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‘Principalities & Powers’ by Joseph Luxum • New Wine Publishing © All Rights Reserved


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Principalities & Powers

 T he reader is being asked to open his or her mind wide and see the unlimited and time-

less scope of God’s creation. The reason why it is so important is that what follows is not

defined in terms of time, numbers or localizations but rather logical thinking. Our minds

must be dipped in both spheres: spiritual eternity and the decaying physical one. Rocks

crumble and metals rust. Anything physical sheds its garment in order to acquire a new.

  This seemingly perpetual cycle of changes leads to the inevitable climatic end, but what

remains constant and eternally unchangeable is the Spirit of Life Itself.

Spirit versus flesh

 The spiritual realm is boundless, just as one would look into the endless universe with gal-

axies within galaxies, one can also imagine the realm of God the Spirit.

Spiritual entities cannot even be called entities for an entity entails a body and some-

thing limited. Our physical brains are not trained yet to fathom a spiritual entity as limitless. Therefore we leave it at that and move on.

Our Creator is Spirit (John 4:24) and we are like Him, and since He has no body we

must resemble Him spiritually.

 As we continue, our spiritual senses will gradually become alive. Life is spiritual and its

residence is found in physical forms on the planet, but only the form itself is limited by time.

Old Testament versus the New

  The Old Testament is not really old nor the New Testament is really new, because both

speak of the timeless Eternal God. When it comes to covenants the eternal covenant with

 Abraham, Isaac and Israel, continues on… exactly, for eternity. God is eternal, His word is

eternal and by being so He changes not. He is constant. If He keeps faith with the Jew, Hewill also keep faith with the Christian; otherwise He would not be God at all, but the ever-

changing physical entity.

 The Old Testament deals with physical sacrifices, rituals and observances just because

the ancient world was busy with these things; and in order to distinguish Israel from all the

rest God also appointed rituals but of a different kind. Bathing of the body for uncleanness,

eating clean foods, avoiding unclean foods, offerings, burnt offerings, sacrifices and a cen-

tralized place of religion was physical and laden with symbolism. That symbolism spoke of 

something spiritually endless, which the human mind was not able to grasp yet.

Based on that which was just said, all the religious observances were called foreshad-

ows of things to come. Once these prefigures (a figure is always physical) were established

then the final sacrifice came to be.

On the cross and after His resurrection Jesus Christ closed one chapter and opened

another. The Temple veil was rent in half and in 70 AD the Romans destroyed the temple

and most Judeans were exiled. God is constant in His word, keeping the promise He gave

to king David—saying that the lamp of Judah was not to be ever extinguished. (2 Kings


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Judeans— now called the Jews—survived, and out of this tribe comes Jesus Christ

and all the apostles. The Jews repossessed the ancient land of Palestine, a name given by

the Romans.

Before 1947 the ancient land of Canaan was called the land of the Philistines. (Pro-

nounced in both Arabic and Hebrew tongues as Phalestinim or Philistinim.) The State of 

Israel was born in a day in 1948.

[Isaiah 66:8] Who has heard such a thing? Who has seen such things? Can a land be born

 in one day? Can a nation be brought forth all at once? As soon as Zion travailed, she also

 brought forth her sons. 

Notice that the prophet Isaiah calls Zion ‘she’ a country and a nation. From the time of 

this prophecy, more than 2500 years later the word of the Eternal One came to pass.

 Anything physical in the Old Testament remains as a monument. The popular trend is

to study their symbolism.

In the Book of Acts chapter 2 we read about the great outpouring of God’s Spirit. On

that day 3,000 Jewish men, (not counting women and children) were given the spiritual un-derstanding of what God planned throughout the ages. They were changed. They were

baptized and then they returned to their home countries as the first seed to be sown to-

ward the harvest. Shortly afterwards God raised a persecutor of the church, Apostle Paul.

  The seed sprouted and for the very first time non-Jews were accepting the Gospel and

embraced the Spiritual God of the Jews through the Way, Truth and Life—Jesus Christ.

Ever since we have been busy understanding the spiritual world.


We have been searching for answers to oppositions and hindrances and developed elabo-

rate hypotheses, which in time took the form of yet another religion. God did away with

ritualistic religious observances by giving us His Holy Spirit by which we are able to graspeternity. Yet it seems that we have permitted the fleshly entities to gain the upper hand over

the spiritual ones. The natural man clings to natural things and because most of its preoc-

cupations are physical, like food and drink, shelter, bills etc, through these capabilities we

also filter spiritual things. The result is yet another ritualistic observance, often blind and

void of any spiritual substance. Mysticism and symbolism seems to suit the natural man

quite well.

 The ancient world was very busy trying to explain the vicissitudes of nature and as a re-

sult developed the famous mythology of gods and demigods like Hermes, Poseidon or

Pegasus. The Sumerians, Egyptians, Babylonians, Persians and Greeks were steeped in

these fantastic notions to which the exiled Jews partially subscribed to, only to discard

them later on. Nonetheless, it was too late for the emerging Christian church not to inheritthis popular literature, and these are the reasons why the New Testament is spiked with

references to those popular ideas and beliefs of that time.

 A natural response to any obstacle that gets in our way might be that it is caused by

time or anything suspended in time like long distances and the elements. The unnatural, or

even religious response to these might be an assumption that it is the spiritual enemy. Hav-

ing no territory and no distance and no influence of elements like heat, cold, snow, hail or

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wind, the heavenly places experience no opposition of any kind. Only the physical realm

can oppose us, with things such as sore muscles and stiff joints.

 Things get crossed and fall into different time slots, which we did not plan. Dealing with

time is not easy. That’s the first hindrance. Another hindrance is the need for us to sleep.

  The Scripture tells us that God does neither slumber nor sleeps. He is God. Period. We

sleep within the patches of darkness, which keep the intervals between days. Each patch

of darkness we call night and our bodies must rest in order to properly function during the

day; and if not, we will experience hindrances.

Only in darkness things can hide. The truth is not darkness, but rather light, its reverse.

 The truth reveals and a lie obscures. Lies hinder while the truth leads and helps. Evil can

lurk in shadows, therefore in darkness; goodness stands in the glory of light. In the spiritual

realm darkness plays no role, just as time or distance. In the New Jerusalem there won’t be

any need for sun, moon or stars the Bible says. Therefore, quite naturally we see that these

compose the natural world for our bodies. Our spirit person deals with only light, no space

and no hindrances.

We conclude that hindrances occur when we deal with contrasts, these happen be-

tween the spiritual and the natural. The physical realm always will hinder the spiritual realm

because of its inherent properties, like time, darkness and matter. Having imagined that it isthe other way around is actually false, because open spaces do not hinder us; also light

does not hinder, but rather helps us to see more clearly. Only in darkness we insinuate and

imagine things. Once light sheds its glorious property on any dark area it will illuminate its

true reality and then all insinuations and even silly imaginations will vanish.

It would be deemed as unintelligent and even foolish to stubbornly adhere to one’s

imaginations or even doctrines when the light has already revealed the falsehood of that

imagination or doctrine. What remains is repentance, which is only possible when the

greater light of truth falls on the darkened-with-human-limitations area. After repentance

grace arrives in order to lead one on the overcomers’ highway to glory.

If a spiritual man never encountered any physical hindrances, he would have nothing to

overcome. But he is called an overcomer because he leaps over those obstacles. In John

16:33 Jesus said, “In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome

the world .”  There is nothing to overcome in the spiritual world; such challenges are pre-

sent only in the physical world.

Darkness versus light

Darkness contains no energy; light does. Darkness does not cost you anything; energy

does. Climbing a mountain costs you an energy output; sliding down the mountain is easy.

 Apostle Paul said that he who does not work should not eat. Food is energy and to get it

one must put out more energy. Health is energy, illness happens because of waning en-

ergy. A weakened immune system exposes our organism to infections and invasions of 

parasites that steal the life energy. Living organisms feed on other living organisms and thatis the cycle of life on this planet. However, spiritual life differs from the natural one; and it is

only common to humans who use reason and intellect.

During the night, temperatures plummet. The scorching hot desert becomes very cold

during the night hours. Darkness fills the space and any floating mass can only be seen

because of the reflecting sun. The universe is dark and cold; and there are black holes of 

which we can only speculate for they are indeed frightening.

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In religion we also have those frightening black holes, and no one wants to touch them

for they have proven very useful. The mystified realm of darkness can easily control igno-

rant crowds and since it is mystified we can add to it whatever we like to make them even

more fearsome. Scaring people with hell, demons and eternal damnation and limitless suf-

ferings was the best way of gaining numbers. Nonetheless, the faithful do not stay attached

to God, but rather to the frame that holds God’s picture—religion.

In John 6:65 Jesus said, "No one can come to Me unless i t has been granted him

from the Father ." Unless it is given one to come to Him, one is not able, on his own, to

come to Jesus. No one finds Jesus, but rather the other way around—the Good Shepherd

finds His own but lost sheep. It comes down to the three types of people: the seed, the

tare and the field. To one it is given while to another it is not. Those that love darkness and

its spookiness will remain in it for eternity, but those that are drawn by-and-to the light in-

deed behold the truth for the Heavenly Father draws them. Jesus solely came to bear wit-

ness to the truth.

[John 3:21] "But he who pract ices the truth comes to the Light  , so that his

deeds may be manifested as having been wrought in God."  

[John 18:37-38] Therefore Pilate said to Him, “So You are a king?” Jesus answered,

“You say correctly that I am a king. For this I have been born, and for this I have come

into the world, to test i fy to the truth . Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.”

Pilate said to Him, “What is truth?” And when he had said this, he went out…  

Pilate did not wait for the answer for he was not drawn to Jesus or to the truth. He was

of darkness and did not like the light at all for it blinded him and exposed secrets.

Wars and governments

Wars are only common to earth simply because only on this planet we have the mass withits limitations. Wherever there’s a territory there will be a dispute. Whether it will be water

resources, grazing grasses or strategic geographical locations, there will be a quarrel. An

attractive rulership will provoke envy. The seeds of envy grow a tree and eventually bear

fruits. Earth’s history is filled with violence. And because of governmental structures like

monarchies, time, limited space, valuable mineral deposits in the ground and many other

reasons, wars happen.

 The Almighty can work within His own laws, but since He is the Sovereign One He can

also work around them, even break them if necessary. We will never find any principalities

or powers directly above oceans or desolate places simply because there are no princes,

rulers or governments, nor are there any people to exert any influence on anyone.

We find strongholds of the enemy only over cities and inhabited places. No wondergreat men of God have spent long periods of time in the desert. Also late at night one finds

peace and solitude; noticeably there is much greater awareness of the divine presence for

there are hardly any people awake who create evil entities born out of unclean and sinful

plotting, activities and vulgarities.

 A presently living person’s physical image is as real in the spiritual world. A person's

touch, actions, words and thoughts are manifested in this physical sphere therefore we can

clearly perceive them without much effort. Yet when that person’s image is brought to us

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by means of the spirit world, as it were from a distance, with it comes ambiguity and doubt.

It takes a fine attunement and training to see and understand anything spiritual. However,

when we are in the spirit realm, without our physical bodies, we would clearly see the same

image in its quintessence.

Here we come to the aspect of perception and visualization. It depends on the realm

that is nearer to us, or the realm in which we spend more time. If one spends more time in

the spiritual realm using thoughts, words and actions then altogether one is better

equipped to deal with the spiritual world. In the same way, when someone is preoccupied

with just the physical aspects of life, one becomes insensitive to spiritual things. One can

be an expert in a specialized area of expertise like making microchips or fine Swiss

watches, but one must take that time away, which could have been spent on a spiritual


Knowing things and understanding why they are the way they are immensely benefits

us. For example: anything that once possessed the pure spirit of life, a carcass or skeleton,

God said that it is unclean and anyone touching it becomes temporarily unclean. Then he

prescribes a certain law to make one clean. By applying this law one can be cleansed from

leprosy, like Miriam was in Numbers 12. A house can be cleansed. The laws pertaining to

vows of separation, like the one of the Nazirite, had to do with the application of the spiri-tual law of cleanliness. God’s Law unequivocally defines these things and through them we

learn God’s holy character.

We know that we are not as detailed as God is, who sees all things even the most in-

finitesimal atom. We can miss a detail, but God does not. What really matters to Him is our

obedience and surrender to His ways.

Understanding or knowing is not enough. Understanding is God’s gift and once it is

given, knowledge must follow. After knowledge comes an action. If that action is in line with

the received knowledge it may result in wisdom.

Why must we be subject to governments? Why did the powerful prophet of God—

Elijah, who had just brought God’s fire from heaven—run from Queen Jezebel? These

questions are answered in the next part.

  [Romans 13:1-7]  Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For 

there is no authority except from God, and those, which exist, are established by God.

Therefore whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have

opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves. For rulers is not a cause of fear for 

 good behavior, but for evil. Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good and 

 you will have praise from the same; for it is a minister of God to you for good. But if you do

what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of God,

 an avenger who brings wrath on the one who practices evil. Therefore it is necessary to be

 in subjection, not only because of wrath, but also for conscience’ sake. For because of this

 you also pay taxes, for rulers are servants of God, devoted to this very thing. Render to all 

what is due them: tax to whom tax is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor.

  Apostle Paul emphasizes these things: There is no authority except from God… It is

necessary to be in subjection… Pay taxes to whom tax is due, etc… Apostle Paul says that

rulers are servants of God.

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God establishes all authorities. He never establishes evil authorities, but principalities

and powers, which eventually become corrupt. Satan does not establish governments for

he acts as the prosecutor in God’s Court, that’s why he is also called the faultfinder.

God uses the Archangel Michael to establish governments and also to change them.

 Angels have ranks, but only in reference to earth where this is the reality. Without the pres-

ence of the planet earth the Kingdom of God’s oneness does not need nor provides for

hierarchal structures. God’s pure and perfect love is the essence of all authority and power.

In that realm fear is nonexistent for the Perfect Love completely casts it out. Fear exists only

in the hierarchal structures of the earth, therefore in something physical and constrained by

time and space and contrasts like right and wrong, light and darkness.

Having said all the above, one can easily comprehend that in the realm of no time and

no darkness, but of perfect love, hierarchal structures make no sense for God is sovereign

over all. (Psalms 103:19) His love permeates every spiritual being. Only us, the physical be-

ings, must possess the free will precisely because we are physical.

  [Proverbs 16:4] The LORD has made everything for its own purpose, even the wicked 

for the day of evil.

 The Sovereign Over All One appoints all governments. The appointment and installment

of anyone into a position of power is called anointing. Any anointed monarch can become

corrupt. So the anointing does not make one a saint. Whatever one sows one must also

reap is the unchanging law.

Every government below creates its mirror principality and power above. As already

said, in the oceans one finds no principality or power for these are international waters.

Gambling is permitted on ships within international waters, but may not be allowed on the

soil of a principality that forbids it.

 The prophet Elijah ran from Queen Jezebel because she was the ruling authority over

Israel. Elijah did not run because she was more powerful than the prophet who had just

brought fire from heaven and chopped off her prophets’ heads. Elijah knew very well that all

governments possess the God given power. However, the duration of that allotted power

varies according to the behavior of each monarch. When their wickedness spills over, like a

cup filled with unrighteousness, and is never corrected through repentance, the accumula-

tion of evil always produces a ruinous end.

Elijah would have nothing to fear if Jezebel was not the monarchy of Israel. When God

says to you “run” then you better run for He knows better. There is the cup of righteous-

ness and the cup of wickedness and both wait for the fullness of time. Each cup must be

filled to the brim and even spill over, and then one receives the crown of life while the other

loses life.

Christianity was sort of illegal under the Roman rule, and what prophet Elijah did was

also. But above these ground rules there is the Sovereign-over-all Ruler and we must study

His ways and be navigated by His Spirit.Until the cup of wickedness runs full we must do an underground work; if so He com-

mands us. Thank God that America has still the freedom of religion. Whatever that religious

package might be, even a weird one, under that freedom act the truth can also prosper.

We have accounts of Israel and Judah’s kingly successions. Some kings were com-

pletely good for they have repented, even for the sins of their own wicked fathers and then

completely turned to God. Others were deemed as partially good; and still others as evil or

incompletely evil. These proportions show us how these kings will be judged at the end of 

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time. The same applies to other nations, but God had reveled this truth only to Abraham.

Whether His descendants understood it or not the fact remains; there is something to be

made complete in the terms of good and bad.

 [Genesis 15:16] “… For the iniquity of the Amorite is not yet complete .”

Understanding the anointing

Now, this brings us to Babylon and Persia, Nebuchadnezzar and the kings of Persia; the

Book of Daniel; the Archangel Michael; and then the letter of Paul to Ephesians chapter 6.

Soon the picture will become crystal clear.

Few people understand anointing, which is why the word anointing denotes many

things these days: thick, high, heavy or perhaps light anointing, warmth of the anointing, or

there was such an anointing on… Rising or falling anointing… The anointing fell… some

say. Mystical, ethereal something to feel and be aware of… It is more to do with the pres-

ence rather than anointing.

  Anointing is a marking, which signifies choice, employment or selection. In this case

God’s selection is anointing. Because of that anointing there comes the equipment to dowhat one is anointed for, if it is a governing anointing the ability to govern comes after-

wards. If the anointing is to deliver, heal or raise someone from the dead then the Holy

Spirit comes to do the deliverance, healing or resurrection.

In the secular sector of our society anointing is for kings, presidents, governors, artists

and even rock stars. You probably question the rock star anointing. An anointed rocker can

worship God with his or her gift, but they choose to worship themselves. That’s the differ-

ence. It’s not an evil anointing, for no governor or president is anointed with an evil anoint-

ing just because they do evil. But rather, that evil is manifested through this: while using

God’s power of selection to govern and rule, they use it for selfish means and for this they

shall be judged. An anointing is always to serve others in whatever capacity or role, serving

music, advice or insight. Teachers prepare future leaders therefore teachers are anointed to

teach. Rulers are anointed to rule, etc.

 [Isaiah 45:1] Thus says the LORD to Cyrus His anointed , whom I have taken by the

 right hand, to subdue nations before him and to loose the loins of kings; to open doors be-

fore him so that gates will not be shut.

Nebuchadnezzar was God’s servant for God had anointed him to rule the ancient world

and also to exile Judah into its capital Bavel (Hebrew for Babylon). But the Sovereign One

had only appointed 70 years of Judah’s captivity and no more. In other books we deal with

the ‘on the table’ and the ‘under the table’ motives and reasons for God’s dealings with

mankind, and Israel in particular.

  [Jeremiah 27:6-8] “Now I have given all these lands into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar 

  king of Babylon, My servant  , and I have given him also the wild animals of the field to

serve him. “All the nations shall serve him and his son and his grandson until the time of his

own land comes; then many nations and great kings will make him their servant.

“It will be, that the nation or the kingdom which will not serve him, Nebuchadnezzar king

of Babylon, and which will not put its neck under the yoke of the king of Babylon, I will pun-

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 ish that nation with the sword, with famine and with pestilence,” declares the LORD, “until I

 have destroyed it by his hand.

 The captivity of the Jewish people ended during the rule of the king of Persia named

Cyrus. When the 70 years came to a close, God spoke to Cyrus and made him issue a de-

cree that would effectively restore Judah to its former country where the Judeans, now

called Jews, would rebuild the temple and the city of Jerusalem. The sacred vessels, which

had been taken from the temple, were to be returned together with a considerable sum of 

money to be used for the building materials.

 [Isaiah 45:1] Thus says the LORD to Cyrus His anointed…

God did not choose those kings because they were good, or moral or they found favor

in His eyes, for neither were saints or righteous. They were instruments God used for His

ultimate plans. God often chose one as instrument of destruction for another. It may not

sound well, but the Eternal One knows better for before Him time does not exist and what

He sees we cannot ever see. Rights or wrongs do play a role here, but only on a day-to-day basis, not on the overall scale of human history.

 [Isaiah 40:7-8] The grass withers, the flower fades, when the breath of the LORD blows

upon it; surely the people are grass. The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of 

our God stands forever.

When we don’t look at ourselves through the eyes of self-importance we acquire that

special spiritual sense, realizing that before Him all flesh is as nothing. Therefore, by losing

our lives, early enough, we will come to the side of the Almighty and understand His ways

for we will no longer look at us from below, but from above.

Solomon in his old age (Book of Ecclesiastes) showed deep seeded attachments to

riches, power and pleasures; these were the reasons why he saw it all as vanity, futility and

striving after wind.

Continuing with our root scripture of Romans 13 we understand now why God raises

governments, which turn despotic, oppressive and eventually corrupt, but it is never God’s

doing, but man’s. The objects they’ve been attached to make them think that they are in-

vincible. The opulence and grandeur of their office deludes them into believing that they are

gods; they often called themselves gods and demanded due worship.

  [Psalms 75:8] For a cup is in the hand of the LORD, and the wine foams; it is well 

  mixed, and He pours out of this; surely all the wicked of the earth must drain and drink 

down its dregs. 

Reproduction of demons

 To this day people have no clue what demons are and how many of them roam our planet.

 The Bible is clear about unclean spirits, which in fact are departed and formerly living hu-

man life-energies, which were illegally brought up by the living. These activities are illegal

because the Eternal One warned us against playing with spiritism and witchcraft. We have

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the free will, which must be used for good; otherwise we will use it for evil by harming our-

selves as well as others. Deuteronomy 18 is very clear about it.

  Anyone that accepts the New Testament should also accept its foundation, the Old

 Testament. As already said, the foundation is the physical symbolism of the spiritual, found

in the New Testament. There’s nothing old without the new and there’s nothing new with-

out the old, just as there are no houses without foundations and roofs. One needs a foun-

dation and then a roof in order to call it a house.

Lending our presently living energies to the dead causes demons to exist in our hemi-

sphere. Seducing ourselves with the unknown, when it is actually known, draws only God’s

wrath and totally unnecessarily so. If money or popularity is the motive for practicing the

forbidden then that fleeting thrill will only turn one into a rubbish bin. One will become un-

clean for so God defines it.

Jesus cast out unclean (dead) spirits. Unclean spirit are only unclean, but there are also

unclean evil spirits, which means that at the point of their departure they were committing

evil and died in that evil, freezing it in the realm of no time. Once this kind of spirit is brought

up—through the illegal means like witchcraft, occult practices or in spiritistic séances—evils

like violence, perversions and all the formerly practiced things pollute our hemisphere.

 These demons are stuck in our realm of time where repentance, growth and progressionare possible, while on the other side time stops.

People who are demon-possessed display those characteristics. They have difficulties

learning something new. They repeat the same patterns of thinking and behavior; and like

rats in an enclosed wheel they keep on running but to nowhere.

Religion is often stuck in the past and does not progress, nor explores anything new.

God speaks of new things for new things do not age. In heaven everything is freshly new

because time does not alter anything. Aging is only common to the physical realm.

 The law defines what is unclean and what is not. Anything that once lived and now is

dead is deemed as unclean. The priests and the Nazirites had to abstain from touching

anything dead, even a corpse of their own parents and that goes to show you how God the

Spirit sees things on earth.

Jesus cast out demons, which were often called unclean spirits, just as the Gerasene

man was, for he lived in the tombs of the Roman Legion and did violence to himself. The

Roman soldiers died in violence and the man repeatedly gashed stones against himself,

until Jesus set him free. Those demons Jesus sent to the lake through the bodies of swine

and through these living gates of unclean animals they entered Sheol where they should

rest. Any living body can be a gate to the other realm called Sheol, which is a resting place

for the dead. Those that play with witchcraft and spiritism disturb that realm reserved for

sleep and rest until the Judgment Day.

King Saul also sinned by consulting the witch of En Dor. Saul broke the law and dis-

turbed Samuel. The past life energy was brought up through illegal means and God really

hates it. The living has the power of life, but if you cannot raise the body with the spirit of life

then don’t disturb the dead for you will be punished for breaking God’s law.

 [1 Samuels 28:15]  Then Samuel said to Saul, "Why have you disturbed me by bring-

 ing me up?"

 The next day Saul and his son Jonathan died on the battlefield. Samuel’s soul (former

life energy) was resting in Sheol. To the dead it’s only a moment, for the measurements of 

time do not exist on the other side. To be absent from the body is to be present with the

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Lord, Apostle Paul said, because to them who died in the Lord it’s but a moment. Ten

thousand years is a moment for the spirit of life never decays.

 [1 Thessalonians 4:15]  For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are

  alive and remain until the coming of the Lord, will not precede those who have fallen


 The ‘sleep’ expression means unconsciousness. Those that died will be raised first and

in their mind death never happened, they just took a very short and totally unconscious

nap. They will look at us, the living, as if being with us all this time and then together we

shall be taken up to be with the Lord.

 These dimensions are spiritual and the deeper we go the more spiritual we become.

Jesus said that in heaven we do not marry nor are given in marriage and although

 Apostle Paul was not familiar with the Gospels yet spiritually he echoed the words of His

Master. Here is the correlation:

  [Matthew 22:30]  "For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage,

 but are like angels in heaven." – Jesus.

  [Galatians 3:28] “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man,

there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” – Paul. 

Clearly, we shall be like angels who are genderless and fleshless. Neither marriage nor

giving in marriage—which entails start of a family—will be possible or practiced in the king-

dom of heaven. Angels do not reproduce themselves, and after we attain the day of resur-

rection neither will we, for we shall be like them.

 Already here you have recognized the intelligence of the Holy Spirit. When you are will-

ing to give up the limited-by-time and geographical locale and any outdated notions about

His realm you will enjoy the spiritual journey set before you.

God, being the Perfect Love, which does not allow anything else to accidentally pollute

that realm of perfection, could never make any provisions for gaps, since these can only be

found in the physical realm.

Demons, unclean or evil spirits have not fallen from heaven, but were rather brought up

from Sheol by no one else, but a sensationalism-starved human being. Unless one repents,

eternity will remember his or her wickedness.

Just as angels do not marry, also the departed spirits do not; therefore demons don’t

multiply. There are no armies of Satan to hinder your progress unless you broke His laws

and now, in the light of this truth, you must repent and apologize. Perhaps you will obtain

His mercy and your ignorance shall be forgiven just as mine was. That is the reason why Ican share these things with you in clarity and in the Spirit of His wisdom.

Angelic principalities and powers

Since it is no one else, but the Almighty that establishes rulers upon the earth and He al-

ways uses angels, He dispatches angels to earth for various missions. As Gabriel brings

good tidings, Michael changes principalities and powers. Satan prosecutes, accuses, finds

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fault and executes God’s severe judgments upon those who have not repented and their

iniquity becomes full. Like a cup of wickedness that must be filled and when it is spilling

over that spill is then arrested with God’s severe judgment. Not only Satan is used, but also

Seraphim who are flames and they look like tongues of fire.

When we see lightning we see fire, when Satan falls like lightning God’s wrath falls on

the sons of disobedience.

 [Psalms 78:49] He sent upon them His burning anger, fury and indignation and trouble,

 a band of destroying angels . 

Everywhere we look we see God’s absolute sovereignty and that’s a good thing to ob-

serve and maintain, and soon we will understand why it is so important.

If God sets up all governments, principalities, monarchs, powers and authorities, (I

mince words on purpose for our minds are very selective) and it is He who brings them

down using His own angels, then we must study Him and His kingdom only. God’s king-

dom is engulfed in the purest light and is available to anyone filled with that light. Anyone

filled with darkness will only see fragments.

 Anything appointed from above comes with spiritual power and is enforced as authorityon the physical earth. Let’s see that through the prism of God’s absolute sovereignty,

which is OVER ALL. (Psalms 103:19)

In the Book of Daniel we see that God shows to the king of Persia, in a dream, the se-

quence of the successive powers.

 [Daniel 2:32-35] “The head of that statue was made of fine gold , its breast and its arms

of si lver  , its belly and its thighs of bronze  , its legs of iron, its feet part ly  of i ron and

part ly of c lay . “You continued looking until a stone was cut out without hands, and it 

struck the statue on its feet of iron and clay and crushed them. “Then the iron, the clay, the

 bronze, the silver and the gold were crushed all at the same time and became like chaff 

from the summer threshing floors; and the wind carried them away so that not a trace of 

them was found. But the stone that struck the statue became a great mountain and filled 

the whole earth.

 The head, in this case, was not the leader, but rather the start of a sequence (Hebrew

ROSH). God starts with Nebuchadnezzar being the golden head. Daniel explains the king’s

dream in the following way:

  [Daniel 2:36-38] “You, O king, are the king of kings, to whom the God of heaven has

 given the kingdom, the power, the strength and the glory; and wherever the sons of men

dwell, or the beasts of the field, or the birds of the sky, He has given them into your hand 

 and has caused you to rule over them all. You are the head of gold.

  The next kingdom, after Babylon, was going to be Medo-Persia, then Greece, then

Rome and then finally the eternal Kingdom of God. The statue, which the king of Babylon

saw in a dream, was made out of gold, silver, bronze iron and clay. The golden head was

Babylon. The breast was to be Medo-Persia. Arms, made out of silver, were to be Greece.

 The belly and thighs, made out of bronze, were to be Rome. (Daniel 2:39-39) The part iron

and part clay legs were going to represent religious systems of the Universal Church, which

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Rome passed on to the Vatican. In this mix we find Luther’s reformation and many refine-

ments, and more reformations until God’s Eternal Kingdom be ushered in.

 The Bride of Christ will be without spot or wrinkle and will be presented to the bride-

groom. We will have the goats on the left and sheep on the right, the wise and foolish vir-

gins. The judgment will then come and the former age will come to an end.

Each of those kingdoms established its jurisdiction over a geographical area. God set

them up. He showed to Nebuchadnezzar and Daniel who was next and wherever that

authority reached, it remained over that area until the fullness of time. That jurisdiction’s

spiritual mirror image—principality and power, which was established from above—was the

spiritual rule of that kingdom. To better understand it let’s turn to Daniel again.

 The man in white linen (most likely Jesus; the same one that appeared in the furnace of 

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego - Daniel 3:25) spoke with Daniel about Michael. Mi-

chael was called prince, and Jesus, being the Word through Him the world was made, was

establishing a new Hierarchy upon the earth. The angel, who is the protector of Israel, is

obviously used to enforce the sent Word (Jesus).

 [Daniel 12:1-4] “Now at that time Michael, the great prince who stands guard over thesons of your people, will arise. And there will be a time of distress such as never occurred 

since there was a nation until that time; and at that time your people, everyone who is

found written in the book, will be rescued. “Many of those who sleep in the dust of the

 ground will awake, these to everlasting life, but the others to disgrace and everlasting con-

tempt. “Those who have insight will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of 

  heaven, and those who lead the many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.

“But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the book until the end of time;

 many will go back and forth, and knowledge wi l l increase .”

 There is a lot of foolishness in religion and that is because man created theology and

with it a dogma, which he is not willing to change.

  Time progresses. Like giant wheels, time’s sequence keeps on turning while religion

stands still. Worse, it not only stands still, it is stuck in the quagmire of nonsense. Knowl-

edge increases and with that increase come also changes.

Religion remains frozen. Therefore I will ask an intelligent question: “couldn’t the same

God—who showed Nebuchadnezzar and Daniel and all of His prophets the future—also

not see Satan’s supposed plot in heaven?” If He sees and turns into motion all events, why

would He wait until the supposed rebellion took place and then permit not only the univer-

sal chaos, but also the one in our heads? Is He indeed that ‘Perfect Love’ God that casts

out all fear from His awesome presence or some kind of a god, perhaps that which the an-

cient world had imagined? What kind of God do you believe in, the God of man’s theology

or the real One?  The fear of the awesome Almighty God is here. His understanding, knowledge, wis-

dom, strength and counsel are here also.

Now, when we come to the reign of Cyrus we see that Michael is used to set up that

new authority. First Daniel sees the Son of God and here is how he describes Him.

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  [Daniel 10:5-6] I lifted my eyes and looked, and behold, there was a certain man

dressed in linen, whose waist was girded with a belt of pure gold of Uphaz. His body also

was like beryl, his face had the appearance of lightning, his eyes were like flaming torches,

 his arms and feet like the gleam of polished bronze, and the sound of his words like the

sound of a tumult.

 The WORD (Jesus) speaks with Daniel and says these wonderful words:

 [Verse 12] “Do not be afraid, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart on un-

derstanding this and on humbling yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I

 have come in response to your words.

It reminds us of Saul’s encounter with Jesus on his way to Damascus. Jesus said to

Paul, “why do you persecute me?” The WORD, by which God creates new things, was

sent to establish the new kingdom. Saul, later named Paul, was chosen, anointed and ap-


 [Acts 9:15-18] But the Lord said to him, “Go, for he is a chosen instrument of Mine,to bear My name before the Gentiles and kings and the sons of Israel; for I will show him

  how much he must suffer for My name’s sake.” So Ananias departed and entered the

  house, and after laying his hands on him said, “Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus, who ap-

 peared to you on the road by which you were coming, has sent me so that you may regain

 your sight and be f i l led with the Holy Spir i t .” And immediately there fell from his eyes

something like scales, and he regained his sight, and he got up and was baptized.

 The anointing or choice took place on the way to Damascus, but the infilling with the

Holy Spirit took place after Ananias laid hands on Paul. Without Paul’s choice, the present

form of Christianity would not be.

 [Verse 13] “But the prince of the kingdom of Persia was withstanding me for twenty-onedays; then behold, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, for I had been left 

there with the kings of Persia. 

How can the kings of Persia withstand or hinder the Son of God?

One must remember that Jesus was not yet in the physical human form and did not yet

do any works of power. At that time God did not create yet the new earth or new heaven,

but was merely changing earthly authorities, which He changes first in the unseen realm

through His angels.

Jesus, not being yet the Ben Adam (Son of Man) did not have the authority to change

anything physically on the physical earth. It was the work of God’s angels; and one angel in

particular, the archangel Michael, also called the prince. Three weeks passed, and God sort of arrested His WORD within the Persian authority.

God already gave that authority to them, but it did not change yet physically.

 [Verse 14] “Now I have come to give you an understanding of what will happen to your 

 people in the latter days, for the vision pertains to the days yet future.”

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Michael, one of the chief princes came to help for the WORD was sent first and left with

that authority, which the Almighty God had enforced. What’s instant in the heavenly sphere

takes time in the physical sphere. Jesus came to Daniel after a period of three weeks. By

that time the new kingdom was already established.

Naturally there were battles and bloodshed for the way of Cain is such. Nonetheless,

he’s been destined and even sealed for that very purpose.

God hates violence, killing and harming of others. e is love. However, He lets the vio-

lence of the violent to fall on the violent.

 [Psalms 18:25-26] With the kind You show Yourself kind; with the blameless You show 

Yourself blameless, with the pure You show Yourself pure, and with the crooked You show 

Yourself astute.

 There are scores of scriptures like this, showing how God brings retribution, for what

man sows that he will also reap. Nonetheless, in the process of change God uses those

most suitable for the job. In the midst of it all He uses ISRA-EL, transliterated as Principality

or God.

 There is a dual purpose in God’s dealings with mankind. The ‘on the table’ messagewas that God was angry, but the ‘under the table’ message was that He wanted to be

known among the nations. His seed, the covenant bearers, had to be scattered abroad.

Looking from above, that new dominion had the princely angels guarding it until its

earthly time was complete. Each principality on earth is thus being guarded by the higher

principality and power. The guardian angels watch over it. Not Satan, but God Himself es-

tablishes these things, that’s why Paul said—to no one else, but the Roman church—to

respect that.

For lack of teaching and altruistic teachers those void of understanding have no choice

but to embrace fragmented doctrines. The wasted time cannot be recovered, but the worst

thing is the unwillingness to forsake the old when the new is better. Trying to tear down

something we don’t like is foolish for even Russian Communism had to stand for 70 years.

God so appointed it to be. He permits fools to be foolish while he empowers the righteous

to be more righteous, and the wise to be wiser yet.

 Although this is a Kenite system, God had allotted to it a limited time. Anything to do

with money, power, and governmental structures is Kenite. (I did not say evil or wrong, but

Kenite). Since Rome, we’ve been ruled by the gold system of 666. It’s a fleshly kingdom of 

Cain for which he was sealed. Cain and Kenites, his foot soldiers, have no share in the

eternal kingdom of God. Kenites end their existence with the end of this world.

Set your mind to understand

Have you set your mind to understand these things? Like Daniel who sought the Lord and

to understand we should do the same.

  [Daniel 8:15] When I, Daniel, had seen the vision, I sought to understand i t  ; and 

 behold, standing before me was one who looked like a man.

Serious and steadfast seeking to understand the things that pertain to the Kingdom of 

God opens the door. Once it is implemented with one’s entire soul and heart, then the

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WORD, the Son of God, will indeed come. I know what I talk about for it is also my experi-


Jesus said to Daniel:

 [Daniel 10:12] for from the first day that you set your heart on understanding this

and on humbl ing yoursel f before your God, your words were heard, and I have come

 in response to your words.

 Although apostle Paul often used sensational things in order to reach his contemporar-

ies, most of whom were pagans; yet as a Jew he knew better.

  [Romans 8:38-39] For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor

principal i t ies , nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth,

 nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in

Christ Jesus our Lord.

He knew well who the principalities were, for right before he mentioned them he pre-positioned principalities with angels.

  [Ephesians 6:2] Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. Put on

the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the

devil. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the

 powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness

 in the heavenly places. (NASB)

  The King James translation reads: For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but 

  against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world,

 against spiritual wickedness in high places.

 The high places are the governmental places to which he told us to submit ourselves to

and respect. (Romans 13) If this is confusing then we must un-confuse ourselves.

We wrestle or struggle with something that is not only on the ground—which can be

dealt with in a battle—but its spiritual mirror image above after the governing heads below

corrupted themselves.

 You see, God fixed the appointed times in which all can repent and become righteous,

and He said that His callings and (anointings) gifts are without repentance. (Romans 11:29)

 That means that they must run their full course. However, during that allotted period of time

humans go corrupt treating themselves as gods and believing that they are above the law.

When their cup of iniquity runs full another regime replaces them.

I would advise any student of the Word to study God’s appointed times and seasons,and especially the cycles of seven. All happens according to the timing of the Almighty un-

der His permissible will.

KJV reads:  against the rulers of the darkness of this world. NASB Reads: against the

world forces of this darkness. In both cases it is this darkness of this world, not the heav-

enly darkness, for before God there is no darkness for if it were so, then the teaching of His

  Truth would also be obscured by shadows. Yet, His Truth shines brighter than myriad


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 The darkness, or corruption, did not occur above, but below and affects those dwelling

under its evil despotic rule. The flesh-and-blood beings affect our lives.

Under Jezebel, God’s prophets had to hide. Under Roman, and the later Communist

rules, Christians had to also hide. The good people suffer and cope with the situation until

God graciously appoints yet another ruler. Unfortunately, for some death was more pleas-

ant than life. It’s sad and we seek justice and some form of revenge, and the Book of 

 Apocalypse provides that, yet there is still the higher way, which Jesus taught: love your


 As mentioned earlier, the Bible is filled with the successions of kings doing either good

or evil, God’s judgments and retributions. We do not need to read Tolstoy’s ‘War and

Peace’ to learn something new. Something that repeats itself makes a pattern and that

pattern establishes something that must run according to a mode of some law. When we

study God’s laws we see chains of events and within them a pattern. How God deals with

Israel and humanity is very clear and no one needs some halfwit explanations, much less

new doctrines. It is all there in plain view. All one needs is to study God’s ways from the

already given examples of His dealings with Israel and Judah down to this very day.

Kenites called Tares Imagine yourself having His life. You can use His life to do good or to do evil. You do not

have evil life in you or just the good life, but one spirit of life, which originates in God, the

Father of all Life (John 1:4). Like the American laws of liberty, which cover all aspects of the

 American daily life, God’s law provides freedom to all of the world’s inhabitants.

Before Cain left God’s presence and turned his back in His face, he was differently

wired than all other people. Cain’s frontal brain lobes, which compute the presently occur-

ring experiences and knowledge God sealed with something that was exclusively for the

earth only and without any spiritual sense. Cain could not even imagine eternal life beyond

the physical body and its present existence. Cain’s mark was meant for just this physical

earth, giving him the ability to attribute value to the mineral content like precious stones and


Cain’s prowess in amassing wealth was all that God wired him for. Three major de-

nominators rule Cain’s mind and these are: wealth, governmental dominion and subjuga-

tion through merciless ruthlessness. These three denominators rule the world; whether one

eliminates competition through political maneuvering, bribing, or the mafia style whacking.

But, both testaments the old and the new, state that Cain’s end is fire.

Let’s take Hitler for example. His mind could not go any further than the territorial gains.

His tremendously inflated ambition to rule the world included ruthless elimination of other

peoples. He infected his subservient thugs with his philosophy and succeeded, only be-

cause the same ambition resided within his followers; so they made Hitler their voice. They

enthroned him so that he would fulfill their lord-over-all desires. Hitler articulated their

hearts’ hidden secrets and they loved him with that sick and warped love.  At the Nuremberg trials those thugs felt no remorse, for the original evil seductive

dream of their Führer was still very much alive. They sealed themselves and sealed their

fate too. Their bodies were burnt just as their Führer requested to do to his own and his

woman’s corpse.

Cain was completely sealed being unable to hope for eternal life, for his seal meant this

earth only; and nothing beyond it. His comfort was that perhaps his name should be re-

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membered, not in the heavenly Book of Remembrance, but rather this earth’s history


How can anyone be so driven by the vain ambition to be the ruler of the world; deluding

millions into believing in the superior Aryan race nonsense and murder millions for just that

ambition alone? Is this ambition so powerful that the human life loses all value? Smelting

victims’ golden jewelry, wedding rings and teeth in order to build more of the killing war

machinery or hoarding it in vaults, is astoundingly crazy; if not completely sick. For just that

one self-aggrandizing thought and the fleeting feeling of superiority one murders and inflicts

sufferings on others as if there’s no retribution.

Cain was the first one completely sealed, and we have his genes too and we can sub-

scribe to them if we find any value in those crazy imaginations of being someone at the

cost of others. Each time we yield to those tendencies, we accept Cain’s standard. And

the more we practice it, we seal ourselves further more. Then there will come a day when

we will lose any sense of right and wrong and any faith in life eternal for that sign of Cain will

gradually lock us in the world of senses and physical futility.

Cain’s ensign (Hebrew OTH, which means sign, signal, warning, ensign or omen) was

like a flag or banner. Jesus said that by their fruits we recognize them. “A good man brings

out of his treasure good things and an evil man out of his treasure brings out evil things.”Jesus, who saw through the tare, which pretended to be the good seed quickly said, “why

you being evil speak what is good… you hypocrites.”

 [Numbers 24:21-22] And he looked at the Kenite, and took up his discourse and said,

“your dwelling place is enduring, and your nest is set in the cliff. “Nevertheless (Kain) the

Kenite will be consumed . (Hebrew BA’AR, which means to burn, consume and kindle.)

 [Matthew 13:30; 38] “First gather up the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them

up; but gather the wheat into my barn.” …The field is the world; and as for the good seed,

these are the sons of the kingdom; and the tares are the evil sons. 

Kenites shape the history of the world and that’s their lot for they are only remembered

by the new generations. They have no life eternal. Do I love Kenites, how can I not love

them? God loves them too for their mission is for this earth only and the eternal fire of God

will completely burn up their breath of life. They will have no memory of their very existence.

However, we as God’s seed, His sons and daughters, are not only written in the Book of 

Life, but also in the Book of Remembrance. Forever! Yes, we have eternal existence be-

yond this one in glorified bodies, which cannot ever be burned with any fire, physical or

eternal. Our banner is love. Period. That’s the difference.

Clearly, God uses Kenites, not because they were born sealed, but rather because they

itch for exactly that which Cain had itched and that’s the reason why he killed his brother.

So, either we subscribe to the Kenite ways and end up like them or we learn something

new and awaken and cultivate that good seed side in us. The evil banner, flag or fruitceases to show up because the good fruits like love, which is the crown of all fruits, will be-

gin to pour out from our hearts.

The seven Spirits of God

When the Holy Spirit comes He comes with the ministering angels. Isaiah (11:2) describes

the seven spirits of the Lord. But the main ‘bodyguards’ are the six spirits or angels.

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1. The Spirit of the LORD will rest on Him,

2. The spirit of wisdom

3. The spirit of understanding,

4. The spirit of counsel

5. The spirit strength,

6. The spirit of knowledge

7. The spirit of the fear of the LORD

Imagine the six pointed Star of David, which is called in Hebrew ‘Mogen David’, which

actually is a shield and weapon in one.

Every sin is forgiven, but blasphemy or sin against the Holy Spirit is not.

 [Luke 12:10] “And everyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be for-

 given him; but he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him.

Obviously the Holy Spirit must come within that shield and weapon, lest someone dies

without ever having the chance to turn the clock back through repentance. Ananias andSapphira were directly exposed to the Holy Spirit and died on the spot; they actually lied to

the face of Holy Spirit. (Acts 5). Face in Hebrew means presence. When God spoke with

Cain, it says that Cain turned his back to God’s face and at that very moment Cain became

spiritually dead. In the same way Ananias and Sapphira, not only became spiritually dead,

but also physically, which means: they did not have any time to change, repent and be

sorry for what they had done. Anyone presently living still has that opportunity. All presently

living Kenites or rather the imitators of Cain, have that opportunity. Nonetheless, the blood

of Jesus His Son is powerful enough to wash every sin. As long as one lives, one has that

chance to return and be saved from the wrath to come.

 The Holy Spirit is on this earth and He is near you. He comes because of what you now

read. When He comes, He comes enclosed or surrounded with six other ministering spirits

or angels.

Now, let’s arrange these in logical manner. When the Holy Spirit comes He comes first

with the fear of the Lord, because of what’s been said earlier about the sin against Him.

 The Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 9:10), but before one be-

comes wise one must understand. Understanding acquires knowledge. When knowledge

is practiced it turns into wisdom. Therefore fear of the Lord is just the beginning.

 After wisdom comes strength and after strength comes counsel. In the picture below

you will see how the Holy Spirit comes. We will go clockwise from 12 hour round.

F – Fear of God. U – Understanding. K – Knowledge. W – Wisdom. S – Strength. C –

Counsel. Encircled within these six Spirits is the Holy Spirit.

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Until that glorious day—when flesh will not corrupt us anymore and when we won’t

need God’s law explaining what’s clean and unclean—we will learn God’s ways directly

through His Spirit of Truth.

  [John 16:13] “But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the

truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and 

He will disclose to you what is to come.”

On the day of Pentecost, in Jerusalem, the Holy Spirit came with myriad Seraphim,

which appeared as flaming tongues of fire. The Gospel was preached and understanding

was given. All those present were pierced to their hearts; they repented and were baptized;

and then went home to the countries of their residence sharing the Gospel. That was the

good seed, which was then sown in the field, which is the world.

 [Matthew 28:19-20] “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them

 in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit , teaching them to observe all 

that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

 You can also be led and guided by the Spirit of Truth for it is impossible to record all

words here for you to understand.

 Ask Him now and may He lead into all the truth. When He comes, He first brings the

true fear of God, which is necessary, for without humility it is not possible to know God.

Without humility it is impossible to open the door to His Kingdom. One must humble the

pride of life and become like a child before Him. In that self-nullified state one becomes the

vessel of honor ready to be filled with understanding, which like a sponge absorbs the

heavenly knowledge. When knowledge is practiced it results in wisdom, which is indispen-

sible for any success in life. Wisdom makes one wise in deed and word, and therefore

strong; and only the strong can give practical counsel. A theorist is weak for he or she has

no wisdom, but only some unproven theoretical knowledge. God wants us to understand

Him, know Him and walk in His ways, for that reason He gives us the Holy Spirit.

May I lead you in prayer?

Say out loud believing in your heart what you say is the truth: “Dear Father, I do not know

who I am and what rules my soul, but I want to know You; and through You myself for You

know all things. I apologize for all wrongdoings and my sins. Please forgive me; I humble

the pride of this life before You.

I accept Jesus Christ Your Son as my Savior. I confess Him with my mouth and believe

in my heart that Jesus died for me on the cross. He who knew no sin became sin for me.

He rose from the dead.Lord Jesus, please come into my heart, mind, soul and my body—please make it your

temple. Live in me! I ask for Your Holy Spirit; please fill me up; and rule over me; teach me

and guide me; from now on and forever. Thank you. I am your child and I love you. Amen.”

If you honestly prayed this prayer and meant it then God heard you. Don’t wait for

something magical or dramatic to happen, just stay focused on that which you just said

and with the attitude of expectation live your life. You will notice a change and it will be


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‘Principalities & Powers’ by Joseph Luxum • New Wine Publishing © All Rights Reserved


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Write to us and share with us your experiences.

Let the peace of God and His presence be with you always.

Keep feeding on the Spirit of Truth.






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