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Page 1: Preliminary Program - CPPA Progra… · lectures, structured conversations and poster sessions. On top of that, our uniquely interactive atmosphere provides a format for exchanging

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Preliminary Program

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The 2nd Canadian Conference on Positive Psychology

3 days of sharing leading-edge research and best practices in the application of Positive

Psychology across multiple disciplines.

Board of DirectorsLouisa Jewell, MAPP, President

Dr. Jamie Gruman, ChairLisa Sansom, MBA, MAPP, Vice-Chair

Dr. Greg Evans, Director Strategic PartnershipsDr. Tami Kulbatski Director and Membership Chair

Dr. Marie-Hélène Budworth, Director

Table of Contents

Over 100 positive psychology experts will be speaking on topics in 5 main streams. Speakers will discuss:

1. The latest research in positive psychology and recent findings

2. Implementation of positive psychology initiatives in education and schools to build resilience and improve academic performance

3. Strategies for applying positive psychology in counselling and psychotherapy

4. Tools and techniques for coaches to leverage in their practice

5. Best practices for business consultants and HR specialists to build positive and productive workplaces Conference Committee

Maureen McKenna: Conference ChairWayne Greenway: Conference Manager

Dr. Greg Evans: Strategic Partnerships and Sponsorship Lisa Gervais: Marketing & Communications

Sajel Bellon: Conference CoordinatorLavina Sadhwani & Despina Lagis: Conference Administrators

Louisa Jewell: Conference Advisor

4 ………………………………………..President's Message

5 ………………………………………..Conference Chair Message

6 ………………………………………..About the CPPA

7 ………………………………………..Keynotes

10 ………………………………………..Pre-Conference Workshops

15 ………………………………………..Invited Speakers

17 ………………………………………..Schedule

21 ………………………………………..Transportation

22 ………………………………………..Who Should Attend?

23 ………………………………………..Registration Details

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Dear Friends,

If you attended our inaugural Canadian Conference on Positive Psychology in Toronto last year, you’ll know why I’m so excited about reprising that success in Ottawa in 2014.

Positive Psychology is attracting attention around the world. By focusing on what is best in life and how to create more of it, this fast-growing new discipline is increasing productivity, strengthening organizations, creating stronger schools and helping humans to flourish in every aspect of their lives.At our 2nd annual conference, we’re going to cover all that and more.

Join us at Ottawa’s Fairmont Chateau Laurier to discover the latest research and best practices from 100 top experts in Positive Psychology, as well as 500 delegates representing more than 10 different professions. Our keynote speakers are four of the most internationally respected researchers in the field: Dr. Sonja Lyubomirsky, Dr. Tim Kasser, Dr. Michael F. Steger, and Dr. Robert Vallerand.

You’ll find all the features you’d expect in a traditional conference: workshops, symposia, keynote lectures, structured conversations and poster sessions. On top of that, our uniquely interactive atmosphere provides a format for exchanging knowledge, sparking new ideas, catalyzing partnerships and strengthening the practice of Positive Psychology across many sectors. It’s your opportunity to experience positive psychology in action!

If that’s not enough, sign up for one of our fabulous pre-conference workshops to explore an aspect of positive psychology in depth. It all adds up to one powerful learning experience. To find out how to register, where to stay and much more, browse our website at www.positivepsychologycanada.com. See you in Ottawa July 16–18th!

This is one conference you won’t want to miss.

Maureen McKennaConference Chair2nd Canadian Conference on Positive Psychology

Dear Friends,

It is my sincere pleasure to welcome you to the Second Canadian Conference on Positive Psychology. We are thrilled to bring together so many exceptional speakers, researchers, practitioners and students from around the world for what is sure to be three days of inspired learning, knowledge sharing and networking. Positive psychology focuses on human strengths and it is founded on the belief that people want more than just an antidote to depression or treating depressive symptoms after the fact. The CPPA recognizes that people need strategies to help them deal successfully with the complexities of our modern world.

The CPPA has come very far in just two short years. Our first Canadian conference in July 2012 was a huge success with overwhelmingly positive evaluations and feedback. People were impressed with the broad range of learning topics and the exceptional organization of the conference. We also held several workshops throughout the year to continue to allow people to get deeper on the topics in positive psychology for applications in education counselling, organizations and coaching. In November 2013, we held our Educating for Resilience Conference for teachers and educators to help improve mental health and fitness with children and youth across Canada. We continue to dialogue with the Ministry of Education to help define a well-being research framework that includes components for building positive mental health in the classroom.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the volunteers who are busy organizing our conference and keeping our association so vibrant. Without them, we would not exist! I would also like to thank our kind sponsors for their financial support and the supporting organizations that have done so much to help us.

I am very excited about the Second Canadian Conference on Positive Psychology and I look forward to meeting you in July 2014!

Louisa Jewell, MAPPPresident Canadian Positive Psychology Association

Letter from the President

Letter from the Conference


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About the CPPA

Sonja LyubomirskyHappiness: Science, Practice, and Myths

Happiness not only feels good; it is good. Happy people are more creative, productive, and helpful, have more stable marriages, and boast stronger immune systems than their less happy peers. In this presentation, Lyubomirsky debunks the common misconceptions about happiness. Drawing on her two decades of research with thousands of participants, she introduces ideas to boost health, productivity, and happiness in our day-to-day lives by describing several uniquely formulated “happiness strategies” that we can practice on a regular basis. These include practicing kindness, optimism, and gratitude in optimal ways. She also discusses critical factors that bolster our likelihood of achieving success, like finding the right fit between the happiness activities and our personalities, interests, and goals, as well as how to understand the obstacles to happiness and how to overcome them. Lyubomirsky emphasizes how much of our happiness at work and at home is within our control, and addresses the scientific “how” of her happiness research, demystifying the many myths that unnecessarily complicate its pursuit.

BIOGRAPHYSonja Lyubomirsky, Ph.D., is Professor of Psychology at the University of California, Riverside. She received her B.A. summa cum laude from Harvard University and her Ph.D. in social psychology from Stanford University. Lyubomirsky and her research on the science of happiness have been the recipients of many honors, including the Templeton Positive Psychology Prize and a Science of Generosity grant. She lives in Santa Monica, California, with her family.


The mission of the Canadian Positive Psychology Association (CPPA) is to improve the psychological health of all Canadians through the research and application of positive psychology

across Canada. Positive psychology is the scientific study of psychological well-being and flourishing and is supported by rigorous academic research from scholars around the world.

Our Vision

To have a psychologically healthy Canadian society through the application of positive psychology.

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KeynotesTim KasserThe Good Life or the Goods Life? Using the Science of Values to Live Well Together

Contemporary humans live in a culture that continually encourages them to focus on the acquisition of money, possessions, image, and status. A growing scientific literature shows that when people prioritize these extrinsic goals, they report lower levels of personal well-being, act in more competitive and unfriendly ways, and pursue lifestyles damaging to the ecosphere. Professor Kasser will briefly review this literature and then present an empirically-supported set of strategies to help people and cultures shift away from these damaging extrinsic values towards a set of intrinsic life pursuits that promote personal, social, and ecological well-being.

BIOGRAPHYAfter receiving his Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Rochester, Tim Kasser accepted a position at Knox College in Galesburg, Illinois, where he is currently Professor of Psychology. He has written numerous scientific articles and book chapters on materialism, values, goals, ecological sustainability, and quality of life. He spends a good deal of his time working with activist groups that protect children from commercialization, that promote ecological sustainability, and that encourage a more “inwardly rich” lifestyle than what is offered by consumerism.

Michael F. StegerMeaning in life: What we know, what we need to know, and some new research directions that can help us learn it

For literally thousands of years, the question of whether life has any higher meaning or purpose has vexed humanity. Now, after 25 centuries, modern psychological science has an answer to that question. The answer is “that is the wrong question.” Instead psychology has focused on understanding the consequences of individual people’s judgments that their own lives have significance and purpose. This talk reviews 50 years of research on meaning in life, identifying the main conclusions that can be drawn, as well as the important questions that still need to be addressed. BIOGRAPHYMichael F. Steger, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor of Counseling Psychology and Applied Social Psychology at Colorado State University. Dr. Steger received his Ph.D. with a dual specialization in Counseling and Personality Psychology from the University of Minnesota in 2005. He is an Associate Editor for Journal of Personality, and serves on the editorial board of numerous journals. His published works include two books, Designing Positive Psychology, and the recently-released Purpose and Meaning in the Workplace.

Robert VallerandThe Role of Motivational Processes in People’s Lives

BIOGRAPHYDr. Robert Vallerand is Professor and Chair of the Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology at McGill University. Dr. Vallerand holds a Ph.D. (Université de Montréal), a MA (McGill), a B.Sc. (UQTR), and a postdoctoral fellowship in experimental social psychology at the University of Waterloo. Dr. Vallerand’s interest focuses on motivational processes and how these may affect functioning for better or for worse across the lifespan. His research has recently focused on the concept of passion and its impact on psychological, physical, and relational well-being as well as expert performance and contributions to society.Professor Vallerand has written close to 300 articles and book chapters mainly in the area of social motivation, as well as 6 books. Professor Vallerand has secured several millions in research grants and has supervised several doctoral and postdoctoral students, including 20 who are now university professors across Canada and Europe. He is on the editorial board of several journals including JPSP, PSPB, and Motivation and Emotion and has served as President of both the Canadian Psychological Association and the Société Québécoise pour la Recherche en Psychologie. Finally, he has received several honors, including being elected Fellow of the American Psychological Association, the Association for Psychological Science, the Canadian Psychologial Association, and the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, and receiving the Sport Scientific Award from the International Olympic Committee and the Adrien-Pinard career award from the Société Québécoise pour la Recherche en Psychologie. Professor Vallerand is the current Past President of the International Positive Psychology Association.


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Preconference WorkshopsJuly 16, 9AM - 12PM

Experiential Corporate Training on Positive Psychology with Lisa Sansom, MAPP

Description: In this 3-hour pre-conference workshop, Lisa Sansom will share her experience in designing and delivering experiential and interactive corporate workshops on a variety of positive psychology topics. Lisa’s corporate sessions have been very highly rated, and she has over 12 years of corporate training expertise. In this workshop, you will not only experience the power of these positive interventions for yourself, but you will also learn how to deliver these experiences to your professional audiences. While these interventions and instructional techniques may be suitable for a wide variety of audiences, examples will be drawn primarily from the professional business world. Participants will:• learn how to instruct specific constructs in positive psychology for a corporate audience, and how

to make them relevant to business and work situations• learn how to design corporate workshops with positive psychology principles built into the

workshop design itself, not just as topics to be instructed• actively participate in exercises which they may then use with a corporate audience • have the opportunity to ask questions and share experiences teaching positive psychology in a

business environment

More about Lisa SansomLisa Sansom is the owner of LVS Consulting, a boutique consulting firm that helps to build positive organizations. As the Chief Positive Interventionist, Lisa shares positive psychology tools and techniques with her clients through speaking, corporate training and coaching across Canada. Lisa is a teacher in the broadest sense of the word. Through corporate speaking engagements, Lisa shares positive psychology insights with diverse audiences. Through leadership coaching, Lisa educates one-on-one, and helps her clients evolve and grow. Through corporate training, Lisa teaches the practicalities of positive psychology through change management, leadership development, team performance and interpersonal communications. Lisa obtained her MBA from the Rotman School of Management, and earned her coaching accreditation from Adler International Learning / OISE-UT. In addition she holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts from the University of Waterloo and a Bachelor of Education from Brock University. She completed her MAPP (Master of Applied Positive Psychology) from the University of Pennsylvania in 2010. In her volunteer time, Lisa is an active Board member of the Canadian Positive Psychology Association. She is also the President of the University of Pennsylvania MAPP Alumni Association. Lisa’s upcoming book is titled “Catch Them Doing Things Right”. You can contact Lisa through her website at www.lvsconsulting.com.

Preconference WorkshopsJuly 16, 9AM - 12PM

Strength Based Resiliency Program (SBR)

An experiential workshop on the application of the Strength Based Resiliency Curriculum in School Settings with Afroze Anjum, Psy.D., C.Psych, Toronto District School Board

Description: Positive psychology urges psychologists to ask a deeper and loftier question, about what is right with children and adolescents, in addition to exploring their weaknesses. The presenters will talk about strength-based assessment approach in detail, arguing that such an approach yields useful information above and beyond the information produced by traditional measures of psychopathology. Previous findings have suggested that the frequent use of signature strengths is associated with greater well-being. This assertion has not been tested widely with children and adolescents within schools. Results of three intervention studies which were conducted with students from the Toronto District School Board including one that has demonstrated that a multi-informant approach (i.e., strengths identified by teacher, parent, and a peer) of assessing signature strengths that boosts well-being and social skills will be presented. In addition, practical strategies from the Strength Based Resilience Curriculum for professionals to develop strengths of children and adolescents will be discussed. Without dismissing, minimizing or avoiding negatives, the participants of this workshop will learn various models of school applications of identifying and using positive resources such as positive emotions, fixed versus growth mind set, engagement, relationships, meaning and accomplishment to encounter symptoms and engender well-being. Salient components of the Strength Based Resiliency Curriculum will also be presented as above mentioned studies were based in that program. Visit www.strengthbasedresilience.com

More about Dr. Afroze AnjumDr. Afroze Anjum, is a School Psychologist at the Toronto District School Board. Dr. Anjum’s expertise includes incorporating positive psychology interventions and character strengths in psycho-educational evaluations and in special education programming. Dr. Anjum obtained her Doctoral degree from the Fairleigh Dickinson University, New Jersey and completed her post-doctoral training with Drs. Jane Gillham, Karen Reivich and Martin Seligman at University of Pennsylvania where she worked on the Swarthmore Positive Psychology Curriculum study with high school students. Trained as a Penn Resiliency Curriculum facilitator and a happiness coach, for more than a decade, Dr. Anjum has applied positive psychology interventions in a variety of school settings including replicating the Swarthmore study at a High School in Toronto. She has trained teachers in the Strength-based Resiliency curriculum for behavioral problems in multiple inner city schools. Currently her program is being taught by various teachers as well as mental health professionals in various schools. Her work has been published in peer-reviewed journals and in edited volumes

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Preconference WorkshopsJuly 16, 9AM - 4PM

Positive Psychotherapy (PPT)

An experiential workshop on clinical application of Positive Psychology in Clinical Settings with Tayyab Rashid, Ph.D., C.Psych, Health & Wellness Centre, University of Toronto Scarborough

Description: Positive psychotherapy (PPT) is a therapeutic approach, based on the premise that strengths can effectively ameliorate symptoms. PPT integrates symptoms and strengths; vulnerabilities and values; risks and resources. It actively builds optimism, love, gratitude, zest and curiosity with an assumption that overtime, strengths will accumulate to enhance resilience and life satisfaction, which in turn can buffer against future psychological distress. Specifically, PPT posits that amplifying character strengths, cultivating positive emotions, pursuing meaning, fostering positive relationships and achieving intrinsically motivated accomplishments—all may help clients to deal with psychiatric stress. PPT has been tested through eight randomized pilot and three non-randomized studies with a number of clinical conditions with promising results. It is currently being applied in randomized studies with borderline personality disorder and psychosis. Without dismissing, minimizing or avoiding negatives, the participants of this workshop will learn clinical applications of identifying and using positive resources such as positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning and accomplishment to encounter symptoms and engender well-being.

More about Dr. Tayyab Rashid Tayyab Rashid, Ph.D., C.Psych., is a licensed clinical psychologist at the Health and Wellness Centre at the University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC). His expertise includes positive clinical psychology, strength-based resilience, positive education, post-traumatic growth and multicultural counseling. Author of numerous scholarly papers and recipient of several honors, Dr. Rashid has trained mental health professionals and educators internationally and consults with several non-profit organizations. He has also worked with 9/11 families, Asian tsunami survivors and flood relief workers in Pakistan. Tayyab’s work has been featured in Wall Street Journal, Psychology Today, TEDx and at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation(CBC). Visit www.tayyabrashid.com

Introduction to Appreciative Inquiry through an AI Summit Experience with Jane Magruder-Watkins and Maureen (Mo) McKenna

Creating the Climate for Canadians to Flourish An Appreciative Inquiry Summit Experience.

“As people come together to accomplish ‘doing good’ out there—that is, concentrating and connecting their strengths in the service of building a better organisation, or city or world—they too begin to activate the PERMA mechanisms for their own and others’ flourishing.” - Professor David Cooperrider

Do you want to learn about Appreciative Inquiry (AI) AND experience an AI summit facilitated by two of the most experienced AI practitioners in the world? Have you been incorporating AI into the work you do, and yearn for the experience of participating in a summit? Perhaps you are only now learning how AI can support Positive Psychology at the organizational level. If you can say ‘yes’ to any of these questions - this is the workshop for you! Join Jane Magruder-Watkins, Appreciative Inquiry (AI) pioneer, guru and Maureen (Mo) McKenna a leading Canadian AI facilitator, in a highly experiential approach of how to use the principals and methodology of AI into your work and your life. AI focuses on what is working well by engaging people in asking questions and story-telling. As well as a process for facilitating positive change, it is a way of being and seeing the world every day. AI begins by identifying the positive core of any system and connecting to it in ways that heighten energy, sharpen vision, and inspire action for change. The focus for our inquiry will be discovering the positive core of the Canadian Positive Psychology Association (CPPA) and together dream about how we can help all Canadians to flourish. You will walk away from this workshop with the energy and confidence to begin incorporating AI into your work right away!

Jane Magruder Watkins has worked in the field of Organization Development for more than 40 years. Her work in over 50 countries has grounded her work in a global consciousness that values the diversity and possibility. Since the mid-1980’s, she has worked with David Cooperrider to develop and spread Appreciative Inquiry (AI) around the globe. In 2009 Jane received the Lifetime Achievement Award, from David Cooperrider, for her history of excellent work in Appreciative Inquiry throughout the world. As an early innovator in the use of Appreciative Inquiry, she has experimented with its application in all aspects of organizational life in multiple settings and cultures, as well as in personal growth and human development. She has published several articles about AI and is co-author with Bernard Mohr of the best-selling AI book: “Appreciative Inquiry: Change at the Speed of Imagination.”

Maureen McKenna is a dynamic and innovative facilitator, mentor, thinking partner and executive coach. She has worked in the field of Organizational Development and Change Leadership since 1995. Maureen is well respected by her clients for her ability to challenge their mental models, helping them to successfully reframe from traditional problem solving to focusing on their strengths to create innovative and sustainable solutions. As a “thinking partner” to fellow consultants and professionals, Maureen mentors and coaches them to achieve extraordinary results. To learn more go to her website: www.innovationworks.ca

Preconference WorkshopsJuly 16, 1PM - 4PM

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Living Well in Health and With Illness: What Psychology can Contribute to Canada’s Well Being

Dr. Karen Cohen is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA). Dr. Cohen has prepared and presented briefs to standing committees of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada on matters pertaining to health and mental health as well held a ministerial appointment to a national advisory group on disability. Dr. Cohen serves as Co-Chair of the Health Action Lobby, Chair of 2012/2013 Mental Illness Awareness Week (MIAW) and member of the Management Committee of MIAW’s host organization, the Canadian Alliance of Mental Illness and Mental Health (CAMIMH), and as co-chair of the Mental Health Table and 2012/13 Chair of the Canadian Consortium of Research.

Techniques in Positive Psychology Coaching with Shannon Polly, MAPP

Description: The field of positive psychology offers coaches a wealth of evidence-based practices that can help your clients be happier, improve well-being and increase resilience in everyday life. Positive psychology coaching is a strengths-based approach to coaching that focuses on what is ‘right’ with people to inspire growth and change. Join us for this three-hour workshop where Shannon Polly, MAPP graduate and executive coach will show you practical, hands-on tools that you can incorporate into your practice right away. You will learn:• An introduction to the PERMA well-being model to help your clients reach higher levels of

flourishing• Evidence-based positive psychology exercises and tools you can implement with your clients right

away• Practical step-by-step information on how to use each exercise with accompanying workbook If you are a coach and looking for more positive, solution-focused approaches to helping your clients thrive, this is the workshop for you.

More about Shannon M. Polly Shannon M. Polly is a corporate communications trainer, facilitator and speaker and founder of Shannon Polly and Associates, a leadership development company in downtown D.C.Shannon works with executives, managers and employees of Fortune 500 companies in two domain areas: executive presence/presentation skills (based on over a decade of experience as a professional actor/singer/playwright in New York) and positive psychology. Shannon uses the empirical research from positive psychology with her organizational clients to foster positive and flourishing workplaces. She is passionate about giving people the confidence to present themselves powerfully in front of a room and overcome the anxiety that often besieges public speakers. She is equally as passionate about sharing the science of well-being and increasing the ‘tonnage of happiness’ in the world. She has been an assistant instructor in the MAPP program at the University of Pennsylvania. She is a contributor to the book, Positive Psychology at Work, has developed curriculum for the higher education version of the movie, Happy and has been a facilitator for the Master Resiliency Training (MRT) program for the U.S. Army. The Army is the largest consumer of positive psychology in the world today and has plans to train all 1.1 million soldiers in resilience. Shannon is one of less than 300 people in the world who have received her Master in Applied Positive Psychology (MAPP) degree from the University of Pennsylvania under Dr. Martin Seligman. She also holds a graduate degree from the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art in classical acting and a B.A. with honors from Yale University. She is a contributing author to Positive Psychology News Daily and is a contributor to the book Positive Psychology at Work (Wiley, March 2011) and a contributing author (along with Dr. Martin Seligman) to European Handbook of Positive Psychology (2013). She is a co-founder of Positive Business DC. She lives with her husband and two young daughters in downtown D. C.

Invited SpeakersPreconference WorkshopsJuly 16, 1PM - 4PM

Positive Education: Mindfulness in schools

Dr. Lea Waters is an associate professor at the University of Melbourne, Australia where she is the Director of the Masters of School Leadership and Director of Positive Psychology Programs. She is a founding member of the Positive Psychology Centre and a lecturer in the Masters of Applied Positive Psychology program. She is a registered psychologist (AHPRA), a full member of the Australian Psychological Society (APS) and a full member of the APS College of Organisational Psychologists. In the Education sector, Lea has worked across the State System, Independent System and Catholic System in Australia. In her role as Director of the Master of School Leadership, she has assisted leaders from 85 schools within the Victorian state system to create positive change projects. She has worked with hundreds of schools in Australia and is currently consulting to the Chinese International School, Hong Kong.

The Body 2.0: Bringing Bodies back to Positive Psychology

Dr. Kate Hefferon is a Chartered Psychologist and Senior Lecturer at the University of East London. Kate graduated from the University of Ottawa with a BA in English Literature and Psychology, followed by a BA Honours in Psychology from Carleton University. This led to the completion of an MSc in Performance Psychology at Edinburgh University. Kate’s PhD thesis was on the experience of Post-traumatic growth among female breast cancer survivors and the role of the body and physical activity in the recovery and growth process. Other areas of interest are existential psychology, optimal experiences, the psychology of physical activity and interpretive phenomenological analysis (IPA).Kate’s career has led her to work with top sport scientists and individuals from internationally renowned dance companies, in addition to working with multiple elite Canadian performers.She is the author of several peer reviewed papers, books and book chapters and currently leads the MSc. in Applied Positive Psychology (MAPP) Programme at the University of East London.

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Invited SpeakersPositive Presenting: Techniques from Theeater and Psychology to Increase Your Presence and Somatic Well-Being

Shannon Polly is a corporate communications trainer, facilitator, speaker and founder of Shannon Polly and Associates, a leadership development company in Washington, D.C. Shannon works with Fortune 500 companies in two domain areas: executive presence/presentation skills (based on over a decade of experience as a professional actor/singer/playwright in New York) and positive psychology. She was an instructor in the MAPP program at UPENN, has been a facilitator for the Master Resiliency Training (MRT) program for the U.S. Army and developed curriculum for the Happy Movie. She is a contributing author to the book, Positive Psychology at Work; Positive Psychology News Daily; and (along with Dr. Martin Seligman) to the European Handbook of Positive Psychology (2013).

Markers of Flourishing University Students: The Canadian Context

Tayyab Rashid, Ph.D., C.Psych., is a licensed clinical psychologist at the Health and Wellness Centre at the University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC). His expertise includes positive clinical psychology, strength-based resilience, positive education, post-traumatic growth and multicultural counseling. Author of numerous scholarly papers and recipient of several honors, Dr. Rashid has trained mental health professionals and educators internationally and consults with several non-profit organizations. He has also worked with 9/11 families, Asian tsunami survivors and flood relief workers in Pakistan. Tayyab’s work has been featured in Wall Street Journal, Psychology Today, TEDx and at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation(CBC). Visit www.tayyabrashid.com

Schedule3 Days of Inspired Learning

8:00-4:00 Registration9:00-4:00 Pre-Conference Workshops

7:00-8:00 Registration8:00-8:15 Opening Remarks8:15-9:15 Opening Keynote Sonja Lyubomirsky9:15-9:45 Networking Break & Sonja Book Signing9:45-10:45 Concurrent Session 1

Symposium 1: An Overview of Theory and Research on Hedonia and EudaimoniaAn Overview of Theory and Research on Hedonia and Eudaimonia Veronika Huta How Eudaimonia and Hedonia Relate to Prosocial Behavior Keith Pearce How Eudaimonia and Hedonia Relate to Health Behaviors Kristen Myskiw How Eudaimonia and Hedonia Relate to Pro-environmental Behavior Misha Voloaca

Improving conflict communication for high-conflict couples Denise MarigoldThrough the looking glass: The Emotional Consequences of Mispredicting the Social Lives of Others Ashley WhillansMeaning-Seeking, Self-Affirmation, and Approach Motivation: True-Self Interventions Strengthen Some People but Weaken Others

Ian McGregor

Quelques implications sociales et politiques de la psychologie positive Jacques LeComteL'expérience vécue du stress-coping chez des étudiants universitaires: avenues prometteuses en psychologie positive

Renee Guimond-Plourde

Promouvoir l’épanouissement des personnes handicapées. Exploration du bien-être et des conditions favorables en ressources d’hébergement. 

Simon Coulombe

L’intégration de la psychologie positive dans les institutions scolaires Julie Bazinet

1. The Body 2.0: Bringing Bodies back to Positive Psychology Kate Hefferon2. Spotting and Managing Strengths for Gritty Self-Regulation, Resilience, and Achievement Sherri Fisher3. Working Intentionally and Explicitly with Hope in Counselling and Psychotherapy Denise Larsen

10:45-11:00 Networking Break11:00-12:00 Concurrent Session 2

The Secrets of Replenishment: How to Use Downtime to Foster Health, Happiness, and Success Jaime GrumanThe Impact of Emotions on Creative Thinking: Can Induced Mood Change People’s Level of Creativity? Can We Manipulate our Brains and Level of Creative Insight?

Sue Langley

Gratitude Bucket: Building Online Cultures of Appreciation and Recognition. Zachary Prager

Proposition et validation d’un modèle de transfert de connaissances issues de la recherche en éducation Caroline Marion Le rôle des besoins psychologiques fondamentaux de la théorie de l’autodétermination auprès des personnes vulnérables au suicide en recherche d’aide virtuelle.

Marie-Josée Girard

Description de ma conscience réflexive dans ma pratique de psychothérapie Karine Morin L’art-thérapie et la psychologie positive: ensemble pour favoriser une expérience humaine positive.  Jacinthe Lambert

1. Beyond Self-Doubt: The Science of Self-Confidence Louisa Jewell2. Wrong To Strong: Using Positive Psychotherapy For People With Chronic Mental Illness And Intellectual Disabilities

Dan Tomasulo

3. The Social Ability Curriculum: How the Principles of Positive Psychology Create Better PSW's when Included as Part of their Training

Suzanne Aldis-Routh

4. Promoting Positive Purpose Among Youth Jenni Menon Mariano12:00-1:15 Lunch1:15-2:15 Concurrent Session 3

Self-compassion, Stress, and Coping in the Context of Chronic Illness Fuschia SiroisThe Beneficial Role of Self-Compassion in Response to Diet Failures Dr Lisa MaskSelf-Compassion as a Protective Resource When Working Under Time Pressure Hannah Shucard

Évaluation développementale d’un atelier visant l’intégration de principes de psychologie positive dans le quotidien des participants

Martin Benny

Mesure de l’utilité du fil d’Ariane : un instrument visant à favoriser la résilience en réadaptation Gabriel Mélançon L’expérience subjective du bonheur chez les gens heureux Mélanie Veilleux

Symposium 1: Replenishment & Positive Emotions

Symposium 1: Self-Compassion as a Resilience Resource for Dealing with Life’s Challenges

Symposium 2: French Language Symposium


Symposium 2: French Language Symposium


Wednesday, July 16

Thursday, July 17

Symposium 3: French Language Symposium

Symposium 2: Unique Insights

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Schedule Schedule

1. Positive Presenting: Techniques from Theater and Psychology to Increase Your Presence and Somatic Well-Being

Shannon M. Polly

2. Markers of Flourishing University Students: The Canadian Context Tayyab Rashid3. Bouncing Back from Burnout: A Positive Psychology Framework for Preventing Burnout at Home and at Work

Paula Davis-Laack

4. Roots of Empathy and Seeds of Empathy: Promoting Positive Behaviours, Skills, and Relationships Kathryn Renton2:15-3:15 Networking Break and Poster Sessions

Impact of Personal and Organisational Resources to Determine Employee Engagement Radhika PunshiInfluence parentale et pratique physique des enfants Julien ChanalThe Moderating Role of Mindfulness Skills on Mood, Sleep and Quality of Life During a Mindfulness‐Based Randomized, Wait‐List Clinical Trial Intervention for Teenagers with Cancer

Catherine Malboeuf‐Hurtubise

Being versus Doing: Dependent and Self‐Critics’ Responses to online Meditation and Positivity Exercises Zahra KomeylianThe Bridge Drawing with Path Art‐Based Assessment: Exploring Meaningful Life Pathways in Higher Education Students

Olena Darewych

Positive Ageing Piers WorthFinding Something to be Thankful for? Gratitude Versus Benefit Finding in Adjustment to Chronic Illness Fuschia SiroisThe Economics of Happiness: An Examination of Children and Adolescents Tara NevilleLongevity and Aging Well: Size Does Matter Emiliya ZhivotovskayaElectrophysiological Correlates of High vs. Low Self‐Esteem Individuals John GrundyForgiveness as a Mediator of the Relationship between Emotion Regulation and Happiness Muna OsmanBenefits of Positive Reappraisals on Older Adults’ Emotional Well‐Being: An 8‐year Longitudinal Analysis Meaghan BarlowThe Effects of Studying Positive Psychology, Neuroscience, Mindfulness, Yoga, and Meditation Over A 5‐Month Period on Several Measures of Personal Growth, Happiness, and Life Satisfaction

Mandy Wintink

Clarifying the Structure of Subjective Well‐Being: Examining Associations Among Changes Over Time in Life Satisfaction, Positive Affect, and Negative Affect

Samantha Metler

3:15-4:15 Concurrent Session 4

A Longitudinal Examination of Generativity and Environmental Involvement Elise BissonThe Relationship between Identity, Community Involvement, and Generativity in a Longitudinal Study Fanli JiaPredicting Eudaimonic Well-Being Development in Young Adults: A Longitudinal Canadian Study Lucia Zivcakova

How Can We Find Positives in the Face of Adversity? - Lessons from Job Loss Jacqueline SynardLooking at the Bright Side of Work: An Intervention Using Daily Positive Psychology Intervention Gloria Gonzalez-MoralesDevelopment of an Assessment and Training Program for Employee Resiliency Natalie Wolfson

1. New Thinking on Helping People Make Meaning Michael F. Steger2. Positive Education: Mindfulness in schools Lea Waters3. Psychology of the Heart Ed Rubenstein4. Happiness 101 – An Innovative and Adaptable Program that Successfully Leads to Better Health Shannon Kearney

4:15-4:30 Networking Break4:30-5:30 First Day Closing Keynote Tim Kasser6:00-6:30 AGM

7:00-8:00 Registration8:00-8:15 Opening Remarks8:15-9:15 Opening Keynote Michael F. Steger9:15-9:45 Networking Break9:45-10:45 Concurrent Session 5

What is Happiness for Low SES People? Cindy WardUsing Appreciative Inquiry to Mobilise Community Members for Positive Community Change Liesette BrunsonFlourishing: American Indian Positive Mental Health Paradox Margarette Kading

Positive Psychology and Restorative Justice Piers WorthExamining the Belief that "Life Gets Better and Better": Is it Really a Positive Sign? Michael BusseriPassion in Relation to Individual Lifestyle, Self-Regulation, and Activity Engagement Jonathan Bridekirk

1. Living Well in Health and With Illness: What Psychology can Contribute to Canada’s Well-Being Karen Cohen2. The Mental Edge: The Difference Between the Best and the Rest Scott Asalone3. Prairie Fire: Kindling the Practice of Positive Psychology at Home and School Rosanne Kerr4. Cognitive and Affective Brain Function Improvements with Mindfulness Meditation and Yoga Mandy Wintink

10:45-11:00 Networking Break


Symposium 2: Exploring Well-Being

Symposium 1: Community Well-Being


Symposium 2: Resiliency at Work


Symposium 1: Prosocial Motives and Goals as Predictors of Positive Development in Emerging Adulthood

Friday, July 18

11:00-12:00 Concurrent Session 6

Psychological Need Satisfaction as an Antecedent and Consequence of Coping and Goal Progress Katie E. Gunnell Examining the Mediating Role of Coping in the Differential Associations of Affective and Motivational States with Affective Spillover

Eve-Marie Blouin-Hudon

Attending Class is Only the First Step in Being Present in Class: Attendance is Not Presence Alexandre Gareau Beyond Reciprocity: A Point By Point Analysis of Performance to Unpack the Role of Appraisals, Affect, and Coping

Patrick Gaudreau

The Interaction of Positive Psychology and Geriatrics Diana Boufford Successful Aging and Mental Illness: A Misnomer? Corina VelehorschiClown Doctoring and the Role of Positive Psychology in Geriatric Care Candace Hind

1. Using the Science of Values to Live Well Together: A Fuller, Practical Discussion Tim Kasser 2. The Correlation of Character Strengths and Grades in Law Students Dan Bowling3. Business (MO)dels Often Overlook the Modus Operandi of the Individuals: How Positive Business can Really Work

Pamela Teagarden

4. Mindfulness-Based Positive Psychology - ( MBPP) The Next Level of Positive Psychology Interventions  Robert Pal12:00-1:00 Lunch1:00-2:00 Concurrent Session 7

The Paradox of How Striving for Happiness Can Make You Less Happy Jaime GrumanExploring the dark side in positive psychology Kate HefferonPositive Psychology: Positive constructs, negative possibilities Christine Frank

Assessment of Health- and Development-Promoting Leadership Behavior Sylvie Vincent-HoperBanking on empowerment: the why, what and how of a strategy for high performance Andrew SorenValidation of a Strengths-Based Tool in Predicting Employee Performance and Engagement – A Cross Cultural Study

Sean Doyle

1. 5 Key Questions in Brief Solution Focused Coaching: Listening with Positive Emotions in Mind Haesun Moon2. Creating Positive Health: A Thriving Population, Healthy Healthcare Professionals, and a More Robust Healthcare Economy

Marsha Snyder

3. Successfully Infusing Positive Psychology into School Sporting Programs Matthew Scholes4. Mental Imagery Applied to Enhanced Wellbeing Lydia Levleva

2:00-3:00 Networking Break and Poster SessionsUnderstanding Purpose ‐ A Mindfulness Approach Robin YoungAgents of Positive Change: The Importance of Self‐compassion and Hope in Activism Jenny BrennanA Systematic Review of Hope in Psychotherapy: Focusing on Qualitative Research Kristine IaboniDispositional and Goal‐Related Motivation as Predictors of Eudaimonic and Hedonic Well‐Being Taysa-Rhea MiseA Feasibility Study Exploring the Relationship between Sense of Coherence and Trait Gratitude Using Mixed‐Methods

Daniel Henderson

The Effects of Mindfulness Meditation Training on Cognitive Performance: An Event-Related Potential Study

Swapna Krishnamoorthy

Microvolunteering, the Volunteer Identity and Self‐Esteem Andrea DixonHow Transformational Leadership Improves Follower Well‐Being: A Conservation of Resources Approach Kara ArnoldLe soutien des intervenants aux projets des personnes avec incapacités physiques vivant en ressource d’hébergement

Valerie Chevalier

Youth Volunteerism: Contributing to Community and to Positive Youth Development Sean PearceWhy Do You Care? Empathy, Sympathy, and Compassion in the Concept of Caring Courtney HumenyTeaching Success Through Advocacy Intervention Christopher WillsA Generic Qualitative Study of Organizational Passion in Psychology Professionals Dedicated to Their Jobs Vera DanielsIntegrating Positive Psychology with Solution‐Focused Practice in Psychosocial Rehabilitation Breanna Nielsen

3:00-4:00 Concurrent Session 8

From Despondency to Hope: Ending Addiction for Good Using a Positive Psychological Approach Constance Scharff“On the Road to a Better Life”: A Personal Goal Realization Program for Depressed Older Adults Sylvie LapierreA Social Determination Theory Perspective on Posttraumatic Growth Christopher Davis

Making the case for positive psychology interventions in organizations: Using research to demonstrate support

Marie-Helene Budworth

The Strength Landscape Project Claire FialkovA multi-level model of organizational virtue development: Relational leadership and positive spirals toward the virtuous organization

Jessica Nicholson

Symposium 2: Positive Organizations

Symposium 1: Positive Clinical Psychology


Symposium 2: Positive Organizations - Engagement, Empowerment, and Leadership

Symposium 1: The Dark Side of Positive Psychology


Symposium 2: The Intersection of Positive Psychology, Psychogeriatrics, and Geriatric Care

Symposium 1: On the Importance of Examining Reciprocal Deterministic Relationships in Positive Psychology

Page 11: Preliminary Program - CPPA Progra… · lectures, structured conversations and poster sessions. On top of that, our uniquely interactive atmosphere provides a format for exchanging

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Fairmont Château Laurier

The Conference organizers have negotiated a wonderful discount for all conference delegates. To access this discount and book your hotel go to: https://aws.passkey.com/event/10697501/owner/5915/home

The number of discounted rooms is limited so book as soon as possible!

If you prefer to call the Global Reservations Centre at 1-800-441-1414, please identify yourself as being part of the 2nd Canadian Conference On Positive Psychology to receive your special rate.

Reservations must be made by June 16th, 2014 in order to qualify for special conference group rate. With so much to see in Ottawa and its neighbouring communities,our conference delegates can extend their stay at the same great rate for three days before or after the conference.

Everyday you stay supports CPPA!

Located in the heart of Canada’s capital next door to the Parliament Buildings, the landmark Fairmont Château Laurier is a magnificent limestone edifice with turrets and masonry reminiscent of a French château.

Fairmont Château Laurier1 Rideau StreetOttawa, Ontario, CanadaK1N 8S7Telephone: 1-800-441-1414(613) 241-1414Fax: (613) 562-7030Email: [email protected]

Hotel & TransportationTransportation

Driving (directions from the Ottawa International Airport)Follow the Airport Parkway which becomes Bronson AvenueTurn right onto Colonel By Drive at the Rideau Canal, Follow Colonel By Drive to Rideau StreetTurn left onto Rideau Street, Fairmont Château Laurier is immediately on the right

Rental CarLocal car rental agencies are available. Contact our Concierge to make arrangements.

TrainThe Ottawa Via Rail Station is located three miles (6 km) from the hotel. Taxi service from the station to the hotel is approximately $10 one way. For more information, please visit the Via Rail website at www.viarail.ca or contact our Concierge.

LimousineLimousine service can be arranged through the Concierge.Rates are available starting at approximately $95 per hour.

TaxiTaxis are available at the entrance of the hotel. Rate to airport: approximately $38 one way.

ParkingThe hotel’s parking is accessible from Rideau Street (front of the hotel) or MacKenzie Street (side of the hotel).Indoor valet parking: $38/night with unlimited accessIndoor self parking: $26/night with unlimited accessPrices do not include taxes and are subject to change without notice.

Page 12: Preliminary Program - CPPA Progra… · lectures, structured conversations and poster sessions. On top of that, our uniquely interactive atmosphere provides a format for exchanging

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Researchers, Academics AND StudentsJoin us to learn from leading academics in the field around the world. Dialogue and share about the latest research in positive psychology and well-being. Engage with others for possible research collaboration in the future.

Teachers and EducatorsIn response to the high demand for more training that followed the very successful Educating for Resilience Conference in 2013, a stream of learning and structured conversations has been created to highlight research and present practical tools for the classroom. You will gain proven strategies for creating a positive school culture and explore how positive psychology is helping students around the world be more resilient, get better grades, reduce stress and improve happiness and well-being.

CoachesThis conference is the largest gathering of Positive Psychology professionals ever in Canada. Join us to deepen the impact of your coaching. Coaches, counsellors and consultants who have successfully applied evidence based techniques from positive psychology will share practical applications, exercises, activities and tools which you can immediately add to your toolkit

Mental Health and Clinical ProfessionalsThe newest research in the application of Positive Psychology with clients in clinical settings schools and organizations will be presented by world renown researchers. Leading edge practical applications and techniques will be shared by speaker practitioners Explore the growing body of research that supports the use of techniques such as positive psychotherapy and mindfulness stress reduction with specific clinical populations.

Organizational Consultants, Leaders and HR ProfessionalsLearn the cutting-edge information and techniques to increase employee engagement and bottom-line productivity. Join us to discover why happiness is the principle cause rather than just the result of success. Happy employees have, on average: 31% higher productivity; 37% higher sales; and 3 times greater creativity. You will gain practical applications, exercises, activities and tools that will have a powerful impact in your workplace.

Who Should Attend? Registration Details

Delegate Categories Early Bird Regular RateDeadline Before June 8 before July 18

Full Day  or Two Half Days $275 $275Half Day $150 $150Student Full Day or Two Half Days $125 $125Student Half Day $75 $75

CPPA Member $550 $675Non-Member $650 $750Student CPPA Member** $275 $325Student Non-Member** $325 $425Developing Nations $275 $340

CPPA Member $275 $350Non-Member $350 $375Student CPPA Member** $150 $175Student Non-Member** $175 $250

**Students must be registered in a full-time program.

One Day Conference Registration

Conference Registration

Pre-Conference Workshop Registration

Page 13: Preliminary Program - CPPA Progra… · lectures, structured conversations and poster sessions. On top of that, our uniquely interactive atmosphere provides a format for exchanging


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Twitter – www.twitter.com/CdnPosPsych

2nd Canadian Conference on

Positive Psychology July 16-18, 2014


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