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Page 1: President’s Message - Northumberland Photography Club · President’s Message... by Howard Goodfellow ... I’m trying hard to expand my skills and hopefully get a few nice shots

Sept. 2015

President’s Message... by Howard Goodfellow

A few words from your President as he sits by the

water at Mazinaw Lake and reflects on how fast

the summer has gone. There is already a hint of

some fall colours and the loons are active on the

lake. I will try to change gears and to focus on the

exciting activities planned by your new 2015-2016

NPC executive team. First of all, I would like to

thank the outstanding contributions made by the outgoing Board members. I

look forward to working with the new Board (roles and responsibilities are

defined on the NPC home page). The new Executive team has been working

diligently behind the scenes during the summer to plan activities for 2015-

2016. Our first meeting is on Monday, Sept. 14th and our guest speaker is

Mike Bonns on the subject of "Bluebirds and Hummingbirds". I am looking

forward to his presentation as I have been trying all summer to get some good

pictures of hummingbirds at our cottage feeders.

As I start my second year as your President, I have looked back at specific

activities addressed by the 2014-2015 NPC Executive team. Progress has

been made in policies for NPC Facebook (well used by many NPC members),

policies for archival records, and the development of a collaborative network

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with nearby photography clubs to coordinate speakers, activities and ideas.

The membership will see the benefits of these activities as the club grows.

For 2015-2016, the Executive team plans to review and discuss a long term

strategic vision for NPC to expand workshop opportunities to meet the needs

of all members, from beginners to advanced, and to streamline the process for

the production of club members’ slideshows.

I am also pleased to report progress by Brian Hart and his team who have

stepped forward and started planning our club’s 20th birthday celebration.

More details will be coming in the future but the following key arrangements

have been made: Date - Monday May 2nd,2016, Speaker - Michelle Valberg,

and Location - Best Western, Cobourg.

Fourteen of our NPC members are to be congratulated on having 26 of their

pictures chosen by the jury for the display/sale at the annual summer CLiC

show in Picton. The big prize winners included NPC members Bob Perks, Jeff

Gardner, and Bill Hornbostel. Congratulations also to Sylvie Flynn for

Honourable Mention. Check out the CLiC 2015 website and you can see the

winning images. Congratulations to the NPC members!!!!!!

Membership fees are unchanged from last year and can be paid online using

Pay Pal or at our September meeting. I look forward to seeing everyone at

the Sept. 14th meeting at the Salvation Army Church Hall in Cobourg.

Howard Goodfellow photos

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Hi there! My name is Bonnie Burgess. I joined the NPC

a few years ago. I live in Cobourg with a little dog

named BJ. She is part Lasa Apso

and part Shitzu, and has lots of

attitude – hence, the little tooth showing.

BJ is 14 years old now, and I shutter (oops! I mean

shudder!) to think how many pictures I’ve taken of BJ in those 14 years — a

ton of ‘em, that’s for sure, and no doubt there will be

many more to come! I work at Northumberland County

Community & Social Services as a communications case

aide. I have been with the County for 22 years now,

and I enjoy my job a great deal. I even get to do a

fair bit of photography in my job, which is awesome.

When it comes to mastering the technical aspects of

photography, I still consider myself to be a beginner with lots to learn.

I must confess and tell you that I have twice taken Cindy Taylor’s beginners

course. The first time I just had a little Canon point and shoot, and then,

when I switched to DSLR, I took the course again. I have enjoyed several

other courses facilitated by Cindy, both at Fleming College and out at her

farm, and I can’t say enough about her

passion for sharing her skill, knowledge and

love for photography. Back in 2011, I had

the opportunity to go with Cindy on one of

her travel tours to Tuscany, Italy. And

what can I say – it was a lot of fun and

Tuscany is beautiful!

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(Bonnie Burgess…..)

I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of that trip and I

would love to go on another one of Cindy’s travel tours

sometime in the future. It is my hope and dream to

be able to travel more when I retire. In February

2014, I also had the chance to go to Mexico to visit

friends who live there in the winter, in a little town

called Ajijic, which is located on the north shore of

Lake Chapala and is surrounded by mountains.

I should probably mention now before I forget, that I have a Canon Rebel T1i

(an older model for sure) with an 18-200 mm lens, which is a good travel lens,

and has proven to be a good choice for me while I’m still learning.

As far as what type of images I like to capture, well,

I’m not sure that I have any real preferences. I do

know that I like to look at pictures that tell a story

that takes you back to a time or place where good

memories were made, but then who doesn’t like to look

at those types of pictures. I am pushing myself this

summer to put more thought into what it is that I’d

like to try and achieve in the shot, to choose the

settings accordingly, and then take the shot and hope

for the best. Sometimes, my goal is to try and freeze

the action as in the shot above.

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I also try to capture speed or action and the

rodeo proved to be a great place to practice

both types of shots.

I am always in awe

of Mother Nature

and how it presents endless opportunities for

beautiful photos (i.e. sunsets, flowers, wildlife,

etc.) and I love colour.

There was lots of colour

at the Highland Games

with all those kilts.

And those little dancers are so darn cute.

I also like architecture

and texture…………

and I love to people-


It seems that I also

have a budding interest

in street photography,

or should I say “pier”


I also tried my luck at shooting the fireworks at night,

and the Skyhawks in the bright noon sun.

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(….. Bonnie Burgess )

And last but not least, although there were

many beautiful old cars to photograph at

Cobourg’s annual Vintage and Classic Car Show, I

found myself taking a closer look at things and

focusing on just one part of the car, not the whole thing.

As you can see, I’ve been busy this summer with the camera stuck to my face

most weekends. I’m trying hard to expand my skills and hopefully get a few

nice shots in the process, and so far I’m having a blast! I am excited to

continue my photography adventure this summer, and I am enjoying all the

pictures being posted on FB by my fellow NPC members — you folks inspire me

to keep practicing and learning all that I can!

Subject: The Birds of Paradise Project…. A website submitted

by Russ Donaldson.

INCREDIBLE PHOTOGRAPHY …..Nature is so very fascinating.





ELSE? View full screen, the lens he's using costs more than your car.


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Slidestreet…..Photoessay submitted by Susanne Pacey Port Hope made history this summer as the first place in North America to

host Slidestreet. Port Hope’s sloping Walton Street was the ideal place to

build the 420 foot slide. It was free to go down, but you had to get a ticket

in advance and were assigned a time. People both young and young at heart,

including a police officer, slid down a plastic-covered, foam-based, water and

soap suds-lubricated slide which provided endless opportunities for

photographing action shots. There were also

other things going on like live entertainment and

activities for kids. Here are a few of my shots

of the day.


Susanne Pacey

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This coming year there will be an attempt each month to have at least one

Club Outing that relates to the Keynote Presentation from the Club meeting

that month. For example, in September our first meeting’s Keynote

Presentation will be on Bird Photography, and so there is a Club Outing

scheduled for the Metro Zoo later on that month. In October, our meeting’s

Keynote Presentation will be on Street Photography, and so at the end of the

month there is a Club Outing scheduled for Pedestrian Sunday in Kensington

Market. This will continue for the next two years. Listed below are the

tentative dates for Club Outings that are scheduled between August –

December 2015 to allow members who are interested in these Outings to save

these dates on their calendar. Reminders will be sent out each time we

approach one of these dates giving details as to where and when we will meet

before we go on the Outing. A past Club survey indicated that our members

preferred to have Club Outings spread out on different days of the week, so

an attempt has been made to do that below. Members should try to take

advantage of these Outings. Most are free, and they will allow you to expand

the limits of your photography as well as allow you the opportunity to make

good friends in the Club.

August 30 (Sun) – Toronto Buskerfest

September 14 – Club Keynote Presentation: Mike Bonns: “Bird Photography:

Bluebirds & Hummingbirds”

Sept. 16 (Wed) – 90-Minute 1000 Island Cruise - $12

Sept. 24 (Thurs) – Metro Toronto Zoo ($28 regular; $23 seniors – an

additional 10% off for CAA members)

October 5 – Club Keynote Presentation: Brian Tyson – “Street Photography”

(cont’d from Spring Workshop)

NPC Presentations and Outings Aug-Dec 2015….

David O’Rourke, Outings Director

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October 7 (Wed) – Burleigh Falls, Glass Blowing at White Dog Studio in


October 13 (Tues) – Docville ($10) and Auto Graveyard

October 25 (Sun) – Chinatown and Pedestrian Sunday in Kensington Market

November 2 – Club Keynote Presentation: Terry Carpenter – “Abstract &

Special Effects”

Nov. 8 (Sun) – Graffiti Alley, Toronto

Nov. 17 (Tues) – Primitive Designs, Port Hope

Nov. 28 (Sat) – Niagara Falls Winter Festival of Lights Overnight Outing -

Marriott Fallsview Hotel - $169 + tax (ideally you can share the room with

another Club member so that your cost ends up being half of this)

Dec. 6 (Sun) – Hope Mill and Christmas by Candlelight at Lang Pioneer Village,

5–9 pm - $10

December 7 – Club Members’ Slideshows (10 images/person)

Dec. 13 (Sun) - Christmas Market in the Toronto Distillery District

Russ Donaldson photos

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Howard Goodfellow photos

Barb Husband (above)

David O ‘Rourke photos (above & below)

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Myra Pritchett photos

Janet Taylor photo>>>

“We spent a family week at a cottage

in Haliburton.

The Wolf Centre was great for the

kids, and the grown-ups!”

Ed Mirbis photo >>>

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“No snow on fence” Diego Fabris photos

Elaine Amenta photos: “NPC member Laurie Robertson plays the downtown

piano beautifully... because I asked her


“Brave folk in uniforms descend from the

skies onto Cobourg beach .... a sure sign

of summer!”

Elaine Amenta photos >>

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Susanne Pacey photos

And our favourite Point ‘n Shooter, Russ Donaldson, submits these photos……..

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NPC member, Patrick Romano, submits this message from Holly Wilson,

Marketing and Events Coordinator, Canadian Wildlife Federation:


I hope this email finds you well! I’m writing on behalf of the Canadian

Wildlife Federation, Canada’s national conservation charity for over 50 years.

All the money we raise stays in Canada. Our goal is to connect Canadians with

nature, as studies show that people who experience nature have a greater

desire to conserve and protect it.

I write to you today in the hope you may be able to share information about

our photo contest with your club, on your website and/or on your social media


Reflections of Nature Annual Contest: Our biggest contest of the year is

Reflections of Nature. There are 5 categories: Connecting with Nature,

Canadian Landscapes, Focus on Fauna, Finding Flora, Home is Habitat. The

grand prize winner’s photo will be featured in the Jan/Feb 2016 edition of

Canadian Wildlife Magazine. More info here: http://cwf-fcf.org/en/do-


If you are able to share any of this information, it would be greatly

appreciated! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Kind Regards, Holly

Holly Wilson

Marketing & Events Coordinator, Canadian Wildlife Federation | Fédération

canadienne de la faune

350, promenade Michael Cowpland Drive, Kanata, ON K2M 2W1

CanadianWildlifeFederation.ca | FederationCanadiennedelaFaune.ca

t 1.877.599.5777 | 613.599.9594 ext. 217

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Items of interest to our members……….

> The December issue of Wired magazine was edited by Christopher Nolan the

Director of the Movie Interstellar . He is into a lot of 3 dimensional space

stuff but he did a few interesting things.

This link is for 24 photos taken at the exact same time in different time

zones around the world. .http://www.wired.com/2014/11/time-zone-photos/

The other one he did was have people take photos at exact opposite points of

the globe But that link won't bring up the photos. I guess you would have to

go to the local library and look up the December issue.

http://www.wired.com/2014/11/antipodes/ (submitted by Bob Kearns)


It's time for the social photography event

of the year. Scott Kelby's 8th Annual

Worlwide Photo is happening October 3,

2015 and we're looking to make this our

biggest year yet!

We all want to make beautiful images. We

all want to make new friends. We all want to help children in need. And for

one awesome day each year, all three come together in a really fun way, and

we want you to be a part of it!


Step One: Find a walk in your city.

Step Two: Walk with a purpose by donating just $1 to charity.

Step Three: Receive good karma.

Step Four: Walk for 2 hours. Take lots of pictures.

Step Five: Eat. Drink. Laugh. Make new friends.

Step Six: Enter the free contest, maybe win a cool prize.

Step Seven: Wonder why you waited so long to do this.

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The Last Page !!

So Long, Summer…….

As just about everyone knows, the Canadian National

Exhibition, commonly referred to as The Ex, is an annual

event that takes place at Exhibition Place in Toronto, during

the 18 days leading up to and including Canadian Labour Day Monday. For

thousands, if not millions of people, this exhibition is considered to be the last

major event of the summer and, with its passing, summer seems to have come

to an end. The next day school bells will be ringing and the yellow buses will

be back on the roads after a two-month hiatus. For those people with school-

age children, this marks a return to the familiar routines associated with

school days. This is even felt by many of us who have “been there, done that”

and can continue the luxury of sleeping in. Our lives are still regulated, in

many ways, by the return to the school year.

The theme for our September meeting, “Why I like Summer”, seems to imply

July and August are our only summer months. We know, however, that the

warm, sultry weather will continue for at least a few more weeks. When does

summer actually end and fall begin? That is something you might want to

ponder as you find your camera aiming less at beach bunnies and more toward

fall foliage. Don’t forget to submit your “Why I Like Summer” images –

check our website for guidance, if


Thanks to all



materials for

this edition of our newsletter!! ( LK photos)

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