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Download - Powerpoint dag 2

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Good morning!

Media Literacy for the Information ProfessionalDay two

Tuesday 4 May 2010

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The Program for Today

Teaching MethodsAssignment: Elevator Pitch

11.15 Coffee Break

Assignment: Design Workshop

13.00 – 14.00 Lunch

Assignment: Design WorkshopLooking Back and Looking Forward

16.30 End of Workshop: Drinks

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Teaching MethodsAbout Learning

Deep learning• Actively looking for meaning• Asking questions• Processing critically• Relating theory to practice

Superficial learning• Learning for test• Memorizing• No bigger picture

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Teaching MethodsAbout Learning

Bloom’s taxonomyClassification of forms and levels of learning

Bloom B S (ed.) (1956) Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, the classification of educational goals – Handbook I: Cognitive Domain New York: McKay

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Teaching MethodsDesigning a Workshop

Whoare you teaching? Starting point Target group

Why should they learn? Link with ‘real life’ Learning need

What should they learn? Preferred behavior Goal

What should they learn?

Howshould they learn?

Elements of behavior Objectives

Learning Activities

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Teaching MethodsDesigning a Workshop

Whoare you teaching? Base for learning Target group

“The most important single factor influencing learning is what the learner already knows"

Ausubel in Novak, 1998, p.71

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Teaching MethodsDesigning a Workshop

Why should they learn? Link with ‘real life’ Learning need

Formulate need for learning:• What problems will they experience if they don’t join the workshop?• What makes your workshop essential for participants?

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Teaching MethodsDesigning a Workshop

What should they learn? Preferred behavior Goal

What should they learn? Elements of behavior Objectives

Why goals and objectives?• Design: content, activities and assessment• Manage expectations• Transferability and continuity

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Teaching MethodsDesigning a Workshop

What should they learn? Preferred behavior Goal

What should they learn? Elements of behavior Objectives

How to formulate goals and objectives?• At the end of the workshop the participant can… • Content and behavior

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Teaching MethodsDesigning a Workshop

What should they learn? Preferred behavior Goal

Formulate goal of workshop:• What are participants able to do at the end of the workshop?• At the end of the workshop the participant can… • Content and behavior

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Teaching MethodsDesigning a Workshop

What should they learn? Elements of behavior Objectives

Formulate learning objectives of workshop:• Which specific knowledge, skills and attitudes should participants gather?• Cut goals in smaller parts• Make sure that the objectives help you design!!

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Teaching MethodsDesigning a Workshop

What should they learn? Elements of behavior Objectives

Use verbs like:Describe, name, explain, predict, demonstrate, analyze, compare, combine, relate, justify, evaluate

Avoid verbs like:Know, understand, see

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Teaching MethodsDesigning a Workshop

Objectives and activities organized in Bloom’s taxonomy

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Teaching MethodsDesigning a Workshop

Howshould they learn? Learning Activities

Decide on learning activities for workshop:• Translate the objectives into activities for participants• Plan these activities• Remember: leave space for processing

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Assignment 3:Elevator Pitch

Until 11.00In expert group

Prepare an elevator pitch for your workshop• Formulate learning need(s).• Decide on main topics and formulate one main goal.• Formulate learning objectives closely connected to this main goal.• Don’t forget to use yesterday’s work!• Prepare a pitch for your workshop:

who are you going to teach what and why is it important for them to learn this?

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Elevator Pitches!!

Listen critically and write down feedback and questions

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Coffee Break

Talk about the ideas you have heard

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Assignment 4:Design Workshop

Until 13.00 and 14.00 – 16.00In expert group

Design your workshop• Decide on methods and learning activities• Make an overview: what are you going to do when?• Which documents and materials do you need?

Prepare for try-out of (a part of) your workshop tomorrow!!

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Looking Back and Looking ForwardToday

Write down: What is the most important thing that I have learnt today?

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Looking Back and Looking ForwardTomorrow

Start 9.30 Final preparations for the workshops

11.00 Demonstrations of the workshopsInformation LiteracyVisual Literacy13.00 – 14.00 LunchNew media LiteraciesNews Literacy

16.00 Evaluation

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Looking Back and Looking ForwardTomorrow

The final assignment: Design Workshop

Turn in on paper:• Full design of workshop: all steps of design and the context• One part of the workshop fully prepared• List of used sources

Try-out:• One part of the workshop• 30 minutes

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Are we ready for tomorrow?

Now… drinks in room

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