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Saturday 19th July 2014Open, Bank Plain, Norwich.

Saturday 19th July 2014Open, Bank Plain, Norwich.

InspirationalOffice interiors




White Collar Programme July 14.indd 1 16/07/2014 10:54


A message from Jackson……Welcome to the second show of season two of the Corporate Boxing, and it again looks to be another cracking evening with 11 match ups that look as 50/50 on paper as I could have provided, so lets hope the participants provide the goods on this fine evening. The last show in April provided some thrilling match ups and plenty of non stop action throughout, so lets hope the training each participant has put in lives up to expectations. Please remember that these shows continue to be successful due to the support for each boxer throughout and the atmosphere provided is always immense, so expect good things and enjoy the evening. Tonight there will be some lovely ladies walking around collecting money for our chosen charity Parkinsons Ride, so please give generously to help support my good friend Mark Whitworth who you will see walking around tonight also.

Enjoy the evening and if there are any questions then please feel free to email us on: [email protected] and if interested in participating in the end of season show in November then email us for more information.

Jackson Williams, Tower Fitness Team

Parkinsons Ride is a Norwich based support group which was set up 3 years ago by Mark Whitworth who was diagnosed with Parkinson’s at the age of 38. Most people have been led to believe that Parkinson’s is a disease of elderly however one person is diagnosed every hour in the UK and one in twenty of those is under forty years old. We are a small but proactive team of volunteers who understand that facing life with Parkinson’s can be made slightly easier by facing it together. As a group we provide each other with support and our primary aim is to raise awareness of early onset Parkinson’s and the problems faced 24/7 by those with the condition . We also fundraise to help those with Parkinson’s in the area and contribute funds to the major Parkinson’s charities.

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PROGRAMMETonight’s order of events

8.00pm – 1st Fight9:30pm – Interval

11.00pm – Last Fight

RED BLUECORNER CORNER SPONSOR Ed Valkovskis v James Hurworth Adept / MKMTom Moran v Jake Smith BJ CommunicationsLouise Sturman v Carla Wilkins FHC Training LtdJames McFarlare v Jack Bligh Gleeve AssociatesLee Copland v John Saunders Elements Alex Bugg v Chris Bazely GMS LawSonia Fichera v Lorna Botwright VoicehostTerry Barret v Keith Rix Acanthus HolidaysPhil Powell v Nathan Cullabine H&S PerformanceRobbie Keeble v Gary Haze OTW ImagingBen Murray v Keiron Delaney Mattressman



Farmer Browns - Platinum Tickets (VIP Wristbands)& Gold Tickets (Yellow Wristbands) ONLY

Bar 11 - Platinum and Gold Tickets (only 30 people VIP area) and the reston a first come first served basis, so please show you wristband on arrival.

Stadia - Platinum Tickets, Gold Tickets and Ringside Tickets(Red Wristband) which could be a large (300 plus) so again first

come first serve principle will apply.

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FIGHTER INFO….Ed Valkovskis I am doing this to stay focused and have a healthy lifestyle. I have been part of two of the previous shows on the sideline as a reserve but this time Jackson took me on and even though the training has been tough I believe I can bring the true Rocky-Drago drama with the “I will break you” scene being relived but I will be on the winning side and not crying for “Adrian” like my opponent will.

James Hurworth I’m 19 years old and I believe my fitness level is average for my age it has only got better with training at Tower Fitness. Honestly, I’m not too sure what will happen tonight, but I’ll be happy either way, as I know I took part and that’s what it’s all about. It would be nice to win but I’m not too bothered as everyone has worked hard and it will be a 50/50 opponent. Let the best man win.

Tom Moran Before I started this challenge I was at a poor fitness level. Now, still 28 and I feel like I can smash down walls. I have had no alcohol, no chocolate and been on a strict diet of mainly vegetables, fish and anything healthy. It’s been a great experience, with Jackson really pushing you to your limit every time you step through the door. This is the reason I am fairly confident that I will be able to last the full 3 rounds on the night but I have no idea if I will win or not, fingers crossed I will. I would like to wish good luck to all of the participants apart from my opponent, ha-ha, only joking.

Jake Smith I’m 21 years young, always willing to try new things. Boxing has always appealed to me so thought I’d give it ago mainly to increase my fitness, it’s physically and mentally demanding always trying too push myself that little bit further! I hope I win but whatever happens... happens.

Louise Sturman I’m 26 and taking part in this crazy challenge because I want to prove to myself that I can do it!! At the start of May when I started training my fitness was “ok” but this training has pushed me to my limit. I am also raising money for a charity called PANDAS, which is a charity for mums with pre and post natal depression. Hope you enjoy the show.

Carla Wilkins So I watched the last event and thought what a challenge that would be, both mentally as well as physically. At 34 playing in team sports for many years I wanted to challenge myself with the result laying fully on me. I have no idea what will happen on the night and I’m just hoping I don’t freeze in front of everyone or fall into the ring. I hope to carry on with the training, as I’ve loved being pushed.

James Mcfarlare Having been to a few of the previous Corporate Boxing Shows, it has always been an ambition of mine to take part, so after the April Show I decided to sign up. I am a keen marathon runner, but this is a new level of strength and fitness. The training has been brilliant and I have ached in some strange places! I am of course nervous about the night but know once I get in the ring, I will be focused on the matter in hand. Will I win? I really hope so but whatever the outcome I have had the most amazing experience.

Jack Bligh Boxing has always been a big passion of mine but something I have never been personally involved in. I think there will be a lot of nerves on the night but I am really excited to get in the ring and cannot wait for the first bell to ring and get started. I hope I’m going to win! I’m a determined person and I won’t stop in there so it won’t be easy to beat me, my opponent can expect a hard fight!

Lee Copland Age 26 I have took part in this corporate event to get my fitness levels back up. I am not in it to win it I am here to take part as I think you are a winner just by getting into the ring. I really enjoy boxing and wish to carry on in the future!!

John Saunders For the first time in my life I really feel like I am starting to achieve something. How many people get an opportunity to do something like this? Not many!!! I am mainly doing it because of the massive opportunity. Also the fact when I met my wife my chat up line was that I am a pro boxer only to discover to my horror that her best friend was Julia Thaxton and since that day no one has ever let me forget this.

Alex Bugg I’ve always tried different challenges and different sports from football, rugby, triathlon and endurance running. I’m taking part in this challenge to test myself, and to prove to myself that I’m capable of learning some new skills and putting them to the test in front of a packed crowd. I’ve been working hard in training and pushing myself to get better, and taking more than a few punches along the way, but hopefully I can put my training to use on the night and perform well!

Chris Bazely I’m 23 and have genuinely good fitness as I play a lot of football and am in the gym regularly. I think I will carry on boxing after this as I enjoy it and I am hoping for a win on the night, but am aiming to give a crowd-pleasing performance.

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Sonia Fichera My name is Sonia and I am a bit older than the rest of the participants! My approach to life is that ageing is inevitable, maturing is optional! I am the Accounts Manager at Voice Host where I work amongst 16 lovely guys who are supporting me all the way! Training has been challenging and fulfilling, blocking shots to my face has been interesting! If you want a hardcore challenge, do this!

Lorna Botwright I love sport, I love a new challenge, and I love learning a new skill. Ever since I have been involved with Jackson’s Corporate Boxing through my work I have been keen to ‘have a go’. After doing a little pad work and going to a few grueling fitness-training sessions, I found myself signing up. I guess the combination of seeing the training that Jackson does with the boxers and whilst treating the boxers, hearing how much they have loved being involved, I got the bug.

Terry Barrett The reason I want to do it... My twin brother is Frank Bruno and half brother is Jackie Chan, so as you can imagine there is a lot of competition in the family.... So I made a promise to our Aunt Viganaka Seaman I would fight the biggest person I know!!

Keith Rix My name is Keith Rix I am 44 years old. This is my second time around in the corporate boxing ring after my first time I lost to a very good Matty Coulton, so this time I’m determined to get the win. Tonight I will be bringing a different me to the ring, a more skilled boxing demonstration. In my spare time I coach Thetford RFC. I will be encouraging some of the lads to introduce themselves to Jackson Williams. Hope you enjoy my fight.

Phil Powell Husband and father of three and a slave to my career caught up in the pressures of modern day living and feeling that I was just in existence, getting bigger and bigger and struggling to do anything about it. I have suffered with crohns since 18, which has taken me on an emotional roller coaster of its own, with long hospitals stays and major surgery it was time for a change. So after following Jackson for a while I finally pushed myself to compete and after just the first session I knew I was in the right hands. It’s been full of highs and lows and I have felt aches and pains never experienced before! Whichever way it goes tonight “it’s been emotional“.

Nathan CullabineBefore I began this challenge I was a couch potato and I am doing this to prove to myself that I have the determination to succeed and improve my fitness levels. It does not matter what happens on the night and although I would like to win I have succeeded by taking part and getting in the ring. Even though I have thoroughly enjoyed the training, after this bout I am going to retire from the boxing world but will continue to improve my fitness in the gym.

Robbie Keeble I’m a 40-year old married father of two little boys. I must have been drunk when I signed up for this but it turned out to be one of the greatest experiences of my life!! Everyone involved has been great and has made getting punched in the head quite an enjoyable thing. If you were thinking about it then I would do it. What’s stopping you, as I’m not here to lose so bring it on?

Gary Haze I am a self employed carpenter and joiner from Wymondham. After hanging my boots up I needed to find some way of staying fit because the aches and pains were getting worse along with the fat!! To be honest the gym was getting a bit mundane and couldn’t be bothered. By chance a friend asked me if I would like to attend the last show and I must say it was superb! A few beers later Vicki approached me and the rest is history I’m in! Probably the best decision fitness wise I’ve ever made Jackson’s fitness programme along with the boxing skills needed I’m in the best shape I’ve been in for years and I feel great!! Thanks Jackson.

Ben Murray So the big night is here, I feel fit and ready, I have worked hard in the gym with Jackson, his colleagues and the other corporate boxers. I felt I coped well with the training, strength was something I definitely had to improve on, but my general fitness before I started was pretty good, and now after the three months of training I feel very prepared, I am buzzing for it.

Keiron Delaney The reason I am participating in the Corporate Show is down to one of my family members done a show in September 2013 and said it was the toughest but most rewarding thing he’s ever done, all in the space of 3 months, and he was right! I wanted to achieve something very different and this gave me a great chance to do so, also it’s a great challenge of my personal strength and fitness.


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InspirationalOffice interiors



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If it doesn’tchallenge you,it doesn’tchangeyou. Fred Devito

Measurable change.Contact: [email protected] or 0333 358 1111

Norfolk Tower, Norwich www.tower-fitness.co.uk

Tower FitnessBoot CampTower FitnessBoot CampA 28 day fitness camp from Tower Fitness. All ages, All levelsA 28 day fitness camp from Tower Fitness. All ages, All levels

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