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How to increase your height?

The advantages of being taller:

• Taller person earns more prestige and respect than the short one.

• In applying for a job, the taller one is more likely to be chosen.

• Taller person is more attractive.

Can one who is past 25 years old can still increase his/her height?

Yes! you can add inches to your height.

Men’s of science agree

• Height measurement indicate that men and women of 40 years old are still growing,sometimes up to 50th or 60th.

• Any increase in height discovered after 20 is caused by a change in posture and expansion of inter vertebral disc

• By correcting bad posture,anyone can increase height

• Stretching the elastic inter vertebral disc of spine can cause increase of height

Reasons why you can be taller even if you’re past 25

These scientific reasons are:

1.The physiological curvatures of the spine.

2.The expansibility of the inter vertebral cartilages of the spine.

Importance of sleeping in increasing your height:

• It gives the spine the chance to stretch and straighten.

• It also relieves the inter vertebral fibro-cartilages from pressure.

What vitamins can help to become taller

Eat plenty of proteins foods

-protein is necessary for building tissues and growth.

Good sources of proteins are:






Get enough vitamins D,A and B2

Sources are:

Vitamins: D A B2

- sunlight -yellow colored -liver

-salt water vegetables -milk

fish -liver -eggs

10 organic elements which must also present in the diet are:

-calcium -phosphorus

-iron -copper

-iodine -chlorine

-magnesium -sodium

-potassium -sulfur

Tips on healthy eating

• Chew your food well• Never over eat• Avoid starchy and other constipating food• Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables• Drink a glass of water before going to bed

The most complete body building food is milk with a little honey.

How to look taller than what you really are.

1.Wear clothes with vertical stripes

2.The back combing hair style

3.Use high heels or what they called “elevators”

4.Always carry your head high

Tips to help you increase your height:• Stretch before you get up in the morning• Massage• Breath deeply• Walk outdoors• Avoid smoking and drinking• Bathe your self with sunshine• Take sufficient rest or short naps• Sleep flat on your back• Stretch yourself up whenever you can• Perform the tip-toe exercise• Remember that glass of water

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