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COMMONSSUPERSTAR TEAM. http://thesuperstarteachers.blogspot.com.es/

• Creative Commons licenses are legal mechanisms that allow authors of documents, videos, images, music, among others; to share the contents they create through the web, specifying how they can use their work. Thus, instead of having "All rights reserved", the contents have "Some rights reserved", which opens the possibility for users to use the content according to the terms specified in the license.• When we use this license in our works, we increase the

range of resources that network users can use, share and distribute without violating copyright law.


• Each Creative Commons license also ensures that licensors are recognized as authors of their work as they deserve. Each Creative Commons license is valid throughout the world and lasts for as long as applicable intellectual property rights. These common characteristics serve as a basis, on which licensors may choose to grant additional permits when deciding how they want their work to be used.

What ensures?

• Copyright licenses incorporate an innovative and unique three-layer design. Each license begins as a traditional legal tool, in the type of language and text format that most lawyers know and love. We call this layer the Legal Code of each license.• But because most creators, educators and scientists are not

lawyers, we also make the licenses available in a format that normal people can understand: the license summary or "Commons Deed." This is a practical reference for licensors and licensees, which summarizes and expresses some of the most important terms and conditions.

Licenses’ layers

• The final layer of the license recognizes that the software plays an important role in the creation, copying, diffusion and distribution of works. In order to make it easier for the web to know where works are available under Creative Commons licenses, we provide a "machine readable" version of the license: a summary of the key rights and obligations written in a format such that computer systems, search engines and other forms of technology can understand. To achieve this, we have developed a standardized way of describing the licenses that the software can understand called CC Rights Expression Language (CC REL).

Licenses’ Layers

• Together, these three layers of licenses ensure that the spectrum of rights is not just a legal concept. It is something that the creators of works can understand, their users can understand, and even the web itself can understand.

TYPES OF LICENSES1. Attribution CC BYIt allows any exploitation, even commercially. Always that the original author is recognized. This license is the most useful.

2. Attribution-Share Alike CC BY-SAThis license allows other modify and develop about the work, even for commercial purposes, distributing them under the license of the original work. 3. Attribution-No Derives CC BY-NDThis type of license allows commercial and non-commercial distribution, but the work can’t be modified. The authorship has to be recognized.

TYPES OF LICENSES4. Attribution-Non Commercial CC BY-NCThis licence allows modified the work, always that isn’t made with commercial purposes, and attributing the authorship.

5. Attribution-Non Commercial-Share Alike CC BY-NC-SA.This type allows modified the work but with non-commercial purposes, the authorship has to be recognized and the new creations have to be under the same license.

• 6. Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derives CC BY-NC-ND

This type is the most restrictive, it allows only download and share the work recognizing the authorship, but the work can’t be use commercially and can’t be modified.



METAPHORWe can talk about the elaboration of a sponge cake to contrast it with the elaboration of a work presentation.

First, you must think what kind of dessert do you want to make, It is the same as think what goals do you want to convey with the presentation.

Next, you should think about the ingredients that you are going to use to make the sponge cake.When you choose the ingredients of the sponge cake, you are preparing the presentation script, organizing the themes, the ideas ...

We can relate it to the contents we have selected, the images, ideas to talk about them.

For this, it will be necessary to provide facts or data that verify such as experiences, appointments of experts .

Another important factor is who is going to be the cake, for whom you are going to do it, for example, for your family. And in the same way, you must choose the recipient of the presentation.

TYPES OF SPEAKING.• Speaking from memory : • - Advantages: it is not necessary to use notes allowing visual

contact between the speaker and the audience.• - Disadvantages: it is easy to forget important things.

• Speaking from notes:•   -Advantages: you are more natural and you can maintain eye

contact with the audience.• -Disadvantages: it is possible not to express the most important

ideas and thoughts.

• Speaking from text:• Advantages: you plan in advance what you are going to

say and how you are going to say it• Disadvantages: You may sound stiff or rehearsed and it

is more difficult to maintain eye contact and capture the audience's attention.

• Using a combination of methods:• It is advisable to memorize the first and last 10 minutes

of the presentation to be fluent, using notes for moments that you know very well and texts to make sure the audience remembers and understands the most important ideas.


• One basic idea by slide. Do not use excess of information, the receivers can be lost, tired and losing interest.

• With regard to the design (not decoration), it must be effective, so that our message reaches our audience (pupils).

• How much text do we have to put? Whatever is essential, masking the list you want to explain, so that it is visually attractive and helps to say what we mean. The letter of the text should be sans serif-one, in which the endings have no adornments of any type( Verdana, Arial, Calibri, Century Gothic,). There are a Maximun of 2 fonts of letter on the same slide.• Regarding with the color, it must stand out the content

of what we want to convey, creating a good atmosphere which matches with what we mean. We could use monochrome (same color in different range), similar colors (the ones which are next to the color wheel) or complementary colors (those that are opposite on the color wheel).

• And finally, another important thing to take into account would be the images. They must convey ideas, emotions and sensations, personifying what we want to show. For instance, if we use people images, the message seems closer to the public. If we want to express data, we will use the possible minima. And we do not use clipart (imágenes prediseñadas).

5 DELIVER TIPS ABOUT HOW TO MAKE AN EXELLENT.• Practice: It is very important to know the main thrust of your

argument in order to build your confident, making coherent the elements of your presentation. Avoid reading, because it focuses on your notes, losing contact with the audience (students). Learning what you want to say and use making notes, such as index cards, with the main ideas because they are easy to remember.

• Assert yourself (reafirmarse): the posture you have is very important in order to show yoursef confident all the time. Presence is also another characteristic. You must have something interesting to tell the audience and you also have to trust that the audience wants to listen what you have to say.

• Eye contact: The presenter must avoid looking at the ceiling or the floor. It is essential that the presenter keeps eye contact in order to establish a connection with the public, using gestures with his/her arms emphasizing the message which is being conveying. however, any presenter should be careful not use too much movements, as he/she could show nervousness or distract the audience. It is also essential using a language which involves your audience.• Breathe: Before the presentation the presenter must

not forget to take a deep steady breath. It is very important so that your quality voice comes up clearly, feeling comfortable with yourself.

• Use your voice: there are three aspects to take into account when it comes to using our voice: the volume, which should be loud enough to make sure everyone can hear you; the pace of the speech. It should be one which strikes a balance between one too quick and other too slow; the pitch of the voice is also very important, and a good presenter must change it depending on the situation (raising it when asking a question, and lower it when the aim is the sound severe).

THE END.*We have found the photos in the web site called Pixabay, there are free


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