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Preparedness 101

By: Arthur Davis BS, MSParamedic, firefighter, educator

Why do we need to engage in

Preparedness? The public is unprepared for an emergency lasting more

than 72 hours, a nationwide emergency or a multiple-region


We live in a fragile society whose infrastructure and people

are threatened by emergencies from which our recovery may

be severely limited

The government will not be able to help most people, i.e.

Katrina, Fran

Any Federal response is based upon resources from the

States and Local agencies

Preparedness less than 72 hrs (localized natural disasters)

will use the same concepts detailed here but with smaller

amounts & less redundancy-see www.fema.gov

Once Upon a

Time…..the Family was

the Center

• we have spent 3

decades promoting

individualism over the

family and community

•It is


faith that will pull us

through adversity

It Has Been Written…………

Mat 6:19-20; 24-34-know God, avoid worry &

greed ( not to be interpreted as avoid preparing)

Gen 41:1-32 -Joseph- fed many after saving up

for a famine

Gen 6:21- Noah- you are to take every kind of


1Tim 5:8- if anyone prepares for his family….

Proverbs 27:12- the prudent man forsees


Ecclesiastes 11:2- give a serving to seven and

also to eight……

Mat 25:1-13- ....and those who were ready went in

with Him to the wedding (spiritual prep)

The US population is basically a

safe, well-provided for, well-

adjusted people with strong

infrastructure……..or so we


…Greeks, Romans, British and Communist Russia also

thought so

Lets Reflect………..

What are the risks that we

potentially face? Natural disasters – hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, etc

Terrorism – explosives; dirty bomb; expansion of war-

martial law, fear

Pandemic Flu – bird flu, smallpox- large numbers of

deceased; lack of medical services; inability to travel

Internet/Gas pipelines/Power grid – our fragile

infrastructure is tied to these three entities and a disruption

in 1 would cause all three to collapse.

Economic Collapse – hyperinflation of the dollar; high gas

prices; food and commodity shortages-civil unrest; looting;


The Key to Our Society = power grid +internet +

gas supply

•The connection between

these 3 items cannot be


•Neither can its

importance to our current

standard of living

•If one of these fails- they

all fail – and our society

basically goes back to a

pre-industrial society

The Big Risk we all face?.....

Economic Collapse Hyperinflation: costs more to buy same amt- the gov’t prints

money w/o end (QE 1-?) and prices on everything sky rocket;

spending ceases and economy grinds to a halt – Germany after


Deflation: the dollar collapses in value and commodities drop in

value as well – Great Depression

Poor Economic Growth:

Unemployment Numbers – they are artificially low and do not represent

the underemployed and those who have stopped looking

Banks are not lending – we have no growth in business or jobs

NAFTA tied us to others & Euro problems will affect us

QE is backed by derivatives & derivatives do not have sufficient

GDP to support them for long

Related Social Issues

The generations that survived the Great Depression/WWII grew up in modest means, had a work ethic & could sacrifice….. the generations since then have lived in relative opulence & had many entitlements

When our economy collapses life will not be easy or nice-when a people who have whatever they want, when they want it, don’t get it….. they won’t be easy-going nor nice …in other words- CIVIL UNREST & RIOTING

As OF 2006, 50% of the total income in the US was concentrated in the upper 10% of the population- almost 25% of the total income in the US was found in the upper 1%

this is the greatest disparity in US history!

Change Happens…….

A Word on Revolutions………

Extreme economic inequality

Economic shock-’08

Failed “Change”- failure of rising expectations: unemployment; health care;

cost of living increases- in opinion of > half the population

Weak Middle Class- relative deprivation: not destitute but at a lower

economic level than one expected to be & less hope of improvement

Feeling of Distrust / Incompetence in Gov’t- wars; immigration; Katrina;

threat of gov’t shut –downs; local gov’ts going bankrupt; sequestration; fiscal

cliff- in opinion of > half the population

Spark- trigger of conflict: 2nd economic shock; terrorist attack

Series of unplanned reactions to a series of cascading events

Led by middle class NOT lower classes (due to anomie among lower)

Seemingly out of nowhere (Soviet collapse in ‘89)-but in reality trigger

points simmer under the surface of society

Most revolutions occur after a long period of foreign conflict- producing

ready-trained veterans at home: Iraq & Afganistan

Most revolutions occur after a period of political


Normalcy Bias

The pervasive, misinformed idea that bad things will never happen, or effect our region or ourselves

The Reality is: that crime is at an all time high; we are wide open to another terrorist event- our stores hold enough food & fuel for an avg suburban population for 24 hrs (w/o re-stock)- we as a people are completely dependent on technology for ADLs & lifestyle

We are focused on secularism & immediate gratification

The concept of Self- Sufficiency has been bred out of us & neglected

Even rural America (pop. < 2000) is dependent on technology for many things for daily life

Extreme Apocalyptic Thinking

i.e. “Doomsday Preppers”

This other extreme is also less than helpful

Meteors, a “New Ice Age”, the “Super-volcano” & other extinction-level events can all happen but are very unlikely & unlikely

successful in preparing for

One must be balanced in any prepping approach & not over-emphasize a particular aspect- i.e. guns, bombs, etc

Normalcy bias is still a bigger threat than this by many factors

The Masses are Wholly Unprepared

Levels of Preparedness- 0-5

0- Typical apt dweller; travels for employment; eats out mostly & lives out of a suitcase; the first dead or refugees

1- Typical urban/suburban home owner; limited food; no disaster mindset or kit; likely unprotected from social violence

2- A homeowner that has 48-72 hrs worth of supplies; knows local risks; has a plan for 72 hrs; assumes help from gov’t

3- A homeowner that has 3 -6 mos. worth of stored food/H2O; a redundant means of security; some back-up power; has some basic wilderness/medical competence; likely has a garden; knows help may not come for some time

4- Has 1 yr stored food/H2O; a means to reliably replenish food/H2O stores continuously; several levels of security; lives at a retreat or can get to one; has a grp of like-minded preppers; has reliable renewable energy in place; has a store of precious metals/barter goods

5- Lives isolated, completely off the grid; is completely self sufficient; unaware of many potential threats

Some Things to Ponder……

Most know where the nearest Costco is, but where is your nearest food distribution center or restaurant supply?

Where would you get medicine if the pharmacies are empty?

Many own a generator; what do you do when the gas runs out or the pumps have no power?

What do you do when you call 911 & there is no answer because police, fire & EMS stayed home for their families?

When is the best time to evacuate? How? To where?

Could you shoot someone in self-defense?

What does it mean if your State refuses to send its NG &n resources to help the Fed gov’t?

We have never faced a national emergency that has affected all (or most) of the 50 States

80% of the US is currently at Level 2 Preparedness or below

The Focus of Preparedness

What exactly does “prepared” mean?

What are the priorities?

Can I do this where I live?

What I am I not knowledgeable in?

Could I live in a pre-industrial society-result of a rapid decline?

Do I have to get used to a life similar to the 1930s-1940s-result of a slow decline?

**It really all depends on how much, and how close together, the ”dominoes fall” as to whether we have a slow societal decline- that can be responded to- or it is a rapid societal

decline -that cannot be managed by government**

Public Response to Disasters


Cooperation- most work together initially & hope for relief

Conflict- when relief does not come or resources dwindle

Chaos- break down of law & order

Re-Alignment- survivors bond & re-group Evil-doers also re-group

6 mos. After the chaos, those surviving will have survival skills

Groups will form around a common culture/ideal

Fear people/groups without a moral compass (faith)

Foreign governments?!

Return to New Normal- a changed region/country ; new gov’t; sectionalism

Time frames on these periods vary according to culture & precipitating event

When things start to fall apart…..

When will you know it is the beginning of a rapid national decline? A run on the banks & stores

Power grid, gasoline & internet disruptions

Rioting/unrest begins (the first sign of such)

Your friends &neighbors in Public Safety don’t go to work

Martial law is declared- it is likely too late

You are in heaven with Jesus watching all of this


We are already currently showing signs of a slow decline

….It May Fall Apart Very Quickly!

The Roman Empire (really their gov’t & control) fell apart over a period of yrs-their society was agrarian & de-centralized so everyday life cont’d as normal overall

We are very centralized & have a much more technologically based infrastructure- so we would likely fall down to the pre-industrial level much faster





Core of Preparedness

It really does not matter whether your

concern is a natural disaster, slow

economic downturn or a rapid

economic/societal decline

These five areas comprise what you will

need to survive, thrive and/or develop



When law breaks down there needs to be a foundation for society- people need guidance

People will need and be looking for something solid to cling to and derive support

When catastrophic events occur they are frequently interpreted in biblical terms- many times not accurately

Many do not have Jesus

We as Christians need to be here to spread God’s word

When Jesus returns, he will return to a populated Earth-if we have the means to survive provided for us, we should use it to help others- God provides to people thru other people in order to achieve his purposes as well as by His direct hand

Get-Started Point- find faith; find out what Jesus can do for you; bring the Word to others

Moral Responsibility

Those of us that have the means & abilities to help ourselves and survive are blessed

The physically & developmentally disabled, elderly and orphaned will have no safety net when the gov’t ceases to aid them

In times of trouble we especially have a calling to help those of lesser means and abilities


Water stored and a means to purify it- natural source is ideal

Nutritious canned food stored in temp sensitive environs

A garden for growing vegetables; planting fruit trees

A means for hunting & owning/access to livestock plus cooking w/o utilities

Gaining the ability to can, dry & preserve/store food

Your water/food supplies must be replenishable

The scope of your needs is based on the number of people you need to collectively support

Get Started Point- Secure a water source(s)- IT IS YOUR FIRST PRIORITY; start buying a supply of canned food


You need guns despite the contrary views on gun ownership- criminals WILL use them and the police will not be there to bail you out

A shotgun & a rifle is a good start plus 1000 rounds of ammo- you also need to learn how to use them

Learn the basics of home defense- locks; perimeter; warning devices

Own a medium-large dog w/ basic obedience

Decide early if you are staying or leaving your home when things turn bad

Get Started Point- buy a shot gun & take a gun safety course

Basics of Defense

MEDICAL CARE-“BANDAIDS” Take an EMT course for basic medical care

concepts (preferably a Wilderness EMT course)-any community college will offer this

Begin stockpiling medical supplies plus OTC & any Rx meds needed

A formally trained MD/RN/medic will be needed once you form a group

Get vaccinated PRN & get dental work up to date

Prevention of injury/illness will be a watchword after a collapse- organized health care will be very limited

Get Started Point- start a fitness routine & quit tobacco use

Knowledge- Supplies- Skills-


HOMESTEADING-“BUTTRESSING” Organize; Acquire; & begin Rotating food in a pantry (O.A.R.)

Implement an alternative energy source(s) (solar, generator, etc) for a freezer, batteries, radio, flashlights, etc- your power must be replenishable

Buy lithium-ion rechargeable batteries in all sizes

Work out the logistics of sanitation with no power grid for your home

Eventual replacements for mass produced cleaners, soap, insecticides, etc will need to be made

Decide where you will develop your post-collapse home/retreat before investing

Repair, Reuse & Re-issue of many things from clothes, tools to grease & foodscraps

Get Started Point- clean out your house & throw out all non-essential items or junk

And If It Does Not Fall Completely

Apart…..a Slow Decline

A very depressed economy w/ law & order will

produce a very different world from what we are

used to

Even if order & gov’t is maintained crime/conflict

will rise - some element of security will be needed

Life will become more self-reliant out of necessity-

Repair, Reuse & Re-issue will be watch words

Shortages & power outages will likely be

common- a garden, well-stocked pantry & a back

up power source would be prudent

Food & Medicine should be your priorities

You will need to become much less dependent on

cell phones & internet-based ADLs

You Will Need a Store of Wealth as

a Hedge Against Inflation

One More Thing(s)……..

You don’t need to do this yourself; start thinking how to collaborate

Start & secure a stash of silver coins to use as currency in a post-collapse world Silver is more denominizable than Gold

Barter items to stock up on: flour/wheat grain; salt; sugar

ammunition (in common calibers)

ETOH; coffee; tea


G0 or


Staying Put/Evacuation - Choosing a

Retreat Location

Your priorities & retreat attributes will remain the same regardless of staying or leaving

This decision will depend greatly on where you live now

4 Options: Leave for a retreat that your extended family or you

will live

Leave for a cooperative retreat w/ pre-established members

Stay where you are & collaborate

Stay where you are & stick w/ family


**You need to “Get Out of Dodge” (G.O.O.D.)**

Looting; riots; fires & lack of resources

Disease will be rampant in a short time

Evacuation needs to be done in advance at first sign of unrest - before gridlock

All utilities are tied to the grid sanitation, water, gas

The ability to defend & provide for yourself will be extremely limited

What’s wrong with the Suburbs?


Not optimum but feasible for a retreat in certain cases

If w/n 20 mi of a city; surrounded by cities; and/or in congested sub divisions---G.O.O.D.

If closer to rural areas- assess your defensibility, ability to grow & hunt, access to water

Most homes are not set up for living w/o modern utilities Lack insulation; screens; traditional fireplace

You will need assistance with transporting necessities to your home most suburban areas are not set up for homesteading

needs- parcels of arable land; wooded areas w/ game; running water

This Looks Secluded and



You are likely in the second best position of the four

Your visibility & isolation could make you a target

How close are you to an interstate? (refugees)

What is your wildland fire & flood danger?(no fire response post-collapse)

How much help do you need to defend & work the land? Do you have non-motorized farm implements?

Alabama; Mississippi; Georgia; No. & So. Carolina; Tennesee (these states do not depend on irrigation & have longer growing seasons than Midwest & mild winters)

I Will Lift Up My eyes to the

Hills….Psalm 121

Rural- Mountains

The best area for a retreat/home in post-

collapse world

Montana; Eastern Washington & Oregon;

Idaho; Wyoming; rural Colorado-Adirondack,

Green, Sierra Nevada, Smoky & Blue Ridge Mnt regions

Best access to water & natural resources

Limited populations & far from potential

urban area refugees

Most defensible

Retreat Attributes

As far as possible from population centers, interstates, & avenues refugees will take

Access to replenish able water sources

An adequate amt of arable land for your group size

An area that is defensible 360 degrees

Access to wood but also have optimum sunlight

A well ventilated & insulated bldg(s)

Wild-land fire & flood protection

Like-minded neighbors

Assess proximity to industrial centers- pollution, hazmat, fires

Get-Started point: research your locale & look at your home; determine whether you are best suited to stay or look elsewhere


You need pre-determined route(s) to your retreat location

Caching or pre-staging supplies at the retreat location is advised as more than 72 hrs may be needed for the trip-limits what you haul as well

Family valuables could also be added- this could be a permanent move

Vehicles- a 4x4 crew cab truck; solid SUV(set up for off-road) is the preferred G.O.O.D. vehicle

Fuel must be stored to allow for the trip (pumps dn work if grid down)- diesel would be best

You must be ready to go quickly before the highways are impassible

Get Started Point- research & stock a G.O.O.D. bag for each family member

How to Form-Join a Group

Honesty; trustworthiness; faith in God; good work ethic; ability to teach; “Could I depend on this person with my life?”

Friends & family are a natural starting point

At least 3-4 people at a good fitness level & are proficient & seasoned with firearms

You will need a medical specialist; mechanic/tradesman; gardener; leader/organizer

If joining- What are your marketable skills/knowledge & resources?

General preparedness competence for all members-start education early as groups grows & matures

Save Money NOW……

Keep $ out of reach of U.S.- Swiss; India or invest in tangibles

Buy Gold & Silver- consider undeveloped farm land

Diversify-Long haul- Commodities (not traded in U.S. dollar)- Index

stocks- Lrg, well-diversified companies (GE, GF, Boeing, defense


Max contributions or start a 401K- Roth

No 2nd Mortgage & pay down existing- change to fixed rate

Used reliable transportation

Get out of the “high-rent district”

Buy bulk- spend less on needs

Use lower cost education options

Avoid capital gains taxes on inherited assets- in your name or on

deed for 2 yrs

End frivolous spending







The Encyclopedia of Country Living- Carla Emery

Just in Case: How to be Self-Sufficient When the Unexpected Happens- Kathy Harrison

How to Survive the End of the World as We Know It-James W. Rawles

Holding Your Ground- Preparing for Defense if it All Falls Apart- Joe Nobody

Wilderness First Responder Textbook- Buck Tilton

http://carolinareadiness.com/ (Western Carolina Readiness Store)


*The information contained in this PPT is a combination of my research & knowledge plus information found in the references cited as resources on this page

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