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  • Presented by Mrs.Phensiri Atthawong, Mrs.Wasana Chungtragoon and Mrs.Nitthanan Anusornprasert From : Community Nursing Department of Songkhla Hospital, Songkhla Province, Thailand Change Management from Home visit To Home nursing care
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  • Rational the number of patients on bed are likely to increase every year (data from Continuing of Nursing care Center (COC) of Songkhla Hospital) ; 45, 80, 83 and 103 cases per 100,000 population respectively) community nurse is therefore necessary in helping on bed patients as well as their caregivers to handle their own selfcare which consequently can reduce complications and increase good life quality. According to continuous nursing model development in term of home visits, focusing on quality system as per criteria set by Bureau of Nursing council in Thailand.
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  • Objective To developed the model of home visit Caring patient at home in order to prevent any other illness conditions including complications to follow up and assess health care result as well as solve problem to achieve a better life quality in all patients, caregivers and families.
  • Slide 4
  • Strategic of Development Model
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  • System model
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  • Conceptual Framework of Home-Nursing Care SEAMLESS Team S ystem Developm ent E mpower ment M anagem ent L ife style E ngagem ent S ervice mind S afety T eam wo rk A chieve ment
  • Slide 7
  • Change Management

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