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Page 1: Preview: The NEW 4-Hour Workweek
Page 2: Preview: The NEW 4-Hour Workweek

But with more than 100 pages of new, cutting-edge content.



Page 4: Preview: The NEW 4-Hour Workweek

"Check e-mail twice per day, once at 12:00 noon or just prior to lunch, and again at 4:00 P.M.

Complete your most important task before 11:00 A.M. to avoid using lunch or reading e-mail as a postponement excuse."

- Read more in Chapter 7

Limit E-mail Consumption

Photo by: Somewhat Frank

Page 5: Preview: The NEW 4-Hour Workweek

Use an auto-responder

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Pareto principle: The 80/20 rule"Out of more than 120 wholesale customers, a mere 5 were bringing in 95% of the revenue...

I went from chasing and appeasing 120 customers to simply receiving large orders from 8, with absolutely no pleading phone calls or e-mail haranguing. My monthly income increased from $30K to $60K in four weeks and my weekly hours immediately dropped from over 80 to approximately 15."

- Read more in Chapter 5

Photo by: Sleepy Valley

Page 7: Preview: The NEW 4-Hour Workweek

Use a Virtual Assistant

“Indian and Chinese VAs, as well as most from other developing countries will run $4-15 per hour, the lower end being limited to simple tasks and the higher end including the equivalent of Harvard or Stanford M.B.A.s and Ph.D.s.”

- Read more in Chapter 8

Photo by: Giorgio Montersino

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1. Use a pre-planned project or emergency (family issue, personal issue, relocation, home repairs, whatever) that requires you to take one or two weeks out of the office.

2. Say that you recognize you can't just stop working, and that you would prefer to work instead of take vacation days.

3. Propose how you can work remotely and offer, if necessary, to take a pay cut for that period (and that period only) if performance isn't up to par upon returning.

4. Allow the boss to collaborate on how to do it so that he or she is invested in the process.

5. Make the two weeks "off" the most productive period you've ever had at work.

10 Steps to the 9-to-5

Photo by: dan paluska

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6. Show your boss the quantifiable results upon returning, and tell him or her that — without all the distractions, commute, etc. — you can get twice as much done.  Suggest two or three days at home per week as a trial for two weeks.

7. Make those remote days ultra-productive.

8. Suggest only one or two days in the office per week.

9. Make those days the least productive of the week.

10.Suggest complete five-day-per-week mobility — the boss will go for it.

- Read more in Chapter 12

Photo by: dan paluska

10 Steps to the 9-to-5

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“I work for a Silicon Valley tech company (I'm a software developer), and used concepts from The 4HWW to work remotely from August of '08 until January of '09. I went to Portugal, Europe, Spain, Sweden, and Norway, surfing and snowboarding my brains out. The best part: I came home with three times as much money in the bank than I would have had if I continued the normal 9 to 5.

I spent 4 months prior to departure being sure to never be at my cube, but always be just around the corner. I made a point to ALWAYS be available on Instant Messenger. When people would walk over to my cube and look for me, they would see I was somewhere else, then hop online and ask "Where are you?" My response: "Just down the hall in the cafeteria..." or "Just down the block at the coffee shop..." After 2 months of this, a magical thing happened: people just looked for me via Instant Messenger and stopped dropping by my desk all together.

That allowed me to be 6,000 miles away without anyone noticing.” - B. Williamson

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“I quit my job, sold my house, and went camping for 3 months with two kids under 2.5 years old and a pregnant wife. We (very slowly) drove the S.E. coast of Australia, from Sydney to Adelaide.

With the complete clarity of mind that comes from being in a field with your family and no immediate worries, I put into action a plan that I had been tinkering with for 12 months. I bought a wireless internet dongle and created an info product for electrical engineers, and wrote some software to go with it. Managed this by: (a) going on an info diet, (b) working 9pm-midnight in a campsite with no other distractions, (c) outsourcing everything that I would find difficult or time consuming (like the tricky programming stuff and the illustrations for my book). After about 4 weeks, I had an automated informational website that had replaced half of my full-time income, requiring less than 4 hours per week to maintain.

The original plan was to arrive in Adelaide and get a J.O.B. But with my passive income, I decided to simply grow my new business and am currently very close to replacing 100% of my previous income. It feels f&*#ing brilliant. Now we plan to travel the world slowly until the kids are ready for primary school... Who says kids hold you back?!” - F. Peacock

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START UP A BUSINESS“The fastest way to market with a product idea is:

1. Register a dot-com. Get hosting from dathorn.com [a cheap reseller account, like www.domainsinseconds.com].

2. With 2 clicks, set up a Wordpress blog. Apply a theme to it.

3. Add your content and a "Buy Now" button.

The ‘Buy Now’ button links to a page where customers can enter their email address, phone number, etc. The user then clicks ‘Continue’ to a PayPal button. This automatically emails me their details, but then shows the user a message stating that the link to PayPal is currently not working. This determines how many sales I would have achieved.

I use Google ads to drive traffic, and calculate theoretical ROI (ideally using Google analytics). If, after a week or two, I can see a positive ROI that's worth my effort, I create or outsource the creation of the product (e-mag, PDF, whatever). I set it all up with a working link to PayPal, then send a message to the users who already tried to buy. Within hours, the cash starts to roll in.” - M. Schmidt

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“You've suggested people check email only a few times a day. Here's a twist:

I time the email to arrive when it's convenient for me.

In Outlook, you can delay email delivery to any time of day. For example, when I return emails at 3 PM, I don't want my staff instantly zinging me responses or clarifying questions. So I hit ‘Send,’ but it's delayed to arrive later in the evening, or at 8 a.m. when my employees arrive the next day.

This is how email was meant to be! It's mail, not a chat service.” - J. Larranaga


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“Why not combine a mini-retirement with medical geo-arbitrage and finance your trip with the savings?

I lived in Thailand for 4 months and got a root canal treatment and crowns for a third of the price that it costs in Australia. There are many up-market clinics set up for expatriates and health travelers in Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam, Goa, etc. with English speaking dentists. And in Europe, many people go to Poland or Hungary.

I combine my travels with annual dentist checkups, and the savings often finance my airfare. Even between developed countries there are significant cost differences.” - Anonymous

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“As an employee, I wanted to first achieve liberation with a remote work arrangement. Despite several failed attempts, I persevered (great lesson in negotiating) and was granted the opportunity to work remotely. This changed everything. I went from 9+ hours of work a day with weekly work related travel to 4 hours a week, 1 week of travel per month, and managed to get a $10,000 raise and deliver 2X the productivity in my job. I spend my newly found time pursuing my passion for music, theater, and fitness. I am currently training for my second marathon.

Reality is truly negotiable, and now my reality is that I can spend endless hours enjoying the company of my father, who waited twenty years until he retired to enjoy the freedom that I have found in less than 24 months after reading The 4-Hour Work Weekweek.” - I. Barron

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