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November Clark County HCE Newsletter 1

November Issue.....

Growing Stronger, Reaching Wider, Caring to Make a Difference

President’s Message 1News 2Board Meeting 3Impact of HCE 4Beating Holiday Stress 5 HCE Members-at-Large 6

President’s Message

We are wrapping up another year! We have picked up maybe 3 new members, but we are saddened to hear that we are losing the Lone Pine HCE, so be on the lookout for new members. There were 6 members who attended the State Convention in Waukesha. We got to meet our State Board Members, as well as attend many interesting workshops. We did very well at the cultural arts show. Out of 399 entries, we had 9 blue and 2 red. Congrats to everyone! The Update Magazine is our HCE publication. It has many interesting news articles, and we voted at the Fall Business Meeting for the president of each club to receive a copy. Hopefully they will share with the members. It comes out 4 times per year. February, May, August and November. We still need someone to be the Membership/Marketing person on the board. We also need someone to be the 3rd person on the Cultural Arts Committee, and we need 3 people for the International/Citizenship Committee. Only the membership person needs to attend. The committee members are not required to attend. Have a Happy Thanksgiving and a Very Merry Christmas!

Lois Becker, President

November Clark County HCE Newsletter 2

President’s Note If you haven’t sent in your membership list for 2019 with the photo release signatures, please do so ASAP. We also need to know your officers for 2019. Congratulations to Diana Schuette. She was elected to be secretary for the West District for the next 2 years. We are still looking for volunteers to serve on the board. We need a Membership/Marketing Coordinator, one person for Cultural Arts, and 3 for International/Citizenship. Only the membership person needs to attend board meetings, committee members are not required to attend. If interested in any position, contact Lois @ 715 255-8307 or another board member. The final page of this newsletter includes the renewal form for Members-at-Large. Don’t forget to send it in or you won’t get the newsletters. 2019 HCE DayWe are beginning to work on HCE Day, which will be April 13th, 2019 at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Greenwood. If you have any ideas for classes or a main speaker, let someone on the board know. We would love to hear from you. For 2019 HCE Day, we will be doing a different kind of collection. We are asking clubs and Members-At-Large to donate money, which will be used to defray the cost of shipping items, that have been collected, to Nicaragua for the Learning Centers. It costs about $6,000 to ship a container, so any amount we collect will be helpful. Donations can be brought to the 2019 HCE Day.

HCE Leadership Workshop Credit Scores - “What are They and Why do we Need Them?” will take place at Loyal City Hall on January 22nd, 2018 at 10:00am.

IntroductionPlease allow me to introduce myself. My name is Marjory Sand-ers. I started working with Clark County UW-Extension on Oc-tober 22, 2018 as the new Program Assistant and newest creator of the Grapevine Newsletter. I am expecting a baby boy (my first child at age 43) in the beginning of January. I love that HCE is so civic-minded and community focused and I am excited to have the opportunity to contribute to this wonderful organization! Looking forward to working with all of you. -Marjy

Apple Cheesecake PieFrom Dessert Now, Dinner Later

For Cheesecake Layer:2 refrigerated pie crusts1 (8 oz) package cream cheese1/2 cup sugar1 large egg For Apple Pie Filling:6 large apples, peeled, cored and thinly sliced1/2 tablespoon lemon juice6 tablespoons sugar1 tablespoon cinnamon1/4 teaspoon nutmeg 3 tablespoons cornstarch Cinnamon-sugar to taste Roll out the pie crust and place in pie dish. Keep 2nd pie crust covered on reserve. In a small bowl using a hand mixer, beat the cream cheese and sugar until creamy. Beat in the egg until smooth. Spread onto bottom of prepared pie crust. In a large bowl, combine apples, lemon juice, sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg and cornstarch. Toss to coat, then GENTLY spoon the apples and their juices onto the cheesecake layer. Cut 2nd crust into 10 1-inch strips and weave a lattice top over the pie with five strips criss-crossing and weaving over and under the other five strips. Cut off excess dough and crimp edges. Sprinkle the top generously with cinnamon-sugar. Bake at 350 degrees for 60 minutes or until crust is baked and the apple pie filling is bubbling in the cen-ter. Allow to cool completely before serving. Keep refrigerated.


November Clark County HCE Newsletter 3

CALL TO ORDER: Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Lois Becker. The meeting began with the Flag Pledge and Creed. Other members present included: Joanne Trunkel-VP for Program and Community Outreach; Deb Gries-Treasurer; Diana Schuette-Wisconsin Bookworms; Betty Loos- Historian; Mary Kipp-Secretary ; and Nancy Vance-Family Living Agent and HCE Advisor. Nancy Vance announced that Marjory Sanders is the new HCE Program Assistant. The Secretary’s report was read and placed on file.The Treasurer’s report was read and placed on file.DIRECTOR’S REPORT: WISCONSIN BOOKWORMS: Diana Schuette reported that she has completed a grant application to the Adler Foundation. She also attended the Literacy Meeting in Stevens Point. HCE DAY: Lois Becker announced that HCE Day will be held on April 13th at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Greenwood. Other arrangements will be announced when available. COMMITTEE REPORTS: INTERNATIONAL/CITIZENSHIP: It had been suggested that clubs donate money at HCE Day to be used to help with the increased costs to send donations to Nicaragua due to the increased costs for shipping. This need was discussed at the State Meeting and at the Fall Business Meeting. TOUR:: Joanne Trunkel reported that the tour to the Palace Theater on December 14th to see the Dolly

Parton-Kenny Rogers Tribute Show will definitely be going. Contact Joanne for further information. NEW BUSINESS: Lois Becker reported that the Lone Pine Club is dissolving. There is still a need for a Marketing/Membership Coordinator. The Cultural Arts Committee still needs one member. The International/Citizenship Committee needs

three members. Nancy Vance discussed the Impact Club Member Contribution Form, which will be in the newsletter. Members are encouraged to fill out the form and submit as a club.ADJOURNMENT: Meeting was adjourned at 6:57 p.m.

Submitted by:Mary Kipp, Secretary

November Clark County HCE Newsletter 4

Impact of HCE – 2019HCE Club Member Contribution Report

Please work on tracking volunteer hours. Fill in anything done from the fall, then keep track monthly.

To recognize the achievements and contributions of HCE members, each member is asked to complete the fol-lowing sheet. Information will be compiled into an “Impact of HCE” Report. The dates for the report for 2019 are June 1st, 2018 to May 31st, 2019. Please give your reports to your Club President or your County so they can be compiled. Counties will put everything together on the County Form and send to Joanne Trunkel, Vice President for Family and Community Life by June 10th, 2018. Thank You!

Contact Information (will not be shared, for record keeping only)Club Member’s Name: _________________________________County: ______________________________________________Club: ________________________________________________

In the past year, please indicate the number of times you attended and the amount of time you gave for the following:

Event # Attended Time SpentCounty HCE Executive Board Meetings __________ __________County HCE Spring Event(s) __________ __________County HCE Fall Event(s) __________ __________County HCE Educational Sessions __________ __________HCE Club Meetings __________ __________HCE District Meetings __________ __________HCE State Meetings __________ __________ TOTAL ___________Please list any fundraising activities you were involved with on behalf of HCE.(Example: Bake sale at the bank for HCE)Fundraising Activity Time Spent1. ______________________________________________ __________2. ______________________________________________ __________3. ______________________________________________ __________ TOTAL ___________Please list any community outreach activities that are directly related to HCE.(Example: Bingo at the nursing home for HCE)Community Outreach Time Spent1. ______________________________________________ __________2. ______________________________________________ __________3. ______________________________________________ __________ TOTAL ___________Please list the value of any individual donations (monetary or otherwise) you made for HCE.Note: Club donations will be obtained from Club Treasurer.(Example: Crocheted baby blanket for HCE)Donations Estimated Dollar Value1. _______________________________________________ __________2. _______________________________________________ __________3. _______________________________________________ __________ TOTAL __________

November Clark County HCE Newsletter 5

Beating Holiday Stress Paula Hella, UW Extension Educator, Brown County Stress -“The health epidemic of the 21st Century” (World Health Organization). We all feel stressed at times and for many people, the holidays are extremely stressful. Stress during the holidays for Seniors may look a little different than stress experienced by parents of young children or caretakers and can include feelings of grief for friends and family who are no longer with us. Con-cerns about what will be served at the holiday meal and if there will be foods available that meet their dietary needs. As we age, our dietary needs often change. Foods that have been enjoyed in the past might be harder to chew/swallow or no longer settle well in our stomach due to a more sensitive stomach or change in medication.

Stress could also be caused by worries about wheth-er or not stairs or icy walkways will be physically nav-igable. Thoughts about end of life may also increase during the holidays as people consider whether this will be their last holiday with family and friends. (1) 77% (2) of those who experience stress, also regu-larly experience physical symptoms like: headaches, neck pain, irritability, fatigue, sleeplessness, change in appetite, muscle tension, wanting to cry, indiges-tion, and irritable bowel syndrome.

Stress during the holidays can be reduced by sharing fond memories and stories of those who have gone before us with others that we love.

Checking ahead of time to see what will be on the holiday menu and share if there is a specific dish that would make the holiday special for you. Also asking ahead of time about the distance between the vehi-cle and the place of the gathering, as well as if there are flights of steps can help minimize the uncertainty of mobility. It is also an opportunity to determine ahead of time if additional assistance will be needed with getting from the vehicle to the gathering place or vice versa. It is absolutely normal during the holi-days for Seniors to have thoughts about whether or not this is their lastholiday with loved ones. It is helpful to “stay in the moment” or practice mindfulness. The idea of not letting our thoughts wander, but enjoying the“here and now”. One thing that you can do if you begin to feel your mind wander towards the “what if’s” is practice a one minute breath. This is a time where you simply take a step back to regroup by focusing on your breathing for a minute. When you first begin this practice, it is helpful to set a timer. As you get more experienced with this practice, you can complete it without setting a timer. Find a comfort-able place to sit. You can close your eyes, or look down towards the floor. Start your timer and simply begin to focus on your breath inhaling and exhaling slowly. When you feel your mind wandering (and you will), just refocus on your breathing. The more you practice, the less your mind wanders and the more able you are to continue focusing on your breath.(3) Once your timer goes off to alert you that your minute is up, make an attempt to stay focused on and be in the moment. Notice the things around you using all your senses and enjoy being fully present. The one minute breathing technique has physical benefits as well. It can help you feel less anxious or nervous and can actually reduce your blood pres-sure.

1 Caregivers Stress. Help Seniors Overcome Holiday Stress, https://www.caregiverstress.com/. Retrieved December 2017 2 The American institute of Stress. Daily Life Stress, https://www.stress.org/daily-life/. 2014 3 Taking Care of You. Mindfulness Curriculum, University of Missouri.2016 revision.

Beating Holiday Stress

November Clark County HCE Newsletter 6

2018 Member-At-Large Registration / Renewal Form

Please register me as a Member-At-Large with

Clark County Association for Home and Community Education (HCE)


Mailing Address (include PO Box if needed)

City and Zip

Telephone Number

Please return completed form and your payment of $13 (made payable to Clark County (HCE) to:

Deb Gries

Clark County HCE Treasurer

W3476 Chickadee Rd.

Loyal, WI 54446

Member at Large 2018

Clark County Association forHome & Community Education

Growing Stronger—Reaching WiderCaring To Make A Difference

Member At Large Application

Mission Statement of the Wisconsin Association for Home and Community Education

HCEOffersOpportunitiesfor: Learninginasocialsetting Sharingwhatwelearn Caringtomakeadifferenceinourhomes,communities,andtheworld

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