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Page 1: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the Emission

Allowance and Energy Markets

John Edward Swieringa

February 2013

A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy of The Australian National University

Page 2: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery



I hereby certify that this thesis is entirely the

work of the author and has not been submitted

to any other institution. Furthermore, all

sources used in the preparation of the thesis

have been acknowledged in the usual manner.


John Swieringa

15 February 2013

Page 3: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery



I would like to thank my supervisors Emma Schultz and Tom Smith. Emma was an indefatigable

reader of drafts whose ruthless efficiency with a red pen was invaluable. She was the best sounding

board a PhD student could ask for and I am very grateful for her opinions, her judgement and her

enthusiasm. Tom provided key direction to the research, using his vast depth of experience and

knowledge to point out relevant literature and empirical techniques. I would also like to thank

Raymond Liu and Carole Comerton-Forde for insightful comments on drafts of the first chapter.

PhD students are always indebted to those who put up with them during their struggles and in that

regard I thank Gaurav Khemka, with whom I share an office and revelled in our daily coffee and

darts sessions. I thank my parents for their encouragement and for bravely attempting to read my

work. Most importantly, I would like to thank my wife Jess, who went through with marrying me in

the depths of this undertaking. Her love and support made this work possible.

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We provide the first evidence on the catalysts for price discovery in the European Union Emissions

Trading System. Short-run return dynamics are analysed using a regression approach similar to

Fleming, Ostdiek and Whaley (1996), while the permanent contribution of securities to long-run

price equilibrium is examined by calculating Hasbrouck‘s (1995) information shares. By employing

high frequency data across a wide range of securities, we find that trading costs are a more

important determinant of price discovery than the implicit provision of leverage in securities such as

futures and options. Securities with low trading costs display greater price discovery than those with

high trading costs.

We also examine price discovery within the European markets for coal, natural gas and crude

oil. Results show that Brent crude oil futures display greater price discovery than a proxy for the

physical Brent market, while there is evidence that West Texas Intermediate futures still dominate

price discovery globally. In natural gas markets, UK natural gas futures display greater price

discovery than physical trading at North-West Europe‘s main natural gas hubs, though weak links

to the crude oil market remain. Due to a lack of liquidity and transparency, it remains difficult to

distinguish between coal securities. Overall, our results support the importance of futures contracts

as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading.

Having established where price discovery is taking place in the European emission allowance

and energy markets, we examine volatility and information linkages between them by employing a

rational expectations framework similar to Fleming, Kirby and Ostdiek (1998). The model specifies

volatility linkages operating through common information and information spillover channels. We

estimate a representation of this model using GMM for bivariate pairings of emission allowances

with coal, natural gas and crude oil. We find that emission allowances are most strongly linked to

the crude oil market, in spite of more direct economic relationships with coal and natural gas.

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Table of Contents

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 1


2.1 A BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO THE EU ETS ............................................................................................................. 8

2.1.1 Emission Allowances .......................................................................................................................... 8

2.1.2 Phases .............................................................................................................................................. 11

2.2 DATA ......................................................................................................................................................... 14

2.2.1 Series Selection ................................................................................................................................ 15

2.2.2 Measures of Trading Cost ................................................................................................................ 20

2.2.3 Return Series Construction .............................................................................................................. 21

2.2.4 Serial Correlation ............................................................................................................................. 23

2.2.5 Stationarity and Cointegration ........................................................................................................ 27

2.3 METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................................................... 30

2.3.1 Basic Regression Specification ......................................................................................................... 30

2.3.2 Cointegration and Error Correction ................................................................................................. 33

2.3.3 The Final Model Specification .......................................................................................................... 35

2.3.4 Information Shares .......................................................................................................................... 36

2.4 RESULTS ..................................................................................................................................................... 39

2.4.1 Regression Results ........................................................................................................................... 39

2.4.2 Regression R-Squared and F-Statistics ............................................................................................. 44

2.4.3 Ordinal Ranking ............................................................................................................................... 48

2.4.4 Information Shares .......................................................................................................................... 53

2.4.5 Strength of Findings ......................................................................................................................... 57

2.5 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................................... 58

CHAPTER 3: PRICE DISCOVERY IN EUROPEAN ENERGY MARKETS ............................................................... 60

3.1 METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................................................... 64

3.1.1 Regression Approach ....................................................................................................................... 64

3.1.2 Information Shares .......................................................................................................................... 65

3.2 COAL ......................................................................................................................................................... 67

3.3 NATURAL GAS ............................................................................................................................................. 73

3.4 CRUDE OIL.................................................................................................................................................. 82

3.4.1 Price Discovery in the Brent Crude Oil Complex ............................................................................... 82

3.4.2 Price Discovery in Brent and WTI Futures ........................................................................................ 88

3.5 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................................. 100

3.6 APPENDIX ................................................................................................................................................. 102


4.1 EXISTING EVIDENCE ON MARKET INTERACTIONS ............................................................................................... 110

4.2 INFORMATION LINKAGES ............................................................................................................................. 112

4.3 METHODOLOGY ......................................................................................................................................... 117

4.3.1 Directionality of Emission Allowance and Energy Market Relationships ....................................... 117

4.3.2 Stochastic Volatility Model ............................................................................................................ 117

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4.4 DATA ....................................................................................................................................................... 121

4.4.1 Security Selection ........................................................................................................................... 121

4.4.2 Descriptive Statistics ...................................................................................................................... 123

4.4.3 Serial Correlation ........................................................................................................................... 125

4.4.4 Cross-Market Correlations ............................................................................................................. 126

4.5 RESULTS ................................................................................................................................................... 127

4.5.1 Regression Results ......................................................................................................................... 128

4.5.2 Information Linkages ..................................................................................................................... 128

4.6 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................................. 135

4.7 APPENDIX ................................................................................................................................................. 137

CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................................ 143

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................. 146

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CHAPTER 1: Introduction

There is widespread agreement that anthropogenic global warming is the result of long standing

market failures where, in the absence of defined property rights, firms combusting fossil fuels have

no incentive to restrict their resultant emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases (see,

for example, Stern, 2006). Emissions trading is an attempt to redress this market failure along the

lines first suggested by Coase (1960) insofar as efficient outcomes are achieved by allocating

property rights and facilitating trade between the parties affected by an externality. Under a cap and

trade system, polluters who emit more than their allocation of carbon dioxide emissions must

purchase allowances from other market participants who emit less or pay significant penalties.

While scarcity of emission allowances encourages polluters who can abate their emissions at low

cost to do so and profit by selling their excess allowances, scarcity may also force polluters who

cannot afford to purchase allowances or abate their emissions to cease production altogether.

Emissions trading was first undertaken on a significant scale in the United States in the mid-

1990s to reduce acid rain. While the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) was

introduced a decade later, only being launched in 2005, it is many times larger in size. The EU ETS

places a cap on the total amount of carbon dioxide emissions Europe‘s large polluters are allowed to

emit each year, with emission allowances allocated or auctioned to polluters by Europe‘s

governments. The cap is reduced each year such that the right to pollute becomes increasingly

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scarce over time. Emission allowances in the EU ETS are traded over-the-counter between

polluters, sometimes with the involvement of financial institutions, as well as on organised

exchanges that facilitate spot, futures and options trading. Given its importance in mitigating the

effects of global warming, understanding the dynamics of this relatively new emission allowance

market, and the energy markets more broadly, is paramount for policy makers, market participants

and academics alike. We contribute to the literature in this regard by assessing price discovery in

both the EU ETS and the main fossil fuel energy markets as well as information linkages between

the two.

Specifically, in Chapter 2 we examine price discovery in the main spot and futures securities

traded in the EU ETS. In doing so, we provide the first investigation into the catalysts for price

discovery in this market, paying particular attention to trading costs and leverage. We also consider

whether market segmentation between emission allowances created within the EU ETS or created

under the auspices of the United Nations impacts upon price discovery. Consistent with evidence on

price discovery in other markets, we find trading costs are more important than leverage or a

security‘s origin.

In Chapter 3, we broaden our focus to examine both short and long-run price discovery in the

main European fossil fuel energy markets, namely coal, natural gas and crude oil. Prior research

into the nature of price discovery in these energy commodities has been relatively sparse. These

markets are characterised by the operation of price reporting agencies who survey physical market

participants in order to construct benchmark prices. These prices then form the basis for long-term

supply contracts, which remain the most prevalent mode of exchange for all three commodities.

However, because these survey processes are often opaque and physical markets commonly suffer

liquidity problems, the financial layers of these markets, particularly futures trading, play an

important role in price discovery. We attempt to span both the physical and financial layers of these

markets and, to the best of our knowledge, we provide the first assessment of price discovery in the

European coal market and the broadest study of price discovery for European natural gas.

Thereafter, we make the first attempt to assess both the physical and financial layers of the Brent

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market. Finally, in light of recent market dislocations, we assess linkages between the European

crude oil and natural gas markets and re-examine linkages between the major global crude oil

benchmarks, namely Brent and West Texas Intermediate. Overall, our results support the

importance of futures contracts as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-

counter physical trading.

Having established price discovery both in the emission allowance and energy markets, we

analyse channels of interaction between them. Specifically, in Chapter 4 we employ a rational

expectations framework in the tradition of Tauchen and Pitts (1983), Fleming, Kirby and Ostdiek

(1998) and Kodres and Pritsker (2002) to analyse market interactions on the basis of responses to

commonly relevant information and the spillover effects of idiosyncratic information. By doing this,

we take account of complexities that have previously been overlooked, including the true impact of

operational and strategic considerations in the generation of electricity and the limitations imposed

by the current power generation mix in a given economy. These factors inhibit the extent to which

fuel switching is likely to be an observable short-term phenomena, let alone one that dictates

directional interactions between fuel input and emission allowance prices. We estimate a stochastic

volatility representation of this model and, in the absence of a priori expectations concerning the

directional relationships between the markets of interest, we assess information linkages using the

correlation of volatilities. Our results show that, despite the strong economic linkages between

emission allowances and coal and natural gas, emission allowances have the strongest information

linkages to the crude oil market, which is likely a product of strong common information linkages.

Our findings highlight the importance of information arrival in our understanding of markets

generally and, for the emission allowance and energy markets in particular, it is a reminder that

their interactions will be strongly influenced by information that is commonly relevant as they share

many fundamental determinants of value.

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CHAPTER 2: Price Discovery in the European Union

Emissions Trading System

The EU ETS is a decentralised market place that includes over-the-counter trading of emission

allowances as well as spot, futures and option trading on nearly a dozen organised exchanges. With

such a wide dispersion of tradable securities and trading venues, identifying the security price most

reflective of current, relevant information—the source of price discovery—is important for market

participants and regulators alike. The large number of securities that are all essentially fungible with

one another also provides a good opportunity to examine which market frictions are important

drivers of price discovery, such as trading costs or leverage. Against this backdrop, we analyse

intraday return data for seven of the most traded securities in the EU ETS to establish which

security‘s returns have a greater tendency to lead the returns of the others. Thereafter, we look at

whether the relationships between securities are consistent with trading costs or the implicit

leverage in futures and options determining price discovery. In addition, we look at whether the

government allocated or auctioned European Union Allowances are better sources of price

discovery compared with external, project-based allowances such as the Certified Emission

Reduction units created under the auspices of the United Nations Clean Development Mechanism.

Price discovery in the EU ETS is a topic that has received attention in previous literature, but

prior studies rarely utilise high frequency data nor do they examine the underlying catalysts for

price discovery. As it is a relatively new market, much of this literature has concentrated on the

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system‘s introductory phase, which is problematic because a collapse in prices late in this phase

largely resulted in a complete absence of meaningful price changes (see, for example, Uhrig-

Homburg and Wagner, 2008, and Benz and Hengelbrock, 2008). Several studies have looked at

price discovery during the second, better functioning phase of the EU ETS. However, by analysing

daily data, the important, granular aspects of the timeliness of price responses to information arrival

are somewhat obscured (see, for example, Chevallier, 2010a, Chevallier, 2010b, and Mizrach,

2010). These daily studies generally find that the most traded futures contract in the EU ETS is the

source of price discovery—the December expiry European Union Allowance futures contracts

traded on London‘s Intercontinental Exchange1. Rittler (2009) and Mizrach and Otsubo (2011)

undertake intraday studies during the system‘s second phase and also find evidence that the

Intercontinental Exchange futures are the source of price discovery but, like much of the other

literature, they do not attempt to examine what market frictions drive the price discovery process.

Differential trading costs between securities are a prominent form of market friction. These

costs can be explicit, such as brokerage and clearing fees, or implicit, such as the cost of a round

trip in buying and selling a security (the spread between bid and ask prices). The explicit costs of

transacting are difficult to measure as they will vary depending upon a market participant‘s

relationship to their particular broker or, in the case of brokers themselves, their clearing fees may

vary with their level of membership at a particular exchange. Regardless, these costs are often small

compared to the implicit costs of trading, particularly for less liquid securities which tend to have

wide bid-ask spreads, little market depth and for which trades have a large impact on the price level.

If several securities are identical in all characteristics save trading cost, a market participant looking

to profit by trading on new information will realise higher returns by trading the security with the

1 Note that these prior studies refer to this as the European Climate Exchange December futures contract.

Intercontinental Exchange purchased the parent company of the European Climate Exchange in April 2010.

2 The trader must keep the account supplied with funds above the maintenance margin after daily marking to

market, but also typically receives interest on these balances in the meantime.

3 See, for example, Fleming, Ostdiek and Whaley (1996) for evidence on US stocks, stock indices and stock

derivatives, Booth, So and Tse (1999) for evidence from Germany and Hsieh, Lee and Yuan (2008) for

evidence from Taiwan. 4 The EU ETS covers approximately 11,000 European installations owned by around 5,000 companies (World

Bank, 2010). According to the European Commission (2008), these installations account for approximately

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lowest trading cost. Our ―Trading Cost Hypothesis‖ is that price discovery in the EU ETS takes

place in the securities with the least trading cost as measured by the bid-ask spread.

Another common market friction potentially impacting upon trader preferences is the relative

provision of leverage. While traders may fund long positions in spot markets by explicitly

borrowing funds or, in the case of a short sale by borrowing the security, futures and options, by

construction, provide leverage implicitly. Establishing a position in a futures market only requires

that a trader transfer an initial margin amount to their broker which is typically a fraction of what

the actual purchase price would be to achieve a similar exposure in the underlying asset‘s spot

market2. The initial outlay for an option takes the form of the call or put premium and these again

facilitate leverage inasmuch as premiums are only fractions of the underlying asset‘s price. In the

presence of limitations on the extent of a market participant‘s ability to seamlessly borrow funds or

assets, the leverage characteristics of futures and options would be attractive, giving a speculator a

preference for derivative securities when looking to profitably trade on new information. The

―Leverage Hypothesis‖ is that greater price discovery occurs in emission allowance futures and

options than in spot securities.

We also assess a third hypothesis that is unique to the EU ETS regarding whether market

segmentation by emission allowance type impacts upon price discovery. The EU ETS gives

installations a choice of surrendering European Union Allowances in abatement of their emissions,

which are allowances allocated or auctioned by European governments, or alternatively they can

choose to surrender allowances generated by projects that result in emission reductions in other

countries under the auspices of the United Nations. Unlike European Union Allowances, there are

limits imposed by various European governments on how many project-based allowances

installations can surrender for compliance each year. There is also a great deal of regulatory

uncertainty about whether particular project-based allowances will continue to be accepted at all.

On the basis of these limits and uncertainties, project-based allowances trade at a substantial price

2 The trader must keep the account supplied with funds above the maintenance margin after daily marking to

market, but also typically receives interest on these balances in the meantime.

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discount compared to European Union Allowances. Market participants looking to exploit new

information relevant to the emissions market may forgo trading project-based allowances, in

preference for the costlier European Union Allowances effectively segmenting the EU ETS by

allowance type. The ―Market Segmentation Hypothesis‖ is that European Union Allowances display

greater price discovery than project-based allowances.

Our results show that the most traded futures contract in the EU ETS, the December expiry

Intercontinental Exchange European Union Allowance futures, is the source of price discovery.

This is unsurprising given this security has the least trading cost, provides market participants with

leverage and is not a project-based allowance. Unlike prior studies, we examine what factors drive

price discovery, with the results showing that low trading cost appears to be the most important

determinant. This is consistent with much of the literature concerning other markets3. The results on

market segmentation are mixed, while leverage is shown to be relatively unimportant.

Section 2.1 provides an introduction to the EU ETS, explains the differences in allowance types

and why these may constitute a segmentation of the market, and describes how problems with the

implementation phase of the EU ETS justify focusing on the second phase. Section 2.2 details the

construction of intraday return series, provides descriptive statistics and tests for autocorrelation,

stationarity and cointegration. The methodology employed is discussed in Section 2.3, with

reference to common methodologies used in prior literature on price discovery. The final regression

specification is a compromise between using leading, lagging and contemporaneous returns to

assess price discovery and the use of Vector Error Correction Models. Section 2.4 presents the

results of the regression analysis and attempts to distinguish between the relative strength of the

three hypotheses using measures of goodness of fit and the overall significance of the regression

coefficients. Hasbrouck‘s (1995) information shares are also calculated for robustness and to

establish which security makes the greatest contribution to long-run price equilibrium. Section 2.5


3 See, for example, Fleming, Ostdiek and Whaley (1996) for evidence on US stocks, stock indices and stock

derivatives, Booth, So and Tse (1999) for evidence from Germany and Hsieh, Lee and Yuan (2008) for

evidence from Taiwan.

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2.1 A Brief Introduction to the EU ETS

Since 2005, the EU has operated an emissions trading system to assist in achieving its commitment

to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The EU ETS is a cap and trade system in which the quantity of

emissions that the EU‘s large polluters emit is capped and set by the European Commission. The

emission cap is lowered through time to meet emission reduction targets agreed internationally

under the Kyoto Protocol (the cap decreases annually by approximately 1.74 per cent). Polluters are

allocated allowances, either free or via auctions, which they surrender annually against their

assessed emissions. Where they have a surplus or deficit of allowances relative to their actual

emissions, polluters can trade with other institutions in the EU ETS either in bilateral over-the-

counter (OTC) transactions or in organized spot, futures and option markets facilitated by almost a

dozen exchanges. By making the right to pollute increasingly scarce, the market mechanism should

allocate emission rights to those with the highest value in continuing to pollute; those polluters for

whom the cost of reducing their emissions by other means is highest4,5


2.1.1 Emission Allowances

Three types of allowances can be used by polluters in the EU ETS: European Union

Allowances (EUAs), Certified Emission Reductions (CERs), and Emission Reduction Units

(ERUs). When surrendered, each allowance acts as abatement for emitting 1 metric tonne of carbon

dioxide (CO2) or the equivalent amount of another greenhouse gas into the atmosphere6.

4 The EU ETS covers approximately 11,000 European installations owned by around 5,000 companies (World

Bank, 2010). According to the European Commission (2008), these installations account for approximately

half of Europe‘s CO2 emissions and 40 per cent of Europe‘s total greenhouse gas emissions. Only a handful of

countries outside the EU have implemented compulsory emissions trading systems, such that the EU ETS

accounted for 97 per cent of the global emissions market by value in 2010 (World Bank, 2011).

5 See Hepburn (2006) and Stern (2006) on the efficacy of a carbon trading system versus taxes or mixed


6 Stern (2006, p.198) discusses how the global warming potential—the radiative forcing and lifespan—of

other greenhouse gases is used to calculate their carbon dioxide equivalence (termed CO2e). This metric

allows the global warming impact of different gases to be compared and, for the purposes of an ETS, gives an

exchange standard for compliance. For example, methane has 23 times the global warming potential of carbon

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EUAs are the most common allowance type in the EU ETS and are allocated or auctioned by

governments to Europe‘s large polluters. These allowances are designed to be perfectly fungible

with the standard metric of emissions under the Kyoto protocol, the Assigned Amount Unit (AAU),

and are also fungible with CERs and ERUs, which are the Kyoto Protocol‘s project-generated


The mechanisms for creating CERs and ERUs are designed to promote cross-border investment

in emission reduction and the transfer of clean technologies between countries. CERs are essentially

allowances generated when developed country organisations undertake emission reduction projects

located in developing countries. They are validated by the executive board of the Clean

Development Mechanism (CDM) under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate

Change (UNFCCC). ERUs are similar to CERs but they are generated by a developed country

organisation undertaking an emission reduction project in another developed country and, as such,

they are termed Joint Implementation (JI) projects by the UNFCCC7. The majority of CERs come

from projects undertaken in China and India and, while far fewer ERUs have been created, those

that trade in the EU ETS mainly come from projects in Russia and the former Eastern Bloc

countries. Both types of project-based allowances trade in the EU ETS on the basis that, in terms of

the global warming effects, it is irrelevant where greenhouse gases are emitted. In accordance with

this, the European Commission established the EU Linking Directive to allow CERs and ERUs to

be surrendered by European polluters such that it encourages emission reduction schemes to be

undertaken in whatever part of the world in which such schemes are most cost effective. A number

of limitations apply to the use of these project-based allowances. The EU Linking Directive gives

member governments discretion over whether to cap the percentage of CERs and ERUs that can be

dioxide over a 100 year timeframe and therefore 23 allowances would have to be surrendered per metric tonne

of methane emitted.

7 There are several other subtle differences between CERs and ERUs. For example, when two developed

countries are involved in a JI project, they have both agreed to binding emission caps under the Kyoto

Protocol and so the project doesn‘t lead to the creation of new allowances, but rather existing AAUs

belonging to the project‘s host country are converted into ERUs which are then given to the organisation

undertaking the project. For more information on the distinguishing features of these project based

allowances, see the UNFCCC (http://unfccc.int/2860.php).

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surrendered for compliance purposes by installations in their jurisdictions (European Commission,

2004). Many governments have chosen to impose such limits amid concerns that a large, externally-

generated supply of CERs and ERUs could flood the market and remove incentives for domestic

installations to take direct action to reduce emissions themselves. The average annual limit across

the EU ETS on the surrendering of project-based allowances is approximately 13.4 per cent8.

The European Commission also excludes particular types of CERs and ERUs from being

surrendered for compliance. The exclusion of certain allowance types is mainly due to concerns

about the methodologies used in calculating the future emission reductions stemming from

particular project types, but others are excluded on the basis of a project potentially having

counterproductive environmental impacts9. Examples of excluded allowances include those

generated by projects for land use, land use change and forestry, projects that involve moving from

fossil fuel to nuclear power generation and specific large hydroelectricity projects10

. From April

2013 onwards, projects reducing certain industrial gases, such as hydro fluorocarbons (HFCs) and

nitrous oxide (N2O), will also be excluded. This will rule out the use of 52 per cent of the CERs

currently in existence (European Commission, 2010). In addition, because some developing

countries are seen as frustrating attempts to reach a successor agreement to the Kyoto Protocol,

from 2013 the European Commission will also restrict the use of newly created CERs to be only

those originating from projects in Less Developed Countries (LDCs) unless a successor agreement

to Kyoto is subsequently reached11


Although eligible CERs and ERUs have exactly the same compliance value to a European

polluter in abating emissions as EUAs, the limitations and uncertainties surrounding their use mean

8See Mansanet-Bataller, Chevallier, Hervé-Mignucci and Alberola (2011).

9 For example, HFC-23, a by-product of making the refrigerant gas HCFC-22, has a global warming potential

11,700 times higher than CO2. Its destruction can be accomplished at a cost of as little as €0.17 per tonne.

This creates an incentive for existing installations in China and India to make more refrigerators containing

HCFC-22 just so the by-product can be destroyed in exchange for CERs worth €7.00 – €15.00 per tonne of

CO2e (European Commission, 2010).

10 European Commission website: http://ec.europa.eu/clima/policies/ets/linking_en.htm.

11 LDCs are defined as 33 African countries, 14 Asian countries and Haiti, few of which currently have any

emission reduction projects. The definition of developing countries is much broader (See the Economic and

Social Council of the United Nations: http://www.unohrlls.org/).

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that they trade at a substantial discount (see Chart 2.1). As such, the market for emission allowances

may in fact be segmented along these lines. Traders utilising new information pertinent to all

emission allowances, such as energy prices, levels of industrial production in the EU or the effects

of weather on electricity demand, may be more inclined to trade EUAs than the project-based

allowances. This Market Segmentation Hypothesis is examined alongside the relative effects of

trading cost and leverage on price discovery.

As this study analyses trading of CERs and ERUs (along with EUAs), the focus is on the

secondary market. Primary market CER and ERU prices are typically even lower than in the

secondary market. This is because primary sales are often negotiated years in advance to secure

project funding and because buyers typically demand a discount given the risk that a project may

not meet the European Commission‘s compliance standards by the time the allowances are created.

2.1.2 Phases

The EU ETS has been implemented over three phases, with the first two timed to coincide with

the first implementation period agreed under the Kyoto Protocol. Phase 1 of the system ran from the

start of 2005 to the end of 2007. Designed to allow large polluters to ease into the new

arrangements, Phase 1 saw all of the emission allowances allocated free of charge to polluters.

From late April 2006, it became apparent that the assessed quantity of actual emissions by Europe‘s

large polluters was lower than the amount that had been allocated (i.e. the level of the cap). As

polluters were not permitted to bank allowances allocated during Phase 1 for use in later phases of

the EU ETS, the price of allowances began a descent towards zero in the months after the April

2006 emissions assessment (see Chart 2.1)12,13



Poland and France were exceptions to this, allowing very limited banking of Phase 1 allowances for later


13 Other problems encountered in Phase 1 included legal action taken by the European Commission against

Poland and Estonia for overestimating their emissions—and thus increasing their national allocation of

allowances to the benefit of their polluting industries—and suspicions that the market was being used by

criminal syndicates for money laundering.

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Chart 2.1

EUA and CER Prices

Last trade prices are sourced from Thomson Reuters Tick History sampled over 60-minute intervals between 2 May 2005 and 29 April 2011.

EUA and CER prices are December expiration annually maturing futures contract prices from Intercontinental Exchange in €/tCO2e.

















May-05 May-06 May-07 May-08 May-09 May-10

EUA Price CER Price

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

April 2006:

Over-allocation becomes apparent

March 2010: Hungarian CER


January 2011:

Allowance TheftsMid-2009: Several countries

take action against VAT fraud

Phase 1 Phase 2

Page 19: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


Phase 2, which will continue until the end of 2012, still largely involves the free allocation of

EUAs, but auctioning by several countries has progressively increased14

. With the deepening of the

financial crisis in late 2008, expectations of a slowdown in industrial production depressed

allowance prices amid fears that, similar to Phase 1, emissions would be well below the system cap.

However, the ability to bank EUAs from Phase 2 for use in future compliance periods ensured that

the price level of allowances did not collapse to zero. Despite this improvement, Phase 2 has been

subject to several problems, including Value Added Tax (VAT) fraud, CER recycling and

allowance thefts from national registries.

In mid-2009, significant VAT fraud was exposed in the allowance spot market. The fraud

involved buying allowances from counterparties in a country that did not include VAT in the

settlement price, but rather invoiced the buyer asking for payment 1 to 3 months later, then

simultaneously selling the allowances in a country that did include VAT in the settlement price and

then disappearing before the invoice for the VAT on the purchase was due to be paid15

. The

exposure of this fraud was the catalyst for several countries changing their tax codes (World Bank,


In March 2010, CERs surrendered by Hungarian companies in abatement of their emissions

found their way from the Hungarian national registry back into the BlueNext spot market. Instead of

retiring the CERs after they were surrendered, the Hungarian Ministry of Environment and Water

resold them to Hungarian Energy and Power, supposedly with the caveat that the buyer

acknowledged that they were ineligible for further use in the EU ETS (see The Economist, 2010,

and The World Bank, 2010). Japanese firms were reported to have subsequently offered them for

sale on BlueNext without any stipulation that they were ineligible in the EU ETS. As a result

BlueNext was closed from 17 to 19 March 2010 while more stringent checks were put in place by


Auctioning by Germany averages 9 per cent, the United Kingdom 7 per cent, the Netherlands 4 per cent and

1 per cent for both Austria and Ireland, according to the European Commission‘s website:


15 Spot market allowance trades are subject to VAT in several countries, which define them as goods, whereas

futures and options are exempt on the basis that they are financial transactions.

Page 20: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


the exchanges, and governments moved to introduce stricter rules to prevent double counting of


On 19 January 2011, as a result of several reports of allowance thefts from national registries,

the European Commission announced a shutdown of spot markets for a minimum of two weeks or

until the registries were able to put better security systems in place. The thefts amounted to around

3 million allowances worth approximately €45 million from the national registries of Austria, the

Czech Republic and Greece (The Economist, 2011).

During Phase 3, which will run from the start of 2013 to the end of 2020, the EU ETS will

steadily move towards auctioning the majority of EUAs16

. It is expected that free allocations will

diminish from 80 per cent to 30 per cent of issued allowances by 2020. An exception will be made

for companies in trade exposed industries, such as cement and steel making, which will still receive

allocations for free so as to prevent the movement of these types of installations to countries not

subject to emission restrictions (thus preventing what is called ‗carbon leakage‘).

The next section describes the data used to study price discovery in the EU ETS. Due to the

collapse of prices during Phase 1 and the fact that CERs and ERUs were not accepted for

compliance during Phase 1, the analysis concentrates on Phase 2.

2.2 Data

This section describes the construction of intraday return time series for the most traded securities

in the EU ETS. Initially, the main exchanges and securities are identified, with the most traded of

these selected for analysis. Thereafter, a common date range is established and a common intraday

window chosen. Two return series are constructed for each security over the chosen window: one

based on actual trade prices; and, another on prices from the mid-point of the bid-ask spread.

Finally, tests for serial correlation, stationarity and cointegration are performed.


The European Commission has decided to extend the EU ETS to Phase 3 even though an international

agreement extending the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol beyond 2012 has not been reached.

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2.2.1 Series Selection

The EU ETS is comprised of bilateral OTC trading as well as spot, futures and option trading of

allowances facilitated by exchanges. OTC trade price data are not available and, consequently, the

analysis necessarily focuses on trading facilitated by organized exchanges17

. Exchange trading of

emission allowances was originally conducted via specialist energy trading platforms that expanded

to encompass emission allowances with the advent of the EU ETS. However, consistent with the

increased consolidation of financial exchanges in the last decade, these emission exchanges are now

predominantly owned by large global exchange groups or consortiums of banks and brokers.

Table 2.1 lists the nine exchanges that have facilitated trade in EU ETS securities during Phase 2

together with the security types traded on each.

Hereafter, the securities listed in Table 2.1 will be referred to using a three letter abbreviation

corresponding to the exchange on which they are traded, followed by the unit type (EUA, CER or

ERU) and then the security type (spot, futures or options). For example, the EUA futures contract

traded on the Intercontinental Exchange is termed the ‗ICE EUA Futures‘ series and the CERs

traded spot on BlueNext are termed the ‗BNX CER Spot‘ series.

Price discovery is unlikely to take place in the use of securities for which there is little trade

activity. As such, our initial focus is on identifying the most traded securities by volume in the EU

ETS. To assess this, trade and quote data are sourced from Thomson Reuters Tick History. While

spot data series are easily constructed, futures series require combinations of contracts with

different expiration dates. Although most exchanges offer allowance futures contracts with a variety

of expiration frequencies, in the EU ETS trade volume is invariably concentrated in the annually

expiring futures. In light of this, our analysis is focused on these contracts.


The OTC market allows participants to trade smaller parcels of allowances than the standard 1,000 tCO2e

minimum trade size of most exchange-traded securities. According to the World Bank (2010), approximately

70-80 per cent of trade took place on an OTC basis during Phase 1, but this has since decreased to less than 50

per cent in Phase 2. Much of the remaining OTC trading is now cleared by the exchanges as market

participants seek greater transparency amidst incidents like the CER recycling described in the previous


Page 22: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


Table 2.1

Exchanges the in EU ETS

Information regarding the exchanges is sourced from their respective websites. Where there have been name

changes, these have been noted, with details of consolidation between exchanges gathered from press releases

issued by the exchanges.

When studying price discovery using frequent intraday price and quote observations it is

optimal to analyse changes in the prices or limit orders of tradable securities, rather than

synthetically created securities or indices. For this reason, futures chain series are not used as these

involve blending prices of overlapping expirations when the front contract approaches its maturity

date. Instead we use series that involve the use of the front annual expiry futures contract up until

the start of its expiration month, after which point the next closest annual expiry series is used18



Although the delivery window on emission allowances is typically only the last trading day, moving to the

next maturing contract approximately two weeks prior to maturity fits roughly with the behaviour of market

participants as futures traders typically roll into the new front contract prior to hitting the delivery date or

window. The efficacy of constructing a single futures series in this way is supported by the pattern of

declining trade volumes in front contracts in their final days before expiration and the increasing volume in

the next-to-front contract in these periods. This is the approach taken by Bessembinder (1992) in futures

series construction, though Carchano and Pardo (2009) point out that there is unlikely to be a significant

difference in results when series are constructed by rolling into the next contract at the start of the delivery

month or by rolling at the delivery date.

Exchange Name Abbreviation Primary Location EU ETS Security Types

BlueNext BNX Paris EUA Spot/Futures

- formerly PowerNext CER Spot/Futures

ERU Spot

Climex CLX Utrecht EUA Spot

- closed in 2010 CER Spot

Energy Exchange Austria EXA Vienna EUA Spot

European Energy Exchange EEX Leipzig EUA Spot/Futures/Options

CER Futures

Green Exchange GRX Chicago EUA Spot/Futures/Options

CER Futures/Options

Greenmarket Exchange GMX Munich EUA Spot

CER Spot

Intercontinental Exchange ICE London EUA Spot/Futures/Options

- formerly European Climate Exchange (ECX) CER Spot/Futures/Options

Multi Commodity Exchange MCX Mumbai EUA Futures

CER Futures

NASDAQ OMX Europe NOX Oslo EUA Spot/Futures/Options

- formerly Nord Pool CER Spot/Futures/Options

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Table 2.2 shows the various EU ETS securities ranked by average trade volume and also

includes the dates during Phase 2 for which there is intraday trade and quote data available.

Initially, the first eight securities are selected for further analysis. Although this cut-off is somewhat

arbitrary, it is a relatively conservative choice considering the thin trading in some of the securities

included. Moreover, trading volume falls away sharply after this cut-off. The Thomson Reuters

trade and quote data were filtered to remove missing, zero and erroneous prices.

The common overlapping range of dates for which data is available for all eight series is too

short for meaningful analysis19

. As such, the selection is further reduced to seven series by the

removal of the GRX EUA Futures series for which only a relatively short sample of price, quote

and volume data is available (4 August 2010 to 29 April 2011)20

. With this series removed, the

sample date range for the analysis is set as the overlapping window starting on 1 July 2009 and

ending 30 December 201021


Holiday calendars have been examined for the four exchanges with dates removed from the

time series where one or more of the exchanges are closed. The three days from 17 to 19 March

2010 have been removed due to the closure of BlueNext following the Hungarian CER recycling

incident. Four days have also been removed where, though unexplained, one or more exchanges had

no trade or quote data. The sample thus contains 376 trading days over an 18-month window.


Many exchanges only introduced securities well after the start of Phase 2. These delayed introductions are

not surprising given the financial crisis and the impact of over-allocation of allowances in Phase 1, which

likely motivated exchanges to wait and see whether the reported emissions in April 2008 were above or below

the system cap. Likewise, having been launched, some securities failed to attract much interest and were

subsequently abandoned. In particular, a number of spot securities never reopened for trade after the European

Commission‘s two-week shutdown of the spot market following allowance thefts from national registries

starting 19 January 2011.

20 It should also be noted that these contracts hardly traded before 2011 anyway. Although in Table 2.2 the

GRX EUA Futures appear to have the fifth largest trade volume, there was hardly any trade in this security

until after the spot market closure in January 2011 when spot market participants were forced to seek out

derivative securities to manage their exposures. On average the GRX EUA Futures only traded about once

every five days between 4 August 2010 and 30 December 2010.

21 It is possible to start the overlapping window earlier, with the introduction of ICE EUA Spot in

March 2009, but this security had very little trade volume in its first months. Likewise, it would be possible to

extend the analysis to 19 January 2011 but, to avoid any association with the allowance thefts,

30 December 2010 is the chosen end-date.

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Table 2.2

Trade Volume and Data Availability

Trade volume data is sourced from Thomson Reuters Tick History. Futures are annual expiration series.

Option volume data is aggregated across all strikes and option types (calls and puts). Trade volume is

measured in tCO2e, which are tonnes of carbon dioxide or an equivalent amount of another greenhouse gas.

The cut-off date for the analysis is 29 April 2011.

As well as a common overlapping range of dates, analysing price discovery requires the

assessment of the contemporaneity in price changes over a common overlapping intraday trading

Security Average Daily Volume

(000's tCO2e)

Average Monthly Volume

(000's tCO2e)

Data Availability (Phase 2)

ICE EUA Futures 5,459 114,497 2 Jan 08 - 29 Apr 11

BNX EUA Spot 2,400 49,162 20 Oct 08 - 29 Apr 11

ICE CER Futures 410 8,493 14 Mar 08 - 29 Apr 11

ICE EUA Spot 395 8,023 13 Mar 09 - 19 Jan 11

GRX EUA Futures 292 6,009 4 Aug 10 - 29 Apr 11

EEX EUA Futures 210 4,411 2 Jan 08 - 19 Jan 11

NOX EUA Futures 118 2,484 2 Jan 08 - 29 Apr 11

BNX CER Spot 85 1,749 20 Oct 08 - 29 Apr 11

MCX CER Futures 31 655 9 Jun 08 - 25 Feb 09

NOX CER Futures 29 605 2 Jan 08 - 29 Apr 11

NOX EUA Spot 22 470 2 Jan 08 - 29 Apr 11

ICE CER Spot 18 358 14 Mar 08 - 29 Apr 11

ICE EUA Options 7 146 19 Jan 09 - 29 Apr 11

BNX ERU Spot 7 130 3 Dec 10 - 29 Apr 11

MCX EUA Futures 3 62 21 Jan 08 - 13 Dec 08

GMX EUA Spot 2 37 20 Oct 09 - 30 Dec 10

GRX CER Futures 1 23 14 Jul 09 - 29 Apr 11

BNX EUA Futures 1 16 16 Oct 08 - 29 Apr 11

EEX CER Futures 1 14 26 Mar 08 - 29 Apr 11

EEX EUA Spot 0 7 22 Jan 09 - 29 Apr 11

NOX CER Spot 0 2 20 Nov 09 - 29 Apr 11

GMX CER Spot 0 1 20 Oct 09 - 30 Dec 10

EXA EUA Spot 0 0 22 Apr 08 - 21 Dec 10

GRX EUA Spot 0 0 14 Apr 11 - 29 Apr 11

BNX CER Futures 0 0 12 Oct 08 - 29 Apr 11

NOX EUA Options 0 0 7 Jun 10 - 29 Apr 11

EEX EUA Options 0 0 8 Apr 08 - 29 Apr 11

GRX EUA Options 0 0 7 May 10 - 29 Apr 11

NOX CER Options 0 0 7 Jun 10 - 29 Apr 11

ICE CER Options 0 0 12 Mar 08 - 29 Apr 11

GRX CER Options 0 0 7 May 10 - 29 Apr 11

Page 25: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery



. This window is set to accommodate the security with the shortest opening hours

throughout the sample, which is from 8:00am to 4:00pm GMT. Table 2.3 shows the percentage of

trades occurring at different hours of the day expressed in GMT, with the shaded area indicating the

chosen intraday window23

. This window encompasses at least 73 per cent of activity across the


Table 2.3

Trade Occurrence by Hour of the Day

Trade data sourced from Thomson Reuters Tick History. Shaded area contains the chosen intraday window

used in subsequent analysis. Percentages calculated over the 1 July 2009 to 30 December 2010 sample period.


The four different exchanges operate in two different time zones: Central European Time (CET) for BNX,

EEX and NOX; and, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) for ICE. It should be noted that the UK and Western

Europe both move in and out of daylight saving simultaneously and so, even though this varies their GMT

opening hours, it does not affect the contemporaneity of the analysis when time is measured in GMT.

23 Although it appears that a common overlapping window could be set from 6:00am to 5:00pm GMT, this is

not the common window across the entire sample period as some exchanges only increased their trading hours

as the EU ETS developed. EEX EUA Futures has the shortest intraday window in the early months of the

sample, with its first trades usually after 7:00am GMT and last trades typically just prior to 4:00pm GMT.

Time (GMT)















0:00 - 1:00 0% 0% 0% 1% 0% 0% 0%

1:00 - 2:00 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

2:00 - 3:00 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

3:00 - 4:00 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

4:00 - 5:00 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

5:00 - 6:00 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

6:00 - 7:00 6% 1% 9% 1% 3% 5% 1%

7:00 - 8:00 11% 5% 12% 4% 9% 11% 4%

8:00 - 9:00 11% 10% 10% 9% 11% 11% 9%

9:00 - 10:00 10% 13% 11% 9% 9% 8% 11%

10:00 - 11:00 8% 12% 7% 9% 7% 7% 9%

11:00 - 12:00 7% 11% 7% 9% 7% 7% 8%

12:00 - 13:00 8% 11% 8% 11% 9% 8% 9%

13:00 - 14:00 10% 11% 9% 12% 11% 10% 10%

14:00 - 15:00 11% 12% 10% 13% 12% 12% 14%

15:00 - 16:00 12% 10% 11% 12% 13% 11% 14%

16:00 - 17:00 5% 2% 5% 6% 8% 7% 3%

17:00 - 18:00 0% 0% 0% 1% 1% 3% 1%

18:00 - 19:00 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

19:00 - 20:00 0% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 6%

20:00 - 21:00 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

21:00 - 22:00 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

22:00 - 23:00 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

23:00 - 24:00 0% 0% 0% 1% 0% 0% 0%

Per cent Within Window 77% 91% 74% 84% 79% 73% 85%

Page 26: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


In sum, the final sample includes seven of the eight most traded securities in Phase 2 of the EU

ETS, runs for 376 days from 1 July 2009 to 30 December 2010 and contains intraday prices

between 8:00am and 4:00pm GMT for each trading day.

2.2.2 Measures of Trading Cost

Assessing the strengths of the trading cost hypothesis necessitates measures of trading cost for

each security. The explicit cost of transacting in the EU ETS involves brokerage and clearing fees.

Like most brokerage arrangements, the amount of brokerage a market participant pays depends

upon their particular relationship to their broker and so cannot be directly assessed, though these are

likely to be small compared to the implicit costs of trading24

. Although a number of metrics could

be used to measure implicit trading costs such as those describing the market impact of trades, or

market depth and breadth, we employ the most commonly used measure of implicit trading costs in

the finance literature namely the bid-ask spread. Although what drives the size of the bid-ask

spread is interesting, for this study it is sufficient simply to measure the spread so that the actual

cost faced by traders can be used in evaluating whether trading costs dictate a preference to trade

particular securities25

. The spread is calculated as the ask price minus the bid price.

Table 2.4 ranks the instruments by the average size of the bid-ask spread sampled at 5-minute

intervals over the 1 July 2009 to 30 December 2010 period. Consistent with our expectations, the

seven securities are ranked in essentially the same order as that dictated by trade volume. Only the

ranking of the ICE CER Futures and ICE EUA Spot series switch places when ranking by implicit

trading cost, but it should be noted that these securities have fairly similar trade volumes. Ordering


The costs faced by brokers can be assessed. According to information provided by the exchanges, clearing

fees are typically between €0.003 and €0.010 per allowance (or €3 to €10 per 1,000 tCO2e trade lot). The

exchanges charge brokers different clearing fees depending on their level of membership on a particular

exchange and these fees are often comprised of fixed components per trade as well as variable, volume based


25 There is a large literature examining different aspects of the bid-ask spread, from Demsetz (1968) to the

multitude of market microstructure papers since Copeland and Galai (1983) and Glosten and Milgrom (1985)

steered the focus toward the informational aspects of the spread. Although dissecting the spread into

components representing not just the inventory costs but also adverse selection costs in the presence of

informed traders is interesting, it is beyond the scope of this paper.

Page 27: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


by spread gives the ranking of price discovery that would be expected if the Trading Cost

Hypothesis is a better explanation of what motivates traders to use particular instruments26


Table 2.4

Bid-Ask Spread, Trade Volume and Expected Ordinal Ranking by Hypothesis

Trade and quote data sourced from Thomson Reuters Tick History. Average bid-ask spread measured using

intraday price data sampled at a 5-minute frequency. All data measured over the 1 July 2009 to

30 December 2010 sample period. Note that the average daily volume data differs slightly from that reported

in Table 2.2 as this is now measured over the common sample period rather than over the securities‘

individual periods of data availability.

2.2.3 Return Series Construction

The arrival of new information may prompt market participants to respond by executing market

orders or by altering existing limit orders. The execution of market orders is also likely to affect the

limit order book insomuch as best bid or ask limit orders are partially or completely filled by these

trades. Both of these aspects of information arrival are examined by the creation of two types of

return series. More specifically, the first measure uses the last trade prices over a given interval,

while the second is created from changes in the mid-point of the bid-ask spread. In each case,

continuously compounded returns are calculated by taking log first differences in price levels.


On the other hand, if the Leverage Hypothesis is the better explanation, it would be expected that the

futures instruments would display greater price discovery than the spot instruments and, inasmuch as trading

cost is a secondary consideration, price discovery would follow the ranking given in the second last column of

Table 2.4. Finally, the rankings in the last column would be those expected under the Market Segmentation

Hypothesis, again with trading cost as the secondary determinant.

Average Average Average Price Price Price

Daily Daily Bid-Ask Discovery Discovery Discovery

Volume Volume Spread Ranked by Ranked by Ranked by

Security (000's tCO2e) (% of total) (€/tCO2e) Trading Cost Leverage Segmentation

ICE EUA Futures 6,772 71.10% 0.025 1 1 1

BNX EUA Spot 1,362 14.30% 0.055 2 5 2

ICE EUA Spot 448 4.70% 0.065 3 6 3

ICE CER Futures 518 5.44% 0.078 4 2 6

EEX EUA Futures 263 2.76% 0.081 5 3 4

BNX CER Spot 88 0.92% 0.122 6 7 7

NOX EUA Futures 74 0.78% 0.282 7 4 5

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Bid and ask prices change with greater frequency than trades occur, giving the Mid Point return

series more non-zero return observations. Table 2.5 displays the percentage of intraday time

intervals without a price change (zero returns) for both types of return series.

Table 2.5

Percentage of Zero Returns

Returns calculated from trade and quote data sourced from Thomson Reuters Tick History. The zero returns

are the intraday intervals over which prices were unchanged. The number of these incidences are summed and

expressed as a percentage of the total number of intraday intervals in the sample period from 1 July 2009 to

30 December 2010.

Due to both the infrequency of trading when assessed over 1-minute intervals and the declining

ability to detect differences in price discovery over longer time intervals, much of the analysis

focuses on the 5-minute time series. Where there are notable differences in the analysis for the other

series, these differences are reported. For the 5-minute time series, there are 97 intraday return

observations for each of the 376 trading days, which gives a total of 36,472 observations in the

sample. Descriptive statistics for the 5-minute return time series are displayed in Table 2.6.

Large return observations have been investigated. Returns that appeared to be generated by

miss-reported prices were removed from the data, such as where it appeared that the trade volume

was reported in the price field27

. As shown in the maximum and minimum returns in Table 2.6,

some large return observations remain for the EEX EUA Futures Last Trade return series and the

BNX CER Spot Mid Point return series that appear out of line with the maximum and minimum

returns for the other securities. These returns were kept as they stem from infrequent trading and


This led to the further removal of three return observations from the Last Trade NOX EUA Futures series

and one each from the ICE CER Futures, EEX EUA Futures and BNX CER Spot.

Security 60-min 10-min 5-min 1-min 60-min 10-min 5-min 1-min

ICE EUA Futures 7% 22% 36% 72% 3% 12% 21% 53%

BNX EUA Spot 14% 54% 70% 92% 4% 15% 26% 60%

ICE EUA Spot 30% 76% 86% 97% 4% 16% 28% 61%

ICE CER Futures 29% 75% 86% 97% 5% 24% 37% 69%

EEX EUA Futures 60% 89% 94% 99% 10% 25% 35% 66%

BNX CER Spot 65% 92% 96% 99% 7% 32% 46% 74%

NOX EUA Futures 58% 90% 95% 99% 30% 66% 78% 94%

Panel B: Mid Point Return SeriesPanel A: Last Trade Return Series

Page 29: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


genuine illiquidity driving large changes in the bid-ask spread28

. Consistent with Table 2.5, the

inter-quartile return observations also illustrate the infrequent trading, especially in the Last Trade

return series, where most of the 25th and 75

th percentile returns are zero, indicating that less than 50

per cent of the intervals in these series had observed price changes. This provides further

justification for the use of the Mid Point return series.

Table 2.6

Descriptive Statistics

Returns calculated from trade and quote data sourced from Thomson Reuters Tick History. Descriptive

statistics for each series are calculated for 36,472 return observations over the 1 July 2009 to

30 December 2010 sample period.

2.2.4 Serial Correlation

Serial correlation is often a problem for statistical analysis involving financial time series data.

Research in this area going back to Niederhoffer and Osborne (1966), Blume and Stambaugh


As a precaution, some of the analysis was conducted with these large observations removed but this had a

negligible effect on the results.

Panel A:















Mean 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

Standard Deviation 0.0019 0.0018 0.0018 0.0019 0.0021 0.0017 0.0022

Skewness -0.73 -0.72 -0.90 -0.42 2.28 -1.37 -0.47

Kurtosis 52.16 85.16 95.44 77.85 708.81 238.28 388.03

Maximum 0.0314 0.0350 0.0454 0.0401 0.1126 0.0452 0.0749


Percentile 0.0007 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000


Percentile -0.0007 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

Minimum -0.0614 -0.0616 -0.0571 -0.0610 -0.0820 -0.0732 -0.0755

Panel B:















Mean 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

Standard Deviation 0.0016 0.0017 0.0017 0.0018 0.0017 0.0023 0.0032

Skewness -1.40 0.34 -1.22 -0.42 -1.27 2.30 -0.37

Kurtosis 100.86 122.75 94.69 79.20 157.22 320.10 78.18

Maximum 0.0317 0.0445 0.0291 0.0437 0.0393 0.1150 0.0587


Percentile 0.0006 0.0004 0.0004 0.0004 0.0004 0.0004 0.0000


Percentile -0.0004 -0.0004 -0.0004 -0.0004 -0.0004 -0.0004 0.0000

Minimum -0.0625 -0.0609 -0.0620 -0.0534 -0.0668 -0.0715 -0.0749

Last Trade Return Series

Mid Point Return Series

Page 30: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


(1983) and Roll (1984) attributes the negative serial correlation observed in many financial time

series to bid-ask bounce or thin trading. Both of these factors may contribute to serial correlation in

the return series for the EU ETS securities. Table 2.7 contains autocorrelation coefficients ( ji )

for the 5-minute Last Trade and Mid Point return series out to 10 lags29


Table 2.7

Autocorrelation Functions

Returns calculated from trade and quote data sourced from Thomson Reuters Tick History. Autocorrelation

functions estimated over the 1 July 2009 to 30 December 2010 sample period.

29 Coefficients calculated as per:












i 2

1 1








tRT 1


Panel A:

ρ1 ρ2 ρ3 ρ4 ρ5 ρ6 ρ7 ρ8 ρ9 ρ10

ICE EUA Futures -0.0571 -0.0360 -0.0089 -0.0039 0.0019 -0.0055 0.0042 0.0009 0.0073 0.0027

BNX EUA Spot 0.0203 0.0064 0.0023 -0.0137 -0.0022 -0.0094 -0.0106 0.0063 -0.0058 -0.0020

ICE EUA Spot 0.0009 0.0107 0.0042 0.0041 -0.0028 0.0044 -0.0031 0.0012 0.0132 0.0021

ICE CER Futures -0.0164 -0.0154 -0.0130 -0.0069 -0.0017 -0.0002 -0.0030 0.0088 -0.0006 -0.0076

EEX EUA Futures -0.0100 0.0122 0.0061 -0.0004 0.0032 -0.0054 0.0019 -0.0007 -0.0032 -0.0026

BNX CER Spot 0.0052 0.0074 0.0010 -0.0015 0.0008 -0.0003 -0.0005 0.0124 -0.0006 0.0065

NOX EUA Futures 0.0030 0.0006 -0.0219 0.0010 -0.0115 0.0066 -0.0289 -0.0008 0.0030 0.0048

Panel B:

ρ1 ρ2 ρ3 ρ4 ρ5 ρ6 ρ7 ρ8 ρ9 ρ10

ICE EUA Futures 0.0288 -0.0031 -0.0039 0.0102 0.0094 -0.0042 0.0090 0.0000 0.0104 -0.0048

BNX EUA Spot -0.0130 0.0083 0.0035 0.0065 0.0075 -0.0107 -0.0149 0.0011 0.0055 -0.0014

ICE EUA Spot 0.0122 0.0056 0.0008 0.0070 0.0090 0.0040 -0.0064 0.0077 0.0018 0.0037

ICE CER Futures -0.0543 -0.0071 -0.0049 -0.0052 0.0092 0.0015 -0.0011 0.0085 0.0111 -0.0009

EEX EUA Futures 0.0211 -0.0149 -0.0171 0.0087 0.0017 -0.0003 -0.0042 0.0032 0.0032 -0.0027

BNX CER Spot -0.1828 -0.0163 0.0217 -0.0561 0.0614 -0.0420 -0.0194 -0.0018 0.0132 -0.0046

NOX EUA Futures -0.1145 -0.0446 -0.0373 -0.0174 -0.0082 -0.0060 -0.0152 0.0030 -0.0140 0.0000

Mid Point Return Series

Last Trade Return Series

Page 31: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


In order to test the overall significance of this serial correlation, joint test statistics are

calculated applying the weighting methodology in Richardson and Smith (1994) to the random walk

tests of Fama and French (1988) and Lo and MacKinlay (1988). Box and Pierce (1970) Q-statistics

are also calculated30

. In representing the Fama and French (1988) regression beta statistics and the

Lo and MacKinlay (1988) variance ratios, weights ( iD ) are applied to the autocorrelation

coefficients ( ji ). For the regression beta statistics, the intermediate autocorrelation coefficients

are more heavily weighted, while for the variance ratio the weights decline monotonically over

successive coefficients31

. Richardson and Smith (1994) use Hansen‘s (1982) result to show that the

asymptotic distribution of the estimated autocorrelation coefficients ( j ) is given by:


lk ,0~ˆˆˆ


Statistics are created from the sum of the weighted coefficients:

jDjD i



i ˆˆ1


Using (2.1) and (2.2) and the fact that linear combinations of normal distributions are also

normal, 2 test statistics are created as per:







Given the very large sample size (T ), Box-Pierce (1970) and Ljung-Box (1978) Q-statistics are practically

identical and so the choice of Box-Pierce (1970) is largely arbitrary. Test statistics calculated by:



ji jTQ1



31 Weights are: 1iD

for the Box and Pierce (1970) Q-statistics, jijiDi 2,min for Fama and French

(1988) and: jijDi /2 for Lo and MacKinlay (1988), where the total number of autocorrelation

coefficients ( i ), is 10j for the Q and variance ratio statistics, but 9j for the regression beta statistics,

which require an odd number of lags to create the heaviest weighting on the central coefficient.

Page 32: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


Depending on the test, Table 2.8 shows several series have statistically significant serial

correlation under the joint tests. Richardson and Smith (1994) conclude that tests utilizing declining

weights are more powerful against an alternative hypothesis of mean reversion. The variance ratio

tests fit this description. For the Last Trade return series, the variance ratio tests show the greatest

serial correlation in the ICE EUA Futures, which from Table 2.7 appears largely driven by the

negative first and second lag autocorrelation coefficients. Given the heavy trading of this security,

this result is likely symptomatic of bid-ask bounce. For the Mid Point return series, the variance

ratios also indicate serial correlation in BNX CER Spot and NOX EUA Futures. In accordance with

Table 2.7 showing strong autocorrelation at the first lag, the serial correlation in these securities‘

returns is likely induced by their being thinly traded.

Table 2.8

Joint Serial Correlation Tests

Weighted autocorrelation coefficient estimates ( jD ) and2 test statistics calculated as per the unified

approach in Richardson and Smith (1994). * and ** denote significance at the 5 and 1 per cent levels against 2 critical values with 9 degrees of freedom for Fama and French (1988) beta statistics and 10 degrees of

freedom for the Box and Pierce (1970) Q-statistics and the Lo and MacKinlay (1988) variance ratios.

Given the small magnitude of the coefficients in Table 2.7, the serial correlation evident from

the tests reported in Table 2.8 is unlikely to have a large impact on the regressions undertaken in

assessing price discovery. Nevertheless, to deal with bias induced by this serial correlation, the

Q-statistic Beta Statistic Variance Ratio Q-statistic Beta Statistic Variance Ratio

ICE EUA Futures 0.0048** -0.0324 -0.1757** 0.0013** 0.0239 0.0672

BNX EUA Spot 0.0009** -0.0177 0.0188 0.0007** -0.0004 -0.0059

ICE EUA Spot 0.0004 0.0122 0.0315 0.0004 0.0226 0.0522

ICE CER Futures 0.0009** -0.0230 -0.0809* 0.0033** -0.0054 -0.1068**

EEX EUA Futures 0.0004 0.0052 0.0074 0.0011** -0.0042 0.0015

BNX CER Spot 0.0003 0.0085 0.0259 0.0434** -0.0569** -0.3740**

NOX EUA Futures 0.0015** -0.0348 -0.0464 0.0173** -0.1008** -0.3743**

Panel A: Last Trade Return Series Panel B: Mid Point Return Series

Page 33: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


regressions are run using the Newey-West (1987) method for calculating standard errors in the

presence of potential heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation in residuals.

2.2.5 Stationarity and Cointegration

The Methodology section that follows describes two techniques to assess price discovery. One

of these methodologies, the calculation of Hasbrouck‘s (1995) information shares, requires that we

establish that the series examined are I(1) variables—non-stationary in log price levels (following a

random walk), but stationary in returns (mean reverting). Augmented Dickey-Fuller (1979) tests for

the stationarity of log price levels and returns for the 5-minute series are displayed in Table 2.9.

Table 2.9

Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test Statistics

Panel A displays Augmented Dickey-Fuller test statistics for the 5-minute Last Trade log price level and

return series. Panel B presents results for the Mid Point log price level and return series. The unit root tests

are run with a constant ( ) and 10 lags of differenced dependent variables as explanatory variables

( 10k ) as per:




jtt yyy



The dependent variables ( ty ) are alternately differenced log price levels and differenced returns. The test

statistic ˆˆtZ is for 0:0 H , where is the standard error of . * and ** denote

significance at the 5 and 1 per cent levels against critical values from Fuller (1996) of -2.86 and -3.43,


Panel A:















Levels -2.73 -2.72 -2.77 -2.55 -3.07* -3.29* -3.27*

Returns -58.35** -59.02** -56.66** -58.40** -57.61** -60.74** -61.76**

Panel B:















Levels -2.71 -2.62 -2.65 -2.37 -2.59 -2.69 -4.13**

Returns -56.66** -58.13** -56.77** -58.19** -58.24** -60.88** -61.88**

Last Trade Return Series

Mid Point Return Series

Page 34: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


The results in Table 2.9 clearly show that all the securities‘ returns are stationary as expected

and that most are non-stationary in price levels. NOX EUA Futures is the only exception which is

likely a result of a lack of variation stemming from its being the most thinly traded. Similar results

are obtained for the data sampled at other frequencies32


Cointegration tests are also conducted on the log price level series as these are utilised in the

calculation of the information shares. The securities are expected to be cointegrated as their prices

are driven by the value the same asset. Given the augmented Dickey-Fuller (1979) test results

showing NOX EUA Futures as stationary in log price levels, there may be only five cointegrating

relations between the seven securities rather than the six that would be expected if all variables were

non-stationary in levels. Table 2.10 details the results of conducting Johansen (1995) tests for the

number of cointegrating relations between the log price levels sampled at a 5-minute frequency.

The trace statistics displayed in Table 2.10 show that the null hypothesis of no more than five

cointegrating relations cannot be rejected at the 1 per cent level of significance. These results are

unchanged when alternative cointegration tests are conducted using maximum-eigenvalue statistics

and the minimisation of information criteria33

. The results are also the same at other sampling

frequencies, with the exception of the hourly data series, which indicate there are four cointegrating

relations in the Last Trade series and only two in the Mid Point data series. These results for the

hourly series are of little concern as the calculation of information shares is most appropriate on

higher frequency data in which there is likely to be less contemporaneous correlation between error

terms. As such the information share calculations displayed in the results section are based on the

1-minute sampling of log price levels.


These results are largely the same for different lag specifications in the independent variables (up to 40

lags) and are unchanged by alternatively running Phillips-Perron (1988) unit root tests of up to 40 lags.

33 These results are available from the author on request.

Page 35: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


Table 2.10

Cointegration Tests

The Johansen (1995) cointegration tests are run using a multivariate Vector Error Correction Model (VECM)

estimated by maximum likelihood with 10 lags ( 10n ) as explanatory variables to determine the number of

cointegrating relations ( r ) between the seven ( K ) variables:




itt εyΓyβαy




Dependent variables ( ty ) are a 1K vector of differenced log price levels sampled at 5-minute intervals

from 1 July 2009 to 30 December 2010; ity are lagged dependent variables; α andβ are rK

parameter matrices in which the number of cointegrating equations is less than the number of I(1) variables

( Kr ); 11 ,, pΓΓ are KK matrices of parameters; and, tε is a 1K vector of normally distributed

and serially uncorrelated error terms with contemporaneous covariance matrix Ω . The null hypothesis for the

trace statistic is that there are no more than r cointegrating relations (i.e. the eigenvalues Kr ,,1 are

zero). ** denotes the rank at which the null hypothesis cannot be rejected at the 1 per cent level of statistical


Maximum Rank Eigenvalue Trace Statistic Eigenvalue Trace Statistic

r ≤ 0 2,660.09 1,633.16 133.57

r ≤ 1 0.03266 1,446.28 0.01988 899.00 103.18

r ≤ 2 0.02108 667.31 0.01886 202.92 76.07

r ≤ 3 0.00955 316.31 0.00333 81.10 54.46

r ≤ 4 0.00501 132.74 0.00117 38.21 35.65

r ≤ 5 0.00325 13.75** 0.00079 9.23** 20.04

r ≤ 6 0.00023 5.37 0.00019 2.25 6.65

r ≤ 7 0.00015 0.00006

Panel A: Last Trade Series Panel B: Mid Point Series 1% Critical


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2.3 Methodology

This section describes the methodology employed to investigate price discovery. Common

approaches to assessing short-run dynamics and contemporaneity involve regressing returns of one

series against leading, lagging and contemporaneous returns of another or the use of Vector Error

Correction Models (VECMs), which have the added benefit of addressing cointegration in price

levels and serial correlation in the dependent variable. Our methodology is a mixture of these two

approaches, though for robustness we also calculate Hasbrouck‘s (1995) information shares in a

multivariate VECM framework, which measures the contribution of each security‘s variance to

innovations in the long-run equilibrium price common to them all.

2.3.1 Basic Regression Specification

If two securities are perfect substitutes for one another, or are identically affected by the same

information, their prices should change simultaneously in a frictionless market. Similarly, given

minimal short-term changes in carrying costs, the prices of derivative securities should

simultaneously change to reflect information regarding the value of underlying assets. In such

markets, a regression of the returns of one of these securities against leads, lags and the

contemporaneous returns of another would be expected to show a regression beta close to one on

the contemporaneous return observations and zero on the leading and lagging returns (assuming

there is no serial correlation in the returns).

However, where market frictions such as transaction costs exist, or where the market is

otherwise segmented in some respect, this contemporaneous relationship may be weaker and

aspects of the market frictions or segmentation may determine one instrument‘s use in preference to

another‘s. By way of example, under the Trading Cost Hypothesis, securities with lower trading

cost are preferred by traders seeking to profitably exploit new information and it would be expected

that the prices of these low trading cost securities would thus be impounded with new information

more quickly. As such, returns of the security with the lowest trading cost would, on average, be

Page 37: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


expected to lead those of higher trading cost securities. The same rationale could be applied to

preferences for leverage under the Leverage Hypothesis or the use of EUAs in preference to CERs

where limitations and uncertainty concerning the use of CERs segments the emission allowance

market (the Market Segmentation Hypothesis).

If only a small number of securities are examined, visual inspection will easily reveal whether

the leads have larger, more significant coefficients than the lags, making it straight forward to draw

conclusions about the relative strength and direction of price discovery between the securities34


This is largely the approach Stoll and Whaley (1990), Chan (1992) and Fleming et al. (1996) take in

looking at price discovery in stock indices and stock index derivatives. These models are broadly of

the following form35




ktA RR






As the number of instruments under examination increases, it is no longer practicable to

compare the bilateral regression results solely by visual inspection of the coefficients and their t-

statistics as it will likely become difficult to establish a distinct order in which securities have a

propensity to lead or lag others36

. Visual inspection is particularly problematic where there is not

perfect consistency in the order of these relationships. To deal with this problem, we want to use

measures of overall fit to describe the strength of the leading or lagging relationship. For each

dependent variable we then rank the independent variables in order of these measures of fit and

compare this to the order we would expect to find under the three hypotheses.


For example, if the number of securities ( n ) is three, they can be bilaterally compared by combining them

in only three different ways: 3)!!(!!)2,3(),( rnrnCrnC .

35 Although the specific models used in the cited literature differ in the number of leads and lags employed,

the model in (2.4) specifies 10k leads and lags, which allows for the assessment of price discovery of up to

50 minutes either side of the contemporaneous return when using data sampled over 5-minute intervals. The

choice of 10 lags is somewhat arbitrary, though it should be noted that by also running regressions on data

sampled at 1-minute, 10-minute and 60-minuite intervals we explore the appropriateness of this choice.

36 For example, comparing bilateral regressions of seven securities as per equation (2.4) requires comparing

21 different sets of lead, lag and contemporaneous coefficients: 21)!!(!!)2,7(),( rnrnCrnC .

Page 38: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


Given the widespread use of R-squared as a goodness of fit measure, we too employ this as part

of the analysis. However, given our concerns regarding serial correlation, we also employ the robust

F-statistics generated from the Newey-West (1987) estimation of the variance-covariance matrix

when making comparisons. Newey-West (1987) estimation does not preclude the calculation of

traditional R-squared statistics from the total sum of squares and regression sum of squares,

however, these will not reflect nor take advantage of the robustness adjustments made to the

estimated variance-covariance matrix. The robust F-statistic is not calculated in the traditional

ordinary least squares (OLS) manner, but instead is a Wald statistic (W ) scaled by the number of

restrictions ( q ) imposed in jointly testing whether the estimated coefficients ( ) are zero (i.e.

rRH :0 for 0r )37





ˆˆˆˆ 11


Where 1V is the inverse of the robust variance-covariance matrix of residuals,

is a

11 k vector of regression parameters, k is the number of estimated coefficients and R is a

1 kq matrix (see Wooldridge, 2009).

Utilising these statistics of the goodness of fit and joint significance of regression coefficients

poses another minor issue that requires a slight alteration to the model in equation (2.4). Because

the regressions in (2.4) contain both leading and lagging returns as independent variables, the use of

R-squared and F-statistics will not disentangle whether the relative strength of price discovery lies


Under OLS estimation of the residual variance-covariance matrix, this Wald statistic approach to

calculating F-statistics is identical to the traditional OLS approach:




However, they will differ where adjustments are made to the variance-covariance matrix under Newey-West


Page 39: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


in the leading or the lagging coefficients (as they relate to the overall model). For example, the R-

squared from regressions of A on B and then B on A would be similar in magnitude. To address this

problem, we regress returns of a given series against only the contemporaneous and lagging returns

of another series, thereby omitting the leading returns, which are also incorporated in the models of

Stoll and Whaley (1990), Chan (1992) and Fleming et al. (1996). Formally, we fit the model:



ktA RR






If series A leads series B, the independent variables (B) will do a poor job of explaining the

returns of the dependent variable (A) and the regression will have a low R-squared and a low F-

statistic. However, when the regression is run in reverse, with series B returns as the dependent

variable and contemporaneous and lagging returns of series A as the independent variables, the R-

squared and F-statistic will be higher. Given our study focuses on price discovery in seven series,

our approach yields 42 permutations of the model in (2.6)38


2.3.2 Cointegration and Error Correction

Another common approach to analysing price discovery involves the use of VECMs (see, for

example, Schwarz and Szakmary, 1994, Harris, McInish, Shoesmith and Wood, 1995, Booth et al.

1999, and Hsieh et al. 2008). A simple VECM would simultaneously run the two regressions

described in the preceding section above (A on B and B on A) but would include lags of the

dependent variable as independent variables, to deal with any serial correlation, and would also

include an error correction variable to account for cointegration and long-run equilibrium dynamics


There are: 42)!!(!),( rnnrnP permutations of the bilateral regressions that can be run using (2.6). It

should be noted that, although the number of permutations in which the regressions can be run is twice the

number of combinations under the approach in equation (2.4), we can now assess price discovery using a

couple of statistics, rather than having to compare each coefficient and its t-statistic in every regression

individually. This is also less subjective than visual inspection.

Page 40: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


in price levels39

. A typical VECM specification would also omit contemporaneous returns as

independent variables. An example of such a model is as follows:




























The error correction term ( 1tz ) is calculated as the difference in log prices of the two series at

a one-period lag40


1,1,1 lnln tBtAt PPz


The prices of two securities that are perfect substitutes in frictionless markets would be

cointegrated and track one another‘s movements. Regressions involving such securities would have

zero coefficients on the error correction variable because prices would all be changing

contemporaneously. For the reasons discussed previously, this may not be the case if market

frictions or segmentation exists. The inclusion of lagging return observations facilitates

measurement of whether these frictions cause short-term price changes to be non-contemporaneous

in such cases. In light of this, the error correction terms may seem somewhat redundant alongside

lagged returns. Harris et al. (1995) argue that error correction is still necessary where there is a

possibility that one variable within the system of cointegrated variables is independent of the error

correction process. This seems unlikely for securities like those in the EU ETS which have such

close relationships in their use and fungibility but, to ensure consistency with the literature and in


More than two series can be simultaneously examined in the VECM framework; this example uses two

series to be consistent with the example in the last section.

40 Error correction terms at greater than one lag would also be applicable inasmuch as there is some

justification that the lag at which one price catches up with movements in another is expected to occur after

some more distant amount of time than a single interval. Hasbrouck (1995) points out that there are infinite

possible error correction representations as traders may respond to the ‗error‘ or price discrepancy at any

possible combination of lags. However, in reasonably liquid markets, it would be expected that trader

responses would be quite fast, either within the same contemporaneous interval or at most shortly afterwards.

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light of the stationarity and cointegration test results concerning our thinly traded NOX EUA

Futures series, a one-period error correction term is included in our model. This term is expected to

be statistically significant, inasmuch as the emission allowance market is not perfectly frictionless,

and is expected to give an indication that there is a long-run equilibrium relationship between the

securities‘ price levels.

2.3.3 The Final Model Specification

Our model involves regressions of returns from one series against contemporaneous and lagged

returns of another as well as a one-period error correction term. In this respect, our model

specification is closest to that of Fleming et al. (1996). However, due to the large number of

securities examined in our study and the desire to isolate the ordinal ranking of leading and lagging

relationships, we depart from their methodology by excluding leading returns as independent

variables. Formally, our model is described as follows:



ktA zRR






As previous analysis has indicated some serial correlation exists in our data, Newey-West‘s

(1987) method is employed in estimating the variance-covariance matrix to improve the robustness

of the standard errors. Specifically, the Newey-West (1987) standard errors in this analysis are

calculated for serial correlation up to 10 lags41

. The 42 permutations in which the returns of each

security can be used as an explanatory variable for each other security, combined with the use of

two distinct return metrics (Last Trade and Mid Point) and data calculated at four different intraday

intervals (1-minute, 5-minute, 10-minute and 60-minute), result in us running a total of 336

regressions (42×2×4 = 336).


A smaller number of lags could have been used, given that for all the series the autocorrelation coefficients

become very small after the first few lags (see Table 2.7), but to err on the side of conservatism, 10 was

chosen. Using 10 lags is close to the rule of thumb suggested by Newey-West (1987), which for our sample

is: 82.13472,3644 TL

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2.3.4 Information Shares

For robustness we also calculate Hasbrouck‘s (1995) information shares measure under a

multivariate VECM framework. Where securities representing the same asset trade in different

markets, information shares measure the relative contribution of each market to the variance of

innovations in the common factor between them. As opposed to transitory deviations between

securities generated by frictions that are idiosyncratic to each securities‘ market, this common factor

is the permanent innovation in prices common to all the securities and is thus an unobserved, but

implicitly efficient, price (see Hasbrouck, 2002). This decomposition of actual prices ( tip , ) into an

unobservable common efficient price ( tm ), which follows a random walk ( ttt umm 1 ), and

idiosyncratic transitory factors ( tis , ), is given by Hasbrouck (2002) as:




















Extending the bi-variate VECM from equation (2.7) to a multivariate specification similar to

that used in the Johansen (1995) cointegration tests gives:




itt εyΓyβαy





The dependent variables ( ty ) are a 1K vector of first differences in log price levels ( tip , );

ity are lagged dependent variables; α andβ are rK parameter matrices in which the number

of cointegrating equations is less than the number of I(1) variables ( Kr ); 11 ,, pΓΓ are KK

matrices of parameters; and, tε is a 1K vector of normally distributed and serially uncorrelated

Page 43: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


error terms with contemporaneous covariance matrix Ω 42. Hasbrouck (1995) represents equation

(2.11) as a Vector Moving Average (VMA), where LΨ is a matrix polynomial in the lag operator

L :

tt L Ψy


Following Baillie, Booth, Tse and Zabotina (2002), equation (2.12) is expressed in integrated

form as:




st L *ΨΨy




The moving average impact matrix 1Ψ is calculated as the sum of the moving average

coefficients, which is the long-run impact of price innovations that are common to all the series.

That is, the VMA is given by:

2211 tttt εψεψεy and 211 ψψIΨ is a

KK vector containing the sum of the ψ coefficients (see Hasbrouck, 2002). Though the

efficient price is unobservable, its variance can be related to the variance of actual prices by:



2 1 ψψ u as the long-run impact is common to all series, but the idiosyncratic

components are not. The rows of the impact matrix, 1Ψ , are identical. If we denote one of these

rows Ψ (a K1 row vector), we can express the variance of the common efficient price as:




The information share ( iIS ) of a particular security is then its variance contribution (22

ii ) to

the variance of the common efficient price:


Note that the VECM specification in equation (2.11) is run without a time trend in the cointegrating

equations. Though a trend can be included when comparing the log prices of spot and futures securities to

deal with the steady decline in carrying costs through time for futures, the inclusion of a trend had a negligible

impact on the information shares such that they differed at no greater than the 3rd

decimal place compared

with excluding a trend term.

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The result in equation (2.15) relies on the absence of contemporaneous correlation in the error

terms from the VECM. This tends not to hold for strongly cointegrated time series and, even though

this can be mitigated to some extent by increasing the sampling frequency, the results are likely to

remain sensitive to the order in which the series are put into the log price vector ( ty ). Hasbrouck

(1995) uses a Cholesky factorisation of the error term covariance matrix: MMΩ (where M is

the lower triangular matrix) and cycles the ordering of the series in the log price vector to provide a

range for the information shares. This cycling will typically lead to the information share of a series

being greatest when its prices appear first in the log price vector and lowest when it is the last series

in the vector (the first and last positioning in the cycle thus being used as the information share

range for a series)43

. Following Baillie et al. (2002), this adjustment leads to information shares

given by:






For the purpose of utilising information shares as a robustness measure for our results and as a

representation of long-run price discovery, we will take the average information share calculated

from running the VECM in equation (2.11) seven times over which we completely cycle the order

in which the securities appear in the log price vector. All versions of equation (2.11) are run with

five cointegrating relations ( 5r ) commensurate with the results of the cointegration tests

displayed in Table 2.10.


This cycling of the order will not always provide the range purely from the first and last positioning if the

sum of the coefficients in the moving average impact matrix for a particular series are negative. As we report

the average of the information shares across all seven cycled positions this should not be an issue even if the

maximum and minimum for a series do not occur when it is ordered first and last, respectively.

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2.4 Results

This section presents the results of running regressions to assess price discovery. As it is impractical

to report the results of all 336 regressions, a representative selection of the results are presented and

discussed. The regression R-squared and robust F-statistics are used to assess the extent to which

one security‘s returns explain subsequent returns in another. Thereafter, we use these findings on

short-run return dynamics to provide evidence on the three hypotheses regarding price discovery,

namely: the Trading Cost Hypothesis, the Leverage Hypothesis and the Market Segmentation

Hypothesis. The robustness of the regression results is confirmed by the relative contributions to

long-run price discovery evidenced in the information shares.

2.4.1 Regression Results

As noted previously, perfect simultaneous price discovery in a frictionless market would result

in regression coefficients on contemporaneous return observations that are close to one and small

regression coefficients that are insignificantly different from zero on any lagging return

observations. Although these perfectly synchronous relationships are not expected to be found in

the short-run return dynamics in the presence of market frictions, it is nonetheless expected that the

coefficients on contemporaneous returns will be positive and statistically different from zero.

Where market frictions cause traders to use one security in preference to another, the preferred

security‘s returns should lead the other‘s to a greater extent. Lagged returns from this preferred

security should have a positive, statistically significant relationship to the contemporaneous returns

of less preferred securities.

On the basis of all three hypotheses, the most traded security in the EU ETS (ICE EUA Futures)

is expected to be the preferred venue for price discovery, having lowest trading cost, facilitating

leverage and being an EUA security unencumbered by the limitations and uncertainties surrounding

the use of CERs. As such, it is expected to have a stronger leading relationship to the returns of all

the other securities than they do to it.

Page 46: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


Table 2.11 presents the results of regressing contemporaneous and lagged Last Trade returns of

the ICE EUA Futures (independent variables) against the other six securities (dependent variables),

with the latter listed in order from lowest to highest trading cost. As expected, while the coefficients

on the contemporaneous return observations ( t ) are less than one, they are positive, large and

statistically significant. Coefficients on the lagged returns ( kt ), particularly the first few lags, are

also positive, large and statistically significant, indicating that the ICE EUA Futures contract often

has a strong, leading relationship to the other securities. The robust F-statistics are also large and

indicate that the coefficients are jointly statistically significant for all regressions.

In contrast, Table 2.12 presents regression results in which contemporaneous and lagged Last

Trade returns of BNX CER Spot are used as the independent variables against the other six

securities. BNX CER Spot is expected to be low in the preferences of traders given its high trading

cost, lack of leverage and the uncertainties surrounding CERs44

. Whilst the contemporaneous

coefficients are positive and statistically significant, they are smaller in magnitude than those for the

ICE EUA Futures. Moreover, there are few statistically significant coefficients against any of the

lagged returns of BNX CER Spot, indicating that its returns seldom lead those of the other




BNX CER Spot was chosen from the six other series to provide a contrast to the ICE EUA Futures

regressions because it is not expected to be the venue for price discovery under any of the hypotheses.

45 A comparison of the fifth regression in Table 2.11 (dependent variable: BNX CER Spot, independent

variables: ICE EUA Futures) and the first regression in Table 2.12 (dependent variable: ICE EUA Futures,

independent variables: BNX CER Spot) explicitly sheds light on the direction of price discovery between the

two securities. In Table 2.11, all of the coefficients on the lagged returns of ICE EUA Futures are significant

out to the 9th

lag, indicating that it frequently leads BNX CER Spot by up to 45 minutes. In Table 2.12, none

of the coefficients on lagged returns of BNX CER Spot are significant, save the slight significance on the 3rd

lag, indicating the returns of BNX CER Spot rarely lead ICE EUA Futures. The stronger joint significance of

the coefficients when ICE EUA Futures returns are the explanatory variables is also confirmed by the contrast

in the F-statistics: 20.98 versus 2.74. To varying degrees, explicit comparisons of bilateral regressions

involving ICE EUA Futures confirm its leading relationship to all the other securities, though for brevity we

do not present all 336 regression results.

Page 47: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


Table 2.11

Regression Results: ICE EUA Futures

Table 2.11 presents the results of fitting model (2.9) using 5-minute continuously compounded returns calculated from Last Trade prices between 1 July 2009 and

30 December 2010 (36,462 return observations). In all cases, independent variables are contemporaneous and lagged returns of ICE EUA Futures (series B) and an error

correction term, with the response variable being one of the six remaining securities of interest in the study (series A). Formally:



ktA zRR






The error correction terms are given by: 1,tAz ln( 1, tAp ) – ln( 1, tBp ), the one-period lag of the difference in log prices between two series. Square brackets [ ]

below coefficients contain t-statistics, while round brackets ( ) below F-statistics contain p-values. * and ** denote significance at the 5 and 1 per cent levels.

α βt βt-1 βt-2 βt-3 βt-4 βt-5 βt-6 βt-7 βt-8 βt-9 βt-10 βZ R-squared F-statistic

-0.0002** 0.4620** 0.1477** 0.0993** 0.0525** 0.0440** 0.0307** 0.0210** 0.0146** 0.0134** 0.0087 0.0009 -0.0276** 0.285 237.10**

[-19.16] [22.21] [21.14] [14.36] [8.46] [8.59] [5.49] [4.00] [2.57] [2.63] [1.55] [0.18] [-19.72] (0.000)

-0.0002** 0.2916** 0.1087** 0.0741** 0.0448** 0.0392** 0.0304** 0.0384** 0.0216** 0.0224** 0.0249** 0.0182** -0.0245** 0.143 43.43**

[-8.80] [18.40] [12.20] [10.17] [6.21] [5.90] [4.39] [4.05] [3.68] [3.53] [4.76] [3.51] [-9.44] (0.000)

-0.0001** 0.3465** 0.1237** 0.0752** 0.0501** 0.0449** 0.0279** 0.0317** 0.0188** 0.0211** 0.0175** 0.0054 -0.0008** 0.141 40.06**

[-4.46] [17.41] [14.65] [10.24] [7.38] [5.58] [4.25] [5.50] [2.57] [3.98] [3.16] [0.93] [-4.80] (0.000)

0.0000 0.1502** 0.0705** 0.0399** 0.0384** 0.0400** 0.0265** 0.0547 0.0338* 0.0211** 0.0146** 0.0107* -0.0071** 0.037 14.04**

[-0.87] [7.03] [7.09] [5.26] [4.68] [4.43] [4.30] [1.66] [2.36] [3.78] [2.72] [2.18] [-4.95] (0.000)

-0.0002** 0.1824** 0.0636** 0.0427** 0.0318** 0.0346** 0.0430** 0.0144* 0.0157** 0.0212** 0.0195** 0.0048 -0.0014** 0.050 20.98**

[-3.11] [5.94] [7.90] [5.61] [4.91] [6.08] [3.96] [1.98] [2.68] [2.92] [3.33] [0.78] [-3.33] (0.000)

0.0000 0.2885** 0.0508** 0.0286 0.0188 0.0128 0.0171 0.0238** 0.0136 -0.0036 0.0061 0.0090 -0.0687** 0.095 35.04**

[1.80] [8.24] [4.48] [1.64] [1.22] [0.79] [1.33] [3.36] [1.55] [-0.39] [0.53] [1.04] [-3.23] (0.000)






t V




Last Trade Return Series

Independent Variable: ICE EUA Futures











Page 48: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


Table 2.12

Regression Results: BNX CER Spot

Table 2.12 presents the results of fitting model (2.9) using 5-minute continuously compounded returns calculated from Last Trade prices between 1 July 2009 and

30 December 2010 (36,462 return observations). In all cases, independent variables are contemporaneous and lagged returns of BNX CER Spot (series B) and an error

correction term, with the response variable being one of the six remaining securities of interest in the study (series A). Formally:



ktA zRR






The error correction terms are given by: 1,tAz ln( 1, tAp ) – ln( 1, tBp ), the one-period lag of the difference in log prices between two series. Square brackets [ ]

below coefficients contain t-statistics, while round brackets ( ) below F-statistics contain p-values. * and ** denote significance at the 5 and 1 per cent levels.

α βt βt-1 βt-2 βt-3 βt-4 βt-5 βt-6 βt-7 βt-8 βt-9 βt-10 βZ R-squared F-statistic

0.0001** 0.1329** 0.0014 -0.0020 0.0098* -0.0032 0.0054 0.0158 -0.0063 -0.0015 -0.0033 0.0087 -0.0006** 0.037 2.74**

[3.03] [3.83] [0.19] [-0.35] [2.05] [-0.74] [0.96] [1.46] [-1.54] [-0.34] [-0.74] [1.78] [-3.29] (0.001)

0.0001** 0.1333** 0.0220** 0.0119** 0.0105 0.0031 0.0053 0.0196 -0.0016 0.0004 -0.0002 0.0074 -0.0006** 0.045 3.24**

[2.73] [3.69] [3.14] [2.83] [1.70] [0.92] [0.97] [1.95] [-0.48] [0.13] [-0.06] [1.34] [-3.00] (0.000)

0.0001** 0.0978** 0.0263** 0.0161** 0.0129** 0.0169** 0.0093* 0.0176* 0.0023 0.0030 0.0070* 0.0077 -0.0008** 0.030 5.07**

[3.24] [4.02] [3.68] [2.73] [3.34] [2.90] [2.37] [2.26] [0.55] [0.81] [2.16] [1.74] [-3.54] (0.000)

-0.0001** 0.1227** 0.0147* 0.0075 0.0095 0.0022 0.0116 0.0206* -0.0005 -0.0005 0.0012 -0.0023 -0.0071** 0.033 4.76**

[-4.71] [4.76] [2.09] [1.48] [1.51] [0.63] [1.89] [2.03] [-0.13] [-0.15] [0.19] [-0.49] [-6.29] (0.000)

0.0001** 0.0534** 0.0164* 0.0196 0.0157* 0.0147* 0.0071** 0.0359 0.0075 -0.0007 0.0060 0.0014 -0.0011** 0.009 3.60**

[3.57] [3.76] [2.36] [1.61] [2.42] [2.21] [2.59] [1.18] [1.78] [-0.32] [1.50] [0.59] [-3.87] (0.000)\

0.0002* 0.1200** 0.0351** 0.0134* 0.0194** 0.0103* 0.0046 0.0304* 0.0189 0.0033 -0.0019 0.0109 -0.0018* 0.030 4.32**

[2.42] [3.01] [3.27] [2.38] [2.89] [2.06] [1.81] [2.42] [1.71] [0.98] [-0.17] [1.87] [-2.48] (0.000)



Last Trade Return Series

Independent Variable: BNX CER Spot




t V














Page 49: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


The results for regressions utilising Mid Point rather than Last Trade returns are similar to those

just discussed, with two notable exceptions46

. Firstly, the coefficients on the contemporaneous

returns are larger and more significant for the Mid Point regressions than for the Last Trade

regressions. This indicates that there is generally a greater propensity for a change in a limit order in

one security to prompt market participants to alter an existing limit order in another security

compared to the propensity for market orders executed in one security to prompt trades in another.

The other difference is that the number of significant lags is generally fewer for the Mid Point

return regressions than for the Last Trade series, though the coefficients on the first few lagged

returns are still positive, large and statistically significant. For example, changes in the bid or ask

price of the ICE EUA Futures contract (i.e. changes in its Mid Point price) leads the other securities

to respond with bid or ask changes of their own within around 20 minutes compared with the results

in Table 2.9 which show that actual trades in ICE EUA Futures have a statistically significant

relationship with trades in other securities made anywhere up to 50 minutes later47


The error correction terms are significant at the 5 per cent level in all but 8 of the 336

regressions and all have negative coefficients as is expected of variables with cointegrated price

levels. Removing the error correction terms and re-running the regressions had little impact on the

R-squared and F-statistics. This indicates that there is little overlap between these price discovery

approaches which alternatively highlight short-run (proximate return coefficients) and long-run

(error correction in levels) dynamics.


The full regression results for both types of return series and the other sample frequencies are available

from the author on request.

47 When assessed over 10-minute intraday intervals this extends to as much as 70 minutes for several

securities. As expected, increasing the length of the intraday return interval leads to a lower number of

significant lagged return coefficients, while the significance of the contemporaneous coefficients rises. In

particular, the hourly series rarely display significance at the 1 per cent level beyond the first lag.

Page 50: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


2.4.2 Regression R-Squared and F-Statistics

As noted previously, while regression comparisons conducted pair-by-pair provide insight into

which security has a leading relationship, the strength and direction of the relationships can more

readily be assessed over the large number of securities considered by comparing the R-squared and

F-statistics. The R-squared statistics displayed in Panel A of Table 2.13 are always larger for the

Mid Point returns. This is predominantly the case for the F-statistics presented in Panel B, with the

exception of the NOX EUA Futures. Although the Mid Point regressions generally have fewer

statistically significant lagged return coefficients, the larger R-squared and F-statistics are primarily

the result of larger coefficients on the contemporaneous return observations, indicating more rapid

short-run adjustment to limit order changes across markets than occurs as a result of trading

activity. However, it should noted that trade activity is likely to impact the limit order book

insomuch as market orders partially or completely erode the best bid or ask in the order book and,

as such, some of the speedy adjustment in the Mid Point returns may be capturing trade activity and

limit order changes as well as the interaction of the two. The relative size of this difference in R-

squared and F-statistics between the Last Trade and Mid Point return series (from Table 2.13) is

best illustrated by comparing Panel A with Panel B in Chart 2.2 and Chart 2.3.

The results presented numerically in Table 2.13 and graphically in Chart 2.2 and Chart 2.3 are

generally replicated in the statistics for the regressions employed at other intraday intervals. The

size of the R-squared and F-statistics generally increases for the longer intraday intervals. Once

again, this is driven by the larger, more significant coefficients on the contemporaneous return

observations, which is to be expected over longer, less frequent intraday intervals. However, as

these longer interval regressions have fewer significant lag coefficients, it is more difficult to

distinguish the direction of price discovery, which emphasises the advantages of using finer, more

granular intraday data in this kind of analysis.

Page 51: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


Table 2.13

Regression R-Squared and F-Statistics

The reported R-squared and robust F-statistics are from regressions of 5-minute returns of one security (the

dependent variable) against contemporaneous and lagged returns of another and an error correction term (the

independent variables) as per equation (2.9). Returns are calculated from Last Trade (LT) prices and prices

calculated from the Mid Point (MP) of the bid-ask spread.

Panel A:


Futures Spot Spot Futures Futures Spot Futures

LT 0.24 0.10 0.12 0.02 0.04 0.06

MP 0.60 0.71 0.49 0.59 0.22 0.08

LT 0.28 0.12 0.11 0.03 0.04 0.07

MP 0.60 0.56 0.37 0.44 0.22 0.07

LT 0.14 0.15 0.07 0.02 0.03 0.04

MP 0.72 0.55 0.40 0.48 0.20 0.07

LT 0.14 0.11 0.07 0.01 0.03 0.04

MP 0.49 0.37 0.40 0.34 0.20 0.05

LT 0.04 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.02

MP 0.60 0.44 0.48 0.35 0.17 0.06

LT 0.05 0.05 0.03 0.04 0.01 0.03

MP 0.21 0.21 0.18 0.20 0.16 0.03

LT 0.09 0.09 0.05 0.05 0.02 0.03

MP 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.05 0.07 0.04

Panel B:


Futures Spot Spot Futures Futures Spot Futures

LT 56.38 29.04 29.81 4.07 2.74 5.46

MP 195.61 410.46 34.28 115.30 24.30 3.72

LT 237.10 28.20 33.59 4.49 3.24 6.78

MP 783.00 224.37 43.04 82.53 27.98 2.77

LT 43.43 28.61 33.05 6.16 5.07 7.60

MP 488.04 130.21 33.99 79.25 27.35 4.17

LT 40.06 33.16 27.12 4.04 4.76 4.40

MP 492.99 110.07 147.77 51.37 27.84 3.33

LT 14.04 10.55 8.60 8.16 3.60 5.20

MP 125.45 75.44 85.04 35.23 27.47 4.44

LT 20.98 18.74 14.75 16.92 3.69 4.70

MP 251.00 129.82 116.70 61.48 49.11 2.90

LT 35.04 28.12 17.75 20.98 5.08 4.32

MP 37.83 28.05 33.71 24.42 35.46 18.03


Independent Variable




t V



















Independent Variable




t V


















Page 52: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


Chart 2.2

Regression R-Squared

The reported R-squared statistics (from Table 2.13) are for regressions of 5-minute returns of one security

(dependent variable) against contemporaneous and lagged returns of another and an error correction term

(independent variables).

NOX EUA Futures


EEX EUA Futures

ICE CER Futures



ICE EUA Futures










NOX EUA Futures





Independent Variable

Depdendent Variable

NOX EUA Futures


EEX EUA Futures

ICE CER Futures



ICE EUA Futures










NOX EUA Futures





Independent Variable

Depdendent Variable

Panel A: Last Trade Return Series

Panel B: Mid Point Return Series

Page 53: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


Chart 2.3

Regression F-Statistics

The reported robust F-statistics (from Table 2.13) are for regressions of 5-minute returns of one security

(dependent variable) against contemporaneous and lagged returns of another and an error correction term

(independent variables).

NOX EUA Futures


EEX EUA Futures

ICE CER Futures



ICE EUA Futures









NOX EUA Futures




Independent Variable

Depdendent Variable

NOX EUA Futures


EEX EUA Futures

ICE CER Futures



ICE EUA Futures









NOX EUA Futures




Independent Variable

Depdendent Variable

Panel A: Last Trade Return Series

Panel B: Mid Point Return Series

Page 54: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


A casual look at Table 2.13 and both Chart 2.2 and Chart 2.3, which are ordered from lowest to

highest trading cost reveals that the size of R-squared and F-statistics diminish moving from left to

right in the table and charts. This is consistent with the notion that the strength of the price

discovery relationship explaining each dependent variable wanes as trading cost increases.

However, as the statistics are not diminishing in perfect order, this does not provide direct support

for the Trading Cost Hypothesis. Rather, visual inspection is inconclusive.

2.4.3 Ordinal Ranking

To help in interpreting results, it is useful to rank them based on the magnitude of their R-

squared and F-statistics. These rankings are displayed in Table 2.14. For each dependent variable,

the independent variables that yield the highest R-squared (or F-statistic) are ranked 1, the second

highest are ranked 2 and so on. The last row of each panel in Table 2.14 contains the average

ranking of these statistics for each independent variable. Table 2.15 displays the ranking that the

results would be expected to follow under each hypothesis and the difference between the average

actual rank and the average expected rank48



Given the binary choice of distinguishing between leveraged and unleveraged securities and also between

EUAs and CERs, for both the Leverage Hypothesis and Market Segmentation Hypothesis, trading cost is used

as a secondary determinant of the expected ordinal ranking. It should be noted that the expected average ranks

in Tables 2.14 and 2.15 are not monotonically rising whole numbers between 1 and 6 because the use of ICE

EUA Futures as a dependent variable means that one of the other six series necessarily achieves a rank of 1 as

the independent variable best explaining ICE EUA Futures returns and so on. As such, the average expected

rank rises monotonically in the following order: 1.00, 1.83, 2.67, 3.50, 4.33, 5.17, 6.00 as per whichever

hypothesis is being examined.

Page 55: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


Table 2.14

Actual Rank

When a security is the dependent variable in a series of regressions, the explanatory power of the other six securities, based on

the R-squared and F-statistics, is ranked from largest (1) to smallest (6). For example, the rank of 1 in the 1st row, 2

nd column

of Panel A indicates that the regression in which contemporaneous and lagged returns of the BNX EUA Spot series are the

independent variables has the highest R-squared (best fit) in explaining the returns of ICE EUA Futures. In an attempt to make

visual comparisons with the expected rankings in Table 2.15 slightly easier, the shading follows the explanatory power and

goodness of fit measures, going from the best (darkest) to worst (lightest). R-squared and F-statistics ranks are reported

separately for Last Trade (LT) return series in Panels A and C, and for Mid Point (MP) return series in Panels B and D.

Panel A: Panel B:






























Futures1 3 2 6 5 4


Futures2 1 4 3 5 6


Spot1 2 3 6 5 4


Spot1 2 4 3 5 6


Spot2 1 3 6 5 4


Spot1 2 4 3 5 6


Futures1 2 3 6 5 4


Futures1 3 2 4 5 6


Futures1 2 4 5 6 3


Futures1 3 2 4 5 6


Spot2 1 4 3 6 5


Spot1 2 4 3 5 6


Futures1 2 3 4 6 5


Futures1 2 3 5 4 6


Rank1.33 1.50 3.17 3.33 6.00 5.17 4.00


Rank1.00 2.33 2.33 4.00 3.67 5.17 6.00

Panel C: Panel D:






























Futures1 3 2 5 6 4


Futures2 1 4 3 5 6


Spot1 3 2 5 6 4


Spot1 2 4 3 5 6


Spot1 3 2 5 6 4


Spot1 2 4 3 5 6


Futures1 2 3 6 4 5


Futures1 3 2 4 5 6


Futures1 2 3 4 6 5


Futures1 3 2 4 5 6


Spot1 2 4 3 6 5


Spot1 2 3 4 5 6


Futures1 2 4 3 5 6


Futures1 4 3 5 2 6


Rank1.00 2.00 3.33 2.67 5.33 5.67 4.50


Rank1.00 2.67 2.17 4.17 3.33 5.17 6.00

R-Squared (MP) R-Squared (LT)

Independent VariableIndependent Variable

F-Statistics (MP)




t V







t V




F-Statistics (LT)

Independent Variable




t V




Independent Variable




t V




Page 56: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


Table 2.15

Expected Rank

Panel A contains the ordinal ranking of R-squared and F-statistics that would be expected if the Trading Cost Hypothesis explains relative price discovery—securities are ranked by the

size of the bid-ask spread. Panel B contains the ranking that would be expected if the Leverage Hypothesis explains relative price discovery—futures are ranked ahead of spot securities,

with trading cost a secondary determinant of ordering. Panel C contains the ordinal ranking that would be expected if the Market Segmentation Hypothesis explains relative price

discovery—EUA securities ranked before CER securities, with trading cost a secondary determinant of ordering. The differences in rank are the Actual Ranks for each independent

variable from the four panels in Table 2.14 minus the Expected Ranks in Panels A, B and C of this table. LT denotes Last Trade return series and MP denotes Mid Point return series.

Panel A: Panel B: Panel C:












































Futures1 2 3 4 5 6


Futures4 5 1 2 6 3


Futures1 2 5 3 6 4


Spot1 2 3 4 5 6


Spot1 5 2 3 6 4


Spot1 2 5 3 6 4


Spot1 2 3 4 5 6


Spot1 5 2 3 6 4


Spot1 2 5 3 6 4


Futures1 2 3 4 5 6


Futures1 4 5 2 6 3


Futures1 2 3 4 6 5


Futures1 2 3 4 5 6


Futures1 4 5 2 6 3


Futures1 2 3 5 6 4


Spot1 2 3 4 5 6


Spot1 5 6 2 3 4


Spot1 2 3 6 4 5


Futures1 2 3 4 5 6


Futures1 4 5 2 3 6


Futures1 2 3 5 4 6


Rank1.00 1.83 2.67 3.50 4.33 5.17 6.00


Rank1.00 4.33 5.17 1.83 2.67 6.00 3.50


Rank1.00 1.83 2.67 5.17 3.50 6.00 4.33

R2 LT 0.33 -0.33 0.50 -0.17 1.67 0.00 -2.00 R

2 LT 0.33 -2.83 -2.00 1.50 3.33 -0.83 0.50 R

2 LT 0.33 -0.33 0.50 -1.83 2.50 -0.83 -0.33

R2 MP 0.00 0.50 -0.33 0.50 -0.67 0.00 0.00 R

2 MP 0.00 -2.00 -2.83 2.17 1.00 -0.83 2.50 R

2 MP 0.00 0.50 -0.33 -1.17 0.17 -0.83 1.67

F-stat LT 0.00 0.17 0.67 -0.83 1.00 0.50 -1.50 F-stat LT 0.00 -2.33 -1.83 0.83 2.67 -0.33 1.00 F-stat LT 0.00 0.17 0.67 -2.50 1.83 -0.33 0.17

F-stat MP 0.00 0.83 -0.50 0.67 -1.00 0.00 0.00 F-stat MP 0.00 -1.67 -3.00 2.33 0.67 -0.83 2.50 F-stat MP 0.00 0.83 -0.50 -1.00 -0.17 -0.83 1.67




t V







t V




Segmentation Hypothesis

Independent Variable




t V




Difference in Rank (Actual - Expected) Difference in Rank (Actual - Expected) Difference in Rank (Actual - Expected)

Trading Cost Hypothesis Leverage Hypothesis

Independent Variable Independent Variable

Page 57: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


Having the largest F-statistics for all of the regressions in which they are used as

independent variables and the largest R-squared for all but two of the Last Trade regressions,

the ICE EUA Futures are on average ranked 1st in explaining the returns of all other series. The

BNX EUA Spot series is predominantly ranked 2nd

for the Last Trade series, lending some

support to the Trading Cost Hypothesis. However, looking at the Mid Point series BNX EUA

Spot‘s R-squared ranking is only equal 2nd

and its F-statistic ranking is 3rd

compared to ICE

EUA Spot which ranks 2nd

on average. Perhaps this indicates that, while actual trading activity

occurs in a security in which trading cost is lowest, the rationale for deploying limit orders is

somewhat different. In particular, institutions engaged in market making might be more inclined

to simultaneously deploy orders for different securities on a single exchange where they have

membership. In these circumstances, information that warrants a change in limit orders for one

security may soon result in changes in limit orders for other securities on the same exchange49


The results concerning the Market Segmentation Hypothesis, the relative ranking of EUA

versus CER securities, are mixed and somewhat inconclusive. ICE CER Futures are

predominantly ranked 3rd

for the Last Trade regressions by F-statistics and very close to 3rd


R-squared (average rank of 3.33 versus 3.17 for ICE EUA Spot). As ICE CER Futures would be

expected to place 6th under the Market Segmentation Hypothesis, these stronger rankings are

some evidence that market segmentation between EUAs and CERs may not be important. While

trading cost of ICE CER Futures is not vastly different from the adjacent security (see Table

2.4) and, thus its ranking is still largely in line with the Trading Cost Hypothesis, for the Market

Segmentation Hypothesis this result is somewhat surprising given the uncertainties and

limitations pertaining to the use of CERs are large enough that they trade at a significant

discount to EUAs. It would thus appear that this discount is adequate compensation for these


High membership fees may preclude multiple exchange memberships for some market participants.

However, a more plausible explanation might be that auto-quoting by designated market makers keeps

bids and offers across securities on the same exchange highly synchronized. This is most likely the case

for ICE which has a specific designated market maker program in which the exchange waives certain

transaction fees in return for the market maker agreeing to make two-sided, minimum spread quotes

(typical minimums are between €0.05 and €0.20/tCO2e depending on the security and/or contract

maturity). Market makers must make these minimum spreads at least 85 per cent of the time during

exchange opening hours. These results suggest that market makers on ICE may be using algorithms based

on the EUA futures price to update EUA spot market quotes with little latency.

Page 58: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


risks and that this may not hinder price discovery in CER securities50

. It is, however, difficult to

draw firm conclusions, given that there are only two CER securities with enough trade volume

to warrant inclusion in the study and the other security, BNX CER Spot, is mostly ranked 6th for

both statistics, largely commensurate with all three hypotheses51


It is clear that the actual rankings of the R-squared and F-statistics do not conform perfectly

to what is expected under any of the hypotheses and so any evidence in favour of the Trading

Cost Hypothesis over the other hypotheses on the basis of these rankings must be treated with

some caution. Nonetheless, it is still worthwhile attempting to disentangle the relative strength

of support for the three hypotheses. As such, the differences between the actual and expected

rankings are measured and presented in the difference in rank rows at the bottom of Table 2.15.

The absolute value of these differences is taken as a measure of the deviation from the expected

rank and these are presented in Table 2.16.

The average of these absolute deviations show that, across the seven independent variables,

the deviations from what is expected are consistently lowest for the Trading Cost Hypothesis

followed by the Market Segmentation Hypothesis and, finally, the Leverage Hypothesis. This

result is robust to the use of different intraday return intervals and provides evidence in favour

of the Trading Cost Hypothesis. Interestingly, despite the predominant 3rd

rank of the Last Trade

returns for the ICE CER Futures, the Market Segmentation Hypothesis consistently has the

second smallest deviations, making the evidence on market segmentation unclear, though this

lack of clarity is in itself interesting given the limitations on CERs.


We note that the difference between the average price of ICE EUA Futures and ICE CER Futures over

the sample period was €1.84 per tCO2e, while the difference between BNX EUA Spot and BNX CER

Spot was €1.62 per tCO2e. The CER discount in the spot and futures markets are not the same

(€1.62/tCO2e versus €1.84/tCO2e) because over the sample period the EUA futures curve was generally

in contango, but the CER futures curve was often backwardated, despite positive carry for both securities.

The World Bank (2010) attributes the backwardation in the CER futures curve to lower than expected

delivery of CERs from the project-based pipeline. Having effectively sold their expected CER deliveries

forward (at least hedged via the establishment of short futures positions), pipeline intermediaries are

forced to buy them in the spot market to meet their obligations if deliveries fail to meet predicted

quantities (which The World Bank, 2010, claims inverts the CER curve).

51 It is predominantly ranked 6

th, except for the R-squared for Last Trade returns, where it is 5


Page 59: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


Table 2.16

Average Absolute Deviation in Rank

The absolute value of the differences in rank from the bottom of Table 2.15 are reported as a measure of

the deviation of the regression R-squared and F-statistics from what would be expected under the three

hypotheses. The average of these absolute deviations is reported in the final column. LT denotes Last

Trade return series and MP denotes Mid Point return series. The R-squared and F-statistics are from the

regressions estimated as per equation (2.9).

2.4.4 Information Shares

Hasbrouck‘s (1995) information shares are calculated to assess the extent to which each

security‘s variance contributes to innovations in the common efficient price between them.

While the regressions displayed in the previous sections describe the short-run dynamics

between the securities, the information shares are complementary in providing a measure of

each security‘s long-run contribution. Table 2.17 contains information shares for the Last Trade

and Mid Point log price level series sampled at 1-minute intervals, with the higher frequency

sample used in order to minimise contemporaneous correlation in the error terms obtained from

the multivariate VECM in equation (2.11). Some correlation is nonetheless still present in the

error terms, and so the Cholesky factorisation suggested by Hasbrouck (1995) is used, which

entails changing the order of the series in the log price vector to establish the range of

information shares for each series.


















Trading Cost 0.33 0.33 0.50 0.17 1.67 0.00 2.00 0.71

Leverage 0.33 2.83 2.00 1.50 3.33 0.83 0.50 1.62

Segmentation 0.33 0.33 0.50 1.83 2.50 0.83 0.33 0.95

Trading Cost 0.00 0.50 0.33 0.50 0.67 0.00 0.00 0.29

Leverage 0.00 2.00 2.83 2.17 1.00 0.83 2.50 1.62

Segmentation 0.00 0.50 0.33 1.17 0.17 0.83 1.67 0.67

Trading Cost 0.00 0.17 0.67 0.83 1.00 0.50 1.50 0.67

Leverage 0.00 2.33 1.83 0.83 2.67 0.33 1.00 1.29

Segmentation 0.00 0.17 0.67 2.50 1.83 0.33 0.17 0.81

Trading Cost 0.00 0.83 0.50 0.67 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.43

Leverage 0.00 1.67 3.00 2.33 0.67 0.83 2.50 1.57

Segmentation 0.00 0.83 0.50 1.00 0.17 0.83 1.67 0.71

Independent Variable

R-Squared (MP)

R-Squared (LT)

F-Statistics (LT)

F-Statistics (MP)

Page 60: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


Table 2.17

Information Shares

Panel A contains Hasbrouck‘s (1995) information shares (i

IS ) calculated using log price levels for the

Last Trade series at a 1-minute sampling frequency between 1 July 2009 to 30 December 2010 (181,327

observations). Panel B contains information shares calculated for the Mid Point series. After estimating

the VECM described in equation (2.11), information shares are calculated as per:






The elements of the ( K1 ) row vector, Ψ , are the sums of each security‘s coefficients in the moving

average impact matrix ( i ). The lower triangular matrix from a Cholesky factorisation ( M ) of the error

term contemporaneous covariance matrix ( Ω ) from the VECM is used to construct the variance

contribution of each security, ([ M ]i )2, to the variance of the common efficient price ( ΨΨΩ ). The

order of the series in the VECM log price vector (t

y ) follows the order dictated by the Trading Cost

Hypothesis but this order is cycled such that the VECM is run with each series taking a turn at being the

first series in the log price vector. As the order is cycled and the VECM re-run, the information shares are

re-calculated. Shading indicates the information share that is typically, though not always, the maximum

out of the seven cycles because this cycle is the one in which that series is ordered first (as listed in the

first column of the table). The range of the information shares for each variable and the average

information share calculated across the seven cycles are displayed along with the ordinal ranking of these

averages. The multivariate VECM specification in equation (2.11) contains 10 lags in theit

y vector as

suggested by autocorrelation coefficients.

Panel A:


First in Cycle Futures Spot Spot Futures Futures Spot Futures

ICE EUA Futures 0.867 0.041 0.010 0.058 0.017 0.003 0.003

BNX EUA Spot 0.538 0.269 0.052 0.125 0.008 0.009 0.000

ICE EUA Spot 0.644 0.023 0.119 0.192 0.003 0.017 0.003

ICE CER Futures 0.615 0.008 0.000 0.278 0.071 0.025 0.002

EEX EUA Futures 0.832 0.043 0.011 0.059 0.000 0.040 0.016

BNX CER Spot 0.823 0.040 0.010 0.057 0.016 0.040 0.015

NOX EUA Futures 0.848 0.043 0.011 0.059 0.016 0.004 0.019

Maximum 0.867 0.269 0.119 0.278 0.071 0.040 0.019

Minimum 0.538 0.008 0.000 0.057 0.000 0.003 0.000

Average 0.738 0.067 0.030 0.118 0.019 0.020 0.008

Rank 1 3 4 2 6 5 7

Last Trade Return Series

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Table 2.17

Information Shares (continued)

The average information share of the Last Trade ICE EUA Futures indicates that its

variance explains 73.8 per cent of the innovations in the common efficient price for emission

allowances, while it explains 54.7 per cent using the Mid Point series. As ICE EUA Futures

drive the majority of innovations in the common efficient price, these results clearly support the

conclusion that this security is the main vehicle for price discovery in the EU ETS, though it

should be noted that these numbers are similar to its proportion of trade volume among this

group of seven more heavily traded securities (71.1 per cent as shown in Table 2.4).

The average information shares for the Mid Point series in Panel B of Table 2.17 conform

almost perfectly to the order expected under the Trading Cost Hypothesis, with the exception of

the switch in ranks for the BNX EUA Spot and ICE EUA Futures series. It is less clear which

hypothesis the ranking of the average information shares for the Last Trade series in Panel A

supports. It is again interesting that the ICE CER Futures seems to be a more prominent vehicle

for price discovery using the Last Trade series than would be expected under the Market

Segmentation Hypothesis accounting for 11.8 per cent and ranking 2nd

behind the ICE EUA

Panel B:


First in Cycle Futures Spot Spot Futures Futures Spot Futures

ICE EUA Futures 0.853 0.069 0.034 0.041 0.002 0.000 0.001

BNX EUA Spot 0.147 0.549 0.218 0.084 0.002 0.000 0.000

ICE EUA Spot 0.204 0.034 0.618 0.132 0.009 0.003 0.000

ICE CER Futures 0.422 0.051 0.027 0.409 0.073 0.015 0.002

EEX EUA Futures 0.615 0.067 0.035 0.042 0.186 0.047 0.008

BNX CER Spot 0.759 0.067 0.034 0.042 0.002 0.080 0.017

NOX EUA Futures 0.830 0.069 0.035 0.041 0.002 0.000 0.023

Maximum 0.853 0.549 0.618 0.409 0.186 0.080 0.023

Minimum 0.147 0.034 0.027 0.041 0.002 0.000 0.000

Average 0.547 0.129 0.143 0.113 0.039 0.021 0.007

Rank 1 3 2 4 5 6 7

Mid Point Return Series

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Futures (this information share is also much larger than its share of trade volume of 5.4 per cent

as shown in Table 2.4)52


Similar to the previous section, in order to disentangle the three hypotheses, we analyse the

deviations of the actual rank of the information shares from the ranks that would be expected

under each hypothesis. The absolute value of the deviations in the actual ranks from Table 2.17

to those that are expected under the three hypotheses are presented in Table 2.18, with the

average of these absolute deviations displayed in the last column.

Table 2.18

Absolute Deviation in the Ordinal Rank of Information Shares

Table 2.18 displays the actual ordinal ranking of the average information shares from the last rows of

both Panel A and Panel B in Table 2.17. The three ordinal rankings expected under each of the three

hypotheses are reported along with the absolute value of the deviation of the actual ranks from the

expected ranks. The averages of these absolute deviations for each hypothesis are displayed in the last



Although the 1-minute series is used in an attempt to minimise contemporaneous cross correlations

between the error terms, the results from the 5-minute series are very similar in both the relative

magnitude of each security‘s information share and each security‘s rank relative to the others.

Panel A:


















Actual Rank 1 3 4 2 6 5 7

Expected Rank Trading Cost 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Leverage 1 5 6 2 3 7 4

Segmentation 1 2 3 6 4 7 5

Trading Cost 0 1 1 2 1 1 0 0.86

Leverage 0 2 2 0 3 2 3 1.71

Segmentation 0 1 1 4 2 2 2 1.71

Panel B:


















Actual Rank 1 3 2 4 5 6 7

Expected Rank Trading Cost 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Leverage 1 5 6 2 3 7 4

Segmentation 1 2 3 6 4 7 5

Trading Cost 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.29

Leverage 0 2 4 2 2 1 3 2.00

Segmentation 0 1 1 2 1 1 2 1.14


Deviation in


Last Trade Return Series


Deviation in


Mid Point Return Series

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In concordance with the average absolute deviations in rank from the regression results

(presented in Table 2.16), the average absolute deviations in rank for the three hypotheses are

smallest for the Trading Cost Hypothesis when constructed from information shares. This is the

case for both the Last Trade and Mid Point series, which supports the robustness of the

conclusion that low trading costs are a more important determinant of where price discovery is

likely to take place than the provision of leverage imbedded in futures or any segmentation of

the emission allowance market. At the margin, the Market Segmentation Hypothesis displays

the second lowest deviations and the Leverage Hypothesis the highest, though the two are equal

when the Last Trade prices are used.

2.4.5 Strength of Findings

Importantly, a number of the securities examined have significantly less trade volume than

the ICE EUA Futures. In light of this it may be unreasonable to expect that they should follow

any hypothesized preference scheme dictating their use, as it could be said that they are barely

used at all53

. The analysis leant towards conservatism in not wanting to forego the inclusion of

possible vehicles for price discovery when it was decided to include such securities in the first

place. Perhaps the true nature of price discovery in the EU ETS, or any market, is that one

security is predominantly used, the others track it, and any relationship between these other

securities is purely the product of lagging more or less than one another, with no hierarchy of

use related to trading cost. In this way, the appearance that other securities are sometimes used

for price discovery may simply be coincidental.

It could also be that the number of securities examined is too few to reliably disentangle the

number of hypotheses and that statistics calculated from deviations of ordinal ranks are devoid

of more important, nuanced information such as the relative strength of the fit of the various

regressions or the relative magnitude of the information shares. Inasmuch as this is the case, the

most reliable result is that price discovery in the EU ETS does in fact take place in the most-

traded, least-cost, leveraged, EUA security, as would be expected.


For instance, ICE EUA Futures are on average traded 92 times more frequently than NOX EUA

Futures over the sample period according to the data presented in Table 2.4.

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Though these are valid concerns it should be noted that the Trading Cost Hypothesis is

supported by two distinct methodological approaches to detecting price discovery: one that

focuses on short-run return dynamics (regressions results), the other on the long-run equilibrium

price dynamics (information shares). It should also be noted that in using trading cost as a

secondary determinant of the ordering expected under the Leverage and Market Segmentation

Hypotheses, the analysis of deviations from expected rankings has subtly biased the results for

these two hypotheses in the event that trading cost is the more important determinant as has

been shown. This points to the actual degree to which trading cost is a better determinant of

price discovery being stronger than is belied by comparing the average absolute deviation in

rankings. Both of these factors add to the robustness of the support for the Trading Cost


2.5 Conclusion

By employing high frequency data across a wide range of securities, this study provides the first

evidence on the catalysts, and not simply the source, for price discovery in the EU ETS. The

results indicate that trading cost is a more important determinant of whether a security displays

greater price discovery than whether the security implicitly provides the trader with leverage or

whether the security is an EUA or a CER. These results are in line with much of the literature

that examines price discovery in other markets where low trading costs are overwhelmingly

shown to be associated with price discovery.

While the lowest trading cost security, the Intercontinental Exchange December expiry

EUA futures, is predominantly the source of price discovery in the EU ETS, as a futures

contract it also entails the implicit provision of leverage. As such, we disentangled the benefits

of low trading costs from the provision of leverage by examining the leading and lagging

relationships between a range of other highly traded securities in the EU ETS. We also

compared the security‘s respective information shares. We find support for the Trading Cost

Hypothesis on the basis of the ordinal ranking of the goodness of fit and the joint statistical

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significance of the coefficients in regressions run on high frequency intraday return data and on

the basis of the information shares attributable to each security.

Though trading cost is also shown to be a more important determinant than any

segmentation of the emission allowance market between EUAs and CERs, the ICE CER Futures

were highly ranked under several measures, indicating a not insignificant contribution to price

discovery, especially in comparison to trade volumes. This is particularly interesting given that

there are enough uncertainties about the continuing role of CERs in the EU ETS as well as

annual limitations on their acceptance for regulatory compliance such that they trade at a

substantial discount. In this sense, the discount appears to be adequate compensation for these

risks, with the speculative use of CERs unimpeded.

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CHAPTER 3: Price Discovery in European Energy Markets

Considerable effort has been made to understand price discovery in stock markets (see, for

example, Hasbrouck, 1995, and Fleming, Ostdiek and Whaley, 1996) and bond markets (see, for

example, Fleming and Remolona, 1999, and Brandt and Kavajecz, 2004). However, the area of

price discovery in energy markets remains relatively unexplored. The main reasons for this are

that there is little price transparency in the physical markets, which are dominated by long-term

supply contracts, while associated derivative securities often lack liquidity. Notwithstanding

this, gaining a better understanding of price discovery in these markets is important for market

participants, regulators and researchers alike. We provide evidence in this regard for the coal,

natural gas and crude oil markets in Europe.

Energy markets have a complicated mix of financial and physical layers in which prices are

discovered either by the outcome of trading activity on organised exchanges or through surveys

of over-the-counter market participants. Price discovery amongst the securities that inhabit these

financial and physical layers is important because benchmark prices derived from them

ultimately underpin the value of vast quantities of coal, natural gas and crude oil transacted

under long-term supply contracts, which remain a prevalent mode of exchange for these

commodities. While the analysis of price discovery in these markets is thus of great importance

to market participants, it is also important for researchers, and for studies that involve temporal

evaluations in particular. For example, in research that involves causality between energy

commodities themselves or their interaction with other economic indicators, the timeliness of

Page 67: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


security price responses to information is vital. In order to obtain unbiased results, it is

imperative to select security prices that best incorporate relevant information in each commodity

market of interest. Further investigation of price discovery is also warranted in light of the

concerns raised by regulators as to the impartiality of the price reporting agencies in setting

benchmark prices by surveying physical transactions (see IOSCO, 2012). Despite its

importance, the existing literature in this area is somewhat sparse.

To the best of our knowledge there have not been any explicit studies of price discovery in

the European coal market, while studies involving European natural gas have either focussed on

interactions with natural gas prices in other regions of the world (Mazighi, 2005, Siliverstovs,

L‘Hégaret, Neumann and von Hirschhausen, 2005, and Kao and Wan, 2009) or with crude oil

prices (Asche, Osmundsen and Sandsmark, 2006, and Panagiotidis and Rutledge, 2007)54

. For

crude oil itself, several studies explain the complicated interaction between the financial and

physical layers of North Sea crude oil markets (see, for example, Fattouh, 2011, and Barret,

2012), however, none have attempted to quantitatively assess price discovery within this

complex of securities. In the absence of quantitative work on price discovery in these energy

commodity markets, we contribute to the literature using two distinct methodologies that focus

on short-run and long-run aspects of the price formation process, respectively.

We examine short-run dynamics in the relative speed of information absorption in the

physical and financial markets by employing regression analysis to assess the contemporaneity

of returns within each class of energy commodity. These regressions assess the strength of the

return relationships between different securities that essentially represent ownership of the same

underlying commodity and look to establish whether the movements in one security price tend

to lead or lag price movements in others. We also examine which securities‘ innovations

contribute most to the long-run equilibrium in each commodity market by calculating

Hasbrouck‘s (1995) information shares. While securities in the same market may tend to track

one another over the short-run, the information shares methodology looks to ignore any


We note that Neumann, Siliverstovs and von Hirschhausen (2006) study convergence in day-ahead

natural gas prices from the National Balancing Point (UK) and Zeebrugge (Belgium) hubs using daily

data from 2000 to 2005, but do not directly investigate price discovery.

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transitory components of price innovations and to capture the extent to which a security‘s price

movements permanently impact upon market equilibrium. Although European coal, natural gas

and crude oil markets display commonalities insofar as they all involve complex interactions of

financial securities and physical over-the-counter spot, forward and swap transactions, these

markets differ markedly in their specific structures and their respective degrees of liquidity and

transparency. As such, each market is considered individually.

Coal is the least liquid and least transparent of the energy markets analysed in this study,

with the main sources of price information being the assessment of contract prices through

surveys conducted by several price reporting agencies and the intermittent trading in futures

markets. In the absence of suitable and timely price reporting agency assessments for coal, our

study focuses on observations of prices and returns in the futures market. Although the

regression results show that it is hard to distinguish between the securities on the basis of short-

term return dynamics, the information shares indicate a greater proportion of long-run price

discovery takes place amongst the monthly expiry futures traded on the Intercontinental


The better established natural gas pricing hubs in the UK, Belgium and the Netherlands

display greater liquidity and transparency than the coal futures market. However, regression

analysis reveals that, despite the web of interconnecting gas pipelines across Europe, the short-

term return linkages between the different markets are somewhat weak. In fact, there is some

evidence that return interactions are stronger at similar points on the forward curve than

interactions between returns specific to the geographic location of hubs, with short-dated gas

prices displaying similar demand inelasticity to electricity prices. The information share results

show that the greatest contribution to long-run equilibrium clearly comes from the monthly

expiry UK natural gas futures traded on the Intercontinental Exchange. In addition,

cointegration tests indicate that natural gas prices remain weakly linked to the crude oil market,

contrary to the findings of Asche et al. (2006), but supporting those of Panagiotidis and

Rutledge (2007).

The analysis of crude oil markets is split between an examination of the financial and

physical layers of the Brent complex of securities and an examination of whether the Brent

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market responds to the prices of West Texas Intermediate crude oil. Although the physical Brent

market remains opaque, we examine a proxy constructed from the Exchange-for-Physicals

market. The Intercontinental Exchange Brent crude oil futures are shown to dominate price

discovery compared with this proxy, but there is some evidence of bi-directional leadership in

short-run return dynamics. This is the first quantitative evidence in the literature of the dominant

role of the futures market in the determination of Brent crude oil prices and supports the

postulations in Fattouh (2011) and Barret (2012).

We also re-examine the relationship between Brent and West Texas Intermediate futures

prices, the two most important global benchmarks, in light of recent dislocations caused by

structural issues at the pricing point for West Texas Intermediate in Cushing, Oklahoma (see

Montepeque, 2012, and Sen, 2012). Despite the large number of prior studies that conclude

crude oil prices are determined in a unified global market (Adelman, 1984, 1992, Gülen, 1997,

1999, Bachmeier and Griffin, 2006, Bentzen, 2007, and Kaufmann and Ullman, 2009), we find

only minor evidence that these markets are cointegrated at standard levels of statistical

significance. Indeed, the degree of cointegration declines through our sample coincident with

the increasing structural problems depressing the price of West Texas Intermediate. At the

margin, West Texas Intermediate tends to display greater price leadership in short-term return

dynamics. The information shares also point to West Texas Intermediate futures making a

greater contribution to long-run price equilibrium, though there are several sub-periods in which

Brent futures are shown to be relatively more important. These results are largely consistent

with the findings of prior studies by Brunetti and Gilbert (2000), Lin and Tamvakis (2001),

Hammoudeh, Ewing and Thompson (2008) and Kaufmann and Ullman (2009).

The remainder of this paper is organised as follows: Section 3.1 describes the regression and

information share methodologies; Sections 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4 examine the data and results for the

coal, natural gas and crude oil markets, respectively; and, Section 3.5 concludes.

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3.1 Methodology

We employ two distinct methodologies to assess price discovery in both short and long-term

contexts. Specifically, we use a regression approach to focus on the short-term return dynamics

between the securities, and utilise Hasbrouck‘s (1995) information shares measure to provide

evidence on the contribution of each security to the long-run price equilibrium. We discuss each

methodology in greater detail below.

3.1.1 Regression Approach

This paper adopts the methodology of Chapter 2, which makes small alterations to the

approach in Fleming et al. (1996), and is a compromise between Vector Error Correction

Models (VECMs) and ordinary least squares (OLS) regression. Specifically, contemporaneous

returns of one series ( tAR , ) are regressed against the contemporaneous and lagged returns of

another series ( ktBR , ) and an error correction term equal to the one-period lag of the difference

in log prices between the two series, or 1,1,1, lnln tBtAtA PPz , to determine which series

appears to react more quickly to information. Formally, the following model is used:



ktA zRR





The number of return lags ( j ) used as independent variables is chosen with reference to the

best available frequency for the respective energy security price data, the selection of which is

discussed for each commodity in full below. All regressions use the method proposed by

Newey-West (1987) to estimate variance-covariance matrices that are robust to autocorrelation

and heteroskedasticity and which allow for the calculation of robust F-statistics55

. The number

of permutations in which these regressions are run depends on the number of viable contending


The lag length ( L ) for the Newey-West (1987) technique is chosen with reference to their rule of

thumb that there be : 4 TL lags and is thus dependent on the number of observations ( T ), which in

turn is the product of the frequency of sampling and the number of days in common between the

respective sets of return series.

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securities that are potential sources of price discovery in their respective markets. Conclusions

are drawn from visual inspection of regression coefficients and, where these are inconclusive,

from the comparison of the adjusted R-squared and robust F-statistics.

3.1.2 Information Shares

Hasbrouck‘s (1995) information shares measure the relative contribution of each security to

the variance of innovations in the common factor between them. Decomposing actual prices

( tip , ) into an unobservable common efficient price ( tm ), which follows a random walk

( ttt umm 1 ), and idiosyncratic transitory factors ( tis , ), Hasbrouck (2002) gives:




















Using a multivariate VECM specification gives56





itt εyΓyβαy





Where: ty is a 1K vector of first differences in log price levels ( tip , ); ity are lagged

dependent variables; α and β are rK

parameter matrices in which the number of

cointegrating equations is less than the number of I(1) variables ( Kr ); 11 ,, pΓΓ are

KK matrices of parameters; and, tε is a 1K vector of normally distributed and serially

uncorrelated error terms with contemporaneous covariance matrix Ω . Hasbrouck (1995)

represents equation (3.3) as a Vector Moving Average (VMA), where LΨ

is a matrix

polynomial in the lag operator, L :


Note that a trend term is used in the cointegrating equation of the VECM in circumstances in which

spot and futures securities are being compared (i.e. are components of the vector t

y ) to account for

carrying costs.

Page 72: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


tt L Ψy


Following Baillie et al. (2002), equation (3.4) can be expressed in an integrated form as





st L *ΨΨy




The moving average impact matrix, 1Ψ , is calculated as the sum of the moving average

coefficients, which is the long-run impact of price innovations that are common to all the series.

The rows of the impact matrix, 1Ψ , are identical. If we denote one of these rows Ψ (a K1

row vector), we can express the variance of the common efficient price as:




The information share ( iIS ) of a particular security is then calculated as its variance

contribution (22

ii ) to the variance of the common efficient price:





The specification in equation (3.7) relies on the absence of contemporaneous correlation in

the error terms from the VECM. Because correlation is typically present, Hasbrouck (1995) uses

a Cholesky factorisation of the error term covariance matrix, Ω , equal to MM where M is

the lower triangular matrix. Thereafter, the ordering of the series in the log price vector is cycled

to provide a range for the information shares. Thus, Hasbrouck‘s (1995) information shares are

given by:






We take the average information share calculated from running the VECM in equation (3.3)

as many times as necessary to completely cycle the order of the securities in the log price

Page 73: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


vector. All versions of (3.3) are run with the appropriate number of cointegrating relations

commensurate with Johansen (1995) cointegration tests (detailed in the Appendix to this


In the analysis that follows, all return data for the energy commodities is calculated as the

logarithm of the first differences in prices sourced from Thomson Reuters Tick History in

respect of the 4-year period from 2 January 2008 to 30 December 2011, inclusive. All days in

this period where securities are traded or settlement prices are recorded are used. In light of time

zone differences intraday windows are all expressed in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Futures

securities used are front contracts up until the day prior to expiry, at which time we switch into

the next-to-front contract splicing the series so as to avoid the return effects of the contract



3.2 Coal

Coal is the least liquid of the markets examined in this study. It is predominantly traded via

long-term, bilateral contracts under which counterparties periodically renegotiate prices, with

little external price transparency. The main sources of price information for coal transactions are

the indices compiled by price reporting agencies such as McCloskey and Argus or the futures

prices from the exchanges facilitating futures trading. The McCloskey and Argus index prices

are proxies for long-term contract prices as they are gathered from regular surveys which take

an average of the prices observed by dozens of market participants for coal to be delivered in

the next 90 days. Unfortunately, until very recently, these indices were only available on a

weekly basis and, at this frequency, would not yield enough data for robust analysis. In addition,

prices gleaned in this fashion may not reflect current market circumstances as the long-term


In addition, the analysis in the paper was also run rolling all the futures contracts two weeks prior to

expiry. The results were not substantially different, but we note that the crude oil information share

results in particular were somewhat more ambiguous. We determined that rolling the futures contracts one

day prior to expiry was more consistent with the persistence of greater volume in the front contract up

until this time, though we note that some well known commodity funds that invest via futures sometimes

roll their positions earlier than this (for example, Stoll and Whaley, 2010, describe how two prominent

commodity index funds—the S&P Goldman Sachs Commodity Index and the Dow Jones/UBS

Commodity Index—often roll into the next-to-front contract several weeks before the front contract


Page 74: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


contracts to which they pertain may have been agreed in the past58

. Although for these reasons

coal price index data are not used directly in this study, it should be noted that most coal futures

contracts are nonetheless cash settled against the level of the API2 index published in the

Argus/McCloskey Index Report59


The main European exchanges facilitating coal futures trading are the Intercontinental

Exchange (ICE) and the European Energy Exchange (EEX). The liquidity in these contracts is

very poor and, in the absence of actual trade activity, reported daily settlement prices are

typically averages of bid and ask prices or the result of the exchanges surveying market

participants for indicative levels, which admittedly is not dissimilar to the approach taken by the

price reporting agencies. The lack of trading in coal futures markets necessitates analysis being

conducted on a daily basis as dependable higher frequency data is not available. We examine

price discovery between the coal futures contracts that actually trade every day or so: the

monthly and quarterly expiry ICE Rotterdam coal futures and the monthly and annual expiry

EEX ARA coal futures60


Descriptive statistics for the coal securities are detailed in Table 3.1 and are similar across

the four futures contracts. With the exception of the EEX monthly series, all the series display

significant autocorrelation, largely driven by the large, positive autocorrelation coefficients on

their first lagged returns (as detailed in the Appendix). The presence of this autocorrelation,

which is likely a product of thin trading, justifies the use of Newey-West (1987) estimation of

the residual variance-covariance matrix under the regression approach and the inclusion of at


In addition, the daily McCloskey price series available since February 2009 appears to be either

released at a one-day lag or alternatively the survey responses may be influenced by previous day

settlement prices in the futures market. For example, the contemporaneous return correlation of the daily

McCloskey series with the ICE monthly expiry coal futures is only 13.3 per cent, while the correlation

when the ICE futures are lagged one day is 57.0 per cent (while the correlation if the McCloskey series is

lagged is only 1.3 per cent). These features make the use of the McCloskey series in studies such as

Keppler and Mansanet-Bataller (2010) and Hintermann (2010) a somewhat curious choice, particularly

for analysis looking at causality in which timing is so important.

59 The API2 index is the average of the Argus Rotterdam price assessment and the McCloskey Northwest

Europe steam coal marker. These prices are on a Cost, Insurance and Freight (CIF) basis for coal arriving

in the ports of Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Antwerp (ARA). See the McCloskey website for details of the

index calculation methodology: http://www.ihs.com/products/coal-information/coal-methodology-


60 Intraday annual expiry coal futures data sourced from Thomson Reuters for the commodities brokerage

GFI were also examined as well as daily settlement prices for the annual expiry ICE coal futures, but

these were not found to be sources of price discovery. Although these results are not reported for the sake

of brevity, they are available from the author on request.

Page 75: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


least one lag in the VECM estimated to calculate information shares. Augmented Dickey-

Fuller (1979) stationarity tests of the log price levels and continuously compounded returns

reveal that the securities are all I(1) variables, stationary in returns but not in price levels, and

are cointegrated. The results of these tests are detailed in the Appendix.

Table 3.1

Descriptive Statistics for Coal Returns

Table 3.1 displays descriptive statistics of the continuously compounded returns for coal futures sampled

at daily intervals between 2 January 2008 and 30 December 2011 (961 observations).

Table 3.2 displays the results of running regressions for the coal futures as per equation


. According to the regressions, the differences between coal securities are slight, which is

most likely because of the necessarily low sampling frequency and daily settlement prices being

determined via exchanges surveying some of the same market participants on days without

trading. Visual inspection of the coefficients in the twelve regressions provides no strong

evidence on the direction of price discovery. All series display very large, positive and

statistically significant contemporaneous return coefficients. However, while many regressions

also have significant coefficients on the first lagged returns, there isn‘t a consistent pattern that

points to greater short-run return leadership residing in a particular security. Because visual

inspection is inconclusive, we also examine the average R-squared and F-statistics from these

regressions to see whether these statistics are clearly stronger for any of the securities. We also


A lag length ( j ) of 5 periods was chosen as ample given that the data are sampled on a daily basis.

ICE Monthly Futures ICE Quarterly Futures EEX Monthly Futures EEX Annual Futures

Frequency Daily Daily Daily Daily

Mean -0.0001 -0.0002 0.0002 -0.0002

Standard Deviation 0.0172 0.0193 0.0151 0.0184

Skewness -1.45 -0.71 -0.88 -0.62

Kurtosis 18.92 7.10 12.16 7.15

Maximum 0.1090 0.0713 0.0819 0.0864


Percentile 0.0061 0.0093 0.0049 0.0090


Percentile -0.0049 -0.0083 -0.0039 -0.0081

Minimum -0.1655 -0.1043 -0.1068 -0.1088

Page 76: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


note that the coefficients on the error correction terms are seldom statistically significant

indicating that any cointegration between the securities is weak at best62


Table 3.2

Price Discovery Regressions for European Coal

Table 3.2 presents the results of fitting model (3.1) using continuously compounded returns calculated

from daily settlement prices between 2 January 2008 and 30 December 2011 (956 return observations). In

Panel A, the independent variables are contemporaneous and lagged returns of monthly expiry ICE

Rotterdam coal futures (series B) and an error correction term, with the response variable being one of the

three other series of interest (series A). Panels B, C and D are set out similarly. Formally:



ktA zRR






The error correction terms are given by: 1,tA

z ln(1, tA

p ) – ln(1, tB

p ), the one-period lag of the

difference in log prices between the two series. Square brackets [ ] below coefficients contain t-statistics,

while round brackets ( ) below F-statistics contain p-values. * and ** denote significance at the 5 and

1 per cent levels, respectively.


This conforms with the cointegration test results in the Appendix (Table A3), which show three

cointegrating relations between the series at the 5 per cent level of significance, but only two relations at

the 1 per cent level.

α βt βt-1 βt-2 βt-3 βt-4 βt-5 βZ Adj R-sqr F-stat

Panel A:

0.0001 0.8034** 0.1135** -0.0289 0.1056* 0.0041 -0.0234 -0.0019 0.517 16.86**

[0.21] [7.58] [3.26] [-0.85] [2.24] [0.10] [-0.52] [-0.97] (0.000)

0.0002 0.5517** 0.1141** -0.0015 0.0296 0.0562 -0.0046 0.0004 0.412 12.03**

[0.81] [6.84] [3.18] [-0.05] [0.77] [1.29] [-0.09] [0.55] (0.000)

-0.0002 0.5647** 0.1136* -0.0443 0.0532 0.0528 0.0203 -0.0019 0.289 13.16**

[-0.33] [4.38] [2.27] [-1.30] [1.12] [1.09] [0.46] [-0.93] (0.000)

Panel B:

-0.0005 0.6283** 0.0210 0.0075 -0.0400 0.0208 0.0258 0.0019* 0.500 52.40**

[-1.09] [16.10] [0.54] [0.28] [-1.14] [0.44] [0.75] [1.98] (0.000)

-0.0001 0.4471** 0.0727* 0.0188 -0.0366 0.0684 -0.0041 0.0015 0.364 22.71**

[-0.17] [8.42] [1.99] [0.53] [-0.90] [1.92] [-0.12] [1.51] (0.000)

0.0000 0.8156** 0.0113 -0.0181 -0.0281 0.0296 0.0435* -0.0004 0.737 94.32**

[0.00] [21.14] [0.45] [-0.92] [-1.22] [1.19] [2.55] [-0.32] (0.000)

Panel C:

-0.0003 0.7289** 0.1382** 0.0080 -0.0315 -0.0778 0.1049 -0.0003 0.421 63.94**

[-0.89] [15.34] [3.75] [0.28] [-0.96] [-1.73] [1.87] [-0.19] (0.000)

-0.0008 0.7714** 0.1689** 0.0381 0.0281 -0.0778 0.0217 -0.0026 0.369 40.34**

[-1.02] [12.08] [4.28] [0.79] [0.61] [-1.62] [0.51] [-0.85] (0.000)

-0.0010 0.6924** 0.0818* 0.0211 0.0076 -0.0333 0.0903* -0.0022 0.325 24.48**

[-1.06] [10.24] [2.14] [0.40] [0.15] [-0.65] [2.04] [-0.83] (0.000)

Panel D:

-0.0008 0.4844** 0.0768 0.0382 -0.0349 0.0335 -0.0230 0.0028 0.283 12.10**

[-1.31] [6.15] [1.73] [0.89] [-0.75] [0.56] [-0.58] [1.87] (0.000)

-0.0002 0.8990** 0.0543** 0.0247 0.0188 -0.0240 -0.0553** 0.0007 0.739 138.09**

[-0.56] [25.63] [2.88] [1.00] [0.79] [-1.04] [-2.98] [0.58] (0.000)

-0.0002 0.4561** 0.0482 0.0463 -0.0348 0.0727* -0.0359 0.0018 0.330 21.19**

[-0.44] [9.03] [1.66] [1.28] [-0.97] [2.51] [-1.03] [1.29] (0.000)

Independent Variable: EEX Annual




t V



le ICE









t V



le ICE






Independent Variable: ICE Monthly




t V



le ICE






Independent Variable: ICE Quarterly




t V



le ICE






Independent Variable: EEX Monthly

Page 77: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


Table 3.3 presents the average R-squared and F-statistics and ranks them in order from

highest to lowest. Although there is little difference between the securities in relation to their

ability to explain the returns of other securities, the ICE quarterly coal futures appear to have a

marginally better explanatory power, while the EEX annual futures have the better joint

significance of regression coefficients. These two securities are also more heavily traded than

the monthly securities (albeit within the limited trading of coal futures in general)63

. This

provides some evidence that these securities are marginally better sources of price discovery in

the European coal market in terms of short-term return dynamics.

Table 3.3

Summary Regression Statistics and Ranking for Coal

Table 3.3 reports the average R-squared and robust F-statistics from the regression results

in Table 3.2. Averages are for the case in which each security is the independent variable in

the regressions. The average summary statistics are ranked from largest (1) to smallest (4).

Table 3.4 presents Hasbrouck‘s (1995) information shares for the coal securities. The results

show that, contrary to the short-term return dynamics, the variance contribution to long-run

equilibrium price innovations common to the series is greatest for the ICE monthly coal futures.

This presents something of a quandary as to which security is the better indicator of price

discovery in the European coal market as it cannot unequivocally be said which of the

dynamics, short or long-run, are more important. However, in the absence of more frequent

data, which would facilitate a more comprehensive consideration of the short-run return

dynamics between the securities, we are inclined to give greater weight to the long-run

dynamics captured by the information shares.


The Thomson Reuters data indicate that for the front contracts in our 2008-2011 sample period 525

contracts of the ICE quarterly futures were traded, 91 contracts of the EEX annual futures, 65 contracts of

the ICE monthly futures, while there were no trades recorded of the EEX monthly futures.

ICE Monthly ICE Quarterly EEX Monthly EEX Annual

Average R-squared 0.41 0.53 0.37 0.45

F-statistic 14.02 56.48 42.92 57.13

Rank R-squared 3 1 4 2

F-statistic 4 2 3 1

Independent Variable

Page 78: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


Table 3.4

Information Shares for European Coal

Hasbrouck‘s (1995) information shares (i

IS ) are calculated using the log of daily settlement price levels

between 2 January 2008 and 30 December 2011 (960 observations) for the four coal futures as per:






The elements of the ( K1 ) row vector Ψ are the sums of each security‘s coefficients in the moving

average impact matrix (i

). The lower triangular matrix from a Cholesky factorisation ( M ) of the

VECM‘s contemporaneous error term variance-covariance matrix ( Ω ) is used to construct the variance

contribution of each security, ([ M ]i )2, to the variance of the common efficient price ( ΨΨΩ ). The

multivariate VECM specification from equation (3.3) contains 2 lags in theit

y vector as suggested by

the autocorrelation coefficients and Schwarz‘s Bayesian Information Criterion. The order of the series in

the VECM log price vector (t

y ) is cycled such that the VECM is run with each series taking a turn at

being the first series in the log price vector. As the order is cycled and the VECM re-run, the information

shares are re-calculated. Shading indicates the information share that is typically, though not always, the

maximum out of the four cycles because this cycle is the one in which that series is ordered first (as listed

in the first column of the table). The range of the information shares for each variable and the average

information share calculated across the four cycles are displayed along with the ordinal ranking of the


Series Ordered First in Cycle ICE Monthly Futures ICE Quarterly Futures EEX Monthly Futures EEX Annual Futures

ICE Monthly Futures 0.661 0.275 0.029 0.035

ICE Quarterly Futures 0.357 0.271 0.349 0.023

EEX Monthly Futures 0.611 0.033 0.356 0.000

EEX Annual Futures 0.630 0.270 0.049 0.051

Maximum 0.661 0.275 0.356 0.051

Minimum 0.357 0.033 0.029 0.000

Average 0.565 0.212 0.196 0.027

Rank 1 2 3 4

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3.3 Natural Gas

In Europe natural gas is predominantly priced under two different systems best understood by

comparing Europe‘s two largest gas markets, namely Germany and the UK. In Germany, natural

gas is mostly priced under long-term, oil-indexed supply contracts. These agreements are

complicated, but typically run for 10 to 30 years and include price renegotiation clauses together

with a limited amount of volume flexibility at the discretion of the gas purchaser. The most

transparent price in this system is the German Border Price, which is a volume-weighted

average price, published monthly. The German Border Price is not a suitable indicator for

natural gas price discovery as it is infrequently released and largely linked to oil prices through

formulas specified in the supply contracts (usually crude oil, gasoil and/or heavy fuel oil

assessed at a 6 to 9-month lag and sometimes combinations of these that also include an

inflation indexation component)64


In contrast, the UK natural gas market has been characterised by market pricing at the

National Balancing Point (NBP) hub, a virtual trading location, since the mid-1990s. Market

pricing for gas contracts has since spread and become increasingly important in continental

Europe, particularly since bi-directional pipelines connecting the UK‘s NBP to Belgium‘s

Zeebrugge hub and to the Dutch Title Transfer Facility (TTF) became operational in 1998 and

2006, respectively65

. Market pricing now stretches into the rest of Europe through

interconnecting pipelines with major hubs in France at Point d‘Exchange de Gaz (PEG) Nord

and Sud and in Germany at Gaspool and Netconnect Germany (NCG). However, the spot (day-

ahead), forward (month-ahead) and associated derivative securities at the more established

pricing hubs in the UK, Belgium and the Netherlands remain the most liquid markets and the

likely points of price discovery for natural gas in Europe. As such, we examine price discovery


Asche, Osmundsen and Tveterås (2002) comprehensively describe these long-term take-or-pay


65 Melling (2010) provides a thorough overview of the development of European natural gas markets and

the factors underlying the increasing prevalence of market pricing in continental Europe.

Page 80: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


between NBP day-ahead and month-ahead prices, Zeebrugge day-ahead and month-ahead

prices, TTF day-ahead prices and monthly expiry ICE UK natural gas futures contracts66


The natural gas prices considered display much greater liquidity than the coal prices

considered in the previous section and, as such, they warrant a more informative, high

frequency analysis to determine the best venue for price discovery67

. The TTF day-ahead series

are converted from euro into Great British pence using intraday EBS exchange rates, which

were also sourced from Thomson Reuters, though interestingly the results are not significantly

different when the regressions are run with each series in its native currency68

. Descriptive

statistics for the six natural gas return series are displayed in Table 3.5. The range of returns for

the natural gas securities is much larger than for the coal securities reflecting their much greater


Table 3.5

Descriptive Statistics for Natural Gas Returns

Table 3.5 reports descriptive statistics calculated in respect of continuously compounded returns for the

natural gas securities sampled at 10-minute intervals from 2 January 2008 to 30 December 2011.


Other securities examined but unreported here for brevity and which were shown not to be sources of

price discovery, include: PEG Nord day-ahead, ICE TTF futures, ICE Gaspool futures and ICE NCG


67 The regressions were run on an hourly, 10-minute, 5-minute and 1-minute basis. The reported results

are for the 10-minute series as there were too many zero return observations in the higher frequency series

and the hourly series did not fully utilise the frequency of return observations available. Even so, the

results did not differ substantially at these other intervals. The regressions were run for 10 lagged returns

as independent variables (i.e. capturing leading and lagging behaviour of just over an hour and a half).

68 As shown in the Appendix, Table B1, all the series, except the ICE natural gas futures, display

significant autocorrelation. This justifies the use of Newey-West (1987) in the regression approach.

According to the augmented Dickey-Fuller (1979) test statistics in Table B2, all of the securities are I(1)

variables; non-stationary in levels but stationary in returns. Johansen (1995) tests show that they are all

cointegrated at the 1 per cent level of statistical significance (Table B3).

NBP NBP TTF Zeebrugge Zeebrugge ICE

Month Day Day Month Day Monthly

Ahead Ahead Ahead Ahead Ahead Futures

Frequency 10-minute 10-minute 10-minute 10-minute 10-minute 10-minute

Mean 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

Standard Deviation 0.0055 0.0093 0.0081 0.0052 0.0096 0.0050

Skewness 12.20 -1.80 -2.44 8.16 -5.80 15.31

Kurtosis 826.05 566.10 134.95 624.64 457.13 1,000.59

Maximum 0.3466 0.5431 0.1598 0.3091 0.2944 0.3443


Percentile 0.0000 0.0000 0.0008 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000


Percentile 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0008 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

Minimum -0.1823 -0.4844 -0.2984 -0.1493 -0.4715 -0.1491

Page 81: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


The results in Table 3.6 show that the lagged return coefficients are most often positive and

significant when the NBP month-ahead, TTF day-ahead or ICE monthly futures series are the

explanatory variables, but less so for the other series. The strongest relationship exists between

the NBP month-ahead and ICE monthly futures returns, which is unsurprising given their

similar tenor and the physical deliverability of the futures.

As expected, in light of the more granular intraday interval, the contemporaneous return

coefficients, R-squared and robust F-statistics are lower than in the coal futures regressions.

Notwithstanding this, these measures are also very small in their own right, with the exception

of the aforementioned linkages between NBP month-ahead natural gas and the ICE monthly

futures. This weakness between the physical markets gives some indication that significant

market frictions exist between the various natural gas hubs in Europe, potentially resulting from

different storage and pipeline capacities at and between the hubs and the time it takes to move

natural gas from one market to another. However, if these frictions were geographically

specific, it would be expected that there would be stronger contemporaneous return coefficients

between securities on the same hub (for example, the Zeebrugge day-ahead and month-ahead

regressions). Puzzlingly, this does not seem to be the case. Rather, there appear to be stronger

forward curve relationships, with day-ahead series having higher contemporaneous coefficients

when regressed against other day-ahead series and month-ahead series similarly having higher

coefficients with other month-ahead series. This suggests the possibility that short-term supply

disruptions or demand spikes might drive different dynamics at the front of the curve compared

with further out and that these dynamics are felt in common at various hubs with some degree of

simultaneity. For example, perhaps the impact of unanticipated cold weather could drive a spike

in natural gas demand at several North West European gas hubs at approximately the same time,

affecting day-ahead markets more than further out the curve. In this sense, the day-ahead

markets display demand inelasticity that is similar to electricity prices, which is not surprising

given that demand for power and natural gas are both related to the demand for heating.

Consistent with their greater susceptibility to short-term factors, the volatilities of all the day-

ahead series, as displayed in Table 3.5, are roughly twice that of the month-ahead and futures


Page 82: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


Table 3.6

Price Discovery Regressions for European Natural Gas

Table 3.6 presents the results of fitting model (3.1) using 10-minute continuously compounded returns between 8:00am and 4:00pm GMT from 2 January 2008 to

30 December 2011 (47,078 return observations). In Panel A, the independent variables are contemporaneous and lagged returns of NBP month-ahead natural gas

(series B) and an error correction term, with the response variable being one of the five other series of interest (series A). Panels B, C, D, E and F contain results from

using the other five securities as independent variables. Formally:



ktA zRR






The error correction terms are given by: 1,tA

z ln(1, tA

p ) – ln(1, tB

p ), the one-period lag of the difference in log prices between the two series. Square brackets [ ]

below coefficients contain t-statistics, while round brackets ( ) below F-statistics contain p-values. * and ** denote significance at the 5 and 1 per cent levels.

α βt βt-1 βt-2 βt-3 βt-4 βt-5 βt-6 βt-7 βt-8 βt-9 βt-10 βZ R-squared F-statistic

Panel A:

0.0001** 0.4382** 0.1124** 0.0843** 0.0537** 0.0359** 0.0293** 0.0136 0.0271** 0.0156* 0.0179* -0.0041 -0.0041** 0.074 8.18**

[4.37] [5.43] [5.19] [5.10] [3.60] [3.06] [3.00] [1.11] [3.00] [2.10] [2.24] [-0.43] [-4.17] (0.000)

0.0000 0.2290** 0.0691** 0.0477** 0.0308* 0.0241** 0.0224* 0.0378** 0.0278* 0.0208** -0.0003 0.0034 -0.0042** 0.029 12.47**

[1.02] [3.83] [4.89] [4.77] [2.23] [2.64] [2.34] [2.79] [2.29] [2.61] [-0.04] [0.47] [-5.87] (0.000)

-0.0001** 0.2482** 0.0486** 0.0244** 0.0161 0.0213** 0.0227** 0.0319 0.0162* 0.0165** 0.0164** 0.0231** -0.0099** 0.072 7.49**

[-3.86] [3.37] [3.89] [4.66] [1.84] [3.40] [4.80] [1.73] [2.35] [2.75] [2.92] [3.84] [-6.62] (0.000)

0.0001* 0.1688** 0.0483** 0.0324** 0.0375** 0.0373** 0.0369** 0.0251* 0.0393** 0.0203* 0.0502* 0.0283** -0.0050** 0.014 7.17**

[2.50] [2.81] [4.12] [3.25] [4.00] [4.58] [3.57] [2.04] [3.67] [2.40] [2.16] [2.96] [-4.78] (0.000)

0.0001 0.6101** 0.0864** 0.0390** 0.0111* 0.0055 0.0048 0.0038 0.0062 0.0002 0.0018 0.0016 -0.3455** 0.500 33.44**

[6.29] [11.48] [7.69] [4.00] [2.53] [1.23] [1.27] [0.94] [1.88] [0.07] [0.52] [0.44] [-10.22] (0.000)

Panel B:

-0.0001** 0.1519** 0.0155** 0.0149** 0.0054 -0.0072 0.0021 0.0002 0.0025 0.0023 -0.0004 0.0012 -0.0022** 0.067 6.23**

[-3.63] [5.97] [3.83] [2.75] [1.09] [-1.29] [0.82] [0.07] [0.76] [0.80] [-0.16] [0.35] [-5.16] (0.000)

-0.0002** 0.2360** 0.0291** 0.0238** 0.0141 -0.0009 0.0055 0.0056 0.0054 0.0003 0.0077 -0.0005 -0.0093** 0.078 12.57**

[-6.74] [6.35] [3.12] [2.84] [1.59] [-0.08] [0.79] [0.71] [0.92] [0.06] [1.34] [-0.07] [-8.07] (0.000)

-0.0001* 0.0664** 0.0105** 0.0091** 0.0053 0.0049 0.0044 -0.0042 0.0076* 0.0064* 0.0084** 0.0077** -0.0013** 0.015 6.29**

[-2.35] [3.61] [3.40] [3.22] [1.05] [1.37] [1.58] [-0.47] [2.27] [2.00] [2.74] [2.79] [-3.45] (0.000)

-0.0002** 0.3057** 0.0394** -0.0309 0.0127 0.0336* 0.0362** -0.0162 0.0253* 0.0149 0.0360** 0.0208 -0.0149** 0.096 10.15**

[-4.54] [6.06] [3.81] [-0.51] [0.84] [2.38] [2.98] [-0.66] [2.33] [1.40] [3.27] [1.66] [-5.46] (0.000)

-0.0001** 0.1132** 0.0154** 0.0054* 0.0060 -0.0056 0.0034 0.0020 -0.0008 0.0002 0.0009 0.0036 -0.0022** 0.045 5.67**

[-3.44] [4.87] [3.36] [2.12] [1.32] [-1.24] [1.27] [0.67] [-0.30] [0.09] [0.39] [1.10] [-5.37] (0.000)

Independent Variable: NBP Day Ahead












Month Ahead


Day Ahead

ICE Monthly


Independent Variable: NBP Month Ahead












Month Ahead


Day Ahead

ICE Monthly


Page 83: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


Table 3.6

Price Discovery Regressions for European Natural Gas (Continued)

α βt βt-1 βt-2 βt-3 βt-4 βt-5 βt-6 βt-7 βt-8 βt-9 βt-10 βZ R-squared F-statistic

Panel C:

0.0000 0.1092** 0.0507** 0.0135** 0.0119** 0.0043 0.0030 0.0049 0.0007 0.0057 0.0053 0.0037 -0.0024** 0.030 8.84**

[-0.74] [3.61] [5.19] [3.53] [2.60] [0.78] [0.90] [1.84] [0.22] [1.73] [1.70] [1.10] [-5.20] (0.000)

0.0003** 0.3250** 0.1195** 0.0656** 0.0380* 0.0075 0.0348** 0.0118 0.0353** 0.0126* 0.0015 0.0024 -0.0105** 0.090 15.81**

[6.11] [7.37] [5.41] [5.69] [2.20] [0.61] [4.10] [1.29] [4.37] [2.11] [0.18] [0.16] [-5.07] (0.000)

0.0000 0.0617* 0.0113** 0.0095** 0.0047 -0.0007 0.0121** -0.0010 0.0113* 0.0091* 0.0125** 0.0071* -0.0014** 0.010 4.09**

[-1.07] [2.53] [2.75] [3.02] [1.18] [-0.13] [3.76] [-0.11] [2.04] [2.51] [3.01] [2.06] [-3.29] (0.000)

0.0003** 0.2316** 0.0545** 0.0606** 0.0332** 0.0367** 0.0489** 0.0281 0.0513** 0.0309** 0.0344** 0.0485** -0.0254** 0.047 11.44**

[6.26] [5.14] [5.45] [5.38] [2.97] [3.71] [5.46] [1.55] [6.12] [3.27] [3.34] [3.36] [-7.71] (0.000)

0.0000 0.1002** 0.0210** 0.0076* 0.0087* 0.0052 0.0008 0.0032 0.0017 0.0032 0.0020 0.0048 -0.0022** 0.027 7.74**

[-0.66] [3.34] [5.27] [1.98] [2.10] [0.99] [0.26] [1.09] [0.57] [1.23] [0.75] [1.57] [-5.00] (0.000)

Panel D:

0.0002** 0.2704** 0.0186 0.0088 0.0022 0.0038 0.0001 -0.0008 -0.0047 0.0120* -0.0016 0.0021 -0.0172** 0.075 11.88**

[5.85] [3.01] [1.96] [1.71] [0.31] [0.57] [0.02] [-0.15] [-1.02] [2.43] [-0.40] [0.47] [-11.36] (0.000)

0.0002** 0.2114** 0.0379 0.0119 0.0167 0.0141 0.0077 0.0130 0.0056 0.0186* 0.0040 0.0042 -0.0044** 0.016 3.60**

[4.62] [3.55] [1.34] [1.54] [1.50] [1.35] [0.67] [1.23] [0.68] [1.98] [0.54] [0.39] [-4.43] (0.000)

0.0001** 0.1448** 0.0118 0.0114 0.0215* -0.0015 0.0132 0.0118 0.0041 0.0014 -0.0025 -0.0009 -0.0047** 0.011 6.06**

[2.60] [2.68] [1.37] [1.33] [1.96] [-0.15] [1.21] [1.44] [0.47] [0.20] [-0.34] [-0.15] [-6.42] (0.000)

0.0001** 0.2314** 0.0117 0.0161 0.0229** 0.0100 0.0110 -0.0019 0.0042 0.0032 0.0126 0.0020 -0.0056** 0.019 4.88**

[4.06] [3.93] [0.59] [1.20] [2.83] [1.14] [1.06] [-0.14] [0.62] [0.36] [1.58] [0.23] [-5.15] (0.000)

0.0001** 0.2512** 0.0157** 0.0048 0.0067 0.0035 -0.0014 0.0051 0.0016 0.0077 0.0012 0.0002 -0.0152** 0.076 13.13**

[5.58] [2.84] [2.89] [0.88] [1.05] [0.83] [-0.20] [1.04] [0.42] [1.71] [0.30] [0.05] [-12.22] (0.000)

Independent Variable: Zeebrugge Month Ahead




t V











Day Ahead

ICE Monthly


Independent Variable: TTF Day Ahead




t V









Month Ahead


Day Ahead

ICE Monthly


Page 84: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


Table 3.6

Price Discovery Regressions for European Natural Gas (Continued)

α βt βt-1 βt-2 βt-3 βt-4 βt-5 βt-6 βt-7 βt-8 βt-9 βt-10 βZ R-squared F-statistic

Panel E:

-0.0000* 0.0556** 0.0098 0.0118** -0.0029 0.0003 -0.0004 0.0057* -0.0007 -0.0019 -0.0020 0.0051 -0.0029** 0.012 4.94**

[-2.25] [2.74] [1.53] [2.94] [-0.54] [0.08] [-0.16] [2.18] [-0.29] [-0.60] [-0.62] [1.62] [-6.74] (0.000)

0.0002** 0.2874** 0.0360 -0.0015 0.0184 0.0099 0.0089 0.0042 -0.0014 0.0038 0.0060 -0.0052 -0.0174** 0.094 6.47**

[5.41] [5.72] [1.58] [-0.18] [1.24] [0.89] [1.82] [0.43] [-0.25] [0.60] [0.89] [-0.34] [-4.81] (0.000)

-0.0003** 0.1556** 0.0068 0.0175** 0.0185* 0.0068 0.0166** 0.0112 -0.0002 0.0077 0.0082 0.0064 -0.0250** 0.047 21.00**

[-7.78] [5.09] [0.94] [2.70] [2.31] [1.34] [3.67] [1.82] [-0.03] [1.86] [1.48] [1.30] [-15.08] (0.000)

-0.0000* 0.0701** 0.0126** 0.0155** 0.0135* 0.0025 0.0096* 0.0031 0.0068* 0.0020 0.0051** 0.0024 -0.0016** 0.018 5.03**

[-2.05] [3.89] [4.29] [3.29] [2.08] [1.03] [2.27] [0.40] [2.16] [0.97] [2.67] [0.91] [-4.05] (0.000)

-0.0000* 0.0463* 0.0040 0.0039 -0.0007 -0.0034 0.0006 0.0021 -0.0025 0.0018 0.0004 0.0027 -0.0027** 0.010 4.25**

[-2.08] [2.22] [1.68] [1.35] [-0.14] [-1.05] [0.20] [0.98] [-0.97] [0.68] [0.19] [1.04] [-6.57] (0.000)

Panel F:

-0.0001** 0.7609** 0.1942** 0.0670** 0.0372** 0.0403 0.0197** 0.0133* 0.0093 0.0114** -0.0021 0.0135** -0.3722** 0.503 173.06**

[-6.36] [18.52] [6.48] [4.54] [2.75] [1.89] [2.85] [2.22] [1.49] [2.56] [-0.51] [3.20] [-9.94] (0.000)

0.0001** 0.3813** 0.1117** 0.1089** 0.0908** 0.0360 0.0496** 0.0185 0.0289** 0.0232** 0.0058 0.0033 -0.0042** 0.055 8.29**

[4.32] [4.44] [4.54] [5.62] [4.19] [1.68] [4.29] [1.10] [3.11] [2.79] [0.58] [0.31] [-4.27] (0.000)

0.0000 0.2494** 0.0887** 0.0492** 0.0565** 0.0332** 0.0459** 0.0263 0.0253* 0.0176* 0.0005 0.0030 -0.0041** 0.033 12.54**

[0.94] [3.48] [5.22] [4.59] [2.90] [2.88] [3.05] [1.61] [2.45] [1.98] [0.06] [0.41] [-5.79] (0.000)

-0.0001** 0.2705** 0.0253** 0.0239** 0.0124 0.0264** 0.0168** 0.0444* 0.0181** 0.0121 0.0135* 0.0213** -0.0095** 0.072 7.97**

[-3.81] [3.30] [4.33] [4.18] [1.29] [3.63] [3.53] [2.08] [2.73] [1.75] [2.55] [3.08] [-6.54] (0.000)

0.0001* 0.1655* 0.0492** 0.0365** 0.0470** 0.0488** 0.0418** 0.0163 0.0432** 0.0278* 0.0350* 0.0217* -0.0050** 0.013 7.48**

[2.40] [2.29] [3.56] [3.14] [4.44] [4.50] [4.12] [1.14] [3.60] [2.54] [2.40] [2.03] [-4.74] (0.000)

Independent Variable: ICE Monthly Futures




t V











Month Ahead


Day Ahead

Independent Variable: Zeebrugge Day Ahead




t V











Month Ahead

ICE Monthly


Page 85: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


Given the large number of comparisons involved in visual inspection of regression

coefficients, we also provide the average R-squared and F-statistics. Table 3.7 displays the

average fit and joint significance statistics from the regressions in Table 3.6 together with their

ordinal ranking. These indicate that both the NBP month-ahead and ICE monthly futures returns

are strong explanators of the short-term return behaviour of the other securities. However, given

the relative ranking of their average R-squared and F-statistics, it is difficult to distinguish

between them and reach a conclusion regarding which of the two securities is the better security

for short-term price discovery.

Table 3.7

Summary Regression Statistics and Ranking for Natural Gas

Table 3.7 reports the average R-squared and robust F-statistics from the natural gas regression results

presented in Table 3.6. Averages are for the case in which each security is the independent variable in the

regressions. The average summary statistics have been ranked from largest (1) to smallest (6).

Table 3.8 presents the information shares for the natural gas securities. The ICE monthly

futures clearly have the greatest variance contribution to innovations in the long-run equilibrium

price, on average accounting for 68.1 per cent of the common innovations. The next most

important contributions come from the NBP month-ahead and TTF day-ahead markets but these

averages are only 10.4 per cent and 10.3 per cent, respectively. This indicates that while these

different regional markets may only be weakly linked in terms of short-term responsiveness of

prices, they are nonetheless cointegrated (tests detailed in the Appendix), with innovations in

prices in the mature UK natural gas futures market contributing most to the ultimate, common

equilibrium between the markets. It would also appear that for all the volatility in the various

day-ahead prices, much of this is of a transitory nature, with the somewhat more stable futures

trading activity better incorporating information relevant to natural gas prices in Europe.

NBP NBP TTF Zeebrugge Zeebrugge ICE Monthly

Month-Ahead Day-Ahead Day-Ahead Month-Ahead Day-Ahead Futures

Average R-squared 0.138 0.060 0.041 0.039 0.036 0.135

F-statistic 13.75 8.18 9.58 7.91 8.34 41.87

Rank R-squared 1 3 4 5 6 2

F-statistic 2 5 3 6 4 1

Independent Variable

Page 86: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


Table 3.8

Information Shares for European Natural Gas

Hasbrouck‘s (1995) information shares (i

IS ) are calculated from log price levels for the six natural gas

securities sampled at 10-minute intervals between 8:00am and 4:00pm GMT from 2 January 2008 to

30 December 2011 (47,085 observations) as per:






The elements of the ( K1 ) row vector Ψ are the sums of each security‘s coefficients in the moving

average impact matrix (i

). The lower triangular matrix from a Cholesky factorisation ( M ) of the

VECM‘s contemporaneous error term variance-covariance matrix ( Ω ) is used to construct the variance

contribution of each security, ([ M ]i )2, to the variance of the common efficient price ( ΨΨΩ ). The

multivariate VECM specification from equation (3.3) contains 4 lags in theit

y vector in order to deal

with any minor autocorrelation. This lag length was selected using Schwarz‘s Bayesian Information

Criterion. The order of the series in the VECM log price vector (t

y ) is cycled such that the VECM is run

with each series taking a turn at being the first series in the log price vector. As the order is cycled and

the VECM re-run, the information shares are re-calculated. Shading indicates the information share that

is typically, though not always, the maximum out of the six cycles because this cycle is the one in which

that series is ordered first (as listed in the first column of the table). The range of the information shares

for each variable and the average information share calculated across the six cycles are displayed along

with the ordinal ranking of the averages.

Commonalities in large natural gas and crude oil market participants, oil and gas

fundamentals and linkages between gas and oil prices in long-term supply contracts mean there

is some prospect that even the more liquid natural gas hub prices may track movements in crude

oil prices. Consistent with this, Asche et al. (2006) find the UK natural gas and Brent crude oil

markets were cointegrated between 1995 and 1998, with Brent displaying price leadership over

this time. However, their testing suggests that this relationship broke down after the

Interconnector pipeline between Bacton (UK) and Zeebrugge (Belgium) opened in 1998.

Unfortunately, the Asche et al. (2006) study employs a very small data set containing only 42

NBP NBP TTF Zeebrugge Zeebrugge ICE Monthly

Month-Ahead Day-Ahead Day-Ahead Month-Ahead Day-Ahead Futures

NBP Month-Ahead 0.524 0.027 0.102 0.034 0.002 0.311

NBP Day-Ahead 0.015 0.062 0.139 0.118 0.007 0.660

TTF Day-Ahead 0.023 0.000 0.146 0.124 0.003 0.703

Zeebrugge Month-Ahead 0.018 0.038 0.076 0.141 0.000 0.727

Zeebrugge Day-Ahead 0.022 0.041 0.077 0.015 0.002 0.843

ICE Monthly Futures 0.023 0.037 0.078 0.016 0.001 0.845

Maximum 0.524 0.062 0.146 0.141 0.007 0.845

Minimum 0.015 0.000 0.076 0.015 0.000 0.311

Average 0.104 0.034 0.103 0.075 0.002 0.681

Rank 2 5 3 4 6 1

Series Ordered First in


Page 87: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


monthly observations. A more extensive study by Panagiotidis and Rutledge (2007) shows

monthly UK natural gas and Brent crude prices were cointegrated throughout the 1996-2003


Against this backdrop, we examine the linkages between markets by testing for

cointegration between the monthly expiry ICE UK natural gas futures prices and monthly expiry

ICE Brent crude oil futures at 10-minute intervals between 2008 and 2011. The Johansen (1995)

test results in Table 3.9 provide further evidence that the security prices are cointegrated at the

5 per cent level of statistical significance and that some linkages between these markets remain.

Table 3.9

Cointegration Test: Natural Gas and Crude Oil

Table 3.9 displays Johansen (1995) cointegration tests of log prices of monthly expiry ICE UK natural

gas futures and monthly expiry ICE Brent crude oil futures sampled at 10-minute intervals from 8:00am

to 4:00pm GMT between 2 January 2008 and 30 December 2011 (47,038 observations). Tests are run

using a multivariate VECM estimated by maximum likelihood with 2 lags ( 2n ) as explanatory

variables to determine the number of cointegrating relations ( r ) between the ( K ) variables:




itt εyΓyβαy





Dependent variables (t

y ) are a 1K vector of differenced log price levels; it

y are lagged dependent

variables; α and β are rK parameter matrices in which the number of cointegrating equations is less

than the number of I(1) variables ( Kr ); 11


ΓΓ are KK matrices of parameters; and, tε is a

1K vector of normally distributed and serially uncorrelated error terms. The null hypothesis for the

trace statistic is that there are no more than r cointegrating relations (i.e. the eigenvalues Kr ,,



zero). * and ** denote the rank at which the null hypothesis cannot be rejected at the 5 and 1 per cent

levels of statistical significance, respectively (critical values are from the tables in Johansen, 1995).

Maximum Rank Eigenvalue Trace Statistic

5% 1%

r ≤ 0 14.40** 12.21 16.16

r ≤ 1 0.00023 3.45* 4.14 7.02

r ≤ 2 0.00007

Critcal Values

Page 88: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


3.4 Crude Oil

Our analysis of price discovery in European crude oil markets initially focuses on the complex

of securities related to North Sea crude oils (―Brent‖). We then provide evidence on a topic

receiving significant attention in the literature in recent years, namely the relationship between

the two key global crude oil benchmarks. Specifically, we consider whether Brent and West

Texas Intermediate (WTI) are cointegrated and, if so, which displays greater price leadership.

Our evidence is particularly relevant given the growing dislocation between these markets due

to structural issues at the WTI pricing point in Cushing, Oklahoma.

3.4.1 Price Discovery in the Brent Crude Oil Complex

Market pricing has overwhelmingly dominated crude oil transactions since the mid-1980s,

with long-term contracts usually pegged to the market prices of certain key benchmark crude oil


. The key benchmarks are typically constructed by price reporting agencies from over-

the-counter spot, forward and swap prices70

. Futures contracts are linked to these physical

markets by settlement against an index of forward prices. Futures are more liquid as they allow

for smaller trade sizes than the physical market and facilitate hedging and speculation

unimpeded by the logistical concerns of physical delivery.

The key benchmark for crude oil pricing in Europe is dated BFOE, which is interchangeably

referred to as dated Brent, though technically these differ71

. Dated BFOE refers to light, sweet

crude oil from a number of defined North Sea fields and, although it is often called a spot


The various grades of crude oil trade at different prices to reflect viscosity and sulphur content as these

yield differing quantities of consumable petroleum products and require different amounts of distillation

and refining. Long-term contracts may specify fixed spreads or specify reliance on spreads from price

reporting agencies such as Platts that are appropriate for the particular grade contracted for, relative to the

benchmark grade price.

70 Note that what are often termed ‗spot‘ transactions in North Sea crude oil markets necessarily involve

degrees of forwardness as required by the logistical considerations of physical delivery. Contracted ‗spot‘

prices are frequently set at the time oil cargoes are loaded, with reference to a particular benchmark.

71 Brent is the original name for oil from specific fields collected through a pipeline system that is

connected to a terminal at Sullom Voe in the Shetland Islands. Declining supplies from the original Brent

field first led to comingling with oil from the Ninian field and has subsequently led to an expansion of the

benchmark definition such that it now includes oil from the Forties, Oseberg and Ekofisk fields (thus the

acronym BFOE). Because the quality of oil from these different fields varies, the poorest quality oil sets

the price for dated BFOE, which since 2007 has usually been oil from the Buzzard field (part of the


Page 89: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


market, it is an oil cargo with a specific loading slot for delivery in the next 10 to 25 days72


Fattouh (2011) postulates that ICE Brent futures drive forward BFOE prices through the

exchange-for-physicals swap market. These markets in turn influence (or are influenced by)

dated BFOE prices through the contract-for-difference market according to transactions during

the daily price assessment window of the major price reporting agencies (Platts and Argus).

Barret (2012) describes in detail how the price reporting agencies have come to have a large

impact on physical market interactions. The price transparency of the agencies‘ daily

assessment windows draws in trading volume and creates liquidity, though there have recently

been suggestions that the major oil companies are drawn to trade in these windows in order to

influence the benchmark prices that may apply to their long-term contractual crude oil sales

(IOSCO, 2012). In this way, the assessment window is not unlike a daily auction for forward,

contract-for-difference and dated transactions, the end result of which is a dated BFOE price

published at 4:30pm London time.

While dated BFOE is the key benchmark grade, the ICE Brent futures contracts are likely the

more important source of price discovery, especially outside the daily assessment window used

by most price reporting agencies between 4:00 and 4:30pm London time. Unfortunately, testing

this hypothesis is difficult because dated, forward and contract-for-difference BFOE are over-

the-counter markets for which high frequency data is not publically available. An indication of

prices in these markets can be gleaned from price reporting agency data such as Platts and

Argus, but this data is only available on a daily basis, which makes for an unappealing


The dated BFOE price applicable in most long-term contracts is itself a price determined by a price

reporting agency, such as Platts, that is backed-out from trades in the forward BFOE and contract-for-

difference markets during a daily assessment window (Barret, 2012). Thus the physical BFOE markets,

which in combination set reported dated BFOE prices, are potentially important sources of price

discovery, despite trading being much less frequent than in the futures market. As well as differences in

trade frequency, the financial and physical markets also differ greatly in trade size. The minimum

physical trade size is large at 100,000 barrels (a partial cargo), while most futures trades are at the 1,000

barrel minimum. To put these figures in context, average daily production for Norway and the UK in

2011 was approximately 3.15 million barrels per day (Blas, 2012a). Although the minimum shipment size

acts as a prohibitive barrier to physical BFOE market entry, such that there are typically less than a dozen

market participants at any given time, these participants, the major global oil companies, are some of the

best informed, particularly on matters concerning supply (see Fattouh, 2011).

Page 90: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


comparison considering that the ICE Brent futures contract is one of the most liquid securities in

the world73


Instead of using low frequency survey price data from the price reporting agencies, we use a

proxy for the dated BFOE market calculated by Thomson Reuters. The dated BFOE proxy

series adjusts the near contract ICE Brent futures price by adding an exchange-for-physicals

(EFP) contract and cash market inter-month spread74

. As the major global oil companies, who

are the dominant participants in the actual dated, forward and contract-for-difference BFOE

markets, also transact between hedged futures positions and forward BFOE in the EFP market,

this proxy at least provides some basis for assessing the impact of those important physical

market participants upon price discovery.

Descriptive statistics for the dated BFOE proxy and ICE Brent futures sampled at 10-second

intervals between 7:00am and 5:00pm GMT from 2 January 2008 to 30 December 2011 are

detailed in Table 3.10, along with the descriptive statistics for the Chicago Mercantile Exchange

(CME) WTI futures used in the analysis in the next section75

. The range and volatility of returns

for the crude oil securities is much lower than those presented for the natural gas securities in

the previous section. Though it is economically unimportant, the statistically significant

autocorrelation indicated by the tests in the Appendix, Table C2, justifies the use of Newey-

West (1987) in the regression approach and the inclusion of a large number of lags in the

VECM specification used to calculate the information shares76



It should be noted that the Platts assessment process itself is timely when published and observable by

oil market participants in real time should trades and quotes be posted during this half-hour period (see

Barret, 2012).

74 Proxies for forward BFOE prices could similarly be constructed by either omitting or adjusting the cash

market inter-month spread. However, these spreads are only altered on a daily basis (if at all) and so high

frequency analysis of a forward BFOE proxy alongside the Thomson Reuters dated BFOE proxy would

not be a fruitful exercise as these only differ by a constant, albeit one the is adjusted every day or so. In

this sense, we are using the intraday Thomson Reuters dated BFOE series, which is mainly an EFP

construction, as a proxy for physical market activity in general.

75 Numerous studies term these the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) WTI futures, however,

we term them the CME WTI futures following the CME‘s acquisition of NYMEX in 2008. Analysis of

this data at 1-minute intervals was also conducted, but these results are largely the same as the 10-second

results presented here and, as such, only the results from the narrower intraday interval are detailed.

76 The augmented Dickey-Fuller (1979) test results displayed in the Appendix, Table C3, indicate that

both series are I(1) variables, stationary in returns but non-stationary in price levels, while the Johansen

(1995) cointegration test results in Table C4 confirm that the series are strongly cointegrated.

Page 91: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


The regression results presented in Table 3.11 point to the ICE Brent crude oil futures

leading the physical market inasmuch as the Thomson Reuters‘ EFP construction (our dated

BFOE proxy) is a valid representation of physical market activity. This is clear from visual

inspection of the coefficients as well as from the higher robust F-statistics. Most of the lagged

ICE Brent futures coefficients are positive and statistically significant determinants of the dated

BFOE proxy‘s contemporaneous returns, while only a couple of the lagged coefficients of the

dated BFOE proxy are significant when the regressions are run the other way around. The fact

that there are significant, positive coefficients at lags of 10 and 20-seconds when the dated

BFOE proxy is the independent variable suggests that price discovery is bi-directional and there

may be occasions when pertinent information from the EFP market subsequently impacts the

futures market. Interestingly, the contemporaneous return coefficients are very high, even at the

10-second sampling frequency, which attests to the depth of liquidity in these markets in stark

contrast to the liquidity of the coal and to some extent the natural gas markets77


Table 3.10

Descriptive Statistics for Crude Oil Returns

Table 3.10 displays descriptive statistics of continuously compounded returns for the crude oil securities

sampled at 10-second intervals between 2 January 2008 and 30 December 2011.


Even at such a high frequency as this 10-second sample, only 42.6 per cent of the return observations

for the ICE Brent futures are unchanged prices (zero returns), while for the dated BFOE proxy this figure

is 50.5 per cent.


Brent BFOE Brent WTI

Futures Proxy Futures Futures

Intraday Window (GMT) 7:00am-5:00pm 7:00am-5:00pm 7:00am-9:00pm 7:00am-9:00pm

Frequency 10-second 10-second 10-second 10-second

Observations 3,680,221 3,680,221 5,151,901 5,151,901

Mean 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

Standard Deviation 0.0004 0.0005 0.0004 0.0004

Skewness 2.14 13.66 0.70 0.76

Kurtosis 1,751.38 4,777.32 759.90 745.71

Maximum 0.0746 0.1201 0.0760 0.0811


Percentile 0.0001 0.0000 0.0001 0.0001


Percentile -0.0001 0.0000 -0.0001 -0.0001

Minimum -0.0569 -0.0708 -0.0420 -0.0487

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Table 3.11

Price Discovery Regressions for European Crude Oil

Table 3.11 presents the results of fitting model (3.1) using continuously compounded returns sampled at 10-second intervals between 7:00am and 5:00pm GMT from

2 January 2008 to 30 December 2011 (3,683,820 return observations). The independent variables in (3.1) are alternately contemporaneous and lagged 10-second returns of the

ICE Brent futures and dated BFOE proxy (series B) as well as an error correction term, with the response variable being the other series of interest (series A). Formally:



ktA zRR






The error correction terms are given by: 1,tA

z ln(1, tA

p ) – ln(1, tB

p ), the one-period lag of the difference in log prices between the two series. Square brackets [ ] below

coefficients contain t-statistics, while round brackets ( ) below F-statistics contain p-values. * and ** denote significance at the 5 and 1 per cent levels.

α βt βt-1 βt-2 βt-3 βt-4 βt-5 βt-6 βt-7 βt-8 βt-9 βt-10 βZ Adj. R-sqr F-stat

0.0000 0.6502** 0.1018** 0.0267** 0.0130** 0.0066** 0.0049** 0.0030** 0.0036** 0.0023** 0.0017* 0.0033** -0.0000** 0.374 689.79**

[-1.70] [47.35] [46.69] [24.25] [13.94] [7.85] [5.69] [3.54] [4.62] [3.09] [2.16] [4.18] [-2.63] (0.000)

0.0000 0.5653** 0.0215** 0.0035** 0.0007 0.0001 -0.0010 0.0003 0.0004 -0.0007 -0.0001 -0.0011 0.0000 0.365 265.99**

[0.83] [55.06] [18.07] [4.84] [1.10] [0.20] [-1.39] [0.41] [0.63] [-0.89] [-0.12] [-1.79] [-1.43] (0.000)Dep



t V



le Independent Variable: Brent Futures


BFOE Proxy

Independent Variable: Dated BFOE Proxy



Page 93: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


Table 3.12 contains information shares and shows that the Brent futures variance

contribution to the long-run equilibrium price was greater than that of the dated BFOE proxy

though, again, with the caveat that such a proxy may not be an adequate representation of the

complexity of the physical markets. This result is even stronger in 6-month sub-samples over

the 2008-2011 period. The ICE Brent futures dominate price discovery in all eight of the 6-

month sub-periods, with their average information shares ranging from as high as 87.5 per cent

in the first half of 2008 to a low of only 67.4 per cent in the second half of 2010 (these

additional results are available on request). Both the regression and information share results

point to the ICE Brent crude oil futures being the more important security for price discovery.

Table 3.12

Information Shares for European Crude Oil

Hasbrouck‘s (1995) information shares (i

IS ) are calculated from log price levels sampled at 10-second

intervals between 2 January 2008 and 30 December 2011 (3,680,207 observations). Formally:






The elements of the ( K1 ) row vector Ψ are the sums of each security‘s coefficients in the moving

average impact matrix (i

). The lower triangular matrix from a Cholesky factorisation ( M ) of the

VECM‘s contemporaneous error term variance-covariance matrix ( Ω ) is used to construct the variance

contribution of each security, ([ M ]i )2, to the variance of the common efficient price ( ΨΨΩ ). The

VECM specification displayed in equation (3.3) contains 15 lags in theit

y vector in order to deal with

any minor autocorrelation. This lag length was selected using Schwarz‘s Bayesian Information Criterion.

The order of the series in the VECM log price vector (t

y ) is cycled such that the VECM is run with each

series taking a turn at being the first series in the log price vector. The average information shares

calculated across the two cycles are displayed along with the ordinal ranking of these averages.

Series Ordered First in Cycle Brent Futures Dated BFOE Proxy

Brent Futures 0.874 0.126

Dated BFOE Proxy 0.285 0.715

Average 0.579 0.421

Rank 1 2

Page 94: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


3.4.2 Price Discovery in Brent and WTI Futures

There has been a long running debate in the energy market literature concerning whether

crude oil prices are determined regionally or whether the various regional physical benchmark

and futures prices are determined in a unified global market. Although the work on correlations

by Weiner (1991) finds support for regionalisation, most subsequent studies find that, within the

approximate limits of transportation costs, arbitrage opportunities tend to prevent large

divergences in the various crude oil prices and conclude that the global crude oil market is


. Within this unified market, most studies find that WTI prices are the more important

source of price discovery. For example, Hammoudeh et al. (2008) estimate a threshold

cointegration model on daily closing prices for four global crude oil benchmarks and find that

WTI prices lead Brent prices between 1990 and 2006. However, Kao and Wan (2012) calculate

rolling information shares from daily prices and find Brent futures have displayed greater price

discovery than WTI futures since around 2004. We re-examine this question in light of the

growing dislocation of WTI prices from the other global crude oil benchmarks. In addition, we

examine this question using high frequency intraday futures price data rather than the daily,

weekly or monthly data employed in most previous studies. We also note that low frequency

studies may bias results by comparing closing prices from the WTI and Brent markets at

different times of the day, potentially inducing spurious leading or lagging relationships.

Similar to the BFOE grades, WTI is a light, sweet crude oil, though of a slightly higher

quality. It flows through pipelines from wells in Texas, New Mexico, Kansas and Oklahoma to

the storage facilities at Cushing79

. WTI‘s importance as a global benchmark stems from the fact

that it is the main grade physically deliverable into the CME‘s light sweet crude oil futures

contract (in fact these contracts are typically just called WTI futures). Over time this has

resulted in many long-term crude oil import contracts being pegged to WTI, though dislocations


Though utilising different methodologies, this is generally the conclusion reached in Adelman (1984,

1992), Gülen (1997, 1999), Bachmeier and Griffin (2006), Bentzen (2007) and Kaufmann and

Ullman (2009).

79 Unlike BFOE which is waterborne, physical WTI is a pipeline crude such that trades can take place for

smaller parcels than the partial or full cargoes in the physical BFOE market, with typical trade sizes of

around 30,000 barrels (Fattouh, 2011). This means there are fewer barriers to entry in the physical WTI

market and greater diversity in market participation compared with the physical BFOE market.

Page 95: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


between WTI and other benchmark crude prices has progressively eroded its use for this


WTI futures are frequently affected by expectations of storage and pipeline capacity

constraints at Cushing80

. In the past this has been the result of logistical difficulties getting

enough crude oil to the pricing point at Cushing and has served to reinforce WTI‘s traditional

premium over BFOE. However, the recent expansion in shale oil production in North Dakota‘s

Bakken fields and oil sands production in Canada, both of which flow south to Cushing, has

resulted in the opposite problem. Although WTI should trade at a premium to BFOE due to its

higher quality, the lack of outward flowing pipeline capacity from Cushing to the refineries on

the US Gulf Coast has seen it trade at a substantial discount (see Chart 3.1)81

. In the face of

pipeline constraints, WTI-Brent differentials of around US$8-12 per barrel reflect the

approximate cost of getting crude oil out of Cushing and to the US Gulf Coast by rail (see Sen,

2012). On the basis of this dislocation we would expect to find that any degree of cointegration

between WTI and Brent futures becomes weaker toward the end of our sample period82



We look at WTI futures and not WTI spot prices because the majority of previous studies show that,

within the complex of WTI securities, futures are more often found to lead spot prices, though there is

some contention depending on the approach taken. Schwarz and Szakmary (1994) use an error-correction

model and the Garbade and Silber (1983) model and find that WTI futures lead spot prices from 1984 to

1991. Moosa (2002) estimates the Garbade and Silber (1983) model and finds that, relative to spot prices,

WTI futures account for approximately 60 per cent of price discovery from 1985 to 1996. For the same

period, Silvapulle and Moosa (1999) find similar results for linear causality tests, but find support for bi-

directional causality when non-linear tests are run. Bekiros and Diks (2008) also found bi-directional,

non-linear relationships in their 1991 to 2007 sample. Despite this evidence, it should be noted that this

debate has become less meaningful over time. In recent years trading in the Platts WTI Cash Window has

virtually ceased and what are referred to as WTI ‗spot‘ prices are either prices posted by major oil

companies such as ConocoPhillips (referred to as posting plus or P-Plus, which are wellhead prices plus

delivery costs into Cushing) or are based on differentials to the New York Mercantile Exchange Calendar

Monthly Average market which are largely driven by WTI futures anyway (see Fattouh, 2011).

81 The discount narrowed somewhat after the announcement that the Seaway pipeline from the US Gulf

Coast to Cushing would have its direction reversed to help alleviate the problem, however, reversed flows

may not reach full capacity until 2013. The prospect that these pressures will be alleviated by the

construction of the Keystone XL pipeline, effectively linking Canada to the US Gulf Coast, remains

uncertain as environmental concerns continue to delay the project‘s approval. Montepeque (2012)

highlights how factors related to investment vehicles add to the persistence of this discount. More

specifically, the expectation that the storage facilities at Cushing may reach capacity creates a steep

contango in the futures curve. This makes rolling forward expensive and discourages investment in crude

oil via WTI futures. Montepeque (2012) notes that both the Goldman Sachs Commodity Index and the

UBS/Dow Jones Index have recently decreased their WTI futures weights in favour of increased Brent

futures weightings.

82 Both the ICE Brent futures and CME WTI futures contracts trade around 23 hours per day on

weekdays. However, in order to avoid any effects of non-concurrent shifts on and off daylight savings in

the different geographic trading locations of the contracts, we have chosen a narrower 14 hour intraday

window. We examine the contracts at 10-second intervals between 7:00am and 9:00pm GMT daily,

Page 96: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


Chart 3.1

Dislocation between Brent and WTI Futures Prices

Monthly expiry ICE Brent crude oil futures and monthly expiry CME WTI futures prices sampled on a daily

basis between 2 January 2008 and 30 December 2011. Differential is the WTI futures price minus the Brent

futures price.

which captures 98 per cent of Brent futures trades and 97 per cent of the WTI futures trades (see the

Appendix, Table C1). We also conduct the analysis for a 1-minute sample but, with little difference in the

results, in what follows we focus on the more granular 10-second data.



















Brent Futures WTI Futures

US$/bbl US$/bbl

2008 2009 2010 2011










2008 2009 2010 2011

Panel A: Brent and WTI Futures Prices

Panel B: WTI – Brent Futures Price Differential

Page 97: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


Cointegration tests on the two securities are very sensitive to the lag specification in the

VECM as shown by the contrasting results for 1-lag compared with 15-lags in Table 3.13.

Although the autocorrelation in the sample is not economically important and is likely driven by

bid-ask bounce, as indicated by tiny negative autocorrelation coefficients, in such a large sample

(5,151,901 observations) it is nonetheless statistically significant, which justifies putting greater

reliance on the VECM specification with a larger number of lags (autocorrelation coefficients

and test statistics are presented in the Appendix, Table C2). On the basis of the 15-lag VECM

specification, the Johansen (1995) test indicates that Brent and WTI futures were not

cointegrated when sampled at 10-second intervals between 2008 and 201183

. This result is

intuitively surprising, given the obvious, close relationship over most of the sample period

depicted in Chart 3.1. As such, we also examine cointegration over 6-month windows in the

sample period, with results displayed in Table 3.14.

The cointegration test results run over 6-month windows remain sensitive to the lag

specification in the VECM. In the more appropriate 15-lag specification, Brent and WTI futures

are shown to have been cointegrated only in the first half of 2008 and the second half of 2011.

Interestingly, even in the 1-lag specification, cointegration begins to wane towards the end of

the sample as evidenced by both the increasing trace statistics for one or fewer cointegrating

relationships ( 1r ) and the lower trace statistics for zero cointegrating relationships ( 0r ).

This is in line with the growing dislocation of WTI from the other crude benchmarks in 2011

which is observable in Chart 3.1. Although the evidence that the securities are cointegrated over

the whole 2008-2011 sample—and even over the smaller 6-month sub-samples—is weak at

best, we nonetheless examine price leadership using the regression and information share

approaches. We first examine whether the increasing prominence of Brent futures has led to a

reversal in the price leadership of WTI over Brent futures observed in Brunetti and Gilbert


These results are the same for the 1-minute sample. Interestingly, tests on daily data fail to find a

cointegrating relationship between the two securities between 2008 and 2011, despite the close

relationship that appears in Chart 3.1. However, daily tests run from 2008 to 2010 indicate a cointegrating

relationship at the 1 per cent level of statistical significance (though this is not so for the same period

using the higher frequency data).

Page 98: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


(2000), Lin and Tamvakis (2001), Hammoudeh et al. (2008) and Kaufmann and Ullman (2009)

using the regression approach.

The results of the two regressions presented in Table 3.15 are quite similar. The

contemporaneous return coefficients are large, positive and statistically significant even at the

fine 10-second sampling interval, which indicates a surprisingly high degree of short-term co-

movement considering the poor long-term cointegration results. Lagged return observations of

both securities have some explanatory power in determining the contemporaneous returns of the

other, indicating a degree of bi-directional price discovery occurring across the securities. The

differences in the number of statistically significant lagged coefficients and their size are minor,

making it hard to distinguish between the two regressions. However, when the lagged WTI

futures are the independent variables, the regression has a higher robust F-statistic, which entails

some marginal evidence that the WTI futures display slightly more short-term price leadership.

Table 3.13

Cointegration Test: Brent and WTI Futures

Table 3.13 displays Johansen (1995) cointegration tests of the log prices of monthly expiry ICE Brent

and CME WTI crude oil futures sampled at 10-second intervals from 7:00am and 9:00pm GMT between

2 January 2008 and 30 December 2011 (5,151,901 observations). Tests are run using a multivariate

VECM estimated by maximum likelihood with alternately 15 lags ( 15n ) and 1 lag ( 1n ) as

explanatory variables to determine the number of cointegrating relations ( r ) between the ( K ) variables:




itt εyΓyβαy





Dependent variables ( ty ) are a 1K vector of differenced log price levels;

ity are lagged dependent

variables; α and β are rK parameter matrices in which the number of cointegrating equations is less

than the number of I(1) variables ( Kr ); 11


ΓΓ are KK matrices of parameters; and, tε is a

1K vector of normally distributed and serially uncorrelated error terms. The null hypothesis for the

trace statistic is that there are no more than r cointegrating relations (i.e. the eigenvalues Kr ,,



zero). * and ** denote the rank at which the null hypothesis cannot be rejected at the 5 and 1 per cent

levels of statistical significance, respectively (critical values are from the tables in Johansen, 1995).

Maximum Rank Eigenvalue Trace Statistic Eigenvalue Trace Statistic 5% 1%

r ≤ 0 9.32** 24.06 12.21 16.16

r ≤ 1 0.00000 2.34 0.00000 1.60** 4.14 7.02

r ≤ 2 0.00000 0.00000

Panel B: 1 Lag Critcal ValuesPanel A: 15 Lags

Page 99: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


Table 3.14

Cointegration Test: Brent and WTI Futures, 6-month Sub-samples

Table 3.14 displays Johansen (1995) cointegration tests of log prices for monthly expiry ICE Brent and CME WTI crude oil futures sampled at 10-second intervals from 7:00am

to 9:00pm GMT in 6-month windows between 2 January 2008 and 30 December 2011. Tests are run using a multivariate VECM estimated by maximum likelihood. In Panel A,

15 lags ( 15n ) are used as explanatory variables to determine the number of cointegrating relations ( r ) between the ( K ) variables, while in Panel B only 1 lag ( 1n ) is





itt εyΓyβαy





Dependent variables (t

y ) are a 1K vector of differenced log price levels; it

y are lagged dependent variables; α and β are rK parameter matrices in which the

number of cointegrating equations is less than the number of I(1) variables ( Kr ); 11


ΓΓ are KK matrices of parameters; and,

tε is a 1K vector of normally

distributed and serially uncorrelated error terms. The null hypothesis for the trace statistic is that there are no more than r cointegrating relations (i.e. the eigenvalues

Kr ,,


are zero). * and ** denote the rank at which the null hypothesis cannot be rejected at the 5 and 1 per cent levels of statistical significance, respectively (critical

values are from Johansen, 1995, and are displayed in Table 3.13 above).

Panel A:


Rank Eigenvalue


Statistic Eigenvalue


Statistic Eigenvalue


Statistic Eigenvalue


Statistic Eigenvalue


Statistic Eigenvalue


Statistic Eigenvalue


Statistic Eigenvalue



r ≤ 0 37.71 4.30** 11.90** 6.92** 21.07 6.53** 8.76** 15.82

r ≤ 1 0.00006 0.03** 0.00001 0.92 0.00002 1.77 0.00001 2.60 0.00002 9.66 0.00001 0.77 0.00001 2.67 0.00002 1.62**

r ≤ 2 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000

Panel B:

r ≤ 0 226.18 19.33 24.97 23.96 27.49 15.63 9.65** 23.27

r ≤ 1 0.00036 0.02** 0.00003 0.01** 0.00004 1.17** 0.00003 3.83** 0.00004 4.36** 0.00002 1.05** 0.00001 3.22 0.00003 2.84**

r ≤ 2 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000

15-Lag Specification

2011: H1 2011: H22010: H2

1-Lag Specification

2008: H1 2008: H2 2009: H1 2009: H2 2010: H1

Page 100: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


Table 3.15

Price Discovery Regressions: Brent versus WTI Futures

Table 3.15 presents the results of fitting model (3.1) using continuously compounded returns observed at 10-second intervals between 7:00am and 9:00pm GMT from

2 January 2008 to 30 December 2011 (5,151,891 observations). The independent variables are alternately contemporaneous and lagged returns of the ICE Brent and CME WTI

futures (series B) as well as an error correction term, with the response variable being the other series of interest (series A). Formally:



ktA zRR






The error correction terms are given by: 1,tA

z ln(1, tA

p ) – ln(1, tB

p ), the one-period lag of the difference in log prices between the two series. Square brackets [ ] below

coefficients contain t-statistics, while round brackets ( ) below F-statistics contain p-values. * and ** denote significance at the 5 and 1 per cent levels.

α βt βt-1 βt-2 βt-3 βt-4 βt-5 βt-6 βt-7 βt-8 βt-9 βt-10 βZ Adj. R-sqr F-stat

0.0000 0.6769** 0.0611** 0.0147** 0.0100** 0.0046** 0.0036** 0.0017** 0.0008 0.0019** -0.0002 0.0005 -0.0000** 0.445 4,115.70**

[1.76] [153.19] [58.94] [20.28] [11.96] [6.80] [5.75] [2.70] [1.31] [3.07] [-0.29] [0.76] [-4.00] (0.000)

-0.0000** 0.6575** 0.1086** 0.0186** 0.0051** 0.0025** 0.0015* -0.0002 0.0007 0.0006 0.0004 0.0012* -0.0000** 0.454 6,464.82**

[-2.56] [161.69] [74.98] [28.43] [8.20] [3.93] [2.42] [-0.30] [1.14] [0.91] [0.74] [2.14] [-5.19] (0.000)Dep



t V








Independent Variable: WTI Futures

Independent Variable: Brent Futures

Page 101: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


Although over the 2008-2011 period WTI futures typically attracted a greater daily trade

volume than Brent futures, this gap has been narrowing (see Montepeque, 2012, and Blas,

2012b). For the front month contracts used in this study, Brent futures trade volume was greater

than WTI futures volume on 3.9 per cent of days in 2008, 5.5 per cent of days in 2009, 6.3 per

cent of days in 2010 and had risen to being greater on 15.4 per cent of days by 2011. Given the

recent dislocation of the WTI market and the narrowing of the trade volume gap, we would

expect to find greater price leadership attributed to Brent futures, if at all, towards the end of the

sample period. To examine this we run the regressions for 6-month windows over the sample.

The results in Table 3.16 largely conform to those in Table 3.15: the robust F-statistics are

predominantly larger when WTI futures are the independent variables; but, the evidence does

not overwhelmingly distinguish between the securities. Despite this, the 6-month sub-sample

regressions do reveal two points of interest. Firstly, the declining degree of cointegration is

evidenced by the progressively smaller t-statistics on the error correction terms, which are not

significant in the first half of 2011. Secondly, though the F-statistics have decreased markedly

in magnitude over the sample as the relationship between the Brent and WTI futures weakens,

there are two periods—the second half of 2009 and the first half of 2011—in which a higher F-

statistic in regressions with Brent futures as the independent variables provides some evidence

that there are periods in which Brent futures are leading the short-run return dynamics.

Page 102: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


Table 3.16

Price Discovery Regressions: Brent versus WTI Futures, 6-month Sub-samples

Table 3.16 presents the results of fitting model (3.1) using continuously compounded returns observed at 10-second intervals between 7:00am and 9:00pm GMT in 6-month

windows from 2 January 2008 to 30 December 2011. In Panel A, the independent variables are contemporaneous and lagged returns of the ICE Brent futures (series B) as well

as an error correction term, with the response variable being the CME WTI futures (series A). In Panel B, the CME WTI futures are the independent variables. Formally:



ktA zRR






The error correction terms are given by: 1,tA

z ln(1, tA

p ) – ln(1, tB

p ), the one-period lag of the difference in log prices between the two series. Square brackets [ ] below

coefficients contain t-statistics, while round brackets ( ) below F-statistics contain p-values. * and ** denote significance at the 5 and 1 per cent levels, respectively.

α βt βt-1 βt-2 βt-3 βt-4 βt-5 βt-6 βt-7 βt-8 βt-9 βt-10 βZ Adj. R-sqr F-stat

Panel A:

2008 -0.0000** 0.6345** 0.0628** 0.0139** 0.0065** 0.0035* 0.0001 0.0032* 0.0015 -0.0005 0.0004 -0.0015 -0.0003** 0.404 726.07**

H1 [-14.29] [87.28] [19.17] [7.44] [3.54] [1.98] [0.05] [2.01] [0.86] [-0.27] [0.28] [-1.00] [-16.23] (0.000)

2008 -0.0000** 0.6580** 0.0590** 0.0125** 0.0100** 0.0029* 0.0034* 0.0008 0.0015 0.0022 -0.0012 0.0020 -0.0000** 0.468 919.98**

H2 [-5.94] [61.93] [27.05] [7.68] [6.19] [2.02] [2.55] [0.59] [1.15] [1.61] [-0.86] [1.51] [-5.86] (0.000)

2009 0.0000** 0.6701** 0.0694** 0.0220** 0.0156** 0.0090** 0.0058** 0.0022 0.0005 0.0038** 0.0003 -0.0008 -0.0000** 0.400 970.37**

H1 [3.88] [73.77] [28.66] [13.59] [6.97] [5.86] [3.99] [1.59] [0.38] [2.66] [0.21] [-0.57] [-3.59] (0.000)

2009 0.0000* 0.7011** 0.0586** 0.0172** 0.0076** 0.0045** 0.0048** 0.0032** 0.0008 0.0010 0.0007 0.0017 -0.0000** 0.509 2,040.42**

H2 [2.45] [129.96] [40.13] [14.25] [6.46] [4.18] [4.62] [3.16] [0.75] [0.93] [0.72] [1.66] [-6.07] (0.000)

2010 0.0000 0.7240** 0.0641** 0.0141** 0.0072** 0.0036** 0.0037** 0.0014 0.0004 0.0012 0.0009 -0.0005 -0.0000** 0.523 903.81**

H1 [-1.63] [77.72] [32.27] [10.28] [5.69] [2.93] [3.05] [1.24] [0.33] [1.08] [0.79] [-0.47] [-4.89] (0.000)

2010 0.0000** 0.6873** 0.0635** 0.0122** 0.0066** 0.0050** 0.0018 0.0012 0.0017 -0.0011 0.0011 0.0004 -0.0000** 0.480 1,844.02**

H2 [3.07] [115.44] [38.02] [9.79] [5.73] [4.48] [1.60] [1.04] [1.48] [-1.07] [0.98] [0.42] [-4.27] (0.000)

2011 0.0000 0.6691** 0.0440** 0.0034* 0.0042* 0.0008 -0.0011 -0.0011 -0.0027 0.0029* 0.0002 -0.0011 0.0000 0.415 471.81**

H1 [1.42] [70.83] [22.07] [2.22] [2.43] [0.49] [-0.61] [-0.79] [-1.92] [2.16] [0.16] [-0.80] [-1.82] (0.000)

2011 0.0000** 0.7553** 0.0558** 0.0113** 0.0074** 0.0029 0.0059** 0.0036* 0.0014 0.0000 -0.0005 0.0011 -0.0000** 0.427 270.56**

H2 [2.94] [52.40] [19.87] [6.25] [4.69] [1.94] [3.72] [2.45] [0.94] [0.03] [-0.32] [0.82] [-2.79] (0.000)







: C






Independent Variable: ICE Brent Futures

Page 103: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


Table 3.16

Price Discovery Regressions: Brent versus WTI Futures, 6-month Sub-samples (Continued)

α βt βt-1 βt-2 βt-3 βt-4 βt-5 βt-6 βt-7 βt-8 βt-9 βt-10 βZ Adj. R-sqr F-stat

Panel B:

2008 0.0000** 0.6350** 0.1413** 0.0240** 0.0113** 0.0066** 0.0032* 0.0044** 0.0040** 0.0025 0.0028 0.0009 -0.0003** 0.420 3,607.64**

H1 [14.62] [130.47] [57.32] [13.13] [6.76] [4.09] [2.10] [2.90] [2.92] [1.66] [1.88] [0.60] [-15.54] (0.000)

2008 0.0000** 0.7116** 0.1242** 0.0274** 0.0103** 0.0054** 0.0013 -0.0013 0.0029* 0.0014 0.0017 0.0025* -0.0000** 0.479 2,565.88**

H2 [5.55] [83.88] [30.42] [17.57] [6.97] [3.65] [0.93] [-0.99] [2.17] [0.87] [1.33] [1.99] [-6.81] (0.000)

2009 -0.0000** 0.5957** 0.1002** 0.0129** 0.0002 -0.0007 0.0030* -0.0003 -0.0023 0.0005 -0.0019 0.0021 -0.0000** 0.406 1,065.93**

H1 [-2.70] [62.42] [37.65] [9.38] [0.14] [-0.48] [2.13] [-0.23] [-1.86] [0.41] [-1.54] [1.73] [-2.84] (0.000)

2009 -0.0000* 0.7294** 0.1052** 0.0150** 0.0014 0.0014 -0.0007 -0.0016 0.0000 -0.0011 -0.0007 -0.0007 -0.0000** 0.517 894.20**

H2 [-2.26] [99.29] [42.52] [12.57] [1.22] [1.27] [-0.64] [-1.58] [0.02] [-1.02] [-0.63] [-0.66] [-6.16] (0.000)

2010 0.0000 0.7223** 0.0942** 0.0143** 0.0034** -0.0011 0.0000 0.0005 0.0004 -0.0014 0.0013 0.0016 -0.0000** 0.528 3,343.98**

H1 [1.01] [126.62] [31.81] [9.55] [2.76] [-0.86] [-0.01] [0.46] [0.34] [-1.27] [1.20] [1.47] [-3.97] (0.000)

2010 -0.0000** 0.7003** 0.1162** 0.0158** 0.0046** 0.0020 0.0005 0.0007 -0.0028** 0.0024* -0.0004 -0.0014 -0.0000** 0.489 1,848.11**

H2 [-3.03] [138.61] [51.32] [12.77] [3.93] [1.93] [0.47] [0.70] [-2.70] [2.40] [-0.34] [-1.36] [-5.03] (0.000)

2011 0.0000 0.6220** 0.0954** 0.0152** 0.0054** 0.0035** 0.0034 0.0014 0.0020 -0.0014 0.0004 -0.0014 0.0000 0.424 331.75**

H1 [-0.75] [53.29] [28.81] [10.08] [3.89] [2.59] [1.95] [1.10] [1.44] [-1.08] [0.28] [-1.07] [-1.29] (0.000)

2011 -0.0000** 0.5667** 0.0789** 0.0115** 0.0025 0.0020 -0.0018 0.0001 0.0011 -0.0014 0.0016 -0.0021* -0.0000** 0.433 830.64**

H2 [-2.77] [72.08] [29.47] [9.40] [1.83] [1.85] [-1.69] [0.06] [1.05] [-1.27] [1.49] [-1.96] [-2.77] (0.000)




t V










Independent Variable: WTI Futures

Page 104: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


The relative contribution to long-run equilibrium between the securities is given by the

information shares in Table 3.17. The results indicate that WTI futures accounted for

approximately 58 per cent of price discovery between 2008 and 2011. This is despite anecdotal

reports of Brent‘s increasing importance as a global benchmark for long-term and spot oil


. These results are consistent with the location of the majority of trade activity,

though we note that this is not necessarily a determinant of price discovery. Similar to the

cointegration tests, we examine the information shares over 6-month sub-samples to see

whether there is any discernable trend in long-run price discovery.

Table 3.17

Information Shares: Brent versus WTI Futures

Hasbrouck‘s (1995) information shares (i

IS ) calculated from log price levels of ICE Brent and CME

WTI crude oil futures sampled at 10-second intervals between 7:00am and 9:00pm GMT from

2 January 2008 to 30 December 2011 as per:






The elements of the ( K1 ) row vector Ψ are the sums of each security‘s coefficients in the moving

average impact matrix (i

). The lower triangular matrix from a Cholesky factorisation ( M ) of the

VECM‘s contemporaneous error term variance-covariance matrix ( Ω ) is used to construct the variance

contribution of each security to the variance of the common efficient price ( ΨΨΩ ). The VECM

specification from equation (3.3) contains 15 lags in theit

y vector in order to deal with any minor

autocorrelation. This lag length was selected using Schwarz‘s Bayesian Information Criterion. The order

of the series in the VECM log price vector (t

y ) is cycled such that the VECM is run with each series

taking a turn at being the first series in the log price vector. The average information shares calculated

across the two cycles are displayed along with the ordinal ranking of these averages.


Though difficult to quantify, various market commentators purport that Brent prices are the benchmark

for between 50 and 70 per cent of international oil transactions (see, for example, Fattouh, 2011, and

Barret, 2012).

Series Ordered First in Cycle Brent Futures WTI Futures

Brent Futures 0.769 0.231

WTI Futures 0.076 0.924

Average 0.423 0.577

Rank 2 1

Page 105: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


Table 3.18

Information Shares: Brent versus WTI Futures, 6-month Sub-samples

Hasbrouck‘s (1995) information shares (i

IS ) calculated from log price levels of ICE Brent and CME WTI crude oil futures sampled at 10-second intervals between 7:00am and

9:00pm GMT over 6-month windows from 2 January 2008 to 30 December 2011 as per:






The elements of the ( K1 ) row vector Ψ are the sums of each security‘s coefficients in the moving average impact matrix (i

). The lower triangular matrix from a Cholesky

factorisation ( M ) of the VECM‘s contemporaneous error term variance-covariance matrix ( Ω ) is used to construct the variance contribution of each security to the variance of

the common efficient price ( ΨΨΩ ). The VECM specification from equation (3.3) contains 15 lags in theit

y vector in order to deal with any minor autocorrelation. This lag

length was selected using Schwarz‘s Bayesian Information Criterion. The order of the series in the VECM log price vector ( ty ) is cycled such that the VECM is run with each

series taking a turn at being the first series in the log price vector. The average information shares calculated across the two cycles are displayed along with the ordinal ranking

of these averages.

































Brent Futures 0.595 0.405 0.878 0.122 0.226 0.774 0.602 0.398 0.950 0.050 1.000 0.000 0.255 0.745 0.215 0.785

WTI Futures 0.020 0.980 0.170 0.830 0.055 0.945 0.005 0.995 0.653 0.347 0.495 0.505 0.038 0.962 0.074 0.926

Average 0.307 0.693 0.524 0.476 0.141 0.859 0.304 0.696 0.802 0.198 0.747 0.253 0.147 0.853 0.144 0.856

Rank 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1

Series Ordered

First in Cycle

2008: H1 2008: H2 2009: H1 2009: H2 2011: H1 2011: H22010: H1 2010: H2

Page 106: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


Consistent with the results for the whole sample period, the results in Table 3.18 show that

for the majority of the 6-month sub-samples WTI futures are dominant in long-run price

discovery. However, of the eight semi-annual periods, the second half of 2008 and the whole of

2010 show greater price discovery in the Brent futures, though we note the results for the first

half of 2008 are fairly close (at 52.4 per cent). While there have been significant periods in

which Brent futures were the more important source of price discovery, it is interesting that

these sub-periods do not line-up with the period of greatest dislocation between the securities in


. We note that the interpretation of these results should be tempered by the fact that the

cointegration of the securities, which underpins the information shares methodology, is largely

lacking over the 2008-2011 period as indicated by the Johansen (1995) test results in Tables

3.13 and 3.1486


3.5 Conclusion

Price discovery in the complex of financial and physical layers commonly found in energy

markets is important because these layers determine key benchmarks used as reference points to

value vast volumes of commodity transactions through long-term supply contracts. Although

examining price discovery in the European markets for coal, natural gas and crude oil is made

difficult by the lack of transparency and liquidity in over-the-counter transactions, we

nonetheless attempt to establish which prices better reflect information in these markets on the

basis of both short-term return dynamics and long-run price equilibrium.


Results from calculating information shares using data sampled at 1-minute intervals are very similar to

those presented here for 10-second intervals. In addition, similar results are obtained using Gonzalo and

Granger‘s (1995) common factor weights, which is an alternative price discovery methodology that also

focuses on the relative contributions to long-run equilibrium. For the sample as a whole, the common

factor weights attribute 51.5 per cent of the long run price discovery to the WTI futures. Similar to the

information shares, the common factor weights for 6-month sub-samples only support Brent futures as the

dominant source of price discovery in the first half of 2008 and for the whole of 2010 (these results are

available on request).

86 Information shares calculated using daily data from 2008 to 2010, a period for which there is

statistically significant cointegration (see footnote 83), also shows WTI futures display greater price

discovery, though their dominance is somewhat marginal, with an information share of 54.3 per cent

(these results are available on request). We note that this analysis is over a small sample size, however,

intraday timing issues are not a concern as the daily sample is constructed from contemporaneous

observations at 4:00pm GMT each day; a time at which both securities are near their highest intraday

activity (see the Appendix, Table C1).

Page 107: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


The coal market remains somewhat obscured by the lack of liquidity and transparency in

both physical and financial transactions. However, at the margin, innovations in the prices of the

Intercontinental Exchange monthly coal futures appear to have the greatest impact on the

equilibrium price in the coal market, while the more traded Intercontinental Exchange quarterly

futures and European Energy Exchange annual futures display greater short-run return


Monthly expiry UK natural gas futures traded on the Intercontinental Exchange display

greater price discovery than physical trading at the major hubs in North-West Europe,

particularly in their contribution to long-run equilibrium. There is evidence that short-run

interactions are stronger at similar points on the forward curve than interactions between

securities specific to geographic locations, which is likely related to the common impact of

weather events on near-term gas demand and constraints that impede the instantaneous transfer

of natural gas between hubs. In this way, inelasticity of demand means that short-dated natural

gas prices behave like electricity prices and can quickly become volatile. In addition,

cointegration tests indicate that natural gas prices remain weakly linked to the crude oil market.

To the limited extent that it is possible to distinguish the financial and physical layers of the

Brent complex of securities, we find evidence that the Intercontinental Exchange Brent crude oil

futures contract leads the price discovery process. However, the regression results do show

some evidence of bi-directionality, with trading in the physical layers—specifically exchange-

for-physicals in this study—at times briefly leading the futures market.

Adding to the debate on the regional versus global determination of crude oil prices and in

light of recent structural issues with WTI pricing, we find only weak evidence that Brent and

WTI futures remain cointegrated, with their relationship deteriorating further towards the end of

our 2008-2011 sample. The regression results point to WTI futures leading short-run return

dynamics, but this evidence is very marginal and there are two 6-month sub periods in which

the evidence favours Brent futures leading the short-run dynamics. Similarly, the information

shares point to WTI futures making the greater contribution to long-run equilibrium, but there

are several sub-periods for which Brent futures are relatively more important.

Page 108: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


3.6 Appendix

Tests for autocorrelation, stationarity and cointegration for each category of energy

commodity—coal, natural gas and crude oil—are presented in the following sections.

A. Coal

Table A1

Autocorrelation Coefficients and Test Statistics for Coal Securities

Weighted autocorrelation coefficient estimates ( jD ) and2

test statistics calculated as per the unified

approach in Richardson and Smith (1994) for Box and Pierce (1970) Q-statistics, Fama and French

(1988) beta statistics and Lo and MacKinlay (1988) variance ratios. * and ** denote significance at the 5

and 1 per cent levels against 2

critical values with 5 degrees of freedom. Autocorrelation coefficients

and statistics calculated from continuously compounded returns for coal securities sampled daily from

2 January 2008 to 30 December 2011 (961 observations).

Table A2

Augmented Dickey-Fuller Stationarity Tests for Coal Securities

Table A2 displays Augmented Dickey-Fuller (1979) test statistics for log price levels and continuously

compounded returns for coal at daily intervals between 2 January 2008 and 30 December 2011 (956

observations). The unit root tests are run with a constant ( ) and 5 lags of differenced dependent

variables as explanatory variables ( 5k ) as per:




jtt yyy



Dependent variables (t

y ) are alternately differenced log price levels and differenced returns. Test

statistics, ˆˆ

tZ , are for 0:

0H , where

is the standard error of . * and ** denote

significance at the 5 and 1 per cent levels against critical values from Fuller (1996) of -2.86 and -3.43,


ρ1 ρ2 ρ3 ρ4 ρ5 Q-statistic Beta Statistic Variance Ratio

ICE Monthly Futures 0.0010 0.0449 -0.0965 0.0133 0.0674 0.0160** -0.0349 -0.0164

ICE Quarterly Futures 0.1969 0.0406 0.0609 0.0295 0.0147 0.0452** 0.1782* 0.4243**

EEX Monthly Futures -0.0650 0.0448 -0.0426 0.0589 0.0180 0.0118* 0.0109 -0.0608

EEX Annual Futures 0.0857 0.0150 0.0100 0.0548 0.0790 0.0169** 0.1114 0.1850

Autocorrelation Coefficients Test Statistics

ICE Monthly ICE Quarterly EEX Monthly EEX Annual

Levels -1.17 -1.39 -1.08 -1.40

Returns -13.13** -12.11** -12.20** -12.05**

Page 109: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


Table A3

Johansen Cointegration Test for Coal Securities

Table A3 displays Johansen (1995) cointegration tests of the daily log price levels for the four coal

securities ( 4K ) between 2 January 2008 and 30 December 2011 (960 observations). Tests are run

using a multivariate VECM estimated by maximum likelihood with 2 lags ( 2n ) as explanatory

variables to determine the number of cointegrating relations ( r ) between the ( K ) variables:




itt εyΓyβαy




Dependent variables (t

y ) are a 1K vector of differenced log price levels; it

y are lagged dependent

variables; α and β are rK parameter matrices in which the number of cointegrating equations is less

than the number of I(1) variables ( Kr ); 11


ΓΓ are KK matrices of parameters; and, tε is a

1K vector of normally distributed and serially uncorrelated error terms. The null hypothesis for the

trace statistic is that there are no more than r cointegrating relations (i.e. the eigenvalues Kr ,,



zero). * and ** denote the rank at which the null hypothesis cannot be rejected at the 5 and 1 per cent

levels of statistical significance, respectively (critical values are from Johansen, 1995).

B. Natural Gas

Table B1

Autocorrelation Coefficients and Test Statistics for Natural Gas Securities

Weighted autocorrelation coefficient estimates ( jD ) and2

test statistics calculated as per the unified

approach in Richardson and Smith (1994) for Box and Pierce (1970) Q-statistics, Fama and French

(1988) beta statistics and Lo and MacKinlay (1988) variance ratios. * and ** denote significance at the 5

and 1 per cent levels against 2

critical values with 5 degrees of freedom. Autocorrelation coefficients

and statistics calculated from continuously compounded returns for the natural gas securities sampled at

10-minute intervals from 2 January 2008 to 30 December 2011 (47,088 observations).

Maximum Rank Eigenvalue Trace Statistic 5% Critical Value 1% Critical Value

r ≤ 0 69.56 39.71 46.00

r ≤ 1 0.0327 37.67 24.08 29.19

r ≤ 2 0.0240 14.38** 12.21 16.16

r ≤ 3 0.0112 3.54* 4.14 7.02

r ≤ 4 0.0037

ρ1 ρ2 ρ3 ρ4 ρ5 Q-statistic Beta Statistic Variance Ratio

NBP Month-Ahead -0.0726 -0.0015 -0.0084 -0.0016 -0.0003 0.0053** -0.0348** -0.1253**

NBP Day-Ahead -0.0390 -0.0086 -0.0078 0.0115 -0.0103 0.0019* -0.0223** -0.0744**

TTF Day-Ahead -0.0626 -0.0229 -0.0477 -0.0338 -0.0110 0.0080** -0.1100** -0.1793**

Zeebrugge Month-Ahead -0.0214 0.0008 -0.0254 0.0004 -0.0094 0.0012** -0.0349** -0.0534**

Zeebrugge Day-Ahead -0.0401 -0.0368 -0.0264 -0.0114 0.0032 0.0038** -0.0708** -0.1340**

ICE Monthly Futures 0.0052 -0.0020 0.0008 -0.0041 -0.0048 0.0001 -0.0031 0.0049

Autocorrelation Coefficients Test Statistics

Page 110: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


Table B2

Augmented Dickey-Fuller Stationarity Tests for Natural Gas Securities

Table B2 displays Augmented Dickey-Fuller (1979) test statistics for log price levels and continuously

compounded returns for natural gas securities sampled at 10-minute intervals between 8:00am and

4:00pm GMT from 2 January 2008 to 30 December 2011 (47,085 observations). The Augmented

Dickey-Fuller tests are run with a constant ( ) and 4 lags of differenced dependent variables as

explanatory variables ( 4k ) as per:




jtt yyy



Dependent variables (t

y ) are alternately differenced log price levels and differenced returns. Test

statistics, ˆˆ

tZ , are for 0:

0H , where

is the standard error of . * and ** denote

significance at the 5 and 1 per cent levels against critical values from Fuller (1996) of -2.86 and -3.43,


Table B3

Johansen Cointegration Test for Natural Gas Securities

Table B3 displays the results of a Johansen (1995) cointegration test on the log price levels of the six

natural gas securities ( 6K ) sampled at 10-minute intervals between 8:00am and 4:00pm GMT from

2 January 2008 to 30 December 2011 (47,085 observations). Tests are run using a multivariate VECM

estimated by maximum likelihood which includes 4 lags ( 4n ) as explanatory variables to determine

the number of cointegrating relations ( r ) between the ( K ) variables:




itt εyΓyβαy




Dependent variables (

ty ) are a 1K vector of differenced log price levels;

ity are lagged dependent

variables; α and β are rK parameter matrices in which the number of cointegrating equations is less

than the number of I(1) variables ( Kr ); 11


ΓΓ are KK matrices of parameters; and, tε is a

1K vector of normally distributed and serially uncorrelated error terms. The null hypothesis for the

trace statistic is that there are no more than r cointegrating relations (i.e. the eigenvalues Kr ,,



zero). * and ** denote the rank at which the null hypothesis cannot be rejected at the 5 and 1 per cent

levels of statistical significance, respectively (critical values are from Johansen, 1995).

NBP NBP TTF Zeebrugge Zeebrugge ICE

Month Day Day Month Day Monthly

Ahead Ahead Ahead Ahead Ahead Futures

Levels -1.64 -2.84 -2.28 -1.62 -2.77 -1.66

Returns -51.56** -53.73** -55.89** -53.29** -55.94** -51.73**

Maximum Rank Eigenvalue Trace Statistic 5% Critical Value 1% Critical Value

r ≤ 0 6,347.32 82.61 91.12

r ≤ 1 0.0921 1,797.32 59.24 66.71

r ≤ 2 0.0218 759.57 39.71 46.00

r ≤ 3 0.0100 286.33 24.08 29.19

r ≤ 4 0.0047 62.74 12.21 16.16

r ≤ 5 0.0013 2.33** 4.14 7.02

r ≤ 6 0.0001

Page 111: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


C. Crude Oil

Table C1

Percentage of Trades by Time of Day for Brent and WTI Futures

Trade data sourced from Thomson Reuters Tick History. Shaded area contains the chosen intraday

window used in the analysis. Percentages calculated over the 2 January 2008 to 30 December 2011

sample period, which contains approximately 75 million Brent futures trades and 127 million WTI futures




Percentages of trades by time of day for the other securities in this study are available on request.

Along with trading hours information provided by the exchanges, these statistics were used in deciding

the intraday windows over which price discovery is assessed. They are explicitly provided here for the

Brent and WTI futures because of the large time differences between the UK and the US and to illustrate

that the hours with the greatest volumes of trade are nonetheless similar for both securities. This also

highlights how daily studies using traditional close of day prices for each market, respectively, may be

capturing very different market conditions. Specifically, a traditional 5pm London close price is captured

at a time of much greater liquidity than a 5pm Chicago close (around 11pm GMT depending on daylight


Time (GMT) ICE Brent Futures CME WTI Futures

0:00 - 1:00 0.10% 0.34%

1:00 - 2:00 0.18% 0.38%

2:00 - 3:00 0.21% 0.33%

3:00 - 4:00 0.20% 0.27%

4:00 - 5:00 0.19% 0.29%

5:00 - 6:00 0.21% 0.29%

6:00 - 7:00 0.67% 0.52%

7:00 - 8:00 2.52% 1.06%

8:00 - 9:00 6.84% 1.53%

9:00 - 10:00 5.99% 1.47%

10:00 - 11:00 5.53% 1.55%

11:00 - 12:00 4.89% 2.05%

12:00 - 13:00 5.96% 4.74%

13:00 - 14:00 9.87% 12.48%

14:00 - 15:00 12.46% 16.41%

15:00 - 16:00 14.91% 15.18%

16:00 - 17:00 11.07% 11.66%

17:00 - 18:00 7.06% 10.25%

18:00 - 19:00 7.40% 11.82%

19:00 - 20:00 3.08% 5.45%

20:00 - 21:00 0.42% 1.14%

21:00 - 22:00 0.14% 0.30%

22:00 - 23:00 0.03% 0.24%

23:00 - 24:00 0.08% 0.25%

Per cent Within Window 98.00% 96.79%

Page 112: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


Table C2

Autocorrelation Coefficients and Test Statistics for Crude Oil Securities

Weighted autocorrelation coefficient estimates ( jD ) and2

test statistics calculated as per the unified approach in Richardson and Smith (1994) for Box and Pierce (1970)

Q-statistics, Fama and French (1988) beta statistics and Lo and MacKinlay (1988) variance ratios. * and ** denote significance at the 5 and 1 per cent levels against 2


values with 10 degrees of freedom for the Q-statistics and variance ratios and 9 degrees of freedom for the beta statistics. Autocorrelation coefficients and statistics calculated

from continuously compounded returns for the crude oil securities sampled at 10-second intervals from 2 January 2008 to 30 December 2011 (ICE Brent Futures1 and Dated

BFOE Proxy are sampled daily between 7:00am and 5:00pm GMT yielding 3,680,221 observations, while ICE Brent Futures2 and CME WTI Futures are sampled daily

between 7:00am and 9:00pm GMT yielding 5,151,901 observations).

ρ1 ρ2 ρ3 ρ4 ρ5 ρ6 ρ7 ρ8 ρ9 ρ10 Q-statistic Beta Statistic Variance Ratio

ICE Brent Futures1

-0.0444 -0.0060 -0.0022 -0.0030 -0.0007 -0.0022 -0.0012 -0.0003 -0.0006 -0.0019 0.0020** -0.0184** -0.0996**

Dated BFOE Proxy -0.0235 -0.0030 -0.0014 -0.0018 -0.0031 -0.0016 -0.0016 -0.0010 -0.0009 0.0004 0.0006** -0.0141** -0.0571**

ICE Brent Futures2

-0.0513 -0.0087 -0.0068 -0.0034 -0.0026 -0.0033 -0.0029 -0.0017 -0.0005 -0.0017 0.0028** -0.0283** -0.1276**

CME WTI Futures -0.0237 -0.0039 -0.0011 -0.0014 -0.0004 -0.0010 -0.0027 0.0001 -0.0011 -0.0016 0.0006** -0.0111** -0.0551**

Autocorrelation Coefficients Test Statistics

Page 113: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


Table C3

Augmented Dickey-Fuller Stationarity Tests for Crude Oil Securities

Table C3 displays Augmented Dickey-Fuller (1979) test statistics for log price levels and continuously

compounded returns for the crude oil securities sampled at 10-second intervals from 2 January 2008 to

30 December 2011. The unit root tests are run with a constant ( ) and 15 lags of differenced dependent

variables as explanatory variables ( 15k ) as per:




jtt yyy



Dependent variables (t

y ) are alternately differenced log price levels and differenced returns. Test

statistics, ˆˆ

tZ , are for 0:

0H , where

is the standard error of . * and ** denote

significance at the 5 and 1 per cent levels against critical values from Fuller (1996) of -2.86 and -3.43,


Table C4

Johansen Cointegration Test for Crude Oil Securities

Table C4 displays Johansen (1995) cointegration tests of the log price levels of the ICE Brent futures and

dated BFOE proxy ( 2K ) sampled at 10-second intervals between 2 January 2008 and 30 December

2011. Tests are run using a multivariate VECM estimated by maximum likelihood, which includes

15 lags ( 15n ) as explanatory variables to determine the number of cointegrating relations ( r ) between

the ( K ) variables:




itt εyΓyβαy




Dependent variables (

ty ) are a 1K vector of differenced log price levels;

ity are lagged dependent

variables; α and β are rK parameter matrices in which the number of cointegrating equations is less

than the number of I(1) variables ( Kr ); 11


ΓΓ are KK matrices of parameters; and, tε is a

1K vector of normally distributed and serially uncorrelated error terms. The null hypothesis for the

trace statistic is that there are no more than r cointegrating relations (i.e. the eigenvalues Kr ,,



zero). * and ** denote the rank at which the null hypothesis cannot be rejected at the 5 and 1 per cent

levels of statistical significance, respectively (critical values are from Johansen, 1995).

ICE Brent Futures Dated BFOE Proxy ICE Brent Futures CME WTI Futures

Intraday Window (GMT) 7:00am-5:00pm 7:00am-5:00pm 7:00am-9:00pm 7:00am-9:00pm

Levels -1.35 -1.30 -1.41 -1.58

Returns -586.45** -584.22** -699.75** -691.66**

Maximum Rank Eigenvalue Trace Statistic 5% 1%

r ≤ 0 22.11 12.21 16.16

r ≤ 1 0.00001 1.72** 4.14 7.02

r ≤ 2 0.00000

Critical Values

Page 114: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


CHAPTER 4: Information Linkages between the Emission

Allowance and Energy Markets

Research on the interactions between emission allowances and energy markets commonly

supposes that fuel switching between coal and natural gas in power generation is the marginal

form of emissions abatement and that this should lead to a positive (negative) relationship

between natural gas returns (coal returns) and emission allowance returns88

. However, a number

of theoretical and practical considerations suggest observing any directional relationship

assumed between emission allowances and energy securities is likely spurious. Specifically,

while supply-side shocks may lead to the price behaviour assumed in prior research, a demand-

side shock that increases price and quantity demanded in either the natural gas or coal market,

should tend to raise prices and the quantity demanded in the other market due to substitution

effects. In turn, the price of emission allowances, which are complementary to both, would also

be expected to increase due to the expected rise in the quantity of fossil fuels combusted. In the

absence of a priori expectations for price and return relationships between these securities an

alternative approach to simple regression analysis is warranted.

We employ a rational expectations framework similar to that of Tauchen and Pitts (1983),

Fleming, Kirby and Ostdiek (1998) and Kodres and Pritsker (2002) that relates securities based

on their response to common information and the spillover of idiosyncratic information across


See Mansanet-Bataller, Pardo and Valor (2007), Alberola, Chevallier and Chèze (2008), Alberola,

Chevallier and Chèze (2009), Bonacina, Creti and Cozialpi (2009), Keppler and Mansanet-Bataller

(2010), Bredin and Muckley (2011), Creti, Jouvet and Mignon (2011) and Mansanet-Bataller, Chevallier,

Hervé-Mignucci and Alberola (2011).

Page 115: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


markets. This allows for a more complete characterisation of the dynamics between the markets

of interest. The emission allowance and energy markets in question are expected to have strong

common information linkages as they share sensitivities to factors such as economic growth,

industrial production and the impact of extreme weather on power demand. They are also

expected to experience strong volatility spillovers driven by cross-market hedging as well as

spillovers driven by economic linkages; specifically the aforementioned relationships of coal

and natural gas as substitutes for one another and emission allowances as a complement to both.

We follow Fleming et al. (1998) in estimating a stochastic volatility representation of the

rational expectations model using GMM. Contrary to our expectations, emission allowances

exhibit the strongest linkages to the crude oil market. This is surprising given most combustion

activities related to crude oil occur in transportation, a sector not covered by the EU ETS. Given

their omission from the trading system, and the resultant decrease in direct economic linkages

between emission allowances and crude oil, there is less potential for information spillover

effects. Thus, we would predict a weaker relationship between the two markets. As such, the

strength of the linkages between these markets likely reflects strong common information

linkages. Despite the direct economic relationships between emission allowances and coal and

natural gas, which are combusted for heat and power generation and are covered by the EU

ETS, linkages with these markets are weaker.

The remainder of this paper is organised as follows: Section 4.1 discusses the limitations of

previous studies; against this backdrop, Section 4.2 presents the rational expectations model of

the information and volatility linkages between the markets; Section 4.3 details the regression

methodology employed in assessing directional relationships and the bivariate stochastic

volatility representation of the model used in Fleming et al. (1998); Section 4.4 describes the

data selection process and presents statistics for our final sample; Section 4.5 presents the

results of regression analysis and GMM estimation; and, Section 4.6 concludes.

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4.1 Existing Evidence on Market Interactions

From a theoretical perspective, the price of carbon emission allowances should equal the

marginal cost of abatement (see Stern, 2006). This, after all, is the point of an emissions trading

system: place a cap on the total volume of greenhouse gases that polluters are allowed to emit

each year, making the right to pollute a scarce commodity, the cost of which must be

internalised. This should force marginal polluters, those who cannot remain profitable if

required to purchase allowances, either to abate their emissions by altering their current

production processes or to cease production altogether. As more than half of the emissions

covered by the EU ETS come from power generation, much of the literature on abatement looks

at the inter-relationship between emission allowance and energy prices in the context of fuel

switching in electricity generation89


These studies commonly assume that fuel switching informs the directional relationship

between emission allowance and energy prices. Moreover, they argue that, if energy input prices

are determined exogenously to emission allowance prices, an increase in the price of coal

relative to natural gas prompts greater gas-fired generation. This, in turn, leads to less demand

for emission allowances and a decrease in emission allowance prices. For example, Mansanet-

Bataller, Chevallier, Hervé-Mignucci and Alberola (2011) document a positive relationship

between both natural gas and crude oil price changes and emission allowance price changes

overall, but a negative dependence of the latter on coal price movements. In explaining their

results Mansanet-Bataller et al. (2011) argue: “this implies that when the coal price increases,

industries have an incentive to use less CO2-intensive fuels, which decreases the demand and

the price of CO2 allowances.”90


Given that electricity and heat production account for 24 per cent of the EU‘s total emissions and given

that the EU ETS covers around 40 per cent of the EU‘s total greenhouse gas emissions (encompassing

only the large, easily assessable polluters), electricity and heat production accounts for approximately 60

per cent of the EU ETS (European Environment Agency, 2011). Fuel switching from higher emission

brown (lignite) coal plants to lower emission black (bituminous) coal plants is also a form of abatement,

though coal-to-gas switching opportunities are thought to be more common.

90 Similar results and conclusions are drawn by Alberola et al. (2008) and Alberola et al. (2009),

Hintermann (2010) and Chevallier (2012).

Page 117: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


However, this argument ignores the differing effect of demand-side and supply-side shocks,

an important distinction, given the substitutability of coal and natural gas and the fact that

emission allowances are a complementary good to both. For example, if there is a positive

demand shock in the coal market, the resultant increase in the coal price will likely trigger

increased demand for natural gas as the power generation sector substitutes towards the

relatively cheaper fuel which will, in turn, push up the price of natural gas. If increased demand

for both coal and gas causes market participants to believe there will be increased emissions, a

likely outcome where the usefulness of these commodities is almost entirely in their

combustion, the coal demand shock will result in an increase in the emission allowance price

and quantity demanded91

. A demand shock in the natural gas market would lead to similar

unambiguous price and quantity outcomes for emission allowances. These are not the

relationships predicted by the fuel switching literature, whose expectations are more consistent

with supply-side shocks in one market. For example, an expected decrease in natural gas supply

would see a corresponding price increase and fall in demand. Conversely, given its

substitutability for natural gas, coal will consequently experience an increase in demand and

price. The net effect of these opposite pressures on emission allowances would depend upon

income and demand elasticities and so are potentially ambiguous. However, this type of natural

gas supply shock would most likely prompt an increase in the quantity and price of emission

allowances due to the higher emission factor for combusting coal than natural gas. Thus, the

dominance of supply-side effects in energy markets might induce spurious correlations that only

appear consistent with a fuel switching argument. In this context, the introduction of a

methodological approach not solely predicated on directional price and return relationships

represents an important contribution.

In addition to incompletely describing fuel switching, previous studies suffer from a number

of practical problems with how fuel switching variables are constructed and analysed. Firstly,


There is one caveat on the demand-side effects described above. This relates to circumstances in which

the demand shock is driven by activity in a sector outside the EU ETS, for example in non-European

countries, as the increased emissions from higher foreign demand will not be related to European

emission allowance demand in the fashion described. It is not entirely certain to what extent European

coal and natural gas security prices are determined exogenously on world markets or endogenously within


Page 118: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


they ignore the obvious multicollinearity between switching price variables and the energy

prices from which they are constructed when both are used as explanatory variables92

. Secondly,

most fuel switching variables are created from dark and spark spreads—proxies for the profit

accruing to coal and gas generators, respectively—which frequently fail to incorporate

important operational and maintenance costs. These costs may induce strategic behaviour in

generators that is inconsistent with fuel switching. Lastly, fuel switching is unlikely to be

observed during peak electricity demand periods when most of a system‘s installed capacity is

running. Even if fuel switching is a source of short-term abatement during off-peak periods,

changes to a system‘s installed capacity can only be implemented in the long-run and so the

current diversity of the energy generation mix may limit the extent to which it occurs. We

elaborate on these problems in the Appendix, where we also provide a brief overview of EU

electricity markets and common approaches to the construction of fuel switching variables.

4.2 Information Linkages

The emission allowance and energy markets are driven by many common sources of

macroeconomic information. Further, idiosyncratic information in one market can influence

return volatility in another as a result of cross-market hedging or because the information

prompts market participants to trade substitute or complementary securities. These complexities

are more adequately reflected in our rational expectations specification, which is similar to

Tauchen and Pitts (1983), Fleming et al. (1998) and Kodres and Pritsker (2002). In the absence

of a priori expectations of directional relationships between the markets, we focus on this

model‘s implications for volatility linkages.


This occurs in Mansanet-Bataller et al. (2007), Alberola et al. (2008), Alberola et al. (2009), Bonacina

et al. (2009), Keppler and Mansanet-Bataller (2010), Bredin and Muckley (2011), Creti et al. (2011) and

Mansanet-Bataller et al. (2011).

Page 119: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


Starting with the Tauchen and Pitts (1983) model, a speculative trader‘s demand for a

security at time ( t ), such as coal futures ( tcQ , ), is determined by the difference between their

individual valuation of that security (*

,tcp ) and its price ( tcp , )93


tctctc ppQ ,




The constant ( ) represents factors (inversely) affecting traders‘ speculative demand, such

as their risk aversion ( ) and the variance of their expected profits (2

c ). Expanding equation

(4.1) to account for these factors gives:





,2 c





In the absence of liquidity traders, the market price is simply the average of individual

speculative valuations. When this average differs from a given trader‘s individual valuation,

they will transact so as to maximise their expected profit. Specifically, traders will take a long

position if 0,


, tctc pp , entering a short position if 0,


, tctc pp . As new information

arrives, traders reassess their valuations, trade accordingly and a new equilibrium price is


. For a trader limited to the coal futures market, their demand for coal futures increases

with expected profits, but decreases with increasing risk aversion or increasing expected profit


Fleming et al. (1998) generalise Tauchen and Pitts‘ (1983) model to allow for the effects of

information arrival on a trader‘s demand in more than one market. If the trader from our


Tauchen and Pitts (1983) treat the prices in equation (4.1) as the trader‘s reservation price versus the

market price as we do, while Fleming et al. (1998) treat this as the difference between the expected future

spot price and the actual futures price, though they note that inasmuch as spot securities can be used for

hedging, their model is not specific to futures markets. Transaction costs are assumed zero in both


94 Tauchen and Pitts (1983) treat the sequence of information arrival as triggering a series of distinct

Walrasian equilibria. This is similar to the implications in Ross (1989) in that the variance of price

changes is related to the rate of information flow, except the Tauchen and Pitts (1983) model is in discrete

and not continuous time.

Page 120: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


previous example now speculates in both natural gas ( g ) and coal futures ( c ), we can express

their demand function in both markets as:


































In this generalised model, c is the slope coefficient from a regression of the trader‘s

expected coal profits on their expected natural gas profits; 2

gc represents the variance of this

regression‘s error terms; and, g and 2

cg are analogously defined by a regression of expected

natural gas profits on expected coal profits. For each demand function in equation (4.3), the first

term represents the sensitivity of speculative demand for the commodity to changes in both

common and idiosyncratic information. The second term measures the change in hedging

demand for a commodity in response to changing expectations in the other market, or the

indirect spillover effect of information95


While Fleming et al. (1998) apply their model to a mean-variance optimising portfolio

manager operating in multiple markets, such as both the stock and bond markets, its application

is equally valid in describing a diversified power generator who must manage multiple fuel

input price exposures96

. Moreover, its application in the case of the latter allows fuel inputs to

be recognised as substitutes and fuel inputs and emission allowances to be seen as complements,

with these relationships characterised as driving potential spillovers between markets. In this

sense, tractable extensions of the generalised model in (4.3) could incorporate a larger number

of energy commodities and the addition of emission allowances.


Kodres and Pritsker (2002) form a similar rational expectations model in order to explain contagion

across markets in terms of a portfolio rebalancing channel. However, their specification highlights the

role of asymmetric information between developed and emerging markets, which seems less appropriate

for the markets under consideration in this study.

96 For other direct applications of the Fleming et al. (1998) model see Treepongkaruna and Gray (2009)

and Treepongkaruna, Brooks and Gray (2012) for evidence in the foreign exchange market and

Fleischer (2003) for evidence across different countries‘ stock, bond and money markets.

Page 121: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


Like many asset pricing models, the usefulness of Fleming et al.‘s (1998) framework is not

in its direct empirical application; demand functions cannot be estimated as speculative traders‘

expected profits are inherently unobservable. Notwithstanding this, the model is valuable

insofar as it facilitates our understanding of the measureable linkages between the emission

allowance and energy markets. One example of a measureable linkage is the correlation in the

volatilities of security returns. The model predicts that, absent any market frictions, the direct

and indirect impact of information arrival should drive a perfect correlation in volatility. While

frictions including transaction costs, leverage constraints and illiquidity, will impair the

volatility linkages between the markets, strong linkages will remain where the securities are

driven by common information and given frequent inter-market spillovers resulting from

portfolio diversification benefits or economic linkages.

The literature provides some guidance regarding the identity of common sources of

information for both the emission allowance and energy markets. Specifically, research

invariably agrees on the importance of changing expectations for industrial production97

and the

effect of unanticipated weather events on power demand98

. The exact role of these fundamentals

is subject to some debate in the literature, although this is unsurprising given the noisy proxies


As noted previously, each market is also driven by a wide range of idiosyncratic factors

expected to have some indirect spillover into other markets through either hedging demand or

by virtue of the substitutability/complementarity of fuels and allowances. Examples of

idiosyncratic information satisfying this definition include: The impact of prospective conflict in


Studies attempting to examine the relationship between emission allowances, energy prices and

industrial production often have inconsistent results. This may result from a failure to acknowledge that it

is factors affecting expectations for future industrial production that are important and that backward

looking macroeconomic data may be a poor proxy for this (though admittedly past data might inform

expectations). Also problematic in prior studies, is the tendency to create daily industrial production

variables by simple linear interpolation of monthly data, which seems grossly inappropriate (see, for

example, Alberola et al. 2009, and Bredin and Muckley, 2011).

98 Most studies show that extreme cold weather has a greater effect on heating and power demand, and

thus emission allowances, than is the case for extreme hot weather, which drives demand for air

conditioning, though both are frequently found to be statistically significant. See, for example, Mansanet-

Bataller et al. (2007), Alberola et al. (2008), Fezzi and Bunn (2009) and Keppler and Mansanet-Bataller

(2010). Some studies, such as Hintermann (2010), also include rainfall or reservoir level variables due to

their impact on hydroelectricity, which is especially relevant for Scandinavia. While weather data are

prolifically available at very timely frequencies, it is difficult to say how a variable representative of and

encompassing the large geographic region covered by the EU ETS should be constructed.

Page 122: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


the Middle East, which may prompt traders to revise their expectations for crude oil prices;

Reports concerning shale gas exploration and discoveries, which impact upon expectations for

natural gas prices; Changes in coal demand from steel mills, which directly affects expectations

for coal prices; and, Announcements regarding the level of verified emissions, which affect

emission allowance prices99


Importantly, the impact of common information and information spillover on market

volatilities cannot be distinguished from one another. Nonetheless, these theoretical distinctions

inform our expectations for the strength of the observable linkages overall. More specifically,

because the power generation sector makes up the largest component of the EU ETS and

emissions from power generation are predominantly from coal and natural gas combustion, we

would expect stronger spillover effects between the coal, natural gas and emission allowance

markets. Conversely, we predict limited spillover effects from crude oil to emission allowances

markets, given the ultimate combustion of oil-related fuels largely occurs in the transportation

sector, most of which is currently outside the EU ETS100

. The expectation that linkages between

coal, natural gas and emission allowances will be stronger than those between crude oil and

emission allowances constitutes the „Spillover Chanel Hypothesis‟.

Alternatively, the greater depth and liquidity of the crude oil market suggests that coal,

natural gas and emission allowance prices may closely follow crude oil market developments

inasmuch as information relevant to common fundamentals in their pricing will be impounded

into prices in this vastly more liquid market much more quickly and completely. That emission

allowances have stronger linkages to the crude oil market than to the coal and natural gas

markets constitutes the „Common Information Chanel Hypothesis‟.


Mansanet-Bataller and Pardo (2009) conduct event studies of regulatory announcements in the EU

ETS, such as those relating to National Allocation Plans and verified emission reports, and find they have

a significant impact on emission allowance prices. Interestingly, they also detect some evidence

consistent with a small amount of insider trading ahead of these announcements.

100 Within electricity and heat production, about 45 per cent of emissions come from solid fuels (coal),

38 per cent come from natural gas and only 5 per cent come from liquid fuels (oil) according to the

European Environment Agency (2011). While these figures are for emissions, this is also illustrated in the

breakdown of electricity generation by fuel type for the EU-27, which is: nuclear 27.8 per cent; solid fuels

(coal) 26.7 per cent; natural gas 24.0 per cent; renewables 16.8 per cent; and, oil 3.1 per cent (European

Commission, 2011).

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4.3 Methodology

Initial testing seeks to better understand the direction of relationships between the energy and

emission allowance markets. To this end, we regress emission allowance returns against

contemporaneous and lagged returns for coal, natural gas and crude oil securities. Thereafter,

we employ the stochastic volatility model of Fleming et al. (1998) to understand the volatility

linkages between markets. In this context, our main statistic for gauging the relative strength of

the linkages between the respective markets is the correlation in cross-market log information

flows (volatilities).

4.3.1 Directionality of Emission Allowance and Energy Market Relationships

We regress daily emission allowance returns, eR , against contemporaneous and lagged

daily returns for coal, cR , natural gas, gR , and crude oil, oR , in order to observe any

directional relationships between these markets. To deal with autocorrelation and

heteroskedasticity in the returns, we use the Newey-West (1987) technique for estimating the

residual variance-covariance matrix101

. Formally, we fit the following regression model:







tctcte RRRR








In addition to contemporaneous energy security returns, the regression is run for several ( l )

lagged energy security returns as independent variables in order to rule out emission allowances

having a delayed response to returns in these markets.

4.3.2 Stochastic Volatility Model

Fleming et al. (1998) formulate a stochastic representation of the rational expectations

trading model in equation (4.3). We use Hansen‘s (1982) generalised method of moments


We employ up to 5 lags in the Newey-West (1987) specification which appears adequate given the

autocorrelation statistics presented in the next section.

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(GMM) to estimate the bivariate specification of the Fleming et al. (1998) model, and, in doing

so, we derive the contemporaneous correlations of the log information flows (volatilities) as

measures of the strength of the information linkages between the markets of interest.

The returns used in this study are log first differences in daily prices, 1,,, ln tktktk ppR ,

for the respective emission allowance and energy securities ( k coal, natural gas, crude oil and

emission allowances). Information is assumed to arrive randomly through the trading day

generating incremental price changes, tik , . The sum of these incremental changes constitutes

the unpredictable component of daily returns generated by the daily number of information

events, tkI , :







The predictable component of daily returns is the conditional expected value, tk , , while

the incremental intraday returns are assumed to be normal, independent and identically

distributed variables with a zero mean and variance of 2

,k . Decomposing the second term in

equation (4.5) yields:


i ktiktktk





1 ,,








Under the central limit theorem, as the number of information events increases ( tkI , ),

the distribution of tkz , approaches a standard normal. This, in turn, implies that returns are

approximately normally distributed with a mean of tk , and a variance of tkk I ,


, . In line with

Ross (1989), the volatility of returns, 21

,, tkk I , is proportional to the number of information

events, tkI , , with more information flows leading to greater return volatility. While equation

(4.6) defines the return generating process, Fleming et al. (1998) model the stochastic volatility,

tkktk Ih ,


,, ln , as AR(1) given the empirical support for this structure in the literature. The

Page 125: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


joint stochastic process by which returns and volatility are determined is then expressed in terms

of tkh , as:






,,,, 5.0exp


The residuals from the AR(1) volatility process, tku , , are assumed to have a mean of zero

and be independent of tkz , , implying that, while information arrival incrementally determines

returns, the actual number of information events itself does not. GMM moment restrictions are

formulated from the unpredictable return component, tktktk Rr ,,, , and its volatility, which





, lnln tktktk zhr


In line with Fleming et al. (1998) we first remove seasonality from the returns by regressing

them against day-of-the-week and post-public holiday dummy variables and using the residuals,

tkr , , to construct the series 2

,ln tkr . Similarly, we remove volatility seasonality by regressing

this series against Monday (i.e. post-weekend) and post-public holiday dummy variables.

Re-arranging (4.8), we define the estimated volatility series as:




,, lnln tktktk zEry


In which 93.4,27.1~ln 2

, Nz tk , given 1,0~, Nz tk . The series tky , is estimated with

error: tktktk hy ,,, , that is 2



,, lnln tktktk zEz , and thus 93.4,0~, Ntk and is

independent of tkh , . This allows for the definition of univariate moment conditions for

estimating the mean, kh, , variance, 2

,kh , and AR(1) coefficient, kh, , values for each market‘s

volatility series tky , :

Page 126: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery














The bivariate model estimates (4.10) for two securities as well as cross-market linkages

between them measured by the correlation of tih , and tjh , . Including the correlation between the

error terms ti , and tj , , cross-market restrictions are given by:














Six distinct bivariate pairings of the four securities of interest are considered, namely:

emission allowances and coal; emission allowances and natural gas; emission allowances and

crude oil; coal and natural gas; coal and crude oil; and, natural gas and crude oil. For each

bivariate pairing, the GMM disturbance vector derived from equations (4.10) and (4.11) is:





















































The vector of unknown parameters for a bivariate pairing of securities i and j is

ijijhjhjhjhihihih ,,,




,, ,,,,,,, , where ij, is the correlation between the error

terms, ti , and tj , , and ijh, is the correlation between the log information flows (volatilities),

Page 127: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


tih , and tjh , . Equation (4.12) is estimated using a variable number of autocorrelation

restrictions, l,2,1 , which range in value from 1l to 40 . Thus, in the bivariate system

in (4.12), there are 54 l equations with eight unknowns. As per Hansen (1982), the

parameters are estimated by minimising TT gSg 1ˆ for


t tT elTg1

1 102.

J-statistic tests for over-identifying restrictions are calculated for each bivariate pairing and are

distributed 2

34 l .

4.4 Data

In this section we explain which securities are selected for analysis from their respective

markets. We also present descriptive statistics, serial correlation tests and cross-market

correlations for these securities. All data are sourced from Thomson Reuters.

4.4.1 Security Selection

Securities are selected for use in the analysis on the basis that they are the most likely to

reflect pertinent information for the emission allowance and the energy markets of interest.

Information regarding these likelihoods in the context of the EU ETS and the European energy

markets is inferred from the analysis of short and long-run price discovery in Chapter 2 and

Chapter 3, respectively.

In terms of emission allowances, the main type of securities traded in the EU ETS are

European Union Allowances (EUAs). These are traded over-the-counter and in spot, futures and

option markets facilitated by approximately nine organised exchanges. Intraday data from the

main spot and futures securities traded in the EU ETS are examined in Chapter 2 using a


The variance-covariance matrix, S , is estimated using quadratic spectral weights to adjust for

conditional heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation rather than the Parzens weights Fleming et al. (1998)

employ. We note that the choice of weighting produces minimal changes in the cross-market correlation

estimates, with the resultant correlations produced by the use of quadratic spectral weights being

approximately 1 - 2 per cent lower for all pairings than if Parzens weights are used.

Page 128: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


regression approach to analyse short-term return dynamics and Hasbrouck‘s (1995) information

shares to assess their relative contribution to long-run price equilibrium. The results show that

the annual expiry Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) EUA futures contracts are overwhelmingly

the most important security for price discovery and, as such, they are used in this study (see also

Chevallier, 2010a; Chevallier, 2010b; and, Mizrach and Otsubo, 2011).

In Europe, coal, natural gas and crude oil are priced on a mixture of long-term contracts and

market pricing mechanisms based on over-the-counter physical trading and derivative trading

on organised exchanges. These markets differ markedly in their depth, liquidity and

transparency. For example, the market for coal arriving in the ports of Amsterdam, Rotterdam

and Antwerp is dominated by long-term bilateral contracts for which prices are not directly

observable. Instead, price reporting agencies survey market participants in order to assess

contract prices. However, these are not always available in a timely fashion. Moreover, while

derivative securities for coal are available from several European exchanges, these contracts

trade infrequently and reported settlement prices are often determined by averages of bid and

ask prices or from surveys of market participants. At the other end of the liquidity and

transparency spectrum, the ICE Brent crude oil futures contracts are some of the most heavily

traded securities in the world and thus present few problems in assessing relevant prices. From

the results of an investigation into price discovery in these markets contained in Chapter 3 we

select the ICE monthly expiry Rotterdam coal futures, the ICE monthly expiry UK natural gas

futures and the ICE monthly expiry Brent crude oil futures as the securities most reflective of

current information in their respective energy markets.

Due to the lack of liquidity in the coal futures market, analysis involving all three energy

securities and the emission allowance futures is, by necessity, conducted on a daily basis. In

constructing the daily return time series, each day‘s price observation is gathered at the time

closest to the time stamp of the coal futures so as to minimise any intraday lack of

contemporaneity in the observations103

. The prices of the coal futures, Brent futures and natural


Over the four-year sample period, the average latency with which the ICE Brent crude oil futures price

is observed compared to the time stamp on the ICE Rotterdam coal futures price is 12 seconds, for ICE

UK natural gas futures it is 38 minutes and for the ICE EUA futures it is 39 minutes. These differing

latencies are an indication of the relative frequency of trading in these markets around the time settlement

Page 129: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


gas futures are all converted into euro using an Electronic Broking Services (EBS) tick

exchange rate data set, once again linked to the intraday time stamps on the coal futures price

observations. Chart 4.1 displays the price of the four securities converted from their usual

quotation units into euro per tonne for comparability.

Returns are calculated as log first differences in prices over the 4-year period from

2 January 2008 to 30 December 2011, inclusive104

. Dates in this period are only used when all

comparable securities are traded or settlement prices are recorded. The futures are front

contracts up until the day prior to expiry except for the EUA futures which are rolled two weeks

prior to expiry as this largely accords with the timing of the shift in volume to the next-to-front

contracts in each of these markets. The return impact of the switch into the next-to-front

contract is stripped out by indexing the units back into those of the first contract in each series.

4.4.2 Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive statistics for all securities we consider are displayed in Table 4.1. Examination

of the table reveals that the ICE UK natural gas futures returns are the most volatile, having the

largest standard deviation and the widest inter-quartile range, while the ICE coal futures are the

least volatile105

. The large maximum and minimum return observations were investigated and

found to be genuine reflections of the volatility in these markets, with many of the extreme

observations occurring during the crucial months of the financial crisis in late 2008 and early


prices in the coal futures market are published, which is typically around 4:00pm - 5:00pm London time

each trading day.

104 The beginning of Phase II of the EU ETS is chosen as the start date to avoid the problems associated

with the oversupply of allowances and prohibitions on banking across phases that led to a price collapse

in Phase I.

105 Note that the average return for the ICE Brent crude oil futures is negative even though the price

displayed in Chart 4.1 for the last day of the sample is higher than for the first day of the sample. This is

because the futures contracts are indexed back to the original contract such that the return effect of rolling

contracts a day prior to expiry each month is stripped out. This discrepancy between visual inspection of

Chart 4.1, which contains prices before indexation, and the return statistics in Table 4.1 is supported by

the fact that the front and next-to-front contracts in the Brent futures curve were in contango more often

than backwardation between 2008 and 2011.

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Chart 4.1

Emission Allowance and Energy Prices

ICE monthly expiry Rotterdam coal futures converted from US dollars/tonne into euro/tonne using intraday EBS exchange rates; ICE

monthly expiry UK natural gas futures converted from Great British pence/therm into euro/tonne using EBS exchange rates and a

factor of 396.53 therms/tonne; ICE monthly expiry Brent crude oil futures converted from US dollars/barrel into euro/tonne using

EBS exchange rates and a factor of 7.64 barrels/tonne (utilising the API gravity of the Forties blend of 40.3 degrees as this North Sea

grade typically sets the price of BFOE crude—see Platts, 2012); and, ICE annual expiry EUA futures price in euro/tonne of CO2e .



















ICE Rotterdam Coal Futures ICE UK Natural Gas Futures ICE Brent Crude Oil Futures ICE EUA Futures

€/t €/t

2008 2009 2010 2011

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Table 4.1

Descriptive Statistics

Table 4.1 presents descriptive statistics of continuously compounded returns for ICE monthly expiry

Rotterdam coal futures, ICE monthly expiry UK natural gas futures, ICE monthly expiry Brent crude oil

futures and ICE annual expiry EUA futures sampled daily from 2 January 2008 to 30 December 2011

(959 observations).

4.4.3 Serial Correlation

Table 4.2 displays the results of three distinct tests for serial correlation on our series of

interest. The Box and Pierce (1970) Q-statistic tests indicate statistically significant serial

correlation in the Brent crude oil futures and the EUA futures at the 5 per cent level. Though the

very small size of the autocorrelation coefficients renders this economically unimportant, the

presence of statistically significant serial correlation supports the use of heteroskedasticity and

autocorrelation consistent standard errors in econometric testing. Consistent with this, we

employ the Newey-West (1987) method of standard error calculation when estimating

equation (4.4) and we employ GMM in the estimation of the Fleming et al. (1998) stochastic

volatility model.

ICE Monthly ICE Monthly ICE Monthly ICE Annual

Rotterdam Coal UK Natural Gas Brent Crude EUA

Futures Futures Futures Futures

Mean 0.0000 -0.0028 -0.0001 -0.0013

Standard Deviation 0.0180 0.0297 0.0221 0.0263

Skewness -1.00 -0.14 0.37 0.55

Kurtosis 18.01 5.87 8.69 10.87

Maximum 0.1295 0.1299 0.1793 0.2126


Percentile 0.0081 0.0117 0.0114 0.0130


Percentile -0.0068 -0.0181 -0.0117 -0.0142

Minimum -0.1736 -0.1684 -0.0821 -0.0982

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Table 4.2

Serial Correlation Tests

Table 4.2 presents autocorrelation coefficients and test statistics of continuously compounded returns for

ICE monthly expiry Rotterdam coal futures, ICE monthly expiry UK natural gas futures, ICE monthly

expiry Brent crude oil futures and ICE annual expiry EUA futures sampled daily between 2 January 2008

and 30 December 2011 (959 observations). Weighted autocorrelation coefficient estimates ( jD ) and


test statistics are calculated as per the unified approach in Richardson and Smith (1994). * and **

denote significance at the 5 and 1 per cent levels against 2

critical values with 5 degrees of freedom for

Box and Pierce (1970) Q-statistics, Fama and French (1988) beta statistics and Lo and MacKinlay (1988)

variance ratios.

4.4.4 Cross-Market Correlations

Table 4.3 reports cross-market correlations for returns and two volatility proxies, namely

absolute returns and returns squared. All the return correlations in Panel A are positive and

range between 6.3 per cent and 30.3 per cent. The correlations in Panel A show a stronger

directional relationship between emission allowance and crude oil returns over the 2008-2011

sample (26.0 per cent) than between emission allowances and natural gas (21.4 per cent),

despite most oil-related combustion activities falling outside the scope of the EU ETS. In

contrast to the arguments in the fuel switching literature reviewed in Section 4.1, there is also a

small positive return correlation between emission allowances and coal (6.3 per cent).

In terms of the proxies for volatility, the correlations in Panels B and C are all smaller than

the correlations between returns, with the exception of those between crude oil and natural gas

and between emission allowances and coal. Emission allowances have the highest volatility

correlation with natural gas for both absolute returns and returns squared (15.6 per cent and 10.1

per cent, respectively). This is in line with spillover effects between these securities resulting

from their complementary relationship. However, as pointed out by Fleming et al. (1998),

absolute returns and returns squared are only noisy approximations of volatility such that their

correlations may not capture the depth of the linkages between the markets of interest. In this

ρ1 ρ2 ρ3 ρ4 ρ5 Q-statistic Beta Statistic Variance Ratio

ICE Rotterdam Coal Futures 0.0199 -0.0154 -0.0956 0.0180 0.0261 0.0108 -0.0785 -0.0559

ICE UK Natural Gas Futures 0.0790 -0.0446 -0.0469 0.0206 -0.0159 0.0111 -0.0419 0.0436

ICE Brent Crude Oil Futures 0.0785 -0.0511 -0.0326 -0.0566 0.0258 0.0137* -0.0696 0.0156

ICE EUA Futures 0.0616 -0.0749 0.0260 -0.0416 -0.0303 0.0127* -0.0412 0.0128

Autocorrelation Coefficient Test Statistics

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sense they serve as a benchmark against which to judge the more precise estimates of the

volatility linkages presented in the next section.

Table 4.3

Cross-Market Correlations

Table 4.3 presents the cross-market correlations for ICE monthly expiry Rotterdam coal futures, ICE

monthly expiry UK natural gas futures, ICE monthly expiry Brent crude oil futures and ICE annual expiry

EUA futures sampled daily between 2 January 2008 and 30 December 2011 (959 observations). Panel A

contains correlations of continuously compounded returns. Panel B contains correlations of the absolute

value of returns. Panel C contains correlations of returns squared.

4.5 Results

We present the results of regressing emission allowance returns against contemporaneous and

lagged coal, natural gas and crude oil returns between 2008 and 2011. However, given that

directional relationships are not necessarily expected a priori, we estimate the stochastic

volatility model in Fleming et al. (1998) using GMM. These results show that the correlation of

log information flows for emission allowances are most highly correlated with the crude oil

market, supporting our Common Information Channel Hypothesis.

Panel A:

Coal Natural Gas Crude Oil Emission Allowances

Coal 1.000

Natural Gas 0.303 1.000

Crude Oil 0.195 0.145 1.000

Emission Allowances 0.063 0.214 0.260 1.000

Panel B:

Coal Natural Gas Crude Oil Emission Allowances

Coal 1.000

Natural Gas 0.175 1.000

Crude Oil 0.184 0.161 1.000

Emission Allowances 0.111 0.156 0.147 1.000

Panel C:

Coal Natural Gas Crude Oil Emission Allowances

Coal 1.000

Natural Gas 0.065 1.000

Crude Oil 0.097 0.227 1.000

Emission Allowances 0.033 0.101 0.054 1.000

Correlation of Returns - ρ(R)

Correlation of Absolute Returns - ρ(|R|)

Correlation of Returns Squared - ρ(R2)

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4.5.1 Regression Results

The results of running the regressions as per equation (4.4) are presented in Table 4.4. In

regression (A), only contemporaneous energy market returns are used as independent variables

and, similar to the return correlations in Table 4.3, the coefficients are positive for crude oil and

natural gas, while the coefficient for coal returns is not significantly different from zero. With

the exception of coal, the coefficients are of a similar magnitude to the return correlations in

Panel A of Table 4.3.

Regressions (B) and (C) include one and two-day lagged energy market returns as

independent variables, respectively106

. In regressions (B) and (C) lagged crude oil returns are

significant at one and two-days, but with much smaller (and negative) coefficients and only at

the 5 per cent level. The inclusion of the lagged coefficients does little to improve the fit of the

model, with the adjusted R-squared only rising from 10 to 11 per cent. These results point to

most of the return relationship between emission allowances and the energy market securities

being captured contemporaneously.

4.5.2 Information Linkages

The GMM parameter estimates of Fleming et al.‘s (1998) stochastic volatility model are

presented in Table 4.5. These estimates are generated by fitting the moment restrictions in

equation (4.12) using the log, squared return series described in equation (4.9), with weekday

and public holiday seasonality removed as previously noted. Panel A details the estimates for

bivariate pairings of emission allowances with coal, natural gas and crude oil, respectively.

Panel B details the three bivariate pairings amongst the energy securities themselves. For all six

bivariate pairings, the J-statistic tests for over-identifying restrictions indicate that the models


None of the coefficients are significant for lags greater than two days. Several regressions were also

run with the coal, natural gas and crude oil security returns as the dependent variables and with the

emission allowance returns as independent variables. In these regressions the contemporaneous emission

allowance coefficients are similarly positive and statistically significant in explaining crude oil and

natural gas returns, but not significantly different from zero against coal returns. In addition, lagged

emission allowance return coefficients are not significant at standard levels, which indicates that on a

daily basis emission allowance returns do not lead the returns of the energy securities considered (these

results are available on request).

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are not miss-specified. Furthermore, the mean, variance and autocorrelation parameters are all

statistically significant at the 1 per cent level.

Table 4.4

Regression Results

Table 4.4 presents the results of fitting model (4.4) using continuously compounded returns for ICE

annual expiry EUA futures, ICE monthly expiry Rotterdam coal futures, ICE monthly expiry UK natural

gas futures and ICE monthly expiry Brent crude oil futures sampled daily between 2 January 2008 and

30 December 2011 (959 observations). In regression (A), the independent variables are contemporaneous

returns for the coal (tc


), natural gas (tg


) and crude oil (to


) securities, with the response variable

being emission allowance returns (te


). The independent variables in regression (B) additionally contain

returns lagged by one-day ( 1l ), while regression (C) additionally contains returns lagged by two-days

( 2l ). Formally:








The square brackets [ ] below coefficients contain t-statistics, while round brackets ( ) below F-statistics

contain p-values. * and ** denote significance at the 5 and 1 per cent levels, respectively.

(A) (B) (C)

α -0.001 -0.001 -0.001

[-1.01] [-1.21] [-1.43]

βcoal,t -0.060 -0.049 -0.037

[-1.16] [-0.91] [-0.69]

βcoal,t-1 -0.021 -0.010

[-0.43] [-0.20]

βcoal,t-2 -0.032


βnatural gas,t 0.170** 0.173** 0.170**

[4.85] [4.95] [4.85]

βnatural gas,t-1 -0.049 -0.045

[-1.33] [-1.14]

βnatural gas,t-2 -0.052


βcrude oil,t 0.286** 0.293** 0.287**

[5.58] [5.85] [5.71]

βcrude oil,t-1 -0.088* -0.080

[-2.02] [-1.92]

βcrude oil,t-2 -0.074*



0.098 0.106 0.113

F-stat 21.70** 15.50** 11.19**

(0.000) (0.000) (0.000)

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The mean log information flow estimates, kh, , indicate that coal futures have the lowest

average volatility followed by crude oil and emission allowances, with natural gas having the

highest average volatility. This is consistent with the ordering of the return standard deviations

presented in Table 4.1107

. These mean log information flows are not dissimilar to those reported

in Fleming et al. (1998) for stocks and bonds, though they are all generally higher than reported

estimates for Treasury bills, which is to be expected given return volatility is typically quite low

in the Treasury bill market.

The estimated variance of the log information flows, 2

,kh , is typically highest for the

emission allowance futures. In general, the variance parameters in Table 4.5 are higher than

those reported in Fleming et al. (1998), suggesting greater kurtosis in the distribution of

emission allowance and energy market returns than in stocks, bonds and bills. However, it

should be noted that this is likely a product of the sample period used in this study rather than

necessarily being an intrinsic feature of these markets. More specifically, our 2008-2011 sample

covers a period in which volatility greatly increased across all markets and was sustained for a

considerable period of time due to the financial crisis. This volatility created many extreme

return observations and, thus, return distributions exhibit substantial excess kurtosis and the

variances of the log information flows are mostly higher than those reported in previous studies.

The autocorrelation parameters for the log information flows, kh, , which are in a tight

range from 0.983 to 1.005, indicate a very high degree of persistence in volatility

autocorrelation and support the use of the autoregressive structure. Though the reported log

information flow autocorrelation parameters are for an estimated lag length ( l ) of 40, they are

little changed in other specifications in which the lag length is greater than one.


As the mean log information flows are in units of log, squared returns, they are negative numbers.

While this makes it difficult to readily interpret them, by taking the square root of the inverse of the

natural logarithm, the average volatilities can be brought back into units of return variance.

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Table 4.5

GMM Results

Table 4.5 presents the GMM parameter estimates from fitting the Fleming et al. (1998) bivariate stochastic volatility model for the moment restrictions in equation (4.12). The

seasonally adjusted volatility series tk


is constructed as per equation (4.9) from continuously compounded returns for ICE annual expiry EUA futures, ICE monthly expiry

Rotterdam coal futures, ICE monthly expiry UK natural gas futures and ICE monthly expiry Brent crude oil futures sampled daily from 2 January 2008 to 30 December 2011

(959 observations). In Panel A, the bivariate pairings ( jik , ) are for the emission allowance and energy markets: (1) emission allowances and coal; (2) emission allowances

and natural gas; and, (3) emission allowances and crude oil. In Panel B, the bivariate pairings contain the linkages between the energy markets: (4) coal and natural gas; (5) coal

and crude oil; and, (6) natural gas and crude oil. The parameter estimates are the mean (kh ,

), variance (2

,kh ) and AR(1) coefficient (

kh , ) of the log information flows as well

as the correlations of the log information flows (ijh ,

) and the correlations between the error terms (ij,

). Reported results are for a lag length of 40l . Round brackets ( )

below coefficients are standard errors. * and ** denote significance at the 5 and 1 per cent levels, respectively. Over-identifying J-statistics are distributed 2

34 l


(1) Emissions (i) Coal (j) (2) Emissions (i) Natural Gas (j) (3) Emissions (i) Crude Oil (j)

μh,i -10.403** μh,j -11.345** μh,i -10.428** μh,j -10.147** μh,i -10.111** μh,j -10.471**

(0.057) (0.061) (0.059) (0.056) (0.054) (0.048)


h,i 0.918** σ2

h,j 0.780** σ2

h,i 0.902** σ2

h,j 0.788** σ2

h,i 0.893** σ2

h,j 0.631**

(0.047) (0.046) (0.046) (0.047) (0.046) (0.052)

φh,i 0.983** φh,j 0.989** φh,i 0.983** φh,j 0.987** φh,i 0.989** φh,j 0.992**

(0.004) (0.004) (0.004) (0.004) (0.003) (0.004)

ρh,ij 0.520** ρh,ij 0.246** ρh,ij 0.769**

(0.059) (0.080) (0.054)

ρξ,ij 0.003 J-statistic 153.68 ρξ,ij 0.091** J-statistic 165.91 ρξ,ij 0.034 J-statistic 146.07

(0.020) p-value 0.560 (0.021) p-value 0.298 (0.017) p-value 0.724

Panel A: Emission Allowance and Energy Market Linkages

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Table 4.5

GMM Results (Continued)

(4) Coal (i) Natural Gas (j) (5) Coal (i) Crude Oil (j) (6) Natural Gas (i) Crude Oil (j)

μh,i -11.463** μh,j -9.924** μh,i -11.344** μh,j -10.420** μh,i -9.912** μh,j -10.516**

(0.060) (0.057) (0.059) (0.050) (0.056) (0.057)


h,i 0.782** σ2

h,j 0.774** σ2

h,i 0.781** σ2

h,j 0.652** σ2

h,i 0.781** σ2

h,j 0.651**

(0.053) (0.047) (0.047) (0.051) (0.047) (0.053)

φh,i 0.991** φh,j 0.994** φh,i 0.991** φh,j 1.005** φh,i 0.989** φh,j 0.993**

(0.004) (0.003) (0.003) (0.003) (0.004) (0.004)

ρh,ij 0.576** ρh,ij 0.825** ρh,ij 0.493**

(0.064) (0.050) (0.063)

ρξ,ij -0.016 J-statistic 152.65 ρξ,ij -0.065** J-statistic 146.47 ρξ,ij 0.007 J-statistic 151.01

(0.021) p-value 0.583 (0.017) p-value 0.716 (0.016) p-value 0.620

Panel B: Energy Market Linkages

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The parameters of most interest in the bivariate model are the estimated correlations

between the log information flows, ijh, , which we use as measures of the information linkages

across markets. In comparison to the correlation of absolute returns and returns squared, which

are noisy proxies for correlations in volatilities (ranging from 3.3 to 22.7 per cent), the

correlations between the log information flows are much higher, ranging from 24.6 to 82.5 per

cent. These correlation parameter estimates appear reasonably accurate, with standard errors

between 5.0 and 8.0 per cent, and are all significant at the 1 per cent level. The relative size of

these information flow correlations has implications for our competing hypotheses on the

linkages between the emission allowance and energy markets.

The Spillover Chanel Hypothesis predicts that the strong economic linkages between

emission allowances and fuels that are commonly combusted for power generation—coal and

natural gas—will result in information that creates volatility in one of these markets spilling

over into the other markets. This spillover channel exists on the basis that emission allowances

are a necessary complementary good for fuels whose combustion is subject to the EU ETS.

Under our theoretical specification, this implies linkages through the second terms in

equation (4.3). On the other hand, the combustion of refined products related to crude oil occurs

largely in the transportation sector, which is outside the EU ETS and does not require the

surrendering of emission allowances in abatement. As such, the Spillover Chanel Hypothesis

predicts that the correlation between the information flows relevant to crude oil and emission

allowances will be low, as there are fewer direct economic linkages.

The results in Table V clearly contradict the expectations of the Spillover Chanel

Hypothesis. The correlation between the log information flows (volatilities) for emission

allowances and coal is 52.0 per cent, between emission allowances and natural gas it is only

24.6 per cent, while the correlation between emission allowances and crude oil is the highest at

76.9 per cent. These results support the Common Information Channel Hypothesis because, in

the absence of a strong direct economic relationship between emission allowances and crude oil

that would prompt interaction via the spillover channel, the strength of the volatility linkages is

likely driven by common information. However, support for the Common Information Channel

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Hypothesis more generally across all the securities cannot be inferred simply from the lack of

support for the Spillover Channel Hypothesis.

The Common Information Channel Hypothesis posits that the linkages between these

securities will be the result of them commonly sharing sensitivities to particular types of

information, including those relating to economic growth or industrial production. Where one

market has fewer frictions, implying information may be more quickly and completely

impounded into prices, that market should have stronger common information linkages with the

other markets. In the theoretical specification in equation (4.3), this implies linkages occur

through the first term. Our a priori expectation would be that the much greater depth and

liquidity of the Brent crude oil futures market would lead it to have the strongest linkages with

each of the other markets.

Looking at the overall strength of the linkages in Table 4.5, the average correlation of log

information flows across the three bivariate pairings is in fact highest for crude oil (69.6 per

cent) followed by coal (64.0 per cent), emission allowances (51.2 per cent) and then natural gas

(43.8 per cent). Although these results are for a limited sample of only four energy securities, it

does confirm our a priori expectations in that crude oil has the highest average correlation of log

information flows, which supports our Common Information Channel Hypothesis. That is, as

prices in the deep and liquid Brent crude oil futures market respond to information, volatility is

frequently observed in the other energy markets contemporaneously.

The strength of the linkages with the coal market reported in Table 4.5 is somewhat

surprising, given that it is the market most subject to frictions. Transactions in the main coal

futures contracts take place only every day or so, with reported daily settlement prices

frequently established from averages of bid and ask prices or indicative surveys of market

participants. Coal market illiquidity is a sizeable friction that would be expected to impair its

timely responsiveness to common information and any benefits from cross-market hedging. If,

in the absence of actual trade activity, coal futures settlement prices are determined by

surveying market participants, a tendency may exist to report indicative coal prices on the basis

of movements in other markets, and movements in the crude oil market may be seen as relevant

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in this context. This could perhaps account for the very strong information linkages between the

coal and crude oil futures (82.5 per cent).

At the other end of the spectrum, natural gas has the weakest information linkages with the

other markets. This is unexpected given the results in Chapter 3 show that the natural gas and

crude oil markets are cointegrated between 2008 and 2011, albeit only weakly. However, the

daily sampling frequency employed in this paper, necessitated by the illiquidity of the coal

futures, may make these results incomparable with those in Chapter 3.

4.6 Conclusion

Much of the existing literature characterises interactions between emission allowances and

energy markets as a fuel switching relationship in which emission allowance returns are

positively (negatively) related to natural gas (coal) returns. However, we argue that these studies

incompletely characterise relationships between the markets of interest and ignore other

complexities in modelling. In this context, we describe a rational expectations model in the

tradition of Tauchen and Pitts (1983), Fleming et al. (1998) and Kodres and Pritsker (2002) in

which cross-market linkages are observable in the correlations of information flows

(volatilities). In this setting, volatility may occur in a number of markets simultaneously due to

common sensitivities to particular types of information or because the arrival of information

idiosyncratic to one market prompts a spillover of volatility into others. These spillovers occur

because of cross-market hedging demand or, more appropriately for an emission allowance and

energy market specification, because of economic linkages based on their relationships as

substitutes and complements. The model predicts a perfect correlation of volatilities in the

absence of market frictions such as trading costs, leverage constraints or illiquidity. Even in the

presence of frictions, the model predicts strong linkages because emission allowance and energy

securities are commonly sensitive to many types of information such as economic growth,

industrial production and the impact of unanticipated weather events.

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We formulate two competing a priori expectations. Firstly, that the linkages between

emission allowances and the main fuel inputs to power generation (coal and natural gas) will be

stronger than the linkage between emission allowances and crude oil; a fuel whose combustion

occurs largely outside the EU ETS. Because emission allowances, coal and natural gas share

strong economic linkages as substitutes or complements, they should thus experience strong

volatility spillovers in the absence of market frictions. We call this the Spillover Channel

Hypothesis. Secondly, we postulate that, because of its greater depth and liquidity, the crude oil

market should impound information more quickly and completely, and thus should have

stronger linkages to the other markets. Where crude oil is less subject to the EU ETS, the

strength of its linkage to the emission allowance market will be predominantly on the basis of

common information. We call this the Common Information Channel Hypothesis. We employ

Fleming et al.‘s (1998) bivariate stochastic volatility representation of the rational expectations

model to estimate the strength of the cross-market linkages between emission allowances, coal,

natural gas and crude oil.

The results of estimating the Fleming et al. (1998) model using GMM show that, for

emission allowances, the strongest correlation of log information flows (volatilities) is with the

crude oil market (76.9 per cent). This is higher than for the other fuels, with correlations for

emission allowances and coal of 52.0 per cent and emission allowances and natural gas of only

24.6 per cent. These are much higher than the correlations between absolute returns and returns

squared, which are noisy proxies for volatility (and range between 3.3 to 22.7 per cent). These

results clearly contradict our expectations under the Spillover Channel Hypothesis and provide

support for our Common Information Channel Hypothesis.

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4.7 Appendix

EU electricity markets have been increasingly liberalised since the introduction of the EU

Electricity Directive and subsequent legislation (see European Commission, 1996). Despite

some differences, these liberalised markets all broadly facilitate competition between wholesale

generators selling to electricity retailers, with transmission and distribution executed by a

regulated monopoly. A merit order for meeting expected power demand can be constructed by

lining up power generators from the one with the lowest marginal cost (price) in base-load

power generation to the one with the highest marginal cost108

. The merit order is used as a

marginal cost curve over which an impartial transmission system operator sequentially

dispatches the generating units109

. For a given amount of electricity demand, the offer price of

the marginal generation unit sets the electricity price. At any given time, a generator‘s offer

price will reflect fuel input costs, emission allowance prices, relative plant efficiencies,

operational and maintenance expenses and a profit margin. Ignoring operational and

maintenance costs, a rough approximation of generator profit is given by a coal generator‘s

clean dark spread ( CDS ) and a gas generator‘s clean spark spread ( CSS ):








These spreads are the difference between the base-load electricity price ( ep ) received and

the costs of generation: fuel input prices for coal ( cp ) and natural gas ( gp ) scaled by the

thermal efficiency of typical coal ( c ) and natural gas ( g ) plants less emission allowance

costs (2COp ) adjusted for the emission intensity of typical coal ( cI ) and natural gas ( gI )


The marginal costs are in reference to base-load generation because the merit order is less meaningful

during peak periods when it is likely that all generation units are in use irrespective of their marginal costs

(see, for example, Delarue and D‘Haeseleer, 2007). Nuclear and hydro plants generally have the lowest

marginal costs, with coal, natural gas and oil-fired plants having progressively higher marginal costs.

109 The operator also keeps some capacity in reserve to meet unanticipated demand (spinning reserve).

Europe has 41 transmission system operators across 34 countries according to the European Network of

Transmission System Operators for Electricity (https://www.entsoe.eu/home/).

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. Equilibrating the clean dark and clean spark spreads and cancelling out the

electricity price allows us to form a rough estimate of the emission allowance price ( switchp ) that

will prompt a switch in the merit order from coal-fired to gas-fired generation:





cswitch II



A comparison of the actual European Union Allowance (EUA) price and the switching price

calculated as per equation (A2) using the Caisse des Dépôts efficiency and emission intensity

factors is displayed in Chart A1. According to this specification, noting the caveats regarding

the differing efficiency and emission intensity of individual plants together with the exclusion of

operational and maintenance costs, the actual emission allowance price was too low to support a

switch from coal-fired base-load generation to gas-fired generation on 69.3 per cent of days in

the 2008 to 2011 period.

The first problem with many prior studies arises because in practice switching prices

formulated as per equation (A2) are predominantly driven by the high volatility of natural gas

prices. In fact, between 2008 and 2011 returns for the two have a correlation of 89 per cent111


This compares with a return correlation between the switching price and the coal price of minus

5 per cent. Where studies use changes in these switching price variables in combination with

natural gas returns as independent variables for regression analysis the results will be affected

by a high degree of multicollinearity. In spite of this concern, much of the data-driven literature

undertakes analysis in this fashion112



Fuel prices are in euro per megawatt hour (€/MWh). Although they differ widely for individual power

plants, many studies use net thermal efficiency figures for conventional coal and gas-fired plants of

around 40 per cent and 55 per cent, respectively. Typical emission intensity factors are 86 per cent for

coal plant combustion and 36 per cent for natural gas combustion (see, for example, Caisse des Dépôts:


111 Note that in calculating this return correlation, a constant of €10/tCO2e was added to the daily

switching price variable to make all observations positive such that returns could be calculated. This is

necessary because, as shown in Chart A1, the switching price can be negative (it was as low as

-€5.13/tCO2e at the end of August 2009).

112 These include: Alberola et al. (2008), Alberola et al. (2009), Bonacina et al. (2009), Keppler and

Mansanet-Bataller (2010), Bredin and Muckley (2011), Creti et al. (2011) and Mansanet-Bataller et al.

(2011). Mansanet-Bataller et al. (2007) construct a simple ratio of gas to coal price changes as a switching

price variable, which is also likely to induce a degree of multicollinearity.

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Chart A1

Switching Price versus Actual Abatement Price

The EUA price (2

COp ) is the annual expiry ICE futures contract in €/tCO2e. The fuel switching price is calculated as per equation (A2)

using monthly expiry ICE Rotterdam coal futures (c

p ), month-ahead UK National Balancing Point natural gas (g

p ) and the Caisse

des Dépôts plant efficiency ( 40.0c

, 55.0g

) and emission intensity ( 86.0c

I , 36.0g

I ) figures.



















ICE Annual EUA Futures Switching Price

€/tCO2e €/tCO2e

2008 2009 2010 2011

Page 146: Price Discovery and Information Linkages in the …...as a source of price discovery in contrast with opaque over-the-counter physical trading. Having established where price discovery


The second problem with analysing clean dark spreads, clean spark spreads and switching

points in the merit order is that these ignore other important variable costs, some of which are

endogenously determined contingent upon positioning in the merit order itself113

. Notably, the

contribution of operational and maintenance costs to a generator firm‘s total costs may alter the

strategic bidding behaviour of generating firms, particularly if those firms have diversified

portfolios of generating units (i.e. they own various different types of plant) or are otherwise able to

exert market power.

Extra operational costs are incurred as a result of the marginal generation unit having to be

cycled, or ramped-up and down to meet actual electricity demand conditions. Ramping up a plant

requires greater fuel use than simply running a plant already close to maximum capacity, with the

cost level dependent on whether the plant is starting cold or is being restarted after recent


. In addition, frequent cycling inevitably leads to higher maintenance costs due to the

impact of temperature and pressure changes on the plant itself. These costs are generally much

higher and the process more time consuming for coal-fired generators, particularly older plants

which were originally designed as base-load generators, compared with modern gas-fired plants

built for cycling. Where an electricity firm possesses a variety of different types of generating units,

as is common among the large power utilities in the EU, keeping plants with lower cycling costs on

the margin, like gas turbines and hydro plants, either by submitting higher prices for the output of

these units or by simply holding them in reserve, can reduce the firm‘s total costs (see Denny and


We note that some studies include operational and maintenance costs in their formulation of dark and

spark spreads and short-run marginal cost functions, such as Laurikka and Koljonen (2006) and Sijm, Bakker,

Chen, Harmsen and Lise, (2005), however, many do not (those listed in the previous footnote for example).

114 In a case study of the Irish power generation sector, Denny and O‘Malley (2009) examine the effect of the

EU ETS on cycling costs. They estimate the ramp-up costs to cold start a 285MW Irish coal plant would be:

€32,164 in coal, assuming a price of €2.20/GJ (equivalent to €7.92/MWh or €64.46/t); and, €39,000 in

emission allowances, assuming ramp-up requires 14,620GJ of energy producing 1,300t of CO2 priced at

€30/tCO2e. On the other hand, Rosnes (2008), who notes that heavy fuel oil is often used to start thermal

power plants, estimates the range in start up costs for a 400MW plant to be between €1,330 and €8,662 for hot

and cold starts, respectively (lower input costs are used in forming these estimates: coal at €50/t, heavy fuel

oil at €203/t and emission allowances at only €5.40/tCO2e).

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O‘Malley, 2009)115

. These faster starting plants may also be kept in reserve in order to maximise

profits from unanticipated spikes in power demand. In either of these circumstances, the

characterisation of emission allowance prices being driven by relative energy input prices due to

fuel switching is likely not evident or, at best, substantially distorted116

. Similar arguments apply

when a system has a number of plants of a type in which producing electricity is a secondary

consideration, such as waste incineration plants and combined heat and power (CHP) plants. The

demand for emission allowances of these ‗must-run‘ facilities may not be influenced by changes in

fuel input prices in the way predicted by the fuel switching literature117


The last problem with modelling a relationship between emission allowance and energy prices

using a theoretical switching point is that fuel switching is irrelevant during peak generation

periods, which constitute significant portions of most weekdays. During peak periods most of an

electricity system‘s installed capacity will be running irrespective of relative fuel prices due to the

inelasticity of short-term power demand (see Delarue and D‘Haeseleer, 2007). Even in off-peak

periods, limits in the diversity of the installed generation mix may prevent fuel switching from

being a frequent or meaningful form of abatement, let alone an activity detectable in the short-term

interactions between emission allowance and energy prices. If switching fuel is indeed the marginal

form of abatement for the power sector, this will be more evident in the long-run capital

expenditure decisions of firms in which there is a gradual migration from building coal-fired plants


Many European electricity markets are somewhat oligopolistic, with a few generating firms possessing a

high degree of horizontal and/or vertical integration. For example, Scheepers, Wals and Rijkers (2003) give a

description of the concentration of power producers in North-West European electricity markets, showing

particularly high concentration in France and Belgium compared to Germany and the Netherlands. Similar

results are obtained by Percebois (2008) whose Hirschmann-Herfindahl Index calculations show high

concentration in France and Belgium and low concentration in Germany and the UK (with Italy and Spain in

between). Moreover, Percebois (2008) shows that 9 companies accounted for 83 per cent of electricity sales in

the EU-15 in 2006.

116 In fact, if fuel switching were to take place as hypothesised, it may also frustrate the system‘s purpose of

reducing emissions because, if coal-fired plants are forced to cycle as the marginal generation unit, the greater

combustion of fuel during the ramp-up phase may increase total emissions (see Denny and O‘Malley, 2009).

Rosnes (2008) forms similar conclusions based on the interaction of renewable energy targets and emissions

trading where the intermittence of wind generation leads to greater cycling by fossil fuel based generators.

117 Regulatory policies, such as renewable energy targets and feed in tariffs, may similarly distort the merit

order and obfuscate expected fuel switching relationships based on emission allowance and energy prices

alone. In fact, these policies are often seen as undercutting the effectiveness of the EU ETS (Blyth, Bunn,

Kettunen and Wilson, 2009, and Blyth and Bunn, 2011, model the effects of various policy scenarios).

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towards gas-fired or renewable energy facilities. This is only likely to be observed over a span of



These theoretical and practical problems in the existing literature warrant the alternative

characterisation of emission allowance and energy market interactions presented in this paper; one

that better reflects the role of information in the price formation process.


Analysing long-run marginal costs, Sijm et al. (2005) show that new combined-cycle gas turbines are

competitive with new coal-fired installations even in the absence of the EU ETS, indicating that, although this

gradual migration may be supported by high emission allowance prices, fuel switching in the form of long-

term capacity changes may be underway regardless. They also find that, in addition to long-run marginal costs

favouring gas-fired plants as a replacement for facilities at the end of their lives, if emission allowance prices

were to be sustained above €23.20/tCO2e, there would also be an incentive to build new combined-cycle gas

turbines in preference to the continued use of many existing coal plants. However, they note this estimate is

very sensitive to cost assumptions and regional differences.

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CHAPTER 5: Conclusion

Emissions trading is an attempt to redress the market failures associated with greenhouse gas

pollution. As the world‘s largest emission trading system, the EU ETS is expected to have a large

impact upon Europe‘s energy generation in the coming decades. As such, it is very important for

policy makers, market participants and academics to understand both the dynamics of this relatively

new market and its interaction with Europe‘s energy markets. In this context, we contribute to the

literature in this area by studying price discovery in the EU ETS and its catalysts, price discovery in

the main fossil fuel energy markets and information linkages between emission allowance and

energy securities.

We commence our investigation by studying price discovery in the EU ETS and, in doing so,

we provide the first evidence on its catalysts. In particular, we consider the impact of market

frictions that inhibit this price discovery process, namely trading cost and leverage, as well as

market segmentation between EUAs and CERs. In line with much of the literature concerning other

markets, trading costs are found to be the most important determinant of which securities are traded.

Interestingly, the results concerning CER futures indicate an absence of market segmentation, given

its contribution to price discovery in comparison to its small share of trade volume. This is an

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indication that the substantial discount at which CERs trade relative to EUAs is adequate

compensation for their associated risks, with their speculative use unimpeded.

Next we examine price discovery in the main European fossil fuel energy markets, namely coal,

natural gas and crude oil spanning both the physical and financial layers of these markets. Despite

the lack of liquidity and transparency in coal transactions, the futures traded on the Intercontinental

Exchange are shown to be marginally better sources of short and long-run price discovery.

Similarly, UK natural gas futures traded on the Intercontinental Exchange display greater price

discovery than physical trading at the major natural gas hubs in North-West Europe, particularly in

their contribution to long-run equilibrium. In addition, there is evidence that short-run interactions

are stronger at similar points on the natural gas forward curve than interactions between securities

specific to natural gas hub locations. This is likely related to the inelasticity of demand for short-

dated natural gas in the presence of extreme (cold) weather, which can induce high volatility at the

front of the curve felt commonly across hubs. Thus, variations in longer dated prices reflect fewer

transitory changes and contribute more to long-run equilibrium between natural gas security prices,

though we note that there are still linkages between these securities and the crude oil market. In the

European crude oil market, we find that the Brent futures contract leads the price discovery process,

though there is some evidence that trading in the physical layers—specifically exchange-for-

physicals—can, in turn, impact upon the futures market. In comparing global benchmarks, we find

only weak evidence that Brent and WTI futures remain cointegrated, with their relationship

deteriorating further towards the end of our sample. To the extent that there is any price leadership

between them, both short and long-run analysis reveals that price discovery more often resides with

WTI than with Brent futures, despite growing volumes of Brent futures trading and the recent

dislocations at WTI‘s pricing point in Cushing, Oklahoma.

Having established where price discovery is taking place in the European emission allowance

and fossil fuel energy markets, we analyse the interactions between them. Given the miss-

characterisation of the relationship in prior research, we describe a rational expectations model in

which volatility may occur in a number of markets simultaneously due to common sensitivities to

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particular types of information or from the spillover of information that is idiosyncratic to one

market into others. The results show that, despite the strong economic linkages between emission

allowances and coal and natural gas that are supposed on the basis of the potential for fuel

switching, emission allowances have the strongest information linkages to the crude oil market.

This relationship is likely a product of strong common information linkages. Overall, our results not

only reinforce the importance of information in the determination of security prices, but also serve

as a reminder that fuel switching in the presence of emissions trading is a long-term process

affecting an economy‘s energy generation mix over decades.

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