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Page 1: Prayer for Muslim People Groups in the USA Presented by: Brian Considine Ethnic Embrace USA.

Prayer for Muslim People Groups in the USA

Ramadan 2014Starts June 28th

Presented by: Brian Considine Ethnic Embrace USA

Page 2: Prayer for Muslim People Groups in the USA Presented by: Brian Considine Ethnic Embrace USA.

Arabs in DFW“When Isaiah saw the glory of God and received the burden for all the Gentile nations, his message was greater than he imagined. The burden of Arabia (Isaiah 21:13), and Arabia became the cradle of Islam. And, Islam after 13 centuries became a challenge to Faith and with other larger and more important Moslem lands confronts us today with the glory of the impossible” Samuel Zwemer – “The Apostle to Islam”

Challenge of the Islamic World

Page 3: Prayer for Muslim People Groups in the USA Presented by: Brian Considine Ethnic Embrace USA.

Oneness of God

Angels of God

Books of God

Prophets (Messengers of God)

Day of Judgment

Divine Decree

6 Major Beliefs of Islam

Page 4: Prayer for Muslim People Groups in the USA Presented by: Brian Considine Ethnic Embrace USA.

The Declaration of Faith (shahada)

Prayer (salat)

Charity (zakat)

Fasting (sawm)

Pilgrimage to Mecca (hajj)

5 Pillars of Islam

Page 5: Prayer for Muslim People Groups in the USA Presented by: Brian Considine Ethnic Embrace USA.

What Image of the Muslim World Do You Hold?

How Should this Inform our Prayers?

Page 6: Prayer for Muslim People Groups in the USA Presented by: Brian Considine Ethnic Embrace USA.

What Image of the Muslim World Do You Hold?

How Should this Inform our Prayers?

Page 7: Prayer for Muslim People Groups in the USA Presented by: Brian Considine Ethnic Embrace USA.
Page 8: Prayer for Muslim People Groups in the USA Presented by: Brian Considine Ethnic Embrace USA.

1.6 Billion Muslims Worldwide





Middle East/North Africa

Sub Sahara Africa



Page 9: Prayer for Muslim People Groups in the USA Presented by: Brian Considine Ethnic Embrace USA.


of MuslimsIndonesia 170,310,000Pakistan 136,000,000

Bangladesh 106,050,000India 103,000,000

Turkey 62,410,000Iran 60,790,000

Egypt 53,730,000Nigeria 47,720,000China 37,108,000

Top 10 Largest Muslim Populations

Page 10: Prayer for Muslim People Groups in the USA Presented by: Brian Considine Ethnic Embrace USA.

1.3 Billion Have Never Heard the Gospel

Page 11: Prayer for Muslim People Groups in the USA Presented by: Brian Considine Ethnic Embrace USA.

One Christian Witness for Every 522,000 Muslims

40+ Evangelicals for every one Muslim in the USA

Page 12: Prayer for Muslim People Groups in the USA Presented by: Brian Considine Ethnic Embrace USA.

Seismic Shift in the Islamic World

“Something is happening, somethinghistoric, something unprecedented.”Dr. David Garrison

Page 13: Prayer for Muslim People Groups in the USA Presented by: Brian Considine Ethnic Embrace USA.

More Muslims convert in 13 yearsthan previous 1,400 year combined

Every Hour 667 Muslims convert16,000 per day

6 million annually

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdVnILalpeo#t=254

Finding Jesus in the Islamic World

Page 14: Prayer for Muslim People Groups in the USA Presented by: Brian Considine Ethnic Embrace USA.

July/August 2013

Page 15: Prayer for Muslim People Groups in the USA Presented by: Brian Considine Ethnic Embrace USA.

Top Reasons Muslims Convert

Knowledge of Islam and Apologetics

> 1%

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Top Reasons Muslims Convert

Bible Love Dreams0%










Page 17: Prayer for Muslim People Groups in the USA Presented by: Brian Considine Ethnic Embrace USA.

Why are Muslims coming to faith like never before? Convergence: • Intercession• Qur‘anic verses about Jesus & the Bible• Exposure to Scripture • Loving Initiative from Christians

Radicalism: questioning the basis of their faith

Globalization: a world connected by technology

Diaspora: Muslims people are on the move

God’s Timing? Romans 11:25 …“full number of Gentiles come in”

Source: http://www.missionfrontiers.org

Page 18: Prayer for Muslim People Groups in the USA Presented by: Brian Considine Ethnic Embrace USA.

Prayer for Muslim People Groups in the USA

Ramadan 2014Starts June 28th

Page 19: Prayer for Muslim People Groups in the USA Presented by: Brian Considine Ethnic Embrace USA.

“From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us.” Acts 17:26-27

A Sovereign Move of God?

What if God was bringing Muslims here for more than a better life?

Page 20: Prayer for Muslim People Groups in the USA Presented by: Brian Considine Ethnic Embrace USA.

Muslim Population in the U.S.A. (2010)

Source: http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/05/02/article-2138365-12E344E2000005DC-668_964x683.jpg

Page 21: Prayer for Muslim People Groups in the USA Presented by: Brian Considine Ethnic Embrace USA.

Muslim Population in the U.S.A.Top 10 States

Largest Population

California, New York, Illinois, New Jersey,

Indiana, Michigan,

Virginia, Texas, Ohio, and Maryland.

Top 10 CitiesLargest % of population

Detroit Washington, D.C.

Cedar Rapids, Philadelphia, New

York Atlanta, Peoria, San Francisco,

Houston, Chicago Note: Estimated Muslim population vary from 2.3 million to 6-

8 million

Page 22: Prayer for Muslim People Groups in the USA Presented by: Brian Considine Ethnic Embrace USA.

Birthplace of Muslims in the U.S.

According to Joshua Project Muslims originate from over 67 people groups in the U.S.A.

Page 23: Prayer for Muslim People Groups in the USA Presented by: Brian Considine Ethnic Embrace USA.

International Students International Commerce


Muslims are Coming to America

From Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Kuwait, Indonesia, India…(and elsewhere)

From every Muslim nations

From Iraq, Iran, Somalia Afghanistan, Syria...(and elsewhere),

From many Muslim nations…

Page 24: Prayer for Muslim People Groups in the USA Presented by: Brian Considine Ethnic Embrace USA.

A conflict of cultures or a lack of understanding?

Attitude about Muslims

“There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.” 1 John 4:18

Page 25: Prayer for Muslim People Groups in the USA Presented by: Brian Considine Ethnic Embrace USA.

Attitude about Muslims

What is influencing my attitude toward Muslims the most?

“But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” Matthew 5:44

Page 26: Prayer for Muslim People Groups in the USA Presented by: Brian Considine Ethnic Embrace USA.

Attitude of Muslims

What would change if more American-Christians considered themselves Christians first?

Page 27: Prayer for Muslim People Groups in the USA Presented by: Brian Considine Ethnic Embrace USA.

The Experience of American- Muslims

Soure: http://www.people-press.org/2011/08/30/a-portrait-of-muslim-americans/

Page 28: Prayer for Muslim People Groups in the USA Presented by: Brian Considine Ethnic Embrace USA.

“not many Muslims

are actually engaged

by Christians

”Nabeel Qureshi,

author of “Seeking Allah, Finding


“How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?” Romans 10:14

Page 29: Prayer for Muslim People Groups in the USA Presented by: Brian Considine Ethnic Embrace USA.

Welcoming the “Stranger?”

“I was a stranger and you invited me in”? Matthew 25:35

Page 30: Prayer for Muslim People Groups in the USA Presented by: Brian Considine Ethnic Embrace USA.

Our cultural challenge

“Many immigrants and refugees from community-oriented cultures struggle with

the hyper-individualism and isolation of American culture.”

Erich Bridges

"If we want to obey His commands, then we need to welcome the stranger.“

The Stranger

Page 31: Prayer for Muslim People Groups in the USA Presented by: Brian Considine Ethnic Embrace USA.

“the first thing a Christian should do, when sharing their faith with Muslims, is to concentrate on Christ and not worry about if they may say something that might offend…. Humbleness is one of the greatest ways to get through to Muslims”Nabeel Qureshi

“And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself”

Matthew 22:39

Page 32: Prayer for Muslim People Groups in the USA Presented by: Brian Considine Ethnic Embrace USA.

Beliefs about Isa al Masih (Jesus)

Find common ground to build bridges of love


Revered Prophet

Not the Son of God

Never Crucified, taken to heaven

The Messiah for the Jews Only


Virgin Birth



Word of God

Will Return



Son of God


Crucified & Resurrected

Part of the Trinity

Messiah of the whole world


Page 33: Prayer for Muslim People Groups in the USA Presented by: Brian Considine Ethnic Embrace USA.

Praying during Ramadan30 Largest Muslim People Groups in

the USA

Downloadable and Online Prayer


Online Calendar Links to More


Many other Resources available

Social Media feeds start June 28th


Page 34: Prayer for Muslim People Groups in the USA Presented by: Brian Considine Ethnic Embrace USA.

Joining the World in Prayer


Page 35: Prayer for Muslim People Groups in the USA Presented by: Brian Considine Ethnic Embrace USA.

“churches everywhere should get this resource and use it!" J. D. Payne, pastor of church multiplication, The Church at Brook Hills


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