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INDEX‐ Introduction‐ Lines of work

Dams and reservoirsHydroelectric Power PlantsIrrigationWater SupplyLarge diameter pipes, channels and tunnelsPumbing Station PlantsWastewater Treatment PlantsSewage and DepurationPurification PlantsChaneling and Floodplain Defenses

‐ Some relevant projects









• More than 100 references

– Studies and Projects– Technical Assistance– Works Control– Dam Safety Studies,    DamOperations and Security Events Planning.

• All types:– Arch Dams– Gravity Dams– Concrete Dams– Earthfill Dams– Concrete‐face rock‐filledDams

– …



• Cancho del Fresno Dam (Cáceres) 

• Irueña Dam (Salamanca)  


• Inxu. 21 MW.


• Volcan. 27 MW.


• Sierra Madre Water Corporation. 30 MW.



• La Virgen. 64 MW.

• Marañon. 88MW.

• Hidromanta. 20 MW.



• El Alto. 67,3 MW

• Monte Lirio. 52,2 MW

• Pando. 33,0 MW

• Caldera Abajo. 5,0MW

• Pedregalito I . 20 MW

• Mendre II . 12,9 MW


• Larreynaga. 19,0 MW


• Renace II. 107,0 MW


• Tatatila. 30 MW.



• Study of the effects in Tajo river basin’s hydroelectric resources planning of diverse environmental dowmstream flow criterions.



• Technical assistance for the construction works of a pumping and turbining plant. La Breña II. Power: 35,0 mw. Córdoba. 

• Technical assistance for the repair works of Orbigo’sriver hydroelectric channel. Power: 3x9,6MW. León. 

• Revision of Canal de Navarra’s hydroelectric power plant construction project. Power: 20 MW. Navarra. 

Alcolea Dam, in River Odiel (Huelva,Spain) impounds water for industrial,drinking, irrigation, and hydroelectricalgeneration purposes. These dam isunder the Guadiana River Authorityjurisdiction.

Dam Main Specifications

Type of construction Concrete arch damMaximum Heigth on foundations 61 mNumber of Blocks 31 mCrest Width 10 mSlopes 0 H:1V upstream, 0,75 H:1V downstreamConcrete volume 421.240 m3Spillway Ungated. Straigth drop. Creager shape profile. Weir Length: 7 free-flow lip x 17.7 m. Stilling basin 62 m longCrest of dam: length, elevation 564.58 m, 62 m.Water discharge elements:River outlet works 4, 1,75 x 2 m2 . Length 11,5 m. Guard and control valves: Bureau Water intakes Tower to canal 3, 3 x 3,5 m2

Tower to hydroelectric power station 5, 3 x 3,5 m2Ecological 0,6 m

Dam main specifications:

A conventional straight gravity concrete dam that reaches35.6 m above foundations and 630.75 m. crest length. A10 m wide crest is shown by the typical cross-section andbeneath the dam runs a 15 m³/second twin channel. Thedam slopes are 0.05H:1V upstream and 0.75H:1Vdownstream. Concrete poured for the dam constructionamounts to 180,500 m3. The dam is intersected by asingle lengthwise 3 x 3 m2 tunnel. The dike is brokendown in 44 blocks, 15 m long, with joints waterproofed bya dual PVC strip. The waterproofing screen is achievedby 2” holes drilled every 3 m., at a depth equal to 1.5times the impounded water nape height, and extends atthe abutments sides. The draining screen is made up by3” vertical holes drilled every 3 m. to a depth that reachesup to 75% of the waterproofing thickness.The spillway consists of a 10 m. long three bays fixed lipweir. The waste way on the dam glacis is 32 m. wide andends in a 7 m. radius underwater ski-jump bucket. Theunder sluices consist of two 1,000 mm Ø ducts made upby: a removable grid rack; two Bureau type gate valves;cofferdam as an auxiliary barrage: an aeration duct andfinal flows discharge to a stilling bucket. Three types ofwater intakes are designed: two ducts of 1,200 mm. Ø totake overflows from channel or energy stilling structure,which is fitted with two Bureau type guard gates, aerationducts, hollow jet regulating valve and cofferdam, one 400mm. Ø intake for water supply to population centres withinlets at two different heights, control implemented bypower-operated butterfly valves and closure by gatevalve, as well as an ecological water intake of 400 m. Øwith inlets at two different heights, which are controlledby power-operated butterfly valves and regulated by aHowell-Bunger valve.

The regulating and floods abatement Alcollaríndam is located on the Alcollarín River, in theAlcollarín, Abertura and Zorita Municipalities(Cáceres Province, Spain).

The loose materials Boedo dam, designed for irrigation purposes, impounds the Boedo River in Castrejón de la Peña Municipality (Palencia Province, Spain).

Dam main specifications:

This straight loose materials dam, fitted with a core wall,reaches 37.5 m. maximum height above foundations, 554.3m of crest length and 1,142,000m3 embankment materialsvolume.

The reservoir has been designed to impound 15.1 hm3 forirrigation purposes and the flooded area covers 174.97 ha.A 4.15 km. long access road is also available.

El Cabaco reservoir is planned for recreationpurposes and impounds the Zarzoso River flow inEl Cabaco and Cereceda de la SierraMunicipalities (Salamanca Province, Spain).

Dammain specifications:

This constant radius gravity arch dam reaches amaximum 16 m. height above foundations, 165m. crest length and 63.5 m. axis radius.

The typical section is characterized by anupstream vertical slope and a 1H:10Vdownstream slope.

Construction required 7,875 m3 of concrete forthe dam body and 2,780 m3. of HA‐25 concrete.

The centrally located fixed lip spillway enclosesfour free flow 11.6 m long bays that total 53.4 m.spillwaywidth.

The dam encloses two stainless steel undersluicesof 0.5x0.6 m2 rectangular cross section.

Bureau gates are used for both stop andregulation.

Project for heightening Torcas Dam in the HuervaRiver (ZG/TOSOS) for irrigation purposes andwater supply to population centre. (Spain).

Dammain specifications:

Concrete gravity arch dam with maximum 37initial and 52 m. final height above foundations,and 180 m. crest length.

The typical section is characterize by a 9 m. widecrest, a vertical upstream and a 0.84/1downstream slopes, with tunnels at threedifferent heights. Concrete volume forconstruction reached 60,400 m3.

The fixed lip spillway consists of three free flow10 m. long bays. The wasteway width rangesfrom 33 to 22.9 m. and discharges to a ski‐jumpthat encloses a stillingbucket fitted with teeth.

The structure has been designed withundersluices and discharge sluices: the firstconsists of two 1,000 mm. stainless steel ductsthat enclose a Bureau gate for stop and control,and the second uses two 1.,300 m. stainlesssteel ducts fitted with a Bureau gate for stop anda Howell‐Bunger valve for regulation.

The works are completed by a 640 m long and 6.9m wide carriageway access road.

Project of a dam on the Mayor River forwater supply to Oncala Municipality (SoriaProvince, Spain).

Dammain specifications:

Straight gravity dam that reaches a maximum23.8 m. height above foundations. Crest is135 m long.

The cross section shows a 9 m. crest width,upstream vertical slope and 0.8/1downstream. A total 17,800 m3. concretevolume was required. A tunnel is provided inthe dike with access at both river banksadjoining the stilling bucket training walls.

The centrally located fixed lip spillwayencloses three free flow 14.6 m bays, a 47.8m wide wasteway and energy stilling bucket.

Two stainless steel undersluices are fittedwith Bureau type stop and control gatevalves. Additionally, two intakes for watersupply to population are planned thatenclose a 250 mm. Φ gate valve in thecommon duct and a 250 mm. Φ butterflyvalve in each intake duct.

Project for a dam in the Guadalimar river for drinkingwater and irrigation supply to Siles (Jaén Province) andVillaverde de Guadalimar (Albacete Province)municipalities. (Spain).

Dammain specifications:

A loose materials and core wall dam, 55 m high andcrest 287.4 m long. The dam typical dike section shows a8.2 m crest width and 2.2:1 upstream and 1.9:1downstream slopes as well as three 5 m. berms. Thecofferdam typical section is similar to that of the dambut crest is 5 m wide. The overall volume of the planneddam and cofferdam bodies reaches 1,054,039 m3.

A 9 x 8 m2 half arch round vault and 339 m. long tunnelis planned beneath the dam for the river diversion. Thetunnel encloses portal, water intake and spillway,tunnel, wasteway and stilling bucket.

A Morning Glory type spillway is planned characterisedby a 6.26 m radius portal and 3 m in the vertical shaft.The wasteway discharges to the diversion tunnel.

A twin ducts of 1.1 x 1.3 m2 rectangular section, fittedwith Bureau type 1.1 x 1.3 m2. control and regulationgates are planned for undersluices.

A single 1.2 m Φ duct controlled by two butterfly 1.200mm Φ valves is designed for the water intake. Fromhere, two 0.4 m Φ ducts, branch out for water supply topopulation centres and ecological flow. Ducts arecontrolled by two gate valves of 0.4 mΦ.

Project for Valdemudarra River irrigation dam, in PeñafielMunicipality (Valladolid Province, Spain).

Dammain specifications:

Loose materials dam consisting of two straight stretchesjoined by a 323 m long transition curved one with maximum34 m height and 7 m wide crest.The typical section consistsof a sloping alluvial‐colluvial core of sandy silts in theupstream shell with outer 2.5H/1V slopes protected byrockfill and fitted with an upstream 7 m wide berm. The dikeis planned to encloses, extending from the downstream toe,a drain shaft and bentonite‐cement waterproof screen in thefoundations. Volume of materials used amounts to650,527.45 m3.

The fixed lip spillway, set to one side, consists of a 6.36 m.working length weir, stilling bucket, 338 m. long wastewayof width ranging from 2 to 2.5 m., and 8.85 m. long rockfillprotected stilling pond with inlet and outlet teeth. Flow isdrained to the natural riverbed by a 13 m. long rockfillprotected conveying channel. The irrigation water intakeconsists of two ducts, 150 m. long and 600 mm. , laid in anaccessible concrete lined tunnel. Inflow is regulated by twobutterfly 600 mm valves located in the valves chamber.Outflow through the downstream pipes is regulated by twoadditional 600 mm butterfly valves fitted in the valveshouse. The undersluices, which enclose two 600 mm ducts, are parallel to the previous ones, and governed eachby two resilient closure 600 mm. gate valves. The scouringsluices at 150 m depth consist of a 300 mm pipe and aconcrete 1.2 x 0.4 m. chute laid after the pipe. Two reslilientclosure 300 mm diameter gate valves are fitted to thepipe for regulation.

Project for dam to control waterflows supplied by theMonegros Channel in the Candasnos and BallobarMunicipalities (Huesca Province, Spain).

Dammain specifications:

A core wall loose materials large dam that reachesmaximum 35 m. height above foundations and 482 m.long crest. The typical section shows an 8 m wide crestand upstream and downstream 2.5H:1V and 2.2H:1Vshells, respectively. The dike total volume reaches1,040,962.67 m3, and consists of a clayey silt core,granular materials shell, draining filter, transitionmaterials, rockfill and topsoil outside.

The fixed lip spillway is located to the right side andconsists of two 6.5 m long bays, a 165 m. long and 8 m.wide wasteway, besides a stilling bucket fitted with 21 m.long and 8 m. wide inlet and outlet baffle blocks.

The over 82 m. long undersluices and the water intakesare located on the right side and consist of tworectangular 1 x 0.8 m ducts and a 1.7 x 1.3 m. one. FourBureau 1 x 0.8 m. gate valves are applied forundersluicies control and regulation and a similar 1.7 x1.3 m. valve for the water intake. The undersluicesdischarge to a chamber beneath the wasteway thatdischarges to the spillway wasteway. The dam operatesas a reservoir for the Cardiel syphon to which it isconnected by a 1800 mm Ø, 740 m long helical weldedsteel pipe fitted with a cutoff and drain valve.

Project to build a dam at VallehondoCreek, in Renedo (León Province,Spain).

Dammain specifications:

A straight core wall loose materials damis planned with maximum 37,2 m.height above foundations, 395 m. longcrest and 869,000 m3 of materials usedfor the embankment construction.

The water impounding capacityamounts to 7.98 hm3 for irrigationpurposes and the flooded area covers69.92 ha. A 8.22 km. long access road isenclosed.

Project for construction of an irrigation dam toimpound the Valtabuyo River in Tabuyo del MonteMunicipality (León Province, Spain).

Dammain specifications:

Project for a straight loose materials dam with a 686m. long crest. The dam height above the river level atthe dam axis reaches 22.4 m and dike materialsvolume is 539,594 m3, based on a sectioncharacterised by a 7 m wide crest, a 2.5H/1Vupstream and 2H/1V downstream slopes.

The dam is waterproofed by an inner 0.6H/1V slopesclayey core and 3H/2V slope foundations resting onthe riverbed. The core side shells consist of reservoirtransported materials. Both a filtering and a drainlayer, each 2.5 m thick, which about the core areapplied to the upstream shell. The mentioned layersare extended as they contact both the foundationssurface and a small dam at the dike toe. The shelllayers, made up by boulders, are, now 0.25 m. and0.75 m. thick respectively. The downstream shellrests on a boulders base layer and encloses twodrainage horizontal layers 1 m, thick protected by anoutside 2.5 m thick rockfill.

Two roads are also enclosed in the finished works:laid on the dam crest and over the toe dike crestlocated upstream from the dam. The dam encloses,as well, a front spillway that discharges to a natural36 m long thalweg.

The dam undersluices are designed to be laid in thediversion tunnel using two 500 mm diameter ducts.

Construction project of a dam to impound for irrigation purposes the VillafríaCreek in Santibáñez de la Peña Municipality (Palencia Province, Spain).

Dammain specifications:

The project enclosed construction of a 343 m long loose materials dam.Maximum elevation above foundations reaches some 46.5 m, while the damcrest is 1,117.5 m. long. Crest width of the dike cross section is 8.00 m. wide with1.80H:1.00V outer slopes upstream and 1.60H:1.00V downstream. A 4.0 m wideintermediate berm is located in the downstream slope. The core wall top standsat a 1,116.90 elevation with a 1H:3V slopes in the upstream and downstreamslides, which rest on the waterproof substrate. Both downstream and upstreamof the core and abutting it, 3.00 m. thick granulated materials filters are arrangedwith a gradient similar to that of the mentioned core slopes. The downstreamfilter is actually the dam critical filter. To ensure outflow of water form both thedownstream filter, and leaks that might eventually develop due to thefoundations, the filter is extended downstream at the dam toe throughout thecreek bed width and all the way to the lowest zone. For this reason, a horizontaldrain 12 m. wide and 1.5 m. thick will be set at the toe protected by geotextile. Inthe upstream shell, 6 horizontal draining levels, 70 cm. large, are arranged. Thedownstream shell is protected by a 30 cm. thick topsoil layer. A 7 m. wide roadwill be available on the core wall top. The reservoir total impounding capacity(12 hm³) is achieved at the 1,114.50 m. elevation, which leaves thereby a 3 m.total freeboard below the dike crest.

Both the water intake works and undersluices are designed to enable the creekdiversion during the dam construction works. A rectangular section water intaketower is planned linked to the tunnel, used fot the creek diversion, during theworks first phase, while during the second phase, it is used to house theundersluices. Diameter of the water intake and undersluices ducts is 800 mm.Howell‐Bunger type regulating valves are used that discharge to a stilling bucketfor energy dissipation fitted with Bureau type stop valves. A Creager typespillway of fixed lip and front discharge is planned. It is located in a hill some 310m. away from the dam dike. The spillway crest is located at 1,114.50 m. elevtionand 49 m. long development.

Construction of a new Overhead and Buried Medium Voltage (MV) Power Line isplanned from the site specified for link up to the respective transformerssubstation line bay.



Pando’s hydroelectric power plant capacity is33 MW.

Main technical specifications:•A conventional concrete dam•Maximum height above foundations: 34,5 m•Crest length: 160 m•Penstock length: 2,1 km•Penstock diameter: 2.800/1.600 mm•Number of turbines: 2•Type of turbines: Pelton•Total Flow: 14,5 m3/s•Net head: 255,9 m•Installed power capacity: 33 MW



Monte Lirios’s hydroelectric power plant capacity is 52,2 MW.

Main technical specifications:

•A conventional concrete dam•Maximum height above foundations: 20,8 m•Crest length: 80 m•Penstock length: 2,6 km•Penstock diameter: 2.800/2.200 mm•Number of turbines: 3•Type of turbines: Pelton•Total Flow: 21 m3/s•Net head: 285,5 m•Installed power capacity: 52,2 MW



El Alto’s hydroelectric power plant capacity is 67,3 MW.

Main technical specifications:

•A conventional concrete dam•Maximum height above foundations: 52,0 m•Crest length: 195 m•Numbers of turbines: 3•Type of turbines: Francis•Total Flow: 60 m3/s•Net head: 126,0 m•Installed power capacity: 67,3 MW



Mendre II’s hydroelectric power plant capacity is 7,7 MW.

Main technical specifications:

•Channel cross section: trapezoidal/rectangular•Channel length: 2 km•Number of tunnels: 2•Bottom wide: 5,5 m•Slope: 3H/2V•Penstock diameter: 2.800mm•Number of turbines: 2•Type of turbines: Kaplan•Total Flow: 43,5m3/s•Net head: 20,0 m•Installed power capacity: 7,7 MW



Larreynaga’s hydroelectric power plant capacity is 17 MW.

Main technical specifications:

•A conventional straight gravity concrete dam•Maximum height above foundations: 15,5 m•Crest length: 195 m•Penstock length: 585 m•Penstock diameter: 2.600 mm•Number of turbines: 2•Type of turbines: Francis•Total Flow: 22,00 m3/s•Net head: 90,0 m•Installed power capacity: 17 MW



Main technical specifications:

•A conventional straight gravity concrete dam•Maximum height above foundations: 8 m•Crest length: 65 m•Penstock length: 2.404 m•Penstock diameter: 2.900 ‐2.800mm•Number of turbines: 2•Type of turbines: Francis•Total Flow: 40,0m3/s •Net head: 62,5m•Installed power capacity: 20MW



Main technical specifications:

•A conventional straight gravity concrete dam•Maximum height above foundations 5,5m •Crest length: 100 m•Penstock length: 1.975 m•Penstock diameter: 2.000 mm •Number of turbines: 2 •Type of turbines: Francis•Total Flow: 8,6 m3/s•Net head: 94 m•Installed power capacity: 7 MW 


Main technical specifications: 

Penstock length: 4,4 kmPenstock diameter: 2.350/1.800 mmNumber of turbines: 4Type of turbines: PeltonTotal Flow: 40 m3/sNet head: 330 mInstalled power capacity: 107 MW

INCISAPº de la Esperanza 1128005 MadridTelf.: +34 91 573 40 00Fax: +34 91 574 29 [email protected]

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