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Presto in my use case Presto Meetup 2015/01/20

http://eventdots.jp/event/276987 @wyukawa


•  Log Analysis System Overview

•  Why do I select Presto?

•  How do I use Presto?

•  How do I manage Presto?

•  My impression for Presto

Log Analysis System Overview

Hadoop, Hive of HDP2.1

Azkaban 2.6.4

Presto 0.89

Cognos 10.2.1

Prestogres 0.4.8


MySQL 5.5


ETL with Python 2.7.7

InfiniDB Pentaho



Why do I select Presto?

•  my familiar(on Twitter) people use

•  comparison with other is a bother

•  Let’s try!

How do I use Presto? •  batch with Hive on MR2(not Tez)

•  select only with Presto

•  execute adhoc query

•  report by Cognos with Prestogres

•  create presto view http://d.hatena.ne.jp/wyukawa/20140824/1408881620

What is Cognos? •  Commercial BI tool by IBM

•  Pros

•  authorization management

•  flexible reporting(but not easy)

•  Cons

•  slow rendering speed

•  no permanent link

•  difficult to understand error message

•  web site(especially download site) is bad

•  Windows and IE are necessary

What is Prestogres?


pgpool-II (patched) BI tool



Why do I use Prestogres?

•  Interesting

•  MySQL is possible to be a bottleneck

•  Hadoop is easier to scale than MySQL

•  reduce maintenance cost for multi storages

•  but not achieve

Prestogres in my use case

Presto 0.89

Cognos 10.2.1

Prestogres 0.4.8

Prestogres ODBC Driver

It is not easy to connect Cognos to Presto. Thanks! > @frsyuki


Problem in my use case •  Cognos don’t issue where cause with Presgtogres+ODBC

•  select … from … where yyyymmdd=‘20150120’ …

•  slow rendering because of no predicate pushdown

•  workaround is to use bigint to where cause, not string

•  solution(not deploy in production. BTW, Thanks! > @frsyuki )

•  Cognos 10.2.2

•  patched(protocolVersion=2) PostgreSQL JDBC Driver

•  Prestogres 0.6.3

•  Presto 0.86

•  increase dentry cache http://d.hatena.ne.jp/wyukawa/20141216/1418706186

How do I manage Presto? •  How to deploy Presto?

•  use Ansible

•  Presto Setting

•  task.cpu-timer-enabled=false

•  How to monitor Presto?

•  GrowthForecast + jstat2gf, JMX

•  slow query visualization by nata2 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/wyukawa/20140803/1407052542


My impression for Presto •  stable

•  frequent version up

•  easy to install

•  easy to upgrade

•  but failed at 0.80, 0.87

•  leverage effect

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