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Page 1: Princess Training Sample


Page 2: Princess Training Sample



How to Use This Book....…………………………………………………………………………………....4

Section 1-Joelle and the Pink Dragon

Joelle and the Pink Dragon………………………………………………………………………………...5

Story Focus…………………………………………………………………………………………………11


Section 2-Princess Training-Character

The Heart…………………………………………………………………………………………………...14


Courageous Virtue………………………………………………………………………………………….20


Trust and Obey……………………………………………………………………………………………..25

Reflecting Christ……………………………………………………………………………………………29


Long Suffering………………………………………………………………………………………………34




Memory Verses…………………………………………………………………………………………...…46

Section 3-Princess Training-Etiquette Tea Party

Etiquette Tea……………………………………………………………………………………………….49

Page 3: Princess Training Sample


Often when I look into a mirror I see my mom staring back at me. Appreciation I never understood as a

child I have now. These thoughts made me realize once again the importance of a Godly testimony for

my children. If we will one day become our mother's then one day our children will become us! What will

our children see in that mirror looking back at them? I find myself constantly thinking, "Mom was right

all along." I even have out of body experiences when I hear my mother's voice and words emitting from

my mouth as I speak to my children. What words will our children say to their children?

A day should never pass where we forget that we are not only influencing our children but our grandchil-

dren and great grandchildren. We are forming a legacy in our family through our words and actions.

What is the legacy of your family? We need to be careful to speak God's words, show God's love, mercy

and forgiveness. The most precious gift we have (our children) should not be carelessly torn open or

thrown away by our inability to worship the Lord through raising our children

Moms have an influence which lasts a lifetime. My mom left a legacy of determination, seeking joy, and

appreciating the little things in life. She was the kind of mom who brought me coloring books when I

was sick. I now do the same for my children. She instilled strength in me that I wish to pass along to my


Think about your mother and what she has instilled in you, good or bad. The introspection will sharpen

your sense of what you will also pass along to your children and grandchildren. It is easy to forget the

influence we have on a daily basis. However, we cannot forget that little eyes are always on us like a

reality TV show that is recorded for a generation. What will your legacy say?

You can use this book for a personal study between you and your daughters. The lessons and activities

are best suited for girls ages 7 to 13. However, modifications are easily made for younger or older girls.

You can use the lessons daily or weekly. Each lesson will take about 20 minutes depending on how

many children and how long you discuss each section. It is a short and simple way to add character

training into your routine.

You may use the lessons for a group such as a homeschool co-op or church organization. The purchaser

may use her copy for personal use and one group use. Additional group uses will require a new purchase

and personal copies are not to be passed along to others for personal use.

Page 4: Princess Training Sample


J oelle and the Pink Dragon

by: Richele McFarlin

©2011/All Rights Reserved.

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Above the trees, a mysterious light, gave hope that the young maiden would not remain lost forever. It

had been just two days since she wandered into the dark forest but it seemed like an eternity. She ven-

tured out despite the warnings if only to catch a glimpse. Now, she was cold, hungry, alone, and felt

quite foolish.

As she headed toward the warm glow her fear melted. Was it a star that shined so brightly? The bril-

liance was beauty like none she had seen before. As she emerged from the forest she was shocked to see it

was not a star at all; but a magnificent castle.

The young maiden, knowing her appearance was unfit for a King, approached a pond to wash the dirt

from her dress and the dust from her long red hair. The pond was crystal clear yet the dirt on her dress

persisted and her hair refused to shimmer. She decided it was futile and hoped her scuffed appearance

would at least grant her sympathy. She would never think to impose but she was too weary to find her

way home.

She squinted as she lifted her hand to knock on the gold door. The beauty drastically conflicted with her

tattered clothing and knotted hair. Just as she was about to run away she heard a voice call out to her.


She turned to see an unassuming man with his hand extended. “Joelle, I know what you seek.” She was

puzzled. How did he know she was lost? More importantly, how did he know her name?

He continued, “All who come here seek the same answers.” He introduced himself as Mordecai. Before

she could say a word he took her hand and led her through the castle doors.

The inside of the castle gleamed with jewels, gold floors, and silver walls. Could it be possible that the

castle was even more beautiful on the inside? Before her eyes could make sense of what she was seeing,

Mordecai escorted her to the royal court.

Her eyes looked up to find the most magnificent King sitting on a throne. Scarcely able to take in the

sight, her eyes ached and her knees forgot how to stand. She felt engulfed in love. She lost her ability to

speak and her hand trembled inside the hand of her escort. Mordecai interceded for her and requested

she find rest at the castle.

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A princess displays virtue in all areas of her life. Virtue is defined as moral excellence. From virtue a

princess's character and actions will reflect Christ. It is where all over character traits and right ac-

tions hinge. Yet being virtuous is not always the easy choice and will at times take courage to set faith

into action.

God places virtue as more valuable than wealth. Worldly wealth is temporary and does not please

God. A virtuous life is one that pleases the Lord and lives eternally. Virtue is not to be defined by the

world but defined by moral excellence rooted in the Word of God. A virtuous heart makes wise deci-

sions, even during times of adversity, based on the Lord's leading. Courage is demanded if one allows

virtue to manifest in our Christian walk. Courage does not blot away fear yet it allows one to act in

faith during fearful times.

Esther is an example of courage during a time of fear. Esther feared going to the King for she could

be put to death if for merely entering his courts and speaking to him uninvited. She prayed and al-

lowed God to strengthen her to overcome her fear and walk for His purpose.

It will take courage to walk in the Spirit and trust that God will be there despite the natural human

reaction to fear seemingly impossibly tasks or scary situations.

Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far

above rubies.

Proverbs 31:10

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of

power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

2 Timothy 1:7

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Acrylic paints

Paint brushes

Newspaper to cover your painting area.


Simply paint your rocks. You may want to think about painting on a scripture reference or words

to remind you that God is your rock and salvation.

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To reflect Christ in our daily lives requires walking in the spirit and exhibit love while always remem-

bering who we represent. We are no longer our own but bought with a price as it states in 1 Corinthians

7:23: Ye are bought with a price; be not ye servants of men.

Learning that we reflect Christ daily is a hard lesson to learn for adults much less children. Daily we are

faced with stress, trials, distraction, and the flesh. It is all too easy to forget we are ambassadors for

Christ in this world when someone takes our toy, breaks our iPod, or disappoints us.

Consider this verse from Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing:

O to grace how great a debtor

Daily I'm constrained to be!

Let Thy goodness, like a fetter,

Bind my wand'ring heart to Thee.

Prone to wander Lord, I feel it

Prone to leave the God I love;

Here's my heart O take and seal it,

Seal it for Thy courts above.


It is important for a young lady to know who she is or who she is intended to be in order for her to re-

flect it in her walk. Have you noticed how your daughter reacts when she wears a princess costume, sits

down for a pretend tea party, dresses up for an event, or receives a compliment on her manner-

isms? She walks taller; she is inspired to reflect femininity and a good attitude. We do not want her to

reflect beauty due to fleeting compliments or costumes but the fact remains how we feel manifests in

how we act. We need to teach our daughters to express femininity and a good attitude due to the treas-

ure within so they reflect Christ and not pride. They need to be inspired by who they are in Christ not

in man's eyes.

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Read another passage from Joelle and the Pink Dragon:

Her sky blue eyes filled with sorrow looked up to see the most beautiful face of her Savior. The King’s son

returned that morning victorious over death. The young maiden fell to her knees and begged for for-

giveness. The Prince placed a crown atop her head and proclaimed the young maiden a princess and a

joint heir to the throne. For the first time since she arrived her hair shimmered like gold and her dress was

pristine white. She arose redeemed, renewed, and restored. The young maiden was now a princess who

gratefully served an all powerful and mighty King. She longed for the day she could give back her crown

filled with jewels as a token of her love for her Savior.

If you are saved by grace you are now joint heirs with Christ. You are God's princess. How should

a princess act? What characteristics define being a princess? Nobility? Honor? Kind? {This will

connect the spiritual lesson to a physical lesson that may solidify their role in their mind.}

What does this verse mean to you? Do you feel wonderfully made? Do you feel as marvelous as the

ocean that God created? Do you reflect the same beauty and confidence of our Savior as a rose in a

garden or a bird flying overhead? We often reflect on the glory of God's creation yet at the same

time put ourselves down. We judge the beauty of others and point out flaws. Whenever my children

point out a flaw in another I tell them the only flaw exists because we have flawed eyes and

ears. We are not perfect so we do not see the perfection God sees in his Beloved. How dare we judge

God's creation as anything but marvelous!

And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-

heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him,

that we may be also glorified together.

Romans 8:17

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully

made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul

knoweth right well.

Psalm 139:14

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Reflect on Genesis 1:27.

1. How does the verse make you feel?

2. Do you believe you are made in the image of God?

3. What ways can you reflect Christ in your daily walk?

Show your daughter pictures of men and women in uniforms such as a policemen, firemen, solider, etc.

You may also want to show pictures of royalty. Ask your daughter to give you characteristics she ex-

pects from this person. Now ask her why she has these expectations. Most likely your daughter will view

this person through the lens of the uniform to what the uniform represents a concept beyond the person’s

individual personality. Ask your daughter what she would think if this person acted the exact opposite of

her expectations. For example, what if the police officer committed criminal acts? What if a doctor did

not treat a patient but harmed a patient? What if a chef fixed the plumbing in the kitchen and did not

prepare the food?

The purpose of this lesson is to bring the understanding that when one puts on a uniform one represents

ideals which must be upheld or risks making all of those in that uniform look bad. When one represents

Christ one is to reflect Christ. Being a representative of Christ and not reflecting that will cause others to

perceive Christ poorly. Make the point clear that the actions we take to reflect Christ are from the heart

not from shallow action. Pray for guidance in reflecting Christ in areas we are weak and for help in trust-

ing that you and your daughter are fearfully and wonderfully made.

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Plain pack of cards and envelops. You can find a pack in the scrapbook section of your craft store.

Acid free card stock or scrapbook paper. You can find packs of paper in small sizes or the large size in

the scrapbook section of your craft store.

Scissors. For a more decorative touch you can use Fiskars Paper Edgers Scissors.

Tacky Glue

Embellishments: ribbon, acid free stickers

Alphabet stickers from the scrapbook section of your craft store.


Cover the front of one plain card with a desired page of scrapbook paper. Then cut to size. You may

find it easier to trace the size you need for a perfect fit.

Now it is time to decorate the card. To add layers find a coordinating sheet of paper. To make a tri-

angle which highlights the middle of the card (like an opening or a purse) or highlights a cor-

ner; measure out your triangle on the back of the paper selected.

Cut out the triangle using Fiskars Paper Edgers or regular scissors. If you use regular scissors do not

worry about cutting perfectly. Do your best and then cover the edges with ribbon to add a nice

touch and cover any cutting errors.

Apply the triangle to your card in the position you desire.

You can continue to decorate your card as desired. As you see the paper I used to cover the card did

not cover it completely. I used the triangle to hide the white edge on one side. To hide the other edge

and to bring more texture to the card I will apply ribbon to the top edge of my card. I will also add a

name to the card. You can add a name or sentiment to your card.

Tips: Ribbon, paper and stickers can cover a multitude of sins. There is no reason to waste materials or stress

if you make a mistake. Find a creative way to cover it. You may just find your mistake is what made your

card special. Glue Dots are a great alternative to Tacky Glue. Look in your craft store for ribbon with sticky

backs. This will prevent lumpy ribbon on your card. However, you will have to use non sticky ribbon for bows.

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