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(Ministry of Education, 2003) outlines three main policy ICT in education.

First - ICT literacy for all students

The second - to highlight the role and function ICT as a curriculum and tools p d p.

Third - the use of ICT to improve productivity

The use of ICT in the P d P intends to use ICT in a planned, consistent, and thoughtful for a process of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of P d P.

* ICT can be defined as the use of hardware and software for efficient management of information. ICT refers to the forms of technology that are used to transmit, store, create, share or exchange particular task.

* ICT has become a part and parcel of life. The discoveries and inventions in science and technology have improved the speed of communication. By making use of available tools, ICT is helping common man to fulfil his needs. It has become integral part of new era

According to Daniel (2002)

ICTs have become within a very short time, one of the basic building blocks of modern society.

many countries now regard u/standing ICT as part of the core of:- i) education ii) alongside reading iii) writing iv) numeracy

According to Pelgrum & Law,2003

stated that near the end of 1980s, the term computers was replaced by IT ( Information Technology) signifying a shift of focus from computing technology to the capacity to store and retreive information.

This was followed by the introduction of the term ICT (Information & communication technology) around 1992, when email started to become available to the general public.


A person from village also can refer the latest information and research everyday.

Television broadcast is one of the best communication media to educate students, farmers, sportsman.

The difficult experiments, advance surgery for medical students etc. can be viewed.

LCD projectors can be used for effective training.

The man power problem, the human mistakes can be avoided by on-line examination.

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY USED AS A TOOL IN THE PROCESS OF EDUCATION IN THE FOLLOWING WAYS:-As a tool for spreading information on audio, video and documents from the internet, references etc.

Create situation for students to experiences real life in the form of a virtual simulation.

Used to manipulate and analyze data and assist in creating a borderless communication and time.


* information technology allow the formation of digital resources such as digital libraries where students, teachers and educators can access research materials and instructional materials regardless of time and place.

* Such facilities provide opportunities for networking among educators and researchers as well as the sharing of academic materials. Can increase their knowledge through various forms of learning and education sites available in the internet.

Simplify the process in the fields of business, education and daily routines.

Can enrich their knowledge and skills as well as being a place for the exchange and sharing of opinions and ideas.

As a medium of teaching among teachers in order to produce information technology literacy students.

Students are given exposure on the acquisition of alternative information sources such as virtual libraries other than textbooks or visit the library.

Teachers capable of producing a generation of dynamic and progressive as equipped with the knowledge and skills up to date.

The use of ICT in teaching and learning process can:-improve the efficiency and effectiveness of learning outcomes.

will not be easy to feel tired and bored in undergoing the process of teaching and learning.

P d P is more active and create a fun learning environment.

improve the quality of teaching.

get the latest information and knowledge more quickly.

* In online tutoring, the student logs into his or her tutor through the use of internet at home. The student asks the question and teacher replies it by writing on smart board or using powerpoint presentation.

The negative effects in education:-

Limited expertise of teachers

Lack of support services

Matter content in the internet

The problem of inaccurate information

The problem of finding information

copyright issues

Problem generating online learning

lack of equipment

Students become passive and lack of communicationSYMPTOMS OF SOCIAL CONSEQUENCES OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND COMMUNICATIONS IN EDUCATION1. Information on the internet that are not filtered will be a danger and harm, especially to students, who are one of those internet browser busiest in Malaysia. There are a lot of information regarding sex, agitation, rumors, discrimination, drugs, promotion of violence and abuse, gambling and so on. This can be proven by a study conducted in the US found that 48% of teachers are difficult to find sites that are appropriate for the learning process in the classroom.2. Most of the content displayed on the internet can not be ascertained authenticity. This is because, as we know, the medium of communication technologies such as the internet is not controlled by anyone and everyone has the right to write and publish any information on the internet.

-This information could be dangerous if the student is not able to distinguish between correct and incorrect.

This will affect the objectives of teaching and learning through the internet.

Therefore, teachers need to be able to evaluate information acquired from various media and resources, and be able to distinguish accuracy can assist students in obtaining accurate information and correct. The facility is served by communication technology in education is bad for students.3. Students no longer creative in giving ideas of their own in solving certain tasks. For example, computer technology has made the work of copying information so happy with just using the command file and simply by pressing the "copy" and "paste", all work has been completed without the hassle of having to brainstorm.

-While technology brings convenience in the education system today, but there are also disadvantages in which students are always accessing the internet, for example, are more interested in sitting in front of a computer without thinking about social life either in the family or community.

-This scenario will result in students being passive and less to communicate with each other while to become a competitive they should be able to provide constructive ideas and quality for the stability and development of their success.4. In addition, the technology used for educational purposes is also fosters laziness among students. With their advanced technology, most of the tasks that require skills such as drawing, counting, writing was completed by computer.

- Students will now become more lazy and lose certain skills by the increasing dependence on computers. For example, typing and computing by using computers and calculators will lead to student writing and arithmetic skills deteriorate.5.Communication and plagiarism problem can also occur with the use of technology in education. In terms of communication, especially those following distance education programs, communication problems between students and lecturers may exist because they are spaced by a computer.

- It can encourage a passive communication between students and their lecturers. Think of a lecturer who had to deal with many students at one time through a computer, it is unlikely he can give full attention to a student and answer the questions posed in the same time.

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