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Page 1: Principal’s Newsle © er brows… · - Brett Landers, Year 9 Coordinator - Sam Higgins, Year 10 Coordinator - Hettie Maree, Year 11 Coordinator - Geoff Poole, Year 12 Coordinator

Principal’s Newsle erEsperance Senior High School

90719 555esperance.shs@educa on.wa.edu.au


Special dates to remember

It was with great pleasure and pride that I received a letter from Lisa Rodgers, Director General, Department of Education, acknowledging and commending the school's 2019 academic successes.

Lisa writes:

Dear Ian,

The release of the Department's strategic directions in December 2019 signalled a commitment to providing every student with a pathway to a successful future.

In our analysis of the 2019 senior secondary student performance data, it has been identifi ed that your school has had a signifi cant positive impact on year 12 student progress and success through secondary education.

I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank staff at Esperance Senior High School. It is evident that it is the motivation, commitment and capability of staff that has proved the foundation for this success. They have provided an education that ensures Esperance Senior High School students are best placed for post-school opportunities and a meaningful future.

Please pass on my thanks and acknowledgement to the team at Esperance Senior High School. Their work does not go unnoticed and is appreciated.

Yours sincerelyLisa RodgersDirector General25 Feb 2020

Well done to the 2019 Esperance Senior High School Staff on their commitment to students and a job well done.

I am committed to ensuring that such high academic standards and expectations continue. This includes ensuring a culture of High Care for students who attend Esperance Senior High School.

Maintaining a caring, learning environment where students feel welcomed and safe is a key component of the Esperance Senior High School's vision and values.

We all want to feel cared for and valued by the signifi cant people in our world. Students are no diff erent. Esperance staff are well aware of this and take every opportunity to cultivate respectful and caring classroom environments through the school. Teachers exert a considerable amount of infl uence over students simply due to their involvement with students for up to fi ve hours each day, fi ve days a week. When students feel that our staff value and care for them as individuals, they are more willing to demonstrate behaviours that allow them to be successful at school.

Tuesday 3rd March to Thursday 27th March

OLNA Tes ng

Tuesday 10th MarchP&C AGM Mee ng - 7pm in

the staff room

Tuesday 24th to 25th MarchFotoworks - School photos

Friday 27th MarchYr 7-10 Progress Reports


Tuesday 31st MarchYr 11-12 Progress Reports


Thursday 2nd AprilInterschool


Saturday 4th AprilSchool Ball

Monday 6th AprilParent Night5:30-8:00pm

Thursday 9th AprilAthle cs Carnival

Thursday 9th AprilLast day of Term 1 for staff and


Monday 27th AprilANZAC Day Public Holiday

Tuesday 28th AprilStaff Development Day

Pupil Free Day

Wednesday 29th AprilFirst day of Term 2 for


Tuesday 5th MayANZAC Assembly

TERM 1 WEEK 6 2020

Knowledge comes, butwisdom lingers

Page 2: Principal’s Newsle © er brows… · - Brett Landers, Year 9 Coordinator - Sam Higgins, Year 10 Coordinator - Hettie Maree, Year 11 Coordinator - Geoff Poole, Year 12 Coordinator

A review of the research show that authors have a lot to say about positive relationships with students. Thompson says, "The most powerful weapon available to secondary teachers who want to foster a favourable learning climate is a positive relationship with our students". Canter and Canter make the statement that we all can recall classes in which we did not try very hard because we didn't like our teachers. This should remind us how important it is to have strong, positive relationships with our students. Kohn goes a step further, saying, "Children are more likely to be respectful when important adults in their lives respect them. They are more likely to care about others if they know they are cared about". Marzano states that students will resist rules and procedures along with the consequent disciplinary actions if the foundation of a good relationship is lacking. He goes on to assert that relationships are perhaps more important at the primary and junior high levels than at the senior high school level and according to Zehm and Kottler, students will never trust us or open themselves up to hear what we have to say unless they sense that we value and respect them.

Staff at Esperance Senior High School focus on ensuring the each individual student feels valued as an individual and is treated with dignity and respect. Developing positive teacher-student relations is one of the most eff ective steps staff can take to establish a positive learning climate in the classroom. Staff understand that when students are treated with respect, they cultivate and engender relationships that are more conducive to more responsive learning environments. Students working in this environment are more likely to respond positively to teaching and learning demands that might otherwise not be the case. Teachers at Esperance go out of their way to ensure that their relationships with students assist in ensuring student success in the classroom.

Strategies to develop positive teacher-student relations by staff are at the forefront of developing positive teaching and learning environments at Esperance Senior High School. Staff utilize many strategies that are designed to develop strong and powerful relationships with our students. These techniques are integrated into everyday interactions with students: communicating positive expectations, correcting students in a constructive way, developing positive classroom pride, and demonstrating caring, are all strategies that assist in the development of positive classroom learning environments.

Esperance Senior High School staff believe that every student can succeed. Their belief in your child will assist in inspiring their success. Research on teacher expectations and student achievement has shown that expectations have a dramatic impact on student academic performance (Kerman, Kimball, & Martin). Student behavioural performance is also dependent to a large degree on the expectations of signifi cant adults in students' lives. Numerous studies indicate that the expectations teachers have for students tend to become self-fulfi lling prophesies. Esperance Senior High School staff recognize their responsibilities in monitoring their student interactions with the goal of communicating appropriately high behavioural and academic expectations to all students, not just to high achievers.

The Esperance Senior High School Student Services Team work hard to ensure that students are supported and prepared for the rigors of student's school years so that they can be academically successful. The Esperance Senior High School Student Services Team is headed up by the Program Coordinator Gareth postans and suppoted by staff responsible for each year: Year 7 and 8 Coordinator - Brett Landers, Year 9 Coordinator - Sam Higgins, Year 10 Coordinator - Hettie Maree, Year 11 Coordinator - Geoff Poole, Year 12 Coordinator - Peter Turner. Each year group has a Student Support Offi cer allocated to them: Year 7 and 8 - Allira Henderson, Year 9, 10, 11 and 12 - Mia Zivillica. The team also has a Youth Education Offi cer - Geoff Poole, an Attendance Offi cer - Julie Hawke, Chaplain - Chris Blair, School Psychologist - Kathryn Kirchner, and School Nurse - Heather Campbell. Parents should note that the Year Coordinators allocated to each year are available to be contacted should you need to discuss any issues that your child may be experiencing at school.

Ian Masarei

Page 3: Principal’s Newsle © er brows… · - Brett Landers, Year 9 Coordinator - Sam Higgins, Year 10 Coordinator - Hettie Maree, Year 11 Coordinator - Geoff Poole, Year 12 Coordinator

SECONDARY ASSISTANCE SCHEMEDo you hold one of the following cards?

Centrelink Family Health Care CardCentrelink Pensioner Concession CardVeterans' Aff airs Pensioner Concession Card

If you do, you may be eligible to claim the Educational Program Allowance ($235) and the Clothing Allowance ($115). If you would like the Clothing Allowance portion paid to yourself, please bring your banking details with you (BSB and Account number) to the front offi ce.

ABSTUDY SUPPLEMENT ALLOWANCEThe Abstudy Supplement Allowance is available to valid Centrelink or Veteran Aff airs card holders and supplements the Centrelink Abstudy Fees Allowance payment. This allowance is valued at $79 and is paid directly to the school. Students who apply for ABSTUDY will not be eligible for SECONDARY ASSISTANCE.

HOW TO APPLY FOR THE ABOVE ALLOWANCESIn order to complete the application for the Secondary Assistance Scheme or Abstudy Supplement Allowance, please visit the front offi ce of the school during term 1 2020 with your Centrelink or other relevant concession card. Your card needs to be current during fi rst term (31st January to 12th April) and must be sighted by a school offi cer when you complete your application.

Applications close on Thursday 9th April 2020 (the last day of term) and no further applications are accepted by the government after this date.

Please note: School contributions and charges need to be paid or a part payment plan in place before students can apply for extra-curricular activities, such as attending the School Ball and/or Country Week.

OLNA (ONLINE LITERACY AND NUMERACY ASSESSMENT)To achieve the Western Australian Certifi cate of Education (WAVE), students need to demonstrate minimum standards of literacy and numeracy. These standards cover the range of skills regarded as essential to meet the demands of everyday life and work.

Students who achieve Band 8 or higher in any of the three components of reading, writing and numeracy in their year 9 NAPLAN are acknowledged as having demonstrated and are not required to sit the corresponding OLNA test.

The assessment dates for students i nyear 10 to 12 who need to sit the OLNA tests will have two opportunities this year. Round one will be from Tuesday, March 3rd to Friday, 27th March, with writing needing to be completed by March 5th. Round two will be Monday, 31st August to Friday September 25th with writing needing to be completed by Wednesday 2nd September.

SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT DAYS 2020Students do not attend school this year on the following days as staff have a professional development program on these days:

Term 1 Thursday and Friday 30th and 31st January

Term 2 Tuesday 28th April - First day of Term 2 for teachers

Term 3 Friday 21st August

Term 4 Friday 16th October - Show Day (Subject to change - awaiting confi rmation from the Esperance Show)

Page 4: Principal’s Newsle © er brows… · - Brett Landers, Year 9 Coordinator - Sam Higgins, Year 10 Coordinator - Hettie Maree, Year 11 Coordinator - Geoff Poole, Year 12 Coordinator

INTERNATIONAL WOMENS DAYOn Monday the 9th of March Esperance Girls Academy hosted a Strong Women Panel to celebrate International Womens Day. Three guest speakers (pictured below) included Jennell Reynolds, Senior Constable Lucy Greenlees and Pauline Bonney. These women spoke about their lives and the importance of valuing and recognising achievements of women around the world. This event was planned and coordinated by year 9/10 Esperance Girls Academy members and Nicolie Thomas opened the morning with an Acknowledgement of Country. Staff , students and community members then enjoyed a shared lunch. Thank you to everyone who supported this Girls Academy event.

KIRBY BENTLEY FOOTBALL CARNIVALOn Friday the 28th of March 12 Esperance Girls Academy members travelled to Perth to compete in the Kirby Bentley Football Carnival. This event is a 9-a-side round robin tournament for Aboriginal girls aged 13-15 years old. Esperance girls combined with girls from Laverton to form a Goldfi elds team coached by Lauren Seelander and Anna Bonney. The girls played fi ercely and competed against teams from the South West, Metro and Wheatbelt areas. Thank you to Gemma Harrison, Regional Manager of the West Australian Football Commission, who supported Esperance Girls Academy to be involved in this event. The team ran water for the Goldfi elds boys team on Sunday during their carnival then cooled down on the water slides at Cockburn Arc. Well done to everyone who competed.

Girls Academy members. The girls below were very excited to have their photo takenwith Dockers footballer Michael Walters!

Page 5: Principal’s Newsle © er brows… · - Brett Landers, Year 9 Coordinator - Sam Higgins, Year 10 Coordinator - Hettie Maree, Year 11 Coordinator - Geoff Poole, Year 12 Coordinator

YEAR 7 TO 9 SWIMMING CARNIVALThe year 7 to 9 swimming carnival had a great atmosphere this year with many students taking part in both individual and team events. A big thank you to the faction captains who showed great leadership qualities with organizing and supporting their faction participants in such a caring and helpful way. A big thank you to the Phys Ed staff for organising the event and to the staff and parents who came and supported the carnival on the day. Congratulations to the individual swimming champions and to Flinders who took out this year's carnival!

Year 7 Boys Champion Marcus Pokela 36Year 7 Boys Runner Up Jordan Emsley 32Year 7 Girls Champion Annie Buckman 34Year 7 Girls Runner Up Molly Pechar 32Year 8 Boys Champion Dylan Walker 48Year 8 Boys Runner Up Daley Gill 28Year 8 Girls Champion Amy Clarke 48Year 8 Girls Runner Up Eloise Willsher 20Year 9 Boys Champion Ben Brierley 36Year 9 Boys Runner Up Koopa Walsh 16Year 9 Girls Champion Shae Nesbitt 32Year 9 Girls Runner Up Molly Hennessy 26

Flinders - 320 Dempster - 294 Eyre - 272 Rossiter - 217

Page 6: Principal’s Newsle © er brows… · - Brett Landers, Year 9 Coordinator - Sam Higgins, Year 10 Coordinator - Hettie Maree, Year 11 Coordinator - Geoff Poole, Year 12 Coordinator

BASKETBALL MATCHAn epic basketball match was held between Esperance Senior High School staff, Clontarf, Girls Academy and Esperance Police officers on Wednesday 26th February in the Esperance Senior High School gymnasium. The event was a round robin event with mixed teams. The aim of this initiative was to establish and build strong relationships whilst having some fun. It was a great occasion. Thank you to those who organised such a fantastic event.

MUSIC FESTIVAL - AUGUSTThe Music Festival dates have now been set to add to your calendar:

Thursday 20th, Friday 21st and Saturday 22nd August 2020

If you would like any information on private music tuition teachers, please contact the Esperance Music Festival Committee on 0429 339 006.

Page 7: Principal’s Newsle © er brows… · - Brett Landers, Year 9 Coordinator - Sam Higgins, Year 10 Coordinator - Hettie Maree, Year 11 Coordinator - Geoff Poole, Year 12 Coordinator

TIMELY REMINDER OF HEALTH PREVENTION FROM YOUR SCHOOL NURSEThe following information has been taken from the CHILD AND ADOLESCENT HEALTH SERVICE healthy schools information. This information is a reminder for all students, parents and school staff that the best medicine is prevention. Good hand hygience is a prevention method to limit transfer of viral and or bacterial illnesses and disease.

The three most important ways to prevent the spread of disease in schools are:• Effective hand hygiene• Exclusion of children and staff from school who are unwell• Immunisation

Other strategies to prevent infection include:• Good cough and sneeze etiquette• Appropriate use of gloves by school staff where required• Effective environmental cleaning• Promoting a 'no-sharing' policy around eating and drinking utensils

Hand HygieneA range of infectious diseases can be easily spread by contact from the hands of infected people directly to other people or indirectly by contact with surfaces or objects in the environment.To prevent the spread of infection, effective hand hygiene should be encouraged and facilitated in the school environment, including:• After going to the toilet• If exposed to your own or another person's respiratory or bodily fluids• After touching animals• Before and after eating or preparing food• After playing sport• After gardening• After handling objects soiled with blood or other body substances

Washing hands with liquid soap and water removes both dirt and germs from the hands. If hands are visibly clean, alcohol-based hand run can be used, which reduces the number of germs on the hands. Alcohol-based rubs are particularly useful when undertaking multiple tasks and can be easily used between and after activities.

Coughing and Sneezing EtiquetteAll people within the school community should be encouraged to:• Cover their mouth and nose with a tissue when they cough or sneeze, if no tissue available,

cough or sneeze into the upper arm or elbow• Avoid touching their face with their hands• Stay away from school if unwell or avoid close contact with others if at school with a cough or


Page 8: Principal’s Newsle © er brows… · - Brett Landers, Year 9 Coordinator - Sam Higgins, Year 10 Coordinator - Hettie Maree, Year 11 Coordinator - Geoff Poole, Year 12 Coordinator

SCHOOL PHOTOS BY FOTOWORKSSchool photos are taking place on Tuesday 24th and Wednesday 25th March.The schedule is as follows:

Tuesday 24th MarchForm & Period 1 Year 11/12 B&C, Auto, MetalsPeriod 2 Year 11/12 IT, SFWPeriod 3 Year 7 Dempster, EyrePeriod 4 Year 7 Flinders, RossiterPeriod 5 Year 12 Dempster, EyrePeriod 6 Year 12 Flinders, RossiterLunch Student CouncillorsPeriod 7 Year 11 Dempster, EyrePeriod 8 Year 11 Flinders, Rossiter

Wednesday 25th MarchForm EFTCPeriod 1 & 2 EFTC, Year 11/12 Bus, Hos, Ccare & HairPeriod 3 Year 8 Dempster, FlindersPeriod 4 Year 8 Eyre, RossiterPeriod 5 Year 10 Dempster, EyrePeriod 6 Year 10 Flinders, RossiterLunch SiblingsPeriod 7 Year 9 Dempster, EyrePeriod 8 Year 9 Flinders, Rossiter

Page 9: Principal’s Newsle © er brows… · - Brett Landers, Year 9 Coordinator - Sam Higgins, Year 10 Coordinator - Hettie Maree, Year 11 Coordinator - Geoff Poole, Year 12 Coordinator


P&C Principal’s Report

Tuesday 10th March 2020 7.00pm in the Staffroom

School Board Parent Representatives The School would like to thank Anna Bonney, Jill Fitzpatrick, Sarah Pitchers for their outstanding contribution to the Esperance Senior High School Board. We greatly appreciate their enthusiasm and commitment to our school. We also thank the student representatives, Brechto Bezuidenhout and Lucia Esposito. Welcome to new parent representatives, Bronte Tyrell Starcevich and Debra Sanger and new staff representatives Jazmin Parker and Hettie Maree. Student Councillors for 2020 Congratulations to year 11 students, Holly Bishop, Livinia Florisson, Daewon Meng-Ung and Mary Newton who have been elected to represent their year group on the student council. Staff Update We congratulate Brad Oversby who has successfully won the position Head of Learning Area – Geographe Bay Music (IMSS) and will commence his new position at the start of term 2. Years 7 to 9 Swimming Carnival The Swimming Carnival had a great atmosphere this year with many students taking part in both individual and team events. Flinders was the overall faction winner of the carnival with 320 points, followed by Dempster 294 points, Eyre 272 points and Rossiter with 217 points. The following students were champions and runners up for their year group:

Year 7 Boys Champion Marcus Pokela Year 7 Boys Runner up Jordan Emsley Year 7 Girls Champion Annie Buckman Year 7 Girls Runner up Molly Pechar Year 8 Boys Champion Dylan Walker Year 8 Boys Runner up Dayley Gill Year 8 Girls Champion Amy Clarke Year 8 Girls Runner up Eloise Willsher Year 9 Boys Champion Ben Brierley Year 9 Boys Runner up Koopa Walsh Year 9 Girls Champion Shae Nesbitt Year 9 Girls Runner up Molly Hennessy

Year 7 Parent Tour The year 7 parent tour was well attended and the parents commented they enjoyed the tour

Page 10: Principal’s Newsle © er brows… · - Brett Landers, Year 9 Coordinator - Sam Higgins, Year 10 Coordinator - Hettie Maree, Year 11 Coordinator - Geoff Poole, Year 12 Coordinator


Communicating with Parents/Carers Through Connect Connect is the main source we use to communicate with our parents and carers. Connect is now the most significant way for teachers to introduce themselves to parents, provide information on curriculum classes, outlines and assessment overviews, keep parents up to date with children's academic progress, and enable parents to see their children's ongoing results. Connect also enables teachers and parents to communicate via email. OLNA (Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment) To achieve the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WAVE), students need to demonstrate minimum standards of literacy and numeracy. These standards cover the range of skills regarded as essential to meet the demands of everyday life and work. Students who achieve Band 8 or higher in any of the three components of reading, writing and numeracy in their year 9 NAPLAN are acknowledged as having demonstrated and are not required to sit the corresponding OLNA test. The assessment dates for students in year 10 to 12 who need to sit the OLNA tests will have two opportunities this year. Round one commenced on Tuesday 3rd March 3rd to Friday 27th March, with writing needing to be completed by 5th March. Round two commences on Monday 31st August to Friday 25th September with writing needing to be completed by Wednesday 2nd September. Country Week The following staff have successfully nominated as coaches for Country Week teams: Reece Griffiths (Boys Basketball), Mia Zivillica (Girls Basketball), Geoff Poole (Boys Volleyball), Sam Curnow (Girls Volleyball), Amanda Moeauri (Netball), Sam Higgins (Girls Hockey), Brett Landers (Boys Hockey), Kerryn Plecas (Girls Soccer), Joe Bezuidenhout (Boys Soccer), Gareth Postans (Touch Rugby) and Matt Lovejoy (organiser). Novel Coronavirus While media and public commentary in relation to Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to raise concern, public health authorities are advising that the current risk remains low in Western Australia. However, precautionary measures are necessary to ensure the safest possible environment for our children. As a result, all school-related international travel, with the exception of travel to the USA, Canada and New Zealand (providing that this travel does not go through Asia), is not to proceed until further notice. Therefore, the Tour de France trip that was planned during September and October, has now been cancelled. Attached is a notice from the School Nurse on how to minimise the spread of infections and diseases in schools. Important Dates to Remember: Tuesday 10th March – Year 7 Immunisation Tuesday 24th and Wednesday 25th March - School Photos Friday 27th March - Years 7 to 10 Progress Reports emailed Tuesday 31st March - Years 11 and 12 Progress Reports emailed Thursday 2nd April - Interschool Swimming Carnival – Kalgoorlie/ Parent Night 5:30pm to 8:00pm Saturday 4th April - School Ball Monday 6th April - Parent Night 5:30pm to 8:00pm Thursday 9th April - Last day of term 1 for staff and students / Athletics Carnival Friday 10th April – Good Friday Monday 13th April to Friday 24th April - School Holidays Monday 27th April – ANZAC Day Public Holiday Tuesday 28th April - School Development Day (students do not attend) Wednesday 29th April - Term 2 commences Next P&C meeting: Term 2, Tuesday, 12th May 2020

Page 11: Principal’s Newsle © er brows… · - Brett Landers, Year 9 Coordinator - Sam Higgins, Year 10 Coordinator - Hettie Maree, Year 11 Coordinator - Geoff Poole, Year 12 Coordinator

Year 7 Peer Support and Mini Merits The peer support activities have been successful with students being involved with get-to-know-you games and a variety of team building and resiliency activities. Peer support leaders also gave out Mini Merits to those students who displayed a positive attitude and contributed well to the activities. When a student receives a Mini Merit they go into the draw to win a $10 voucher either Sports Power, Dome, Surf Shop, Movies or Subway. This draw takes place during our year 7 meetings. Likewise, when they have received 10 Mini Merits they are awarded a voucher also. The final Peer Support activity will be held in week 6 where students will compete in their faction to earn points for their team. Faction Points Reward Event Following the Swimming Carnival and last peer support event, the leading faction will be invited to attend a reward event in the Junior Campus at lunch time. Faction points are also awarded by their teachers for putting in their best effort, demonstrating a positive attitude and displaying school spirit. Every five weeks we tally up the faction points and offer reward events to either the top faction overall or the top individual faction point earners. Keep up the good work! Year 8 Student Councillors Announced Swimming Carnival

Congratulations to Emmalee Wood, Lenox Lister, Hayley Gallop and Katie Goodwin (not pictured) on being selected as the Year 8 Student Councillors

Pictured with Principal Mr Ian Masarei, the runner up year 7 male was Jordan Emsley(middle) and the champion year 7 male was Marcus Pokela (right)

Pictured with Principal Mr Ian Masarei, the runner up year 7 female was Molly Pechar (right) and the champion year 7 female was Annie Buckman (middle)

Page 12: Principal’s Newsle © er brows… · - Brett Landers, Year 9 Coordinator - Sam Higgins, Year 10 Coordinator - Hettie Maree, Year 11 Coordinator - Geoff Poole, Year 12 Coordinator

Congratulations to all students that participated in an event or helped out with cheering. Every event swum in, no matter how long it took you, helped get some faction points for your team. If you have any questions or concerns about your child please don’t hesitate to get in touch on: 9071 9555 or [email protected] . Regards Brett Landers Year 7 and 8 Coordinator

The runner up year 8 male was Daley Gill (left) and the champion year 8 male was Dylan Walker

Pictured with Principal Mr Ian Masarei, the runner up year 8 female was Eloise Willsher (middle) and the champion year 8 female was Amy Clarke.

Page 13: Principal’s Newsle © er brows… · - Brett Landers, Year 9 Coordinator - Sam Higgins, Year 10 Coordinator - Hettie Maree, Year 11 Coordinator - Geoff Poole, Year 12 Coordinator

Swimming Carnival A big well done and congratulations to the 35 year 9 students who attended the school swimming carnival on Friday the 28th of February. It was great to see so many year 9’s competing and having a go. Remember to take these opportunities to earn points for your faction there will be another chance at the school athletics carnival coming up on Thursday week 10.

If you have any concerns, issues or questions regarding your child’s schooling please contact me on 9071 9501 (Mathematics Department) or by emailing [email protected] Kind Regards, Sam Higgins Year 9 Coordinator

Shae Nesbitt, Thomas Magagnotti, Bevan Norwood, Corey McKeown, Luana Macneall, Lizzy Hayward and Kalani Martin enjoying the Swimming carnival

Gracie-Ann Buckley and Molly Hennessy after one of their many races

Year 9 Champion Boy Ben Brierley and Runner Up Koopa Walsh with Principal Mr Masarei

Year 9 Champion Girl Shae Nesbitt and Runner Up Molly Hennessy with Principal Mr Masarei

Student Council Congratulations to the new year 9 student councillors Amber Francis, Greta Lauritsen, Lizzy Hayward and Jarradyn Cooper (absent from photo).

Page 14: Principal’s Newsle © er brows… · - Brett Landers, Year 9 Coordinator - Sam Higgins, Year 10 Coordinator - Hettie Maree, Year 11 Coordinator - Geoff Poole, Year 12 Coordinator

I’m pleased to report that most year 10 students appear to have settled well into the new year which is evident through visiting a few classes over the past few weeks and their conduct out of class time.

Overall, school attendance is good and it is pleasing to have so many parents and carers keeping the school informed when students are absent. It is particularly very helpful when keeping the school (and myself) informed as to any situations that might affect a student’s conduct and/or academic performance. Thank you for the support of those parents and carers whom I have been in contact with, enabling me to better assist students in their general behaviour, wellbeing or academic achievements.

At two of our Year 10 meetings, I discussed with students the importance of setting clear, realistic, short or long term goals. I’m pleased with the number of students who returned their forms and will be in contact with those who have not yet. I do encourage all parents and carers to have conversations with your child about their aspirations for this year and what it would take to achieve those.

As mentioned in my previous newsletter, this is a very important year for Year 10 students as they will need to make some very important choices regarding pathways and courses for their future studies. During our meetings, I encourage all students to be doing their best at all times. The effort that students put into their work is quite often more important than their actual performance. It is never too early for students to be thinking about what options they might like to have when it comes time to leave school.

During this week a large number of year 10 students have been sitting the Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (OLNA) tests. It is a requirement of secondary graduation (WACE) that students pass each component (Writing, Reading and Numeracy) by the end of Year 12. These tests will run over the next few weeks and if a student is absent for one or more component, alternative dates will be arranged for catch up. We are very pleased with the attendance so far and in particular the students’ conduct and attitude as to giving their best effort.

Koltyn Tholstrup, Hayden Stewart, Tahj Mibus and Fraser O’Neill working on their Woodwork project.

Ruby Dowling and Eleisha-ray Adams preparing their Art portfolio’s.

Page 15: Principal’s Newsle © er brows… · - Brett Landers, Year 9 Coordinator - Sam Higgins, Year 10 Coordinator - Hettie Maree, Year 11 Coordinator - Geoff Poole, Year 12 Coordinator

Congratulations to Gabby Botha, Brechto Bezuidenhout, Hannah Lauritzen and Holly Goodwin who have been elected by their peers to be the Year 10 Student Councillors for 2020. They are joining a strong leadership group who will hopefully work efficiently and effectively throughout the year. Next week, these students will participate in an Induction day with myself and Mr Poole, preparing them for their tasks as a Student Councillor.

Finally, a reminder that Interim Progress Reports will be issued at the start of Week 9.

With the reports, there will also be information on how to book appointments for the Parent/Teacher Nights. These are being held on Thursday, April 2nd and Monday April 6th (5:30 – 8:00). I encourage all parents/carers to take this opportunity to meet with their child’s teachers.

Please do not hesitate to contact me to discuss any matter relating to your child’s schooling and/or well-being. You can contact me at school on 90719548 or by emailing me at [email protected]

Hettie Maree Year 10 Coordinator

Student Councillors: Gabby Botha, Brechto Bezuidenhout and Hannah Lauritzen. Absent: Holly Goodwin

Page 16: Principal’s Newsle © er brows… · - Brett Landers, Year 9 Coordinator - Sam Higgins, Year 10 Coordinator - Hettie Maree, Year 11 Coordinator - Geoff Poole, Year 12 Coordinator

Well done to the year 11 students on a very smooth start to the year. At a recent year meeting I have pointed out to the students that being in Upper School meant that there is an expectation that they would be taking a greater level of responsibility for their learning. As an example, students should be ensuring that they are on top of any assessments that they have coming up, and they should be sure to seek clarification on things that they didn’t understand in class. Teachers want students to do as well as they can. Students should want the same.

By now ATAR students should have adopted a consistent homework schedule. The work done at home can include homework that is set by the teacher, work on assignments, revision (summary notes for topics within a subject, etc) and/or specific study for tests, etc. It has been very pleasing to see how well these students are working during their Private Study time in the library.

Thank you to all of the students who nominated for positions on the Students Council for 2020 and congratulations to (from left to right) Holly Bishop, Daewon Meng-Ung, Livinia Florisson and Mary Newton who have been elected to represent their year group.

Year 11 students are reminded that they must apply for permission to leave school during lunch. Application forms for a Lunch Pass are available at the Front Office. Please complete and return the form before you next leave school grounds.

Finally, a reminder that Progress Reports will be emailed out on Tuesday, March 31st.

Parent Nights – to discuss these reports – will be held on Thursday, April 2nd and Monday, April 6th. Closer to the time, parents will be able to book appointments by going to the “Parent/Teacher night (Yr 7-12)” tab under “Parents” on the school’s web page.

Geoff Poole Year 11 Coordinator Youth Education Officer

Page 17: Principal’s Newsle © er brows… · - Brett Landers, Year 9 Coordinator - Sam Higgins, Year 10 Coordinator - Hettie Maree, Year 11 Coordinator - Geoff Poole, Year 12 Coordinator

It’s great to see all year 12 students maintaining a good work ethic as we reach the half way point in first term. All students should have established an effective study routine that will see them succeed in achieving their goals this year. It is great to see all our students excelling in their chosen pathways. Pictured below are Casey Cruttenden, Liam Baines, Felicity Roelofs and Eli Jefferies working on a project, as part of the Building and Construction program, to make the school a safer place by installing safety bollards around the electrical cable box and pit in front of the metals and engineering shed. Well done to all the Building and Construction students involved.

ATAR students who have a permanent or temporary disability, illness and/or specific learning disability that could disadvantage them in demonstrating their knowledge, skills and understandings in assessments may apply to SCSA to sit ATAR course examinations with special arrangements. Applications can be made for written and/or practical examinations. If you think you may be eligible for special consideration, please contact me ASAP to organise an application. Applications close on the 2nd April 2020.

This is a busy time of year for social and sporting activities. Good luck to all students who will soon participate in the trials process for selection in Country Week teams. I know that competition for places is intense this year with a large number of students hoping to be selected for teams. Likewise, good luck to all students for the up and coming athletics carnival. I hope to see you all dressed up in your faction colours and promoting the schools spirit like year 12 students have done in the past.

Page 18: Principal’s Newsle © er brows… · - Brett Landers, Year 9 Coordinator - Sam Higgins, Year 10 Coordinator - Hettie Maree, Year 11 Coordinator - Geoff Poole, Year 12 Coordinator

The School Ball is an important event on social calendar of most year 12 students. This year the School Ball will be held on Saturday 4th April at the Civic Centre. There have been many enthusiastic conversations about dress colours, hairstyles, and transport on the big night to be heard when walking about the school at lunchtime. I hope everyone has an enjoyable evening. I know it will be a night to remember for you all.

Thanks to the following year 12 students who were involved in the recent lower school swimming carnival. Well done Cam Grant, Jevan Tholstrup, Cooper Tamlin, Max Campbell, Casey Shearer, Summer Newton, Olivia Kipling, Rachelle Jones, Meg Baker, Suzanah Shiel, Daisy Kirchner and Ishah Powell. You all helped to contribute to a great day and you are becoming great role models for our younger students.

If you have any concerns regarding your child’s progress, please feel free to contact me at the school on 90 719555 or by emailing [email protected]

Peter Turner Year 12 Coordinator

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