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Prep for The Week Issue Number 1805 25 September 2015 1

Issue Number 1805 – 25 September 2015

Prep for the Week

In this week’s issue…

Headmaster's Blog and Commendations New Science and Technology Centre Kingfishers, Lower and Upper School News Girls' and Boys' Sport Letter from the Library Punctuation Police Coming Soon! Calendar

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Will you police the streets during

Exeat weekend?

Punctuation Police need you!

Miss Massey challenges you to find criminal

grammar, punctuation and spelling on the streets.

Find out more on page 8.

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Headmaster's Blog

Dear Parents

Thanks to parents for your supportLast Saturday saw one of the busiest days that I have ever experienced in my career. Not only did we welcome 35 teams of U8 and U9 boys to participate in our rugby festival, but our girls were also involved in a block hockey fixture too. Although the skills of hockey and rugby are essential, much more important was learning from inclusion, teamwork, winning, losing, sportsmanship and the sense of occasion. Critical to the success of the arrangements was the support of parents, not only on the touchline, but also in following the new routines for the day. (My apologies for the challenges when parking – more about this later). Although there is possibly some fine tuning that we might consider, it is important to stick with the existing arrangements for a decent period of time. Nevertheless, please feel free to email me with any feedback, especially constructive ideas.

My sense that parents are right behind the school with the new arrangements was further strengthened on Wednesday. A school, which visited to play fixtures, arrived with weakened teams, caused by its decision to allow some children to attend a match in the Rugby World Cup. This is a conundrum faced by Heads on a weekly basis and one which, thankfully, I believe that I deal with on a less frequent basis than others – so, again, thank you. My line is always to balance the integrity of what the school is offering against the importance of the family occasion. On one hand I consider the impact on the ‘team’, whether it be a sporting, musical or dramatic one and whatever its strength, whilst on the other I try to put myself in the position of the parent. Some decisions are easy, others more marginal. Please be assured that whatever your request, it is dealt with real consideration for the consequences of the stance that I adopt.

ERIC (Everyone Reads In Class) in Kingfishers and Prep in Years 5-8Other areas in which the co-operation of parents is having a major impact is the integrity of ERIC in Kingfishers and Prep in Years 5-8. By accepting that once these important activities have begun, it is not possible to collect one’s child, parents empower staff to demand real levels of concentration and application. Should we relax these standards, the ability of the member of staff to maintain children’s concentration would be impaired by constant comings and goings. We know that the traffic will cause delay and we know that you have busy lives to go to. But we also have a duty to those children and their parents who choose for their children to stay at school in order to access these arrangements.

ParkingParking is not getting any easier and the series of informal parents’ meetings during the past week has exacerbated the problem. We are, of course, seeking to find imaginative solutions but essentially the site is at capacity and all I can offer is advice:1. If your child is in Years 6-8, I do believe that ‘kiss

and go’ is appropriate. The best place to do this is just outside ‘Day End’ where the traffic slows naturally, where as often as not I am there to help, and it is where cars can return to the Thirlestaine Road rather than having to queue through our main parking area and then onto the Bath Road.

2. If you know that you are likely to occupy a parking space for a period of time beyond that which is appropriate for taking your child to their classroom, please try to park at the Sports Hall. As well as the main area adjacent to the astro, there are also several parking spaces near Westal (the modern girls’ boarding house) and the new Estates building. These can be accessed by driving past the Sports Hall. From here it is a short walk past the pig pen and the Lake to either the Lower School or Kingfishers.

Parking on Open Morning – Saturday 3 OctoberThe first weekend after exeat sees all children involved in presenting the school to visitors at an Open Morning. As always, attendance at Saturday school is on a voluntary basis for Lower School (Years 3 & 4), but compulsory for Middle and Upper School (Years 5-8). Exact details will be sent out as usual on the preceeding Thursday. I would like to emphasise the benefits of taking part in such an

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Anna Forde (8W) for a fantastic and well-written English prep.

Noah Campbell Black (5L) for focused creative thinking in DT. He solved a problem and was happy to share with

the rest of the class.

Alex McCombie (4T)for writing a fantastic story opening in 25 minutes to include a brilliant hook to keep

the reader wanting more.

Max Callon-Hine (4S) for his descriptive story opener in creative writing.

Headmaster's Commendations

event. Although Year 8 pupils take the main role as guides, undoubtedly members of other age groups will experience ‘presenting’ to our visitors on an informal basis.

One important piece of information which parents should be aware of at this point is that the area in front of Day End and in front of the entrance to Reception will be reserved for visitors’ parking.

Friends of The Prep Wine TastingDo join the arch bluffers, Messrs Whybrow, Jenkins and Dawson at the Friends of the Prep wine tasting evening. With the emphasis on ‘tasting’ rather than ‘quizzing’, the Friends’ first event of this academic year promises to be a fun one. Details are published in this newsletter and, encouragingly, tickets sales are going well.

IAPS ConferenceOn Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning of next week, I will attend the annual conference of Headmasters and Headmistresses who belong to the Independent Association of Preparatory Schools. As well as an opportunity to remind my colleagues of what a fine school we have here, I will be able to listen to a range of speakers. Probably the most important benefit of my three days will be the ideas that I glean/steal from loose-tongued colleagues. It is rare that one does not return from such events with at least one new initiative.

Cheltenham Half MarathonIf you are out and about on Sunday morning, do keep an eye out for the 15 or so members of staff from The Prep and College who will be dragging themselves round the 13 mile course!

Jon Whybrow

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We have thoroughly enjoyed introducing the new Science department to our excited classes this week! The bunsen burners were out on day one and Mr Webber has been concocting lots of exciting experiments in his chemistry room. The new IT facilities are first class and have enabled the teachers to bring to life lots of exciting science through video clips and power points, and of course the children and

staff have thoroughly enjoyed using the whole wall to write on! We have lots of exciting practical activities planned for the term from dissection to electrical circuits. We are also looking forward to show casing some of the children's work on the walls. Do pop in and have a look after Half Term to see the progress.

New Science and Technology Centre

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"No eggs were harmed in the making of this activity."

Humpty in the Forest School

The new term at Forest School has got off to an eggstremely good start. The children all made walls for Humpty Dumpty

to sit on using natural material. No eggs were harmed in the making of this activity, although the Cottage did have a

cracking time.

The Forest School activity club had a wonderful time making dens and discovering their surroundings. The sessions involve the children problem solving and exploring the environment.

Following the children’s interest in shaping wood last week, this week they will be whittling sticks.

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In class this week….

Kingfishers boys and girls have been learning in all sorts of ways this week.In the Cottage, the children have been developing their fine and gross motor skills through their sand and manipulative play and have been enjoying practising their early writing skills and number matching.

Reception have been enjoying their Maths lessons this week where they have been carrying out addition and identifying numbers. They have loved playing ‘Splat 100’ on Primary Games, trying to see how quickly they can identify numbers to 100 and listening out for the entertaining splat sounds!

Year 1 have been studying map making as part of their Geography work on our locality and have investigated aerial views and 3D maps. They collaborated well to make their own maps of the classroom and are also looking forward to their trip to Bath Road next week.

Year 2 are enjoying learning all aspects of English through a series of texts and this week they have been immersed in The Lion in the Meadow by Margaret Mahy. They have focused on character description, inventing a character and extending their use of adjectives and using the correct punctuation. Next week, they will be writing factual reports as Samuel Pepys to tie in with their History work on the Great Fire of London.

See more on our Kingfishers Open Afternoon in Week 10 where the children will be able to share with you more of their learning and work carried out this term.

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Lower SchoolYear 3 trip to Dundry Nurseries.

As part of our Science project on growing plants and in conjunction with PSHE, looking after our environment and working with young adults with learning disabilities, this trip had it all. Dundry Nurseries hides an amazing backlot of workrooms, hidden gardens, a yurt and recycling plant and the children were able to experience it all.

Split into three groups, they looked in detail at seeds and discussed how they were dispersed; the wildlife around us and how to look after it; recycling our waste and how we need to care for the world around us. The weather was kind to us and we were able to spend all day in the fresh air. The children came away with packets of seeds they had gathered themselves, an array of plants and a brand new planter now on display outside Lower School and waiting to be filled.

Hopefully we will be growing our seeds and we will then be selling them in our own little Garden Centre to raise money for The Prep’s charity of the year.

"This trip had it all!"

"amazing hidden gardens

and a yurt!"

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Upper SchoolYear 8 Rap and Beatboxing Workshop

Thursday saw a fun day of music workshops for our Year 8 pupils. To complement the fact they will study Pop and Rap music with Mr Perona-Wright in the Summer Term, workshops were

organised for the whole year group in Rap music (lyric writing, technique, performance, etc) and in Beat-Boxing (the art of vocal percussion). The children were lucky to spend time with Ad-Apt (an MC/Rapper currently touring the world as

support artist for the DJ 'Wilkinson') and Marv-ill 'Super-lungs' (a Championship Beat-Boxer). All the pupils got to experience both workshops,

and a highlight of the day was hearing the two artists perform a free-style rap/beat-box item together. Much fun was had by all, in addition

to learning about and performing two styles of music that were new to many of the children.

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Letter from the Library

Excitement is building as the Cheltenham

Literature Festival is only a week away!

All pupils from Years 1-8 have the

wonderful opportunity to go to talks by

inspiring authors.

Years 1-3 Nick Sharratt

Year 4 Steve Cole

Year 5 Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell

Year 6 Frank Cottrell Boyce

Year 7 Mark Almond

Year 8 Tanya Landman

In the library we have a good selection of

books by these authors if pupils want to

familiarise themselves with the author

before their visit.

PUNCTUATION POLICEYour challenge over the Exeat weekend is to police the streets of Cheltenham (or wherever you are based) and look out for atrocious punctuation, spelling and grammar.

Have any of you spotted anything as criminal as this?

Leave no stone unturned – look at signs, shop names, branding and advertising on leaflets, vehicles, brochures and programmes… anywhere! If you are able, take a photo of the evidence and email it to Miss Massey at [email protected] or bring it to Room 16 in Day End and Pluses will be awarded.

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Girls' Sports

Hockey Team of the Week – U10 A

After the close game against Pinewood, we had spent the week focusing on ‘being tough’ and going in for tackles more quickly; and it really did pay off in the Clifton match. The girls were very dominant over Clifton and forced them into making errors. Nearly all the play was in our half and Clifton never really had a chance to shoot. After four goals in quick succession in the first half, the win was never really in question. A great match to watch if you were a Cheltenham Prep fan!

Girls' Results TEAM OPPOSITION DATE SCORE RESULTU8 A Pinewood 19 Sept 7-1 WONU8 B Pinewood 19 Sept 0-0 DREWU9 A Pinewood 19 Sept 0-0 DREWU9 B Pinewood 19 Sept 0-7 LOSTU10 A Pinewood 19 Sept 4-3 WONU10 B Pinewood 19 Sept 2-3 LOSTU11 A Pinewood 19 Sept 1-2 LOSTU11 B Pinewood 19 Sept 2-3 LOST1st VII Pinewood 19 Sept 2-4 LOST2nd VII Pinewood 19 Sept 6-2 WON3rd VII Pinewood 19 Sept 3-6 LOST4th VII Pinewood 19 Sept 10-1 WONU10 A Clifton 23 Sept 5-0 WONU10 B Clifton 23 Sept 2-0 WONU11 A Clifton 23 Sept 0-0 DREWU11 B Clifton 23 Sept 2-0 WON

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Boys' SportsRugby Result of the Week – The Under 8s and Under 9s

Although, as you can see from the results table on the next page, there were some outstanding performances across the Boys’ Games Department the focus this week has to be on the Under 8s and Under 9s.

On Saturday morning Cheltenham Prep hosted a huge Rugby Festival involving 35 teams from 7 different schools. For the majority of the Under 8s this was their first large festival and for the majority of the Under 9s their first competitive contact rugby event. The day was a huge success, plenty of sunshine, plenty of rugby and great hot dogs to finish.

Our Under 9s were nothing short of magnificent and although they tackled well and scored plenty of tries, the most pleasing aspect about their performances was their passing. All the boys played as part of a team, rather than focusing on individual performances and this was fantastic to see.

The Under 8s really threw themselves into the festival. Our mixed ability teams contain boys with a mix of rugby experience, but the enthusiasm on show has demonstrated to the coaches that there is plenty to work with in this year group.


A tournament is an event where there is a tournament winner, often with medals and trophies awarded. Scores are important and teams are knocked out.

Festivals are training opportunities: no scores are kept and there are no winners. The objective is for the boys to play a match, receive feedback and go straight into another match to try and put the coaching into practice under pressure. This is why the result table on the next page will contain no results for the Festival matches played this week.

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Swim Squad Trials have continued this week and the squads will be announced early next week. A clarion will be sent home to those successful in selection and lists will be put up on the sport notice boards. If your child

has been unsuccessful on this occasion, they will be invited to our swim training club where their progress will be closely monitored with a view to progressing to Swim Squad.

Gala dates to note this term, if selected for Swim Squad:

Thursday 1 October – Year 7 and Year 8 v Beaudesert (Home)Thursday 8 October – Year 7 and Year 8 v Wycliffe (Away)

Thursday 5 November – Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5 v Dean Close (Home)Thursday 12 November – Year 5, Year 6, Year 7 and Year 8 v Prior Park (Home)

Thursday 19 November – Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 v Clifton High School (Away)Thursday 26 November – Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5 v Beaudesert (Away)

Swim Squad

Boys' ResultsTEAM OPPOSITION SCORE RESULT1st XV Pinewood 1st XV 14-10 Won1st XV Wycliffe 1st XV 50-0 Won2nd XV Pinewood 2nd XV 48-0 Won2nd XV Wycliffe 2nd XV 40-14 Won3rd XV Pinewood 3rd XV 54-0 Won3rd XV Wycliffe 3rd XV 46-0 WonU11 A Pinewood U11 A 53-26 WonU11 A Down's Festival N/A FestivalU11 B Pinewood U11 B 50-0 WonU11 B Down's Festival N/A FestivalU11 C Down's Festival N/A FestivalU10 A Pinewood U10 A 10-10 DrewU10 A Dean Close U10 A 0-30 LostU10 A Clifton Festival N/A FestivalU10 B Pinewood U10 B 25-5 WonU10 B Dean Close U10 B 15-15 DrewU10 B Clifton Festival N/A FestivalU10 C Dean Close U10 C 40-10 WonU10 C Clifton Festival N/A FestivalU9's Cheltenham Festival N/A FestivalU9 BLUE Wycliffe U9 A 25-10 WonU9 WHITE Wycliffe U9 A 30-5 WonU9 RWED Wycliffe U9 B 5-25 LostU9 GREEN Wycliffe U9 B 5-25 LostU8s Cheltenham Festival N/A FestivalU8s Wycliffe N/A Festivial

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Coming Soon!Ski Trip The Prep are delighted to announce a Ski Trip for Year 5 to 8 Prep pupils! 19 - 26 March 2015More information to come. If you might be interested, please see Ms Duggan in classroom 2D in Kingfishers, or email [email protected]

College ProductionWe invite you to join a cast of some of Cheltenham College's very best drama students for a new piece written by Katherine MacInnes. College's history takes centre stage in this special production:

"G.A.S." The play will be premiered in College’s Lower Gym as a site-specific, immersive piece with a cast including 14 talented students from across the Fifth and Sixth Form.

Set in Cheltenham College the story follows past and present pupils as they question their understanding of what it truly means to show bravery, examining OC George Raymond Dallas Moore, who was awarded a VC for his heroic actions in WW1.

Thu 8, Fri 9 & Sat 10 October Drinks reception from 19.00 in the cricket pavilion, please arrive there no later than 19.25. Please note latecomers cannot be admitted. The performance lasts an hour and there will be no interval.

Book your FREE tickets online by visiting:www.cheltcollege.ticketsource.co.uk

College Charity FairYou are invited to the Cheltenham College Charity Fair in order to support our efforts in fundraising for Meningitis Now.

Sunday 4 October, 13.30-17.30 Prefects from the Senior School will undertake 12 hours of running and cycling, while a fair will be held on College Lawn. Some local businesses will hold stalls selling refreshments and gifts, while each College House will organise activities including football, inflatables and face-painting - something for the entire family! After the fair you are welcome to stay to support the 12th hour of the challenge, when the whole of the

Upper Sixth will join together to help reach the 1200km target. We aim to raise £8,000 for Meningitis Now, which is consistently ranked at international level for its groundbreaking scientific research, playing an invaluable role in tackling the disease worldwide. It is also particularly dear to College, with Meningitis being distinctly prevalent in Gloucestershire and with the tragedy it causes, recently having impacted our school community itself. If you cannot make the fair, but still would love to support our efforts, you can donate on our Just Giving page: http://www.justgiving.com/owner-email/pleas-esponsor/cheltenhamcollege1200in12

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Sunday, 27 September 201509:00 Football v New Beacon (H): Upper School. Pick up 11:0019:00 Boarders return, latest return 19:30

Monday, 28 September 2015 Week 4, 28 September - 4 October09:30 Shakespeare Schools Festival, Year 6 Cast Workshop (St Luke's Hall, Cheltenham)13:00 Shakespeare Schools Festival, Year 8 Cast Workshop (St Luke's Hall, Cheltenham)16:30 Pupils' Informal Concert (Lake House)

Tuesday, 29 September 201511:15 Year 6 Polyphones Workshop (1)14:15 Year 6 Polyphones Workshop (2)18:00 Year 7 Try Boarding Night (Places limited to those who have not yet boarded - booking through Mr Wells essential)

Wednesday, 30 September 201512:45 Departure for Rugby Festival at Beaudesert Park (A): U9A VII, U9B VII, U9C VII, U9D VII. Start 15:45. Pick up 17:1513:00 Departure for Hockey v The Dragon School (A): U10A VII, U10B VII, U11A VII, U11B VII. Start 14:30. Pick up 17:0014:00 Hockey v The Dragon School (H): 4th VII, 5th VII. Pick up 16:1514:30 Rugby v The Richard Pate School and St Edward's (H): U11A IX, U11B IX, U11C IX, U10A VIII, U10B VIII, U10C VIII. Pick up 16:3015:00 Hockey v The Dragon School (H): 1st VII, 2nd VII, 3rd VII. Pick up 16:1515:00 Departure for Rugby v Pate's Grammar School (A): 1st XV and 2nd XV. Start 16:00. Pick up 17:3017:00 Wednesday Wonder - 'My life as a professional sportsman" - Mr Tom Beim

Thursday, 1 October 201515:00 Headmaster's Surgery for parents of children in Kingfishers (Drawing Room)16:00 Headmaster's Surgery for parents of children in Years 3-8. To include a presentation on Senior School choices and College entry. (Assembly Hall)17:00 Swimming Gala v Beaudesert Park (H):Y7-Y8. Pick up 18:1518:00 Corinth House Bowling Trip (Hollywood Bowl). Pick up 20:00

Friday, 2 October 201509:50 Year 8 to Cheltenham Literature Festival to see Tanya Landman10:30 Year 5 Print Workshop11:40 Year 7 to Cheltenham Literature Festival to see David Almond14:15 Chapel (parents welcome)20:00 Friends of The Prep Wine Tasting Evening (Dining Room)

Saturday, 3 October 201510:30 Open Morning for Prospective Parents until 13:0011:00 Lower School House Hockey,start time 11:00. Pick up 12:3013:00 7s Training after Open Morning (H): 1st VIII, U11 VII. Pick up 13:45

Sunday, 4 October 201510:00 The Dick Lewis Cup (H): U10A VIII. Pick up 14:0014:00 Boarders' Rock Climbing Adventure (Full and Regular Flexi-Boarders Only)

All changes and additions to the School Calendar appear in pink.

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WINE TASTINGCOMPETITIONCan you tell a Rioja from a Merlot, a Chardonnay from a Chenin Blanc?

Your year group needs you to compete in the Battle of the Year Groups’

Wine Tasting with an Italian Feast served at 8pm

Cheltenham College Prep SchoolDining Hall

8 to 11pm Friday 2 October 2015£15 (will be added to end of term account)

A team of 6 from each year will compete for a case of wineTo join, email: [email protected]

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School Uniform ShopThe school uniform shop term-time opening hours are:

Tuesday 13.30 to 15.30 Wednesday 15.30 to 17.00

We are happy to receive email enquiries, as it is not always possible to get to the shop.

We are also happy to accept clean uniform in good condition for sale.

Julie Tague and Irene Jones


Activities for Cheltenham Prep Mums!

Mums' netball training Sessions every Friday 09.00, Bentham Sports Club.

All welcome, no previous netball experience necessary – just an opportunity to have a run around and socialise!

Contact Amy Mills for more details [email protected] or just come along!

Mums' running club Every Monday 08.30, meet in the Sports Hall car park. Various groups depending on ability, also meeting on

other mornings by arrangement. Contact Josie Mayes for more details

[email protected] or call 07771 595081.Santa Family Fun Run

11.00 - 12.00 Sunday 6 December 2015

Save the date - more details to come!

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Name AgeSophia Ward 5Theo Archer 6Matilda Barter 8Meredith Aylott 10Anya James 12

Happy Birthday to the following pupils next week!

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