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• Relationship between 2 or more species

• Mutualism- both benefit,

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• Commensalism-one benefits and other unaffected

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• One benefits at expense of other

• Pathogen-causes disease

• Metabolically unstable relationship

• Host dies or eliminates pathogen

• Most successful parasites

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• Host under continuous pressure from infection

• Battle between host & parasite

• Emergence of new & return of old infectious diseases

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• Capacity to produce disease– Adherence– Multiply on host– Ability to invade host or cause damage– Avoid being damaged by host’ defenses– Depends upon # of organisms

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• Intensity of disease produced

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• Contamination

• Infection- multiples and invades tissue

• Disease- disrupts state of health

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Normal Flora

• 1 x10 13 body cells with 1 X1014 bacterial cell

• Resident flora always present

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Normal Flora

• Resident flora

• Transient flora

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• Usually cause no disease

• Conditions allow them to cause disease

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• Intro of bug into unusual body sites

• Disturbance of normal flora

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Advantage of Normal Flora

• Ensures normal development of immune system

• Prevent over growth of harmful organism-microbial antagonism

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Microbial Antagonism

• Normal flora in colon prevents overgrowth of C. difficile

• E. coli produces bacteriocins

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Disadvantage of Normal Flora

• Potential for spread into sterile parts of body

• Intestine may perforate

• Skin broken

• Extraction of tooth

• Perianal skin flora enters urinary tract

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• Cause of disease• Koch’s postulates-organism causes disease

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Frequency of Disease

• Endemic– Always present in population

• Epidemic– Occurs in unusually high number of people

• Pandemic-– Epidemics world wide

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Types of Infectious Diseases

• Acute -develops rapidly but lasts for short time- influenza

• Chronic disease -develops more slowly and continues or recurs for long periods -TB, hepatitis B

• Latent- agent remains inactive for a time and later becomes active-shingles

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Herd Immunity

• Proportion of people in community who are immune

• Important in cyclic diseases• If high, disease can only spread among

susceptible people

• Loss of herd can lead to reemergence of disease

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Extent of Disease

• Local infection-limited to small area of body- boils

• Focal - starts as local infection (sinus or teeth) then enter blood or lymph and spreads

• Systemic -organisms or products spread through out body-measles

• Bacteremia- presence of bacteria in blood

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Extent of Disease

• Septicemia-bacteria multiplies in blood

• Toxemia-toxins in blood

• Viremia-virus in blood

• Subclinical (inapparent )- no noticeable illness-hepatitis A

• Primary disease- initial acute infection

• Secondary infection -opportunistic infection

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Stages of Disease

• Incubation period-time between initial infection and first appearance of S&S

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Prodromal Period

• Short period–only in some diseases 

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Invasive Period

• Period of illness-most acute

• Overt signs and symptoms

• Cough, sore throat

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• S&S subside

• Regain strength and recovery

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• Study of mechanism and factors involved in the frequency and spread of disease

• Incidence of diseases

• Prevalence of diseases

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People FoodEquipment




Portal ofExit


e Host Bacteria Parasites Viruses

Respiratory SystemGI & GU System

Direct ContactIndirect Contact


Broken Skin Respiratory System

GI & GU System

Elderly & Young

Pts w/ Chronic Illness


Use of Invasive Equip

Chain of Infection

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Spread of Disease

• Chain of infection• Agent- pathogen• Reservoir-source/site of organism• Human reservoirs

• Animal reservoirs -zoonoses

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• Sick people

• Carriers– Incubatory or asymptomatic carriers

• HIV but not AIDS• Hepatitis C

– Chronic carriers• Typhoid Mary excreted salmonella for years in feces• S. pyogenes in throat

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• Domestic and wild

• Mammals carry rabies-exposure to saliva

• Consume contaminated animals or products

• Arthropod borne-West Nile

• Zoonoses– Lyme disease: wild deer and mice– Hantavirus pulmonary disease: rodents

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Environmental Reservoirs

• Able to survive in nonliving reservoirs

• Soil: C. tetani – Humans produces toxin– Survives in soil by forming endospores

• Contaminated water

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Portal of Exit

• Via body fluid or feces– Respiratory tract– GI – GU– Nonintact skin-lesions, wounds

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Modes of Transmission

• Airborne– Tiny droplet nuclei vs large droplets– Dust particles– Suspended in air don’t fall– More likely to reach lower resp tract– Resistant to drying

• TB, measles and chicken pox

– Spread rapidly in crowded conditions

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• Large droplets, short distances

• Mucous droplets -coughing , sneezing

• Pertussis, influenza, SARS

• Talking less transmission

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• Direct- person to person, touching ,sex, colds– Horizontal transmission – Fecal-oral transmission especially if public

health & hygiene lacking

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• Vertical– Parent to offspring-birth canal, breast milk,


• Indirect-via fomites-tissues, diapers , door knobs- hands– Normal person sheds skin atrr rate of 5 x10 8

per day

• Hep B, C, D, lice, STDs

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• Via medium-water, food, blood - Shigella in water or food, S. aureus

• Vector-arthropod– Mechanical-passive – Biological- active

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Portals of Entry

• Respiratory

• GI - in food and water

• GU-sexually transmitted microbes

• Non intact skin- parenteral

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Susceptible Host

• Imunocompromised

• Old age or young

• Not vaccinated

• Large inoculum

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Healthcare Infections

• Healthcare acquired– Exogenous

– Endogenous

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• Serious illness or death

• Prolonged hospital stay

• Need for antimicrobial therapy

• Foci for spreading infection

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Controlling Disease Transmission

• Standard precautions-everyone

• Isolation for communicable diseases or bugs

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• SSIs –prophylactic antibiotics

• Devices- central lines & ventilators

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• Quarantine

• Immunization- influenza & pneumococcal

• Vector control

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