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1 Praise God that his mercies are new every morning and every year.

2 Praise God for all the support in 2014 to ensure that the homeless and hungry received love and care.

3 Praise God for the hundreds of people who remembered the homeless and hungry in special ways during the holidays.

4 Pray that people would continue to remember the homeless and hungry during the cold, winter season.

5 Pray for safety for the homeless as the temperatures dip lower and lower.

6 Pray for patience and energy for the staff as the demand for services increases this winter.

7 Pray that guests would have God’s strength to make the hard decisions that life restoration requires.

8 Pray for God’s leading on several open staff positions, including an evening administrative assistant in our new Access Center.

9 Pray for additional volunteers in our Access Center to help answer phones, welcome guests, etc.

10 Pray for wisdom for our guests as they work to move out of homelessness.

11 Praise God for a family that recently signed a lease and will be moving out of homelessness.

12 Pray for this family as they transition. Pray that their church family will wrap them in love, encouragement and support.

January 2015 Prayer CalendarSun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

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13 Praise God for a woman who was previously depressed and anxious but has now discovered that God loves her, and her outlook is changing.

14 Praise God for opportunities our staff have to share the Gospel with guests.

15 One month ago today, we held a time of prayer to dedicate several renovated rooms in our men’s dorm. Praise God with us for his continued provision.

16 Praise God for a new guest who is eager to move forward and is engaged in her church.

17 Praise God for opportunities to build relationships with guests through our new Biblical Life Management Class.

18 Praise God for guests’ gratefulness to learn and grow through our new Biblical Life Management class.

19 Pray for God’s healing as guests work through wounds from their pasts.

20 Pray for restoration for guests who are alienated from family, especially when kids are involved.

21 Pray for a staff person who just had another setback in her recurring health concerns.

22 Pray for volunteers who can lead Bible Studies or classes they may already be teaching at their own churches.

23 Pray for wisdom as we seek to upgrade our food operations. Pray for patience and understanding for all involved.

24 Pray for our clinic’s board and staff in this season of uncertainty in health care and health insurance.

25 Praise God for volunteers who take time to pray with and encourage the patients in our clinic.

26 Praise God for good cohesion and unity among the staff.

27 Pray for even more grace and unity among staff as we continue to transition to our new ministry model.

28 Continue to pray for Annette, a middle-schooler who is hurting after the death of her father.

29 Pray for the men, women and families who became homeless for the first time this month.

30 Pray for donations of ground beef.

31 Praise God for several churches that recently started donating to Water Street.


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To receive this prayer calendar by email or the US Postal Service, call Sharon at(717) 358-2028 or email [email protected]

Water Street MissionPO Box 7267, Lancaster, PA 17604Phone: (717) 393-7709 Fax: (717) 393-4966Email: [email protected] Web: WSM.orgFacebook: Facebook.com/WaterStreetMinistries Twitter: Twitter.com/WaterStMin

Water Street’s Enrichment Center

Thanks for your prayers as we navigate many changes within the ministry. The heartbeat of our holistic care is found in our new Enrichment Center. “The purpose of the EC is to provide services that will address the specific needs of each guest so that they can overcome the obstacles that hinder their advancement in life,” said Mark Noel, the Director of the Enrichment Center Services at Water Street.

It is here where all our guests can access a variety of classes and programs. “We offer services such as educational and spiritual classes, individual tutoring, and access to our computer lab. Guests can take Microsoft Word classes and access job search and preparation assistance,” Mark said. There are plans for future classes in the areas of Health and Fitness, Smoking Cessation, and Spiritual Restoration. This is where community partnerships come together with our core values to serve the individual.•

Our new Enrichment Center is where all our guests can access a variety of classes and programs, like the ones Louisa took that enabled her to get a job. Read more about Louisa’s transformation while at Water Street in January’s edition of the Messenger, or visit wsm.org/Jan2015Messenger.

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