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Page 1: Presentation MIT Shimadzu Laboratory

7/26/2019 Presentation MIT Shimadzu Laboratory

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MIT – Shimadzu Analytical Testing Laboratory


Maharashtra Institute ofTechnology, Aurangabad

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Purpose of establishing

MIT – Shimadzu Analytical Testing Laboratory

•   To provide centralized facilities to characterize materials and develop

interdisciplinary research and education program related to materials.

• To provide quality education and exposure in the field of Materials Science and


•  To conduct research relevant to the needs of community and industry

• To contribute to sustainable development of the nation

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About the Laboratory

• Established in 20! at "epartment of #lastics and #olymer Engineering.

• $ollaboration %ith S&'M(")* +(S'( #($','$- Singapore.

• /aboratory equipped %ith modern equipments used for 1 " %or %ith

consultancy services to the outside %orld prominently in the area of material


•,ollo%ing instruments are available in the laboratory3

• ,ourier Transform infrared spectrophotometer

• *454'S spectrophotometer

• "ifferential scanning calorimeter

• Thermogravimetric analyzer

•*pcoming instruments3

•  6as $hromatography Mass Spectrometry

•  &igh #erformance /iquid $hromatography

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Item Specifications

Model ,T' 5S (ffinity

'nterferometer Michelson interferometer +708incident angle- Equipped %ithdynamic alignment system Sealedinterferometer %ith auto dryer 

(T crystal Diamond

/ight source High energy ceramic light source %ith 7 years guaranteed

"etector "/(T6S detector equipped %ithtemperature control mechanism


:00 5 :000 cm5

esolution 0.! 2: ; 1 <

 =o. >f runs :!

Soft%are used /ab solution ' 1 /ab solutions

ourier Transform Infrared


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Item Specifications

Model =o. *45;00

9avelength range ?0 to 00nm

Spectral band%idth

nm +?0 to 00nm-


"ouble @eam

Soft%are used *4 #robe

!"#"IS Spectrophotometer

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Differential Scanning $alorimeter

Item Specifications

Model "S$5<0 #lusMeasurement#rinciple

&eat ,lux Type


5:0 to <008 $ +%ith standardcooling chamber and using liquidnitrogen-

(tmosphere =itrogen (ir >xygen

Soft%are used T( <0 9S collection soft%are 1T( 5 <0

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Thermogra%imetric Analyzer

Item Specifications

Model T6(5!0


(mbient to0008$


20mg 200mg

(tmosphere =itrogen (ir >xygen

Soft%are used T( <0 9S collection soft%are

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&ur $ustomers' # (epresentati%e list

Pharmaceutical'Institutes '#

- *niversity of $alcutta2- 6ovt. $ollege of #harmacy (urangabad

7- @huAbal Bno%ledge $ity 'nstitute of #harmacy (dgaon =ashi

:- @hag%an #harmacy $ollege (urangabad

!- C. @. $havan $ollege of #harmacy (urangabad

<- Mahatma #hule Brishi 4idyapeeth ahuriD- . 6. Sapal $ollege of #harmacy =ashi 

;- S=@Fs SS> $ollege of #harmacy $hand%ad =ashi 

?- SanAivani $ollege of #harmaceutical Education 1 esearch Bopargaon

Polymer '

Industries'- 6ar%are polyesters /td.(urangabad

2- 4arroc 'ndustries /td.(urangabad

7- Endurance Technologies /td. (urangabad


- $ollege of Engineering 1 Technology (ola.

2- Maharashtra 'nstitute of Technology #une

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)ey Achie%ements- $onducted : day %orshop

on *Analytical Testing +

$haracterization *

for industry persons

faculties from variousinstitutes 1 research


"ate3 7st (ugust G 7rd 

September 20!

Total no. of participants3 ,-

)ey spea.ers' - Ms. Taao

Toura Shimadzu Singapore.

2- Ms. $hua (i Ming Shimadzu


7- "r. (Ait "atar Shimadzu 'ndia

:- Mr. .6iriAan G Toshvin


#ractical sessions %ere

conducted by (nalysts fromShimadzu 1 Toshvin G

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)ey Achie%ements

2- $onducted < day training

 programme for students %ithin

institute on *ourier



"ate3 st to <th ,ebruary 20<

Total no. of participants3 0-

It included'

•"etailed theory

•&ard%are 1 soft%are part

•#ractical sessions•'ntervie% input

•&ands on experience %as

given to all the participants.

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uture Plans'

- $onducting $ertificate $ourses Technical Seminars 1 9orshops for

research scholars from %ithin 1 outside the institute.

2- $ollaboration %ith industries for testing services.

7- To accelerate research and development activities %ithin 1 outsideinstitute to contribute to%ards sustainable development of the


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