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PROCEEDING 2016 International Conference on

Education and Social Science (UK-ICESS)

“Educational and Social Issues in the

Changing Asia”

ISBN: 978-602-19859-7-7

Malang, Indonesia

November 9-10, 2016

Universitas Kanjuruhan


Jl. S.Supriadi No. 48

Malang, Indonesia – 65148

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PROCEEDING 2016 International Conference on Education and Social Science

(UK-ICESS) “Educational and Social Issues in the Changing Asia”

ISBN: 978-602-19859-7-7 Reviewers

Prof. Dr. Sudjijono, M.Hum

Prof. Dr. Laurens Kaluge

Dr. Supriyanto

Umi Tursini, Ph.D

Umiati Jawas, Ph.D

Rusfandi, Ph.D


Ayu Liskinasih, M.Pd

Uun Muhaji, M.Pd

Dr. Permata Ika Hidayati

Hena Dian Ayu, M.Si, M.Pd

Cover Design


Printed and Published by

Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang

Jl. S. Supriadi No. 48 Malang, Indonesia – 65148

Tel. (+62)341-801488; Fax. (+62)341-831532

www.unikama.ac.id; www.uk-icess.org; [email protected]

First printing, November 2016

Copyright ©2016 by Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang

The texts of the papers in this volume were set individually by the authors or under their supervision. Only minor corrections to the text may have been carried out by the publisher. By submitting the paper to the 2016 International Conference in Education and Social Sciences (UK-ICESS), the authors agree that they are fully responsible to obtain all the written permission to reproduce figures, tables, and text from copyrighted material. The authors are also responsible to give sufficient credit included in the texts, figures, legends, or tables. The organizer of the conference, reviewers of the papers, editors, and the publisher of the proceedings are not responsible for any copyright infringement and the damage they may cause.




Preface …………………………………………………………………………… iii

Table of Content …………………………………………………………………. iv

Conference Papers

1. The Application of Cooperative Learning Model (Tutor and Tutee) in the

Playing Outdoor Activities for Early Childhood

Achmadi; Aisyah…………………………………………………………………….... 1

2. Parenting Parents in Developing Character Education in Early Childhood

Aisyah; Isabella Hasiana……………………………..……………………………... 8

3. Looking beyond Teacher’s Classroom Management: EFL Teachers’

Pedagogical Knowledge from Different Backgrounds in Teaching Autistic

Students in Different Settings

Alam Aji Putera, M. Adnan Latief, Ali Saukah, Sri Rachmajanti………..…… 15

4. Student Activities in Learning NCTM Standards with Cognitive Load

Theory Concept of Rank in Grade X Vocational High School

Arika Indah Kristiana, Suharto……………………………………………… 25

5. Effect of Betel Leaves Decoctionin to Speeding Perineum Healing for

Postpartum Women in BPM Endang Sutikno Kediri

Candra Wahyuni…………………………………………………………….. 30

6. The Importance of Entrepreneurship Education for Farmer

Darmadji…………………………………………………………………….. 36

7. Is Internal Corporate Social Responsibility Related to Employee Engagement? Dianawati Suryaningtyas…………………………………………………………... 46

8. Implementation of Entrepreneurial Learning Model Based on Local Wisdom through Mind Mapping Method to Achieve the Effectiveness of Learning Endah Andayani; Lilik Sri Hariani; Suko Winarsih; Rusno………………….. 54

9. Entrepreneurship Learning Model Involving the Businessman (Entrepreneur in

Residence); Implementation of Social Entrepreneurship at Ciputra University

Wina Christina, Herry Purwoko, Astrid Kusumowidagdo…………………… 64

10. The Implementation of Social Science Inquiry Learning Strategy in Civics


Hernawaty Damanik, I Nyoman S Degeng, Punaji Setyosari, I Wayan Dasna.. 71



11. Flores Local Genius on Move (Integrating both Character Education and

Manggaraian Local Genius in Teaching English Speaking)

Hieronimus Canggung Darong………………………………………………. 78

12. The Effectiveness of Jengah Conception to Control the Students’

Communication Anxiety in Mathematics Learning

I Made Ardana……………………………………………………………….. 88

13. The Impact of Blended Learning towards Teaching Learning Process and

Student’s Maturity

R. Jacobus Darmanto; Agustinus Fahik……………………………………… 95

14. The Use of Google Slides to Build Students’ Collaborative Work in Reading

Comprehension Skill to Master the Report Texts

Jastman………………………………………………………………………………… 103

15. Good Behaviour Game to Reduce Aggressive Behaviours on Children

Gracia Sudargo, Laura Makaria Sudargo…………………………………… 113

16. The Implementation of Curriculum 2013 on Economics by Using Scientific

Approach in SMAN Malang

Lilik Sri Hariani; Endah Andayani…………………………………………………. 122

17. Students’ Perception of Interactive Multimedia Mediated Web-based Learning

Mclean HY, Isnawati………………………………………………………… 128

18. Building Student’s Character through Indirect Teaching in Indonesian High


Mirjam Anugerahwati…………………………………………………………. 138

19. The Relationship between Gender, Age, and Attitude toward Mathematics

among Malaysian Gifted Students

Mohd Fadzil bin Kamarudin; Mohd Hasrul bin Kamarulzaman;

Noriah Mohd Ishak……………………………………………………………. 143

20. The Development of Learning Model for Accounting Education Based On

Islamic Ethics in Higher Institutions

Muslichah, Evi Maria……………………………….………………………… 154

21. Integrating Sustainability Education into Higher Institutions

Muslichah; Shabrina Ramadania……………………………………………… 167

22. Perceptions of Novice English Teachers on Student-Centre Approach in

Teaching English

Neni Nurkhamidah; Sinta Dewi Yulianti……………………………………… 176



23. What is so Difficult about Learning Science through English?

Novriani Rabeka Manafre…………………………………………………… 182

24. Analysis Cognitive Ability Enhancement through Cosmography

Constructivism Facilitated Media Learning Management System

Permata Ika Hidayati, Soetjipto……………………………………………… 188

25. Micro-Hydro Power Plant Realia as Media to Enhance Students’

Understanding on Power Plant

Radina Anggun Nurisma, Hendrik Elvian Gayuh Prasetya, Teguh Hady

Ari Wibowo…………………………………………………………………………….. 197

26. Self-Control and College Adjustment: Aspect and Measurement

Rahmah Hastuti……………………………………………………………… 204

27. The Motivation and Performance of Health as Consequence the Welfare


Ratna Wardani………………………………………………………………………… 213

28. Connection and Mathematical Disposition toward Advanced Mathematical

Thinking in APOS Mathematics Learning

Retno Marsitin…………………………………………………………………………. 221

29. An International Group Membership on Facebook and Its Effect on Giving

Feedback during Peer Review

Riza Weganofa; Henni Anggraeni; Rofi’ul Huda…………………………………. 232

30. Community Service: Empowering the Deaf

Riza Weganofa, Siti Mafulah, Fitri Anggraini……………………………………. 239

31. Critical Thinking about Education and Tax Policy in Indonesia: Study on

Cases of Tax Evasion in European Countries

Rostamaji Korniawan…………………………………………………………………. 243

32. Bilingual Concept of Cross-Linguistic Transfer: A Challenge for Contrastive


Rusfandi………………………………………………………………………………… 248

33. The Use of Videos to Improve Students’ Ability in Listening to Narrative


Widia Purnamasari; Sakti Nugroho………………………………………….. 255

34. The Use of Online Media to Enrich Student’s Vocabulary

Siti Mafulah, Fitri Anggraini Hariyanto……………………………………… 268



35. The Development of Learning Physics Device Based on KKNI to Increase

Students’ Mastery Concept and Critical Thinking

Sudi Dul Aji, Choirul Huda, Chandra Sundaygara, Muhammad Nur

Hudha…………………………………………………………………………. 277

36. A Survey Study on the Independence and the Openness of the Will be


Sudiyono; Maris Kurniawati………………………………………………….. 285

37. Arts-based Responses to Cultural and Religion Identity to Inform Initial

Teacher Education

Sue Erica Smith; Ratna Suryaratri; Deasyanti Adil………………………………. 292

38. Economic Empowerment Community to Economic Institutions Pesantren

Supriyanto…………………………………………………………………….. 300

39. Critical Thinking of the Elementary School Students in Coffee Plantation Area

Based on Math Science Exemplars Task through Performance Assessment

Suratno; Dian Kurniati..................................................................................... 307

40. The Implementation of the Scientific Approach of Curriculum 2013 in English

Classes at Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 6 Malang

Surya Fajar Cahyo Nuraeni………………………………………………………….. 313

41. Urgency of Education Based Socioecopreneurship in Indonesia (Analysis on

Elementary Education)

Susan N H Jacobus............................................................................................ 324

42. Knowledge Management Model in the Achievement of Effectiveness of the

Organization of Private Higher Education in Malang

Tanto Gatot Sumarsono; Abdurrabi…………………………………………... 329

43. Self-Assessment of Speaking Proficiency: Students’ Criteria and Attitude

Umi Tursini……………………………………………………………………. 341

44. Managing Instruction: Leadership Practices for Instructional Improvement in

Indonesian School Reform

Umiati Jawas………………………………………………………………….. 350

45. The Use of Creative Writing Handbook in Developing Ideas and Creativity of

English Education Department Students in Writing Class

Uun Muhaji; Irene Trisisca…………………………………………………………… 365

46. The Analysis of Banking Systemic Risk in Indonesia

Vinus Maulina, Riril Mardiana Firdaus……………………………………… 372



47. The Analysis of Banking Systemic Risk and Financial Linkages in Indonesia

Vinus Maulina; Sri Wilujeng………………………………………………… 382

48. Analysis of the Influence of the World's Oil Prices, Inflation, Interest Rate,

and Rupiah / US Dollar Exchange Rate on the Return of Mining Sector's

Shares Registered in Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2010 – 2015

Waseso Segoro, Andri Kartika………………………………………………. 390

49. Improvement of Motivation and Learning Outcomes through Assessment of

Social Sciences Student Portofolio in State Junior High School 5 Malang

Yuli Ifana Sari, Siti Halimatus Sakdiyah, Hermina Mulyati Sudir…………. 398

50. Couched Peer Feedback: Teacher’s Intervention in Collaborative Peer

Feedback Writing Activities

Annisa Astrid……………………………………………………………….. 404

51. The Implementation of Fanpage in Creating Positioning Product for

UMKM in Jakarta And Yogyakarta

Tjipto Djuhartono, Annisaa Utami, Wening Estiningsih………………. ….. 416

52. The Implementation of Bureaucracy Reform: Role of Transformational

Leadership, Organizational Culture and Employees Quality Competence as

the Mediator

Christea Frisdiantara; Harinoto.................................................................... 424

53. Knowledge Management and Transformational Leadership on Employees’

Performance Mediated by Organizational Culture

Harinoto.......................................................................................................... 437

54. Establishing Reading Comprehension on Report Text through the Presence

and Absence of the Text Itself

Veranika……………………………………………………………………… 448

55. Counseling Families through Parenting Positive Techniques in Dealing with

Authoritarian Parenting

Wiwit Wahyutiningsih…………………………………………………......... 455

56. IbW Kecamatan Kedopok Kota Probolinggo

Irma Tyasari, Enike Dwi Kusumawati, Suryaningsih, HB Sujiantoro……… 461

57. Revitalising Anti Corruption Values in Economy Development as The

Learning for Pre-service Teachers

Ninik Indawati………………………………………………………………. 466



58. Innovation And Business Strategies To Enhance Firm Performance: Study

of SMEs Cluster In Malang

Rita Indah Mustikowati, Iva Nurdiana Farida……………………………… 472

59. The Development of Policy Evaluation Model of Bank Indonesia(BI) and

Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) for Mandatory Audit of BPRS

Koenta Adji Koerniawan, Irma Tyasari…………………………………….. 481

60. Community as the Actor in Empowerment: The Role of Community

Information Group of Surabaya in Building Well-informed Community

Nurul Ratna Sari…………………………………………………………….. 487

61. The Air Flow as Function of Temperature in Rectangular Heated Chamber in

Solar Thermal Cyclone Wind Turbine Generator

Sugiono, A. Raharjo, Sujatmiko…………………………………………..… 499

62. Development of Android-Based Blended Learning Accompanied with Video

Tutorials To Improve Students’ Understanding And Skill Of Computer

Programming Course

Choirul Huda, Nurul Ain……………………………………………………. 504

63. Evaluation of Placement Policy: Correlation between Placement Test Score

and Students’ Achievement in Integrated Course

Ayu Liskinasih, Rizky Lutviana…………………………………………….. 513

64. Application of Multiculturalism Based Approach to Improve Students’

Understanding in Literary Critism (Case Studies in English Literature

Department of Kanjuruhan University, Malang)

Sujito…………………………………………………………………………. 519

65. Financial Performance Evaluation Department of Industry, Trade, and District

in Indonesian Market Developments in Optimized SMEs

Ida Nuryana…………………………………………………………………. 527


PROCEEDING 2016 International Conference on Education & Social Science (UK-ICESS)

“Educational and Social Issues in the Changing Asia” ISBN: 978-602-19859-7-7


The Application of Cooperative Learning Model (Tutor and Tutee)

in the Playing Outdoor Activities for Early Childhood

Achmadi; Aisyah

[email protected]; [email protected]

PG – PAUD FKIP University of PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya

Abstract: This study discusses the problems with the application of cooperative

learning model (tutor and tutee) in the playing outdoor activities for early

childhood. The goal of this study is: 1. The Early childhood can do

playing outdoor activities bravely. 2. The Children can play safely and

they do not have the problems such as (bump, slide or drop, and bump

against each other). 3. The Children play with good sociality and they can

work helping each other. This research uses experimental group and the

control group was not chosen at random. The steps of this research are:

O1 – X - O2. (for the experiment group) , and O3 – O4 (for the

control group). The activities of this study are the

children in small groups (maximize 4 children) should do playing

outdoor activities by helping each other in order to be secure, and to

achieve the learning objectives. The kinds of playing outdoor activities

in this study are such as: that is swing playing, sliding away, climbing

and balancing by helping among others. While the gathering of data is

used: the performance test, observation, and documentation. The

analysis data is used by statistical t -test. The results of the research is the

appropriate and perfect to performance the cooperative learning in

playing outdoor activities for early childhood

Keywords: Playing Outdoor Activities, Cooperative Learning


The majority of children are very happy when they have the activities conducted in the outdoors (outdoor). Because the outdoor activities is a part of education programs for early

childhood. Based on the importance of the playing outdoor activities‘s program for early

childhood, so this research will full fill about the problems of playing outdoor activities that needs to be done. In addition, this research was triggered by that the tools of playing outdoor

ctivities has always been owned by Kindergarte and also is used by institutions of early

childhood education. However the playing outdoor activities is always to bring about the child‘s problem . Especially between the number of children and the kind of existing game in

the institutions is not balanced. The problems that frequently appear as: the children is always

to vie with each others, children play are unwilling to budge, and they always push each

others , thus consequently the childre banged, falls, pain, and even crying. To solve these occure problems are by applying cooperative learning model that the children should do some


PROCEEDING 2016 International Conference on Education & Social Science (UK-ICESS)

“Educational and Social Issues in the Changing Asia” ISBN: 978-602-19859-7-7


tasks and functions as a tutor and as a tutee. These activities can be achieved if it abbreviates

"PULSA" (Playing, Usefull, Life together, Safety, and Achievement, when the student

playing outdoor activities).


This research uses quasi experiment by two group with pre test and post test design . The gathering data uses the performance test and observation. For example, the children was

asked to swing playing, sliding, climbing and balancing in one group. Whether the children

can play happy and safely. They don‘t afraid to play. When the children do playing still

inappropriate and afraid, they do not want to play, and they are still undecided, it means that the children do not reach the goals‘s the playing outdoor activities . Beside that, it also uses the

observation of gathering data when the children do playing outdoor activities with tutor and

tutee model. Whether the children can already perform its good functions (as a tutor or tutee). The Aspects and indicators that are measured: a), The Children want to do the playing outdoor

activities without afraid (as the courage aspect ) b). The Children want to give some examples

about how to do playing outdoor activities (as the role playing aspect) c). The Children want to take care to the tutee‘s activities (as the safety aspects) d)The children want to do what is

suggested by the tutor to the tutee( the responsibility aspects) e). The Children want to help

and associate to their friends during the playing outdoor activities (as the socialiction aspect ).

Whereas technic of data analysis uses statistical analysis t- Test.


Discussion of the results of the processing data The author analyse data from the results of performance test and observations about

the fuctions as well as tutor or tutee in the playing outdoor activities for treatment group and

control group student. The results from 4 kinds of the playing outdoor ativities, that is swing

playing, sliding away, climbing and balancing ,the author desided into a single result . The number of the research subject is consists of 13 children in pairs like this following table :

Table 1. Subject in this Research

No. Group Total children

1. I (Experiment) 13 children

2. II (Control) 13 children

Total 26 children

After that the final score from experiment group children and control group children can be

showed in the following table:

Table 2. Final score for two groups In pairs Score

(Group Experiment)


(Group Control)




4 5






13 15






10 9




PROCEEDING 2016 International Conference on Education & Social Science (UK-ICESS)

“Educational and Social Issues in the Changing Asia” ISBN: 978-602-19859-7-7




















From this table it can be discussed 1. The experimental Group children is given the guidance to perform a tasks as the tutor and

tutee during the playing outdoor activities. As for the control group children do not given

the guidance. 2. The final score for the experiment group children is always batter than the control group


3. The highest score of the experimental group children is 15. But the highest score of the

group children just 11 4. The lowest score of the experimental group children is 13, while for control group children is


5. The behavior of playing activities is very different between performed by experiment group children and control group children : As the differences are :

a. For the children who are as the experiment group

- They want to play with great pleasure - They are not afraid to play some kinds of the playing outdoor activities

- When they are playing with safely, not fall, no bumps, and don't cry

- They want to play with his friends to help each others.

b. For. The Children who are as the group control children has still being: - Some children still don't want to play, because they are affraid and do not get guidance

- Some children want to play but they still often dropped, banged, and crying

- When they are playing, they do not want to turns or queued. 6. The early childhood can pretend as tutor and tutees nicely while they are playing outdoor


Thus in this research show that cooperative learning (Tutor and Tutee) can be useful to address the some problems that occurs frequently in playing outdoor activities for early

childhood . It is also has some benefits as:

1). While the learning with model tutor and tutee, the children will be free to choose the kinds

of playing outdoor activities happily and safely 2). Each child has a sense of responsibility in accordance with her tasks and functions as tutor

or tutees.

Discussion of cooperative Learning The meaing of cooperative learning approach (cooperative learning) is refers to a

method of learning that some students to work together in small groups, and they help each

other for learning (Sanjaya, 2012). Most of the cooperative learning involves students in 1

group that consists of 4 students with different abilities. The kind of Cooperative learning in this study is emphasized by cooperation in the role

of Tutor – Tutee in the playing outdoor activities for early childhood. Tutor-tutee activities are

designed from children to anather children and adapted with their capacity and condition of each child. Each group consists of four children maximazed will have the duties and

responsibilities as tutors – tutee to do the playing outdoor ctivities. The tasks‘s tutor in this

activity is such as: directing, guiding, and caring the activities of tutees. For example, The tutee is playing swing, sliding away,climbing , and balancing .


PROCEEDING 2016 International Conference on Education & Social Science (UK-ICESS)

“Educational and Social Issues in the Changing Asia” ISBN: 978-602-19859-7-7


The Children as a tutor have the duties to guide the tutee or other children while

playing swing. How to sit on the swing perfectly, and to hand to the swing‘s rope correctly.

How the tutees if they want to terminate or to stop the playing swing. Included to give the direction to play the sliding away, the climbing and the balancing . For as the tutee is expected

should be obey towards tutor‘s guidance. When the tutees are asked to sit on a porch swing

with good position, then the tutees must obey the tutor‘s suggestion. In addition, tutors must also company and keep safety to the tutees during they are playing outdoor activities. The role

of the tutor and the tutee is done alternately. For example the A- Child has responbilities as

tutors to guide 3 tutees. But the others time the A - Child is as tutee that is guided by B-Child,

and so on alternately. The children can cooperate for playing outdoor activities well. Because the process of learning is an active, an effective can be done by children who has interesting

and fun. Through cooperative learning (as Tutor – Tutee) can increaes the children's curiosity,

can motivate the children to think critically, and can discover the new things while they are playing the out door activities.

Finally when they were given directives to guide and work in a cooperative system like

tutor – tutees‘s function in playing outdoor activities, they can run it. Even thought in that time , they still need to be reminded by their teacher to do their tasks and functions as a tutor or

tutees. The cooperative of playing outdoor activities is indirectly that the children develop all

aspects by holistically. As well as the development of the characteristics‘s early childhood are

be integrated. It means that one developmental aspects is related with the more developmental aspects . One the development aspect can influenced by other developments. As dicribed by

Bredekamp (1997), "Domains of the children's development is one domain of influence and is

fluenced by development

Discussion of the results of playing outdoor activities

Early childhood can play swing, sliding away, the climbing and the balancing with the

pretended as tutor and tutees. The tasks of children as tutor include: 1). To teach how to play outdoor activitie is safely and comfortable. 2). To guide the tutees who do afraid to play and

became dare to play. 3. To keep the children while playing outdoor activities in order do not to

fall or bump 4). To correct the sudent who play wrong. 5.) To encourage the children to play with helping each others. As for the tasks of the children who are as a tutee at playing outdoor

activities include: 1) understand what is conveyed by the tutor. 2.) do anything that are

requested by tutors, 3). For children who do not understand yet about tutor‘s information or any problem‘s tutees , they can ask for helping to the tutor.

Finally for the results of the discussion are:

1. The experimental group Children is playing in outdoor activities is more secure than the

others 2. The experimental group children are kindness among others while the playing out door


a. There are some children who originally did not dare to play climbing, now they are dare to play despite only 1 top step or short. They are dare to climb because they got

the encouragement and helping from the tutors and other friends.

b. the majority of children love to play swing and sliding away, so they are always vie with each other. The experimental group children are playing already understand

about the plaaying‘s rules. They play swing or sliding away no longer scrambling.

They can play togather with each others, so there are not cry, againt or fall.

c. During the playing balancing, there is some children who are crying because their position is always above and do not ever down. Because the children can not


PROCEEDING 2016 International Conference on Education & Social Science (UK-ICESS)

“Educational and Social Issues in the Changing Asia” ISBN: 978-602-19859-7-7


balance. After that the tutor give some explanation, so the children can understand

how to play balancing corectly.

d. Tutor or tutee who came from their friends they will play more quickly understood and easy to do. For example when the tutees play climbing then the tutor ask for

handing tightly so, they can and do it fast.

e. During the children playing sliding, some children came into the wrong way, then the tutor warn and fix it.

f. Before the children are trained as a tutor or tutees, most of them are playing in

outdoor activities have problems. However, after trained as a tutor or tutee, they

could play out door activities with the orderly and safely. 3. For the control group children, during the playing outdoor activities they still have

many problems among others , such as,:

a. The children while playing outdoor activities they are snatching each other b. they are often collide and falling down then sick

c. When the children are playing they have not good attitude and do not help each

others The majority of children are willing and daring to do 4 different of the playing outdoor

activities , namely : the swing playing , the sliding away, the climbing and the balancing.

These activities are very effective if it has some indicators to be reach:

a. The children want to and dare to play outdoor activities b. The children want to take and to give an example how to do the playing outdoor activities

safely and easyly (aspects of the main roles)

c. The Children want to care each others when they are playing outdoor activities (security aspects)

d. The Children want to help or associate among of them during the playing outdoor activities

(aspect of want to life together)


Conclusions Based on the result of these research and the discussion so can be concluded as follows.

a). Cooperative Learning is very effective used as a way to solve some problems in

playing out door activities for early childhood b). The playing outdoor activities is as the program given to early childhood especially

when implemented with the function appropriately

c). The early childhood can be functioned as a tutor and tutees while the playing

outdoor activities c). The role and duties of tutor-tutee can be used for solving problems in playing

outdoor activities for early childhood.


a. The implementation of cooperative learning for early childhood requires careful

planning so the teachers need to practice it b. The development of learning models for early childhood are needs to be improved,

because each child has different abilities and characteristics.

Hopefully with this discription as a summary of the research can add our experience and feedback as a basic in developing a playing outdoor activities for early childhood.


PROCEEDING 2016 International Conference on Education & Social Science (UK-ICESS)

“Educational and Social Issues in the Changing Asia” ISBN: 978-602-19859-7-7



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“Educational and Social Issues in the Changing Asia” ISBN: 978-602-19859-7-7


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