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Page 1: Prenatal Diagnosis of Biliary Atresia Ori Shen MD Shaare Zedek Medical Center.

Prenatal Diagnosis of Biliary Atresia

Ori Shen MDShaare Zedek Medical Center

Page 2: Prenatal Diagnosis of Biliary Atresia Ori Shen MD Shaare Zedek Medical Center.
Page 3: Prenatal Diagnosis of Biliary Atresia Ori Shen MD Shaare Zedek Medical Center.

Biliary Atresia

• 15% syndromatic• 85% “perinatal”, “acquired” • Etiology of acquired type multifactorial, possibly

viral• Onset of symptoms at several days or weeks• Postnatal diagnosis by liver biopsy or at surgery

• It is unlikely BA can be diagnosed at 20 weeks gestation

Page 4: Prenatal Diagnosis of Biliary Atresia Ori Shen MD Shaare Zedek Medical Center.

Prenatal Nonvisualization of Fetal Gallbladder (PNVGB)

• Incidence 1:875

• DD of isolated PNVGB– Transient ~ 50-75%– Isolated Gallbladder Agenesis ~ 20-45%– Cystic Fibrosis ~5%– BA?– Aneuploidy?

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Case series with PNVGB

• 34 cases (Blazer, Radiology 2002)

– 14 associated anomalies (triploidy, CF, Potter …)

– 20 isolated

–0 cases with BA

100% normal outcome

Page 6: Prenatal Diagnosis of Biliary Atresia Ori Shen MD Shaare Zedek Medical Center.

Case series with PNVGB

• 96/101 normal outcome (Hertzberg, Radiology 1996)

– 4 minor problems– 1 trisomy 21

–0 cases with BA

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Case series with PNVGB

• 17 cases, all isolated (Ochshorn, Prenatal Diagnosis 2007)

– 14 normal– 3 abnormal (triple X, thyroid aplasia, CF)

–0 cases with BA

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20 cases with PNVGBShaare Zedek +Hadassah

– 3 with aneuploidy• 2 trisomy 18• 1 triploidy

– 1 with heterotaxy, cardiac anomaly– 1 with minor anomaly (interrupted IVC)– 15 isolated

• 1 TOP due to CF• 14 good outcome

– 7 transient– 7 isolated gallbladder agenesis/dysgenesis

–0 cases with BA

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Summary of case series

• 172 cases of PNVGB

•0 cases BA

It is unlikely PNVGB is associated with BA at 20 weeks

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• What of studies on PNVGB with BA from Japan?

• None Exist• What of pathology reports from fetal autopsies with


• None Exist

It is unlikely PNVGB is associated with BA at 20 weeks

Page 11: Prenatal Diagnosis of Biliary Atresia Ori Shen MD Shaare Zedek Medical Center.

What of retrospective studies of BA infants?

– 3/89 infants with BA had prenatal biliary cystic malformations

– 3/13 cases with BCM and biliary disease had BA

–0 cases of PNVGB

It is unlikely PNVGB is associated with BA at 20 weeks

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When is the diagnosis considered?

Biliary cystic malformationBCM

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Approximately 10% of all cases of BA

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Case reports linking abnormal amniotic fluid enzymes and BA: 20 years of research

Single case linking isolated PNVGB, low enzymes and BA

Ref US Aminopep M

AP GGTP Intestinal AP


LetterLancet 1991

Echogenic mass, none

Normal Normal <1 st% Normal 2 Muller

BJOG 2001

BCM <10th% Normal <10th% Normal 1 Burc

Prenatal Diagnosis



0.4 MOM 5th%

0.08 MOM 1 Ben Ami Muller

Prenatal Diagnosis



1 Bhouganim Muller

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Japanese have not picked it up despite presence of a rat model

No retrospective studies linking abnormal enzymes and BA

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Questions concerning amniotic fluid microvillar enzyme analysis

• What are its sensitivity and specificity for BA?

• Which enzymes(s) to use and/or in what combination?

Amniotic fluid digestive enzymes are of unproven diagnostic value for

confirming or ruling out BA

Page 17: Prenatal Diagnosis of Biliary Atresia Ori Shen MD Shaare Zedek Medical Center.

Association of PNVGB and aneuploidy

Isolated PNVGB• Trisomy 21 – 1 case. Isolated (Hertzberg)• Triple X – 1 case. Isolated (Ochshorn)

Not Isolated PNVGB• Trisomy XYY- 1 case. Not isolated (Bronshtein)• Trisomy 18-2 cases. Not isolated (Shen)• Triploidy – 5 cases. Not isolated (Bronshtein, Shen)

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Page 19: Prenatal Diagnosis of Biliary Atresia Ori Shen MD Shaare Zedek Medical Center.

Conclusions 1

• PNVGB is not associated with BA• There is no theoretical basis linking non

syndromic, non cystic BA with PNVGB or low amniotic GGTP

• Amniotic fluid digestive enzymes are of unproven diagnostic value for confirming or ruling out BA

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•Amniotic fluid digestive enzyme analysis should only be considered in the framework of a research protocol •Amniocentesis is not a routine part of PNVGB workup

Conclusions 2

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