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Page 1: Preschool - Seeds · I will be praying for you and your child as you learn and grow together! Craig Warner Kids’ Pastor First Baptist Church of New Philadelphia, Ohio . PRESCHOOL


Page 2: Preschool - Seeds · I will be praying for you and your child as you learn and grow together! Craig Warner Kids’ Pastor First Baptist Church of New Philadelphia, Ohio . PRESCHOOL
Page 3: Preschool - Seeds · I will be praying for you and your child as you learn and grow together! Craig Warner Kids’ Pastor First Baptist Church of New Philadelphia, Ohio . PRESCHOOL



Parents, We understand that no one has more influence in a child’s life than their parents. So, it is our goal as a church to partner with you in engaging your child in their relationship with God. To help you in shaping your child’s spiritual direction, we are providing the following lessons for you to disciple your own children. These short lessons are meant to serve as a guide for you to teach your child some of the basic truths of the Bible. We call these lessons SEEDS because the Big Idea of each lesson should plant a seed of faith in the heart of your child that will take root and continue to grow as they do. These lessons are short and repetitive to help your child get a grasp on certain topics like the Bible, salvation, prayer and obedience. They are full of simple illustrations to reinforce each Big Idea. Take the freedom to modify, cut-out or add-to any of these lessons in a way that you believe will better connect with your child. I will be praying for you and your child as you learn and grow together! Craig Warner Kids’ Pastor First Baptist Church of New Philadelphia, Ohio

Page 4: Preschool - Seeds · I will be praying for you and your child as you learn and grow together! Craig Warner Kids’ Pastor First Baptist Church of New Philadelphia, Ohio . PRESCHOOL
Page 5: Preschool - Seeds · I will be praying for you and your child as you learn and grow together! Craig Warner Kids’ Pastor First Baptist Church of New Philadelphia, Ohio . PRESCHOOL



LESSON 1: The Word of God MATERIALS: Treasure chest to hold Bible & Birthday Cards BIG IDEA: The Bible is God’s special book for us!

Page 6: Preschool - Seeds · I will be praying for you and your child as you learn and grow together! Craig Warner Kids’ Pastor First Baptist Church of New Philadelphia, Ohio . PRESCHOOL



INTRODUCTION: Have treasure chest (or gift bag) visible for kids to see. Hold it up and tell them that you brought something very special that is a great treasure and that later we are going to see what is inside. LESSON: Did you ever get a card from a friend or a special note from your mommy or grandma? (Give kids a chance to respond hold up birthday cards as you talk to them) Did you like to get the cards and notes? (Kids respond) It is always nice to get a card or note and it is exciting to read what it says inside too. Why do people give you cards? (Kids respond) Yes, they love you and care about you and want you to know how much they care about you. Well, there is someone who loves you very much and He wants you to know how much he cares. Do you know who loves us so much? (Kids respond) Yes, our mommies and daddies and grandmas love you, but this person loves us even more than our family. It is God and he loves you so much that he decided to write you a special note - a whole book. Do you know what that book is called? (Kids respond) The Bible, yes! God loves us so much he gave us his special book, the Bible, to help us. The Bible is God’s special book for us! (Have the kids repeat this line.) Now, do you have any idea what treasure is inside my box today? (Kids guess) It is a very special treasure and it is from a very special person. (Open the box and look inside keeping the children from seeing inside and close it really quick and say, “Oh I don’t think you want to see what is in here, I’m not sure you want to see this treasure.” Then tell the children to get really quiet and whisper I think we should open the box now) Pull out the Bible and ask the children, “What is my special treasure?” The Bible! Yes, the Bible is God’s special book for us! God wrote it to us and for us and it is a very special treasure. He loves us and he cares about us, so he gave us his words inside a special book – the Bible. Do you know who God wrote this book for? (Kids respond)

Page 7: Preschool - Seeds · I will be praying for you and your child as you learn and grow together! Craig Warner Kids’ Pastor First Baptist Church of New Philadelphia, Ohio . PRESCHOOL



He wrote it for all of us! Yes, you and me and everyone. I am so glad that God wants to speak to us through his Bible! We are going to learn more about the Bible in our next lesson and how it helps us.

Review Questions Q: What special treasure did God give us A: The Bible – it is God’s special book for us!

Q: Why did God give us the Bible? A: Because he loves us and cares about us.

Q: Who did God write the Bible for? A: All of us - me, you, everyone!

Page 8: Preschool - Seeds · I will be praying for you and your child as you learn and grow together! Craig Warner Kids’ Pastor First Baptist Church of New Philadelphia, Ohio . PRESCHOOL



Page 9: Preschool - Seeds · I will be praying for you and your child as you learn and grow together! Craig Warner Kids’ Pastor First Baptist Church of New Philadelphia, Ohio . PRESCHOOL



LESSON 2: The Word of God MATERIALS: Bag of flour, container of salt, bottle of vegetable

oil, mixing bowl, spoon & recipe card for homemade playdough. OR LEGO set with instruction book.

BIG IDEA: The Bible is God’s special book for us!

Page 10: Preschool - Seeds · I will be praying for you and your child as you learn and grow together! Craig Warner Kids’ Pastor First Baptist Church of New Philadelphia, Ohio . PRESCHOOL




LESSON: God knows that we need help with our life choices, so he gave us this amazing book called the Bible. We can use it to be our instruction book. The Bible is God’s special book for us! We have choices we make each day and God knows that sometimes we don’t make the best choices and his word tells us everything we need to know. Inside the Bible is God’s instructions for us. He tells us we need to love Him and to love others. To obey our parents and how to make the right choices! Have you ever made a wrong choice? Gotten in trouble, disobeyed your parents? (Kids respond.) Yes, we all have. God knows we need his word to read every day to help us with the instructions of life. He wrote it for us because he loves us and wants us to do the right thing. The Bible is his special book for us! Just like trying to make playdough without the instructions, we can’t do the right thing in life without God’s word! If we don’t have the directions, we would be lost and make a mess of things.

ILLUSTRATION: WARNING: This could get messy!

Give your child the ingredients listed above & ask him/her to make playdough. Ideally, they will say they don’t know how. You would then introduce a recipe card with the instructions to make playdough. You could explain that if they just threw the ingredients together it would make a mess and they wouldn’t be able to play but instead would have to clean up. Following instructions would allow them to have fun with the playdough and not make a yucky mess.

OR You could do a similar illustration with LEGO bricks & an instruction book.

Page 11: Preschool - Seeds · I will be praying for you and your child as you learn and grow together! Craig Warner Kids’ Pastor First Baptist Church of New Philadelphia, Ohio . PRESCHOOL



God loves us and he wants us to do the right thing that is why he gave us the Bible, his special book for us! I am so glad God gave us his word because reading and obeying God’s word helps us make the right choices. If we don’t follow God’s word, we would be lost and not know what to do. But God doesn’t want us to be lost, he loves us and wants to speak to us through his word – that’s why he gave us the Bible! The Bible is God’s special book for us!

Review Questions Q: What does reading the Bible help us do? A: Make the right choices. Q: What happens if we don’t follow the directions? A: We would be lost. We would not know what to do. Q: Why did God give us the Bible A: He loves us and wanted to speak to us through his word

Page 12: Preschool - Seeds · I will be praying for you and your child as you learn and grow together! Craig Warner Kids’ Pastor First Baptist Church of New Philadelphia, Ohio . PRESCHOOL



Page 13: Preschool - Seeds · I will be praying for you and your child as you learn and grow together! Craig Warner Kids’ Pastor First Baptist Church of New Philadelphia, Ohio . PRESCHOOL



LESSON 3: The Word of God MATERIALS: Colored paper hearts: Yellow, black, red & white. BIG IDEA: The Bible is God’s special book for us!

Page 14: Preschool - Seeds · I will be praying for you and your child as you learn and grow together! Craig Warner Kids’ Pastor First Baptist Church of New Philadelphia, Ohio . PRESCHOOL



REVIEW: We have been learning so much about the Bible these past couple of lessons. Let me see what you remember:

LESSON: The Bible tells us a lot. Remember, the Bible is God’s special book for us! So, today we are going to learn about what the Bible says. The Bible says that God created all of us. (Open your Bible and HOLD UP THE YELLOW HEART)

• Genesis tells us that God made the earth, the animals & US. • In Psalm 139 says that we are wonderfully made by God in our mom’s belly.

Psalm 139:13-14 13 For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb. 14 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

• God loves us and he made us. • He loves to talk to you and guide your life through the Bible, his special book

for us. The Bible says that when we were born, we all have a problem that separates us from God.

• Do you know what is wrong with our hearts? (HOLD UP THE BLACK HEART) • Yes, we have sin in our hearts. • Romans 3 says that we all have sinned.

Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

ASK THE KIDS: Ask the children review questions like:

• Why did God give us the Bible? (Because he loves us and cares about us and wants us to have his words)

• What happens if we don’t follow the instructions? (Things get all mixed up and wrong we are lost without directions)

Page 15: Preschool - Seeds · I will be praying for you and your child as you learn and grow together! Craig Warner Kids’ Pastor First Baptist Church of New Philadelphia, Ohio . PRESCHOOL



• What is Sin? It’s all the wrong things we do. • 1 John 3 tells us sin is breaking God’s rules.

1 John 3:4 Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.

• Sin makes it so that we can’t be with God.

The Bible says that God made a way for us to be together because he loves us so much, he sent his Son Jesus to die on the cross for us (HOLD UP THE RED HEART)

• John 3:16 says that God loved us so much he sent his only Son, Jesus.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

The Bible says that if we ask Jesus to forgive us of our sins and to come into our hearts, he will clean our sinful heart and the bible says he will wash it white as snow. (HOLD UP THE WHITE HEART)

• Romans 10 says that anyone that asks God for forgiveness will be saved.

Romans 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

He loves us and he sent Jesus to die on the cross for our sins.

• Romans 3:8 Says that God showed his love for us by sending Jesus to die for us.

Romans 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

I am so glad that God sent Jesus to us and that he gave us the Bible to show us how we could be together with Him.

Page 16: Preschool - Seeds · I will be praying for you and your child as you learn and grow together! Craig Warner Kids’ Pastor First Baptist Church of New Philadelphia, Ohio . PRESCHOOL



Review Questions Q: What is sin? A: All the wrong/bad things we do. Breaking God’s rules. Q: Why did God send Jesus? A: To die on the cross for our sins. Q: How can we be together with God? A: Ask for forgiveness.

Page 17: Preschool - Seeds · I will be praying for you and your child as you learn and grow together! Craig Warner Kids’ Pastor First Baptist Church of New Philadelphia, Ohio . PRESCHOOL



LESSON 4: Salvation MATERIALS: Family photo album, photo on vacation & baby

pictures, or load pictures on your phone. BIG IDEA: God wants all of us to be a part of his family!

Page 18: Preschool - Seeds · I will be praying for you and your child as you learn and grow together! Craig Warner Kids’ Pastor First Baptist Church of New Philadelphia, Ohio . PRESCHOOL



INTRODUCTION: Flip through some family pictures and explain who all the people in the pictures are. Let them know how special the people are to you and how happy you are that God blessed you with this loving family. LESSON: All of us have been given a special family to be a part of. God gave us families to take care of us every day. They make sure we have everything we need.

Yes, and our families are really good at making sure we have all those things. They also make sure we are very safe. They make sure you don’t get hurt and they take you to the doctor if you are sick. Families have lots of fun together, too. (Show a picture of you and your family on Vacation or at a special place. Explain the fun place you went and how you and your family had fun spending time together. Let your child express what he/she liked about that trip.) God wants all of us to be a part of his family! He wants to have a relationship with you and talk to you every day and be your heavenly Father. He wants to spend time with you because he loves you and he created you. (Show the baby picture and explain): We all start out as a little baby and we are so cute, but when we are born, we all have a problem that is going on with our hearts. We all have sin in our heart. Do you remember what sin is? Yes, all the bad things we do and all of us are born with this sin problem. The sin in our hearts keeps us separated from God. God wants us to be a part of His family, but we can’t because of our sin.

ASK THE KIDS: Q: What are some of the things we need every day? (You may need to give prompts like what do we need to fill our belly’s) A: Food, clothes, place to live, etc.

Page 19: Preschool - Seeds · I will be praying for you and your child as you learn and grow together! Craig Warner Kids’ Pastor First Baptist Church of New Philadelphia, Ohio . PRESCHOOL



But he loves us so much that he made a way for us to be a part of his family forever. He sent Jesus, his Son, to die on the cross for our sins. If you ask Jesus to forgive you sins (all the bad things we do) he will come into your heart and make it clean. Then he makes you a part of his forever family. Just like us, your family, God wants you to be a part of his family and he wants to spend time with you because he loves you. It is so amazing how much God loves us. He even loves us more than our family loves us. I am so glad that God loves us and wants to be with us.

Review Questions Q: Why does God give us a family? A: To take care of us. Q: What is wrong with us when we are born? A: We have a sin problem. Q: How can we be a part of God’s family? A: Ask Jesus to forgive us.

Page 20: Preschool - Seeds · I will be praying for you and your child as you learn and grow together! Craig Warner Kids’ Pastor First Baptist Church of New Philadelphia, Ohio . PRESCHOOL



Page 21: Preschool - Seeds · I will be praying for you and your child as you learn and grow together! Craig Warner Kids’ Pastor First Baptist Church of New Philadelphia, Ohio . PRESCHOOL



LESSON 5: Salvation MATERIALS: 2 Apples, black marker & a knife: - Slice one of

the apples in half so that it can be put back together easily. Take a black marker and color the inside of the apple black so that the inside looks rotten, but the outside looks fine when you put it back together.

BIG IDEA: God wants all of us to be in his family forever!

Page 22: Preschool - Seeds · I will be praying for you and your child as you learn and grow together! Craig Warner Kids’ Pastor First Baptist Church of New Philadelphia, Ohio . PRESCHOOL



INTRODUCTION: (Show the kids the two perfect looking apples.) Say, “I like to eat apples! They are yummy! Don’t they look good?” Do they look like they are yummy to eat? They look perfect, don’t they? They have this shiny red skin and look how perfectly round they are. This just looks so good! Let’s cut them open now. (Cut open the apple that looks all black inside first and keep going on about how you can’t wait to taste the yummy juicy apple and then open it up and show it to the kids acting like you don’t know it has the black inside.) Don’t you want to take a bite of this yummy apple? (Once the kids react to it being all yucky look at the black side of the apple.) Say, “But this apple looked perfect and it is round and the best color. Why can’t I it eat it?” (Kids answer) LESSON: The apple really looked good to eat on the outside. It was perfect but what happened when I cut it open? Yes, it was all rotten and gross on the inside. Just like the apple was all rotten and gross we are born with a heart that is all rotten and filled with sin. God loves us and he wants to be a part of his family forever like we talked about in our last lesson last. He wants to have a relationship with us, but we have this sin problem that separated us from God. Sometimes people think they are okay and that they can try to do other things to get rid of their sin problem. They try to be really good or to go to church or to read and memorize the whole bible. Those are all good things, but the bible tells us the only way to get rid of our sin problem is by asking Jesus to forgive us. It is not by trying to be a good person or anything that we can do on our own. 1 John 1 tells us that it is only by Jesus’ blood, when he died on the cross that we can be forgiven of our sins.

Page 23: Preschool - Seeds · I will be praying for you and your child as you learn and grow together! Craig Warner Kids’ Pastor First Baptist Church of New Philadelphia, Ohio . PRESCHOOL



1 John 1:7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.

People that try to work hard to get a clean heart might look really good on the outside but inside their heart is still like a rotten apple filled with sin. God is the only one that can look at us and know what is on the inside of our heart. Just like this apple (hold up rotten apple), we cannot see the problem on the inside. We can look good and try do really good things but have bad feelings on the inside. God is the only one that knows our hearts. The Bible says that people look at the outside, but God looks on the heart.

1 Samuel 16:7 … for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.

He wants us to come to him to ask forgiveness through Jesus so we can be in his forever family. (Take out the good apple.) God loves us and if we ask him to forgive us of all the bad things (all the sin) in our heart, he will take that nasty sinful heart and make it clean and good. (Cut open the good apple and show the nice inside.)

Review Questions Q: What was wrong with our hearts when we are born? A: They were full of sin. Q: How can we get a clean heart? A: Ask God for forgiveness. Q: Who can see our hearts on the inside? A: God

Page 24: Preschool - Seeds · I will be praying for you and your child as you learn and grow together! Craig Warner Kids’ Pastor First Baptist Church of New Philadelphia, Ohio . PRESCHOOL



Page 25: Preschool - Seeds · I will be praying for you and your child as you learn and grow together! Craig Warner Kids’ Pastor First Baptist Church of New Philadelphia, Ohio . PRESCHOOL



LESSON 6: Salvation MATERIALS: Piggy Bank or wallet with money, paper, black &

red markers. Use the paper & black marker to make a bill that says you owe $1000. Use the red marker to write “PAID IN FULL” on the back of the bill.

BIG IDEA: God wants all of us to be in his family!

Page 26: Preschool - Seeds · I will be praying for you and your child as you learn and grow together! Craig Warner Kids’ Pastor First Baptist Church of New Philadelphia, Ohio . PRESCHOOL



INTRODUCTION: Show your child the bill that says you owe $1000. Empty your piggy bank/wallet and say, “This is all I have. It’s not enough to pay for my bill!” Look at the back and act surprised/relieved at what you see. Turn the bill around showing the Paid in Full side. Say, “I have good news! Someone has paid my bill so that I don’t have to pay for it!” LESSON: Wow! That’s amazing! It is such a relief to not have to pay that big bill. It took more money than I had to pay it. It was really nice of someone to come along and help me out by paying the money for me. We all have a bill that we can‘t pay for ourselves. That is the cost of our sin. We have been talking about that sin problem that we all have in our heart when we are born. The problem with our sin is that it separates us from God and God wants all of us to be in his family! The sin problem is not something we can get rid of. It is not something we can work our way out of. Remember I couldn’t pay that big bill and then said “I have good news! Someone has paid my bill so that I don’t have to pay for it!” That was good news and the bible gives us good news too. The bible says that all of us have sinned. That’s the problem that separated us from him.

Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

But the good news is that God sent Jesus to die on the cross for our sins.

Romans 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

He sent the full payment for our sins when he sent Jesus. And just like the bill was too much for me to pay, the price for our sin impossible for us to pay.

Page 27: Preschool - Seeds · I will be praying for you and your child as you learn and grow together! Craig Warner Kids’ Pastor First Baptist Church of New Philadelphia, Ohio . PRESCHOOL



Jesus took on the punishment for our sin and lived a sinless life and died on the cross for us and paid the price for our sin. Just paid it in full. All we have to do is believe in him and ask him to forgive us and our sins will be wiped clean. I am so thankful that Jesus paid for my sins!

Review Questions Q: What is sin? A: All the wrong/bad things we do. Q: Who paid the price for our sin? A: Jesus, by dying on the cross. Q: What does the Bible say we can do to fix our sin problem? A: Ask Jesus to forgive us.

Page 28: Preschool - Seeds · I will be praying for you and your child as you learn and grow together! Craig Warner Kids’ Pastor First Baptist Church of New Philadelphia, Ohio . PRESCHOOL



Page 29: Preschool - Seeds · I will be praying for you and your child as you learn and grow together! Craig Warner Kids’ Pastor First Baptist Church of New Philadelphia, Ohio . PRESCHOOL



LESSON 7: Prayer MATERIALS: Cell Phone BIG IDEA: I can talk to God anytime, anywhere about anything!

Page 30: Preschool - Seeds · I will be praying for you and your child as you learn and grow together! Craig Warner Kids’ Pastor First Baptist Church of New Philadelphia, Ohio . PRESCHOOL



INTRODUCTION: Pretend to be talking on the cell phone to someone about your day with excitement while your child is waiting for you to start the lesson. After a minute or so you say, “Oh sorry I was talking to my (mom, grandma, best friend, someone special) he/she likes to hear all about my day and loves to know what is going on in my life. I was having so much fun talking, that I was not paying attention.” LESSON: Do you have someone special in your life that you like to spend time with? Maybe a best friend, brother, sister, Mommy, Daddy or Grandparent? Do you like to tell them everything about your day? When something special happens in your life you want to hurry up and tell them right away. Why? Because they are important and special to you and they love you and want to hear all about your life. We all have someone that loves us even more than our parents and even more than our grandparents and He wants to hear all about our day too. Do you know who we are talking about? (God, Jesus) Yes, God loves you so much and he wants to hear from you every day. Did you know you can talk to God anytime, anywhere and about anything and He will always hear your prayers. He wants to know all about your day and wants to hear from you. God is always ready to hear from you. He wants to know about your day. He is there to talk anytime you are feeling sad, lonely, happy, embarrassed, mad, excited, hurt, sick or even bored. 1 Peter 5 tells us that we can talk to God about anything because he cares for us!

1 Peter 5:7 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.

How do we talk to God? Do we call him on the cell phone? No, we talk to him by praying to him. Praying is just talking to God like you would a friend, sibling or a parent. It’s not hard.

Page 31: Preschool - Seeds · I will be praying for you and your child as you learn and grow together! Craig Warner Kids’ Pastor First Baptist Church of New Philadelphia, Ohio . PRESCHOOL



He loves you like a father and he wants to hear from you. So, remember you can pray to him anytime, anywhere about anything and He is there for you. He loves you and He wants to have a relationship with you.

Review Questions Q: How do we talk to God? A: Through prayer. Q: When is a good time to talk to God? A: Anytime! Q: Does God want to know about your day even if you feel sad or angry? A: Yes, because you can talk to God about anything!

Page 32: Preschool - Seeds · I will be praying for you and your child as you learn and grow together! Craig Warner Kids’ Pastor First Baptist Church of New Philadelphia, Ohio . PRESCHOOL



Page 33: Preschool - Seeds · I will be praying for you and your child as you learn and grow together! Craig Warner Kids’ Pastor First Baptist Church of New Philadelphia, Ohio . PRESCHOOL



LESSON 8: Prayer MATERIALS: Box of Band-Aids BIG IDEA: I can talk to God anytime, anywhere about anything!

Page 34: Preschool - Seeds · I will be praying for you and your child as you learn and grow together! Craig Warner Kids’ Pastor First Baptist Church of New Philadelphia, Ohio . PRESCHOOL



INTRODUCTION: (Hold up a box of band aids) Does anyone know what these are? Yes, Band-Aids. We use them when we are hurt, when we have a boo-boo to help us heal and cover our cuts and scrapes. When someone is hurt, we do what we can to help them. If they have a boo-boo, we get them a band aid and help them. We can also help our friends by praying for them when they are sick or hurt. LESSON: Do you know someone who is sick or hurt? Yes, we all could think of a friend or family member who might be sick or hurt. God wants us to pray for them. Praying for them can help them even more than a band aid. God can heal them because he is the one who made them. The Bible tells us we should pray for others. We can pray for them if they are sad or hurt or nervous. God wants us to bring our friends to Him in prayer. We can pray anytime, anywhere about anything because remember that God always has time for us. He wants us to have a relationship with him and he cares about your friends, too. If you have a friend that does not know about Jesus, you can pray for them and talk to them about how Jesus loves them. If you know a missionary who is sharing the good news of the Gospel somewhere around the world, they need our prayers too. God wants us to pray for our missionaries to stay safe and to have lots of people to share the good news of Jesus. We can also pray for our teachers and pastors that God will use them to teach others about His love for us. Praying for others is very important and you can ask Jesus to help others by praying for your friends and family.

Page 35: Preschool - Seeds · I will be praying for you and your child as you learn and grow together! Craig Warner Kids’ Pastor First Baptist Church of New Philadelphia, Ohio . PRESCHOOL



Review Questions Q: How can we help someone who is sick or hurt? A: Pray for them. Q: When is it ok to pray for them? A: Anytime, God always has time for us. Q: Who can we pray for? A: Friends, family, teachers, missionaries, pastors, anybody!

Prayer Time Take some time to come up with prayer requests together with your child. Depending on the age of your child you can:

1. Sit down and pray with them. Remember to include each request as you pray. 2. Take turns praying back and forth for the requests you came up with together. 3. Have your child write down the prayer requests and have them go to a quiet

place to pray by themselves and then follow up with them.

Page 36: Preschool - Seeds · I will be praying for you and your child as you learn and grow together! Craig Warner Kids’ Pastor First Baptist Church of New Philadelphia, Ohio . PRESCHOOL



Page 37: Preschool - Seeds · I will be praying for you and your child as you learn and grow together! Craig Warner Kids’ Pastor First Baptist Church of New Philadelphia, Ohio . PRESCHOOL



LESSON 9: Prayer MATERIALS: Bag of Candy – Place out of the kids’ view until

you need it later in the lesson. BIG IDEA: I can talk to God anytime, anywhere about anything!

Page 38: Preschool - Seeds · I will be praying for you and your child as you learn and grow together! Craig Warner Kids’ Pastor First Baptist Church of New Philadelphia, Ohio . PRESCHOOL



INTRODUCTION: Last lesson we talked about how we can pray to God anytime and how he wants to hear from us. Do you remember what we learned? When does God want us to pray? Yes, anytime Who can we pray for? Our friends, family, pastors’ teachers, yes God wants us to pray for everyone. LESSON: Today we are talking about prayer and how God answers our prayers. Have you ever wanted something so much that you begged your Mommy or Daddy for it and they maybe said no, or they said not today? It is hard when our parents say no and we can’t have all the things we ask for. I brought some things today in my bag that you might ask me for sometimes. Let me see, when you go to the store, do you ever ask me to buy you candy? (Hold up big bag of candy) What would happen if you ate all this candy? It would taste really good, but it would make you have a belly ache and it might even make you very sick. Your parents want you to be healthy and they know that all this candy is not good for you. God knows us and he loves us and wants what is best for us. God loves us and He tells us in His word, the Bible, that He answers all our prayers. Yes, all of them. Sometimes the answers He gives us are not what we think they should be, but God loves us so much that he knows what is best for us. He knows what is going to happen and He has a wonderful plan for our lives. We just need to trust him. Praying to God brings us closer to Him as we pray for things, we trust him with our life. Maybe you have been praying to God about something you really want, and you have not gotten it.

Page 39: Preschool - Seeds · I will be praying for you and your child as you learn and grow together! Craig Warner Kids’ Pastor First Baptist Church of New Philadelphia, Ohio . PRESCHOOL



God knows everything about you, and He knows what has already happened in your life and what is going to happen. He knows what is best for you because just like your family, he loves you. Do your parents give you everything you want all the time? No, so remember God is not going to give you something that is not good for you. We just need to trust him, pray to him and let him guide our lives. (You can give them a piece of candy now.)

Review Questions Q: Does God answer all your prayers? A: Yes. Q: Will God always give us everything we ask for? A: No, he only does what is best for us. Q: When can we pray to God? A: Anytime!

Page 40: Preschool - Seeds · I will be praying for you and your child as you learn and grow together! Craig Warner Kids’ Pastor First Baptist Church of New Philadelphia, Ohio . PRESCHOOL



Page 41: Preschool - Seeds · I will be praying for you and your child as you learn and grow together! Craig Warner Kids’ Pastor First Baptist Church of New Philadelphia, Ohio . PRESCHOOL



LESSON 10: Obedience MATERIALS: Green Circle with “GO” written on it. Stoplight

made from poster board with places to put 3 circles (green, yellow & red) on it.

BIG IDEA: Obey right away, all the way & with the right attitude.

Page 42: Preschool - Seeds · I will be praying for you and your child as you learn and grow together! Craig Warner Kids’ Pastor First Baptist Church of New Philadelphia, Ohio . PRESCHOOL



We have been talking about the bible and about God’s plan for us and prayer. These are all very important truths of the Bible. God has a really important truth to share with us today and it has to do with these things right here that he gave me and all of you (point to your ears). Yes, it has to do with listening. God gives us instructions in his word on being a listener and being obedient to Him. That means when he tells us to do something, we need to obey Him. God tells us to obey our parents.

Ephesians 6:1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.

When we obey our parents, we are also obeying God! Today we are going to talk about how to obey. When your parents tell you to clean up your toys does that mean you should throw yourself down on the floor and cry or should you listen right away? That’s right. Obey right away, all the way with the right attitude! God told a man named Abraham in the Bible to move all his things and his family to a faraway land he had never been to before. Do you think Abraham threw a fit or said no to God or said I will do it later? No Abraham didn’t. He obeyed quickly and was obedient to God. He didn’t know what was going to happen, but he followed God by being obedient to him. God blessed Abraham and used his life to help others. We want God to use us and to let our life be an example of Him and His love. You can be an example by being obedient to God. So, remember to listen right away as soon as your parents tell you to pick up your toys go and do it right away without a fight or trying to get more time. Just do it right away. Here is a sign to help us remember we can do it right away. (Hold up stop light) Just like this green circle on a green light we go now and do what we are supposed to do. Next lesson we will add the yellow and then the red.

Page 43: Preschool - Seeds · I will be praying for you and your child as you learn and grow together! Craig Warner Kids’ Pastor First Baptist Church of New Philadelphia, Ohio . PRESCHOOL



Review Questions Q: When we obey our parents, who else do we obey? A: God Q: What did Abraham do when God told him to move to a new land? A: Obeyed right away and went. Q: What does our green circle help remind you to do? A: Go and obey right away.

Page 44: Preschool - Seeds · I will be praying for you and your child as you learn and grow together! Craig Warner Kids’ Pastor First Baptist Church of New Philadelphia, Ohio . PRESCHOOL



Page 45: Preschool - Seeds · I will be praying for you and your child as you learn and grow together! Craig Warner Kids’ Pastor First Baptist Church of New Philadelphia, Ohio . PRESCHOOL



LESSON 11: Obedience MATERIALS: Yellow circle with a “?” written on it and the

traffic light prop with the green circle already attached.

BIG IDEA: Obey right away, all the way and with the right


Page 46: Preschool - Seeds · I will be praying for you and your child as you learn and grow together! Craig Warner Kids’ Pastor First Baptist Church of New Philadelphia, Ohio . PRESCHOOL



INTRODUCTION: Last lesson we talked about being obedient to our parents and when we obey them, we are obeying God! Remember what our green circle reminds us to do? It reminds us to, “Go and obey right away.” So, that means you shouldn’t sit and wait by the TV for a commercial to do what your mom asked you to do. You should obey right away. LESSON: Today we are going to look at the next circle the yellow circle (Hold up the yellow circle.) It has a question mark in it. This is our next step to remember in being obedient. Do it without complaining and asking why. Like when you leave your shoes lying in the middle of the floor and your Mom says go put your shoes away. Do you say, “Why do I have to pick them up?” or “I want to watch my favorite show first!” or “Can’t I wait until after lunch?” or “I’m too tired!” These are all excuses for not following what your mom wants you to do. Remember God wants you to obey right away but he also wants you to do it without complaining or throwing a fit. God tells us to obey our parents. So, remember obeying our parents is obeying God. He loves us and knows what is best for us just like our parents. Sometimes it is hard to listen right away and not complain but they know what is best for you. When Jesus died on the cross, he was obeying God his father. Now we have two of our circles complete to remind us. Next week we will add the red circle and talk about our heart attitudes.

Page 47: Preschool - Seeds · I will be praying for you and your child as you learn and grow together! Craig Warner Kids’ Pastor First Baptist Church of New Philadelphia, Ohio . PRESCHOOL



Review Questions Q: What should you do when your parents ask you to do something? A: Listen right away and without questioning or complaining. Q: Who else are you obeying when you obey your parents & teachers? A: God Q: What does the yellow circle remind us of? A: Obey without complaining.

Page 48: Preschool - Seeds · I will be praying for you and your child as you learn and grow together! Craig Warner Kids’ Pastor First Baptist Church of New Philadelphia, Ohio . PRESCHOOL



Page 49: Preschool - Seeds · I will be praying for you and your child as you learn and grow together! Craig Warner Kids’ Pastor First Baptist Church of New Philadelphia, Ohio . PRESCHOOL



LESSON 12: Obedience MATERIALS: Red circle with a heart drawn on it to add to the

traffic light. BIG IDEA: Obey right away, all the way and with the right


Page 50: Preschool - Seeds · I will be praying for you and your child as you learn and grow together! Craig Warner Kids’ Pastor First Baptist Church of New Philadelphia, Ohio . PRESCHOOL



INTRODUCTION: We have learned so much about the Bible and following God’s word for our lives. We learned about how important it is to obey our parents and teachers because obeying them is obeying God. LESSON: Let’s look at our traffic light. We learned about green. What does green tell us? Go right away and obey What about yellow? Do it without complaining and whining. Now today we have one circle left. The red circle. What picture do you see on here? Yes, a heart. Do you remember way back to the lesson with the apple? Who can see our heart? Yes, God knows our heart. So, when we are obedient to our parents, listen right away, don’t complain and if we want to please God in our hearts by obeying - He knows it! Red helps us remember that we should obey with the right heart attitude. If your parents ask you to pick up the trash on the floor and you go and do it right away without complaining but inside your heart you are angry and mad that you have to clean up the trash, and not your brother, then you are not doing it with the right heart. God knows the inside, and if you do it with the right heart, you are pleasing God and he will be happy!

Page 51: Preschool - Seeds · I will be praying for you and your child as you learn and grow together! Craig Warner Kids’ Pastor First Baptist Church of New Philadelphia, Ohio . PRESCHOOL



Review Questions Q: What does God know about you on the inside? A: Your heart attitude. Q: What does the red circle help us remember? A: To do obey with the right heart attitude. Q: What do all the colors mean on the traffic light? A: Green – Go obey right away.

Yellow – Obey without complaining Red – Obey with the right heart attitude.

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