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Page 1: Prevention is better than cure, implementation status of preventive measures under SC ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act 1989 - B.Karthik Navayan - B.Karthik.

Prevention is better than cure, Prevention is better than cure, implementation status of preventive implementation status of preventive

measures under SC ST (Prevention of measures under SC ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act 1989Atrocities) Act 1989

- - B.Karthik NavayanB.Karthik NavayanProgramme OfficerProgramme OfficerNational Dalit forumNational Dalit forum

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Page 2: Prevention is better than cure, implementation status of preventive measures under SC ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act 1989 - B.Karthik Navayan - B.Karthik.

Atrocities on the scheduled caste and scheduled tribes take various forms – both visible and invisible. However it is the visible forms of atrocities that are defined and included in Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of atrocities) Act 1989,

Page 3: Prevention is better than cure, implementation status of preventive measures under SC ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act 1989 - B.Karthik Navayan - B.Karthik.

• Visible forms of atrocities are taking place in the rural India, and invisible forms of atrocities taking place in the urban life, the invisible atrocities are more dominant form of atrocity, this kind of atrocities frequently taking place in the universities and educational institutions

Page 4: Prevention is better than cure, implementation status of preventive measures under SC ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act 1989 - B.Karthik Navayan - B.Karthik.

Human rights organizations including dalit organizations mostly concentrate on the protection of dalit human rights after atrocities had taken place,

No people’s organizations or government authorities showing Interest in implementation of preventive measures

Page 5: Prevention is better than cure, implementation status of preventive measures under SC ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act 1989 - B.Karthik Navayan - B.Karthik.

• The invisible atrocities on the dalits can be prevented through the implementation of preventive provisions the Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of atrocities) Act 1989,

Page 6: Prevention is better than cure, implementation status of preventive measures under SC ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act 1989 - B.Karthik Navayan - B.Karthik.

• 17. Preventive action to be taken by the law and order machinery• (1) A District Magistrate or a Sub-divisional Magistrate or any other

Executive, Magistrate or any police officer not below the rank of a Deputy Superintendent of Police May, on receiving information and after such inquiry as he may think necessary, has reason to believe that a person or a group of persons not belonging to the Scheduled Castes or the Scheduled Tribes, residing in or frequenting any place within the local Limits of his jurisdiction are likely to commit an offence or have threatened to commit any Offence under this Act and is of the opinion that there is sufficient ground for proceeding, declare such an area to be an area prone to atrocities and take necessary action for keeping the peace and good behavior and maintenance of public order and tranquility and may take preventive action.

Page 7: Prevention is better than cure, implementation status of preventive measures under SC ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act 1989 - B.Karthik Navayan - B.Karthik.

• (3) The State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, make one or more schemes specifying the manner in which the officers referred to in sub-section (1) shall take appropriate action specified in such scheme or schemes to prevent atrocities and to restore the feeling of security amongst the members of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes.

Page 8: Prevention is better than cure, implementation status of preventive measures under SC ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act 1989 - B.Karthik Navayan - B.Karthik.

There are 196 districts in 12 states Andhra Pradesh, Bihar,Gujarath, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Madyapradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa, Rajasthan, Thamilanadu, Utharapradesh of India which are declared as atrocity prone declared by states and listed by ministry of social justice and empowerment, government of India

Page 9: Prevention is better than cure, implementation status of preventive measures under SC ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act 1989 - B.Karthik Navayan - B.Karthik.

• National Dalit Forum sent applications under Right to information act to these 196 districts magistrates to know the implementation of preventive measures under Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of atrocities) Act 1989, in the march 2010

Page 10: Prevention is better than cure, implementation status of preventive measures under SC ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act 1989 - B.Karthik Navayan - B.Karthik.

• The questions asked under Right to information are

• Provide the list of atrocity prone areas that identified in your district

• What are the preventive measures initiated in the atrocity prone areas

• provide the information of financial resources to meet the expenses of the preventive measures, also provide the information of where the expenses have booked, in which budget code and account number

Page 11: Prevention is better than cure, implementation status of preventive measures under SC ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act 1989 - B.Karthik Navayan - B.Karthik.

• Out of 195 applications, we received 160 acknowledgements 46 districts magistrates may have managed not to send acknowledgements

• About 20 applications were rejected saying that the preventive measures under Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of atrocities) Act 1989 will not come under them

Page 12: Prevention is better than cure, implementation status of preventive measures under SC ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act 1989 - B.Karthik Navayan - B.Karthik.

• One district magistrate from Thamilanadu replied to the above three questions as “NIL”

• 80 applications forwarded to the concerned district social welfare officers saying that it is the matter related to social welfare department

• 60 applications forwarded to the concerned districts superintendent of police saying that the matter relating to the law and order

Page 13: Prevention is better than cure, implementation status of preventive measures under SC ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act 1989 - B.Karthik Navayan - B.Karthik.

• 160 district magistrates replied in their local language like Thamilanadu magistrates replied in Thamil, Karnataka magistrates replied in Kannada, Gujarat magistrates replied in Guajarati, kerala magistrates replied in Malayalam, Rajasthani magistrates replied in Rajasthani …… it is a trick of the authorities to confuse the applicant, when the application submitted in English they have to reply in English only

Page 14: Prevention is better than cure, implementation status of preventive measures under SC ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act 1989 - B.Karthik Navayan - B.Karthik.

• It is really a pathetic situation that none of the district magistrate felt responsible to implement the preventive measures under Scheduled castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of atrocities) act 1989

• Except 10 districts magistrates all have tried to escape from their liability of providing information/and implementing the preventive measures

Page 15: Prevention is better than cure, implementation status of preventive measures under SC ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act 1989 - B.Karthik Navayan - B.Karthik.

• It seems Many of the district magistrates may not aware of Preventive measures under Scheduled castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of atrocities) act 1989

• The district magistrate is being the chairmen of district level vigilance and monitoring committee under Scheduled castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of atrocities) act 1989, is responsible to identify the atrocity prone areas and also initiate preventive measures

Page 16: Prevention is better than cure, implementation status of preventive measures under SC ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act 1989 - B.Karthik Navayan - B.Karthik.

• It is clear that the administration and police are totally insensitive towards the protection of Scheduled caste and scheduled tribes people’s human rights

• Not only the police and executive but also judiciary totally insensitive towards the protection of human rights

• There are many examples even in the sensational cases like Khairlange of Maharashtra, Karamchedu and Chundur in Andhra Pradesh the judges convicted the culprits not according to the SC ST Act but under the general IPC sections

Page 17: Prevention is better than cure, implementation status of preventive measures under SC ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act 1989 - B.Karthik Navayan - B.Karthik.

• The atrocities on the SC ST students in universities and educational institutions are invisible, that is the reason many SC ST Students are committing suicides all over country

• From 2006 onwards in IIT Kanpur it self 11 Dalit students committed suicides

• Within tow years 2008-2009 6 Dalit Students have committed suicide in Andhra Pradesh

Page 18: Prevention is better than cure, implementation status of preventive measures under SC ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act 1989 - B.Karthik Navayan - B.Karthik.

• The number of suicides will be very high; there are many unreported suicides in all over India

• Even sufficient evidence is available to punish the culprit in the cases of atrocities the police and judiciary not showing any interest to punish the perpetrators of atrocities

Page 19: Prevention is better than cure, implementation status of preventive measures under SC ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act 1989 - B.Karthik Navayan - B.Karthik.

• But in many cases the police falsely implicating the SC ST people to protect real culprits, Sathyambabu is an outstanding example of such type, in AP. he was falsely implicated by the police in the Ayeshameera murder case and falsely punished by the district court without any evidence

• It is the time for the human rights defenders to concentrate on the invisible atrocities on the dalits

Page 20: Prevention is better than cure, implementation status of preventive measures under SC ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act 1989 - B.Karthik Navayan - B.Karthik.

We have to pressurize the government authorities to implement preventive provisions under SC ST PO Act to protect Dalit Human rights

Page 21: Prevention is better than cure, implementation status of preventive measures under SC ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act 1989 - B.Karthik Navayan - B.Karthik.

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