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Presentation letter

Dear participant, University of Salerno, University of Sannio, University of Bari and Politecnico di

Torino are conducting METAMORPHOS (a national research project), whose goal is to define new tools and methods for software applications migration.

We will be grateful for you contribution to the project by devoting a few minutes of

your time to fill in the following questionnaire. We will ask you about your experience and needs about software migration projects, both completed or in-progress.

The questionnaire is divided into four sections: section 1 includes general questions

about you and your company; sections 2 through 4 ask more detailed questions about a migration project completed, if any, or foreseen.

Hoping in your kind cooperation, we thank you,

The projects managers.





Spring 2007



Instructions to fill correctly the questionnaire

Objective The objective of such questionnaire is to monitor the actual migration practice

performed on existing software projects by a software company. The main reason is to analyze the experience collected by companies during their migration activities on concrete software projects. Then we ask you to report, with the use of this questionnaire, your real and objective experiences and not general information and/or personal opinions.

Scope The questionnaire is related to collect experiences on the migration of software projects. For example, legacy mainframe based systems migrated to a web based application.

Confidentiality All collected data are confidentially and no detailed information about the company activity will be collected.

Benefits A detailed technical report will be available to who participate. A final workshop is also planned with the aim to divulgate all results obtained with this study.

General instructions

Please use an “X” to mark the answer. The questionnaire takes about 30 minutes to be completed.

Definitions: Project: a completed software project, where applicable also with the maintenance phase and with more than one release. Migration: a maintenance activity performed on a software project with the objective to migrate such a system on other, usually more recent, platforms.



Sezione 1: General information [NB: The following data will be treated confidentially] Surname Name Age Gender E-mail Company/Department name Address CAP City State/Province Country Date Time spent to fill the questionnaire

1.1 Personal information about the subject 1.1.1 Which is your position in the company?

[Choose one or more alternatives] □ IT manager □ Project manager □ Software architect □ Software developer □ Other: ____________________

1.1.2 Which is your education degree?

[One choice] □ High school degree □ Master degree □ Bachelor degree □ PhD □ Other: ____________________

1.1.3 Your education degree is related to Information and Communication Technoloy? [One choice] □ No □ Yes

1.2 Company information 1.2.1 Which is the type of your company?

[One choice] □ Independent: the company does not depend from other companies □ Subsidiary: the company is controlled/managed by another company

1.2.2 Which is the property of you company? [One choice] □ Private □ Government



1.2.3 Which is the number of employees of your entire company?

Which is the number of employees of your business unit? [The two numbers may be coincide]

1.2.4 Which is the main activity of your company? [One choice] □ IT / Telecommunication □ Telecommunication operator □ Software house / Software vendor □ Consulting □ Other: _________________

1.3 Migration experiences 1.3.1 Have your company performed migration activities?

[Choose one or more alternatives] □ No, never □ No, never but planned in the future □ Yes

If you answered “Yes” in the previous question: 1.3.2 How long time you deal with migration?

Years: 1.3.3 How many project you have migrate?

Nr. Of projects:

If you answered: “No, never” you terminated. “No, never but planned in the future” please go to the section 2. “Yes” please go to the section 3.



Sezione 2: Future planned migrations 2.1 Project information 2.1.1 The company have personnel with competence and/or experience on migration tools and

technologies ? If yes, which tools and/or technologies? _______________________________________________________________________________ 2.1.2 HW/SW platform of the system to be migrated

□ Mainframe □ Workstation □ PC □ other:__________________

Implementation language of the system to be migrated

□ COBOL □ PL/1 □ C □ C++ □ Assembler □ other:__________________

2.1.3 HW/SW platform, target of the migration

□ Web □ Service-oriented □ Wireless □ other:__________________

Language used for the migration □ Java □ C#/ASP .NET □ other:__________________

2.1.4 Which factor will affect the success of you project? [Choose one or more alternatives]

□ Human □ Methodological □ Technologic □ other:__________________



Sezione 3: Migrated project 3.1 Project information Migrated projects should be completed. I your company have more than one completed projects, base your answers on just one. 3.1.1 How many people was the development team composed of? (if such a number varied, just report

the average) Full time: Part time: 3.1.2 Which percentage of such team have had experience about the migration of projects? (%) 3.1.3 The project started (mm/yy)? 3.1.4 When the migrated project was released the first time (mm/yy)? 3.2 System information 3.2.1 The name and a brief description of the system functionalities (descrizione testuale)?

3.2.2 Which are the customers of the system? [choose one or more alternatives] □ Bank / Finance / Insurance □ Services (consultants, sellers, etc.) □ Government □ ICT □ Industry / engineering □ Other: __________________________



Sezione 4: Detailed migration information

4.1 General information about the original system 4.1.1 Which is the running environment of the system?

- Operating system: - Persistent data: - Implementation language/s: - Other: __________________________

4.1.2 Which is the architecture?

□ centralized □ client/server □ other

4.1.3 Which is the User interface? □ character □ graphical □ web

4.1.4 On which devices the system runs on? □ terminal □ PC/Workstation with specific software □ PC/Workstation with browser □ other ________________________________________________________

4.2 General information about the target system 4.2.1 Which is the running environment of the system?

- Operating system: - Persistent data: - Implementation language/s: - Other: __________________________

4.2.2 Qual è il tipo di architettura?

□ centralized □ client/server □ web based □ service oriented □ other ________________________________________________________

4.2.3 Which is the User interface? □ character □ graphical □ web



4.2.4 On which devices the system runs on?

□ terminal □ PC/Workstation with specific software □ PC/Workstation with browser □ cell phones □ palms □ smartphone □ other ________________________________________________________

4.2.5 A brief description of the migration process

4.2.6 Which are the factor that have affected the migration? [choose one or more alternatives]

□ Human □ Methodological □ Technologic □ other

4.3 Acquired experience 4.3.1 Which migration tool/s has been used?

4.3.2 A brief description about the motivations on the choice of such tools?








The following question are applicable on a single tool (choose the one you consider more important) 4.3.3 How much time you spent to learn such tool?

□ few hours □ one day □ few days □ one week □ few weeks □ one month



□ more than one month 4.3.4 How much the tool is applicable to your migration scope

□ not applicable □ little □ average □ much

4.3.5 The tool can be easly integrated in your development environment?

□ No □ little □ average □ Si integra molto bene

4.3.6 The use of the tool don’t need to read its documentation? □ No, documentation is fundamental □ Often documentation is needed □ Sometimes documentation is needed □ Yes, the tool can be used without reading the documentation

4.3.7 Tool’s documentation is complete, clear and understandable?

□ No □ little □ average □ Yes, it is

4.3.8 Which are the main problems you encountered in using such tool?





4.3.9 Do you plan to use such tool also for future migration projects? □ Yes □ No Why?




4.3.10 Which aspect of the tool you like to improve?



□ User Interface □ Effectiveness □ Functionality □ Other Why?




4.3.11 Do you have used other migration tools in the past?

□ Yes □ No

4.3.12 If Yes, a. What?

b. A brief description of pro and cons with respect to the actual tool you have used



Informativa sulla privacy ai sensi dell'articolo 13 del D.lgs. n.196/2003: a) Finalità e modalità del trattamento cui sono destinati i dati. I dati da Lei forniti verranno trattati per finalità statistiche e scientifiche, volte ad indagare le problematiche legate alla migrazione di sistemi software nell'ambito del progetto METAMORPHOS (finanziato dal Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca – num. 2006098097) . Il trattamento sarà effettuato con modalità informatizzate. b) Natura del conferimento dei dati La partecipazione all'indagine è su base volontaria. c) Conseguenze di un eventuale rifiuto di rispondere La mancata risposta non avrà nessuna conseguenza. d) Soggetti, categorie e ambito di diffusione dei dati I dati personali raccolti saranno comunicati soltanto ai ricercatori che partecipano al progetto. e) Diritti In ogni momento potrà esercitare i Suoi diritti nei confronti del titolare del trattamento, ai sensi dell'art.7 del D.lgs.196/2003, che per Sua comodità riproduciamo integralmente: Art. 7. Diritto di accesso ai dati personali ed altri diritti

- L'interessato ha diritto di ottenere la conferma dell'esistenza o meno di dati personali che lo riguardano, anche se non ancora registrati, e la loro comunicazione in forma intelligibile.

- L'interessato ha diritto di ottenere l'indicazione: .1 dell'origine dei dati personali; .2 delle finalità e modalità del trattamento; .3 della logica applicata in caso di trattamento effettuato con l'ausilio di strumenti elettronici; .4 degli estremi identificativi del titolare, dei responsabili e del rappresentante designato ai

sensi dell'articolo 5, comma 2; .5 dei soggetti o delle categorie di soggetti ai quali i dati personali possono essere comunicati o

che possono venirne a conoscenza in qualità di rappresentante designato nel territorio dello Stato, di responsabili o incaricati.

- L'interessato ha diritto di ottenere: .1 l'aggiornamento, la rettificazione ovvero, quando vi ha interesse, l'integrazione dei dati; .2 la cancellazione, la trasformazione in forma anonima o il blocco dei dati trattati in violazione

di legge, compresi quelli di cui non è necessaria la conservazione in relazione agli scopi per i quali i dati sono stati raccolti o successivamente trattati;

.3 l'attestazione che le operazioni di cui alle lettere a) e b) sono state portate a conoscenza, anche per quanto riguarda il loro contenuto, di coloro ai quali i dati sono stati comunicati o diffusi, eccettuato il caso in cui tale adempimento si rivela impossibile o comporta un impiego di mezzi manifestamente sproporzionato rispetto al diritto tutelato.

- L'interessato ha diritto di opporsi, in tutto o in parte: .1 per motivi legittimi al trattamento dei dati personali che lo riguardano, ancorché pertinenti

allo scopo della raccolta; .2 al trattamento di dati personali che lo riguardano a fini di invio di materiale pubblicitario o

di vendita diretta o per il compimento di ricerche di mercato o di comunicazione commerciale.

f) Titolare e responsabili del trattamento dati I titolari e responsabili del trattamento sono i coordinatori delle unità di ricerca del progetto METAMORPHOS reperibili alla URL http://www.sesa.dmi.unisa.it/metamorphos/showResearchUnits

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