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Page 1: Principles Of Programming Languages Lecture 2 Outline Design-By-Contract Iteration vs. Recursion Scope and binding High-order procedures.

Principles Of Programming Languages

Lecture 2

Page 2: Principles Of Programming Languages Lecture 2 Outline Design-By-Contract Iteration vs. Recursion Scope and binding High-order procedures.


• Design-By-Contract

• Iteration vs. Recursion

• Scope and binding

• High-order procedures

Page 3: Principles Of Programming Languages Lecture 2 Outline Design-By-Contract Iteration vs. Recursion Scope and binding High-order procedures.

Design By Contract

• Signature: Name of procedure and arguments• Purpose: Short text explaining what the procedure

does• Type• Examples of usage• Tests indicating correctness• Preconditions: Impose a certain obligation to be

guaranteed on entry by any client module that calls it• Postcondition: Guarantee a certain property on exit

Page 4: Principles Of Programming Languages Lecture 2 Outline Design-By-Contract Iteration vs. Recursion Scope and binding High-order procedures.

ExampleSignature: area-of-square(length)Purpose: to compute the area of a rectangle whose side length is ‘length’Type: [Number -> Number]Example: (area-of-square 5) should produce 25Pre-conditions: length>= 0Post-condition: result = length^2Tests: (area-of-square 2) expected value: 4 (area-of-square -2) expected value: ??? [What do you think?]

Page 5: Principles Of Programming Languages Lecture 2 Outline Design-By-Contract Iteration vs. Recursion Scope and binding High-order procedures.

Design-By-Contract in this course

• You are required to write this for every procedure that you write in an exercise

• In the example shown in class we will often omit it

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Recursive Procedures

• How to create a process of unbounded length?

• Needed to solve more complicated problems.

• No “for” or “while” loop constructs in scheme!

• Answer: Recursion!!!

• Start with a simple example.

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27מבוא מורחב - שיעור

Example: Sum of squaresS(n) = 02 + 12 + 22 ………. …… (n-1)2 + n2

Notice that:S(n) = S(n-1) + n2

S(0) = 0

These two properties completely define the function


Wishful thinking: if I could only solve the smaller instance…

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28מבוא מורחב - שיעור

An algorithm for computing sum of squares

(define sum-squares (lambda (n) (if (= n 0)

0 (+ (sum-squares (- n 1)) (square n))))

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29מבוא מורחב - שיעור

Evaluating (sum-squares 3) (define (sum-squares n)

(if (= n 0) 0 (+ (sum-squares (- n 1)) (square n))))

(sum-squares 3)(if (= 3 0) 0 (+ (sum-squares (- 3 1)) (square 3)))

( +(sum-squares (- 3 1) )(square 3))( +(sum-squares (- 3 1) ) *(3 3))

( +(sum-squares (- 3 1) )9) +((sum-squares 2) 9)

( +(if (= 2 0) 0 (+ (sum-squares (- 2 1)) (square 2)) )9)…

( +( +(sum-squares 1 )4 )9)…

+( +( +((sum-squares 0) 1 )4 )9)( +( +( +(if (= 0 0) 0 (+ (sum-squares (- 0 1)) (square 0)) )1 )4 )9)

+( +( +(0 1 )4 )9)…14

What would have happened if ‘if’ was a function?

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210מבוא מורחב - שיעור

(sum-squares 3)(if (= 3 0) 0 (+ (sum-squares (- 3 1)) (square 3)))(if #f 0 (+ (sum-squares 2) 9))(if #f 0 (+ (if #f 0 (+ (sum-squares 1) 4)) 9))(if #f 0 (+ (if #f 0 (+ (if #f 0 (+ (sum-squares 0) 1)) 4)) 9))(if #f 0 (+ (if #f 0 (+ (if #f 0 (+ (if #t 0 (+ (sum-squares -1) 0)) 1))

4)) 9))


Evaluating (sum-squares 3) with IF as regular form

(define (sum-squares n) (if (= n 0) 0 (+ (sum-squares (- n 1)) (square n))))

We evaluate all operands .We always call (sum-squares) again .

We get an infinite loop…….. OOPS

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General form of recursive algorithms•test, base case, recursive case

(define sum-sq (lambda (n)

(if (= n 0) ; test for base case 0 ; base case

( +( sum-sq (- n 1)( )square n )) ; recursive case


• base case: small (non-decomposable) problem• recursive case: larger (decomposable) problem• at least one base case, and at least one recursive case.

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212מבוא מורחב - שיעור

Another example of a recursive algorithm

• even?

(define even? (lambda (n)

(not (even? (- n 1))) ; recursive case


(if (= n 0) ; test for base case #t ; base case

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213מבוא מורחב - שיעור

Short summary

• Design a recursive algorithm by1. Solving big instances using the solution to smaller

instances.2. Solving directly the base cases.

• Recursive algorithms have1. test2. recursive case(s)3. base case(s)

Page 14: Principles Of Programming Languages Lecture 2 Outline Design-By-Contract Iteration vs. Recursion Scope and binding High-order procedures.

Iteration Vs. Recursion

• In scheme there is no “while” or “for” construct

• Requires getting use to “wishful thinking”– Sometimes more natural!

• Problem: Recursive processes are “costly’ memory-wise– Need to “remember” pending operations

• Enter Iterative processes• Lots of examples to follow

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15מבוא מורחב

Compute ab (Recursive Approach)

• wishful thinking :

• base case:

ab = a * a)b-1(

a0 = 1

(define exp-1 (lambda (a b)

(if (= b 0) 1 (* a (exp-1 a (- b 1))))))

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16מבוא מורחב

Compute ab (Iterative Approach)

• Another approach:

• Operationally:

• Halting condition:

product product * a

counter counter - 1

counter = 0

ab = a2 *a*…*a= a3 *…*a•Which is:

ab = a * a * a*…*a


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Compute ab (Iterative Approach)

(define (exp-2 a b)(define (exp-iter a counter product)

(if (= counter 0) product (exp-iter a (- counter 1) (* a product))) (exp-iter a b 1))

Syntactic Recursion

How then, do the two procedures differ ?

They give rise to different processes – lets use our model to understand how .

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18מבוא מורחב

Recursive Process(define exp-1

(lambda (a b) (if (= b 0) 1 (* a (exp-1 a (- b 1))))))

(exp-1 3 4) *(3( exp-1 3 3)) *(3 *( 3( exp-1 3 2))) *(3 *( 3 *( 3( exp-1 3 1))))

*(3 *( 3 *( 3 *( 3( exp-1 3 0))))) *(3 *( 3 *( 3 *( 3 1)))) *(3 *( 3 *( 3 3))) *(3 *( 3 9)) *(3 27)81

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19מבוא מורחב

Iterative Process

(exp-2 3 4)(exp-iter 3 4 1)(exp-iter 3 3 3)(exp-iter 3 2 9)

(exp-iter 3 1 27)(exp-iter 3 0 81)


(define (exp-2 a b)(define (exp-iter a counter product)

(if (= counter 0) product (exp-iter a (- counter 1) (* a product))) (exp-iter a b 1))

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20מבוא מורחב

The Difference

(exp-2 3 4)(exp-iter 3 4 1)(exp-iter 3 3 3)(exp-iter 3 2 9)(exp-iter 3 1 27)(exp-iter 3 0 81)


(exp-1 3 4)(* 3 (exp-1 3 3))(* 3 (* 3 (exp-1 3 2)))(* 3 (* 3 (* 3 (exp-1 3 1))))(* 3 (* 3 (* 3 (* 3 (exp-1 3 0)))))(* 3 (* 3 (* 3 (* 3 1))))(* 3 (* 3 (* 3 3)))(* 3 (* 3 9))(* 3 27)

81 Growing amount of space

Constant amount of space

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Why More Space?

• Recursive exponentiation:(define exp-1 (lambda (a b)

(if (= b 0) 1 (* a (exp-1 a (- b 1)))))

operation pending

•Iterative exponentiation: (define (exp-2 a b)

(define (exp-iter a counter product) (if (= counter 0) product (exp-iter a (- counter 1) (* a product)))) (exp-iter a b 1))

no pending operations

Page 22: Principles Of Programming Languages Lecture 2 Outline Design-By-Contract Iteration vs. Recursion Scope and binding High-order procedures.


Example: Factorial

• wishful thinking :

• base case:

n! = n * )n-1(!

n = 1

(define fact (lambda (n)

(if (= n 1) 1 (* n (fact (- n 1))))))

Iterative or Recursive?

Page 23: Principles Of Programming Languages Lecture 2 Outline Design-By-Contract Iteration vs. Recursion Scope and binding High-order procedures.


Computing SQRT: A Numeric Algorithm

To find an approximation of square root of x, use the following recipe:• Make a guess G• Improve the guess by averaging G and x/G• Keep improving the guess until it is good enough

G = 1X = 2

X/G = 2 G = ½ (1+ 2) = 1.5

X/G = 4/3 G = ½ (3/2 + 4/3) = 17/12 = 1.416666

X/G = 24/17 G = ½ (17/12 + 24/17) = 577/408 = 1.4142156

.2for :Example xx

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(define (sqrt-iter guess x)( if (good-enough? guess x)

guess( sqrt-iter (improve guess x) x)))

(define (good-enough? guess x)( <( abs (- (square guess) x) )precision))

(define (improve guess x)( average guess (/ x guess)))

(define (sqrt x)( sqrt-iter initial-guess x))

(define initial-guess 1.0)(define precision 0.0001)

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425מבוא מורחב - שיעור

Towers of Hanoi

•Three posts, and a set of disks of different sizes.

•A disk can be placed only on a larger disk (or on bottom).

•At the beginning all the disks are on the left post.

The goal is to move the disks one at a time, while preserving these conditions, until the entire stack

has moved from the left post to anotherYou are allowed to move only the topmost disk at a step

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426מבוא מורחב - שיעור

Use our paradigm• Wishful thinking:

• Smaller problem: A problem with one disk less

• How do we use it ?To move n disks from post A to post C (using B as aux):

Move top n-1 disks from post A to post B (using C as aux)

Move the largest disk from post A to post C

Move n-1 disks from post B to post C (using A as aux)

We solve 2 smaller problems !

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427מבוא מורחב - שיעור

Towers of Hanoi

(define (one-move from to) (display "Move top disk from ") (display from) (display " To ") (display to) (newline))

(define (move-tower size from to aux) (cond ((= size 1) (one-move from to)) (else (move-tower (- size 1) from aux to) (one-move from to) (move-tower (- size 1) aux to from))))

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428מבוא מורחב - שיעור

Tree Recursion(mt 3 1 2 3)

(mt 2 1 3 2)

(mt 1 3 1 2)

(one-move 1 2)

(one-move 1 2) (mt 2 3 2 1)

(one-move 3 2)(mt 1 2 3 1)(one-move 1 3)(mt 1 1 2 3) (mt 1 1 2 3)

(one-move 2 3) (one-move 3 1)(one-move 1 2)

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429מבוא מורחב - שיעור

Towers of Hanoi -- trace(move-tower 3 1 2 3)

Move top disk from 1 to 2 Move top disk from 1 to 3

Move top disk from 2 to 3 Move top disk from 1 to 2

Move top disk from 3 to 1

Move top disk from 3 to 2 Move top disk from 1 to 2

1 2 31 2 31 2 31 2 31 2 31 2 31 2 31 2 3 a

(move-tower 2 1 3 2)

(move-tower 2 3 2 1)

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Time Complexity for towers of HanoiDenote by T(n) the number of steps that we need to take to solve the case for n disks .

T(n) = 2T(n-1) + 1T(1) = 1

This solves to: T(n) = 2n-1= (2n)

What does that mean ?

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Hanoi TowersSay we want to solve the problem for 400 disks. Say it takes a second to move a disk .

We need about 2400 seconds.That’s about 2373 years.That’s about 2363 millenniums.

Might be longer then the age of the universe ….

Infeasible !!!!

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Let’s buy a fast computerand make it feasible.

Our new computer can move giga billion (260 ) disks a second. Absolutely the last word in the field of computing.

We need about 2340 seconds.That’s about 2313 years.That’s about 2303 millenniums.

Does not help much. Infeasible !!!!

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