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Page 1: Presentation of swanirvar ssfp for the month of august 2011

¯^wbf©i ¯§vBwjs mvb d«¨vbPvBR cÖ‡R±

¯^wbf©i evsjv‡`k

¯^wbf©i ¯§vBwjs mvb d«¨vbPvBR cÖ‡R±

¯^wbf©i evsjv‡`k


Page 2: Presentation of swanirvar ssfp for the month of august 2011

¯^wbf©i m~‡h©i nvwm ¯^wbf©i m~‡h©i nvwm wK¬wbK n‡Z MZ AvMó wK¬wbK n‡Z MZ AvMó 2011 ‡Z †mev MÖnxZvi 2011 ‡Z †mev MÖnxZvi


¯^wbf©i m~‡h©i nvwm ¯^wbf©i m~‡h©i nvwm wK¬wbK n‡Z MZ AvMó wK¬wbK n‡Z MZ AvMó 2011 ‡Z †mev MÖnxZvi 2011 ‡Z †mev MÖnxZvi


‡gvU †mevMÖnxZv t 6,54,243`wi`ª †mevMÖnxZv t 1,89,377nZ`wi`ª †mevMÖnxZv t 15,046Ab¨vb¨ †mevMÖnxZv (`wi`ª bq) t 4,49,820

Page 3: Presentation of swanirvar ssfp for the month of august 2011

1| cÖRbb ¯^v¯’¨ (1| cÖRbb ¯^v¯’¨ (Reproductive Reproductive HealthHealth))

(K) cwievi cwiKíbv ‡mev (Family Planning Service) twK¬wbK¨vj c×wZ

¯^í †gqv`x c×wZ t

Lvevi ewo t 3,08,581 Bb‡RKkb t 33,327`xN© †gqv`x c×wZ t

AvBBDwW t 139 bic v›U t 2¯’vqx c×wZ t

GbGmwf t 8 wUD‡eKUgx t 3

bb-wK¬wbK¨vj c×wZ (KÛg) t 5,07,778

Page 4: Presentation of swanirvar ssfp for the month of august 2011

Mf©Kvjxb †mev t 12,748

cÖme cieZx© †mev t 5,473

wUwU †mev (Pregnant + Non

Pregnant) t 43,183

Ri“ix cÖm~wZ †mev/ wbivc` cÖme †mev t 96

(L) gv‡qi ¯^v¯’¨ ‡mev (Maternal Health Service)

Page 5: Presentation of swanirvar ssfp for the month of august 2011

(M)(M) cÖRbbZ‡š¿i cÖRbbZ‡š¿i cÖ`vn/†hŠbevwnZ cÖ`vn/†hŠbevwnZ

†iv‡Mi†mev †iv‡Mi†mev ((RTI/STI RTI/STI ServiceService))

cÖRbbZ‡š¿i cÖ`vnRwbZ †mev (RTI) t 4,550

†hŠbevwnZ †iv‡Mi †mev (STI) t 1,439

Page 6: Presentation of swanirvar ssfp for the month of august 2011

wkïi mgwš^Z wPwKrmv e¨e¯’vcbv †mev (IMCI) t 2,637

wkï wUKv `vb †mev (EPI) t 61,464

wfUvwgb ÒGÓ K¨vcmyj †mev t 6,851

k¦vmZ‡š¿i msµgY cÖwZ‡iva I wbqš¿Y †mev t 59,401

Wvqwiqv cÖwZ‡iva I wbqš¿Y †mev t 61,932

2| wkï ¯^v¯’¨ ‡mev (Child Health Service)

Page 7: Presentation of swanirvar ssfp for the month of august 2011

mvaviY †iv‡Mi wPwKrmv †mev t 88,630

(‡Pv‡Li cÖ`vn, †Luvm-cuvPiv, K…wg, mw`©-Kvwk I cÖv_wgK wPwKrmv)

msµvgK †ivM mg~‡ni wbqš¿Y †mev t 122

(h¶èv, g¨v‡jwiqv, Kzô, KvjvR¡i)

3| mvaviY †iv‡Mi †mev (LCC)4| msµvgK †ivM mg~‡ni wbqš¿Y †mev (CDC)

Page 8: Presentation of swanirvar ssfp for the month of august 2011

(¯^v¯’¨ wel‡q Z_¨, wk¶v I DØy×KiY, BGmwc Kvh©µ‡gi cÖwZ Rbmg_©b m„wó, †mevMÖnxZv I †mevcÖ`vbKvixi g‡a¨ Kvh©Ki ms‡hvM m„wó, wK¬wbKgyLx MÖnxZv m„wó, Kvh©µ‡gi †UKmB Ae¯’v

AR©b) ‡gvU wgwUs Gi msL¨v t 1,087

‡gvU Dcw¯’wZi msL¨v t 15,237

5| AvPiY cwieZ©‡bi Rb¨ †hvMv‡hvM(Behaviour Change Communication)

Page 9: Presentation of swanirvar ssfp for the month of august 2011

AvMóAvMó 2011 gv‡m cÖK‡íi 2011 gv‡m cÖK‡íi Avq I e¨‡qi wnmveAvq I e¨‡qi wnmve

mvwf©m PvR© †_‡K Avq t 38,54,263 /=

Revolving Drug Fund (RDF) ‡_‡K Profit t 5,17,340 /=

†gvU Avq t 43,71,603 /=

cÖK‡íi †gvU e¨q t 1,39,32,049 /=

Page 10: Presentation of swanirvar ssfp for the month of august 2011

mvwf©m wfwËK Mo mvwf©m wfwËK Mo Avq I e¨qAvq I e¨q

((Incom & Expenditure per Service)Incom & Expenditure per Service)

cÖwZ mvwf©‡m Mo Avq t 6.15

cÖwZ mvwf©‡m Mo e¨q t 14.17

Page 11: Presentation of swanirvar ssfp for the month of august 2011


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