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  • Primates and primate behavior


  • Midterm

    25 multiple choice questions

    10 true/false questions

    5 short answer questions

    Note: short answers will be similar to ones on study guide

    -you are allowed a 3x5 note card for the midterm


  • TodaySurvey behavior as studied in biology

    Look at primate behavior


  • PrimatesTraits found across the primate order

    *Tendency towards erect posture*Highly prehensile hands and feet*Generalized dentition*Reliance on complex behavior and longer maturation


  • Main pointsBehavior is the product of complex interactions between genetic and environmental factors

    Social structure and groups influence behavior

    Primate behavior is the result of living in groups and navigating the social relationships that group living creates


  • Behavior in generalBehavior: anything organisms do involving actions and responses to internal and external stimuli-responses of an individual, group, or species to its environment

    Behavioral ecology-studies relationship between behaviors, environment, and a species biological traits-assumes organisms comprising an environment evolved together


  • Evolution of behaviorCertain behaviors are influenced by genes

    See behaviors as a phenotype

    Natural selection: behaviors increasing reproductive success are selected for


  • Social structure-usually thought of in terms of composition, size, and sex ratio of the group

    Factors influencing social structure

    1. Body size: larger bodies = fewer calories needed compared to smaller bodies

    2. Basal Metabolic Rate: larger bodies = lower BMR = less demand for energy rich foods


  • Factors influencing social structure3. Diet: cost-benefit analysis

    4. Distribution of resources

    5. Predation: types of predators, body size, and social structure

    High predation = small body sizes and larger communities


  • Factors influencing social structure6. Dispersal-male dispersal is most common-dispersal reduces competition between males for mates

    7. Life history traits: characteristics or developmental stages members of a species undergo influence potential reproductive rates

    8. Activity patterns: types of activities and time of activities influence group interactions


  • Primate Behavior*Behavior: result of the complex interactions between genetic and environmental factorshttps://youtu.be/GNYjr8TPfE4

    *Social structure: three important parts (composition, size, sex ratio)-because of complex interaction, the behavior of a group is hard to separate from the behavior of the individual



  • Primate BehaviorDominance - measure in terms of access to resources

    *dominance hierarchies establish some order in a group:-reduce tension, maintain group cohesion

    *generally:-males dominate females (each sex has their own hierarchy, too)-higher rank usually means a higher reproductive success


  • Primate BehaviorCommunication - nonhuman primates use facial expressions, vocalizations, displays

    Ex. of a display = baboon mounting display: higher ranking members mount lower ranking members to show dominance = defuses tension (clarify who is dominant/subordinate)


  • Communication-unique acts conveying information to another individual/group

    -used by all nonhuman primates

    -vital to social living

    Include: facial expressions, displays, vocalizations, interactions


  • CommunicationAggressive-competition for resources cause conflicts-dominant females observed harassing lower ranking females


  • CommunicationAffiliative-amicable behavior promoting group cohesion-grooming

    Importance of affiliative behavior:-individuals support each other against outsiders-status is often enhanced through alliances


  • Grooming-picking through fur to remove debris

    -social grooming reinforces social relationships

    -seen in various social contexts


  • CommunicationDisplays - repetitive behaviors broadcasting the emotional state(s) of an individual


  • Reproductive Strategies*Behavioral patterns that contribute to individual reproductive success.

    K-selection = few offspring, extensive parental care/investment ~Primates

    r-selection = many offspring, little parental investment (fish, rabbits, mice, etc)

    Male competition for mates + mate choice in females are both examples of sexual selection.


  • Sexual Selection*Sexual selection: type of natural selection -operates on one sex, usually males. -results: (long-term) increases the frequency of traits that lead to greater success in acquiring mates.


  • Sexual SelectionSexual selection produces sexual dimorphism with regard to a number of traits, most noticeably body size.


  • Mothers, Fathers and Infants*basic social unit among all primates = female and her infants.-mother-infant relationship is often maintained throughout life. -usually males do not help in rearing offspring.


  • Primate Cultural BehaviorCultural behavior: learned; it is passed from generation to generation through observation and instruction.-infants: observe their mothers and others, learn about food items, appropriate behaviors, and sometimes behaviors like object modification

    Japanese macaques and sweet potato washinghttps://youtu.be/uZ8HCdgEwCs


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