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Artificial Intelligence and the advancement in robotics are some ofthe world’s leading scientific studies, including how the advancement will affect the world, how one would handle living with an advanced robotic world, and how scientists will create these machines. Any appliance or machine made to [simulate a human task] falls under the category of artificial intelligence.From a Blackberry to a robot that can perform the daily tasks of ahuman, artificial intelligence is widespread. Artificial intelligenceis a whole new way to go about technology. Artificial Intelligence is likely to continue to creep into our lives without us really noticing.This presentation outlines about the present and future uses of AI,how it is in the support of the society, and its threat to human kind.

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The term 'Artificial Intelligence', or 'AI', refers to a branch in computer science that deals with the simulation of human intelligence in computers.   The term 'artificial intelligence' was coined in 1956 by John McCarthy.

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As the life expectancy of the world’s population increases, soon over 10 percent of the population will be over age 70.This age group will likely have minor Disabilities impacting their qualities of life. Robotic and intelligent systems can remedy these disabilities. Current speech recognition and synthesis technologies of Intelligent systems are sufficient to make this possible, but several problems exist, such as not being able to understand speech consisting of confusing words, having trouble following who is speaking when multiple people are present for the conversation, and not being able to block out environmental noise. The Pearl Robot, originally developed at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) and currently being used for research by Martha Pollack at the University of Michigan, has been demonstrated in several assistive-care situations. Researchers hope that such autonomous mobile robots will have endless possibilities and one day live in the homes of chronically ill elderly people to perform a variety of tasks such as-• monitoring people and reminding them to visit the bathroom, take medicine, drink, or see the doctor .• connecting patients with caregivers through the Internet. • taking over certain social functions. Many elderly people are forced to live alone, deprived of social contacts. The robot might help people feel less isolated.

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Natural and manmade disasters lead to unique requirements for effectivecollaboration of human and robotic systems. Disasters in the last decade showed that advances such as earthquake prediction are not enough. For example, the 1995 Kobe earthquake destroyed several large structures—including buildings and highways believed to be earthquake proof.Human rescue efforts alone weren’t enough, resulting in unnecessary loss of life.Today several organizations are actively participating in designing small rescue robotsthat can carry a human-sized payload. Some rescue robots are equipped with specializedsensors that can detect body heat or colored clothing. Figure 2 shows the VGTV Xtreme,American Standard Robotics Unlike the previous generation’s laboratory systems, this rescue robot’s system is durable and flexible and can stand up to a beating in the field. Current models of the VGTV Xtreme robot have more ground clearance, so they canmore easily go over rubble piles. Cameras have longer zoom lenses, robots are waterproof, can travel hundreds of feet autonomously.

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In 10 years AI will be able to communicate with humans in unstructured English using text or voice, navigate (not perfectly) in an unprepared environment and will havesome rudimentary common sense. We will recreate some parts of the human (animal)brain in silicon. The feasibility of this is demonstrated by tentative hippocampusexperiments in rats. There are two major projects aiming for human brain simulation, CCortex and IBM Blue Brain.Robots take over everyone’s jobs .The development of meaningful artificial intelligencewill require that machines acquire some variant of human consciousness.

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Over a billion people in the world can’t read or write and it’s likely that as many as twobillion are functionally illiterate in that they can’t understand the meaning of the sentences they read. Advances in speech-recognition and synthesis technologies providean opportunity to create a computer-based solution to illiteracy. The solution involvesan automated reading tutor that displays stories on a computer screen and listens tochildren read aloud using speech-recognition technology. To fully realize this technology’spotential, we must reduce speech-recognition errors and develop systems that canunderstand nonnative speakers, local dialects, and the speech of children.

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In a new study, experts created both simulated and actual robots that, like tadpoles becoming frogs, change their body forms while learning how to walk. Year after year, simulated robots also evolved, spending less time in "infant" tadpole-like forms and more time in "adult“ four-legged forms, becoming abler than ones with fixed body forms. They have lots of moving parts. And their brains, like our brains, have lots of distributed materials: there’s neuron and there's sensors and motors and they're all turning on and off in parallel and the emergent behavior from the complex system which is a robot, is some useful task . The robots are being 'raised' as humans, who are taught how to roll, then crawl and, finally, walk. This is proven by results that the changing robots were not only faster in getting to the final goal, but afterward were more able to deal with new kinds of challenges

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With child-like eyes staring out from an expressionless face, the Telenoid R1does look a little creepy. But if Professor Hiroshi Ishiguro of Japan's Osaka University has his way,a miniature Telenoid that lets you "feel" the presence of the party on the other linecould soon replace the cell phones of today. While his previous creations replicate in detailthe features of a real person, the Telenoid simply looks like an overgrown fetus with a bald head and abbreviated limbs. With the minimal design of the Telenoid, this forces people touse their imaginations to make the interaction more personal. If we are communicating with a friend via the Telenoid, we can imagine his face on the Telenoid's face. Likewise,if the little Telenoids were to embrace each other, we'd be able to feel the hug.

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September 1, 2040 - From today you have your own therapist available 24 hours a day,always there if you need someone to talk to, always in a good mood, and remember everyword you have ever said. This is the first automated therapist, with the best knowledgeknown to mankind on treatment and rehabilitation. It has been debated for a long time,but with the blessing of major psychological associations, the developing of artificial intelligence, and automated speech (both to recognize to, and from), the governmentbacked free automated therapist has opened her clinic. She has basically got all the knowledge there is about psychotherapy and the human mind, and can guide the patient through the same steps as a professional therapist. The system is so advanced that in ablind test that involved 1,400 people no one could tell the difference between theautomated therapist and a professional one after a 30 minute session. Argument-Will this mean that traditional therapists should start looking for new jobs? Probably not. Humans do need humans, especially in times of need. Although the automated therapist has all the knowledge needed and the ability to adjust, she is not in three dimensions for real. In the future she might at least be in two dimensions since they are developing an animated version for a screen appearance

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February 7, 2035 - After a lot of hush-hush for several years the much longed forsearch engine Talk Talk was presented to the press this week. For the first time you can not only talk to the search engine, you can discuss with it what you are looking for. If you want to know more about the oil price, Talk Talk asks if you want to know thecurrent oil price, the development of the oil price, or news related to the oil price. You say that you want to read news about it and Talk Talk asks you if you prefer a certain Source (information that is stored for you if you want). Talk Talk then direct you to your source, or let you have the latest news related to the oil price in order from the most respected sources. Talk Talk is there for you 24/7 just a phone call away and on the Internet.  

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We all love those sci-fi blockbusters such as "The Terminator" and "The Matrix" that have portrayed the dawn of artificial intelligence as a disaster for humankind. But what was once the realm of fiction has now become the subject of serious debate for researchers as AI is turning out to be a threat to humankind. Now, how much would you like the concept? Imagine a robot washing your cloths, preparing your food or even talking to you when you feel lonely - how nice! But what if the same robot turns into a machine that can kill autonomously and no one can stop it? This is what scientists are concerned about today. The fear is reasonable enough - further advances in AI could create profound social disruptions and even have dangerous end results. Although the scientists are of the opinion that we still have to go a long way to face such a situation, there are legitimate concerns that technological progress would make things happen pretty much the same way. And there will be a time when human will be forced to learn to live with machines that they themselves created once. Another threat that researchers focus particular attention on is the possibility of criminals, exploiting artificial intelligence for their own purposes. Compared to human brains, it is far easier to modify a computer program. Think about some big AI software projects. Criminals could download them and with the help of hackers they can modify the source and build AIs to serve their destructive purpose. A time will come when computers will be "smarter" than humans. And at that point of time artificial intelligence will surely lead to some sort of human extinction.

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