

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ApplicationApplicationDevelopment usingDevelopment usingOracle8i PL/SQLOracle8i PL/SQL

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l Powerful new features for application developmentin Oracle8i PL/SQL

l Transparent ease-of-use in Oracle8i PL/SQL

l Improved performance with new language features inOracle8i PL/SQL

l New testing, debugging, and tuning capabilities inOracle8i PL/SQL

l Building Web applications easily using Oracle8iPL/SQL

l Interoperability with C, Java

IntroductionPL/SQL is an easy-to-use, high-performance procedural language extensionof SQL. Many Fortune 500 companies have successfully used the PL/SQLplatform to build mission-critical applications. In one of the customersurveys done in 1998, it was voted as the most important and the mostsatisfying feature from Oracle. It was also voted as being very important forbusinesses in the next several years.

Release 8.1.5 of Oracle8i PL/SQL is full of rich functionality geared towardsbuilding even faster and even better applications much more easily.Moreover, if you simply upgrade your database to Oracle8i, your existingPL/SQL applications will automatically run faster without your having tochange a single line of code. This presentation presents the features thatmake development with Oracle8i PL/SQL easier and better, enhancementsin the areas of development and analysis tools, support for interoperabilitywith Java on the server, and enhancements that help build powerfuldatabase-centric web applications. It also briefly describes improvements inthe area of performance; for more details about performance, refer to theOracle OpenWorld1999 presentation entitled “Techniques for DevelopingFaster PL/SQL Programs”. This presentation also briefly discusses featureswhich ease the development of web applications; for more details about this,refer to the presentation entitled “Web Enabling PL/SQL Based DatabaseApplications”.

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Powerful New Features forApplication Development

l Autonomous Transactions

l Dynamic SQL

l Invoker’s Rights

l Querying local collection variables

l UROWID type

l SQL99 Core Compliance features

Powerful New Features for Application DevelopmentOracle8i provides new features, such as autonomous transactions, nativedynamic SQL, invoker-rights procedures, and so on that can streamline thedevelopment process, allow for code reuse, and provide developers withmore flexible ways to include unique functionality in business solutions.

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Autonomous Transactionsl An independent transaction started by another



emp_id NUMBER;


emp_id := 1234;











dept_id NUMBER;


dept_id := 90;












Autonomous TransactionsA transaction is a series of statements that does a logical unit of work.Often, one transaction starts another. Transactional semantics require thatan entire logical unit of work completes or fails as an integrated unit.

In some applications, a transaction may need to operate outside the scopeof the transaction that started it. In other words, an independent transactionmay need to be created from within an existing transaction. You may wantto commit or roll back some changes to a table independently of the finaloutcome of a primary transaction.

For example, in a stock purchase transaction, you may want to commit acustomer’s information regardless of whether the overall stock purchaseactually goes through. Or, while running that same transaction, you maywant to log error messages to a debug table even if the overall transactionrolls back.

Oracle8i has introduced the concept of autonomous transactions, to performsuch tasks.

An autonomous transaction (AT) is an independent transaction started byanother transaction, the main transaction (MT). With an AT, you cansuspend the main transaction, do SQL operations, commit, or roll backthose operations, then resume the main transaction.

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Autonomous Transactions (Description, Benefits, Syntax):Prior to Oracle8i, if you wanted your PL/SQL program to log a message inthe midst of a transaction without having to worry about whether thetransaction were to commit or rollback, you could do so by creating aseparate logging facility in C that you would call using the DBMS_PIPEpackage. However, this approach results in clumsy, awkward, and unintuitivecode. Oracle8i allows you to perform this type of logging operation muchmore simply by using autonomous transactions.

A more important benefit is that autonomous transactions help you buildmodular, reusable software components. For example, stored procedurescan start and finish autonomous transactions on their own. A callingapplication need not know about a procedure’s autonomous operations, andthe procedure need not know about the application’s transaction context.That makes autonomous transactions less error-prone than regulartransactions and much easier to use.

To define autonomous transactions, specify theAUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION pragma anywhere in the declarativesection of any of the following:

1. schema-level (not nested) anonymous blocks,

2. local, stand-alone, and packaged functions and procedures,

3. methods of a SQL object type,

4. database triggers.

Autonomous Transactionsl Benefits:

– Building reusable components

– Improved logging


– Schema-level anonymous blocks

– Local, stand-alone, and packaged proceduresand functions

– Methods of a SQL object type

– Database triggers

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Autonomous Transactionsl Semantics:

– Independent fully functional transactions maybe created from within existing transactions

– Resources not shared

– Committed changes are globally visible

Autonomous Transactions - SemanticsWhen an autonomous transaction block (i.e., a block with pragmaAUTONOMOUS) is entered, the main (parent) transaction is suspended anda new, independent, fully functional, autonomous transaction is started withthe execution of the first DML or query operation in the autonomoustransaction block. You can perform as many SQL operations as you like,and commit and rollback these operations, at which point the autonomoustransaction completes. The next SQL operation in this autonomoustransaction block results in the creation of a new autonomous transaction, sothat you can have a series of autonomous transactions in the same block.Note that the main transaction resumes only when you exit the autonomoustransaction block. If an autonomous transaction is not committed or rolledback, an error will be reported.

Autonomous transactions do not share resources. Consequently, if a maintransaction locks a table for update and an autonomous transaction attemptsto lock the same table for update, a deadlock will be reported, since the main(suspended) transaction that’s holding the lock is waiting for the autonomoustransaction block to exit while the autonomous transaction is waiting for themain transaction to release the lock.

Changes committed in an autonomous transaction are visible globally. Thismeans that the parent transaction (when it resumes) and other activetransactions will be able to see these changes, provided their isolation levelsare set to “read committed”, the default setting. However, if a transaction’sisolation level is set to “serializable” or “read only”, it can see only thosechanges committed when it began, plus, in the case of serializabletransactions, those changes made by the transaction itself.

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Autonomous Transactions

CREATE PROCEDURE debug_log1 (msg varchar2) ASBEGIN INSERT INTO debugtable VALUES (msg); -- can’t afford to COMMIT hereEND debug_log1;/CREATE PROCEDURE debug_log2 (msg varchar2) AS PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION;BEGIN INSERT INTO debugtable VALUES (msg); COMMIT; -- need thisEND;/

l Example:

Autonomous Transactions - Semantics (continued):Autonomous transactions can see changes committed by other transactions(including the parent transaction). However, uncommitted changes made byother transactions (including the parent transaction) are not visible toautonomous transactions. If an autonomous transaction’s isolation level isset to “serializable” or “read only”, then it can see only those changescommitted at the start of the transaction, plus, in the case of serializabletransactions, those changes that are committed by this autonomoustransaction. In the case of “read committed” autonomous transactions, allchanges committed by other transactions are visible to the autonomoustransaction.

Autonomous Transactions (Example):In the example on this slide, we have two procedures, “debug_log1” and“debug_log2”, each of which accepts a message as a parameter and logsthis message by inserting it into the table “debugtable”.

Since both procedures are meant for only logging the message, we do notwant to change the transaction state of the caller. In the case of“debug_log1”, which is a regular procedure, we cannot commit the changebecause doing so would result in changing the transaction state of the maintransaction (of the caller). In the case of “debug_log2”, we can safelycommit the change since “debug_log2” is an autonomous transaction block,which means that changes committed here only affect the autonomoustransaction without changing the state of the main transaction.

The next slide shows how these procedures are used to log a message tothe “debugtable” table.

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Autonomous Transactions

BEGIN UPDATE emp SET sal = 1000000 WHERE ename = ’KING’; debug_log1(’tried to update KING’); UPDATE emp SET sal = 1000000 WHERE ename = ’FORD’; debug_log2(’tried to update FORD’); ROLLBACK; -- at this point we lose all record of the -- attempt to change KING’s salary; but we -- do retain a record of the attempt to -- change FORD’s salaryEND;

l Example (continued)

Autonomous Transactions (Example - continued):In this block, we attempt to change both KING’s as well as FORD’s salary to$1,000,000. However, we subsequently roll back the changes.

In the case of the attempt to change KING’s salary, we attempt to log thisactivity by calling “debug_log1”. However, since the logging in “debug_log1”happens in the same transaction as the main transaction, there is no recordleft of the log since the main transaction is rolled back.

In the case of the attempt to change FORD’s salary, we attempt to log thisactivity by calling “debug_log2”, which is an autonomous transaction block.Since the logging in “debug_log2” happens in the autonomous transactionwhich is committed before “debug_log2” exits, this record continues to existeven after the main transaction is rolled back.

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Native Dynamic SQL

l Description:

– Ability to dynamically build and submit SQLstatements from PL/SQL

l Benefits:

– Used in applications that allow users to choosequery search criteria or optimizer hints at runtime

l Pre-Oracle8i PL/SQL solution:


Dynamic SQLDynamic SQL refers to the ability to build and submit SQL statements(including DML, DDL, transaction control, session control, and anonymousblock statements) at run time.

Dynamic SQL is useful when not all of the necessary information is availableat compilation time - for example, when using a database query tool thatallows you to choose query search criteria or optimizer hints at run time.Dynamic SQL lets you do things like create a procedure that operates on atable whose name is unknown until run time, or accept user input thatdefines the SQL statement to execute.

Prior to Oracle8i, PL/SQL developers could include dynamic SQL inapplications by using the Oracle-supplied DBMS_SQL package. However,performing simple operations using DBMS_SQL involves a fair amount ofcoding. In addition, because DBMS_SQL is based on a procedural API, itincurs high procedure-call and data-copy overhead.

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Native Dynamic SQL

l Benefits of native dynamic SQL over DBMS_SQL:

– Highly intuitive syntax

– A lot less code

– Much easier to write & maintain code

– Much faster (30% to 400%)

Native Dynamic SQLOracle8i PL/SQL supports dynamic SQL natively in the language.

In contrast with DBMS_SQL, the highly intuitive syntax for native dynamicSQL makes it much easier to write and maintain your code. In addition,native dynamic SQL code is considerably more compact. Furthermore,native dynamic SQL bundles the statement preparation, binding, andexecution steps into a single operation, thereby improving performance.Internal Oracle benchmark tests using native dynamic SQL show a 30 to400 percent performance improvement over DBMS_SQL.

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Native Dynamic SQLEXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement

l Description:

– Prepare, execute, deallocate dynamic SQL stmt

l Syntax:

EXECUTE IMMEDIATE <dynamic-string> [INTO {<list-of-define-variables> | <record-variable>}] [USING <list-of-bind-arguments>];where<list-of-define-variables> := <define-variable> [,<define-variable>];<list-of-bind-arguments> := [IN | OUT | IN OUT] <bind-argument> [,[IN | OUT | IN OUT] <bind-argument>]...;

Native Dynamic SQL (EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement)The EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement in PL/SQL supports native dynamicSQL. It lets you prepare, execute, and deallocate a SQL statementdynamically at run time.

The syntax for this is fairly simple, as shown on this slide. Note the dynamicstring in the syntax. You can fetch this string into a list of define variables orinto a record variable using the optional INTO clause. You can bindarguments through the optional USING clause.

One limitation in 8.1.5 is that you cannot specify a dynamic number of bindvariables in the USING clause. There is currently no way to dynamicallydescribe the statement to find out how many binds there are, and what theirexact types are, etc. For some limited scenarios, however, there is a simpleworkaround if you know what the type of the bind arguments are. Theworkaround involves using an IF statement to conditionally create yourdynamic SQL statement or query and then using another IF statement laterto conditionally execute the SQL statement with a separate list of bindarguments in the USING clause for each condition. This workaround isuseful when you do not have a large variation on the list of bind variables.

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Native Dynamic SQLl Example

PROCEDURE insert_into_table ( table_name varchar2, deptnumber number, deptname varchar2, location varchar2)IS stmt_str varchar2(200);BEGIN stmt_str := ’insert into ’ || table_name || ’ values (:deptno,:dname,:loc)’; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE stmt_str USING deptnumber, deptname, location;END;

Native Dynamic SQL (Example)In this example, the INSERT statement is built at run time in the “stmt_str” string variableusing values passed in as arguments to the “insert_into_table” procedure. The SQLstatement held in “stmt_str” is then executed via the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement.The bind variables “:deptno”, “:dname”, and “:loc” are bound to the arguments which, in thiscase, are the parameters “deptnumber”, “deptname”, and “location”.

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PROCEDURE insert_into_table (table_name varchar2, deptnumber number, deptname varchar2, location varchar2)IS stmt_str varchar2(200); cur_hdl integer; rows_processed binary_integer;BEGIN stmt_str := ’insert into ’|| table_name || ’ values (:deptno, :dname, :loc);’; cur_hdl := DBMS_SQL.OPEN_CURSOR; DBMS_SQL.PARSE(cur_hdl, stmt_str, dbms_sql.native); DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE(cur_hdl, ’:deptno’, deptnumber); DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE(cur_hdl, ’:dname’, deptname); DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE(cur_hdl, ’:loc’, location); rows_processed := DBMS_SQL.EXECUTE(cur_hdl); DBMS_SQL.CLOSE_CURSOR(cur_hdl);

END;EXECUTE IMMEDIATE stmt_str USING deptnumber, deptname, location;

Native Dynamic SQL (Example of Native Dynamic SQL vs. DBMS_SQL)The example on the previous slide is shown above in conjunction with code that was writtento perform the same operation using DBMS_SQL. The struck out lines are the lines youwould have needed to use DBMS_SQL. This example clearly demonstrates how mucheasier it is to write and read native dynamic SQL code compared with calls to DBMS_SQL.

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Invoker’s Rights (Description, Benefits):By default, a stored procedure or method executes with the privileges of, andin the name-resolution context of, its owner (definer). Such procedures,known as “definer’s-rights procedures”, were the only option in previousreleases.

In the invoker-rights model, introduced in Oracle8i, programs are executedwith the privileges of the calling user. An invoker-rights program inherits theprivileges and name-resolution context of the user calling the program (theinvoker) for the execution of all SQL statements in the program.Implementing invoker’s rights procedures substantially enhances code reuseby letting you centralize data administration.

For example, you can install, in a central location, a generic softwareprocedure that executes data definition (DDL) or data manipulation (DML)statements on behalf of several users who need to access data in differentschema. Since an invoker’s-rights procedure automatically inherits itsinvoker’s name-resolution and privilege contexts for all SQL statements inthe procedure, multiple users can invoke the centrally located copy to accessprivate data owned by the different users.

Invoker’s Rightsl Description:

– Ability to execute procedure with privileges ofuser calling procedure

l Benefits:

– Scalability (disk and memory): write and installa single copy of code that can be invoked bymultiple users to manipulate objects indifferent schemas

– Security at finer granularity

– Installation time vastly reduced

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Invoker’s Rightsl Set AUTHID to CURRENT_USER in:





l Name Resolution:

– Names used in queries, DML, dynamic SQL, andDBMS_SQL are resolved in the invoker’sschema

– Calls to packages, functions, and proceduresare resolved in the definer’s schema

Invoker’s RightsThe syntax of the following statements has been altered so that you can usethe INVOKER_RIGHTS clause:





In these statements, set AUTHID to CURRENT_USER to specify invoker’srights. Set AUTHID to DEFINER (the default), to specify definer’s rights.

Name ResolutionFor a definer rights procedure, all external references are resolved in thedefiner’s schema. For an invoker rights procedure, the resolution of externalreferences depends on the kind of statement they appear in:

• Names used in queries, DML statements, dynamic SQL, and DBMS_SQLare resolved in the invoker’s schema.

• All other statements, such as calls to packages, functions, andprocedures, are resolved in the definer’s schema.

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Invoker’s Rights


Schema GRACE


Schema SCOTT


empcountempcount emp

qualified reference

unqualified reference

Schema SARAH


Invoker’s Rights (Example - figure):In this rather simple example, let’s suppose that we have two users, Sarahand Grace. Each of them wishes to determine how many employees reportto them using information in a common schema SCOTT and insert thatinformation into a private EMPCOUNT table. This effect may be achieved bywriting a procedure to do this and installing a separate copy of the procedurein each of the user’s schemas. This could, however, have pretty negativeconsequences when you have several people, each of whom is installing aseparate copy of the code. Firstly, a large amount of disk space isnecessary. Secondly, a large amount of SGA memory is used at run time.Thirdly, the time it would take to install separate copies of the code in each ofthe separate schemas can become a major issue.

With Oracle8i, SCOTT can now install, in his schema, a single copy of thiscode as an invoker’s rights program, “name_count”, to provide the samefunctionality. As will become evident from the code on the next slide, thisprogram has an unqualified reference to the name EMPCOUNT; separatecopies of this table are owned by SARAH and GRACE. The program alsohas a qualified reference to the name SCOTT.EMP, which is a table thatSCOTT owns. Procedure “name_count” does a SELECT from SCOTT.EMPand an INSERT into EMPCOUNT. In order to compile procedure“name_count” without error, SCOTT needs to own a dummy table calledEMPCOUNT which has the same structure as Grace’s and Sarah’sEMPCOUNT. At run time, the reference to EMPCOUNT will get bound tothe actual tables in the caller’s (Grace or Sarah) schema. If, at run time, theactual table does not exist, an error is reported. On the other hand, thereference to SCOTT.EMP will resolve to the table EMP in SCOTT’s schema,since this is a qualified name.

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Invoker’s Rights

-- update caller’s empcount with the number-- of people reporting to callerCREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE name_countAUTHID CURRENT_USER AS mycount number;BEGIN -- caller needs SELECT priv on SCOTT.EMP SELECT count(*) INTO mycount FROM scott.emp e, scott.emp m WHERE e.mgr = m.empno AND m.ename = user; -- caller needs UPDATE privilege on empcount INSERT INTO empcount VALUES (mycount);END;

l Example (code):

Invoker’s Rights (Example - code):This slide contains the code for the example on the previous slide.

Note, again, that the reference to SCOTT.EMP is a qualified reference(qualified by the user name SCOTT). When the SQL statement is executedat run time, the reference to SCOTT.EMP is bound to the table EMP inSCOTT’s schema. In order to be able to select from SCOTT.EMP, theinvoker (in this case, either Sarah or Grace), will need to have been grantedSELECT privilege on SCOTT.EMP.

Note also that Sarah and Grace will need to have been granted EXECUTEprivilege on procedure “name_count”.

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Other ApplicationDevelopment Featuresl Querying local collection variables

– 8.0; ability to specify a local collection variableof a nested table type or a VARRAY type in theFROM clause of a SELECT stmt.

l UROWID type

– Universal rowid that can store physical, logical,and non-Oracle rowids

l SQL99 Core Compliance features

– TRIM, CAST, new date/time types

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Transparent Ease-of-Use

l Easier callability from SQL

l Larger package bodies

l Improved diagnostics for ORA-6502 error

Transparent Ease-of-UseOracle8i PL/SQL has been enhanced significantly to make it easier to use.

You can now call PL/SQL functions much more easily from SQL, createmuch larger package bodies, and take advantage of the much improvedORA-6502 error diagnostics.

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Easier Callability from SQL (Pragma RESTRICT_REFERENCESnot needed - Description):Prior to Oracle8i, the PL/SQL compiler performed various checks atcompilation time to determine if a function was callable from SQL, whether aquery or DML statement calling this function was parallelizable, and whethera query could be rewritten by the optimizer. These checks were controlledthrough pragma RESTRICT_REFERENCES and various rules. However, therules were too strict and hard to understand.

In Oracle8i, the rules are vastly simplified so that the pragma is no longerrequired, although you may still use it. Instead, the following checks areperformed at run time:

1. A function called from a query or a parallelized DML statement must notexecute any DML or in any other way modify the database.

2. A function called from a query or DML statement must not end the currenttransaction, create or rollback to a savepoint, or ALTER the system orsession.

3. A function called from a DML statement must not read or modify theparticular table being modified by the DML statement.

The main benefits of the relaxed rules are:

1. Developers no longer need to worry about using the pragma correctly.

2. The relaxed rules provide more flexibility so that you can now safely callmore functions from SQL where you couldn’t do so before.

3. The rules for SQL calling PL/SQL, C, and Java procedures are nowconsistent. Note that it is not possible to do compilation time checks toguarantee RNPS, WNPS, WNDS & RNDS for procedures written in C andJava.

Easier Callability from SQLl Pragma RESTRICT_REFERENCES not needed

l Description:

– Relaxed purity rules

– Compilation time checks not needed

– Run time checks performed instead

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Easier Callability from SQLl Benefits of the relaxed rules:

– Developers need not worry about includingthe pragma everywhere

– More flexibility

● Call more functions from SQL

– Uniform support for stored procedures writtenin PL/SQL, C, and Java

Easier Callability from SQL (Pragma RESTRICT_REFERENCESnot needed - Benefits):The main benefits of the relaxed rules are:

1. Developers no longer need to worry about using the pragma correctly.

2. The relaxed rules provide more flexibility so that you can now safely callmore functions from SQL where you couldn’t do so before.

3. The rules for SQL calling PL/SQL, C, and Java procedures are nowconsistent. Note that it is not possible to do compilation time checks toguarantee RNPS, WNPS, WNDS & RNDS for procedures written in C andJava.

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Easier Callability from SQL (TRUST Option - Description,Benefits):Oracle has extended the RESTRICT_REFERENCES pragma to add a newTRUST option. The TRUST keyword is an indication to the compiler that itshould not verify that a given procedure or function body satisfies thepragma that is associated with the specification. Instead, the compiler“trusts” that the body indeed satisfies the pragma.

If you choose or need to use the pragma with C or Java programs, theTRUST option is necessary if you want to call these C or Java programsfrom SQL or PL/SQL. This is also useful if you want to write new PL/SQLsubprograms that don’t have the pragma and be able to call them fromPL/SQL programs that DO have the pragma.

An example:

Suppose procedure A1 calls A2 which calls A3 and that all of these have thepragma. Suppose also that procedure B1 calls B2 which calls B3, all ofwhich do NOT have the pragma. Suppose now that you want A3 to call B1,but you have been unable to do so because B1 does not have the pragma.You can do one of two things:

1. If you have the right to modify the source code for B1, simply add thepragma with the TRUST option, thus telling the compiler to “trust” that allcalls to B1 (which in turn calls B2, etc…) satisfy the pragma.

2. If you don’t have the right to modify the source code for B1, create awrapper procedure B0 which has the same signature as B1 and which callsB1. Then add the pragma to B0 with the TRUST option, thus telling thecompiler to “trust” that all calls to B0 (which in turn calls B1, which calls B2,etc…) satisfy the pragma.

Easier Callability from SQLTRUST option

l Description:


– To turn off compilation time checking with thepragma

l Benefits:

– Needed for Java and C routines if you use apragma with them

– Also useful if you want to call new PL/SQLprograms that do not have the pragma fromold PL/SQL programs that do

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l Description:

– New qualifiers on procedures/functions

– DETERMINISTIC: hint to indicate that thefunction will ALWAYS return the same resultfor a given set of input argument values

– PARALLEL_ENABLE: hint to indicate that it issafe for a function to be called in a parallelquery or parallel DML statement

– Note that neither of these are checked inanyway (the compiler simply trusts that whatthe user has indicated is true)

Easier Callability from SQL (DETERMINISTIC,PARALLEL_ENABLE - Description):Oracle8i provides you with additional functionality to make it easier to callPL/SQL, C and Java procedures from SQL through the DETERMINISTICand PARALLEL_ENABLE qualifiers on the function specification.

The DETERMINISTIC qualifier is a hint to the compiler that the function willALWAYS return the same result for a given set of input argument values.This qualifier is mandatory for all functions used in function-based indexes,which is a new feature in Oracle8i which allows you to build indexes onfunctions and not just columns. This qualifier is also used by the optimizer todecide what plan to generate for materialized views with ENABLE QUERYREWRITE, specifically, whether the SQL engine may safely choose to use acached copy of the returned result.

The PARALLEL_ENABLE qualifier is a hint to the compiler that it is safe for afunction to be called in a parallel query or parallel DML statement. Prior toOracle8i, the WNPS & RNPS options of the RESTRICT_REFERENCESpragma were used to indicate this.

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Easier Callability from SQL

{FUNCTION | PROCEDURE} [<schema_name>.]<procedure-or-function-name> [(<parameter_list>)] [RETURN <datatype>] [<subprogram-properties>] {IS | AS}


<subprogram-properties> := DETERMINISTIC | PARALLEL_ENABLE


l Syntax:

Easier Callability from SQL (DETERMINISTIC,PARALLEL_ENABLE - Syntax):The syntax for specifying the DETERMINISTIC and PARALLEL_ENABLEqueries is fairly simple as shown on the slide above. The keyword must bespecified just before the IS or AS keyword.

Note that the specified syntax applies to call-specifications for Java and C aswell.

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Larger Package Bodies:Prior to Oracle8i, large packages often failed to compile due to an internalcompiler limit. As a result, developers often had to decompose packagesinto smaller units.

In Oracle8i, Oracle has substantially increased the compiler limit. Althoughit’s not easy to correlate the new internal limit with a specific number of linesof code, application developers will be able to include up to about 6 millionlines of code in a single package body or type body, provided other limits arenot reached. Note that this new limit applies only to package bodies andtype bodies. Note also that you might start running into other internal limitsyou had not run into before.

The biggest benefit here is that you don’t have to be frustrated by the “PLS-123: Program too large” error and don’t have to restructure your code in away that’s not intuitive.

Larger Package Bodiesl Pre-8i PL/SQL:

– Ever run into “PLS-123: Program too large” inprograms?

– Caused by an internal compiler limit of 2**15nodes in an internal tree structure; translatesto ~3,000 lines of code

l 8i PL/SQL:

– This internal limit is now 2**26 forpackage/type bodies; so you can now have upto ~6,000,000 lines of code, provided you don’trun into other limits!

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Improved ORA-6502 Errorl The PL/SQL run time engine now gives you

more information with ORA-6502 errors

l Examples:

declare x varchar2(2); begin x := ’abc’; end;/ORA-6502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small

declare x number; begin x := ’abc’; end;/ORA-6502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character to number conversion error

Improved ORA-6502 Error:Prior to Oracle8i, the “ORA-6502: PL/SQL numeric or value error” providedno information about the cause of the error. With Oracle8i, this errormessage provides more specification information. For example, if you try toassign a large string to a string variable whose length is smaller than that ofthe large string, you will now see the additional text: “character string buffertoo small” as part of the error message. If you try to assign a string to anumber variable and the implicit conversion results in an error, as shown inthe example on the slide, you will now see the additional text “character tonumber conversion error”.

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Improved Performance

l Bulk Binds

l NOCOPY parameter passing hint

Improved PerformanceOracle8i PL/SQL offers new performance-enhancing language features,such as bulk binds and the NOCOPY parameter-passing modifier, that youcan take advantage of in your applications. In this section, we brieflyintroduce these features. For more details relating to performance, refer tothe presentation “Techniques for Developing Faster PL/SQL Applications”.

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Procedural stmts. ProceduralStatementExecutor

SQL stmts.

SQL Statement Executor



PL/SQL engine

SQL engine

BindingThe Oracle server has three execution engines: one each for PL/SQL, SQL,and Java. The above diagram shows the PL/SQL and SQL engines. Whenrunning PL/SQL blocks and subprograms, the PL/SQL engine runsprocedural statements but sends the SQL statements to the SQL engine,which parses and executes the SQL statement and, in some cases, returnsdata to the PL/SQL engine. During execution, every SQL statement causesa context switch between the two engines, which results in a performancepenalty.

Performance can be improved substantially by minimizing the number ofcontext switches required to run a particular block or subprogram. When aSQL statement runs inside a loop that uses collection elements as bindvariables, the large number of context switches required by the block cancause poor performance. As you may already know, collections includenested tables, VARRAYs, index-by tables, and host arrays.

Binding is the assignment of values to PL/SQL variables in SQL statements.

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Bulk Bindingl Definition:

– Bind entire collection/array of values at once, ratherthan loop to perform fetch, insert, update, and deleteon multiple rows

l Keywords to support bulk binding:

– FORALL instructs PL/SQL engine to bulk-bind inputcollections before sending them to the SQL engine

– BULK COLLECT instructs SQL engine to bulk-bindoutput collections before returning them to thePL/SQL engine

FORALL index IN lower_bound..upper_bound


... BULK COLLECT INTO collection_name[,collection_name] ...

Bulk BindingBulk binding is binding an entire collection at once rather than iteratively.Without bulk binding, the elements in a collection are sent to the SQLengine individually, whereas bulk binds pass the entire collection back andforth between the two engines.

Improved Performance

Using bulk binding, you can improve performance by reducing the numberof context switches required to run SQL statements that use collectionelements. With bulk binding, entire collections, not just individual elements,are passed back and forth.

Keywords to Support Bulk Binding

Oracle8i PL/SQL supports new keywords to support bulk binding. Theseare:


The keyword FORALL instructs the PL/SQL engine to bulk-bind inputcollections before sending them to the SQL engine. Although the FORALLstatement contains an iteration scheme, it is not a FOR loop.


The keywords BULK COLLECT instruct the SQL engine to bulk-bind outputcollections before returning them to the PL/SQL engine. This allows you tobind locations into which SQL can return retrieved values in bulk. Thus youcan use these keywords in the SELECT INTO, FETCH INTO, andRETURNING INTO clauses.

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Bulk Binds - Examples

FORALL j IN 1..1000 INSERT INTO Orders VALUES (orderId(j),orderDate(j),...);


SELECT orderDate BULK COLLECT INTO oldDates WHERE MONTHS_BETWEEN(sysdate,orderDate) > 9;

Bulk Binds - ExamplesThe slide contains three examples:

The first example shows how to use FORALL with an INSERT statement.

The second example shows how to use BULK COLLECT INTO with aSELECT statement.

The third example shows how to use BULK COLLECT INTO with a DELETEstatement.

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Bulk Binds - Example


FORALL j IN 1..1000 DELETE Orders WHERE orderDate = oldDates(j) -- bulk AND orderLoc = oldLoc -- scalar RETURNING orderId BULK COLLECT INTO deletedIds;

Bulk Binds - FORALL .... BULK COLLECT INTO ExampleIn the example above, the FORALL statement causes the DELETEstatement to be executed once for each different element of the oldDatestable. Many rows can be deleted for each instance of the WHERE clause; allthe orderIds returned by different executions of the DELETE statement areappended to (or bulk collected into) the deletedIds table.

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When to Use Bulk Binds

l SQL statements inside PL/SQL loops

l Collection elements as bind variables

l Four or more rows processed together

When to Use Bulk BindsConsider using bulk binds when you have:

• SQL statements inside PL/SQL loops

• A need for using collection elements as bind variables

• A need for processing four or more rows together in an iteration. Themore rows affected by a SQL statement, the greater the gains.

Internal Oracle benchmark tests using bulk binds show performanceimprovements of up to 30%.

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NOCOPY Parameter PassingHint

Problem in pre- 8i Releases

Anonymous block add_entry




ibex =wild goat



ibex =wild goat

NOCOPY Parameter Passing Hint (Problem in Pre-8i Releases)As we know, the IN OUT parameters in PL/SQL are passed using copy-inand copy-out semantics. The example demonstrates how the copy-in, copy-out semantics works. Let’s assume that word_list corresponds to adictionary and is a huge collection of (word,meaning) pairs.

This imposes huge CPU and memory overhead because the parametersneed to copied-in when the routine is called and then copied-out when theroutine returns. The overhead is HUGE when the parameters involved arelarge data structures, such as large strings or collections.

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NOCOPY Parameter PassingHint

Workaround in pre- 8i Releases

modifyibex =wild goat


Anonymous block add_entry



NOCOPY Parameter Passing Hint (Workaround in Pre-8iReleases)This known performance problem forced the users to use package variablesto “pass” arguments around.

Though this gets one around the performance problem imposed by by-valuesemantics, it has some obvious problems - the workaround increases themaintenance cost by making the programs non-modular, and results inhigher maintenance costs.

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NOCOPY Parameter PassingHint

l Description:

– Ability to pass OUT and IN OUT parameterswithout the overhead of copies between theactuals and formals

l Benefit:

– Huge performance benefits (30% to 200%faster); especially useful for passing largestructures

l Syntax:

<parameter-specification> := <parameter-name> IN OUT NOCOPY <type-name>

NOCOPY Parameter Passing HintAs you already know, PL/SQL supports three parameter passing modes -IN, OUT, and IN OUT.

The IN parameter is passed by reference. That is, a pointer to the IN actualparameter is passed to the corresponding formal parameter. So, bothparameters reference the same memory location, which holds the value ofthe actual parameter. However, the OUT and IN OUT parameters arepassed by value.

When an application passes parameters using the OUT and IN OUT modes,the database copies the parameter values to protect the original values incase the function or procedure raises exceptions. Passing large structures,such as strings and collections, places a burden on memory and CPUresources. One alternative is to use package-global variables, rather thanparameters, but this results in non-modular programs.

Oracle8i supports a new NOCOPY modifier for OUT and IN OUTparameters, which is a hint to the compiler to indicate that the compilershould attempt to pass IN OUT and OUT parameters by reference whenpossible.

Because the actual parameters are passed by reference rather than copiedinto the memory for the corresponding formal parameters, NOCOPYprovides significant benefits, especially when passing large structures asparameters. Oracle internal benchmark testing showed improvements of 30to 200 % improvements for medium-to-large PL/SQL tables passed asparameters.

Note that the NOCOPY modifier is neither required nor allowed with INparameters; IN parameters are always passed by reference.

The syntax for this is very simple and is shown on the slide.

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NOCOPY Parameter PassingHint

l Semantics:

– NOCOPY is a hint, not a directive; compilerattempts to pass by reference but does notpromise to do so:

● When the call is a remote-procedure call

● When the actual paramaeter being passed isan expression value

● When implicit conversion is involved whilebinding an actual to a formal parameter

NOCOPY Parameter Passing HintSemantics

Since NOCOPY is a hint and not a directive, Oracle does not guarantee thata parameter will be passed by reference, although an attempt is made topass the actual by reference when possible. Here are few example caseswhere the parameter will NOT be passed by reference:

when the call is a remote-procedure call

when the actual parameter being passed is an expression value

when there is an implicit conversion involved when binding an actualparameter to a formal

Because pass by reference is not guaranteed to happen, there are somesemantics that are not guaranteed to happen:

• If you had true pass-by-reference and you pass the same actualparameter across different formal parameters, you would expect aliasing tohappen. In the case of NOCOPY, there is no guarantee that aliasing willALWAYS happen under these conditions. So you must not rely on aliasingbehavior.

• If you had COPY IN / COPY OUT, you would expect that uncommittedchanges would be rolled back if you had an unhandled exception. In thecase of true pass-by-reference, you would expect that uncommittedchanges would NOT be rolled back if you had an unhandled exception.However, in the case of NOCOPY, since it is not guaranteed to be pass-by-reference, there is no guarantee that uncommitted changes will NOT berolled back upon an unhandled exception. So you must not rely on rollback-on-exception semantics when using NOCOPY.

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Transparent PerformanceImprovements

l Optimization of package STANDARD builtins

l Faster anonymous block execution

l Faster RPC parameter passing

l Scalability (more users) improvements

l Caching of DLLs for improved external procedureperformance

Transparent Performance ImprovementsIn addition to the enhancements discussed in this article, it’s worth notingthat Oracle has also tuned the PL/SQL interpreter in several ways. Forexample, Oracle has optimized the built-in functions in package STANDARDfor faster performance. In internal benchmark testing, calls made to built-ins--TO_CHAR, TO_DATE, and SUBSTR, for example--operated 10 to 30percent faster in Oracle8i than they did in Oracle8 or Oracle7.

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New Testing, Debugging, andTuning Capabilities

l Tracing

l Profiling

l Improved debugging

New Testing, Debugging, and Tuning CapabilitiesThe right information can help developers improve performance, traceflawed programming logic, and debug compilation and run-time errors. ForPL/SQL developers, Oracle8i includes several enhancements and featuresthat will help design, develop, and fine-tune applications.

To enable third-party vendors to build a strong set of debugging andanalysis tools, Oracle8i includes the Probe family of APIs in PL/SQL invarious Oracle-supplied packages, such as the DBMS_PROFILER package.

In this section, we discuss the Probe Family of APIs, and go into somedetails regarding the Debugger, Profiler, and Tracing tools.

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Probe Family of APIs



profiling (8i)

tracing (8i)





Probe Family of APIs:Even prior to Oracle8i, Oracle has provided an API for debugging throughthe DBMS_DEBUG package. This is the interface that is currently beingused by our tools vendors.

Oracle supplies new packages DBMS_PROFILER and DBMS_TRACE withOracle8i, which will allow you to profile and trace your code execution.

In this section, we discuss each of these interfaces. For more details, pleaserefer to the Oracle8i Supplied Packages Reference, Release 8.1.5.

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Tracing PL/SQL Execution The DBMS_TRACE package provides an API for

tracing the execution of PL/SQL programs on theserver

Start tracing sessionStart tracing session

Run application to be tracedRun application to be traced

Stop tracing sessionStop tracing session

Enable specific subprograms for tracing (optional)Enable specific subprograms for tracing (optional) Trace file

Trace data (8.1.5)


Trace data (8.1.6)(DBMS_TRACE.SET_PLSQL_TRACE)


Tracing PL/SQL ExecutionIn large and complex PL/SQL applications, it can sometimes get difficult tokeep track of subprogram calls when a number of them call each other. Bytracing your PL/SQL code you can get a clearer idea of the paths and orderin which your programs execute.

While a facility to trace your SQL code has been around for a while, Oraclenow provides an API for tracing the execution of PL/SQL programs on theserver. You can use the Trace API, implemented on the server as theDBMS_TRACE package, to trace trace the execution of programs byfunction or by exception.

DBMS_TRACEDBMS_TRACE provides subprograms to start and stop PL/SQL tracing in asession. The trace data gets collected as the program executes, and it iswritten out to the Oracle Server trace file (8.1.5) or database tables (8.1.6).

A typical trace session involves:

Enabling specific subprograms for trace data collection (optional)

Starting the PL/SQL tracing session(DBMS_TRACE.SET_PLSQL_TRACE)

Running the application which is to be traced

Stopping the PL/SQL tracing session(DBMS_TRACE.CLEAR_PLSQL_TRACE)

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Controlling the Tracel In large applications, enable specific subprograms

for trace

l Choose tracing levels:

– Tracing calls:

● Level 1: Trace all calls

● Level 2: Trace calls to enabled subprogramsonly

– Tracing exceptions:

● Level 1: Trace all exceptions

● Level 2: Trace exceptions raised in enabledsubprograms only

Controlling the TraceProfiling large applications may produce a huge amounts of data which canbe difficult to manage. before turning on the trace facility, you have theoption to control the volume of data collected by enabling specificsubprograms for trace data collection.

During the trace session, you can choose to trace all program calls andexceptions, or enabled program calls and exceptions raised in them.Choose the tracing levels shown above.

Note: For more information on this topic, refer to the Oracle productdocumentation.

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PL/SQL Profilerl Tool to localize and identify PL/SQL performance


– Counts the number of times each line wasexecuted

– Determines how much time was spent on eachline

l Information is stored in database tables, and can beaccessed at any desired granulity

l The Profiler is implemented with DBMS_PROFILEpackage. APIs to record information:





Oracle8i PL/SQL provides a new tool called the Profiler which can beused to determine the execution time profile (or runtime behavior) ofapplications. The Profiler can be used to figure out which part of aparticular application is running slowly. Such a tool is crucial inidentifying performance bottlenecks. It can help you focus your effortson improving the performance of only the relevant PL/SQLcomponents, or, even better, the particular program segments wherea lot of execution time is being spent.

The Profiler provides functions for gathering “profile” statistics, such asthe total number of times each line was executed; time spentexecuting each line; and minimum and maximum duration spent onexecution of a given line of code. For example, developers cangenerate profiling information for all named library units used in asingle session. This information is stored in database tables that canthen be later queried.

The Profiler is controlled by the DBMS_PROFILE package. APIsavailable to record information are:

• START_PROFILER: In order to get profiling information, you first need tostart the Profiler by calling the DBMS_PROFILER.START_PROFILERprocedure and associating a specific “run” comment with the profile run.

• STOP_PROFILER: To stop the profiling, you must call theDBMS_PROFILER.STOP_PROFILER procedure.

• FLUSH_DATA: You may call the DBMS_PROFILER.FLUSH_DATAprocedure during the session to save incremental data and to free memoryfor allocated profiler data structures.

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Debuggerl The Probe API, DBMS_DEBUG, is a PL/SQL API to

the PL/SQL debugger layer

l Used by 3rd party vendors to build debuggers

l Oracle Procedure Builder provides aneditor/compiler/debugger GUI interface

DebuggerThe Probe API, DBMS_DEBUG, is a PL/SQL API to the PL/SQL debuggerlayer. It is currently used by 3rd party vendors to build debuggers forPL/SQL. The Oracle Procedure Builder product (which is packaged with theOracle Developer Suite), which provides a PL/SQL edit/compile/debugdevelopment environment, uses an internal version of the same debuggerAPIs.

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Building Web Applicationsl UTL_HTTP package

– Can be used to make HTTP callouts fromPL/SQL and SQL

l UTL_SMTP package

– Allows programs written in PL/SQL tocommunicate over the Internet using SMTP


– Allows simple TCP/IP-based communicationbetween the server and the outside world

l PL/SQL Server Pages (PSP)

– Scripting solution for server-side Webapplication development

Building Web ApplicationsThe Oracle8i Server and the Oracle Application Server provide a lot of veryuseful functionality that make it very easy to publish dynamic content on theweb using PL/SQL. For more details, refer to the Oracle OpenWorld99presentation entitled “Web-enabling PL/SQL based Database Applicationsusing PL/SQL”.

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Interoperability with C, Java

l Seamless interoperability with Java

l Passing object types, collection types, REF types toC procedures

l Additional mappings for basic types when calling Cprocedures

l Using Pro*C to write external procedure callbacks

l Specifying call-specifications in package and typespecifications

Interoperability with C, JavaThe Oracle8 Server, Release 8.0 provides the ability to call, from PL/SQLstored procedures, C external procedures executing in separate processes.With the Oracle8i release, developers can create stored procedures usingboth PL/SQL and Java. Each language has its own strengths, and sinceboth are supported equally by the Oracle8i database server andinteroperate easily, you can leverage both in the same application.

PL/SQL is best used for database-intensive applications, while Java is bestused for component-based (Enterprise JavaBeans components or CORBA)applications. Moreover, because interoperability between the twolanguages is an important part of Oracle’s strategy, you can write verypowerful applications that take advantage of the strengths of bothlanguages. In this section, we examine how PL/SQL and Java interoperatein the server.

Java can call SQL and PL/SQL using SQLJ and JDBC. For more detailsabout this, refer to the Oracle8i Java Stored Procedures Developer’s Guide,Release 8.1.5 (Part# A64686-01), the Oracle8i JDBC Developer’s Guideand Reference, Release 8.1.5 (Part# A64685-01), and the Oracle8i SQLJDeveloper’s Guide and Reference, Release 8.1.5.

To allow SQL and PL/SQL to call Java stored procedures, the Java storedprocedures must be published to SQL and PL/SQL using call specifications.

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What Oracle8i PL/SQL offers:

l Easier Application Development: native dynamicSQL, package body size limit increased, puritysimplification, ORA-6502, ...

l Faster Applications: bulk binds, NOCOPY, ...

l Richer Application Development: invoker’s rights,autonomous transactions...

l Interoperable with Java : call specifications, ...

l Tools : better debugging, profiling, tracing, ...

l Internet Support : PSP, UTL_HTTP enhancements, …

Summary (What you can do with Oracle8i PL/SQL):

PL/SQL is a very powerful, yet simple language that allows you toquickly and easily write procedural logic for data access. Oracle8iPL/SQL provides powerful, new functionality for enhanced control ofthe security, transaction management, SQL execution, performance,and scalability of your language. Features like “bulk binds” and“NOCOPY” as well as the new profiler tool allow you to tune yourapplication’s performance. Features like native dynamic SQL,invoker’s rights programs, and autonomous transactions, allow you towrite richer and more powerful applications much more easily.Interoperability with Java is an important part of the dual-languagestrategy regarding PL/SQL and Java. The OAS PL/SQL cartridge aswell as the UTL_HTTP package allow you to write internet applicationsvery easily. In summary, Oracle8i PL/SQL provides you with a greatdeal of capabilities to allow you to write superior, high-performanceapplications very easily.

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