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Page 1: Probe Leads to>lib.catholiccourier.com/1946-january-november-catholic-courier-journ… · forces ol materialism that seem , of Supreme Spiritual Advisor. | flp &.taTe the Offertory

ielwaol Aid Bil; fte»a«ieB|i,KeaW€y

pi T" J




orous opposition to diserkai-

w$m *&$&• prf*v& aehaols «»Httihed in grtwisions ofSenate Bffl 18k which woijfcl to effeci «ra« Fedraal uia only to. rjublfc OBsstfit' veteran . «t ^ achoeis -.wis voiced in a resolu-Won passed at the dosing sea-•ion of the Knights of SL John congestion here^ ' •' :

Other resolutions thanked the Holy Father tor his letter of blessing and called for non-in- j terference with theL political life of Spain and continuance of. United States representation at > the Vatican.

Bishop James E. Kearney oij Rochester was again named

''^^ihe^;'ipritttaT"adVis>r''oi the Knights of St. John, and Andrew! O. Zlnk of Detroit was re-elected' supreme president Mrs. Clara! Renner of Columbus was chosen, president of the Ladles" Auxili

Bishop Edward F. Hohan of Cleveland officiated at a Ponfifl ral Mass to open the convention arid: read the,message of papal blessing , ' *' '..._, G, I. Bill Cited ' "to Its present form," the resoluuon ch-the school-aid* bill.'

. rtad,, "Senale aiU>18i; la contrari., 'to the spirit el'the various grants . In-aid made by the Federal Gov- • erhmenf - during recent years, to the fj I Bill of Rights and the lately-enacted school^ lunch pro t gramr" Iturged amendment of'

Cycliit Comei l t6 MtlAs Xo Honor H m ot Dieppe

:t^|«$M*f —• <jjic> —" "A

ww$# ***» pedaled m' mttw o* a Weyde, from Wladsor, Oat. to this city, to honor the w«m«ry of a her* ef ike Di-ap^xaM a t a memorial Bfaas la St. Peter** Chorestor de­ceased members of tha Knights of St. John. > , The veteran was W-jear-std •John Me-lllchael, who said he could not recall the' name of Hie lad who died at Dieppe, bat knew that he wa« *•» boy wit* guta and faith." Both were roamber* of ttw KHWX Scottish Regiment.

air. McMJehael related that the lad, who was from Cleve­land, noticed the Canadian'* Knights of HU John card. •hook his hand and told htm that.he also belonged to the Knights. "\VVU celebrate to­gether at the drat convention ta Cleveland," he eald.\ ; , "He Isn't here, bat I'm' back

to honor his memory," the. Canadian veteran commented.

IstUSSrfiii CSrffl0iiized at

•..', (Coatowed from sago :|) ,';

jrament in the Paultoe CftRpel Of, the Vatican* Otic* v inside the-

t:gre«f edjflcei he of?«ed * ilsrt . grayer ^f^te.^-.^udn. altar** '^'»M^ ; '; .«»a:%«»-waa bop%-

,to Ks ti^^--}sivt0g-m^K^k :$afer>. Chairi:; •. l ite; pvcetMlon wi^'th^Iaflg. e«r«een at the vatlabaji since the canopkaHoa- of St* Jotoi towed^ oh Eaater Sunday i a 1JB|«;

The aoletrin ritual of canonla-Ittpn reached itj climax wKen folJoT iijg ttii? alnilitg oJ *tyfct Crea*«," Oie/Boly JFather, Sum

emniforinnlit:: |«roe*uttittat t% 3iew: Sainfc -MM' t% Hdfe 3P»flter tetefted. lh#;«i»jnh« pn*|»» fit the "re Deuxh,'V thi^ belte ot St, Peter*^ began to ;.cin*^U*&t.-|b(j.'

, glbrtbuB * npwaA TJte Bella .of U I Y K I S S I l l l H N 'churchesth^uthoattherC^.of

1 T J I 1 n i m r i t I I A a l A f l O a n d f o r t l i e n**1 half hour their

AWARDED HONORS.»«- s f i c f S . I, - • • - -**- « '»small- throne near the main^alttr.

*»,. K«II -,» 1.. . ' 1 _. K. A 1 National honors won by laem- vvhece he vetted tor the first the bill to|gtvc equal rights. «nd bera ol Rochester Regiment. I Mass ta honor of St. Francet T ^ t - ™ ^ treatment of Knighu of St. John and Ladtea Xavler Cabrtal. His Efcrinfflice an acnoois. ( Auxiliary at the Cleveland, Ohio, (ciemente Cardinal Mlcsra aervea

Bishop Hohan told the dele (convenUon are being acclaimed | u Aaatstaht Priest at the Miaa. gates thai "now niore than ever as the racmbeis return to their. The-JBplaUe ana.4Gospeli'«lth»l-we-need''such-grmips;-'tts* "the f homes m^Rocheste?" " " "•'"""" "'Mass were atrng In Latin and In Knights of St John and its La I llis Excellency. Bishop Kear-JGrwifc wltb a long Greek stag-dies' Auxlliarlea to oppose the ( nej again a -cepted the posiUon mg of the Gradual after the Epl*. forces ol materialism that seem , of Supreme Spiritual Advisor. | f l p &.taTe the Offertory the tra-lo,be rampant, doing what they, Major Camilla llastlaucj. of | d l t ) 0 M , options oflTered to the «.an to„_uadermine the .sptrtiuai, .WJAUk^.it.l-adica^AMAOIM^, ftaali.Ho|y^Pl,her».it a camSUaatrorf ' that Is so necessary a part of our , elevated to the office of Supreim-Itstllvklu*i .ami nallonal lile ti -we j i'^il V Ice—P1 esident.- Financial are to continue the ministry ot I Secretary of the tnstrtct Aualli-our dlvtno Lord, whose followers ar>- t n e Is also financial secre-wo strive to be;" | ^'J "1 SS. Peter and Paula

Speaking „ .he invention '. J ^ o Nc, «, £ * £ • £ ^ omamenied.^dle% . . 'Qv? , .W8ft -«mwT'rfir- Clarenre P"Ttf9yi1mr*«ai-J>* !«a«*a-*'-Uve-.memi>er~of^- ivK(i;K!?^*---^^^^r^,1^ dean of-the Ctrfiece of Law « the ' Al^1Vf/*;N^ 4*. ^ ' S / C * r t . I'ruvertlty ot Notre Dam... a „ , Si Michael» Commandery No. ctsred that -we cannot hav* Ub I j * £ ^ r U d y ^ T ^ S? ^rty without morality and .here ! fh.ur*: ««"»•«««». ^ , ^ ^ can-b^^o-morl.ty v . H r m n i - ^ 4 0 ^ - i ^ | i U n C L ftflfl Ite I llglon" He chalUmged tho,.- n t n , ! . , r t I ,.* . . * . and nrst distanirc prize I tireless propagandise of m8 S l BonlU^ r>lr-1(r D m ,P a r n •

ynatlsm «ho have all but per , o f A u A U l a r v N o 4 7 , S t. Boniface I Church returned with two na-

1 1 Clonal honors. Appearing In is to be ,found.ln,the largesse 0 ^ . 0 , ^ n W , uniforms and * cafi-an aU powerful state.- j g ^ ^ by caft*ia John Miles •A Gift of God* of C<jmmandeT> No. 25, St. Bon-

'The victims of liranny and , Jace Church, the Auxiliary drill the lovers of liberty the world , company aim third prize,of $100

were presented As usual,. these^ eorislsted of gflld(«d e«skt einttlB' ing wtne and vwrter. turtle doves, singing birds In a silvered, cage, offerings of bread., snd three

suaded us that religion la old fashioned and that true liberalism '

vyHlch "bore ,a picture pf Mother Csbrlrtl ~*ms pretentea to His Holiness by Monilgrtqr Casey of. Chicago, the city where Saint Frances, Xavier Cabrinl diedj„__ ~* Ar^thenc^rnrnnnion,' Cardiial Bruno and Monjlgnor Brcnnan brought the- Host and the ChaUce to the Holy Father for the Papal Communion. The Pope received the Precious Blood from the Chal­ice through a gblSeaiitBbe.r v

Flaa* Dropa Leafle«a> , At the cdncluaion'oi the Mast, the Holy Father again was borne from, the Baalllea;«») the Sedta

drills and j Geata torts, beneath the canopy. over." he said, "must learn what , In the competitive our American ancestors knew so , fourth prize of S30 In the dlst- j As he emerxed from, the church, well, namely, lhat human free .ir.ee awards The auxiliary com-j he was greeted once again by diSKi U a gin of God arui thai 1 i^i^l ~"'.JTi " iZTi V vtUiIlS»3| 01 'y by faith In and devotion to, drill teams fj-om various sections G««l can htiman freedom be pre i m the United States. sereed "In origin, history and consti j I t i k i i n ( i r a i i l l S l P t tuUonal principle, the United! aaUUIJII U l d U U a H J O

Catholic I). Class prlncipli

Sutes la a religious nation. By onr conscious and deliberate ad­herence" to our religious tradi­tions for more than 150 years, we became the greatest nation hi the history of the world.


Wiont . .

Cltnwood 646

Gottry Sam Carting Co.

47 Parkway



VAN UHIS \ „rti,.,l««" J


Ri«f*» Erectef*

^ SINCE 1888 •

New York tTVCi - The Ca tholic University of Lublin la Poland, with an enrollment of L500 students, conducted its reg­ular Jane graduation and award­ed degrees to a number of stu­dents despite many difficulties crippling Its epsmUen, the In­ter Catholic TVess Agency here reports. The University, which was clos­

ed by the Nads during the war, was reorganized by a small group of professors after the faE Of Germany and in Novem­ber 1944 its wrecked buildings were opened for classes with the Rev. Antoni SlomkowsM as rec­tor. The university now has 70 professors on Its staff, several of them from the liquidated uni­versities of Witeo and Lwow. The school has four depart­ments: theology, canon law, few, sociology and economics, and the classics.

The Holy See approved the school's charter in 1920. How­ever. It was not granted fun university status by the Polish Government until J933. After the Institute had been closed by the Nazis. Fordham University of Nevjt York symbolically adopted the Catholic University of LaMin and dedicated a hall to the uni­versity on the Fordham campus.

2 Priests, Surgeon Given Degrees

Brooklyn <NCN Two widely-known priests and a prominent surgeon were honored at the 76lh annual commencement ex­ercises of S t John's College, the original unit of the present S t John's University, here. At the same time, diplomas were awarded to 40 students of the college by the Very Rev. WB-liam Jf. Msboney, CSL, presi-dent.

Honorary degrees were pre­sented to ties .Very Rev. Fran­cis J. Fare?, president of Im-raactjlate fpa.) College; the Rev. Edward J. Higgins. founder and first president of the Catho­lic War Vptersns of the United

I States, and Dr. Thomas M. Brai-nau, of the Long Island College of Medicine.

\ Ottawa — CNO — Pope Pius XH has appointed the Rev. James Kin. parish priest oi | CampbeJltoa. N.B.. as Bishop of Victoria, B.C Father HIB. who is 47 years of age, teas ovdained 23 years ago.

ebouta ol joy hum the multi­tudes, upon whom he bestowed his blessings.

In a brief homOy, the Pope described the new saint's Jife as an admenition to the world that "It must not be divided In stormy rivalry.'* "The nations and peo­ples," he s i r a flwiH M m from her, who ardently loved her fa therland and scattered tha treas­ures of her' charity and labors even to other countries, that they are called to- constitute a single family."

During tbc eantsiizafkK) cere­monies, the Holy father w i s as­sisted by the Rev. Saivatare hU Burglo, CM., of Emmitshurg, Md, the poatulator in the pend­ing cause for canonization of Mother Elizabeth Seton, another renowned United SUt<» religi­ous.

As the solemn ceremonies were in. progress In the Basilica, a plane, Oying low over the Eternal City, dropped leaflets bearing JI picture o f Mother Ca­brinl and ciuotallaria from her writings a s a souvenir of the canonization to the crowd* in St Peter's Square.

A delegation of nuns of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart which was founded by SL Frances Xavier Qabrlni, from New York, Philadelphia, Chi­cago, New Orleans, Dallas and other parts of the United States, occupied a special section in the Basilica for the rituals.

Among the dignitaries of the diplomatic corps wfao were pres­ent were Myron C Taylor, per­sonal representative- of President Harry S. Truman at the Vati­can; Franklin C Gown, a mem­ber of tus staff; Jacques Mar* tain. Ambassador from France to the Holy See, and Ambassa­dor Joseph P. Walshe, Ireland's envoy at the Vatican.

• » * •


Probe Leads to> £; 1 h.„. A, - • \

R«#e--{NG)~T«|oiher FtW*k X«.vl»- f^fjr»|)|*

mymmmtm*»iv^A**i*lfmmi+*& M

C S K A M A ^ M B B I S B I 4KiSrttsBA<fssV

Ria.llt^Z t tgra#«

•a t ta in "CSNlJl tiitnti of ^fia tUtKttktt a t aU

St,- ^t»r's^ |a l f jef t - ty^y^- .

ckdmed, lmt» for thM v « y re«on ,th# light af obartty

atricHnt t*ie «Wtni >tt*-CW««H» af^.««|-'aha BaatOba a<M W.^M> . 1 3 3 . C t W , - j k J W ^ * f c jfr- t^^W^fM.

given t« ehariMiie IwiUhl-

BIBLE COURSES .- atarkm, IaA ~ , («N3) -^ The MaSioo city, tvnool; lKJ»ttJ;)«|| adopted * -pita f* fcttodttc* » ' hie courwii. ,ih tM hWt «**!*

Because «£ £NA-MSM aaRrttkacfr

Btrnftnhul ti ti iwiwant a MBC id" nt jooTsa M*"3WJIII nisi iim ' TiTtUPt ftf ft!nTOfMl% M$Mft4f|l

c a n ^ a u o n or^l ta l la«-b«rf l

tJtilt^l S«*t» eitti^«tev«t«d ....; satnthood */iWMfcR*rl^ti»5Wl>Jf Botrums an4 viaSot't litnt n r w e

theroattvt* "i\fti' '•iimtiiT«ff,"''"W • **u m ullitiwmH mi.Iifiy.til'

no*-ex^otfdtnary' 'that1 la, sW-

JRw5"R 4 w f l * - I ^ ^ ^ S ^ ^*K ^ r l ^ r , p j ^ p j ^ ^ ^ ^

* • *sH^ -^rt#^wsj p *^ ta^p^^s^ ^^m iwWJ^#W BnWf^a^w^Wjp»

Tti* ilttdMsl CMtsKr MlttsMi « " * f | P . | I J ' 'Wm ^9\ ^W^"W^|P" ^JpW(WT^"w TIT •

tt't'lbjsV ^^s^l^Jsa 'aJsVji^lbBi^ ^^^^^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

OlTllj, ulatim t* imiUMHsli > 11 il *fljiftfttrt1"|iv' tqtHttUW '.l' trw-and t)c»iD*r' triaL wldch tnwaftlr •laiti for yeam, lrtiwtftiHl <nm>

> '-< * ' ^ J


• - ^ P I ^ j P ^ B j * i P ( - ^ W l e W ^ I *


^W>ftW*WWfWW»w»rW»»i n mm 11O » > ^ M « ^ s < W r W * ; . •

NIWAaiaEET l*if«s»>'d

Plan for the Blbl* cljta**a was proposed , oy t&li <JorHW»i)niftt ;&uja(dJ;-oZ^AV«^t^'']|i^t4liM:^, w - i i l J .

tis«^.tatiy!i#, -*t; -th* Q K M ^ . Protwtant, and Jtwiih faiths; pripi; to .iuhroiwrtt 1| fe» »th# school-v b iiHrd, ... • . .-

AicofdlnjS ;|0,Uwi pUjvm-'(*Ss>, tive course wQi be svaSlabls lor setifnr .^»t"simW:3r*|^t«r'»B<f:

am *lefh^iti«y coto*' will UNr be. oft!ere4: to all •toyffi-igiw.

farm <tf etalc legttIii*JdJU| w f tjo

\yithdut' iparenttil.rOoj|«hfc

auhtnlt to the CanfragaUori ^ ssislawilsassismi Ritaa all writltvra attrflrutwi to S « s s s s s M M S the persoa who* caua* foe K*. S X U ^ S S B S * ^

After 'afl t N mulatM MnM* lad ha* bMiv adjabstad fiiC fcraa#» latad. the Oanarsaatkti sUMbjlb? ^ T * W ^B J^^W ?f -I" * ' l j l ~ ^ | ^ ^ ^ ' ^ ^ ' * •WIW WW»"^^ |B;

sure ttat tliare Mid bwrniw wv dha* euK:e£ *wM*iik oaadfdam. aa iRrtaUk^

to h&tt w d Uftdirtalta* . . fWfWRs m^faMWWBt-TOW*-nWflWtt|' W m WaSon?** wJa^tfiiasawsiii jit biMsl >f lliii *j«4dJ(S|0*'' '

the^ Jflf. pookge aajjC . . " ^ - • —•

Mihiilovitch f !•« Sfntfo.Pffiifitnr

All th^sa' pcoeedurs* re^Uf* * ' least avBosifi pisnary JsniMtHHl 00 the i i n s4l •' ^wtysgsiBiw

,JEv«ryb»4>r is ir«« i t t lMt «Mt*^,

hert the t«xt of a »tat«»n*nt by

;io' "Pytsiajewt Harry'' sV ftiiimnH asking him ?'to tain th« *#«••>, sary soungteoua steps'; tamim.

. . . sptat •jack,of bar tifctlsie workiae with the lUHaa l*a«fgrsaU Is tha lafted States, wis the otcaaina of great relaklpg by tha S.4KH) in-atbltikats af Sast Aagtlo Loaiglana, in rwrtaem Italy, vfcere iha wis hctiua&d where Is preaerTed many objects associated with her tarly life Photos ((op to bottom) show the baptismal f*at at vbfeb Mother i'sbrihl « u baptlted. the home where she was born and • bed •aid to be used by tha saint. Aw* pastes by Lea

Stoacker. (NC Photw)

Cftariites Share la Eafate PhUadelplma - WC* - A

number of CatheSc chasrflable institutions will share In the bulk of the $291,348 estate left by Mrs. Kathryn K T. Horn, widow of a restaurateur, fi was disclosed hi her win filed here for probate. Mrs. Horn died on AprO 4.

100 Mothers 1^6X ChUdreiJ ChicoulUtti — CNC) — A

group of 160 moCbera gave ifrfk to 1JZ6Z cafiabwe, or an average «f more 4ssaa IS ehO-drett ta a fanny, stcoordbag to a mrtey made la the Notre Otme dTfehertviB« psrfsft la the lake S t Joh» ate*. Of t!i!<> total 1,033 cMldren are living. One mother had 21 chiMraa and two ted 19 each.

Steps to Beatify Heroic 'Hermit of Sahara9 Taken

. 1 ^ .tha /taaitor, * Css^bstt.

w«f*-n<- tit* raiiaa islia la 1 aaisii ^ ^ ^ ^ ,*^BW* ^ #^wwswJP^r^Bae , ^ F ^WM^Ha flr IP swTPK*

anlii limls Issowii aa tba Baalfi AdVocada. baouaaa it fct fdat Aitat

¥ ~~- — - — -

GfiL l ^ U Mlhailwitch, ._•, ;_w»#vR ..WsWw^ysHB^a?(ta^wW!sBfc-JpiBi- - BssiKB^B^^Bap *

yitchaomHnltjla:»i»lk:SaWtt o i ^ne«d^'w9u}d^y#;.tliM)iitM»«i*»- „^__ _ , . ^ _ evidenot.' a# - pur. failure • ,i# • *•*. pM ptlUt <Mst TMiiiHftt MMB* '#pect.:~«u):;^o^.oWJj»tt«M' ,fa»»r W W#km cVmHiifs «ws« ward* our Jaitrifui -frienoo,* *"*, Vminaaias fastn rsnimut sm1 *dd«!di., • • :^. . . ;^^~. . _ -t. "--y

Dr. Kenkei Rerumj

, y-i^*yl Of

IB^A^-j-^asBa. i*M^^Ub^jl^^^*h^K

AsWbsa>fl> >t*a% P t b a s A ' W I S S ^ B S S l l s B l M s W i T ^^^™*W»- ^WBT Vipa^r - ^ »r^Vj'-*wT ^B^^ffBT ^SalBm^aB,,,w^WW

Is' th# («A*sW ^abtt te-thswfc*!*

• Faculty

Par^ - Aii exhibition in tho Palais •ees Invftgdes, deatcafed to the .memory'of-the Rev. Charles de roucauid,'theherznittjriest of the. SWmra',.agafn focuses atten­tion, on. the life and'deatli of that berate jasmnfcoi"0o4Jpr whose, beatiflcitlon'a process may soon be Instituted More the proper authorities in florae.

In aainouacing that prepara­tions are be|pg njade with a view to the intrbductlon-of the cause, the Prefect Apostolic of Ghardaia hi the Sahara, hat appealed to all In poaaeMion of writings left by Fathaer de FoucatfJd to sahmlt thetn to the ecclesiastical au­thorities,

Father de Foucauld. who serv­ed as ah officer fa the French army during; the latter part of the tfirifitefpt cftitulry, heeaffle a priest a s the result. ott&Bim destte to *«*&!*£* M the emscosn-tnStted dufrag his early tmraJy life. He retired to Tamaarasset In Hojfjsr, oine of the most in-scccasihle parts of the Sahara desert, .tfhaae he spent his life in prayer and meditation and eitrrylfli tfte^ftithto the natives, He was slain by brigands on De cember 1,1916, and is buried at raGolea-lWaMgHi*

!lijgh-ifc»laag o0cers of th$ FVttWft-attny aitfejtfled the open­ing of the CE&oIt.in the Palais f des InvaUde*. A replica of the hermitage had , hem erected where the soldierpriest spent the yeaw of his religious life. His iwte-fa8©k**»3 other memotes ol his life t«te*silso*ti. '

Fatlier de Foucauld, jnember of a s arlsfocfatic fanilly, was born to 1859 In Strasbourg, Al­sace. He joined the sfmy asd, fn, 1 8 8 a ttWceeded in entering' IHUaoceo,, tiwai closed to Eu­ropeans, in the disguise of a Rus­sian RahhL i^or many months he lived with the natives, exploring the eotaotry, Some years later, fc» decided to retire from the world and went to the Holy Land where he entered a 'rrapnfst monastery preparing himself for the. priest hood. ftcso!ve# to spend his life in peatBcoce and mortification,; he went. i » d r to. the- Sahara!

where he built a hermitage and Imposed upon himself the strict­est rules.

the pnatiV- fi&ypthpmSfo- m which is fWf&l»,id>siH»* -,

• / ' • •

T»e;vRe?.' rptJ- Jo»e$£ Bi- KfftWS, OPPA, bid: jetUMMSl to «W, #» .pirtment;t'«!.-''etfohotnjcl", it) P* Joseph's Cojlefir here. a*t*ii * t*^!yMr#|^*ft.'#v*bsi||ieir.|* * m a n k p ' l f t h f p>Wlj«# fSMfc* ;uo tmwfaWJmffi• ' •;**

Dr. Kenkel, who taught law;* courses *t C^a3te:vnl»fl!i%«, ha* mg%m:•"•-tfitlnplen-pit: Profit Shalrtnf,'wmh'P»«".S<f defined *§ "an agreehvmt b*^ iweeii e i ^ o y w a h f f * m m ^ m , . •.. -, -.-.-^ whereby the latter r ^ l v « , In ad- ada and the UnKed »aaw jetMtf gldcn t& bis mMk< *^1^'-M:^^^:^^-^^*^I0^ iiie, «* tha' oeeMiotf <*tflim iWt

Wb» «shUa> a waatasaB* %S!BMB1 CatiB-ClMBBkaLaBJiSBV 4|«i-{Mbji|4ffkJbJbk||

*t that<!*»*•» llmibjinr, aarrM «sl « * ****** I t ninll'a Atlreaabt sM DBSB! ta ~ — - -n*Wtt. fnr" risi ialirsBrtBasB<~Bs!~lial' afgumeota. Ha sww httaranrwad 4* *T aTBBjr.- saWBfDai;'! rwuMfU -

jLaflttfaff'' ' S M E . f & l k i M r * ' J U y a j ^ ^ | M b H | ^ R t t

.,fli >(<wiuiWthbsl fa t i t h t i h 'iiMmh"Si i{16"ii , nl tut1 ^- 'a - .

_ -Hjeiss. pajaviiK'i.nnp|li' aMCnw a ^ .aa^ui-lBihJte. oottsiaYor^^ at w ^ h tl>*.ftl»« aafcs the axWe* of 4ti* '• C*ferfrfai f-* ssiff ssaaeaaa' T?rr* ^ewwt ^F^»^jM^mfiaBM^ vBsa^sav, ^Bsa^r|rw^BS^Bf

Kf*wt,b«fbr* lamiksg tha toW Macrae*' aod M & B M >«&htkisT ' i ir i ^ eaJwnfa»ti»BV •- " . ' fiat

<taSs;T'iBi ^MP • awv *a^w^*

f ishttd "*B '' 4 C|& as»*ai, •artJe* ay • C301I«JB« 1b)0«B« «ir mm4t WSTMMW >b*B«r.-'^ '-

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