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Study in theActs of theApostles

Presentation 07

Church Life:The Lord’s

SupperChapter 2:42-47

Presentation 07

IntroductionThe early church devoted themselves to apostolic doctrine, fellowship, the breaking of bread and prayer. And by doing so she experienced the blessing of God. We now turn our attention to the third of these priorities, ‘the breaking of bread’, a N.T. term for the celebration of the Lord’s supper. Some may ask, ‘How can this simple sacrament significantly contribute to church growth?’

I want to suggest four reasons.

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The Reason For Their ExistenceBelievers gathering around the Lord’s table, knew that their lives had been transformed. Once they had been strangers and enemies of God but now they were part of his family. The burden of guilt that had weighed them down had been lifted and they had experienced the healing balm of God’s forgiveness, the assurance of salvation and a settled hope of future glory.

They could remind themselves of the great historical fact that had made that change possible, namely the death and resurrection of Jesus

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The Reason For Their ExistencePeter writes, “For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect”. 1Pet. 1v18

Centuries later Martin Luther wrote : ‘If you want to understand the Christian message begin with the wounds of Christ’.

Christ’s death is central both to the church’s existence and the Christian’s identity.

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The Reason Of Their ExistenceWe live in a changing theological climate today where some people are bending over backwards to ensure their theology appeals to the C21st mind. By that they mean more than making orthodox theology understandable , rather they are attempting to change the core content of belief. They say,

‘Modern man does not want to hear about atonement, sacrifice and the cross, for these things are distasteful, they offend the sophisticated intellects of enlightened men and women!’

They believe that the Christian image needs to be smartened up and that means breaking free from all this talk of Christ’s blood and sacrifice.

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The Reason for Their ExistenceSome moderns want to stress Jesus as a teacher while dismissing the significance of his sacrificial death. But the substance of Jesus’ gospel teaching presupposes his death and is indissolubly bound to it. It would be a hard and uncaring Jesus, who preached the Sermon on the Mount and then said, ‘Live like that! End of story’.

Fallen man needs not only to be told how to live, he also needs to be empowered to live a different kind of life. He needs a new nature through a spiritual rebirth. And this new birth can only be made available by virtue of Christ’s sacrificial death.

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Spiritual NourishmentHow do we nourish our physical bodies? By eating and drinking of course! How do Christians sustain their spiritual life? By feeding daily, by faith, upon Jesus. By recognizing that we are united to him and therefore have access to his strength and power. The sacrament of the Lord’s supper is a visible reminder that Jesus is the source of our spiritual life.

Our union with him takes place the moment we place our trust in him. Jesus anxious that his disciples should grasp this truth taught, ‘I am the vine you are the branches’ Jn. 15v5 They were told to abide in the vine in order that they might bear fruit. How does one abide? By faith, as daily we make the life of Jesus our own!

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Spiritual NourishmentOur union with Christ finds expression in the symbols of bread and wine used at the Lord’s table. We are saying that our on-going spiritual life rests upon our union with Jesus. The early church so stressed the importance of feasting upon Jesus, that misunderstandings were produced in the non-Christian community. Christians were suspected of cannibalism! But the Christian feeds upon the risen Christ by faith.

Robert Traill the C18th Scottish Theologian writes:‘Such is the assistance to faith that Christ’s death affords. Learn to feed on it. He that cannot make a soul meal of a risen Saviour is a sorry Christian.’

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Spiritual NourishmentThe early Christians knew how to make a ‘soul meal’ of a risen Saviour. They recognised that Jesus was the only authentic source of spiritual life. The sacrament encouraged them to make Jesus’ resurrection life their very own.

Of course we do not need the sacrament to feed by faith upon Jesus - there are no magical properties associated with it – we are not feasting on the real body and blood of Jesus! But the sacrament has been given as a visual aid to encourage and stimulate faith.

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Spiritual NourishmentNow this clearly has some important practical applications.

First, those unable to attend the Lord’s table because they are sick, on holiday housebound or imprisoned for their faith, are not excluded from accessing the newness of life that is theirs in Christ. God is more than able to compensate them for their absence from the sacrament.

Yes it is a means of grace but as such it is no more than an outward visible symbol of an inner spiritual reality, which reality is accessed by faith and not by a mechanical observation of the rite.

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Spiritual NourishmentSecondly, mere mechanical participation in communion does not guarantee access to Christ’s life. We only benefit from the sacrament as we make Christ’s life ours by faith.

Indeed, where no faith union and repentance exists, such a person can no more benefit from the sacrament, than a cut flower thrust into rich soil can draw nutrition out of it.

Oh, such a person may feel emotionally uplifted and moved but without faith they will experience no lasting benefit.

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Corporate IdentityWhen the church gathered together in table fellowship they were reminded of their oneness in Christ - of being a part of the body of Christ. Therefore, to sit down at the Lord’s table while having indifference or heart-hostility towards other members of Christ’s body was viewed as bringing the feast into disrepute and tearing apart the body of Christ.

When the church in Corinth met together for a fellowship meal, prior to celebrating the Lord’s supper, their division was seen for those who had an abundance of food were reluctant to share it with those who had none. Behaviour which drew out the censure of Paul.

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Corporate IdentityThe Lord’s table, which was meant to express the unity of the people of God had become a very tense affair because believers had alienated themselves from one another in their hearts. Paul condemns this behaviour as ‘sinning against the body and blood of the Lord’ 1Cor.11.27. What did he mean? They’d put themselves in the position, where instead of sharing in the benefits of Christ’s passion, they were behaving like those who had been responsible for Christ’s crucifixion. By their discord they were tearing the body of Christ apart. Isn’t that horrendous?

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Corporate IdentityLittle wonder Paul told his readers to examine themselves before coming to the Lord’s table 1Cor. 11v28. Selfishness, drunkenness and enmity marked the lives of some who gathered. Paul is not saying, we shouldn’t come if we are morally imperfect - that would rule everyone out. But we can ensure that we’re not harbouring grudges, enmity nor an unforgiving spirit in our hearts against any of those with whom we gather.

Failure to do so, is to invite the ridicule of the world:

‘Look at those Christians who are supposed to love one another they are ready to tear each other apart’.

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Corporate IdentityBut not only does abuse of the supper invite the ridicule of the world it also invites the judgement of God cf. 1Cor.11v30 ‘That is why many of you are weak and sick and a number of you have fallen asleep’. Do you see what Paul is saying? God would rather incapacitate us, or remove us from the body of Christ on earth than allow the scorn and ridicule of the world to be vented upon it. What a sobering warning!

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Church GrowthA correct observance of the Lord’s table can contribute to church growth? It does so first, by keeping the cross of Christ central in our thinking thereby reminding us that the death of Jesus is the ground of the church’s existence.

Secondly, it reminds us that without Jesus we can do nothing to advance God’s kingdom. The energy and effort we expend is unproductive if we are not dependent upon the strengthening that comes from Christ. This is why Paul wrote;

‘I can do everything through him who gives me strength’ Phil.4v13.

The sacrament reminds us of the need to access Christ’s resurrection life.

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Church GrowthThirdly, the sacrament encourages self-examination. And as we root out the hostility, grudges and the unforgiving spirit within our fellowship then we become brethren who, ‘dwell together in unity’ Ps 133. As a result we will deepen our relationships with one another and deny the world the opportunity of criticism.

May God help us to approach the Lord’s supper in this way!

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