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Groundswell Winning in a World Transformed by Social Technologies

Book by Charlene Li and Josh Bernoff

PowerPoint by Meghan Beytagh

The Authors

Charlene Li Josh Bernoff

• Graduated from Harvard Business School

• Joined Forrester in 1999

• “Most frequently-quoted industry analysis”

• Sought after Public Speaker

• Blogs

‐ The Altimeter

‐ Midnight Musings

‐ www.svmoms.com

• Joined Forrester in 1995

• Developed the Technographics® segmentation

• Research, Analysis, and Opinion

‒ Frequent Publications

‒ Keynote Speaker

• Writing

‒ Forrester Blog

‒ Marketing News Column

The Groundswell

The Social Technographics Ladder

The POST Method

Meghan Beytagh

Contact Information

• email:

[email protected]

• Blog:


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