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Page 1: Practice makes perfect Project Link

Application Project: Practice Makes Perfect

By: Michael Cowan

In Build Mode

Page 2: Practice makes perfect Project Link

Site Published


I’m not sure why but why but when I add the photos in they were way bigger than what fits and then when I published the site it showed up like the picture above.

That is why I added all the photos into this document. Also I figured out that I cannot add in the files I did with Giotto unless I pay for the premium version of

the site. I also could not add them into this word document so I put the files in the drop box where they will play through Windows Media Player.

Page 3: Practice makes perfect Project Link

Create your name in text with an effect or filter. This was not hard to do it was cool to look at the different things I could do with my name. I used GIMP 2.0 for this picture.

Add text of your future career and make the text rotate and flip. I might go to college for Video Game Design I have thought about it before and it is a possibility. I used GIMP 2.0.

Page 4: Practice makes perfect Project Link

Animate your favorite sports team name with added effect not used already. With this I did Ohio State because that is where I was born and they are my favorite team. I did a color fade on this activity using GIMP 2.0.

Use a fade effect on your favorite quote. This is one of my favorite quotes so I did a fade on it using GIMP 2.0. I think this is a very true quote.

Page 5: Practice makes perfect Project Link

Animate your name one letter at a time. With this activity I was able to edit each letter of my name at a time waving it the way I wanted. This was fun to do using GIMP 2.0.

Create "Georgia Virtual School" in text with a different effect. This was easy to do I added a border first and then added in a color effect into the words. For this activity I used GIMP 2.0 to get it done.

Page 6: Practice makes perfect Project Link

Create Motion Tween: This was not too hard to do I actually enjoyed making this and messing around with the different effects. I used the program you recommended for this Giotto and I tried to add it to my site but I’m not sure if it worked so I added the file in the drop box.

Create Shape Tween: This was also fun to make not very hard once I figured out how to use the program. I also used Giotto for this and had the same issue so the file is in the drop box.

Create a button to use on a website: The home button was not hard to make on the website it

only took a few minutes. All I had to was add a link to GAVS homepage into the button and put a

title on the button.

Create an animation that reveals two different animations happening at the same time: This activity was added into the drop box named as “2 Animations at once.” It was not hard to do like I said before once I got to know how the program worked it was fun and easy to do.

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