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Page 1: Presentation to the Joint Review Panel Yellowknife General Hearing December 5 th, 2006 Dennis Bevington MP Western Arctic.

Presentation to the Presentation to the Joint Review PanelJoint Review PanelYellowknife General HearingYellowknife General Hearing

December 5December 5thth, 2006, 2006

Dennis BevingtonDennis BevingtonMP Western ArcticMP Western Arctic

Page 2: Presentation to the Joint Review Panel Yellowknife General Hearing December 5 th, 2006 Dennis Bevington MP Western Arctic.

Significance and Significance and Environmental Assessment Environmental Assessment

ProcessProcessRecommendation 1: Recommendation 1:

a) Take the time you need to do a thorough a) Take the time you need to do a thorough job.job.

b) Ensure the Mackenzie Valley Resource b) Ensure the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act, especially section 115, is Management Act, especially section 115, is adhered to when making recommendations adhered to when making recommendations on the MGPon the MGP

Page 3: Presentation to the Joint Review Panel Yellowknife General Hearing December 5 th, 2006 Dennis Bevington MP Western Arctic.

Protection of the Public Protection of the Public InterestInterest

““Governments have the responsibility to ensure a fair Governments have the responsibility to ensure a fair

and unbiased review that protects the public and unbiased review that protects the public interest and the environment.”interest and the environment.”

““Northerners need to be able to trust this process to Northerners need to be able to trust this process to have any confidence in its outcomes.”have any confidence in its outcomes.”

Quotes from written submission of Dennis Quotes from written submission of Dennis


Page 4: Presentation to the Joint Review Panel Yellowknife General Hearing December 5 th, 2006 Dennis Bevington MP Western Arctic.

Scale and pace of MGPScale and pace of MGPwill affect impactwill affect impact

Page 5: Presentation to the Joint Review Panel Yellowknife General Hearing December 5 th, 2006 Dennis Bevington MP Western Arctic.

Scope of Project Being Scope of Project Being AssessedAssessed

““The MGP will be part of a much larger The MGP will be part of a much larger industrial development.”industrial development.”

2. The JRP should recommend that the 2. The JRP should recommend that the Government of Canada andGovernment of Canada and

the GNWT outline a development strategy the GNWT outline a development strategy with guidelines and mechanisms to control with guidelines and mechanisms to control any expansion of the Mackenzie Gas any expansion of the Mackenzie Gas Project.Project.

Page 6: Presentation to the Joint Review Panel Yellowknife General Hearing December 5 th, 2006 Dennis Bevington MP Western Arctic.

Transportation Corridor for Public Transportation Corridor for Public

ResourcesResources 3. Access should only be given to a proponent 3. Access should only be given to a proponent

willing to develop the pipeline in the interest of all willing to develop the pipeline in the interest of all users and under terms and conditions that are users and under terms and conditions that are beneficial to northern citizens. beneficial to northern citizens.

4. Components of the pipeline should be judged 4. Components of the pipeline should be judged according to cost, accessibility to other users and according to cost, accessibility to other users and contribution to avoidance of duplication of contribution to avoidance of duplication of infrastructure.infrastructure.

5. In protecting the public interest and ensuring fair 5. In protecting the public interest and ensuring fair market conditions, the JRP should rely on terms market conditions, the JRP should rely on terms and conditions, not on the good will of and conditions, not on the good will of corporations.corporations.

Page 7: Presentation to the Joint Review Panel Yellowknife General Hearing December 5 th, 2006 Dennis Bevington MP Western Arctic.

Agreement with APGAgreement with APG

““APG profits are tied to expansion of APG profits are tied to expansion of Mackenzie Gas Project.”Mackenzie Gas Project.”

6. The JRP should conduct an independent 6. The JRP should conduct an independent assessment of the arrangement between the assessment of the arrangement between the producers group and the Aboriginal Pipeline producers group and the Aboriginal Pipeline Group to determine its contribution towards Group to determine its contribution towards any potential benefits for the north.any potential benefits for the north.

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Gathering FieldsGathering Fields

7.7. The JRP should recommend a formal The JRP should recommend a formal agreement that outlines the opportunity for agreement that outlines the opportunity for exploration and development of resources by other exploration and development of resources by other producers.producers.

8.8. The Government of Canada should pass The Government of Canada should pass enabling legislation that will ensure coordination of enabling legislation that will ensure coordination of infrastructure development by producers in the infrastructure development by producers in the gathering fields.gathering fields.

Page 9: Presentation to the Joint Review Panel Yellowknife General Hearing December 5 th, 2006 Dennis Bevington MP Western Arctic.

Project FinancesProject Finances

““The fiscal enhancements that are needed are to The fiscal enhancements that are needed are to northern infrastructure not to oil company profits.”northern infrastructure not to oil company profits.”

9.9. Canada and the GNWT should re-examine the Canada and the GNWT should re-examine the appropriateness of the current royalty regime with the purpose appropriateness of the current royalty regime with the purpose of ensuring that Canadians and northerners will receive a fair of ensuring that Canadians and northerners will receive a fair public return for the development of these public resources.public return for the development of these public resources.

10.10. Set terms and conditions on future exploration leases Set terms and conditions on future exploration leases that encourage a higher environmental performance.that encourage a higher environmental performance.

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Support for Northern InfrastructureSupport for Northern Infrastructure

11.11. The Government of Canada should be The Government of Canada should be responsible for building an all weather road up the responsible for building an all weather road up the Mackenzie Valley to improve our national Mackenzie Valley to improve our national transportation infrastructure prior to the construction transportation infrastructure prior to the construction of the Mackenzie Gas Project.of the Mackenzie Gas Project.

12.12. The GNWT should negotiate access to cleaner The GNWT should negotiate access to cleaner sources of energy, as part of the terms and conditions sources of energy, as part of the terms and conditions for granting any approval of the project. The for granting any approval of the project. The provision of energy for NWT use should be aimed at provision of energy for NWT use should be aimed at reducing CO2 emissions as well as decreasing costs.reducing CO2 emissions as well as decreasing costs.

Page 11: Presentation to the Joint Review Panel Yellowknife General Hearing December 5 th, 2006 Dennis Bevington MP Western Arctic.

Natural Gas Supply in Natural Gas Supply in CanadaCanada

““net exports are expected to decline from a current net exports are expected to decline from a current level of 3.700 Bcf to 1,300 Bcf by 2020”level of 3.700 Bcf to 1,300 Bcf by 2020”(Canada’s (Canada’s Energy Outlook)Energy Outlook)

13. The Government of Canada must 13. The Government of Canada must reassert regulatory control over natural reassert regulatory control over natural gas production and export to assure a gas production and export to assure a viable supply of natural gas for Canadian viable supply of natural gas for Canadian needs.needs.

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Expansion of the tar sands will place huge pressure on Expansion of the tar sands will place huge pressure on natural gas production in Canada and the north.natural gas production in Canada and the north.

Page 13: Presentation to the Joint Review Panel Yellowknife General Hearing December 5 th, 2006 Dennis Bevington MP Western Arctic.

Labour Market Conditions in Western Labour Market Conditions in Western

CanadaCanada 14.14. Carry out further study to examine the Carry out further study to examine the capacity of the Canadian labour market to absorb capacity of the Canadian labour market to absorb the needs of this project.the needs of this project.

15.15. Assess the degree of preparedness achieved Assess the degree of preparedness achieved through northern training programs to maximize through northern training programs to maximize northern employment benefits.northern employment benefits.

16. Assess how effectively the construction 16. Assess how effectively the construction schedule contributes to maximizing northern schedule contributes to maximizing northern benefits in terms of employing northern workers benefits in terms of employing northern workers and providing northern businesses with and providing northern businesses with opportunities to participate.opportunities to participate.

Page 14: Presentation to the Joint Review Panel Yellowknife General Hearing December 5 th, 2006 Dennis Bevington MP Western Arctic.

Trust Relationship between Trust Relationship between Government of Canada, GNWT and Government of Canada, GNWT and

First NationsFirst Nations ““Instead of discussing accepting ‘royalties in kind’, the Instead of discussing accepting ‘royalties in kind’, the

Government of Canada should be outlining how the people Government of Canada should be outlining how the people of the north are going to benefit financially from this of the north are going to benefit financially from this project.”project.”

17.17. The Mackenzie Gas Project should not proceed The Mackenzie Gas Project should not proceed until a fair devolution agreement has been signed until a fair devolution agreement has been signed amongst the Government of Canada, the Government amongst the Government of Canada, the Government of the Northwest Territories and northern First of the Northwest Territories and northern First Nations government.Nations government.

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Environmental ImpactsEnvironmental Impacts

18.18. The Mackenzie Valley Five Year Action Plan The Mackenzie Valley Five Year Action Plan should be completed prior to beginning construction should be completed prior to beginning construction of the Mackenzie Gas Project.of the Mackenzie Gas Project.

19.19. The NEB and other regulators should insist on The NEB and other regulators should insist on an environmental protection and reclamation deposit an environmental protection and reclamation deposit as part of the terms and conditions of this project.as part of the terms and conditions of this project.

20.20. If the MGP proceeds, the terms and conditions If the MGP proceeds, the terms and conditions associated with the project should incorporate the associated with the project should incorporate the polluter pay principle.polluter pay principle.

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Social Impacts, Social Impacts, Employment and TrainingEmployment and Training 21. The proponents should contribute to human resource capacity of northern governments as part of their contribution to dealing with incremental costs related to the Mackenzie Gas Project.

22. Ensure contractors and subcontractors are bound by terms and conditions of socioeconomic and access and benefit agreements.

23. Establish training programs aimed at women and include upgrading, life skills, gender-sensitive techniques and provide childcare and housing support for trainees.

Page 17: Presentation to the Joint Review Panel Yellowknife General Hearing December 5 th, 2006 Dennis Bevington MP Western Arctic.

Closing RemarksClosing Remarks

““Make the recommendations that are Make the recommendations that are required to protect the public interest.”required to protect the public interest.”

““The Mackenzie Valley Resource The Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act is the road map that Management Act is the road map that should direct your work.”should direct your work.”

Thank you for doing this important Thank you for doing this important work.work.

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