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Page 1: PRELIMINARY STUDY ON THE DELHI-UTTAR …This “The Study on Railway Project between Delhi and Uttar Pradesh” is to focus on Delhi city, National Capital, and its adjoining Greater

Study on Economic Partnership Projects

in Developing Countries in FY2014




Final Report

February 2015

Prepared for:

Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC

Japan External Trade Organization

Prepared by:

Tonichi Engineering Consultants, Inc.

Nihon Sekkei Inc.

Metro Development Co., Ltd.


Page 2: PRELIMINARY STUDY ON THE DELHI-UTTAR …This “The Study on Railway Project between Delhi and Uttar Pradesh” is to focus on Delhi city, National Capital, and its adjoining Greater

Reproduction Prohibited

Page 3: PRELIMINARY STUDY ON THE DELHI-UTTAR …This “The Study on Railway Project between Delhi and Uttar Pradesh” is to focus on Delhi city, National Capital, and its adjoining Greater


This report summarizes outputs from “The Study on Railway Project between Delhi and Uttar

Pradesh” an Economic Partnership project in developing countries in FY2014 entrusted to Tonichi

Engineering Consultants, Inc., TOSTEMS Inc., Metro Development Co., Ltd., NIHON SEKKEI,

INC., in association with The Japan Research Institute, Limited by “The Ministry of Economy, Trade

and Industry”.

This “The Study on Railway Project between Delhi and Uttar Pradesh” is to focus on Delhi city,

National Capital, and its adjoining Greater Noida in Uttar Pradesh, and to study the feasibility of

railway route which connects between Greater Noida district and Indira Gandhi International Airport

(total length around 60 km) .

We hope this report help in implementing the Project and to be a reference for officials of our

country as well.

Finally, we wish to express our sincere appreciation to JETRO Delhi office, JICA, Embassy of Japan

in India, and officials of Indian organization concerned with this project for the close cooperation

and assistance extended to the Study Team. We shall pray for realization of the project.

February, 2015

Tonichi Engineering Consultants, Inc.


Metro Development Co., Ltd.


The Japan Research Institute, Limited (in association)

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【Project Map】

Source: Study Team

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List of Abbreviation

Abbreviation Official Name

AC Alternate Current

ADB Asian Development Bank

ATACS Advanced Train Administration and Communications System

ATC Automatic Train Control

ATO Automatic Train Operation

ATP Automatic Train Protection

ATS Automatic Train Supervision

B/C Benefit/Cost

BOT Build-Operate-Transfer

CBD Central Business District

CCTV Closed-Circuit Television

CDM Clean Development Mechanism

CTC Centralized Traffic Control

DC Direct Current

DED Detailed Engineering Design

DFC Dedicated Freight Corridor

DMIC Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor

DMICDC Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor Development Corporation Limited

DMRC Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd.

DSCR Debt Service Coverage Ratio

ECC Environmental Compliance Certificate

ECP Environmentally Critical Projects

EIA Environmental Impact Assessment

EIRR Economic Internal Rate of Return

EIS Environmental Impact Statement

EMP Environmental Management Plan

EN European Norm

EO Executive Order

EPABX Electronic Private Automatic Branch Exchange

FIRR Financial Internal Rate of Return

FL Formation Level

FOB Free on Board

FOTL Fiber Optic Transmission Line

FS Feasibility Study

GDP Gross Domestic Product

GL Grand Level

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GOI Government of India

GOJ Government of Japan

H.W.L High Water Level

HCP Hollow Core Plank

HGC Home Guarantee Corporation

HOV High Occupancy Vehicle

IGIA Indira Gandhi International Airport

IMF International Monetary Fund

IR Indian Railways

IRR Internal Rate of Return

ISO International Organization for Standardization

JBIC Japan Bank for International Cooperation

JETRO Japan External Trade Organization

JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency

LCC Life Cycle Cost

LCX Leaky Coaxial Cable

METI Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

MLIT Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism

MOF Ministry of Finance

MOU Memorandum of Understanding

MOUD Ministry of Urban Development

MRTS Mass Rapid Transit System

NCR National Capital Region

NPV Net Present Value

O&M Operation and Maintenance

OCC Operation Control Center

OCS Overhead Contact System

OD Origin-Destination

ODA Official Development Assistance

OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer

PABX Private Automatic Branch exchange

PC Pre-stressed Concrete

PCU Passenger Car Unit

PFI Private Finance Initiative

PPHPD Passengers per hour per direction

PPP Public-Private Partnership

RAP Resettlement Action Plan

RC Reinforced Concrete

RDSO Research, Designs and Standards Organization

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ROB Road Over Bridge

ROW Right of Way

RSS Rectifier Substations

SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition

SPV Special Purpose Vehicle

SS Substation

STEP Special Terms for Economic Partnership

TDM Traffic Demand Management

TMP Traffic Management Plan

TSP Total Suspended Particulate

TTC Travel Time Cost

UIC Union Internationale des Chemins de fer (International Union of Railways)

UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply

VCR Vehicle Capacity Ratio

VGF Viability Gap Funding

VOC Vehicle Operating Costs

VVVF Variable Voltage Variable Frequency (adjustable voltage adjustable frequency)

WACC Weighted Average Cost of Capital

WB World Bank

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Table of Contents


Project Map

List of Abbreviations

Table of Contents

Executive Summary

(1) Background and Necessity of the Project ..................................................................... S-1

(2) Basic Consideration for the Project Configuration ....................................................... S-1

(3) Outline of the Project ...................................................................................................... S-2

(4) Project Implementation Schedule ................................................................................. S-4

(5) Viability of Yen Credit Application and Implementation ............................................ S-5

(6) Technical Advantage of Japanese Company ................................................................ S-5

(7) Project Location Map ................................................................................................... S-6

Chapter 1 Overview of the Host Country and Sector

1.1 Socio-Economic Features .........................................................................................1-1

1.1.1 Outline of Economic Growth in India ................................................................1-1

1.1.2 Trend of Population Growth ..............................................................................1-1

1.1.3 Increase of Urban Population .............................................................................1-2

1.2 Overview of the Target Sector in the Host Country ..................................................1-3

1.2.1 Existing Urban Traffic Situation in NCR-Delhi ................................................1-3

1.2.2 Delhi Metro Network .........................................................................................1-3

1.3 Present Condition of the Project Area .......................................................................1-6

1.3.1 General ...............................................................................................................1-6

1.3.2 Meteorological Condition ..................................................................................1-6

1.3.3 Development Plan regarding Project Area .........................................................1-7

Chapter 2 Study Methodology

2.1 Scope of the Study ....................................................................................................2-1

2.2 Study Methodology and Structure ............................................................................2-3

2.2.1 Team Members ......................................................................................................2-3

2.2.2 Counterpart Agencies ............................................................................................2-3

2.3 Study Schedule ..........................................................................................................2-3

2.3.1 Study Schedule ......................................................................................................2-3

2.3.2 Major Interviewee ..................................................................................................2-4

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Chapter 3 Justification, Objectives and Technical Feasibility of Project

3.1 Background and Rationality of the Project ................................................................3-1

3.1.1 Background of Project .........................................................................................3-1

3.1.2 Necessity of the Project .......................................................................................3-3

3.2 Demand Forecast ........................................................................................................3-4

3.2.1 Presupposition for Demand Forecast .................................................................3-4

3.2.2 Result of Demand Forecast .............................................................................. 3-12

3.3 Outline of the Project Plan ......................................................................................... 3-21

3.3.1 Route Plan .......................................................................................................... 3-21

3.3.2 Civil Structure Plan .......................................................................................... 3-37

3.3.3 Train Operation Plan .......................................................................................... 3-44

3.4 Traffic Node Development Program .......................................................................... 3-55

3.4.1 Flow of the Analysis .......................................................................................... 3-55

3.4.2 Present Situation and Problems at the Traffic Node in India ........................... 3-55

3.4.3 Development of Station Square: Japanese Case ................................................ 3-58

3.4.4 Significance of “Traffic Core” ........................................................................... 3-61

3.4.5 Selection of Node Station ................................................................................ 3-62

3.4.6 Development Policy ........................................................................................... 3-63

3.4.7 Implementation towards the Achievement ........................................................ 3-65

Chapter 4 Evaluation of Environmental and Social Impacts

4.1 Current Status Analysis of Environmental and Social Aspects ................................4-1

4.1.1 Current status of natural environment ................................................................4-1

4.1.2 Future Predictions (If Project is NOT Implemented) .........................................4-4

4.2 Effects of Environmental Improvement Resulting from Project Implementation ........4-6

4.2.1 Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Emissions ...........................................................4-6

4.2.2 Applicability of Clean Development mechanism (CDM) .................................4-8

4.3 Effects on Environmental and Social Aspects Resulting from Project Implementation


4.3.1 Identification of Environmental and Social Effects ...........................................4-9

4.3.2 Comparative Investigation of Other Options with Smaller Effect

on Environmental and Social Aspects ......................................................................... 4-16

4.3.3 Important Points for Environmental Aspects related to Implementation

of a Railway System Project ........................................................................................ 4-17

4.4 Host Country Environmental and Social Consideration Related Regulations ........ 4-17

4.4.1 Environmental Administration Organizations ................................................. 4-17

4.4.2 Environmental and Social Consideration Related Regulations ....................... 4-18

4.4.3 Procedures for Environmental Impact Assessment System Implementation ..... 4-19

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4.5 Items the Relevant Country (Implementing Organization, Other Organizations)Must

Accomplish in order to Realize Project ................................................................. 4-22

Chapter 5 Financial and Economic Evaluation

5.1 Estimation of Construction Cost ...............................................................................5-1

5.1.1 Premises .............................................................................................................5-1

5.1.2 Outline of the Construction Cost .......................................................................5-1

5.1.3 Construction Cost ..............................................................................................5-4

5.2 Overview on Preliminary Economic, Financial Analysis .........................................5-7

5.2.1 Outline of Financial Analysis Result .................................................................5-7

5.2.2 Outline of Economic Analysis Result .............................................................. 5-10

5.3 Financial Evaluation of the Real Estate Development Project ................................ 5-14

5.3.1 Estimates of Total Project Costs ...................................................................... 5-14

5.3.2 Result of Integration of Project Cost ................................................................. 5-14

5.3.3 Result of Financial Evaluation ........................................................................... 5-16

5.3.4 Local Companies’ Stance to the Real Estate Development ............................... 5-17

Chapter 6 Planned Project Schedule

6.1 Details of Implementation Schedule .........................................................................6-1

Chapter 7 Enforcement Ability of Agencies in the Country

7.1 Overview of the Related Agencies ............................................................................7-1

7.2 Enforcement Ability of Related Agencies of the Project ........................................7-2

Chapter 8 Technical Advantages of Japanese Company

8.1 International Competitive Power of Japanese Company for the Target Project and

Possibility to Get Orders ..........................................................................................8-1

8.2 Major Expecting Product and Services from Japan and Amount .............................8-3

8.3 Measures to Promote Orders for Japanese Company ................................................8-4

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【Executive Summary】

(1) Background and Necessity of the Project

This railway project for Uttar Pradesh state, so called “High speed rail connectivity to Dadri-

NOIDA- Ghaziabad Investment Region” was proposed as one of 19 platform projects supporting

DMIC (Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor) agreed between GOJ and GOI in November 2012.

Regarding the project, Japanese side also highlighted that transport infrastructure/urban development

project is considered to be important sector, and the presence of Japanese industry for these sectors

has enhanced industrial competitiveness as growth strategy of “Abenomics”. At the same time, it is

expected that JICA will apply its yen credit scheme to VGF funding and MLIT (Ministry of Land,

Infrastructure and transportation) will establish a new agency to support overseas transport and

urban development projects. While this project assumes train operation connected with a Delhi

metro line, it is considered that the thru train operation is effective measure to eliminate passenger’s

transfer time when passengers change trains at the interchange station. In this regard, possibility of

packaged procurement scheme, in which the specification of facilities & equipment is integrated

with thru train operation, should be examined. Under these scope, Japanese companies, which have

advantages for signaling, ticket gate systems and AFC etc., could participate in upcoming

procurement process. Regarding project schemes, application of railway asset separation for

reducing investment and urban development integrated with railway are examined when

participation of private sector is assumed.

(2) Basic Consideration for the Project Configuration

This project is included in the railway project list which is proposed as DMIC related

projects by DMICDC, shown below:

a. MRTS between Gurgaon & Bawal under MBIR of Haryana

b. MRTS between Ahmedabad and DSIR of Gujarat

c. MRTS between DNGIR1 and Delhi

According to the implementation schedule for each railway project, while the timing of

DPR preparation and project approval are given for former two projects, however this

project has no such information, and lower priority than others. In this regards, it is

important to enhance project maturity by carrying out detail project examination

similar to preparing DPR.

According to DMICDC, since examination of technical and economic feasibility is

pointed out as the major issues of this project, basic consideration will follow it.

1 Dadri Noida Ghaziabad Investment Region

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As for the technical resources on this project, technical service contract between

DMICDC and CH2MHILL (Halcrow) was made for examining route alignment and

demand forecast. In this study, its review and additional technical application of

Japanese technology are conducted. Major output consists of followings:

① Examination of through train operation on other railway sections such as Delhi

metro line, and applicability of express train services.

② Model plan on station development along the railway corridor.

③ Financial viability, taking into consideration of project cost, expected demand and

development potential along railway.

④ Applicable project implementation scheme.

(3) Outline of the Project

1. Route

The objective route with total length of 57.7km starts from Indira Gandhi International

Airport (hereafter, IGI Airport) Terminal 3 station, goes southeast and crosses Yamuna

River, and reaches Boraki station of Indian Railway. (refer to the map below)

Route sections are composed of 3 sections, i.e. the new construction part (shown in red

line), the part of new metro section of DMRC (Pahse-4) shown in dotted line and the part

of new metro section of Noida Metro Link (shown in dotted line).

2. Operation Plan

As railway operation planning parameters, followings are proposed.

Gauge of truck 1,435 mm (standard gauge)

Traction power A.C.25,000V2 collected by overhead electric line.

Number of trains in

peak hour (at

opening year)

7trains (Express:2.Semi-exp:5)

Train composition 6cars /train

Facilities for passing

train (loop line


3 places, 2 stations on the Phase-4 section and 1 station

on the Metro link section

2 Adjusting to the electric configuration of DMRC phase-4 metro and Noida Metro Link

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Index map of the proposed route

3. Ridership Estimation

The demand forecast result from existing data is shown below:

2021 2041



Daily ridership

(Thousand Passengers)



Daily ridership

(Thousand Passengers)

8,455 338.6 24,218 751.8

Source: Study team

4. Project Cost and Viability

According to the preliminary examination through existing data etc. 3 .,

approximate project cost was estimated 4690 Crore Rs. (90.6 billion in

Japanese Yen, 831 million USD).

According to preliminary economic/financial analysis, the Financial Internal

rate of Return (FIRR) is estimated 7.8% for the case of railway operation

exploiting rail fare as principal revenues.

In addition, the financial viability of real estate development is examined

when railway operator will be allowed to have a real estate development right.

As a real estate development magnitude, assuming 375,000m2 for total floor

area and 277,500 m2 for rent space, long term cash flow is estimated to yield

19.1% of FIRR.

If this financial stream is added to financial stream of railway operation,

revised FIRR is estimated 9.0%4, and financial viability will be improved to

satisfy the financial criteria. Therefore, it is pointed out that inclusion of real

3 Detailed Project Report for Metro Connection between Noida and Greater Noida 44 According to MOUD, 8% is used as target of FIRR.

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estate development is indispensable condition to secure sound financial

viability in the project.

Meanwhile, by economic analysis, Economic Internal Rate of Return (EIRR)

was estimated 15% and the project is considered to be economically feasible.

In this connection, NPW is also estimated 1504 Crore Rs. and B/C ratio is

estimated 1.2.

The sensitivity analysis shows that profitability of this project turns to get

worse by only 10 % revenue reduction. It means that demand forecast is

regarded as a crucial factor ruling project feasibility and detail verification on

demand will be needed.

There is no marginal factor on the social environmental aspect of the project,

however, further research on social impact of project is important because of

project undertaken in densely inhabited district.

5. Transport modal interchange facilities plan

Planning area is included to Dadri Noida Ghaziabad Investment Region (DNGIR), and

multi modal transport complex for Boraki station of Indian railway was proposed as a

specific development plan in DNGIR.

In the study, a concept image for Boraki station was prepared as a reference plan as


a. As for the transport network connection, Mass Rapid Transit System (MRTS),

proposed in this study, Indian railway, long distance Bus network and other local

transport network are assumed.

b. Total area for facilities is around 160 ha, which consists of transport facilities,

shopping/office complex, residential and hotels. Synergy effect will be expected

by locating these facilities near the station and producing various motilities

between them.

c. To secure safe and comfortable mobility of people, spatial separation between

people and vehicles will be applied.

(4) Project Implementation Schedule

As the project implementation schedule, followings are proposed, taking into account of

schedule coordination between related projects.

Preparation stage :2017 to 2019

Construction stage :2019 to 2021

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Preparation for opening stage :2020 to 2021

Opening :2022

(5) Viability of Yen credit application and implementation

At present, since no detail project components such as project entity and project

schemes are determined, it is difficult to discuss possibility of Yen loan application etc.

However, since this project is included in the list of DMIC railway projects by DMICDC,

there is some possibility of application of yen credit loan, depending on project

justification and establishing a project implementation entity.

According to the preliminary test of financial/economic viability, since this project

satisfies required criteria and secures relatively relevant project scale, it is considered

that the project will entitled to be a candidate, comparing with other two projects.

(6) Technical Advantage of Japanese Company

As the main feature of the project, it is pointed out that this project focuses on the thru

train operation on the truck section of other operators, which was not undertaken

previously in Delhi metro system. It means that the urban transit operation skill in

Japan, which is highlighting a lot of records and experiences in thru train operation,

has a significant advantage, and thus it is possible to make Japanese companies to

enter into the project under such a project specification that is packaged with

operation know-how provision.

(7) Project Location Map

Source: Study team

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Chapter 1

Overview of the Host Country and Sector

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1.1 Socio-Economic Features

1.1.1 Outline of Economic Growth in India

India has maintained its steady economic growth trend. As shown in figure below, average economic growth

rate of GDP during 2005-2014 attains 12% per annum, continuous economic growth is maintained except for

period of 2008-2009, Leman shock, and period of 2012-2013.

Meanwhile, per capita GDP shows also growth tendency by year, average growth rate of 10 years during

2005-2014 shows a high ratio of around 6% per annum and it clears over 1,000 USD per capita in 2011.

Figure 1-1-1 Trend of GDP(Gross Domestic Product)

Source:World Bank

1.1.2 Trend of Population Growth

Obviously India is a country possessing huge population, according to the national census conducted by

every ten years, latest data in 2011 shows that total population of India is 1.21 billion, around 10 times of

current population in Japan.

Growth trend up to present is as following graph and table, high growth rate being maintained from 1960s to

2000s, however a little decreasing sign appears in 2011.




















2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014



ita G










Trend of GDP in India

GDP Per capitaGDP

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Figure 1-1-2 Trend of Total Population in India

Source: Census of India 2011

1.1.3 Increase of Urban Population

In addition to total population growth, significant factor related to urban problems is urbanization

phenomenon which is common in the world.

Calculating the ratio of population in urbanized area to total population, around 1% of annual increase rate

continues as shown in Table 1-1-1 and this implies expansion of urban inhabitant tendency in India.

Comparing with trend of total population, up to year 2000, the growth rate of urban population is around 1/2

of total population, but it is more close to total population during 2000-2010, and thus it shows acceleration

of urbanization trend.

Table 1-1-1 Trend of Population in Urbanized Area

Source:UN Urbanization Prospect in the world









1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 2011








Trend of Total Population in India

1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 2011Population 238.4 252.09 251.32 278.98 318.66 361.09 439.23 548.16 683.33 843.39 1028.6 1210.9Growthrate(%)

- 5.74% -0.31% 11.01% 14.22% 13.32% 21.64% 24.80% 24.66% 23.42% 21.96% 17.72%


- 0.6% 0.0% 1.0% 1.3% 1.3% 2.0% 2.2% 2.2% 2.1% 2.0% 1.6%

1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010

Ration of popualtion inurbanized area(%)

17.92 19.76 23.10 25.55 27.67 30.93

Average annualgrowth rate(%)

ー 0.98% 1.57% 1.01% 0.80% 1.12%

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1.2 Overview of the Target Sector in the Host Country

1.2.1 Existing Urban Traffic Situation in NCR-Delhi

Project target area, Greater Noida district of State Uttar Pradesh, together with Noida district close by Greater

Noida, is included in NCR-Delhi (National Capital Region of Delhi)

Based on various traffic surveys conducted in NCR-Delhi, current urban traffic situation is analyzed as

shown below.

(1) Trip Production Rate per Person

Based on previous traffic survey, daily trip production rate per person is calculated as follows.

Table 1-2-1 Trip Production Rate per Person

Survey year 1981 1993 2001 2021 (Est.) Remarks

Trip production rate

per person 0.72 0.79 0.87 1.2 Excluding walk

Source: Study Team

Referring to same trip rate in large city of Japan, it is estimated around 1.2 trips /day1 and it means that

the trip rate of Delhi relatively is lower, however it is growing year by year due to various factors, i.e.

population growth, increase of transport means and expansion of transport infrastructures, it will reach to

that of Japan by 2021.

(2) Transport Modal Split

Existing modal split of transport means, excluding walk, is shown in table below.

Table 1-2-2 Existing Modal Split of Trips

Transport Mode Number of Trips


Mode share

(%) Note

Car 1,806,380 15.5%

2-Wheelers 2,976,832 25.5%

Auto 518,329 4.4%

Public transport 6,369,088 54.6% Bus, metro, Rail(intra service)

Total 11,670,629 100.0%

Source: RITES Delhi-NCR Demand forecast report

1.2.2 Delhi Metro Network

DMRC, Delhi Metro Rail Corporation, is a state owned corporation which is undertaking the construction

and operation of Delhi Metro Network from 1998. Its capital asset is shared by 50% of GOI and 50% of

1 Average trip production rate per person of Japanese metropolitan area is approximately 2.5 per

day based on the assumption that 50% people commute on foot.

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GOD. Since its first metro was open in 2006, the metro lines for first & second phase, 190km, has been

completed and open by 2011.

This length of metro lines is almost same as that of Tokyo metro, 192km, and it is noted that DMRC has

achieved remarkable result of construction speed more than 10km per year. At present the construction of

phase 3 lines, its length 120km, is in progress, aiming at completion by 2016, in addition to that, construction

of phase 4 lines, which is 100km of its length and will be completed at 2021, is already announced. As a

result, the total length of Delhi metro will be 420km in 2021 and surpass the total length of Tokyo metro and

metro of Tokyo transit authority, 301km.

The lines for phase 4 consists of following sections. According to DMRC, while phase 4 routes is aiming at

expansion of metro route to surrounding area of Delhi, 20km section between Tughlakabad and Aerocity is

related with this project.

Table 1-2-3 Outline of Existing Lines of Delhi Metro

Source:JREA 2014 vol.57

Lines Gauge length(km) Signal Electrification Ticket gate Remarks

Red line 1,676mm 25.15cabin signal



AC 25,000V

Automtic gateMagnetic


Yellow line ditto 45.00cabin signalATC/ATO

ditto ditto

Blue line ditto 56.81cabin signal

ATPditto ditto

Green Line 1,435mm 18.46cabin signal

ATPditto ditto

Violet Line ditto 23.41cabin signal

ATPditto ditto

Orange Line ditto 22.70cabin signal

ATPditto ditto Airport express

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Figure 1-2-1 Phase 1 - 3 Lines of Delhi Metro

Source:JREA 2014 vol.57

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1.3 Present Condition of the Project Area

1.3.1 General

Project target area, Greater Noida district, is located in western edge of Uttar Pradesh, which is close to Delhi,

bordered by Yamuna river, and is also featured as a part of NCR-Delhi.

Following the growth of Delhi capital function, population is dispersing over the fringe area of NCR-Delhi.

As shown in table below, Uttar Pradesh follows Haryana regarding population size and growth rate,

especially after 2000, its tendency becomes more than Delhi.

Table 1-3-1 Population by State in NCR-Delhi

Source:NCR Regional Plan 2021

1.3.2 Meteorological Condition

The climate is classified as tropical monsoon and is divided between rain season and dry season. Monthly

average high temperature is rising from March to May and high temperature over 35 centigrade degree

continues. On the contrary, during November to January its temperature is kept lower than 30 centigrade

degree and mild weather continues. Annual precipitation is less than 1,000mm and obviously it is inland

climate. Most of rainfall takes place in rain season from June to September. Monthly weather change

1981 1991 2001 2011 1981 1991 2001 20111981-1991



Delhi 6.20 9.40 13.90 16.80 31.2% 34.4% 37.4% 36.4% 4.2% 4.0% 1.9%Haryana 4.90 6.60 8.70 11.00 24.6% 24.2% 23.4% 23.9% 3.0% 2.8% 2.4%Rajastan 1.80 2.30 3.00 3.70 9.0% 8.4% 8.1% 8.0% 2.5% 2.7% 2.1%Uttar Pradesh 7.00 9.00 11.60 14.60 35.2% 33.0% 31.2% 31.7% 2.5% 2.6% 2.3%NCR total 19.90 27.30 37.20 46.10 - - - - 3.2% 3.1% 2.2%

DivisionPopulation (million) Share(%) Average annual growth rate(%)

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regarding temperature and precipitation is shown in figure below.

Figure 1-3-1 Monthly Change of Temperature and Precipitation in UP state

Source:Local Weather Report

1.3.3 Development Plan regarding Project Area

Project target area is included in DNGIR (Dadri-Noida-Ghaziabad Investment Region) which is one of the

investment region defined in DMIC:Delhi Mumbai Industrial Development Corridor. While several

development plan are formulated to support DMIC, following 2 projects are proposed as an early bird


a. Dadri Logistics Hub Development

Planned area:1000 acre

Developing items:Logistics hub, processing/

packaging of goods and agriculture products

Access to east & west DFC

Presumed freight volume:1.58 million TEU

Source:DNGIR development plan by Halcrow

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b. Boraki multi modal transport hub

Development area:400 acre

Developing items : Multi modal

transport complex (IR Boraki station,

New Metro station and ISBT facility)

Securing buffer zone to existing


Estimated ridership:




Source:DNGIR development plan by Halcrow

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Chapter 2

Study Methodology

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2.1 Scope of the Study

Target project is designated to be one of the candidate projects related with DMIC, and expected to move forward

by new policy of Modi government regarding enhancing infrastructure development, specifically focusing on

railway projects.

As for the project background in Japan, owing to the government strategy on economic growth focusing on

industrial competitive power, prime minister Abe’s policy, while the transport infrastructure and urban

development projects are regarded to be important sector, because of low market share by Japan in the world

railway business, it is keen issue to increase market share through Japanese technical advantage, e. g. train

operation control, maintenance free and Transit oriented development.

At the same time, new project assistance schemes by Japanese government are introduced, e.g. application of yen

credit loan for VGF by JICA and establishing new institution for overseas projects on transport /urban

development by MLIT.

Since a portion of project route is overlapped with the extension line of Delhi metro route, mutual thru train

operation is preferable to eliminate transfer between railway lines, and thus project components of signaling, AFC

system and turnstile equipment, etc. are formulated as the packaged project proposal which is compatible for both

Japanese side and Indian side.

Assuming the project implementation is made through private sector involvement, several implementation

schemes are considered such as the separation between railway construction and operation to decrease investment

amount and non-fare revenue increase through integration between railway development and rail-related urban

development in order to eliminate project ridership risk.

Major study items are as follow:

(1) Study on existing situation

Based on the literature review for existing report and statistics, project background and issues are briefed.

(2) Ridership estimation

Ridership estimation is conducted through reviewing existing demand forecast result and other related


(3) Railway facilities planning

Update of route alignment plan, civil structure and station planning and depot planning are made based on

previous planning data/documents and site inspection results.

(4) Train operation planning

Based on the demand forecast, specification of rolling stocks, examination of train dispatching frequencies

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and required number of rolling stocks are determined. And signal and tele communication specification are

examined、focusing on entering of Japanese companies.

(5) Development plan of multiple transport hub point

Focusing on the potential of railway stations in terms of transport linkage with other transport modes and

corridor development, the study on developing regional transport hub is carried out for a hub station as a


(6) Estimation of project cost

Reviewing existing railway planning reports, preliminary project cost estimation is made, referring to unit

construction cost.

(7) Project implementation scheme and implementation schedule

Optimal project scheme for the project is examined based on the analysis on merit and demerit of public

work implementation scheme such as yen credit loan and STEP, PPP scheme by private sector.

Implementation schedule is proposed in accordance with proposed project scheme.

(8) Social and environmental impact study

Environmental impact analysis during construction period and operation stage, assessment of required land

acquisition and relocation, and reviewing previous EIA report by Indian government and resettlement plan

of affected inhabitants an JICA social environmental consideration guideline.

(9) Economic financial analysis

Based on the preliminary project cost estimation and calculation of project economic benefit, economic

viability of the project is examined. Based on the assumption on fare system and operation cost, financial

viability of the project is examined.

(10) Project implementation plan

Based on the analysis for project risk, fund procurement condition and implementation organization,

project implementation plan is proposed.

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2.2 Study Methodology and Structure

2.2.1 Team Members

The study team consists of member for respective expertise area. Team members are engaged in interviewing

with related organizations and site inspection survey, and thus examining project justification from various

points of view. The members and their scope are as follow.

Table 2-2-1 Team member

Name Position Firm

Seiichiro Yamazaki Project Manager Tonichi Engineering Consultants, Inc.

Naomi Aoki Railway alignment plan TOSTEMS, Inc.

Yasukazu Tubouchi Railway facilities planning TOSTEMS, Inc.

Takaaki Nishimura Train operation plan, Signal &

telecommunication system Metro Development Co., Ltd.

Kenji Nakajima Multi modal transport hub development

planning Nihon Sekkei, Inc.

Eiji Okada Transport hub facility and urban

planning Nihon Sekkei, Inc.

Keitaro Kawai Ridership estimation Tonichi Engineering Consultants, Inc.

Shinji Kakinaka Economic & Financial analysis Tonichi Engineering Consultants, Inc.

Yasuhiro Yamano Project implementation scheme The Japan Research Institute, Limited.

Gen Hashimoto Project simulation The Japan Research Institute, Limited.

Shigeru Kato Social environmental consideration TOSTEMS, Inc.

Source:Study team

2.2.2 Counterpart Agencies

The counterpart agency is DMICDC, is responsible for coordinating with related agencies, i.e. Greater Noida

Industrial Development Authority and Delhi Metro Rail Corporation.

2.3 Study Schedule

2.3.1 Study Schedule

The study is being implemented in 3 phases: preparatory works in Japan, site survey in Delhi and

documentation works in Japan. The outline of the schedule is as illustrated as below.

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September October November December January February

(Works in Japan)

1 Preparatory Work

2 Reporting

(Works in Delhi)

1 Meeting and Discussion

2 Data Collection

3 Route Alignment Planning

4 Railway Facilities Planning

5 Train Operation, E&M

6 Station and Related Development

7 Ridership Estimation

8 Economic and Financial Analysis

9 Project Implementation Scheme

10 Social Environmental Consideration

(Supplemental Survey)

2014 2015

Table 2-3-1 Study Schedule

Source: Study team

2.3.2 Major Interviewee

Main interviewees and the interviewing schedule are shown in the table 2-3-2 and 2-3-3.

Table 2-3-2 Major Interviewees

Name Organizations Designation

Japan Embassy in Delhi and Japanese Officers

Mr. Toshihiro Yamakoshi Embassy of Japan Counselor

Mr. Tsunemasa Teramoto Embassy of Japan First Secretory

Mr. Shinya Ejima JICA Delhi Chief Representative

Mr. Tomohide Ichiguchi JICA Delhi Senior Representative

Mr. Hiroshi Yoshida JICA Delhi Representative

Mr. Shin Oya JBIC Representative office in New Delhi Chief Representative

Mr. Osamu Taki JETRO New Delhi Deputy Director General

Mr. Soichi Umeki JETRO New Delhi Director

Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor Development Corporation Limited (DMICDC)

Mr. Talleen Kumar DMICDC CEO & Managing Director

Mr. Abhishek Chaudhary DMCIDC Vice President

Mr. Anand Singh DMCIDC Engineer Planner

Mr. Akhil Goyal DMICDC Manager of Infrastructure


Mr. Katsuhiko Murayama DMCIDC Advisor

Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority (GNIDA)

Mr. Harish Kumar Verma GNIDA Additional Chief Executive Officer

Mr. K. K. Singh GNIDA General Manager (Project)

Mrs. Leenu Sahgal GNIDA General Manager (Planning and


Delhi Metro Rail Corporation LTD. (DMRC)

Mr. Mangu Singh DMRC Managing Director

Mr. S.D.Sharma DMRC Director (Business development)

Mr. S.Sivamathan DMRC General Manager (Finance)

Mr. S.K. Sinha DMRC General Manager (Human Resource)

CH2MHILL (Halcrow)

Mr. Rajeev Vijay CH2MHILL Director

Ms. Neha Singhal CH2MHILL Senior Urban Planner

Source:Study team

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Table 2-3-3 Interviewing Schedule

Date Organizations Interviewees Main Topics

First site survey

2014/10/14 DMICDC

Mr. Abhishek

Mr. Murayama

Mr. Vijay (CH2MHILL)

Ms. Neha (CH2MHILL)

Explanation of the scope of study

Related date collection

2014/10/15 DMRC Mr. Sinha

Track gauge applied to Delhi metro

Regulation for DMRC operation outline of

affiliated business

2014/10/17 GNIDA Ms. Sahgal

DPR for metro link project

Existing situation of development plan

Issues on project

2014/10/27 JICA

Mr. Ejima,

Mr. Ichiguchi,

Mr, Yoshida

Key factor for project realization

Present situation on PPP project in railway


2014/10/28 JETRO Mr. Taki,

Mr. Umeki

Issues on land acquisition

Issues on market entry by Japanese firms.

2014/10/29 DMICDC

Mr. Abshek

Mr. Murayama

Mr. Singh

Wrap-up meeting

Issues of DMRC participation

Issues on way forward

2014/10/29 GNIDA Ms. Sahgal Building code in state UP

2014/10/30 Japan embassy Mr. Yamakoshi

Mr. Teramoto

Issues on yen credit

Project priority

2014/10/30 JBIC Mr. Oya Opportunity of JBIC participation

Issues on PPP project

Second site survey

2014/12/15 DMICDC Mr. Anand Explanation of interim report

2014/12/16 Japan embassy Mr. Yamakoshi Explanation of interim report


DMRC Mr. S.D. Sharma

Issues on signaling system

Railway facilities for express train operation

Mr. S. Sivamatan Comment for economic & financial analysis

DMICDC Mr. Vijay (CH2MHILL) Discussion on demand forecast and

environmental impact assessment

2014/12/18 GNIDA Mrs. Leenu Explanation of interim report

Third site survey

2015/2/2 DMRC Mr. Mangu Explanation of draft final report

Comment for technical suggestion

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2015/2/3 DMICDC



Mr. Talleen

Mr. Abhishek

Mr. Akhil

Mr. Murayama


Mr. Harish

Mr. K. K. Singh

Mrs. Leenu

Explanation of draft final report

Confirmation of the project progress

Opinion sharing for the following process


Japan Embassy Mr. Yamakoshi Explanation of draft final report

Sharing information on the interview

JICA Mr. Yoshida

Explanation of draft final report

Sharing information on the interview

Opinion sharing for the following process

2015/2/6 DMRC Mr. S.D.Sharma

Explanation of draft final report

Comment for technical suggestion

DMICDC Mr. Murayama Opinion sharing for the following process

Source:Study team

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Chapter 3

Justification, Objectives and Technical Feasibility of


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3.1 Background and Rationality of the Project

3.1.1 Background of project

(1) Status as a part of DMIC Project

Recently, railway projects are highlighted by environmental advantages such as energy efficient features, and

their market is extending over the world. Meanwhile, European specification is adopted as a standard

specification for each country, the product of Japanese manufacturers might not take large market share due

to the inconsistent specification and not attractive price.

Under the circumstance, Abe administration considers exporting infrastructures , including railway, as a

revitalization strategy for Japan, Indian counterpart, i.e. Modi administration inaugurated in May 2014, also

regards infrastructure projects, specifically railway, as important policy.

This railway project for Uttar Pradesh is included in the list of 19 projects related to DMIC, i.e. High speed

rail connectivity to Dadri- NOIDA- Ghaziabad Investment Region, which was agreed between GOI and GOJ

in November 2012. Among 19 projects, this railway project for UP state is one of the major railway projects,

including the railway project for Haryana state and the railway project for Rajasthan state. Its location and

plan are illustrated below.

Figure 3-1-1 Location Map and Outline of Route Plan

Source:Study Team

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(2) Project Justification from Viewpoints of NCR plan.

Regional Plan-2021, which includes master plan on future provisional scope in National Capital Region of

Delhi, was prepared by NCRPB:NCR Planning Board and published in 2005.

NCRPB consists of followings:

a) Central Government

Ministry of Urban development

Ministry of Residential and Urban Poverty Mitigation

Ministry of railway

b) State Government

State Haryana (Chief minister, Ministry of Urban /County Planning, State Secretary)

State Rajasthan (Chief minister, Ministry of Urban Development, State Secretary)

State Uttar Pradesh(Chief minister, Ministry of Urban Development, State Secretary)

NCT-Delhi (Secretary of Ministry of Urban Development, State Secretary)

c) Others

Highway Authority

General Secretary of Planning Board

Planning area is the area of 33,578km2, including NCT-Delhi, Haryana, Part of Rajasthan and Uttar


Figure 3-1-2 Demarcated area of NCR of Delhi

Source:Regional Plan-2021 for NCR

As a future planning vision, it is considered that surrounding major core cities will accept the development

potential of Delhi to establish respective economic base, and both economic development and balanced

regional development will be achieved through effective transport network expansion of physical

infrastructure, realization of rational land-use and improvement of life environment.

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Though the plan covered almost all sectors, but major items include 1. Establishing regional settlement

structure, 2.Economic & financial policy, 3.Provision of Transport, Power and Water resource, 4.Waste,

Drainage and Irrigation, 5.Environmental conservation and Disaster management, 6.Land-use plan.

Among them, following points are related to this project :

In the regional settlement plan, there are 7 locations designated to be large scaled urban inhabitant core,

i.e. planned population more than 1 million, and it includes the Greater Noida district which is target area

of this project.

Regarding the development of transport network, focal points are on the transport linkage between

multi-modal transport and expansion of suburban commuting rail system. There is the plan of RRTS

(Regional Rapid Transit System) connecting Greater Noida to Delhi in radial direction, but its project

entity is unknown.

Figure 3-1-3 Future Development Concept Plan of NCR of Delhi

Source:Regional Plan-2021 for National Capital Region

3.1.2 Necessity of the Project

(1) Overview

This project aims at improving the airport access from Noida and Greater Noida, meeting to growth of

commuter demand and contributing to economic development in Uttar Pradesh and securing smooth linkage

between investment areas by providing railway connection between Delhi and Greater Noida.

Regarding Japanese side, the development of economic infrastructure is regarded as a principal sector in

supporting scheme for India in terms of Industrial development plan for India by Japan. Since promotion of

economic development is one of ODA purposes by JICA, a project done for sustainable economic growth is

Location of Regional Urban Hub Transport Development Plan

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considered to be coincident with its policy. For Japanese companies, this project is expected to bring

significant benefit to companies/factories established in UP state, and also give an opportunity to enter into the

urban railway market in India, which was difficult for Japanese companies.

(2) Importance and Effect of the Project for Host Country

Many projects are envisaged in target area as follows:

North-west part of Uttar Pradesh is located close to Delhi and the development is in progress in Noida area.

Greater Noida is expected to be developed as an expansion area of existing developing activity.

UP state expects realization of this project because it has great economic impact effect, i.e. transport access

improvement for Delhi and IGIA, reduction of traffic congestion and alleviation for environmental impact.

(3) Possibility of Participation of Japanese Industry

a) Railway business

Expected for manufacturing product (Rolling stocks, signaling system and E&M) and O&M supply.

b) Real estate development

To enforce profitability of railway business, it is proposed for the railway entity to hold the development

right along railway corridor. In this regards, it is considered that some private developers might enter into

real estate business. Meanwhile, metro operation might not have sufficient fare revenue in India, therefore

MRTS operators such as DMRC reserve a right of real estate development and their revenue could attain

30-50% in some cases, according to the result of interviews.

(4) For Sophistication and Rationalization of Energy Usage

This study estimates the amount of greenhouse gases reduction by the railway project in chapter 4. As a result,

the reduction of greenhouse gases will be 41,512t /year in 2021 (scheduled opening year), 48,217t/year in

2031, 52,561t/year in 2036 and 59,486t/year in 2041. Focusing on the sophisticated usage of energy, the use of

non-fossil energy (solar energy, biomass energy, geothermal energy, nuclear energy, etc.) and the effective use

of fossil energy (efficiency of productive facilities) are considered. For example, solar energy as a non-fossil

energy can be covered for lighting and passenger information display at the station, and will contribute

effectively to the use of energy. Additionally, a train can transport more passengers at a time than automobiles.

Therefore, it will contribute the effective use of energy and the carbon dioxide reduction.

3.2 Demand Forecast

3.2.1 Presupposition for demand forecast

(1) Work flow of demand forecast

To forecast the demand for the new alignment, the study team reviewed and organized the number of

passenger based on the report, “Alignment and Traffic Demand Study Report” prepared by Halcrow in

August 2014. The future demand is calculated from the number of passenger who changes transportation

modes to MRTS with using Mode Choice Models based on the Stated Preference Survey after creating OD


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Figure 3-2-1 Demand Forecast Flow

Source: Study team

(2) Target transportation patterns

a) Fact finding survey of highway users

To calculate the potential number of highway users, namely bus, car and taxi users, who divert a

transportation mode to MRTS, traffic volume survey and OD survey were implemented for three main

highways which run parallel to the planning line between Tughlakabad and Noida Sector 143.

Surveys were implemented at three points around the Tughlakabad station of Violet Line in the west of

Yamuna River.

■ Fact Finding Survey

・OD Survey (Interview)

・Traffic Volume Survey (Observation)

Preparing OD matrix of car transportation in

wide area by modes

Preparing the future OD matrix of car

transportation in area along the route


Creating Mode Choice Model

■ SP Survey

Peak hour rate

Passenger per peak hour

・Movement cost


・Moving speed

■ Existing data

・Aerocity - Chattapur

・Noida – Greater

NoidaActual Condition of


Population framework

Development demand




(two scenarios)

Preparing the future OD matrix of MRTS


Setting railway

station sphere

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Figure 3-2-2 Location of Fact Finding Survey

Source: Alignment and Traffic Demand Study Report, August 2014, by Halcrow

b) Transportation patterns based on fact finding survey

OD matrix is based on the result of fact finding survey, and it covers a wide range of transportation patterns

as following chart.

Table 3-2-1 Assumed transportation patterns at each survey area

Survey area Assumed transportation patterns

DND Toll plaza Central area of Delhi and Noida, Greater Noida and Delhi

Kalindi Kunj crossing

Badarpur Mehrauli

Road/Surajkund crossing

Tughlakabad and South Delhi or IGIA or Gurgaon, Faridabad

and Tughlakabad or South Delhi or IGIA or Gurgaon

Source: Study team



Tughlakabad Sta.

Spot 2

Spot 3

Spot 1

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c) Transportation of DMRC Phase 4 section and Metro Link Section

Regarding the transportation patterns of DMRC Phase 4 and Metro Link already under consideration, this

study reflected following patterns based on the existing data.

・DMRC Phase 4: Between Aerocity and Chatarpur

・Metro Link: Between Noida and Greater Noida

(3) Modes Choice Model

a) Implementation of SP survey

Interview type survey was conducted at around the Tughlakabad station, Noida, and Greater Noida area by

using an interview, to grasp the intentions of car users (private car, taxi, and bus) in case of MRTS

construction. The result shows that approximately 70% users of all mode type have the intention to use


Figure 3-2-3 Willingness to Shift to MRTS from Other Transportation Modes

Source: Alignment and Traffic Demand Study Report, August 2014, by Halcrow

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Figure 3-2-4 Locations of SP Survey

Source: Alignment and Traffic Demand Study Report, August 2014, by Halcrow

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b) Configuration of Mode Choice Model

By using the result of SP survey, the binary logit model was configured for each means of transportation to

evaluate the intention to use MRTS. The formulation is as follows.

Pe =Probability of an individual choosing the proposed MRTS

(1-Pe) =Probability of an individual choosing the existing mode of transport

G(x) =Utility function

=a1 + a2(C1-C2) + a3(T1-T2)

a1, a2, a3 =Parameter

C1, C2 =Cost of travel on MRTS and existing mode respectively

T1, T2 = (Journey Time on MRTS and existing mode respectively

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(4) Population Framework

a) Setting Scenario

Two Scenarios are expected for setting the population framework.

・Base Scenario: This scenario assumes growth to take place in line with the projections of master plan of

this area.

・Low Growth Scenario: This scenario assumes that Greater Noida shall grow at an annual growth rate of

2% less while the Greater Noida Expansion and DNGIR will only achieve 70% of the envisaged growth

by 2041.

b) Organizing Data of Planned Population

This study set the growth rate of population increase based on the existing and new data of population

change of urban area. Population change on each urban area is described as follows.

Table 3-2-2 Population Change of Urban Area (including forecast)

DNGIR: Dadri-Noida-Ghaziabad Investment Region

Source: Alignment and Traffic Demand Study Report, August 2014, by Halcrow

■Population change of urban area :people

Region 2013 2018 2021 2032 2041

Delhi 17,403,047 20,174,901 22,045,659 28,220,307 36,124,379

Noida 1,341,360 1,555,004 1,699,195 2,283,576 2,522,488

Greater Noida 343,470 528,471 684,385 1,225,630 1,494,036

DNGIR - - 880,000 1,250,000 2,500,000

GN-Extension - - 250,000 1,200,000 1,500,000

Delhi 17,403,047 20,174,901 22,045,659 28,220,307 36,124,379

Noida 1,341,360 1,555,004 1,699,195 2,283,576 2,522,488

Greater Noida 330,750 463,894 568,290 841,208 1,025,488

DNGIR - - 616,000 911,830 1,823,661

GN-Extension - - 175,000 377,812 979,947

Base Case Scenario

Low Growth Scenario

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2013 2018 2021 2032 2041

Delhi Noida

Greater Noida DNGIR











2013 2018 2021 2032 2041

Delhi Noida

Greater Noida DNGIR



Figure 3-2-5 Population Growth Rate (Left: base Case Scenario, Right: Low Growth Scenario)

Source: Study team

c) MRTS users to Planned Population

In this demand forecast, the number of development population is added to demand for planned population.

MRTS users of future development area are as follows.

Table 3-2-3 MRTS users of Future Development Area

Note: MRTS users trip (Upper), MRTS usage rate to population development (Middle),

Population development (Lower)

IIT: Integrated Industrial Township

Source: Study team

■MRTS users of future development area(Number of trips)


Area 2021 2031 2041

86,155 122,380 244,759

9.8% 9.8% 9.8%

880,000 1,250,000 2,500,000

18,480 88,702 110,747

7.4% 7.4% 7.4%

250,000 1,200,000 1,500,000

17,876 26,461 52,921


60,309 89,272 178,543

9.8% 9.8% 9.8%

616,000 911,830 1,823,661

12,936 27,927 72,436

7.4% 7.4% 7.4%

175,000 377,812 979,947

17,876 26,461 52,921




Base Case Scenario

Low Growth Scenario





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3.2.2 Result of Demand Forecast

(1) Period

With expecting the inauguration in 2021, this study forecast the number of users from 2021 to 2041 by 5


(2) Users per day

The below table indicates the forecasted number of passenger per day from 2021 to 2041 with both Base

Case Scenario and Low Growth Scenario.

Table 3-2-4 Result of Forecast of Passenger (people per day)

Year To the west

From Boraki to Aerocity

To the east

From Aerocity to Boraki Total

Base Case Scenario

2021 169,306 169,306 338,612

2026 211,711 212,242 423,953

2031 267,469 267,470 534,939

2036 316,434 316,769 633,203

2041 375,921 375,920 751,841

Low Growth Scenario

2021 150,753 150,753 301,505 (▲11%)

2026 177,485 177,558 355,043 (▲16%)

2031 209,368 209,368 418,737 (▲22%)

2036 252,972 253,857 506,829 (▲20%)

2041 309,789 309,789 619,578 (▲18%)

Note: Within the parenthesis indicates the decrease rate comparing to Base Case Scenario.

Source: Alignment and Traffic Demand Study Report, August 2014

(3) Setting the Rate of Peak Hour

This study sets the 16 hours as operation time, and assumes the peak hour rate at 10.5 %.

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(4) Peak Hour Passengers

In 2021, the number of passengers at Noida Sector 145 and Tughlakabad stations will be higher than others

because these areas have already begun the development. In 2041, however, more people use the Boraki

stations in new development area.

Figure 3-2-6 Peak Hour Passengers in 2021 (people/hour)

Source: Study team

Figure 3-2-7 Peak Hour Passengers in 2041 (people/hour)

Source: Study team




13,776 12,764

















Peak Hour Passengers

Base Case

Low Growth Case












23,244 24,110













Peak Hour Passengers

Base Case

Low Growth Case

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Figure 3-2-8 Peak Hour Passengers in 2026 (people/hour)

Source: Study team

Figure 3-2-9 Peak Hour Passengers in 2031 (people/hour)

Source: Study team




16,378 16,380

















Peak Hour Passengers

Base Case

Low Growth Case




19,532 21,198



















Peak Hour Passengers

Base Case

Low Growth Case

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Figure 3-2-10 Peak Hour Passengers in 2036 (people/hour)

Source: Study team












20,170 19,320











Peak Hour Passengers

Base Case

Low Growth Case

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(5) Passenger between stations at peak time

The forecast result of passenger between stations at peak time is indicated as follows.

Figure 3-2-11 Passenger between stations at peak time (Base Case Scenario in 2021)

Source: Study team

Figure 3-2-12 Passenger between stations at peak time (Low Growth Case Scenario in 2021)

Source: Study team














Peak Hour


2021(Base Case Scenario)


Noida Sec-145

Noida Sec-93

TugalakhabadKhanpurChhatapurDelhi Aerocity



Metro LinkMRTS Proposed LinkDMRC Phase4














Peak Hour


2021(Low Grouth Case Scenario)








Noida Sec-145

Noida Sec-93

TugalakhabadKhanpurChhatapurDelhi Aerocity



Metro LinkMRTS Proposed LinkDMRC Phase4

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Figure 3-2-13 Passenger between stations at peak time (Base Case Scenario in 2026)

Source: Study team

Figure 3-2-14 Passenger between stations at peak time (Low Growth Case Scenario in 2026)

Source: Study team














Peak Hour Passengers

2026(Base Case Scenario)










Noida Sec-145

Noida Sec-93

TugalakhabadKhanpurChhatapurDelhi Aerocity

Metro LinkMRTS Proposed LinkDMRC Phase4










Peak Hour Passengers

2026(Low Grouth Case Scenario)








Noida Sec-145

Noida Sec-93

TugalakhabadKhanpurChhatapurDelhi Aerocity



Metro LinkMRTS Proposed LinkDMRC Phase4

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Figure 3-2-15 Passenger between stations at peak time (Base Case Scenario in 2031)

Source: Study team

Figure 3-2-16 Passenger between stations at peak time (Low Growth Case Scenario in 2031)

Source: Study team














Peak Hour Passengers

2031(Base Case Scenario)












Noida Sec-145

Noida Sec-93

TugalakhabadKhanpurChhatapurDelhi Aerocity

Metro LinkMRTS Proposed LinkDMRC Phase4










Peak Hour Passengers

2031(Low Grouth Case Scenario)










Noida Sec-145

Noida Sec-93

TugalakhabadKhanpurChhatapurDelhi Aerocity



Metro LinkMRTS Proposed LinkDMRC Phase4

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Figure 3-2-17 Passenger between stations at peak time (Base Case Scenario in 2036)

Source: Study team

Figure 3-2-18 Passenger between stations at peak time (Low Growth Case Scenario in 2036)

Source: Study team














Peak Hour Passengers

2036(Base Case Scenario)












Noida Sec-145

Noida Sec-93

TugalakhabadKhanpurChhatapurDelhi Aerocity

Metro LinkMRTS Proposed LinkDMRC Phase4










Peak Hour Passengers

2036(Low Grouth Case Scenario)












Noida Sec-145

Noida Sec-93

TugalakhabadKhanpurChhatapurDelhi Aerocity



Metro LinkMRTS Proposed LinkDMRC Phase4

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Figure 3-2-19 Passenger between stations at peak time (Base Case Scenario in 2041)

Source: Study team

Figure 3-2-20 Passenger between stations at peak time (Low Growth Case Scenario in 2041)

Source: Study team














Peak Hour Passengers

2041(Base Case Scenario)










Noida Sec-145

Noida Sec-93

TugalakhabadKhanpurChhatapurDelhi Aerocity

Metro LinkMRTS Proposed LinkDMRC Phase4










Peak Hour Passengers

2041(Low Grouth Case Scenario)












Noida Sec-145

Noida Sec-93

TugalakhabadKhanpurChhatapurDelhi Aerocity



Metro LinkMRTS Proposed LinkDMRC Phase4

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3.3 Outline of the Project Plan

3.3.1 Route Plan

The proposed route with total length of 57.7km starts from Indira Gandhi International Airport (hereafter, IGI

Airport) Terminal 3 station, goes southeast and crosses Yamuna River, and reaches Boraki station of Indian

Railway. This project aim to contribute to smooth cooperation connecting IGI Airport and Boraki station

located in Dadri Noida Ghaziabad Investment Region (DNGIR) by public transport system with reliability

and rapidity, and corresponding potential commuters.

The proposed route is located in National Capital Territory of Delhi and Uttar Pradesh State. In Uttar Pradesh

State, the route runs through Noida and Greater Noida in Gautam Buddha Nagar District. As for the

connection to existing lines, the proposed line is planned to connect to Orange Line at IGI Airport station and

Delhi Aerocity station, Yellow Line at Chhattarpur station, Violet Line at Tughlakabad station and Indian

Railways at Boraki station.

In this section, route plans from 2 existing study reports which become the basis for the proposed route are

shown in (1) Final Alignment by DMICDC and (2) Proposed Route of Metro Link by DMRC. And basic

policy and route options are shown in (3) Basic Policy for the Review of Proposed Route and (4) Route

Options for Connection to IGI Airport. Then, (5) Outline of Proposed Route, (6) Location of the Station, (7)

Connection to Planned Line and (8) Preliminary Conditions for Horizontal and Vertical Alignment are

described for the entire route including selected route option. Last section of route plan is (9) Points to

Consider for Further Study.

(1) Final Alignment by DMICDC

The study report “Alignment and Traffic Demand Study, Mass Rapid Transit between Dadri Noida

Ghaziabad Investment Region (DNGIR) and Delhi (Report-R2), August 2014” was prepared by Halcrow

consortium under the DMICDC. Few route options were shown in this report, and the result of discussion

with stakeholders including DMRC, a route shown in Figure 3-3-1 was chosen as final agreed alignment.

This final alignment is planned using the planned lines of DMRC Phase 4 and Metro Link maximally, and

minimizing the initial construction cost. The MRTS (Mass Rapid Transit System) is planned to run the

following 3 sections, and basically the route plan of this study is followed this final alignment. The final

alignment is divided into following 3 sections.

a) DMRC Phase 4 section: Aerocity station to Tughlakabad station

b) MRTS proposed section: Tughlakabad station to Noida Sector 143 station

c) Metro Link section: Noida Sector 143 station to Boraki station

a) DMRC Phase 4 section is the section including DMRC Phase 4 which planned to complete in 2022. b)

MRTS proposed section is the new construction section. c) Metro Link section runs part of Metro Link which

Page 57: PRELIMINARY STUDY ON THE DELHI-UTTAR …This “The Study on Railway Project between Delhi and Uttar Pradesh” is to focus on Delhi city, National Capital, and its adjoining Greater


was described in DPR by DMRC as shown below. This study report mentioned that the west end of route

should be IGI Airport, but the route shows Aerocity station as the west end.

Figure 3-3-1 Final Alignment by DMICDC

Note: In this figure, a station named “Noida Sec-145” shows “Noida Sec-143”. This station name is described

“Noida Sector 143” in this report.

Source: DMICDC “Alignment and Traffic Demand Study, Mass Rapid Transit between Dadri Noida Ghaziabad

Investment Region (DNGIR) and Delhi (Report-R2)” August, 2014

(2) Proposed Route of Metro Link by DMRC

The DPR (Detail Project Report) of Metro Link “Metro Connection between Noida and Greater Noida, April

2014” was prepared by DMRC. This DPR is the study report for the 29.7km section between Noida City

Center station and Depot station, which is one of the metro construction project signed MoU between DMRC

and Noida and Greater Noida Authorities. Figure 3-3-2 shows the proposed route in DPR of Metro Link. This

route is described in blue line in Figure 3-3-4. The section between “Sec.143” and “Depot Stn.” in Metro

Link is the section including in the proposed route. As for this section, the route plan of this study is followed

the proposed route of DPR. This DPR mentioned that the east end of route should be Boraki station of Indian

Railways, but the route shows Depot station as the east end.

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Figure 3-3-2 Proposed Route of Metro Link

Source: DMICDC “Alignment and Traffic Demand Study, Mass Rapid Transit between Dadri Noida Ghaziabad

Investment Region (DNGIR) and Delhi (Report-R2)” August, 2014

(3) Basic Policy for the Review of Proposed Route

Route plan of this study is conducted based on the following basic policy.

a) Modification to the Proposed Route in Existing Study Reports

Basically, the route plan of this study is followed the proposed route in above mentioned existing reports.

Which means the sections between Aerocity station and Noida Sector143 station and between Depot station

and Boraki station refer to the final alignment by DMICDC, the section between Noida Sector 143 station

and Depot station refers to the proposed route of Metro Link by DMRC.

The section between Aerocity station and Noida Sector143 station described in final alignment by

DMICDC will modify. Especially, direction of route and installation space (underground/elevated section)

of new construction section will modify for more efficient and realistic route alignment. As for the section

between Depot station and Boraki station, DPR of Metro Link was not mentioned the route, therefore the

route and station location of the section will be shown referring the final alignment by DMICDC.

After the publication of DPR of Metro Link, the project is progressing to the signing of MoU and its

construction is nearly decided. Therefore, the route and station location between Noida Sector 143 station

and Depot station does not modified.

b) Connection to IGI Airport

The connection to IGI Airport is recommended in the study report by DMICDC, but its direction of route

and installation space is not examined. Therefore, this study shows the route options for connection to IGI

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Airport and describes the route between IGI Airport and Aerocity station.

c) Installation Position of Civil Structure

In the above mentioned existing reports, civil structures are planned to construct in underground or elevated

sections. At the elevated sections, columns of structure are planned to construct using the median of roads

as possible. Same as this study, modified or new route plan will describe considering minimizing the land

acquisition and resettlement.

d) Start Point and End Point

Start point of proposed route is set at IGI Airport Terminal 3, and end point is set at Boraki station.

(4) Route Options for Connection to IGI Airport

As for the connection to IGI Airport, following 3 options (section between IGI Airport and Aerocity) as

shown in Figure 3-3-3 and Table 3-3-1 are set. Option-1 is connection to IGI Airport Terminal 3, Option-2 is

connection to IGI Airport Terminal 1, Option-3 does not connect to IGI airport and Aerocity station is set as

start point.

Figure 3-3-3 Route Options for Connection to IGI Airport

Source: Study Team



W E 0 1km

IGI Airport station

Dwarka Sector 21 station

[Orange Line (Airport Express Line)]

(existing line)

[DMRC Phase 3 section (Line 8)]

(under construction)

Terminal 1 station

(under construction)

Terminal 1

Terminal 3


IGI Airport Terminal 1 station

Delhi Aerocity station


IGI Airport Terminal 3 station


Aerocity station


Connection to Terminal 1


Connection to Terminal 3


Do not connect IGI airport.

(Aerocity station is set at start point.)

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Table 3-3-1 Outline of Route Options for Connection to IGI Airport


Option-1 Option-2 Option-3

IGI Airport Terminal 3 station

to Aerocity station

IGI Airport Terminal 1 station

to Aerocity station

Aerocity station (start point)

Terminal to connect

Terminal 3:

Terminal 3 is using as domestic

and international terminal. After

the opening in July 2010, many

airlines have moved from

Terminal 1 to Terminal 3.

Terminal 1:

Terminal 1 is using only as

domestic (3 LCC airlines)


Connect neither Terminal 1 nor

3, and Aerocity station is the

start point.

Link of existing line

Orange Line (Airport Express

Line) is connecting at IGI

Airport station (underground).

Existing line is not connecting

now. Line 8 (Janakpuri

West-Botanical Garden Line)

including DMRC Phase 3 is

under construction and

Terminal 1 station (underground

station) is planned to open in


Orange Line (Airport Express

Line) is linking at Delhi

Aerocity station (underground).

Distance between IGI

Airport and Aerocity


3.5km 2.3km ---

Introducing space Underground Underground Underground

Technical issue

Underground space of IGI

Airport Terminal 3 road and the

road under the IGI Airport are

possible to use, and there is no

technical issue.

Between Terminal 1 and

Aerocity station, Option-2 route

and Orange Line will cross in

the underground. Additionally,

this option will cross under the

runway and airport facilities.

Consequently depth of this

option would become deeper

than usual, and impact will

become significant technically

and financially.

There is no technical issue

because this option does not

connect IGI Airport. In case that

passenger goes to airport,

passengers should transfer to

Orange Line or airport shuttle

bus at the Aerocity station.

Passenger’s convenience will

significantly low, because this

option does not connect either


Source: Study Team

In addition to the above mentioned considerations, Line 8 is planned to construct east-west direction same as

proposed route, and will connect to Terminal 3 but not connect to Orange Line. In conclusion, proposed route

should connect to Terminal 3, and Option-1 is selected as the route between IGI Airport and Aerocity station.

The section between IGI Airport Terminal 3 station and Aerocity station will introduced in underground. As

Page 61: PRELIMINARY STUDY ON THE DELHI-UTTAR …This “The Study on Railway Project between Delhi and Uttar Pradesh” is to focus on Delhi city, National Capital, and its adjoining Greater


for the introduction to underground, connect to Orange Line as Option-1.1 and introducing parallel to

Orange Line as Option-1.2 are considered.

a) Option-1.1: Connect to Orange Line

As the Orange Line is running same section in underground, this option proposes to connect to Orange

Line and use the same tracks. Construction costs of proposed line will be unnecessary for few kilometers.

On the other hand, at the cross point of proposed line and Orange Line, level crossing should be avoid

from the viewpoint of safety, and a track of proposed line should cross over or under a track of Orange

Line. Additionally, this option has demerits from the viewpoints of operation plan and passenger’s


b) Option-1.2: Introducing Parallel to Orange Line

This option proposes introducing parallel to Orange Line at 3.5km section between IGI Airport Terminal

3station and Aerocity station. Underground space under the roads are possible to use, and this option

shows efficient and realistic route.

In conclusion, Option-1.2 is selected for installation to underground section between IGI Airport Terminal

3 station and Aerocity station.

(5) Outline of Proposed Route

From the result of above considerations, Figure 3-3-4 shows the proposed route of this study and Figure

3-3-5 shows the longitudinal profile. Overview along the route and introduction of civil structure are shown

as follow dividing the proposed route into 3 sections.

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Source: Study Team



0 5km N


Orange Line (Airport Express Line)

Yellow Line (Line 2) IGI Airport

Terminal 3 station

Violet Line (Line 6)

Boraki station

Depot station

Pari Chowk station

Indian Railways Delhi-Howrah Line

Noida Sector 143 station

Noida Sector 132 station

Proposed site for depot Tughlakabad station

Khanpur station

Aerocity station

Chhattarpur station

Figure 3-3-4 Proposed Route

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Figure 3-3-5 Longitudinal Profile

Source: Study Team



(Elevation: m)























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m



0 0


0 0


0 0


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0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9



























































































































































































8 ‰ 10‰ 10 ‰ 15‰ 12 ‰ 9‰ 5‰ 25‰ 10‰ 8‰

Rail Level

Ground Level

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a) Section between IGI Airport Terminal 3 Station and Tughlakabad Station (23.4km)

1) Overview along the Route

Figure 3-3-6 Outline of the Section between IGI Airport Terminal 3 station and Tughlakabad station

Remarks: (a), (b) and (c) showing in above figure are numbers of photos below.

(same as Figure 3-3-7 and Figure 3-3-8)

Source: Study Team

In this section, intermediate area between Aerocity station and Chhattarpur station is the highest altitude of

approx. 270m. The altitude around IGI Airport Terminal 3 station is approx. 225m, and the altitude around

Tughlakabad station is approx. 215m. Low-rise commercial areas, residential areas and green parks are

Tughlakabad station

Khanpur station

Chhattarpur station

IGI Airport

Terminal 3 station




Distance between

Stations (km) 3.5 7.2 5.3 7.4

Underground section


Elevated section

4.1km Elevated section


Underground section


Photo 3-1

(a) Delhi Aerocity Station

(Orange Line)

Orange Line (Airport Express Line) Yellow Line (Line 2)

Violet Line (Line 6)




Photo 3-2

(b) Mehrauli-Badarpur road

Photo 3-3

(c) Tughlakabad Station (Violet Line)

0 5km

Underground section


Source: Study Team Source: Study Team Source: Study Team

Page 65: PRELIMINARY STUDY ON THE DELHI-UTTAR …This “The Study on Railway Project between Delhi and Uttar Pradesh” is to focus on Delhi city, National Capital, and its adjoining Greater


located along the route.

2) Introduction of Civil Structure

This 23.4km section is composed of 12.0km underground section and 11.4 km elevated section. The first

5.7km underground section begins from IGI Airport Terminal 3 station to approx. 2km away from Aerocity

station. The route changes from underground to elevated section using the open space located approx. 2km

away from Aerocity station. And 4.1km elevated section using spaces above the road of Abdul Gaffar Khan

Marg is continued before reaching to Chhattarpur station. Using the open space located near Chhattarpur

station, the route changes from elevated to underground section, via Chhattarpur station (underground

station). Following 4.3km underground section changes from underground to elevated section using the green

field located in front of Khanpur station. 7.4km elevated section from in front of Khanpur station to before

reaching to Tughlakabad station runs using spaces above the road of Mehrauli-Badarpur. Using the open

spaces in front of Tughlakabad station, the route changes from elevated to underground section, and 2.0km

underground section is continued to Tughlakabad station (underground station).

b) Section between Tughlakabad Station and Noida Sector 143 Station (15.0km)

1) Overview along the Route

Figure 3-3-7 Outline of the Section between Tughlakabad station and Noida Sector 143 station

Source: Study Team

Haryana State

Faridabad District

Proposed site for depot



(e) Noida Sector 132 station

Noida Sector 143 station

Uttar Pradesh

State Noida National Capital

Territory of Delhi

Violet Line (Line 6)

Tughlakabad station

Distance between stations

(km) 9.1 5.9

Underground section


Elevated section





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In this section, the highest altitude of approx. 215m is located near Tughlakabad station. The altitude

decreases gradually for Yamuna River, and the altitude between Yamuna River and Noida Sector 143 station

are approx. 200m. After crossing the Yamuna River, the route enters Noida area in Uttar Pradesh State. As the

large facilities along the route, NTPC coal based power station and water treatment plant are located east side

of Tughlakabad station. High density residential areas are located from the east side of water treatment plant

to embankment road of Yamuna River. The fields spread inside of both embankment roads of Yamuna River.

After crossing Yamuna River, the route enters Noida area and high-rise residential buildings are under

development along the route.

2) Introduction of Civil Structure

4.5km underground section begins from in front of Tughlakabad station, the route goes along the outer edge

of power station and water treatment plant and changes from underground to elevated section using the open

space in village ahead. Following 10.5km elevated section crosses Yamuna River and enters the road in

Noida area. The route from Noida Sector 132 station to Noida Sector 143 station goes using spaces above the

road of Noida-Greater Noida expressway.

In the route plan by DMICDC, the route goes down southeast direction in underground after passing

Tughlakabad station. This is considered that because the previous examinations of route plan by DMICDC

shows connecting to Violet Line at Badarpur station (south side of Tughlakabad station), not Tughlakabad

station, and also avoiding the property of power station. In addition, section change point from underground

to elevated is set in open space in the village. Approx. 650m from this change point to embankment road,

houses are located both side of narrow road, and large numbers of resettlement will be required in case

planning elevated section in this section.

The route plan in this study recommends that the route between Tughlakabad station and Noida Sector 132

station requires more efficient direction and needs modifications. That is, after passing Tughlakabad station,

the route goes northeast direction in underground along the outer edge of power station, and goes east

direction along the outer edge of water treatment plant. After going through 500m in Khadda Colony located

east side of water treatment plant, the route changes from underground to elevated section using the open

space in this village. Following approx. 90m elevated section in Khadda Colony will require land acquisition

Photo 3-5 (e) Near Sector 108

Photo 3-6 (f) Noida-Greater Noida Expressway

Photo 3-4 (d) Fields located between Yamuna

River and embankment road

Source: Study Team Source: Study Team Source: Study Team

Page 67: PRELIMINARY STUDY ON THE DELHI-UTTAR …This “The Study on Railway Project between Delhi and Uttar Pradesh” is to focus on Delhi city, National Capital, and its adjoining Greater


and few resettlements. Although this modification shows minimizing the land acquisition and resettlement,

and this study recommend this route plan as shown in Figure 3-3-7 from the viewpoints of environmental and

social considerations.

Crossing of Yamuna River is considered as the shortest route. And river crossing section is considered not as

bridge but as same method as general section, referring the river crossing section of Line 8 (under


c) Section between Noida Sector 143 Station and Boraki Station (19.3km)

1) Overview along the Route

Figure 3-3-8 Outline of the Section between Noida Sector143station and Boraki station

Source: Study Team

The highest altitude of 210m is located between Depot station to Boraki station, and other area is nearly flat

with altitude of approx. 195m. The route from Noida Sector143 station to Pari Chowk station along

Noida-Greater Noida expressway is under development of high-rise buildings in broad fields. Schools,

commercial areas, low-rise and high-rise residential areas are orderly developed along the route from Pari

Boraki station

Depot station

Pari Chowk station

Noida Sector 143 station

Distance between

stations (km) 11.6 4.3

Elevated section

19.3km 3.4

0 5km




Photo 3-8

(h) Near Depot station Photo 3-9

(i) Boraki station (IR)

Photo 3-7

(g) Near Pari Chowk station




Indian Railways Delhi-Howrah Line

Source: Study Team Source: Study Team Source: Study Team

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Chowk station to Depot station. Under development areas and fields are expanded along the route from

Depot station to Boraki station.

2) Introduction of Civil Structure

This section is all elevated section (19.3km). The route goes using Noida-Greater Noida expressway from

Noida Sector 143 station to Pari Chowk station, and using Sector Alpha road from Pari Chowk station to

intermediate of Depot station and Boraki station. Following section from the end of Sector Alpha road to

Boraki station is planned to go through the fields.

(6) Location of the Station

Table3-3-2 shows the outline of station location.

Table 3-3-2 Outline of Station Location

No. Chainage Distance between

stations (km) Station name



Outline of the station

(Connection to existing line /

facilities around station)

1. 0km000m IGI Airport Terminal 3 underground ・Connect to Orange Line at IGI Airport station

(underground station).

2. 3km452m 3.5 Aerocity underground ・Connect to Orange Line at Delhi Aerocity station

(underground floor: platform, ground floor:


・There are hotels around the station.

3. 10km617m 7.2 Chhattarpur underground ・Connect to Yellow Line at Chhattarpur station

(ground floor: concourse, first floor: platform).

Near the Chhattarpur station, Yellow Line and

Mehrauli-Gurgaon road are running alongside.

・There are green fields, low-rise residential area

and commercial area around the station.

4. 15km994m 5.3 Khanpur elevated ・Station is located near the intersection of

Mehrauli-Badarpur road and Lal Bahadur

Shastri Marg road.

・There are Ambedkar Nagar bus terminal, defense

area and Delhi Institute of Pharmaceutical

Sciences and Research around the station.

・There are many commercial facilities along the

Mehrauli-Badarpur road.

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5. 23km419m 7.4 Tughlakabad underground ・Connect to Violet Line at Tughlakabad station

(ground floor: concourse, first floor: platform).

・Violet Line and Skyway (highway) are running


・There is Tughlakabad freight terminal (IR) near

the station.

6. 32km576m 9.1 Noida Sector132 elevated ・Station is located near side at the junction of

Noida-Greater Noida expressway.

・There are Sector 108 park, schools and hospitals

around the station.

7. 38km463m 5.9 Noida Sector143 elevated ・Station is located at Noida-Greater Noida


・There are high-rise residential buildings and

fields around the station.

8. 50km089m 11.6 Pari Chowk elevated ・Station is located at Noida-Greater Noida

expressway near side at the junction of Greater

Noida-Kasna-Surajpur road.

・There are golf courses, commercial complexes,

residential areas and schools.

9. 54km374m 4.3 Depot elevated ・Station is located near the junction of Sector

Alpha road and Noida-Greater Noida link road.

・High-rise residential areas are under

development around the station.

・Depot of the Metro Link is planned near the


10. 57km728m 3.4 Boraki elevated ・Connect to Delhi-Howrah Line of Indian

Railways at Boraki station (ground station).

Source: Study Team

(7) Connection to Planned Line (DMRC Phase 4 and Metro Link)

The proposed route of this study recommends connecting between IGI Airport Terminal 3 and Boraki station.

The section between Aerocity station to Tughlakabad station is included in DMRC Phase 4 section, the

section between Noida Sector 143 station and Depot station is included in Metro Link section. Proposed

route is divided into 5 sections as shown in Figure 3-3-9.

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Figure 3-3-9 Sectioning of Proposed Route

Source: Study Team

At Aerocity station and Tughlakabad station, the proposed system is planned to connect DMRC Phase 4

section, and connect to Metro Link section at Noida Sector 143 station and Depot station. At Aerocity station,

Tughlakabad station and Depot station, tracks of proposed system are possible to connect DMRC Phase 4

and Metro Link directly. For the connection to Metro Link at Noida Sector 143 station, tracks of proposed

route to Boraki will pass over the tracks of Metro Link and connect to Noida Sector 143 station as shown in

Figure 3-3-10.

Figure 3-3-10 Connection to Planned Line

Source: Study Team

(8) Preliminary Conditions for Horizontal and Vertical Alignment

The conceptual route plan and locations of station were shown in above sections. At the next detail route

planning stage, horizontal and vertical alignment based on the alignment conditions would be required.

Referring the experiences in Japan, Table 3-3-3 shows the preliminary conditions for horizontal and vertical


raki statio



ot statio


Pari C





ida S

ector 1






ad statio




r station


city statio




ur statio




rt Term

inal 3



ida S

ector 1



DMRC Phase 4 section


New construction

section 3.5km

Metro Link section


New construction section


New construction

section 3.4km

To Noida City Center

Noida Sector 143 station

To Boraki

Metro Link section

DMRC Phase 4 section

Aerocity station Tughlakabad station

New construction section

Metro Link section New construction section

Depot station

New construction section

New construction section

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alignment assuming the proposed route. Those conditions are shown not as determined condition but only for

reference. And those conditions should be determined by the specifications of rolling stock and design speed.

Table 3-3-3 Preliminary Conditions for Horizontal and Vertical Alignment

Gauge 1,435mm

Horizontal Alignment

Minimum curve radius Main line: R=300m

*R=160m is allowed at side track.

Station section: 1,000m

*R=400 is allowed in unavoidable case at station section.

Maximum cant 120mm

Allowable cant deficiency 50mm

Transition curve Length of transition curve should satisfy following 3


L1=Length required from the safety limit to derailment

L2=Length required for reduction of cant

L3=Length required from the limit of ride quality

Vertical Alignment

Maximum gradient Main line: 35‰

Station section: 0‰

*5‰ is allowed in unavoidable case at station section.

Vertical curve radius Main line: R=2,500m

*R=1,500m is allowed in unavoidable case.

Source: Study Team

(9) Points to Consider for Further Study

For the next detail route planning stage, following points should be considered including the viewpoints of

operation plan, required land acquisition and cooperation with operating bodies of DMRC Phase 4 and Metro


The proposed route including DMRC Phase 4 section and Metro Link section has curve sections. Curve

sections affect lower speed, which is longer required time. As mentioned in following operation plan, average

speed and required time are calculated, and those results show that this route plan satisfies requirements for

proposed system and passenger service. In addition, it is important that this route plan is planned using the

planned lines of DMRC Phase 4 and Metro Link maximally, and minimizing the initial construction costs.

Especially, in case that route plan is modified in next study, connecting section to planned route should be

decided immediately, because that DMRC Phase 4 and metro Link are planned to start construction within

few years.

As mentioned in following operation plan, at the Chhattarpur station in DMRC Phase 4 section, side tracks

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are planned to construct. And at the Tughlakabad station and Noida sector 143 station, new construction

section will connect to DMRC Phase 4 section and Metro Link section respectively, and side tracks are

planned to construct. Side tracks are additional facilities for the operation of proposed system, and its costs

including land costs are covered by the operating body of proposed system. However, these introducing

spaces should be secured at the early stage of the project in cooperation with operating bodies of DMRC

Phase 4 and Metro Link. As the Metro Link is planned to open in 2018 and DMRC Phase 4 is planned to

open in 2022, it is considered that those 3 stations might be begin to construct in advance of new

construction sections.

3.3.2 Civil Structure Plan

(1) Basic Concept

Civil structure of proposed system will be constructed as underground or elevated structure. Civil structure of

elevated section is assumed referring the civil structure plan in the DPR of Metro Link. Civil structure of

underground section is not assumed in the DPR, and is assumed from the experiences in Japan, which is

applicable to the proposed system.

(2) General Section

a) Elevated Section

Outlines of the general section at elevated section are shown in Table 3-3-4, and typical cross section is

shown in Figure 3-3-11. Viaduct with U-shaped girder and viaduct with box girder are shown in the DPR of

Metro Link. Viaduct with U-shaped girder is widely adopted in existing and under construction lines of Delhi


Table 3-3-4 Outlines of General Section (Elevated Section)

Distance between ground level and bottom of structure To secure minimum 5.5m

Rail level Approx. 8.5m (adopting U-shaped girder)

Approx. 9.8m (adopting box girder)

Distance between tracks 4,000mm


20.0m (DPR of Metro Link pointed any structure

shall not be constructed within 10.0m of both side

from the center line of the structure.)

Occupancy of column 6.25m2 (2.5m × 2.5m)

Source: Study Team

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Figure 3-3-11 Typical Cross Section at General Section (Elevated Section)

Source: Study Team

b) Underground Section

Typical cross section of general section at underground section is shown in Figure 3-3-12. Generally,

thickness of earth covering is required 1.5 to 2 times of diameter of tunnel.

Figure 3-3-12 Typical Cross Section at General Section (Underground Section)

Source: Study Team

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(3) Station Section

a) Elevated Station

Outlines of elevated station are shown in Table 3-3-5, typical cross section and layouts of platform and

concourse floor are shown in Figure3-3-13.

Table 3-3-5 Outlines of Elevated Station

Platform type Basically, separate type

Size of Station Length: 140m × width: 49.5m

(width of station building: 26.4m + width of access facilities of both side: 23.1m)

Floor plan

Second floor: platform floor

First floor: concourse floor

Grand floor: access facilities (staircase, escalator)

- Same as the general section, distance between ground level and bottom of structure

should be secured minimum 5.5m.

- Height of concourse floor: 3.5m

- Platform is 1.09m above the track level.

Track level Minimum 12.5m

Source: Study Team

In the DPR of Metro Link, train configuration is planned as 4 cars/train (length of train: 90.4m) at the

beginning of operation, and platform length is secured sufficient length for 6 cars/train (length of train:

135.6m) in the future.

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[Concourse Floor]

[Platform Floor]

Source: Study Team

Figure 3-3-13 Typical Cross Section and Layout Plans of Elevated Station

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b) Underground Station

Typical cross section of underground station is shown in Figure3-3-14. Width of platform is approx. 7 to 9m

from the experiences in Japan. Similar to the elevated station, 2 platforms with 2 tracks are assumed in this

figure, but also island platform of 1 platform with 2 tracks is adoptable to the terminal station (IGI Airport

Terminal 3 station).

Figure 3-3-14 Typical Cross Section of Underground Station

Source: Study Team

As for reference, Figure 3-3-15 shows the cross section of underground station with side tracks assuming

Chhattarpur station and Tughlakabad station.

Figure 3-3-15 Cross Section of Underground Station with Side Tracks

Source: Study Team

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(4) Maintenance Depot Plan

a) Need of maintenance depot

As well as the maintenance depot being necessary for operation of train, a periodic inspection and repair,

they're also a base of crew's business and a base of maintenance in railway facilities.

The works performed at the maintenance depot is indicated below.

1) Works about a vehicle: Maintenance work, Check and repair work, Operation management of train

2) Works about a crew: Operation planning, Driving duty, Training

3) Works about management and operation: Vehicle and staff management, Material supply

b) Attitude of train inspection and repair

This maintenance depot possesses the equipment which can be conducted from light maintenance to overhaul

for their own train by their own company. The maintenance depot is made the scale it's possible to stable all

their owned trains in which in the maintenance depot.

c) Location selection of maintenance depot

The following matter is considered about selection of location of the maintenance depot.

1) Be in profitable location from the viewpoint of the train operation because route length is long at

about 60 km.

2) To be able to secure the necessary area and close to main line.

3) That vicinage has few residential areas.

4) Be in U.P. state.

The candidate location of the maintenance depot is the left bank on Yamuna River and on the west side of

Noida sector132 station from a matter above-mentioned.

Further, when there is need on the train operation, it's considered to do night stabling in securement of

stabling line and IGI airport terminal-3 for night stabling in maintenance depot of Metro link.

d) General plan in maintenance depot

The function and the scale of the maintenance depot are indicated in table 3-3-6 and the whole schematic is

indicated in Figure 3-3-16.

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Table 3-3-6 The function and the scale of the maintenance depot

Item Contents

Main function





Infrastructure maintenance

Power receiving/distribution

Integrated management

Crew lodgings

Stabling method 1 stabling track: 1 train set

Number of stabling

trains 35train sets(Future max)

Length of the train 6 cars/train sets

Major facilities

Stabling track, leading track, test track, cleaning track (automatic, manual),

overhaul track, semi overhaul track, monthly inspection track, daily inspection

track, final adjustment track, wheel re-profiling track, maintenance car track, etc.

Repair/inspection workshop, central control office, Operation control center,

infrastructure maintenance shed, maintenance car shed, material store, waste water

treatment plant, automatic train washing machine, wheel re-profiling shop, etc.

Scale of land Approx. 29ha

Source: Study Team

Figure 3-3-16 The whole schematic in the maintenance depot

Source: Study Team

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3.3.3 Train Operation Plan

It is demanded generally that the railway transportation carries passengers safely, exactly, comfortably,

earlier and cheaper to the destination.

To operate the train safely and stably, it is important to secure the operation according to a train diagram

which is set by the train operation plan (the decision for the transportation capacities and operative numbers).

It tends to be most crowded for a daily operation at the time of peak hours in the morning. Therefore, it is

necessary for the operation plan to consider the transportation capacities at the time of the congestion. In

addition, it is important to provide the following measures as for the urban railways.

a) High Speed Train Operation

To operate trains at high speeds, the alignment shall be straight and flat as much as possible. The platform

shall have the bigger radius of a curvature to shorten the separation from the track and the track shall have

the gentle gradient to avoid the overrun of trains in the station.

In Japan, express, semi-express and local trains are operated on the same track. So, we would like to

recommend this mixed operation system for this project.

b) Mass Transit and Operation Interval

The following measures are thought about to increase the transport capacity;

Upsizing of the Rolling Stock

Increasing Train Sets


Shortening of a Time Interval of the Operation

We would like to propose (iv) Shortening of a Time Interval of the Operation that is most economic and

actual measure; most suitable time interval of the operation.

The facilities to handle the high frequency operation with the bigger size of rolling stock shall be required. It

is important for the most suitable headway to plan the layout of stations and signaling system. And more, the

passageways, stairs, escalators and so on shall be provided at the stations based on the mass passenger


c) To Secure the Safety and Stable Operation

It is indispensable for the safety and stable operation to provide the very reliable safety devices and it is

necessary to provide the operation control system which manages the detail operation information. It is

desirable for the several natural disaster measures to provide the facilities which minimize the expansion and


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To operate mass transit, the roads and railways shall be multi-level crossing and shall be provided the

exclusive tracks. It is desirable to provide the continuous viaducts and tunnel structures which prevent the

entrance of the third parties into the tracks.

(1) Preconditions for the calculation of the required number of trains

The preconditions for the calculation of the required number of trains are shown in the table3-3-7.

Semi-express trains will be stopped at eight intermediate stations on the proposed line shown in figure 3-3-4.

We select five stations in total eight stations at where express trains stop; Aerocity, Chhattarpur,

Tughlakabad, Noida Sector 132 and Noida Sector 143 and plan to set the loop siding tracks at Chhattarpur,

Tughlakabad, Noida Sector 143 station.

Table 3-3-7 Preconditions for the Calculation of the Required Number of Trains

(Between Noida Sector 132 and Pari Chowk)

Route Length 56.8Km

Semi-Express Stop Station 8 Stations (excl. start/final ends)

Express Stop Station 5 Stations (excl. start/final ends)

Train Configuration 6 cars/train

Train Capacity (*1) 920 passengers/train

Congestion Rate (*2) 150%

Target Estimated Passengers 920 passengers x 150%= 1,380 passengers

Stoppage Time at station 60 sec. or 90 sec.

Start/End Track Alignment Return from the end of Platform

Required Time for Return 3 min. 00 sec.

Operation at the Peak Time Same numbers on Inbound/Outbound

Platform Type (*3) Straight Separate Platform

Maximum Train Speed 130km/h

Source: Study Team

(*1) Train Capacity

The passengers capacity of one train set is calculated based on the capacity of a new car of Chiyoda

Line of Tokyo Metro; car length=20m (head car; 143 passengers and middle car; 154 passengers) and

increased by multiplying the rate of 10% per the train set of Delhi Metro; car length=22m and on the

condition of providing the luggage space at each car that reduced 12 passengers; 6 passengers x 2


= Head Car {(143-12) passengers x 2 cars} + Middle Car {(154-12) passengers x 4 cars} x 1.1

≒ 920 passengers

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(*2) Congestion Rate

The mission for the urban railway is to operate the trains and to transport the passengers. The earnings

from the train operation are influenced in the quantity of the passenger. The more passengers, the more

crowded but it is preferable for the railway business. In the other side, the fewer passengers will not be

able to get the earnings equal to the expenses required to operate. Therefore, it is necessary to set the

train diagram and to decide the train configuration based on the passenger demand.

It tends to be most crowded at the time of certain hours in the morning and the evening. In case of

procuring the rolling stocks to reduce the congestion at the said hours, several number of rolling stocks

will not be used in the day time. If the amount of train service is small, large numbers of passengers will

not be able to get on the trains. Therefore, it is necessary to decide the train configuration and to plan the

operation service.

The guidelines of congestion rate are the followings (Figure 3-3-17);

100%: Riding capacity: he/she can sit in a seat, hang on to a strap, or hold on to a pole.

150%: Passenger’s shoulder comes in contact; he/she can read a newspaper easily;

180%: Passenger’s body comes in contact; he/she can read a newspaper;

200%: Passenger’s body comes in contact and he/she is oppressive and can read a magazine;

250%: Passenger is inclined and can’t move whenever a train shakes.

Figure 3-3-17 Guidelines of Congestion Rate

Source: MLIT Railway Bureau. (2014), Suji de miru Tetsudou (Railways in Number)

The average congestion rate in Tokyo is 164% and the one of main section is150%. So, we would like

to decide 150 % of the congestion rate for the proposed plan.

(*3) Platform Type

About the platform type, the straight separate platform shaped the straight alignment to the utmost is

proposed in the view of the importance placed on the train speed. But the island platform is available at

the start/end station.

(2) Calculation for Required Number of Train Set

Table 3-3-8 and table 3-3-9 show the results that calculated required train sets for Year 2021,Year 2031,

Year2036 and Year2041 with the conditions shown in table 3-3-7 based on the target estimated passengers of

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most heavy congested section ( between Noida Sector 132 and Pari Chowk ) mentioned above.

Table 3-3-8 Calculation of Required Train Sets (at peak hour: 8:00 – 9:00)

Year 2021 2031 2036 2041

a Most Heavy Congestion Passenger

Nos.: West Bound (to IGIA) 8,454 15,872 19,585 24,218

b Most Heavy Congestion Passenger

Nos.: East Bound (to Boraki) 8,455 15,873 19,620 24,218

c Passenger Capacity per Train 920 920 920 920

d Congestion Rate 150% 150% 150% 150%

e Transportation Capacity per Train ( = c x d ) 1,380 1,380 1,380 1,380

f Required Train Sets (one-way) ( = b / e ) 7 12 15 18

g Operation Interval Time 8min35sec 4min40sec 4min00sec 3min20sec

Source: Study Team

Table 3-3-9 Calculation of Required Cars (for 1 day)

Year 2021 2031 2036 2041

h Cycle Time (Round Trip Time from Diagram) 1 Hour 45 Minutes

i Round Trip Required Operated Train Nos. (= h ÷ g ) 12 21 26 31

j Reserve Train (Reserved for Operation and

Inspection) 2 3 3 3

k Total Train Sets (= i + j ) 14 24 29 34

l Total Car Numbers ( = k x 6 cars) 84 144 174 204

Source: Study Team

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(3) Express and Semi-Express Train Operation

The table 3-3-10 shows the mixed operation time of express (stop at major 5 stations) and semi-express (stop

at 8 stations) train. The one-way operation time is calculated from this table. The operation time of the west

bound (from Boraki station to IGI Airport Terminal 3 station) in company with the east bound (from IGI

Airport Terminal 3 station to Boraki station) is;

Express Operation Time (operation time + stoppage time at major 5 stations)

Operation Time: 33min.30sec. + Stoppage Time; 5min.00sec. = 38min.30sec.

Semi-Express Operation Time (operation time + stoppage time at stations)

Operation Time: 36min.00sec. + Stoppage Time; 8min.00sec. = 44min.00sec.

It is expected that the express train arrives earlier for 8min.15sec. Since the local train operation time is

82minutes in the DMICDC report (Study report by Halcrow), the operation time is expected to be cut 43

minutes 30 seconds in this proposed express operation plan.

On the other hand, it is possible to shorten more the operation time by reducing the number of the express

stations. Furthermore, the train arrives in 29minutes15seconds if the limited express train (non-stop operation

from IGI Airport Terminal 3 station to Boraki station) would be operated.

Figure3-3-18 shows the express passing track, crossover track and track alignment to Depot and

Figure3-3-19 - Figure3-3-22 shows the image of Diagram at the time of peak hour in Year2021, Year2031,

Year2036 and Year2041. Table 3-3-11 shows the required train sets for the express and semi-express train

operation in each year.

Table 3-3-11 Train Sets for the Express and Semi-Express Operation

Year 2021 2031 2036 2041

Express Train Sets 2 3 5 6

Semi-Express Train Sets 5 9 10 12

Total 7 12 15 18

Source: Study Team

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Table 3-3-10 Comparison of Time between Express and Semi-Express Train Operation

Note: At the time of the arrival to the terminal station of the operation time, added it for 20 seconds.

Distance Underground

/Viaduct Station Name



West Bound (to Airport)

Operation Time

East Bound (to Boraki)

Operation Time Stoppage Time Year 2021


Passengers Semi-Express Express Semi-Express Express Semi-Express Express

0k 000m Underground IGI Airport

Terminal 3 ○ ― ―

2′45″ 2′45″ 2′35″ 2′35″

3k 452m Underground Aerocity ○ 1′00″ 1′00″ 4,407

4′25″ 4′25″ 4′25″ 4′25″

10k 617m Underground Chhattarpur ○ 1′00″ 1′00″ 3,174




7′10″ 15k 994m Viaduct Khanpur ― 1′00″


4′30″ 4′30″

23k 366m Underground Tughlakabad ○ 1′00″ 1′00″ 6,888

4′55″ 4′55″ 4′55″ 4′55″

31k 618m Viaduct Noida Sector 132 ○ 1′00″ 1′00″ 6,382

3′45″ 3′45″ 3′45″ 3′45″

37k 505m Viaduct Noida Sector 143 ○ 1′00″ 1′00″ 1,300





49k 131m Viaduct Pari Chowk ― 1′00″


3′00″ 3′00″

53k 416m Viaduct Depot ― 1′00″

2′30″ 2′40″

56k 770m Viaduct Boraki ○ ― ― 5,340

Total 36′00″ 33′30″ 36′00″ 33′30″ 8′00″ 5′00″



Source: Study Team

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Figure 3-3-18 Track Alignment Plan from IGI Airport Terminal 3 Station to Boraki Station

Source: Study Team



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Figure 3-3-19: Operation Diagram - Year2021 Peak Time

Source: Study Team



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Figure 3-3-20 Operation Diagram - Year2031 Peak Time

Source: Study Team



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Figure 3-3-21 Operation Diagram - Year2036 Peak Time

Source: Study Team



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Figure 3-3-22 Operation Diagram - Year2041 Peak Time

Source: Study Team



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3.4 Traffic Node Development Program

3.4.1 Flow of the Analysis

In this section, this study describes the basic policy and image for the development of station square. The

flow of analysis is described as below.

Figure 3-4-1 Analysis Flow of Traffic Node Development plan

Source: Study Team

3.4.2 Present Situation and Problems at the Traffic Node in India

In this section, this study analyses the problems which noticed and discovered in our field survey in Delhi.

In Delhi, the traffic congestion became more serious accoding to the economic growth in India. The major

cause is the increase of the numbers of automobiles which are possessed by the citizens in Delhi.The

numbers of cars owned by the citizens of Delhi are currently 8.1 million and they are increasing by 1,400 in

one day.

Therefore, the improvement and maintenance of roads are far behind compared to the rapid growth of

automobiles. During the 40 years from 1971 to 2011, the numbers of cars increased 28 times but the total

length of roads extended only 4 times.

Nowadays, various measures were taken such as multiple-crossing and modal shift to Metros and buses but

the problem is still serious. The network of Delhi Metro is extended and became more and more convenient

and it is expectd as one of the best ways for the reduction of traffic congestion. However, we found there are

3-4-2 Present situation and problems in India 3-4-3 Basic policy for the development of

station square in Japan

3-4-4 Significance of traffic node


Reference/Comparison Improvement Plan /Application

3-4-5 Selection of stations

3-4-6 Consideration of development plan

3-4-7 Proposal

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various ploblems inside and around the Metro stations.

(1) Station Square: Change of transportation is not smooth

This study acknowledged in our field survey in Delhi that at the station square there are various

problems. The total space of station square is generally narrow and the parking space for buses and

taxis is not enough. The traffic route is mingled and congested in station square. The passengers getting

on and off at the station have to walk relatively long distance. It is necessary to control the function of

each means of transportation.

Photo 3-4-2 Nehru Place Station

Source: Study Team

Source: Study Team

Photo 3-4-1 Casimir Gate Station Public Bus Stop

Source: Study Team

At the Bus Stop, passengers, automobiles and

bicycles are mingled. There is no parking

space. It is quite difficult to move both for

buses and passengers.

In front of the parking lot of Nehru Place

Station, Auto-Rickshaw parks on the road and

the flow of passengers are interrupted.

Photo3-4-3 New Delhi: Indian Rail Station

Source: Study Team

In front of New Delhi Indian Rail Station:

Parking space is too narrow compared to the

numbers of cars.

Waiting space inside the station:

Since the waiting space is too narrow to

accommodate a lot of passenger, they are

sitting on the floor.

Photo3-4-4 Inside of the Indian Rail Station

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(2) City View

The building of the station and the buildings around the station are important for landscape of the city

and they have much influence to the image of the city. Unfortunately we did not feel sympathy against

the station building as a node of traffic in Delhi.

(3) Bustle and Circulation around the stations

At the major Metro stations the flows of passengers are mingled. The flow of transfer among

long-distance buses, public buses, taxis and auto-rickshaws are intermixed and they are interrupted

each other. In addition to that the passengers flow is not planned for shopping and strolling near and

inside the station.

Photo 3-4-5: New Delhi Indian Rail Station

Photo 3-4-6: Front side of the New Delhi Indian Rail Station

Source: Study Team Source: Study Team

Source: Research Team

Front side Opposite side

Pedestrians and vehicles are on the same


The is a pedestrian space in front of New

Delhi Indian Rail Station

Source: Research Team

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3.4.3 Development of Station Square: Japanese Case

(1) History of the development of Station Square

The history of the development of Station Square is quite long in Japan. It reflects each epoch

especially motorization and housing policy.

Photo 3-4-7: Nehru Place Metro Station:

Shops and Restaurants Photo 3-4-8 Aero City Station

Source: Research Team

Passengers flow and shopping flow are not

planned together.

Source: Research Team

Inside Aero City Metro Station:

There is no shop inside the station.

Photo 3-4-9 Parking Area: Nehru Place Station

There is a large parking lot between the

station and the town. It divides the

connection to the town.

Source: Research Team

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Table 3-4-1 History of the development of Station Square

Period Facts

Post World WarⅡ Commencement of development of Station Square

1945- Development as Transit Square between railways and buses, cars and bicycles etc.

1965- Rapid urbanization around the railway stations. In the suburbs, a large quantity of

houses was supplied. At the same time bus stations and taxi stands were necessary.

1975- Improvement of Transit Square was urgent. The development of roads was preceded

especially for motorcars.

1985- According to the rapid motorization shopping centers were developed in the

suburbs→City center was hollowed-out.


According to the function of city has been advanced and diversified, the following

roles are important for Station Square.

・For the convenience and service of citizens

・Center of the activity of the city

・As an information center of the city

・Symbol of the city

・Square for welfare for the citizens

Figure 3-4-2 Image of Station Square Development in Japan

Source: Smooth Railroad Crossing by MLIT

Interruption by Crossing Undeveloped station space Unclear developed city Under developed roads

Multi-layered Traffics

(Smooth flow of traffics)

Unification of City

(Both side of railway)

Develop main roads

Use along / under railway Improve station

Remove Crossings

Make City Core

Install the station traffic square

Comfortable Space

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(2) Modern function of Station Square

In Japan, nowadays, the important points are as follows according to “The Guideline for the

Development of Station Square” by the former Ministry of Construction of Japan.

Clarify the function of Station Square: Station Square is not only the cross section of traffics but also

one of the spaces of the city.

Avoid uniform plan : According to the needs of each city and district, make unique Square Plan on

the basis of free concept.

Correspond effective use of space and multi-layered function of the city: Show and illustrate the plan

of Station Square by paying attention on these points.

Pay attention to people who use Station Square: As various persons use Station Square, pay attention

including aged and disabled persons.

Recently, Three-dimensional Planning is commonly used in Japan as it is one of the solutions to solve

the problems in traffics and city functions. The guideline shows also following functions :

Figure 3-4-3 Function of Station Square

Source: The Guideline for the Development of Station Square by the former Ministry of Construction of Japan

(3) Application in India

In India, the various experiences and changes, such as rapid urbanization, change of industrial

structure and motorization, which occurred in Japan in 50 years have rushing in very short period.

Especially in the suburban areas in India where the development of railways are expected, it is quite

useful to utilize the method of Station Square development planning which Japan experienced in long

term. Here we describe the comparison of the current situation in India and Japanese method of

Station Square development planning.

Function Special quality Space

Traffic Node

Core of city




Disaster Reduction


uare o

f city

Traffic Space

Environment Space




Make core of city and area

Traffic Node

Center for community

Center for community

Provide public services and


Base for disaster Reduction

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Unification of Station Square development with city planning: Make a symbol of the city with the


Appropriate zoning by separation of flows of traffics and people: Divide pedestrians into persons who

use the railway and who do not use the railway. Also divide the cars which are public use (buses,

taxis) and common private use.

Pay attention to make safe space for pedestrians: Divide cars and pedestrians.

Pay attention to view of the city: Make fine image for the persons who come to the station as a face

of the city.

3.4.4 Significance of “Traffic Core”

For the success of the railway project, creating the “Traffic Core” which has not only the station facilities

but also the development of the surroundings is important. The significances of the “Traffic Core” are the


(1) Expansion of Railway Related Business

Joint operation of Metro will induce huge demand among the people who live along the railway.

Commerce and various businesses are expected inside stations and along the railway. However, the

planned area has not developed yet. Therefore, the development of infrastructure and various function

of the city should be done simultaneously. Strategic space planning will value up not only the railway

but also the land along the railway. Various needs are expected such as commerce, business, housing

and services.

(2) Start Point for Modal Shift of Transportation

The promotion of utilization of the public transportation is essential in the highest priority for the

sustainable and stable urbanization. Namely the improvement of the quality of public transportation

and the traffic core which can drive the enhancement of each function and the user-friendliness are

required. In the concrete, the development of the station area covering not only the station building

but also the surrounding area has to be implemented for the smooth traffic connection with the city as

well as with the other public transportation.

(3) Creation of New Destinations

The leveling of the amount of each traffic user can be expected by the new demand of the other

station use complementing the usual demand such as the one to the city in the morning and the other

one to the suburbs in the evening. For example, the new development of the “large-scale commercial

complex” or the “Educational complex including the college and the high school and the academy

etc.” seem to be still effective. In addition to that, the development together with the station area and

the station front representing the whole development in the comprehensive initial planning are more

comprehensive to the area urbanization.

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(4) Aiming a Strategic Foothold along the whole railway

The development of the traffic core with the surroundings is expected to bring the brand image on the

whole railway and to provide the improvement of the real estate value on the area behind of the

railway, even if it is the single development. For the above reason, regarding the significance of its

development, the development of the traffic core can be an accelerator for the town development

especially for the housing and is expected to increase the railway users.

3.4.5 Selection of Node Station

When we consider the development of the core along the railway, we must pay attention to the present

situation of the area. In the center of city, it is difficult to redevelop the existing area because it takes

much time to coordinate the existing rights of habitants. Therefore, in such area it is better to concentrate

our attention to make just a trigger of modal shift in order to improve the convenience of transportation. In

the area where development is expected in future, it is easy to coordinate habitants and the effect is bigger.

In this study, we select Boraki station as a terminal station for the further planning in consideration of the

local situation and the result of the hearing to the relevant organizations as follows.

Boraki Station:Node with Indian Rail. It is decided to be a multi-functional traffic terminal in future

in Greater Noida area.

According to the base scenario of the population growth in Noida and Greater Noida Extension Area,

the population of the area is estimated 1.5 million. And at the Boraki station the passengers are

estimated to be 750 thousand.

The area has the high possibility for the near future development because the land expropriation

(about 160 ha) has been already finished by the Greater Noida Investment Development Authority.

Doe to the Shiv Nadar University (generally called HCL University) in the neighborhood of this

station, the effect of the Japanese-styled station development can be easily conducted monitoring the

daily usage of the students and the usage in an academic conference in the weekend.

The highly effective development is expected in the development which can improve the image of the

whole railway including the efficient land use piling up the floors, the monumental facility planning

and the application of the 3-dimentional traffic segregation, because this station is the end station in

the part of the future extension of the Noida-Greater Noida Metro Link.

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Figure 3-4-4 The location of the study area

3.4.6 Development Policy

It describes the implementation towards the achievement, positioning the development sense as one of the

goals of infrastructure exports.

(1) Improvement of Convenience

In the base formation around the railway station, it is necessary to insure the following passing functions.

Railway user (Access)

Railway user (Transfer)

Station facilities user (non-railway user)

Other Transportation users (non-railway user)

Figure 3-4-5 Classification of traffic by users

Source: City Planning Manual Urban facility/Park】Urban Traffic Facility/Maruzen

DMRC Phase 4 Noida-Greater Noida Metro Link

口フレーム New Construction Section


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Figure 3-4-6 Urban traffic Facilities in Traffic Terminal

Source:City Planning Manual Urban facility/Park】Urban Traffic Facility/Maruzen

It is expected that “ exchange function” ,“ landscape function ” ,“ service function ” , and “ disaster

presentation function ” are the functions to support urban agriculture for the other base formations. It is

said that each one of the functions is non-independent for it is required to perform its compounded

function in the limited area around railway station. Thus, it is effective for the development planning

around the station in a developing country to be developed in a manner with the spatial utilization

referring to the Japanese example.

(2) Assemble and Invite Passengers; Create New Commercial Area

There are some ways of thinking to arrange commercial spaces of railway station users since long before

in Japan, such as Echika of Omotesando Station and Ecute of Tachikawa Station. According to the field

survey, it is learned that especially the junction stations like Nehru Place Station (Line 5: Violet Line) and

Cashmere Gate Station (junction of Line 1: Red Line and Line 2: Yellow Line) need those Japanese ways

of thinking to arrange commercial spaces inside the railway station.

Since around 10 years ago, the unification of railways and commercial facilities including ticket gates has

been developed as a new business field. And furthermore, Japanese paradigm shift from a “station

bypassed” to a “moving station” is considered to serve as a reference in developing countries.

(3) Create New Life Stage

According to the field survey, it is realized that the land-use around most of the stations in India is

disordered and the spaces are not all utilized efficiently. Therefore, it can be understood that the facilities

such as “Station Direct Business” and “Residential facilities near from station” are not used under the

Photo 3-4-10: Ecute of Tachikawa Station (ticket gate) Photo 3-4-11: Echika of Omotesando Station (ticket gate)

Source: Study Team Source: Website of Echika of Omotesando Station

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current situation.

Thus, it is possible to propose the developers and relevant entities the stage of the new residence and the

new life by the high utilization model of land-use around stations, based on the technique of base

development in Japan, as the clear zoning and the arrangement of traffic

In the context of the landscape function that a station holds through the symbolic design of the station

buildings and the monumental architectural positioning of its related facilities, it is also important to

create the local identity and to improve the impression the territory by developing the station space, as it

is the most important part of a region. It is also expected to affect the surrounding areas along with the

increase of the needs of surrounding real estates, including railway developments.

3.4.7 Implementation towards the Achievement

For the overall structure is conducted by double-line with different levels from both in and out, it is to be

proposed a plan of pedestrian/vehicle separated and stereoscopic station space, under the knowledge of

Japanese technique. The detail of implementation is below.

Figure 3-4-7 Proposal Plan of Boraki station

Source: Study Team

Office 48,400 ㎡

Commercial 230,580 ㎡

Residential 69,550 ㎡

Hotel 32,595 ㎡

Total 381,125 ㎡

Source: Study Team

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(1) Separating pedestrians and vehicles by pedestrian deck

The traffic segregation developing the traffic plaza only allowing the vehicles on the ground level and

constructing the pedestrian deck on the 2nd level.

The pedestrian deck on the 2nd level works also the hub connecting the areas divided by the India

National railway line.

The smooth changing the lines between the entrance gate of the Metro station on the 3rd level and that

of India National railway line on the ground level can be provided to each user owing to the new

platform of the extension part of the Noida-Greater Noida Metro Link on the 2nd level.

In addition to those above, for more convenience, the extension planning of the pedestrian deck will

provide more efficient usage of the property cooperated with the other lot on the next with larger

pedestrian network.

(2) Clear Zoning and Arrangement of traffic

Clear and efficient zoning of the carriage porch and the area for the bus, the taxi, and other service

vehicles can be planned when the space for the pedestrian is concentrated on the deck level.

The 3-dimentional traffic segregation can offer the decentration of each traffic by increasing the

entrance to the area from the ground level and from the deck level.

Moreover owing to the simplification, the reducing the traffic accidents and the increasing the safety

and the improvement the environment are expected together.

Photo 3-4-12

Example for Station Facility by the Pedestrian Deck

(Tachikawa Station)

Source: Tokyo City Guide website Source: Proud tower Tachikawa homepage

出典:調査団撮影 Source: Study Team Source: Study Team

Figure 3-4-9 [Situation] Diagram of

congestion of functions and traffic

Figure 3-4-10 [Planning] Diagram after

clean-up the functions and traffic

Figure 3-4-8

Spatial Structure Image of

Tachikawa Station and Nearby Facility

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(3) Maximize Value of land by Monumental Facillities Planning

Another important role of the station such as the

contribution to the aesthetic cityscape and the core for

the community and getting together will be provided

by more space open to the public.

The residential and office complex are to be in the

station area in consideration of the financial efficiency

to compensate the initial and running cost.

The appearance of the whole development should be

planned in the one integrated design policy to be the

icon representative the area.

(4) Innovated New Function

The following function is assumed as a function to

prop up the bustle of the base.

a) Office directly connected from Station which

contains the function of administrative operations.

b) Residence with Good View

c) Life related facilities

d) Large scale shopping malls which can estimate

the customers from another cities

e) Bus & Taxi terminal which can be the hub for the

area surroundings

Photo 3-4-13 Example of

maintaining cluster of high-rise

buildings that considers station

Photo 3-4-14 Example of maintaining

large-scale, commercial facilities of

station connecting directly

Source: Lazona Kawasaki Website

Source: Study Team

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Chapter 4

Evaluation of Environmental and Social Impacts

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4.1 Current Status Analysis of Environmental and Social Aspects

4.1.1 Current status of natural environment

(1) Geological features

The study area is located between Himalaya Mountains in northern India and Indian subcontinent. This area an

alluvial plain formed by the Indus river and the Ganges. Its altitude is approximately 200m with flat terrain. In

east side of study area, there is the Yamuna River, a tributary of the Ganges, along the boundary between the

Uttar Pradesh and Haryana state.

(2) Climate

The study area belongs to BSh and Cwa of Köppen–Geiger climate. It has an island climate with the dry, rainy

and hot season. From the end of September to the mid of March, a temperature raises around 20 degrees by the

dry season. Fog and smog often rise from the end of December to January. The hot season from April to July,

it often becomes the intense heat and the temperature clime up to 45 degrees. In the rainy season from the end

of July to August, the humidity becomes higher than the hot season while being colder.

Figure 4-1-1 Temperature Trend of Study Area

Source: World Meteorological Organization and National Tourism Organization

Figure 4-1-2 Precipitation Trend of Study Area

Source: World Meteorological Organization and National Tourism Organization







1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

最高温度 最低温度








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12



Highest Lowest


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(3) Air Pollution

In India, Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) conducts the National Air Quality Monitoring Program to

survey the atmospheric levels of SO₂, NO₂ and RSPM (PM₁₀). Table 4-1-1 shows the monitoring result of

three areas near the study area, Delhi, Faridabad and Ghaziabad. Regarding SO₂, its concentration is getting

higher in Faridabad and Ghaziabad, and the pollution level of the latter became worse from “Low” to

“Moderate.” And, it is indicated that NO₂ has been increased in all three cities. Especially, Delhi is

categorized to “High” in 2011. The most serious data is that the result of PM₁₀ is far greater than 60µg/m3, the

annual average of the environmental standard in all three cities. Suspended particulate matter causes a

respiratory disease that affects children. Deterioration of the air quality will lead the serious health damage.

Table 4-1-1 Monitoring Result of Air Pollution 2008-2011

State City 2008 2009 2010 2011

SO₂ NO₂ PM₁₀ SO₂ NO₂ PM₁₀ SO₂ NO₂ PM₁₀ SO₂ NO₂ PM₁₀

Delhi Delhi 6 57 214 6 50 252 5 55 261 6 61 222

Haryana Faridabad 13 24 150 15 23 154 18 29 164 20 43 174

Uttar Pradesh Ghaziabad 20 16 236 29 31 239 30 37 290 31 39 231

Source:CPCB Annual Report 2011-2012

Table 4-1-2 Air Pollution Standard

Pollution Level Annual Average (µg/m3)

SO₂ NO₂ PM₁₀

Low 0~25 0~20 0~30

Moderate 26~50 21~40 31~60

High 51~75 41~60 61~90

Critical >75 >60 >90

Environmental Standard 50 40 60

Source: CPCB Annual Report 2011-2012

(4) Water Pollution

Water is chronically contaminated by domestic sewage. Particularly, the situation of large cities is serious.

CPCB implements the water pollution survey in association with states, and the results, Figure 4-1-3, 4-1-4

and 4-1-5 show that organic matters and bacteria cause the contamination. The locations where BOD is less

than 3mg/L accounted for 69% of whole sites in 2007, but this ratio had been decreased to 63% in 2011.

Contrary, the ratio of locations with more than 6mg/L of BOD rose up to 18% in 2011 while it was 13% in

2007. This means that water condition has been deteriorated since 2007.

Most rivers are also heavily polluted by coliform bacteria, and especially Yamuna River which this route plan

crosses is one of most contaminated river. Water quality trend of Yamuna River is described in Figure 4-1-6.

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Figure 4-1-3 Water Quality Trend (BOD, mg/l)

Source: CPCB Annual Report 2011-2012

Figure 4-1-4 Water Quality Trend (Total Coliform, MPN/100ml)

Source: CPCB Annual Report 2011-2012

Figure 4-1-5 Water Quality Trend (Faecal Coliform, MPN/100ml)

Source: CPCB Annual Report 2011-2012

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Figure 4-1-6 Water Quality Trend in terms of BOD (mg/l) in Yamuna River

Source: CPCB Annual Report 2011-2012

(5) Soil Contamination

Soil contamination by a chemical fertilizer and an insecticide is confirmed at mainly farm land. Chlorination of

ground surface is also a considerable issue, and affected area reaches 40% of whole farm land.

(6) Waste Product

Even among environmental problems, waste problem is serious. More than 160 thousand tons of wastes

generate per day, and 100 million tons of industrial waste, 160 million tons of agricultural waste, 68 million

tons of domestic waste and 400 thousand of E-waste generates per year. While Amounts of generated waste

per one person increases by 1.33% a year, garbage processing cannot sufficiently catch up because of a lack of

facilities. As a result, a refuse is scattered in an urban area, and it leads the contamination of water and soil.

This problem will be more serious with solid waste increasing year by year, and approximately 1,400㎡ land

will be required for waste processing by 2047 if the current situation continues.

(7) Sanctuary

As a basic law related to the protection of natural environment, The Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act was

established in 1972, and it was amended in 2006. 2006 Amending Act prescribes the establishment of national

Tiger Conservation Authority. In this connection, there is no sanctuary and forest to be affected by

construction in this route plan.

4.1.2 Future Predictions (If Project is NOT Implemented)

If this project is not implemented, there are concerns over the deterioration of traffic condition and the increase of

toxic exhaust gas from vehicle.

Greater Noida, the east side of study area, is the comprehensive industrial park with approximately 40,000ha of

huge development area five times as large as Noida. This area belongs to the National Capital Region (NCR)

along with Delhi, Noida, Ghaziabad, Gurgaon and Faridabad where economic development and urban

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development are expected.

Access to the IGIA from Greater Noida, however, is required to interchange at some stations in case of train while

expecting higher traffic demand. Also, transportation by car takes a lot of times to pass the center of Delhi

because of heavy traffic congestion.

This project will improve the trains speed of new railway line which connects Greater Noida with IGIA, and it

will also contributed to the customer convenience and the preserving the urban environment.

4.2 Effects of Environmental Improvement Resulting from Project


In this section, this study indicated the calculation result of the environmental improvement effect (carbon dioxide

reduction) in case that this project is implemented.

4.2.1 Reduction of carbon dioxide emission

Global warming assessments were made by calculating the difference between the carbon dioxide emissions that

would be reduced by a shift from automobiles to a train usage if an railway connecting Boraki with IGIA is

introduced, and the carbon dioxide generated through power production for the power to be consumed by running.

(1) Reduction of automobiles traffic volume

Assuming the shift of train users from public transportation on roads, road traffic would be reduced by the

portion of users changing means of transportation. The potential reductions in road traffic are calculated from

demand prediction results and shown in Table 4-2-1.

Table 4-2-1 Reduction of Automobile Traffic Volume


Modes Year





Average Travel

Distance (km)

Average Number

of Passengers


Road Traffic



Private car

2021 164,565

5.0 1.8


2031 259,980 722,167

2036 307,737 854,825

2041 365,395 1,014,986


2021 174,047

10.0 15.0


2031 274,958 183,305

2036 325,466 216,977

2041 386,447 257,631

Source: Study Team

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(2) Carbon dioxide reduction by the conversion of automobile traffic

Carbon dioxide reduction by the conversion of automobile traffic is calculated by the following formula.


ERY : Annual carbon dioxide reduction

VKJ : Traffic volume reduction by type of vehicle (traveler km/year)

EFM : Carbon dioxide emission intensity (kg CO2/ traveler km)

Table 4-2-2 Carbon dioxide emission intensity

Transportation modes Intensity (kg CO2/traveler km)

Private car 0.15

Bus 2.34

Source: Ministry of the Environment

Table 4-2-3 Carbon dioxide reduction by the conversion of automobile traffic

Year Reduction (t CO2/y)

Private car Bus Total

2021 25,028 99,102 124,130

2031 39,539 156,561 196,100

2036 46,802 185,320 232,122

2041 55,570 220,043 275,613

Source: Study Team

(3) Carbon dioxide reduction by train operation

Carbon dioxide reduction by trains operation is calculated by the following formula.


EG : Annual Carbon dioxide emission (t-CO2/y)

EC : Annual power consumption (kWh/y)

EF : Carbon dioxide emission intensity (=1.27053 kg CO2/kWh) ※

※(Department of Energy and Climate Change, DECC) “2010 Guidelines to DEFRA

/DEC’s GHG Conversion Factors for Company Reporting (Annex 10 International

Electricity Emission Factors)”

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Table 4-2-4 Carbon dioxide reduction by trains operation

Year Annual power consumption


Annual Carbon dioxide emission


2021‐2030 65,019,519 82,609

2031‐2035 116,394,674 147,883

2036‐2040 141,327,745 179,561

2041- 170,107,646 216,127

Source: Study Team

(4) Carbon dioxide reduction by railway project

Carbon dioxide reduction resulting from the implementation of the railway project are shown in Table 4-2-5. It

is expected that the implementation of the railway project can contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gases

with a carbon dioxide reduction of approximately 41,000t- CO2/y in the inauguration year of 2023, and an its

number will improved by the increased demands (increased transition from automobiles to train usage) such as

48,000t- CO2/y in 2031, 52,000t- CO2/y in 2036, and 59,000t- CO2/y in 2041 at last.

Table 4-2-5 Carbon dioxide reduction by railway project


Reduction of carbon dioxide

emissions as a result of transition

from automobile traffic


Carbon dioxide emissions

resulting from train operation


Reduction of carbon dioxide


2021 124,130 82,609 41,521

2031 196,100 147,883 48,217

2036 232,122 179,561 52,561

2041 275,613 216,127 59,486

Source: Study Team

4.2.2 Applicability of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)

The CDM/JI Project Study for supporting the implementation of feasibility studies (FS) of projects that could be

applicable as CDM and Joint Implementation (JI) has been carried out at the Ministry of the Environment since

1999, however until 2013 no projects related to new traffic systems, such as railway systems, have been

implemented. In the transportation field, in Malaysia items targeting improvements of the vehicles themselves

have been implemented, such as the improvement of fuel consumption through the introduction of digital

tachographs in freight transport vehicles, attachment of idling stop equipment on route buses, and replacement of

automobile engines with new engines. The period which can be calculated for CDM reduction effects (the credit

period) is a maximum of 10 years, and it can be thought that one of the reasons that a railway system project is not

implemented is its comparatively high costs compared to other fields and issues with profitability. It is thought

that it would be difficult to apply CDM due to the sluggishness of emissions trading prices and excessive

emissions in recent years, as well as the fact that emission amounts will continue to increase for a long period of

time after the project implementation, making for unsure profitability and reliability.

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4.3 Effects on Environmental and Social Aspects Resulting from Project


4.3.1 Identification of Environmental and Social Effects

The identification of items which are supposed to have effects on environmental and societal aspects as a result of

the implementation of this project was carried out based on JICA's Guidelines for Environmental and Social

Considerations environmental checklist table (railways), and the results of this identification are shown in Table


Table 4-3-1 JICA's Guidelines for Environmental and Social Considerations Environmental Checklist (Railways)




item Main Matters to be Checked



Concrete environmental social

consideration (Reasons why of

Yes/No, basis, relief measures,


1 A


val an

d E



(1) EIA and


al approval

(a) Have the environmental

assessment evaluation reports

(EIA report) been completed?

(b) Is the EIA report approved by

the interested-state governments?

(c) Is approval of the EIA report

etc. accompanied by collateral

conditions? Are the conditions

fulfilled when there are the

collateral conditions?

(d) When required in addition to

the above, has permission and

approval about the environment

been obtained from the local

competent authorities?





(a)(b)(c) The EIA report must be

prepared during a future stage

where project plan details are


(d)There is no required clearance

other than EIA.



to local


(a) Was appropriate explanation to

the local stakeholders including

information disclosure given, and

an understanding about the

contents and impacts of the

project obtained?

(b) Were the comments from

residents etc. reflected in the

contents of the project?



(a) A project overview has been

explained to the cities along the

route and their approval obtained,

however it is necessary to provide

explanations to other local

stakeholders and relevant parties

and obtained their support going

forward. In addition, it is also

necessary to provide explanations

and obtain consent regarding

environmental impact going

forward as well.

(b) At present, explanatory

meetings have not yet been

implemented for local residents. If

is necessary to hold explanatory

meetings for residents and reflect

their comments in the project

design in future detailed study


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(a) Were multiple alternatives of

the project plan examined

(including items related to the

environment and society)?

(a)Y (a)Alternative plans have been

considered and environmental

impact taken into consideration for

route proposals.

2 P





(1) Water


(a) Does the water quality of a

downstream water area deteriorate

by the soil runoff from topsoil

outcrops, such as the bank and the

cut earth?

(b) Is the drainage from a station

or a vehicle base consistent with

the effluent standard of interested

states, etc.? Also, are water areas,

which are not consistent with the

environmental standards of

interested states, generated?



(a) The planned route is composed

of elevated and underground

sections. So, it is planned to take

all possible care during the

construction period to minimize

soil runoff as much as possible and

not have a negative effect on water

quality downstream.

(b) Sufficient consideration is

required for processing of effluent

from stations, contaminated water

from depots and unneeded oil

from maintenance inspections, and

caution will be taken to prevent

leaks from waste storage vehicles.

In addition, the environmental

standards will be met by preparing

waste water facilities of the same

standard as shown in the existing

Delhi metro.

(2) Waste


(a) Is the waste substance from the

station or the vehicle base

processed and disposed of

appropriately according to the

regulations of interested states?

(a)Y a) Expected wastes from stations

include cans, bottles, plastic

bottles, magazines, tickets, etc.,

and waste oil, consumable parts,

etc. from depots and will be

appropriately processed according

to waste processing regulations. In

addition, processing and disposal

will be carried out using the same

processes as at the existing

stations and depots on the existing


(3) Noise and


(a) Is the noise and vibration by

the railroad consistent with the

standards of interested states, etc.?

(a)Y (a) Countermeasures, such as

installation of sound barriers, will

be put in place in accordance with

the country's noise and vibration

standards during the construction

period. It will be necessary to

monitor noise and vibration after

operation commencement, and

make periodic reports to relevant




of ground

(a) Is there is a possibility that

subsidence of ground may arise,

by a lot of ground-water pumping

(especially underground)?

(a)Y (a) Precautions will be taken

against subsidence, such as

excavation and pumping of

groundwater, as the project

involves construction of tunnel

sections and construction near


3 N






(1) Protected


(a) Is the site located in a

protected area provided for in law,

international treaties, etc. of

interested states? Does the project

affect the protected area?

(a)N (a) There are no protected areas

within the site.



(a) Does the site include primeval

forests, tropical natural forests,



(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f) are not present

within the project site.

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and ecologically important

habitats (coral reef, mangrove

coast, mudflat, etc.)?

(b) Does the site include the

habitat of rare species for which

protection is needed by the law,

international treaties, etc. of

interested states?

(c) When concerned about the

serious influence on the

ecosystem, are measures which

reduce the influence on the

ecosystem taken?

(d) Are the measures which

prevent the blockage of the

migration pathways of wildlife

and livestock, the division of

wildlife habitat, traffic accidents

between vehicles and animals, etc.


(e) Is deforestation, poaching,

desertification, drying of

marshland, etc. associated with

development produced by the

building of the railroad? Is there

any possibility that the ecosystem

may be disturbed by introduction

of alien species (they traditionally

do not inhabit the area), disease

and pest insects, etc.? Are

measures to these prepared?

(f) When building a railroad in an

undeveloped area, is the natural

environment spoiled greatly in

connection with new community








(a) Does new construction of

structures, such as a change of

geographical feature and tunnels,

have an adverse effect on the flow

of a surface water and ground


(a)Y (a)The plan will include drainage

which has sufficient capacity to

ensure no negative effects on

surface or ground water from

waste water from engineering

works and rail sections (elevated

sections, tunnels), stations or

depots during periods of heavy

rain during the rainy season.



feature and


(a) Is there any geological area

where earth-and-sand collapse and

landslide are likely produced on

the route? When bad, are

appropriate measures taken into

consideration by the construction

method etc.?

(b) Are earth-and-sand collapse

and the landslide produced by

such engineering-works as

banking, earth-cutting, etc.? Are

the appropriate measures for

preventing earth-and-sand

collapse and landslide taken into





(a) Countermeasures will be

planned to ensure no slope failures

or landslides occur in tunnel

sections or locations close to


(b) Sufficient consideration will be

made in plans to prevent slope

failure and landslides in

foundation and tunnel


(c) Plans will be drawn up to

protect against erosion in soil

dumps for tunnel construction.

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(c) Is soil runoff from the bank,

earth-cutting, soil disposal area,

and the earth-and-sand extraction

place produced? Are the

appropriate measures for

preventing sediment discharge


4 S

ocial E




(1) Resident


(a) Is involuntary resident transfer

produced in connection with the

project execution? When produced

are efforts made to minimize the

influence of a transfer?

(b) Is appropriate explanation

about the measures against

compensation/ life reconstruction

given before a transfer to the

residents who are to be


(c) Is the investigation for the

resident transfer made and is a

transfer plan including recovery of

the life base after compensation

by the current replacement cost

and the transfer established?

(d) Is payment of compensation

made before a transfer?

(e) Is the compensation plan in

written form?

(f) Was the appropriate

consideration for socially

vulnerable groups, such as

women, children, elderly men, the

poor, ethnic minorities, indigenous

people, scheduled especially

among residents to be transferred?

(g) Can an agreement before a

transfer be reached with residents

to be transferred?

(h) Is a system for carrying out a

resident transfer appropriately

prepared? Are sufficient

competency and budget measures


(i) Is monitoring of the influence

by a transfer planned?

(j) Is a structure for handling

complaints built?











(a) At present, the project is still in

the pre-F/S stage, and it is not yet

clear if there will be any need for

any involuntary relocation of

residents. The plan is designed to

minimize the need for land

acquisition and resident relocation

as much as possible by using the

roadway as installation space,

however narrow road areas,

curves, and other features may

have effects on these


(b)Public hearing will be held.

(c) Resettlement will be solved by

securing the life base and


(d)Payment of compensation will

be made before a transfer.

(e)The compensation plan will be

in written form.

(f) Special consideration will be

given to women, children, the

elderly, the poor, ethnic minorities,

indigenous peoples and other

socially vulnerable groups in

accordance with the laws of India.

(g) The consent of the residents to

be relocated shall be obtained

before relocation, so it is though

that the same will likely be


(h)(i) The resident relocation

procedures will include

implementation systems and

budget measures and monitoring is


(j) A mechanism will be

constructed for processing

complaints regarding resident


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(2) Life and


(a) When a railroad is installed by

new development, does it have

influence on the existing means of

transportation or the life of the

residents engaged in it? Also, are

there large changes of land use

livelihood means, unemployment,

etc. produced? Does the plan

consider relief of these influences?

(b) Are there any adverse effects

on residents by the project? When

required, what measures are

considered to mitigate the impact?

(c) Is there any danger of illness

generated (including infection,

such as HIV) by a population

influx from other areas? Is

consideration of suitable public

health sanitation taken if needed?

(d) Is there an adverse effect in the

road traffic of surrounding areas

by the project (the increase in

traffic congestion, traffic

accidents, etc.)?

(e) Does an obstacle arise in

residents' migration by the rail


(f) Is sunshine prevention and

radio disturbance produced by

railroad structures (bridge etc.)?







(a) This is the circular route with

long distance, so there is no

influence on the existing

transportation modes. And, no loss

of employment is expected. In

addition, the implementation of

the project will increase

employment activities with a need

for construction personnel during

the construction period, and new

staffing opportunities at the

railway operating company and

commercial businesses around the

stations, etc. after commencement

of operation.

(b) The project is of great benefit

to the public and will increase

convenience for residents and not

cause any negative effects.

(c) The area of the project is

already an area with development

plans for increased traffic, so

further promotion of population

fluidity is not likely to pose further

risk of diseases.

(d) There will be no negative

effect on surrounding road traffic.

The introduction of the railway

transportation system is expected

to result in transitions from

automobile traffic, so a lessening

of road traffic congestion can be


(e) Intersections with roads will be

either elevated or tunnel sections,

so the area will not be divided by

the railway tracks and should in no

way impede the movement of


(f) Sun shading: Will occur.

Elevated structures will affect the

amount of effective sunlight time.

Radio interference: Will occur.

There may be areas where the

railway electrical system causes

radio interference. In addition, the

locations which will suffer from

said interference cannot be

identified during initial

environmental study stages, so it is

necessary to carry out further

studies at the time of more

detailed planning.

(3) Cultural


(a) Is there any possibility of

damaging valuable archaeological,

historical, cultural or religious

heritage or sites by the project?

Also, are the measures defined in

the municipal law of interested

states taken into consideration?


(a) There are no archaeological,

historical, cultural, religiously

significant remains, etc. within the

proposed route of this project.

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(4) View (a) When the scenery which

should be considered especially

exists, is it affected adversely? Are

required measures taken when


(a)Y (a) There is no scenery which

requires any particular

consideration along the proposed

route of the project. However, it is

possible that there could be a

negative effect on urban views

while the vehicles are travelling

along the elevated sections of the

line, so it is necessary for the

structures, station building

designs, etc. to be in harmony with

the surrounding scenery.

(5) Ethnic




(a) Is consideration which reduces

the impact on the culture and the

lifestyle of ethnic minorities and

indigenous people taken?

(b) Are various rights about the

land and resources of ethnic

minorities and indigenous people




(a)(b) There are no ethnic

minorities or indigenous residents

within the proposed route.

(6) Labor


(a) Are the laws on the labor

environment of the interested

states which should be observed in

the project protected?

(b) Are the measures of the safety

consideration in the hardware

aspect to project authorized

personnel, such as installation of

the safety equipment concerning

industrial accident prevention and

management of harmful

substances taken?

(c) Are the measures in the

software aspect to project related

personnel, such as implementation

of safety and health plan and

safety training to workers

(including traffic safety and public

health sanitation) planned and

carried out?

(d) Are the appropriate measures

taken so that the security staff

related to the project may not

infringe on the safety of project

related personnel and local






(a) This project is a public

transportation project, and the

project will adhere to the laws of

the country by following the

examples of the work

environments of the existing

railways, buses and other

transportation systems.

(b) The country already features

an operating railway system, so

safety considerations such as

installation of safety equipment

for preventing industrial accidents,

management of hazardous

substances, etc., and other tangible

safety considerations for project

participants are already in place.

(c) As stated above, the country

already features an operating

railway system, so health and

safety plan enactment,

implementation of safety training

for workers, and other intangible

measures for project participants

are already planned or


(d) It is necessary to implement

thorough training for project

security personnel to ensure that

they do not in any way endanger

the safety of project participants or

local residents.

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5 O


(1) Influence



(a) Are the relief measures for

contamination during construction

(noise, vibration, muddy water,

dust, exhaust gas, waste

substance, etc.) prepared?

(b) Is the natural environment

(ecosystem) affected adversely by

construction? Are relief measures

to reduce impacts prepared?

(c) Is the social environment

affected adversely by

construction? Are relief measures

to reduce impacts prepared?

(d) Is road traffic congestion

generated by construction, and are

relief measures to reduce impacts






(a) Measures will be implemented

to alleviate pollution during

construction. Measures to prevent

and alleviate environmental

pollution will be sufficiently

studied when enacting a

construction plan.

(b) As the construction is

occurring within an urban area,

there is expected to be almost no

negative effect on any ecosystems.

(c)(d) Because the main

installation space is road, there are

concerns that traffic restrictions,

etc. during the construction period

may result in traffic congestion. A

plan for transport of materials and

equipment, installation

construction, etc. will be

established before commencement

of construction, and detour signs,

etc. will be used to minimize the

impact on traffic.



(a) Is the business operator's

monitoring planned and carried

out to the items which can be

subject to the influence among the

above-mentioned environment


(b) Are the items of the plan

concerned, methods, frequency,

etc. judged to be appropriates?

(c) Is the business operator's

monitoring system (organization,

staffs, equipment, budgets, etc.

and those continuity) established?

(d) Are the methods, frequency,

etc. of the report from the business

operator to competent authorities

etc. specified?





(a)(b)(c)(d) For environmental

monitoring, laws are already in

place from existing railway

constructions, and this product

must plan and be implemented

with consideration of and learning

from past experiences and


6 Im


rtant M



Reference of



al check lists

(a) If necessary, additional items

can be evaluated by checking the

appropriate checklist relating to

forestry (when accompanied by

large-scale deforestation)

(b) If necessary, additional items

can be evaluated by checking the

appropriate checklist relating to

the distribution and transmission

of electrical power (when

accompanied by construction of

distribution and transmission of

electrical power and distribution

institution etc.).



(a) The proposed route is mainly

through urban area, so no large

scale deforestation, etc. will occur.

(b) The proposed route will be

elevated, and it will be necessary

to reroute power transmission

lines where they interfere with

railway constructions. (Relevant

items from the Power

Transmission and Distribution

Lines checklist are shown in Table


(2) Notes for


al check-list


(a) If necessary, the effects of

trans boundary or global

environmental issues shall also

be checked (when the elements

concerning the problem of

cross-border processing of waste

(a)N (a) The project aims to convert

passengers and cargo from

automobile traffic, and so will

contribute to reduction of

greenhouse gases.

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substances, acid rain, ozone layer

depletion, and global warming can

be considered etc.).

Note 1) Regarding the term “Country's Standards” mentioned in the above table, in the event that

environmental standards in the country where the project is located diverge significantly from international

standards, appropriate environmental considerations are required to be made.

In cases where local environmental regulations are yet to be established in some areas, considerations should be

made based on comparisons with appropriate standards of other countries (including Japan's experiences).

Note 2) Environmental checklist provides general environmental items to be checked. It may be necessary to

add or delete an item taking into account the characteristics of the project and the particular circumstances of the

country and locality in which it is located.

Source: Study team

In JICA's Guidelines for Environmental and Social Considerations (railways) "6. Important Points (1) Refer to

other environmental checklists", there are also relevant areas in "Power Transmission and Distribution Lines", so

the related items were extracted and are presented in Table 4-3-2.

Table 4-3-2 JICA Guideline Checklist

(Other Relevant Fields (Power Transmission and Distribution Lines Extracts))




item Main Matters to be Checked



Concrete environmental social

consideration (Reasons why of Yes/No,

basis, relief measures, etc.)

3 N

atural E






feature and


(a) Is there any geological area where

earth-and-sand collapse and landslide

are likely produced on the route of

power transmission and distribution

line? When bad, are appropriate

measures taken into consideration by

the construction method etc.?

(b) Are earth-and-sand collapse and

the landslide produced by such

engineering-works as banking,

earth-cutting, etc.? Are the

appropriate measures for preventing

earth-and-sand collapse and landslide

taken into consideration?

(c) Is soil runoff from the bank,

earth-cutting, soil disposal area, and

the earth-and-sand extraction place

produced? Are the appropriate

measures for preventing sediment

discharge taken?




(a) In areas where power transmission

line switching construction is required,

construction methods will be planned to

ensure that slope failures and landslides

do not occur in areas prone to such.

(b)Sufficient consideration will be made

in plans to prevent slope failures and

landslides in foundation and tunnel


(c) Plans will be drawn up to protect

against erosion in soil dumps for tunnel


Source: Study Team

4.3.2 Comparative Investigation of Other Options with Smaller Effect on Environmental and Social Aspects

Resettlement around Tughlakabad Station: there is a residential area on the route between Tughlakabad station

and Yamuna River, so it has the possibility to require the land acquisition and the resettlement. To reduce the

affected people as far as possible, the route shall be underground route to pass this dense area.

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4.3.3 Important Points for Environmental Aspects related to Implementation of a Railway System Project

(1) Land Acquisition Act

There are three types of procedures of land acquisition, such as, procedure for normal, emergence and private.

When the government decides the requirement of land acquisition for the public purpose, the normal procedure

is applied. This procedure is expected to be applied for this project, so the contents are described below.

a) Prior notification to an official gazette and two local daily paper

b) Land owner can raise an objection within 30 days from the prior notification

c) Collector interviews with land owner individually and prepares a report.

d) Judging from a report, the government makes a decision and a declaration.

e) Collector surveys a land and decide land price and allocation.

f) Stakeholders can raise an objection

g) Collector awards land, compensation and allocation with government permission

h) Collector can acquire a land immediately after the payment or the suggestion to pay.

(2) Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013 (LARR)

According to Land Acquisition Act, 1894, there is no statement about substitute land and life security as

compensation while prescribing that compensation price shall be 30% higher than market price. With this

situation as a background, the government submitted LARR to the Diet on September 2011. The outline of this

act is as follows.

a) To define the details of public enterprise

b) To enhance the scope of protection for not only land owners but also peasants and workers

c) To set the lowest land price to be 4 times as much as a higher one of market price and transaction price in

case of farm land. (Twice as much in case of town)

d) To restore 20% of profit to land owner if resale benefit generates

e) To secure safe water resources and establish roads, sewerage, irrigation, transportation, power receiving

facility and school at a relocation site.

f) To provide a house at a given size or money at a given amount to people to be relocated

g) To provide an opportunity for employment mediation if job creation is expected after development

h) To pay expenses for moving cost and guaranteed living (one year)

i) To apply the clause of compensation for large scale land acquisition by private purpose

4.4 Host Country Environmental and Social Consideration Related


4.4.1 Environmental Administration Organizations

The Ministry of Environment & Forests (MoEF) manages the development of legal framework, environmental

standard and guidelines to plan and coordinate the environment related matters at national level. Under the MoEF,

CPCB is established to prevent, manage and alleviate the environmental pollution.

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State government has the environmental department to promote environment administration. Moreover, State

Pollution Control Board is also established at each state, and this organization provides technical guidance and

advice to the environmental department of state government. Also, it implements environmental researches to

prevent environmental pollution. Organization chart of main environmental department is described as follows.

Figure 4-4-1 Organization Chart of Environmental Agencies of India

Source: CPCB

Figure 4-4-2 Structure of UP Pollution Control Board

Source: U.P. Pollution Control Board

4.4.2 Environmental and Social Consideration Related Regulations

Major environmental and social consideration related regulations of India are shown in Table 4-10.


Chief Environmental

Officers (ADMIN)


Environmental Officers

Regional Officers

Chief Law


Law Officers

Chief Account


Chief Environmental

Officer (Central Lab)

Scientific Officer

Member Secretary

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Table 4-4-1 Major Environmental and Social Consideration Related Regulations

Field Regulation Revision

General The Environment (protection) Act, 1986 1991

General The Environment (protection) Rules, 1986 2003

General Environmental Impact Assessment Notification, 1994 2009

General Environmental Impact Assessment, 2001

Land Acquisition Land Acquisition Act, 1984


The Air (Prevention and control of pollution) Act, 1981

The Air (Prevention and control of pollution) Rules. 1982 1994

National Ambient

Air Quality Standards (NAAQS), 1982 1994

Water The Water (Prevention and control of pollution) Act, 1975

The Water (Prevention and control of pollution) Rules 1977


The MSW (Management and Handling) Rules, 2000

The Hazardous Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules, 1989 2009

The Bio-medical Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 1998 2003

Source: MoEF

4.4.3 Procedures for Environmental Impact Assessment System Implementation

In India, Environmental Impact Assessment is a part of procedures for Environmental Clearance which is required

for the project having the influence risk on environment. According to Environmental Impact Assessment

Notification 2006, 39 types of project require EC. These projects are divided into Category A and B by the project

scale and impacts on health and nature, and EC procedures are different between categories.

Railway project is not included in 39 projects which require EC. Therefore, based on the law of India, there was

no need to acquire EC as well as EIA implementation before. However, LARR established in 2013 forces SIA and

EIA for all project. EC procedures are composed of 4 steps, screening, scoping, public meeting and appraisal, and

then details are described as follows.

(1) Screening

As stated above, EC procedure is different between Category A and B. An application form shall be submitted

to MoEF in case of Category A while submitting to State Environment Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA)

in case of Category B. An application form includes a basic project information, such as, project name,

location, cost, impact on health and nature, and waste risk), and TOR plan for EIA implementation also shall

be prepared and submitted.

(2) Scoping

Submitted materials are evaluated by Expert Appraisal Committee (EAC) in case of Category A and State

Expert Appraisal Committee (SEAC) in case of Category B. After a site inspection and a meeting, TOR is

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prepared and notified to a proposer and the public.

(3) Public Meeting

State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) or Union Territory Pollution Control Committee (UTPCC) holds a

public hearing by proposer’s request. A proposer prepares and submits the draft EIA report reflecting opinions

from public hearing, and MoEF or SEIAA evaluates it.

(4) Appraisal

EIA final report, application form and the result of public hearing are evaluated by EAC or SEAC. Based on

opinions of these organizations, MoEF or SEIAA decide whether EC shall be issued or not.

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Figure 4-4-3 Flow of EC and EIA Procedure

Source: Study Team

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4.5 Items the Relevant Country (Implementing Organization, Other

Organizations) Must Accomplish in order to Realize Project

The items that the Indian government must accomplish in order to realize this project are shown in Table 4-5-1.

Table 4-5-1 Items that Must be Accomplished by the Government in order to Realize the Project

Required Work Items

Land Acquisition 1. Preparing TOR of required survey for land acquisition and the survey implementation.

2. Smooth land acquisition of required land.

EIA Preparation

1. Clarification of responsibility of related department in charge of EIA survey.

2. Preparing draft TOR of EIA.

3. Securing the budget for EIA implementation

4. Preliminary meeting with EAC

5. Preparing for bidding of EIA conductor

6. Bidding

EIA Implementation

1. Official meeting with EAC and the environment dept. of state government.

2. Finalizing of TOR and getting approval.

3. EIA implementation

4. Preparing and submitting draft final EIA report to EAC.

Evaluation by EAC

1. Establishment of evaluation committee

2. Organizing the evaluation result and considering revision and adding to EIA report.

3. Preparing the final EIA report

4. Approval by EAC for the final EIA report

Source: Study Team

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Chapter 5

Financial and Economic Evaluation

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5.1 Estimation of Construction Cost

Construction cost is estimated about land cost, civil construction cost, rolling stock cost, E&M system cost,

consulting fee, contingency and taxes. Land cost and civil construction cost are estimated for new construction

sections, including IGI Airport Terminal 3 station, Noida Sector 132 station and Boraki station as shown in Figure

5-1-1. For the additional civil facilities required in DMRC Phase 4 section and Metro Link section for the

operation of proposed system, additional cost is considered in the construction cost.

Figure 5-1-1 New Construction Sections and Stations for the Estimation of Construction Cost

Source: Study Team

5.1.1 Premises

・Base year of estimation: October 2014

・Exchange rates: Following exchange rates are adopted based on the monthly average of October 2014.

1.00 US$ = Rs. 56.47 = 108.99 Yen

Rs. 1.00 = 0.02 US$ = 1.93 Yen

1.00 Yen = 0.01 US$ = Rs. 0.52

・Inflation: Change in prices by inflation during the construction period is not considered. All prices are

shown in constant prices in 2014.

5.1.2 Outline of the Construction Cost

(1) Land Cost

Land cost is estimated for elevated sections of new construction sections. ROW of the proposed system is

assumed as 20.0m same as mentioned in DPR of Metro Link. Land cost is estimated in case that houses or

fields exist in 10.0m of both sides from the center line of the structure. Unit price of land is set from the unit

price in 2012 price mentioned in DPR of Metro Link, and adjusted in 2014 price considering the inflation.

Land cost is for the purchase of land and does not include the compensation cost for relocation.

Boraki st.

Depot st.

Pari Chowk st.

Noida Sector 143 st.

Tughlakabad st.

Khanpur st.

Aerocity st.

Chhattarpur st.

IGI Airport Terminal 3 st.

Noida Sector 132 st.

DMRC Phase 4 Section


New Construction

Section 3.5km

Metro Link Section


New Construction Section


New Construction

Section 3.4km

[ New Construction Section ]

Length: 21.9km

Number of stations: 3

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(2) Civil Construction Cost

Civil construction cost includes costs of main line, track to depot, station, OCC building, depot building and

utility relocation. Costs of additional civil facilities at Chhattarpur station, Tughlakabad station and Noida

Sector 143 station are included for the operation of proposed system. Unit prices are set from the unit prices in

2012 price mentioned in DPR of Metro Link, and adjusted in 2014 price. Unit prices for main line of

underground section and underground station are set from DPR of DMRC Phase 3 described in the report

“Study on The Mumbai MRT Line 3 Project in The Republic of India, 2012”, and adjusted in 2014 price.

Construction cost of depot building includes land formation of depot area, workshop building and

administration building etc. Land cost of depot area is included in land cost. Unit prices are set from the unit

prices in 2012 price mentioned in DPR of Metro Link, and adjusted in 2014 price. Utility relocation cost is

estimated for elevated section assuming the relocation of underground pipes under the roads, relocation and

removal of facilities and signs on the roads and relocation of electric cables above the roads.

(3) Cost of Rolling Stock

The proposed plan is the trough train operation between DMRC phase IV and Metro Link. To reduce the cost,

it is desirable to standardize the E&M system. But if it is not possible, the devices to correspond each system

should be provided on the train. Although this measure is popular in Japan, the train drivers should undergo

training the function. The cost would be increased 20-50 million Japanese yen at each train set.

In Japan, an aluminum-made rolling stock mainly is used nowadays because it is better than stainless-made or

steel-made car in the strength, corrosion resistance and weight saving and moreover, suitable for recycling and

reclaim. In the other hand, it has a weak point that the cost is higher.

The cost of rolling stock is calculated approximately on the condition that 1 train set (6 cars) of the

aluminum-made rolling stocks equipped several operation systems is about 900million Japanese Yen. For

estimating the investment amount in each year, the various elements are extracted from above mentioned table

3-3-9 as follow;

Table 3-3-9 Calculation of Required Cars (Extract)

Year 2021 2031 2036 2041

Round Trip Required Operated Train Nos. 13 22 29 36

Reserve Train (Reserved for Operation and

Inspection) 2 3 3 3

Total Train Sets 15 25 30 35

Total Car Numbers 90 150 180 210

Source: Study Team

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It is desirable to start to manufacture rolling stocks before 2years of operation commencement year considering 1

year design period and 1 year product period. After 2 years requiring the increase of the number for the rolling

stock, the investment cost for the rolling stock shows in table 5-1-1 on the condition of 1 year product period for

each time.

Table 5-1-1 Investment Cost for Rolling Stock

Year 2019 2030 2035 2040

Total Train Sets 15 25 30 35

Total Car Numbers 90 150 180 210

Additional Investment Train Sets 10 5 5

Investment Cost (100Million Yen) 135 90 45 45

Note: Unit Ten Million Rs. (Crore)

(4) Cost of E&M System

The E&M system of railway is consisted of each system for operation plan, the rolling stock, power supply,

signaling, communication, maintenance management, repair management and equipment. The followings are

the outline of major systems;

a) Signaling System

1) Block System Cab Block Signal

2) Signal Safety System Automatic Train Protection

3) Train Control System Centralized Traffic Control System

b) Communication System

1) Safety Communication System Command Telephone, Intra-Telephone, Crew

Radio, Station Premise Radio, Train Radio

2) Passenger Service Communication


Broadcasting system, Passenger Guide Display,

Clock System, CCTV Monitoring System

3) Information Collecting System Rain Gauge, Anemometer, Seismometer, Fire

Alarm, Smoke Detector, Disaster Prevention


c) Others

1) Long Distance Monitoring System SCADA System

Each system for the express and semi-express operation is the same to apply and it does not increase the cost

for the system.

(5) Consulting Fee

5% of above mentioned costs excluding land cost is estimated as consulting fee.

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(6) Contingency

3% of above mentioned costs excluding land cost and consulting fees is estimated as contingency.

(7) Taxes

Taxes for each costs are considered as follows.

・Foreign currency portion: 28.852% (basic custom duty, additional (countervailing) duty, education cess,

additional duty of customs)

・Local currency portion: 24.860% (value-added tax, excise duty)

・Consulting fees portion: 12.360% (service tax)

5.1.3 Construction Cost

Construction costs of the project are shown in Table 5-1-2 (in US$) and Table 5-1-3 (in Rs.).

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Table 5-1-2 Construction Cost (in US$)

Unit: Million US$

Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total

Item F/C L/C F/C L/C F/C L/C F/C L/C F/C L/C Total

Land cost

1. Land cost 0.00 7.68 0.00 62.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 69.80 69.80

Civil construction cost

2. Main line, track to depot 0.00 0.00 33.08 49.63 80.64 120.96 30.31 45.47 144.03 216.06 360.09

3. Station, OCC building 0.00 0.00 3.25 9.75 12.63 37.89 2.99 8.96 18.87 56.60 75.47

4. Depot 0.00 0.00 3.01 9.03 3.01 9.03 0.00 0.00 6.02 18.06 24.08

5. Utility relocation 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.37 7.37

6. Total of civil 0.00 0.00 39.34 75.78 96.28 167.88 33.30 54.43 168.92 298.09 467.01

E&M / rolling stock


8. R/S 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 124.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 124.31 0.00 124.31

9. E/M 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.64 0.00 6.64 0.00 6.64

10. Total of E&M/rolling stock 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 124.31 0.00 6.64 0.00 130.95 0.00 130.95

11. Total of civil and E&M/rolling stock 0.00 0.00 39.34 75.78 220.59 167.88 39.94 54.43 299.87 298.09 597.96

12. Consulting fee (5%) 0.00 0.00 1.97 3.79 11.03 8.39 2.00 2.72 14.99 14.90 29.90

13. Contingency (3%) 0.00 0.00 1.18 2.27 6.62 5.04 1.20 1.63 9.00 8.94 17.94

14. Taxes 0.00 0.00 0.24 19.31 37.23 42.77 2.16 13.87 39.64 75.95 115.58

15. Grand total 0.00 7.68 42.73 163.27 275.47 224.08 45.30 72.65 363.50 467.68 831.19

Source: Study Team

13. Contingency (3%) = 11.*3%

14. Taxes = Adopting above mentioned tax rates for foreign/local currency portion of 11. and 12., and consulting fee.

15. Grand total = 1.+11.+12.+13.+14.


6. Total of civil = 2.+3.+4.+5.

10. Total of E&M/rolling stock = 7.+8.+9.

11. Total of civil and E&M/rolling stock = 6.+10.

12. Consulting fee (5%) = 11.*5%


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Table 5-1-3 Construction Cost (in Rs.)

Unit Ten Million Rs. (Crore)

Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total

Item F/C L/C F/C L/C F/C Item F/C L/C F/C L/C F/C

Land cost

1. Land cost 0.00 43.34 0.00 350.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 394.17 394.17

Civil construction cost

2. Main line, track to depot 0.00 0.00 186.83 280.24 455.40 683.10 171.17 256.75 813.40 1220.09 2033.49

3. Station, OCC building 0.00 0.00 18.36 55.07 71.31 213.94 16.86 50.59 106.53 319.60 426.13

4. Depot 0.00 0.00 17.00 51.00 17.00 51.00 0.00 0.00 34.00 102.00 136.00

5. Utility relocation 0.00 0.00 0.00 41.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 41.61 41.61

6. Total of civil 0.00 0.00 222.19 427.92 543.71 948.04 188.03 307.34 953.93 1683.30 2637.23

E&M / rolling stock


8. R/S 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 702.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 702.00 0.00 702.00

9. E/M 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 37.50 0.00 37.50 0.00 37.50

10. Total of E&M/rolling stock 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 702.00 0.00 37.50 0.00 739.50 0.00 739.50

11. Total of civil and E&M/rolling stock 0.00 0.00 222.19 427.92 1245.71 948.04 225.53 307.34 1693.43 1683.30 3376.73

12. Consulting fee (5%) 0.00 0.00 11.11 21.40 62.29 47.40 11.28 15.37 84.67 84.17 168.84

13. Contingency (3%) 0.00 0.00 6.67 12.84 37.37 28.44 6.77 9.22 50.80 50.50 101.30

14. Taxes 0.00 0.00 1.37 109.03 210.24 241.54 12.21 78.30 223.83 428.87 652.70

15. Grand total 0.00 43.34 241.34 922.01 1555.61 1265.42 255.79 410.23 2052.73 2641.01 4693.74

Source: Study Team


13. Contingency (3%) = 11.*3%

14. Taxes = Adopting above mentioned tax rates for foreign/local currency portion of 11. and 12., and consulting fee.

15. Grand total = 1.+11.+12.+13.+14.


6. Total of civil = 2.+3.+4.+5.

10. Total of E&M/rolling stock = 7.+8.+9.

11. Total of civil and E&M/rolling stock = 6.+10.

12. Consulting fee (5%) = 11.*5%

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5.2 Overview on Preliminary Economic, Financial Analysis

5.2.1 Outline of Financial Analysis Result

(1) Methodology

Estimation procedure, calculation items and assumption on price escalation in future are based on the financial

analysis of DPR for Noida-Greater Noida metro Link Project, i.e. estimation of Financial Internal Rate of Return

from cash flow calculation and sensitivity analysis by cost /revenue change.

Calculation term is 30 years after opening in 2022, including construction period from 2017. Revenue is estimated

by multiplying estimated daily passengers with average fare per passenger.

(2) Cost

Calculation items are as follows:

a) Initial investment cost:land acquisition cost, civil structures cost, E &M cost and signal & communication


b) Additional investment cost: Additional cost for increase of rolling stocks by respective year.

c) Replacement cost:As a replacement cost for aged E & M equipment is calculated by 50% of initial cost.

d) Operation expenditure cost: labor cost for staff, maintenance cost, power cost and track access charge are

accounted for.

As for the unit cost and escalation rate in future, followings are assumed.

Table 5-2-1 Cost Escalation

Expenditure Items Assumption on cost escalation Remarks

1. Investment amount by


Yearly escalation rate is assumed 7.5% per annum. Base price is as of 2014.

2. Additional investment


Yearly escalation rate is assumed 5.0% per annum. ditto

3. Staff labor cost Calculated by number of staffs ×unit cost pf

labor(based on DPR).

Yearly escalation rate is assumed 9.0% per annum.

Number of staffs is

estimated based on the

construction kms, train

transport-kms and number

of stations.

4. Maintenance cost Yearly escalation rate is assumed 7.5% per annum. Estimated in proportion of

route lengths based on


5. Power cost Using 5Rs/kwh as an unit electricity price (refer

to DPR), it is calculated, depending on electric


Yearly escalation rate is assumed 7.5% per annum.

Annual electric

consumption is based on

transport demand and

train transport distance.

6. Truck access charge


As the truck access charge for section of

DMRC-P4 and metro link section, half of the

depreciation cost for infrastructures is assumed.

Unit cost is estimated from

infrastructure cost of

metro link.

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(3) Revenue

Transport revenue is calculated by Fare revenue plus Additional revenue(10% of fare revenue.

Annual fare revenue is calculated by number of daily passengers×average fare * ×conversion factor from

day to year.

Note.* estimated based on fare table by travel distance, in accordance with average travel distance of

passengers. (refer to DPR)

Fare revision is assumed 15%1 by every 2 years. (refer to DPR)

(4) Cash flow analysis result

For the cash flow analysis, two variation cases are prepared, case 1 : revenue is based on railway fare and case

2: revenue is based on both railway fare and property development revenue. Case 1 result is shown in table

5-2-2. As seen in the table, financial internal rate of return (FIRR) of the project is estimated 7.8%.

Table 5-2-2 Cash Flow Analysis Result (case 1: Railway fare revenue)

Source: Study Team

1 According to DMRC, escalation rate computed by CPI for last 5 years till 2014 is 12.358% /annum.

Unit:10 mill. Rs/%

Cash flow

Initial costAdditional





costCost total Fare revenue


revenueRevenue total IRR


2018 58 58 0 -58

2019 1,670 1,670 0 -1,670

2020 4,354 4,354 0 -4,354

2021 1,105 1,105 0 -1,105

2022 0 0 234 0 234 415 42 457 223

2023 0 0 246 0 246 435 43 478 233

2024 0 0 258 0 258 523 52 575 317

2025 0 0 271 0 271 546 55 601 329

2026 0 0 286 0 286 654 65 720 434

2027 0 0 301 0 301 688 69 757 456

2028 0 0 318 0 318 831 83 914 596

2029 0 0 336 0 336 871 87 958 622

2030 1,489 0 355 0 1,844 1,046 105 1,151 -693

2031 0 1,754 626 0 2,380 1,092 109 1,201 -1,179

2032 0 0 669 0 669 1,302 130 1,432 763

2033 0 0 715 0 715 1,348 135 1,482 768

2034 0 0 764 0 764 1,603 160 1,763 999

2035 1,069 0 817 0 1,886 1,656 166 1,822 -64

2036 0 1,373 1,042 0 2,416 1,965 197 2,162 -254

2037 0 0 1,117 0 1,117 2,039 204 2,243 1,125

2038 0 0 1,199 0 1,199 2,430 243 2,672 1,474

2039 0 0 1,286 0 1,286 2,514 251 2,766 1,479

2040 1,657 0 1,381 1,657 4,695 2,989 299 3,288 -1,407

2041 0 2,300 1,774 0 4,074 3,086 309 3,395 -680

2042 0 0 1,908 0 1,908 3,661 366 4,027 2,119

2043 0 0 2,052 0 2,052 3,773 377 4,150 2,098

2044 0 0 2,208 0 2,208 4,468 447 4,915 2,707

2045 0 0 2,376 0 2,376 4,597 460 5,056 2,680

2046 0 0 2,558 0 2,558 5,434 543 5,978 3,420

2047 0 0 2,754 0 2,754 5,582 558 6,141 3,387

2048 0 0 2,966 0 2,966 6,590 659 7,249 4,283

2049 0 0 3,195 0 3,195 6,761 676 7,437 4,242

2050 0 0 3,442 0 3,442 7,970 797 8,768 5,326

2051 0 0 3,708 0 3,708 8,166 817 8,983 5,275

Total 11,401 5,428 41,162 1,657 59,648 9,617 8,504 93,539 33,892

FIRR= 7.8%

Out flow In flow


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The guideline on project FIRR by MOUD indicates that an eligible project requires FIRR more than 8%, but it

is recognized that case 1, in which revenue depends on only railway fare revenue, does not satisfy the criteria.

Result of case 2, which includes property development revenue in addition to fare revenues, is shown in table


Table 5-2-3 Cash Flow Analysis Result (case 2: Railway fare revenue+ Property development)

Note. Cash-flow by property development revenue (see table 5-3-4) is included in additional revenue.

Source: Study Team

As shown in the table, FIRR of the project is estimated 9.0%, increasing +1.2% than case 1, and more or less it

can satisfy the criteria of MOUD. Therefore, the project is not financially viable by addressing fare revenue as

railway revenue sources, and it has to incorporate real estate revenues with railway revenues.

   Unit:10 mill. Rs/%

Cash flow

Initial costAdditional





costCost total Fare revenue





2017 0

2018 58 58 0 0 -58

2019 1,670 1,670 0 0 -1,670

2020 4,354 4,354 -627 -627 -4,980

2021 1,105 1,105 -502 -502 -1,606

2022 0 0 234 0 234 415 34 449 215

2023 0 0 246 0 246 435 324 759 513

2024 0 0 258 0 258 523 334 857 599

2025 0 0 271 0 271 546 338 884 612

2026 0 0 286 0 286 654 350 1,004 718

2027 0 0 301 0 301 688 354 1,043 742

2028 0 0 318 0 318 831 370 1,201 883

2029 0 0 336 0 336 871 375 1,246 910

2030 1,489 0 355 0 1,844 1,046 394 1,441 -404

2031 0 1,754 626 0 2,380 1,092 400 1,492 -889

2032 0 0 669 0 669 1,302 422 1,724 1,055

2033 0 0 715 0 715 1,348 428 1,776 1,061

2034 0 0 764 0 764 1,603 455 2,058 1,294

2035 1,069 0 817 0 1,886 1,656 462 2,118 232

2036 0 1,373 1,042 0 2,416 1,965 494 2,459 44

2037 0 0 1,117 0 1,117 2,039 503 2,542 1,424

2038 0 0 1,199 0 1,199 2,430 543 2,972 1,774

2039 0 0 1,286 0 1,286 2,514 553 3,067 1,780

2040 1,657 0 1,381 1,657 4,695 2,989 601 3,590 -1,105

2041 0 2,300 1,774 0 4,074 3,086 613 3,699 -376

2042 0 0 1,908 0 1,908 3,661 671 4,332 2,425

2043 0 0 2,052 0 2,052 3,773 684 4,457 2,405

2044 0 0 2,208 0 2,208 4,468 755 5,222 3,015

2045 0 0 2,376 0 2,376 4,597 769 5,366 2,989

2046 0 0 2,558 0 2,558 5,434 854 6,288 3,730

2047 0 0 2,754 0 2,754 5,582 870 6,452 3,699

2048 0 0 2,966 0 2,966 6,590 972 7,562 4,597

2049 0 0 3,195 0 3,195 6,761 990 7,751 4,556

2050 0 0 3,442 0 3,442 7,970 1,113 9,083 5,642

2051 0 0 3,708 0 3,708 8,166 1,134 9,300 5,592

Total 11,401 5,428 41,162 1,657 59,648 9,617 16,030 101,066 41,418

FIRR= 9.0%


Out flow In flow

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(5) Sensitivity Analysis

When the cost/ revenue condition, i.e. investment cost, operation cost and revenue, are changed between +20%

~+10%~‐10%~‐20% from base case, FIRR’s changes are shown in table 5-2-4.

Table 5-2-4 Change of FIRR by Change of Cost / Revenue

Factor Change % +10% +20% -10% -20%

Investment cost 8.26% 7.59% 9.81% 10.74%

Operation cost 8.44% 7.86% 9.51% 10.00%

Revenue 10.12% 11.13% 7.70% 6.17%

Source: Study team

According to this, the change of FIRR by revenue factor change is more sensitive than that by cost factors.

Accordingly, it indicates that examination on revenue and demand is quite important from financial viability of


5.2.2 Outline of Economic Analysis Result

(1) Methodology

Methodology, calculation formula and items applied for the economic analysis are according as that in DPR

for Noida-Greater Noida Metro link project, and the Economic Internal Rate of Return is calculated based on

cash flow during the calculation term of project, in addition to that sensitivity analysis was made by change of

cost/ benefit conditions.

Calculation period is assumed 30 years, i.e. construction starts in 2017 and operation starts in 2022. Economic

cost is converted from financial cost, using economic cost converters.

Benefit calculation items consist of follows:

Time saving benefit by diverted trips to MRTS

Fuel saving benefit by diverted vehicle trips to MRTS

Vehicle operating cost saving by above

Social benefit by gas emission reduction/traffic accident reduction resulted by diverted vehicle trips to MRTS

Road maintenance cost saving by diverted vehicle trips to MRTS

(2) Calculation of Benefit

Calculation method is shown by benefit item in table 5-2-5.

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Table 5-2-5 Calculation Method for each Benefit Item

Benefit Item Calculation Method Remarks

1.Time saving Calculated by multiplying the time difference

between time required before /after trip diversion

to MRTS with time value per person.

Time value is assumed 1Rs/min.

in 2012 and its escalation rate as


2.Fuel saving Average fuel consumption is estimated as

weighted calculation by average trip mode share

before MRTS diversion×unit fuel consumed by

mode. The benefit is estimated by unit fuel price

×fuel consumption.

Fuel consumption data is based

on CRRI2010(CRI)

Base fuel price in 2012 is

increased by 7%/year.

3.Vehicle operation

cost saving

Vehicle operation cost saving is estimated,

multiplying unit operation cost by vehicle type

with diverted trips to MRTS by vehicle type.

Weighted average vehicle cost is

3.497 Rs/vehicle*km(2012)

2%/year is assumed as increase


4 . Gas emission


Using unit gas emission by vehicle type,

determined by CPCB, gas emission volumes are

calculated by diverted trips, then they are

converted to monetary term.

Monetary conversion rate is


5.Traffic accident


Traffic accident reduction is estimated by

multiplying accident ratio per vehicle running

distance (km) with vehicle trip distance of

diverted trips. Then, it is converted to monetary


Monetary conversion

All accidents :5.9 lakh Rs、Fatal :0.17 Cror Rs


maintenance cost


Estimated by multiplying vehicle trips*km

diverted to MRTS with 0.5 Rs.

Yearly increase rate of 2% is


Source: Study team

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The result of benefit stream calculated above is shown in table 5-2-6.

Table 5-2-6 Calculated Benefit Stream

unit:10 mill. Rs

Source: Study Team

(3) Cost

The cost data are estimated from initial cost and operation cost applied to financial analysis and in market

price by economic price conversion factor. (price conversion factor is assumed 0.85 based on DPR)

(4) Economic Evaluation for Project

Based on estimated benefit stream and cost stream, project cash flow is calculated as shown in table 5-2-7.

Economic Internal Rate of Return (EIRR)is approximately estimated 15% and thus the project is evaluated

economically feasible. Assuming the discount rate is 12%, other evaluation indicators such as NPW are as


Net Present Worth (NPV)=1,504 ×10 mill.RS

Cost Benefit Ratio(B/C)=1.2

Year Time saving Fuel savingOperation cost


Gas emission


Traffic accident



maintenance cost


Total benefit

(without discount)

2021 189 322 220 29 9 32 802

2022 203 362 236 31 9 34 875

2023 217 406 252 32 10 36 953

2024 231 455 269 34 10 37 1,036

2025 246 508 286 35 11 39 1,125

2026 261 566 304 37 11 40 1,220

2027 281 638 327 39 12 43 1,338

2028 300 716 350 41 12 45 1,464

2029 321 803 374 42 13 47 1,599

2030 342 898 399 44 13 49 1,745

2031 364 1,002 424 46 14 51 1,902

2032 385 1,112 448 48 14 53 2,060

2033 407 1,232 474 50 15 55 2,231

2034 429 1,363 500 51 15 57 2,415

2035 452 1,506 526 53 16 59 2,613

2036 476 1,664 554 55 16 60 2,825

2037 504 1,847 586 57 17 63 3,074

2038 532 2,047 620 59 18 65 3,341

2039 562 2,267 654 61 18 67 3,630

2040 592 2,507 690 63 19 69 3,941

2041 624 2,770 727 65 20 72 4,277

2042 657 3,058 764 67 20 74 4,640

2043 690 3,372 804 69 21 76 5,032

2044 725 3,715 844 71 21 78 5,455

2045 761 4,090 886 73 22 81 5,912

2046 798 4,499 929 75 23 83 6,406

2047 836 4,945 973 77 23 85 6,940

2048 875 5,431 1,019 79 24 88 7,516

2049 916 5,962 1,066 82 25 90 8,140

2050 958 6,540 1,115 84 25 92 8,813

2051 1,001 7,170 1,165 86 26 94 9,541

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Table 5-2-7 Cash Flow Analysis Result Unit: 10 mill. Rs/ %

Source: Study team

(5) Sensitivity Analysis

Change of EIRR is examined when the cost and benefit are increased/decreased. The result is shown in table


Table5-2-8 Change of EIRR for the Change of Cost/Benefit

Cost -20% -10% 0% +10% +20%



-20% 15% 13% 11% 9% 7%

-10% 17% 15% 13% 12% 10%

0% 19% 17% 15% 13% 12%

+10% 21% 19% 17% 15% 14%

+20% 23% 20% 18% 17% 15%

Source: Study team




2017 0 02018 49 -492019 1420 -14202020 3701 -37012021 939 719 -2202022 199 782 5832023 209 850 6412024 219 922 7032025 231 999 7682026 243 1081 8382027 256 1182 9262028 270 1291 10202029 286 1407 11212030 1567 1531 -362031 532 1665 11322032 569 1800 12312033 607 1944 13372034 649 2100 14502035 1603 2266 6632036 1153 2445 12922037 1241 2654 14132038 1337 2878 15422039 1440 3120 16802040 2960 3380 4212041 1672 3661 19892042 1803 3963 21602043 1944 4289 23442044 2098 4640 25422045 2263 5018 27552046 2443 5427 29842047 2637 5867 32302048 2848 6343 34952049 3075 6856 37802050 3322 7409 40882051 3589 8007 4418

EIRR= 15%

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5.3 Financial Evaluation of the Real Estate Development Project

Financial viability of the real estate development project has been evaluated on the assumption that right of

land-use shall be granted to the entity which will conduct railway development.

5.3.1 Estimates of Total Project Costs

Initial cost and operational cost have been estimated for real estate development in Boraki railway station vicinity.

Development scale of the project is shown as Table 5-3-1.

Table 5-3-1 Scale of real estate development

Office Residence Residence Retail Hotel

Height 116m 89m 85m 30m 67m

No. of Stories 27 26 25 6 16

Floor Area 78,000m2 66,800 m

2 65,200 m

2 90,000 m

2 75,000 m


Rentable Area 58,500 m2 50,100 m

2 48,900 m

2 45,000 m

2 75,000 m


Source: Study Team

(1) Prerequisites

・Reference year of the estimation : October, 2014

・Exchange Rate (based on monthly average of October, 2014):

1.00 USD=56.47 Rupees=108.99 Yen

1.00 Rupees=0.02USD=1.93Yen

1.00 Yen=0.01USD=0.52 Rupees

・Inflation Rate : Price Inflation during the construction period has not been considered.

(2) Outline of the Project Cost

Design cost, construction cost and construction management cost have been estimated based on the information

collected in the interview survey with design companies and construction companies. Design cost and

construction cost are 5% of construction cost respectively, which have been calculated from the formula that unit

price of 800 US dollars per square meter multiples rentable area. The timing of cash-out has been assumed as


1st year of construction period : 40% of initial cost


year of construction period: 40% of initial cost

1st year of operational period : 20% of initial cost

5.3.2 Result of Integration of Project Cost

The result of integration of project cost is shown as Table 5-3-2 in US dollars and Table 5-3-3 in Indian Rupees.

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Table 5-3-2 Project cost of real estate development in US dollars

Unit:Million US Dollars

Year 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total

Item F/C L/C F/C L/C F/C L/C F/C L/C F/C L/C Total

Design Cost 0.00 11.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.10 11.10

Construction Cost 0.00 88.80 0.00 88.80 0.00 44.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 222.00 222.00




0.00 11.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.10 11.10

Total 0.00 111.10 0.00 88.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 244.20 244.20

Source: Study Team

Table 5-3-3 Project cost of real estate development in Indian Rupees

Unit:Crore Rupees

Year 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total

Item F/C L/C F/C L/C F/C L/C F/C L/C F/C L/C Total

Design Cost 0.00 62.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 62.68 62.68


Cost 0.00 501.45 0.00 501.45 0.00 250.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 1253.63 1253.63




0.00 62.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 62.68 62.68

Total 0.00 626.82 0.00 501.45 0.00 250.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,379.00 1,379.00

Source: Study Team

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5.3.3 Result of Financial Evaluation

(1) Prerequisites

・Project Period : Construction will be started in 2019 and operational period will be 30 years starting from

2022 when the railway will be opened.

・Depreciation : Equal-installment depreciation in 30 years (Maximum amount of depreciation shall be

within 95% of initial cost)

・Working Capital:The amount of working capital shall be same year by year.

・Discount Rate:8.40% (monthly average of October, 2014 of 10 years treasury bond)

(2) Cost

The following cost has been estimated.

① Initial Cost:Design Cost, Construction Cost and Construction Management Cost

② Additional Cost for Repair: 0.2% of construction cost

(3) Income

Income has been calculated from the formula that the rent per square meter multiples rentable area with the

vacancies rate of 20% in first operational year and 5% in second year afterwards. The rent is assumed based on

the information collected in the interview survey.

・Office, Residence and Hotel : Monthly rent 25 USD/m2

・Retail:Monthly rent 30USD/m2

(4) Corporate Tax

Corporate Tax for Domestic Corporation has been applied. The tax rate depends on the taxable income amount

of the corporation.

・More than hundred million rupees : 33.99%

・More than 10 million rupees and less than hundred million rupees : 32.445%

・Less than 10 million rupees:30.90%

(5) Real Property Tax

Real Property Tax is 5% of valuation amount, which is calculated based on the construction cost. Valuation

amount is depreciated in accordance with depreciation rule said above.

(6) Result of Cash Flow analysis

The result of cash flow analysis is shown as Table 5-3-4, which reveals that the Project Financial Internal Rate

of Return (FIRR) is 19.1% and Net Present Value (NPV) is 158 hundred million rupees (equivalent to 304

hundred millions Yen).

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Table 5-3-4 Result of Cash Flow analysis

Source: Study Team

5.3.4 Local Companies’ Stance to the Real Estate Development

According to the result of interviewing local companies about the real estate development following a railway

project, they pointed out that the proposed route connecting the Greater Noida with the airport gives rise to the

usage conversion and new development by the improved access to southern Delhi and Gurgaon. For example,

Tughlakabad has played a role for the logistics, but it can be expected to increase the needs for residents and

businesses. Whereas, the proposed route is planned to be implemented around the existing town and its nearby

area, so there is not enough room for new development and also the rights issues on land use can be considered.

Therefore, the development can be expected in Greater Noida where the government already acquired the land and

in Boraki to be newly developed.

Unit : Crore Rupees

Year Cash Flow









Tax Sub Total


Income Sub Total Total

2017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

2018 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

2019 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

2020 626.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 626.8 0.0 0.0 -626.8

2021 501.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 501.5 0.0 0.0 -501.5

2022 250.7 2.5 105.0 62.7 420.9 413.7 413.7 -7.2

2023 0.0 2.5 123.9 60.7 187.1 467.4 467.4 280.3

2024 0.0 2.5 124.6 58.7 185.8 467.4 467.4 281.6

2025 0.0 2.5 125.3 56.7 184.5 467.4 467.4 283.0

2026 0.0 2.5 125.9 54.7 183.2 467.4 467.4 284.3

2027 0.0 2.5 126.6 52.8 181.9 467.4 467.4 285.6

2028 0.0 2.5 127.3 50.8 180.6 467.4 467.4 286.9

2029 0.0 2.5 128.0 48.8 179.2 467.4 467.4 288.2

2030 0.0 2.5 128.6 46.8 177.9 467.4 467.4 289.5

2031 0.0 2.5 129.3 44.8 176.6 467.4 467.4 290.8

2032 0.0 2.5 130.0 42.8 175.3 467.4 467.4 292.1

2033 0.0 2.5 130.7 40.8 174.0 467.4 467.4 293.4

2034 0.0 2.5 131.3 38.9 172.7 467.4 467.4 294.7

2035 0.0 2.5 132.0 36.9 171.4 467.4 467.4 296.1

2036 0.0 2.5 132.7 34.9 170.1 467.4 467.4 297.4

2037 0.0 2.5 133.4 32.9 168.8 467.4 467.4 298.7

2038 0.0 2.5 134.0 30.9 167.5 467.4 467.4 300.0

2039 0.0 2.5 134.7 28.9 166.1 467.4 467.4 301.3

2040 0.0 2.5 135.4 27.0 164.8 467.4 467.4 302.6

2041 0.0 2.5 136.1 25.0 163.5 467.4 467.4 303.9

2042 0.0 2.5 136.7 23.0 162.2 467.4 467.4 305.2

2043 0.0 2.5 137.4 21.0 160.9 467.4 467.4 306.5

2044 0.0 2.5 138.1 19.0 159.6 467.4 467.4 307.8

2045 0.0 2.5 138.8 17.0 158.3 467.4 467.4 309.2

2046 0.0 2.5 139.4 15.0 157.0 467.4 467.4 310.5

2047 0.0 2.5 140.1 13.1 155.7 467.4 467.4 311.8

2048 0.0 2.5 140.8 11.1 154.4 467.4 467.4 313.1

2049 0.0 2.5 141.5 9.1 153.0 467.4 467.4 314.4

2050 0.0 2.5 142.1 7.1 151.7 467.4 467.4 315.7

2051 0.0 2.5 142.8 5.1 150.4 467.4 467.4 317.0

Out Flow In Flow

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Chapter 6

Planned Project Schedule

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6.1 Details of Implementation Schedule

Figure 6-1-1 shows the implementation schedule of proposed project. This project proposes through operation

between IGI Airport Terminal 3 station and Boraki station and aim to open in 2022, because that Metro Link is

planned to open in 2018 and DMRC Phase 4 is planned to open in 2022 (information at November 2014). And 2

years construction period is assumed for 3 new construction sections. Implementation schedule is divided into 3

main stages. Main contents of each stage are summarized below.

Figure 6-1-1 Implementation Stage

2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

1. Preparation Stage

1.1 Preparation of DPR

1.2 Preparation of EIA, RAP

1.3 Project approval

1.4 Selection of consultant

1.5 Fund-raise

1.6 Basic design, tender preparation

1.7 Land acquisition, resettlement

2. Construction Stage

2.1 Contract, detail design

2.2 Preparation works, utility relocation

2.3 Construction works, procurement

2.4 Running test, commissioning

3. Operation Preparation Stage

3.1 Preparation of organization

3.2 Education, training

4. Beginning of Commercial Operation

Noida Greater Noida Metro Link Opening

DMRC Phase 4 Section Opening

Source: Study Team

(1) Preparation Stage

At the preparation stage, the reports such as DPR, EIA and RAP will be prepared, which are required for the

beginning of project. Reviewing those reports by central government, state government and related development

authorities, the project will be approved and decided to implement. Then basic design, selection of consultant

supporting for preparation of tender documents will be conducted, and fund-raise, land acquisition and

resettlement will be proceeded simultaneously.

(2) Construction Stage

At the construction stage, construction works and procurement will begin after the detail design and preparation

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works including utility relocation. In the DPR of Metro Link, period for running test and commissioning is

assumed 2 months but regularly it is required minimum 6 months.

At the Chhattarpur station in DMRC Phase 4 section, side tracks are planned to construct. And at the Tughlakabad

station and Noida sector 143 station, new construction section will connect to DMRC Phase 4 section and Metro

Link section respectively, and side tracks are planned to construct. These introducing spaces should be secured at

the early stage of the project in cooperation with operating bodies of DMRC Phase 4 and Metro Link, and it is

considered that those 3 stations might be begin to construct in advance of new construction sections.

(3) Operation Preparation Stage

At the operation preparation stage, recruiting required number of staffs and prepare the organization for the

project. And prepare the operation manual, management manual and work regulations etc., education and training

for staffs will be conducted.

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Chapter 7

Enforcement Ability of Agencies in the Country

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7.1 Overview of the Related Agencies

Related agencies for the project are as follows;

Table7-1-1:Related agencies of the project

Agency Affairs under the Jurisdiction and Authority


The agency acting as a total coordinator of DMIC projects.

However, it does not have the authority to execute projects. So, it

will not be the implementer of railway projects.


The agency of the UP state for regional development, being

responsible for Greater Noida area. Expected to act as an investor of

SPC to develop and operate in the Project including development of

new railway sections.


The agency of the UP state for regional development, being

responsible for Noida area. Expected to act as an investor of SPC to

develop and operate in the Project including development of new

railway sections


Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. Conducts the metro business in

Delhi. Related to this project, implements Phase IV section and acts

as an operator entrusted by SPC, the railway company for Metro

Link section. Expected to act an investor and an operator for new

construction section of this project.

Source: Study Team

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7.2 Enforcement Ability of Related Agencies of the Project

By focusing on the capacity of project execution, overviews of the organizations to be related to this project are as


Table 7-2-1 Enforcement Ability of Related Agencies of the Project

Agency Summary and History


Since the establishment of January, 2008, has carried out businesses

as the main promoter of DMIC projects. As the institution under

Indian Ministry of Commerce and Industry, promotes projects

through the adjustment between the central and each state

government, making master plans and specific study for project


Corporate capital amount: 10 billion rupees

Investment ratio: Indian government 49%, three public institutions

25%, JBIC 26%


Since the establishment in 1991, as an institution of UP state based

on “UP State Industrial Area Development Act”, has promoted

upward of 5,000ha scale urban development and plans to develop

extra approximately 22,000ha by 2021. Main promoter of urban and

infrastructure development like NOIDA. This agency has the

capacity of railway project execution, and it is one of investors to

NMRC, the operation body of Noida Greater Noida Metro Link.

Wholly-owned government agency by UP state.


Since the establishment of 1976, as an institution of UP state based

on “UP State Industrial Area Development Act”, has promoted

industry / commercial / housing development in upward of

20,000ha urban development and road / energy / water / leisure

infrastructure. This agency is also one of investors to NMRC same

as GNIDA. Wholly-owned government agency by UP state.


Railway company, having routes in Delhi and outside. Indian and

Delhi government established in 1995. Started construction of Delhi

metro in 1998 and opened the first line in 2002. 6 routes, total

extension 190km in Dec, 2014.

Corporate capital amount: 141,800 million rupees

Investment ratio: Indian government 50%, Delhi government 50%

Source: Study Team

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Chapter 8

Technical Advantage of Japanese Company

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8.1 International Competitive Power of Japanese Company for the

Target Project and Possibility to Get Orders

(1) Received Orders for Japanese Company in Delhi Metro Projects

Received orders for Japanese company in previous Delhi metro projects is summarized in table 8-1-1 based

on various data sources.

Table 8-1-1 Success Result of Japanese companies in previous Delhi metro projects

Phase Bid category Winning results awarded to Japanese company

Phase-1 Civil structure


Kumagai(30%), SKANSKA, Hidastan, C-Itoh(2%)JV

Civil structure


DYWIDAG, Samsung, L&T, IRCON, Shimizu(10%)JV

Rolling stocks Mitsubishi, MELCO(30%), ROTEM JV

Signaling system Alstom, Alcatel, Sumitomo(10%)JV

Phase-2 Civil structure


DYWIDAG, Samson, L&T, IRCON, Shimizu(9%)JV

Rolling stocks Mitsubishi, MELCO(35%), ROTEM, JV

Phase-3 Signaling system The Nippon Signal Co., Ltd

Rolling stocks Mitsubishi electric (Outsource for ROTEM)

Source: Investment review report by Daiwa security

Comparing to Phase 1, it is definitely obvious that winning chance of Japanese company becomes

smaller in Phase 3. As a main reason for reducing orders, followings are pointed out:

Local company becomes tough competitors to Japanese company.

Relatively Japanese company is poor at offering lower price.

Delay in localization of Japanese company.

Hesitancy to challenge Bidding because of avoiding project risk.

(2) Possibility of Receiving Order for Japanese company

As proved in many examples, i.e. high speed railway projects like Shinkansen with excellent safety features

and frequent train operation, and urban railway system handling massive commuters transport demand,

clearly Japanese railway technology takes edge in the world. However, it is necessary to adopt to the local

origin specification in order to survive the severe railway business in overseas market.

Supposing the urban railway system, including metro, project in NCT-Delhi, required technical specification

foreseen by items and its possibility of order for Japanese company are summarized in table 8-1-2.

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Table 8-1-2 Technical Specification by Category and Countermeasures by Japanese company

Category Technical


Countermeasure by Japanese company

and its outcome


order in


Possibility to

get order



AC 25,000V

VVVF drive

Japanese company has an advantages in

energy saving technology for VVVF

/DC, but not for VVVF/AC cases.

Yes Yes (through

JV with local


Electric Requires remote

monitoring by


There is no examples in Japan, however

some in overseas project.

No Yes






Automatic Train

Control) +CBI




Japanese company got order in Phase-

3 of Delhi and Korea, i.e. Wireless

signaling and security system.




Yes and further

expansion is

expected from

previous order





based on CBTC

ATP, ATO, and ATS has already applied

in Japanese railways. And, regarding

CBTC, Japanese companies have ever

introduced it in foreign countries.






ticket gate


(IC cards, Stored

fare type)

Possible to offer technical requirement

since there are many examples in Japan.

Receiving order in India (2011)





Thru train








train operation

under the



Participation of railway operators is

desirable for introducing thru train


Besides, performance of interoperability

between railway operators needs to be

coordinated with train control system

such as CBTC.

No Yes

Source: Study team

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8.2 Major Expecting Products and Services from Japan and Amount

The project is identified to be a similar metro projects implemented in Delhi, this shows no specific reasons

expected to get the quota for Japan, however following aspects imply possibility to adopt technical potential /

experience of Japan.

(1) Thru train operation, express train operation

The project aims at the thru train operation in which truck access into DMRC metro lines is performed by a

railway operator other than DMRC, and this feature requires technical issues related to interoperability

capacity of railway which is not included in existing Delhi metro system.

The thru train operation in Japan is realized through the precise interface between railway operators as shown

below, and thus it is considered that similar method and procedures are desirable if thru train operation

system is introduced on Delhi metro lines, and there is an opportunity to apply experience in urban transport

system in Japan.

a) Ground facilities: Modification of truck layout and signals and installation of platform, and display


b) Truck gauge: Truck gauge change if thru operation is performed between different gauge size.

c) Electric system: Application of dual electric power system if electric system is different each other.

d) Rolling stocks: Coordination of physical features of car, i.e. L×W×H, number and spacing of doors.

e) Protocol and interface procedures are secured between railway operators.

Based on the above, it is difficult to furnish system features through ordering E & M facilities by

component and assembling them, it should be carried out through packaged approach in which both

machines and operation interface system are simultaneously provided. In this regards, it is considered that the

linkage between urban transit operator with experience and manufacturer in Japan has a significant


(2) Development of railway related business at hub station and urban development of surrounding area

In the project, developing a multi modal transport terminal, which is designated in DMIC plan, is envisaged

at Boraki station. Besides, this study aims at expanding development potential of transport hub over the

surrounding area and leading land-use development of residential/office use, finally returning a portion of

development profit to supplemental railway profit while general land development effect spill over

community along railway.

Along this scenario, following items are pointed out as project contents.

a) Design of terminal complex : Comprehensive master plan on multi modal transport terminal and

surrounding facilities, aiming at high grade land development.

b) Station equipment: AFC system, mobility assistance (escalator and elevator)

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c) Proposal of railway related business: Creation of attractive railway related business and operation

know-how support

d) Support services on real estate development: business support on sales promotion and real estate


Regarding the products and services mentioned above, expected amount is approximately 740 Crore Rs.

(Estimated referring to foreign portion of rolling stocks and E&M facilities)

8.3 Measures to Promote Orders for Japanese Company

As general issues to prevent Japanese company from entering into project and their countermeasures, followings

are pointed out.

a) State government has a strong power for project implementation and respective statutory system and tax


For the project which is concerned with several states, it is foreseen that the project is pended or requires

considerable time for project completion due to different rules and inconsistent procedures between


b) Project administrative process is complicated and requires time due to the sectional wise administrative


c) Project proposal including import material has disadvantage in cost comparison due to high import duty.

For the issues above, following measures are considered:

a) It is desirable to response for the issues in a prompt and flexible manner by promoting necessary

disclosure of project information and requesting early delivery of project information and opportunity of

project conference.

b) Provision of a checklist for avoiding unilateral contract which harms the interest of Japanese company.

c) Securing necessary information on reliable local partners who might have confidential information on

local situation, and preparing consultancy function.

d) Supporting function by GOJ, e.g. attaching tax exempt premium with yen credit loan agreement.

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