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My Magazine Page

My Front CoverFor resubmission

My Contents Page For resubmission

My Double Page Spread

For resubmission

IntroductionTo complete this coursework successfully, I had to create a music magazine specific to one genre. I had to make 3 pages (front cover, contents page and double pages spread) that would fit conventions of the genre. It must include all original images taken by myself and constructed by myself. To have fulfilled the brief, I will use programs to give each and every page the professional and conventional music magazine look, I am aiming to go for.

Research into Quark and PhotoshopBefore starting the construction of the final product, I took some research into Quark and Photoshop. This would to enable me to learn what it they could do and what I needed to go in order to do what I wanted. Reseach into Photoshop and Quark.

GenreDuring the brief, I had to make sure I made the magazine specific to one type of music genre. I decided to select the genre of Pop. I decided to select this because I had the most knowledge on this and I understood the codes and conventions much more than any other. I believe I have completed the brief because I have included many of the codes and conventions of this genre. I did a lot of research into this genre to make sure I included a majority of what is normally there on a magazine. They codes and conventions are included to make sure the audience know what music genre it is. I have included a lot of the codes and conventions in my magazine to make sure my audience know that the magazine is for them.

MastheadI have made sure I have included a masthead on my front cover, so my magazine has it own identity and can be easily recognised. The audience will know what the magazine is called straight away. It is stereotypically placed on the top of the magazine as this is what someone will look at straight away and sometimes on a shelf it’s the only thing that can be seen. This is why I kept the convention the same.


QuarkXpressI used QuarkXpress to construct my magazine pages. This is a computer application for creating and editing complex pages. This is a complex programme that allowed me to have the tools I needed to construct and use it effectively. There are different stages to constructing a final page in Quark. There are many Quark only tools I used to construct my magazine.

Tools I used in QuarkThere are many different tools I used in Quark. I used the following:

Item Tool

Text Content Tool

Picture Content Tool

Rectangle Box Tool

Oval Box Tool

Item ToolWhen using Quark, I had to use the item tool because it allowed me to move any item to a new position on the page. It also helped me enlarge and decrease the size of images and text. It also is the basis of any of the menu features. You can used this to right click to any feature including the modify and lock options. It was an easy tool for me to used during my coursework as it is straight forward and simple to use but it helped me do so much when on Quark.

Text Content ToolThe text content tool allowed me to add text boxes into my pages. This meant I was able to write and number anything I needed to. For example, putting page numbers on the contents and double page spread was done via this tool. It is connected with the measurement tool which allowed me to change the font styles and size. This enabled me to keep all the font style the same throughout my pages for consistency. It also enabled me to enlarge and decrease the size of the text whenever I wanted to and to whatever parts I wanted to. I also used it will the colours option to change the colour of it and make it better looking.

Picture Content ToolThe picture content tool came in handy for any pictures I needed to put on my page. The picture content tool is for any pictures that need to be on the pages. The picture content tool enabled me place the box it uses before the picture is imported to find a basic layout for how large and where I wanted pictures to go on the page. This allowed me to see how much space I would be left with if I kept the pictures the size they were. I used this in conjunction with the item tool to enlarge and decrease the size of the images and position the pictures where I wanted them to be, even after I had placed the image on the page.

Rectangle and Oval Box ToolThe rectangle and oval box tools are used to create shapes on the pages without text inside them. This enabled me to create stand out parts of m magazine which I wanted the audience to take note of. It helped me also create places where I wanted text to be added on top of without a background attached. When I played around with adding background colour to the text content tool, I found that I didn’t like the look it gave my page, so this is when I decided to use these tools and overlap the text this way. This gave it a better appearance but still did what I wanted to do with it. I used this in conjunction with the item tool to arrange it on the page where it needed to go. I also used it will the colours option to change the colour of it and make it better looking.


PhotographyI used lights and a green screen to get the best photos I could for my front cover and double page spread. I used the green screen to have a blank background so I could edited the photos in Photoshop much quicker and easier. I had the lights so contrast the light on parts of the artist I wanted to. It also made the photos look more professional because I had a full set up and the lights look better. I also used an Cannon EOS 600D because this gave me unpixalated images no matter what size I made them.

My Photography set upThis is the set up I had when taking my front and double page photos. I used all this equipment.


How I edited the photosTo see how I edited the photos, please click the Hyperlink. Photoshop Editing

ConclusionIn conclusion, I much prefer my new front cover to my old front cover as it looks more real and includes all my own photos which I edited. I massively changed my magazine to make sure it was a lot busier but organised in its appearance. I made the magazine busier but not too busy that it distracted the audience away from the overall look. I This was my aim last times, so I wanted to continue it in some form.

My New Page and Old Page

My New Page and Old Page

My New Page and Old Page

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