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15 Oct 2001

Neptec Laser Camera SystemPreliminary Post Flight Results

Neptec Design Group

Neptec Design GroupPresenter

Date 15 October 2001Preliminary Post Flight Results

© 2001 - Neptec Design Group

LCS on STS 105 - DTO Objectives

Demonstrate: The ability of the LCS to produce 3D digital images from data acquired

on orbit That the LCS data is immune to dynamic lighting conditions That the LCS can generate 3D target centroid data that will allow OSVS

to provide accuracy performance equivalent to CTVC

Neptec Design GroupPresenter

Date 15 October 2001Preliminary Post Flight Results

© 2001 - Neptec Design Group

Post Flight Analysis Progress

Post Flight Analysis is on going

Analysis of the first two objectives shows that they have

been met. Analysis of the third objective is on going

This presentation provides and interim progress report for

public release

Further interim reports will be released as data becomes


A full report in document form will be generated when analysis

is complete.

Neptec Design GroupPresenter

Date 15 October 2001Preliminary Post Flight Results

© 2001 - Neptec Design Group

Contents of This Report

Description of Flight Data Acquired High Resolution Intensity Image High Resolution Range map 3D Modeling using LCS Data Detailed Study of Canadarm 2 Demonstration Immunity to Lighting Conditions Preliminary Analysis of Range Data Summary

Neptec Design GroupPresenter

Date 15 October 2001Preliminary Post Flight Results

© 2001 - Neptec Design Group

Flight Data Summary

The Following Data was Acquired: 2x 512x512 “Field of View” images

No range data 4 x 1024x1024 high resolution images

Intensity and Range Maps Over two hours of target centroid data

Analysis The quality of acquired images is high The image data appears to be immune to lighting conditions 3D model creation from range data is in progress Centroid target analysis is on-going

Neptec Design GroupPresenter

Date 15 October 2001Preliminary Post Flight Results

© 2001 - Neptec Design Group

Intensity Map

The following page shows a picture which has been constructed from the average of the 4 images acquired by the LCS on orbit

This image looks like a standard camera picture, but actually consists of a grid of 1024x1024 separate (and sequential) intensity measurements

Since only the intensity data is included in this image, it is referred to as the “Intensity Map”

The preflight model of the expected Field of View is shown for reference

Note that the image has been scaled by 50% to fit this presentation

© 2001 Neptec Design Group

Neptec Design GroupPresenter

Date 15 October 2001Preliminary Post Flight Results

© 2001 - Neptec Design Group

Image Details

Close up of MSS Camera

Soyuz Solar Arrays

FGB and FGB Arrays (image contrast enhanced)

Range > 35m

Neptec Design GroupPresenter

Date 15 October 2001Preliminary Post Flight Results

© 2001 - Neptec Design Group

Range Map

In addition to the intensity data LCS also acquired range maps for each high resolution image

The data is shown in grey scale image form on the first page. On this page lighter data denotes points closer to the camera

Note that, as the camera was hard mounted in the shuttle payload bay, the data represents a snapshot from a single fixed position

The blue sections show points for which no signal was returned

The areas for which there is no data are largely those which have specular reflecting surfaces which are angled away from the camera in its fixed location in the payload bay

This effect, and possible mitigation techniques will be discussed in the final analysis report

© 2001 Neptec Design


Neptec Design GroupPresenter

Date 15 October 2001Preliminary Post Flight Results

© 2001 - Neptec Design Group

3D Modeling using LCS data

The Next two slides show 3D visualizations of the the LCS range data. The data shown in these pictures are not “true” 3D models but rather just raw range data placed in space. This is also known as “point cloud” data

The first page shows the entire set of range data points from approximately the orginal camera perspective

The second page shows a closeup of a segment of the lab module from two different perspective. Note how SVS targets which appear as elongated ovals from the original camera point of view are revealed to be circular when the model is rotated.

Neptec Design GroupPresenter

Date 15 October 2001Preliminary Post Flight Results

© 2001 - Neptec Design Group

© 2001 Neptec Design Group

Neptec Design GroupPresenter

Date 15 October 2001Preliminary Post Flight Results

© 2001 - Neptec Design Group

© 2001, Neptec Design Group

Target which is oval in initial view is circularwhen view is rotated

Neptec Design GroupPresenter

Date 15 October 2001Preliminary Post Flight Results

© 2001 - Neptec Design Group

Detailed Study - Canadarm 2 The three pictures on the next page show one possible method of

combining the range and image data. The top picture shows the image map The second photo is the range map (with the grey scale enhanced to

show small range differences on the arm) The third picture shows the intensity map which has been overlaid on

a rendered version of the greyscale range map. (The rendering simulates a light source from the top right of the photo)

The second and third pages show the 3D point cloud data for the arm and for the MSS camera in detail. Note the separation of the cable run from the background structure of the arm

Neptec Design GroupPresenter

Date 15 October 2001Preliminary Post Flight Results

© 2001 - Neptec Design Group

© 2001 Neptec Design Group

Neptec Design GroupPresenter

Date 15 October 2001Preliminary Post Flight Results

© 2001 - Neptec Design Group

© 2001 Neptec Design Group

Neptec Design GroupPresenter

Date 15 October 2001Preliminary Post Flight Results

© 2001 - Neptec Design Group

© 2001 Neptec Design Group

Neptec Design GroupPresenter

Date 15 October 2001Preliminary Post Flight Results

© 2001 - Neptec Design Group

Immunity To lighting conditions

The following page shows two images taken by the LCS. The image on the left was acquired entirely during orbital daylight. The image on the right was acquired entirely during orbital night The images have been processed using identical adjustments to

brightness, contrast and gamma Also included are two greyscale histograms showing the

number of pixels at each grey level in the original images. The images are identical qualitatively and quantitatively This is evidence that LCS imaging is unaffected by ambient

lighting conditions on orbit.

Night Day

Neptec Design GroupPresenter

Date 15 October 2001Preliminary Post Flight Results

© 2001 - Neptec Design Group

Quantitative Analysis of Range Data

The Histogram on the following page shows the distribution of range data acquired by the LCS for one high resolution image

The following page shows the same histogram with a logarithmic scale which enhances lower count data

Notes The data ranges from 5 m (the near end of the Lab) to greater than 35 m

(The FGB and FGB solar arrays) The fact that the Soyuz module is rotated is evident from the fact that the

Soyuz Solar arrays are at different ranges.

Neptec Design GroupPresenter

Date 15 October 2001Preliminary Post Flight Results

© 2001 - Neptec Design Group

Neptec Design GroupPresenter

Date 15 October 2001Preliminary Post Flight Results

© 2001 - Neptec Design Group

Neptec Design GroupPresenter

Date 15 October 2001Preliminary Post Flight Results

© 2001 - Neptec Design Group


Post Flight data in support of all DTO objectives was successfully retrieved from the LCS

Analysis is on going The Imaging DTO objective has been met. Unit performance

has already exceeded expectations with range data returned from objects in excess of 35m from camera

Lighting immunity has been demonstrated in 3D imaging mode

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