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Harvard scientists discover vision breakthrough

Better eyesight at

age 70 than at 50?

This powerful combination of ingredients can help

improve your vision and your independence at any age

Vision problems normally start in your late 40s and early 50s. It starts off as a small inconvenience, but by

the time you are 60, a sort of fear sets in:

You fear you will lose your independence

You fear you will have to depend on your loved ones a lot more

You fear you will not be able to do the things you love – reading,

knitting, the crossword, even driving

Given the number of people whose active life changes dramatically because

of poor vision, this fear is justified. But there is something you should


Clinical research done by leading institutions like Harvard and the Mayo

Clinic prove that deteriorating vision is not caused by age, but by free

radicals. These free radicals damage the cells and tissues in your eye and

cause different types of impaired vision.

The good news is, unlike age which stops for no one, the destruction caused

by these free radicals can be easily stopped. And you can improve your


I know just what you are thinking. What causes these free radicals? Where

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do they come from? Everybody agrees that the main causes are poor nutrition and exposure to irritants (UV

rays, toxic chemicals, pollution).

Modern living with all its 'bad influences' affects your vision

You know what I'm talking about. Unhealthy habits like eating processed foods, staring at computer and

television screens for hours together, smoking, electro-magnetic radiation, pollution... create an environment

for free radicals to thrive in. That is why I say the fate of your vision is in your hands

No I'm not asking you to stop watching TV and go and live on farms. While that would be ideal, it is also

impractical. There is a more practical approach - a perfect combination of ingredients that give your eyes all

the antioxidant support they need and counter the damage caused by the free radicals. Some of these nutrients

also have the capacity to filter out harmful UV rays from reaching the sensitive areas of your retina. Finally,

you can shield your eyes and have improved vision with ingredients and antioxidants that will play a huge

role in restricting...

The Blindness Epidemic That's Advancing Towards You

Approximately 1.8 million Americans age 40 and older have advanced macular damage, and another 7.3

million people with early macular damage are at substantial risk for vision loss. The government estimates

that by 2020 there will be 2.9 million people with advanced macular damage.

While these are scary numbers, there is enough research to suggest that if you take the right precautions, and

nourish your eyes with a powerful combination of ingredients, you can protect your macula against

damage and help support your vision

The macula is an oval shaped highly pigmented yellow spot near the center of the retina. It is a highly

sensitive part of the retina that is responsible for processing straight ahead vision (versus peripheral vision).

When the macula becomes damaged, many daily activities such as driving, reading and watching television

become increasingly difficult. Because this condition is seen mainly in people over 40, people think that poor

and blurry vision is an inevitable part of aging.

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But this is not true. The real reason is...

Exposure to UV rays and nutrient deficiency

Macular damage and poor vision can be caused by debris deposited under the macula as a result of free

radical damage. Now free radical damage is caused by a deficiency of critical nutrients you need to protect

your eyes.

The natural production of these nutrients in the body depletes with age. That's why macular damage is seen

more in people over 40.

Another reason for free radical damage is exposure to harmful UV rays. Just like your skin, your eyes too are

exposed to these rays on a regular basis. You know how your skin burns without sunscreen. unfortunately,

you cannot apply sunscreen to your eyes and the eyes get damaged when exposed.

In a clinical study of people with different stages of macular damage or erosion, some key nutrients were

shown to improve vision. So even if you have the early symptoms of macular damage, you will be glad to

know that...

Research proves, whatever your age,

there is still hope for clear and sharp vision...

Even if you do not have any symptoms, you need to be concerned because in the early stages there are no

symptoms. But as the damage progresses to an advanced stage, you lose all central vision. By the time the

first symptoms (blurry central vision) appear you might be past the early stage.

It does not matter how old you are, once the symptoms set in, you can reduce their effect by flooding your

eyes with the perfect combination of ingredients.

With the help of these ingredients you can support your vision and become more confident as you age. Even

as you read this, light rays are bouncing off the screen and going straight to your eyes. Even though these are

basically harmless rays, over the years, these rays too take a toll on your eyes. And then, there are the

harmful UV rays that your eyes are exposed to, like the light coming from television screens, computers,

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lamps, bulbs, fire and the biggest source of them all - the sun.

You need to...

Protect Your Eyes From

the Constant Bombarding by Vision Destroyers

No matter how hard you've tried to protect your eyes from these rays, it's a certainty that if you've lived over

40 years,

you have definitely done some damage to your eyes.

Because, in addition to these potentially harmful rays, there are other vision destroyers which your eyes are

exposed to on a regular basis.

Here are just a few dangers that may have already had an effect on your vision:

Free radicals (from pesticides, your body's own metabolic wastes and more)

Pollution and smog

Poor diet and nutritional deficiencies

Smoking and second-hand smoke

Lack of exercise

Excess alcohol consumption

High sugar intake

All these factors contribute directly or indirectly to poor vision and could even lead to macular damage.

Statistics show that if we are to suffer vision loss as we age, it will most likely be from damage to the


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This common eye problem affects 1 in 10 of us between the ages of 40 and 54, gradually increasing with age

to affect more than 1 in 3 of us over the age of 75. But as you can see from the list above, age is not the root


With so many threats to your vision, it's no wonder that the delicate tissues in your eyes get damaged and

your vision gets weaker...

That's why it's important you take action right away to help protect your vision from the many dangers that

can't be avoided. Because, while damage has been done, all is not lost.

There's a non-invasive, natural discovery that could reduce damage to your vision. It contains breakthrough

nutrients that could help fight the leading cause of vision loss and help erase years of damage from your


Introducing 20/20 Vision

A powerful combination of

ingredients to fight vision loss and macular damage

When we set out to prepare this formula, our goal was to make a formula that had a powerful combination of

ingredients to support healthy vision and reduce the symptoms of macular damage and fight blurry vision.

After months of research, the team came up with what I believe is the...

Best combination of vision nutrients on the planet

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There are a lot of antioxidants out there claiming to be vision nutrients. But we wanted only those vision

boosting ingredients that would not compete with each other. The result is 20/20 Vision - a potent blend of

crucial ingredients that your eyes need to stay healthy.

Unlike other formulas that cram in too many ingredients, this unique formula has necessary antioxidants that

are tailored to give you powerful vision protection. What's more, the really important ingredients are

available in the same doses that have worked in clinical studies to:

Enhance depth perception

Improve visual contrast

Protect your eyes from blurry vision

Improve night vision

Fight back against macular damage

Each of the ingredients has a specific role to play in ensuring your vision remains healthy and sharp at any

age. Together they form a great vision team. But just like any team has star players, this combination too has

its star players - lutein and zeaxanthin.

Lutein is a super-antioxidant like no other

Like other antioxidants, lutein shields your retinas against free radical damage. But it also does something

that ordinary antioxidants can't do - support tiny blood vessels and improve eye circulation. No wonder you

can take many supplements yet your vision still grows blurry.

We have formulated 20/20 Vision with the same dosage of lutein used in clinical studies. Thanks to this high

lutein content, 20/20 Vision can help increase the optical density of the macular pigment. This in turn helps

block harmful light rays from damaging delicate eye tissue.

If you want to experience the wonders of life - and continue to enjoy them - then you must be able to see fine

detail. One nutrient does more to help you see detail clearly than any other antioxidant ever discovered -


Breakthrough research has revealed that lutein is beating all the other antioxidants for supporting clear

vision. That is why 20/20 Vision features it along with other antioxidants. Unlike ordinary antioxidants,

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lutein is absorbed into your eyes, where it helps strengthen the area that lets you see fine detail. In fact one of

these studies even shows that lutein can...

Increase your visual sharpness by 35%

Lutein's importance to healthy vision was confirmed in major clinical studies done by respected institutions

such as Harvard Medical School! Take a look!

Only lutein improved Visual sharpness!

In a study of lutein against other vision antioxidants in veterans, only lutein improved vision. After one year,

the veterans taking lutein had a 35% increase in visual sharpness over the veterans taking additional vitamins

and minerals.

Johns Hopkins Study Confirms Focused, Detailed Vision!

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When researchers at The Wilmer Eye Institute at Johns Hopkins University gave 10 mg of lutein to adults

with poor vision, they found a "statistically significant effect on visual field" within the first few weeks. And

the improvements continued to grow over the 12-week testing period.7 These and many more studies just go

to prove that this is the most significant natural vision discovery in a decade. This amazing nutrient can help

you maintain your ability to:

Read easily without glasses!

See your TV clearly, without straining!

Drive with confidence - even at night!

But we wanted to make it even better than any other lutein formula. So instead of using just a low dose of


We mixed lutein with zeaxanthin to deliver a 1-2 punch

This bringing together of two important vision nutrients gives you what I consider as the best natural vision

support on the planet...Like lutein, zeaxanthin is a pigment carotenoid naturally found in the retina. On their

own each of them provides enough antioxidant power, but bring them together and you can deliver a 1-2

punch that has the free radicals reeling

Whatever your age, your eyes need protective pigments to block sunlight, just as your skin does. When

you're in your yard or driving in your car, the sun's ultraviolet light is absorbed by retinal tissues and creates

"oxidative stress"- or free-radical damage.

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Your maculas suffer the worst harm and your vision fogs, blurs and darkens. "Research shows people with

cloudy vision are often lacking lutein and zeaxanthin" to protect their eyes. Researchers documented that

having low macular pigment raises your danger of macular damage by a whopping 75%!9 In fact, according

to Harvard...

Lutein and Zeaxanthin are like natural sunglasses for your eyes

These sunglasses go with you wherever you go. Night and day. Giving your eyes all the protection they need

from the damaging effect of UV rays and other vision destroyers.

Studies found the higher levels of lutein in 20/20 Vision is associated with a lower incidence of macular

damage, and with better vision, especially in dim light.

That is why, the improved formula in 20/20 Vision gives you powerful doses of lutein and concentrated

zeaxanthin in each daily serving. Incidentally, this dose of lutein is the same amount shown to work in the

clinical studies.

In addition to filtering high energy light waves, lutein and zeaxanthin also act as antioxidants to protect

against the formation of free radicals. But that's not all...

1-2 punch protects against 'cloudy vision' too

The clouding (turning opaque) of lenses are responsible for about 45 to 50 million cases of blindness

throughout the world. The good thing about the lutein and zeaxanthin is that their antioxidant property also

helps protect against cloudy vision. Recent studies published in Archives of Ophthalmology have found that

low levels of lutein and zeaxanthin increased lens opacity.

For example, one study found that people with diets high in zeaxanthin - particularly spinach, kale, and

broccoli - are up to 50% less likely to develop cloudiness of lenses. The big question is, if lutein and

zeaxanthin are naturally produced by the body - why does one get blurry vision and macular damage. Good

Question? The answer is what I call...

The natural mid-life crisis

For some inexplicable reason, the natural production of lutein and zeaxanthin reduces between 40 to 50 years

of age. This is really surprising, because, it is now that your body needs these nutrients the most.

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The worst part is that at around this time, your body's digestive system is also not very strong so even if you

eat a lutein and zeaxanthin rich diet, the nutrients do not get fully absorbed.

What this means is that as you get older, you don't have the adequate amounts to keep your eyes and vision

healthy. But now, thanks to lutein and zeaxanthin, it is now easy and affordable to protect your eyes for an

afternoon on the golf course, relaxing in your yard or riding your bike without worry.

But before you rush out and buy any supplement listing lutien and zeaxanthin on its labels, you need to know


The big lutein hoax that could be robbing your independence

Visual impairment is one of the top four causes of lost independence. And with unhealthy diet habits and

overuse of screens (televisions, computers) it will soon become the top cause. I'm not the only one who

predicts this. There are greedy marketers out there who are rubbing their hands in glee knowing that more

and more people are going to be concerned about their vision.

No wonder there are so many products that claim to help your vision - and maintain your independence.


Many products with lutein on the labels

contain ridiculously low amounts

In fact, too little to make any impact on your vision. To make up for the loss, the formula will be diluted with

a long list of fancy sounding ingredients that are simply of no use to improve and protect your eyesight.

What's worse, some of the products won't have any lutein, zeaxanthin or any other ingredients suggested to

nourish your eyes. As a result, these products do little but pull wool over your eyes.

On the other hand, some manufactures are putting in unnecessary amounts of lutein and zeaxanthin into their

formulas to lure customers. And, as you might have guessed, they are charging an arm and a leg for it.

Please don't fall into their trap. The excessive lutein is not proven to give any added benefit to your eyes. In

fact, it can cause a skin condition called carotenemia.

It does not require a scientist to figure that out that for lutein to work as well as it has done in the clinical

trials, it must be used in the same quantities that proved successful in the clinical trials. Like in 20/20 Vision.

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And what makes 20/20 Vision even better is that these two star players are supported with an incredible team

of players, the first of which is considered by many to be the secret to having 'eagle eye' vision.

It's like seeing the world with a new pair of eyes

Eye experts in Europe have uncovered a vision secret for eagle eyes. The secret, which has been used by

medical experts in Europe for more than 40 years, is an extract taken from the bark of the pine tree. This

extract is rich in many beneficial compounds that support healthy circulation in the body and also support

healthy vision.

Boosts circulation to the eyes: Research published in the journal International Ophthalmology shows

people taking pine bark, experienced improvement in the health of retinal blood vessels. An eye expert

examined five clinical studies of 1,289 patients and confirmed pine bark "improved capillary resistance!" In

other words the tiny blood vessels that supplied nourishment to the eyes were strengthened. A second expert

dug deeper and found out that pine bark helps...

Maintain healthy eye pressure: The pine bark extract has a unique property that few of the other

antioxidants have. The extract binds to the vessel walls and creates a sealing effect. This helps reduce excess

blood from seeping out through the tiny vessels into the surrounding eye tissue. So on one had you get a

circulation boost to the retina, and on the other hand, you have a natural barrier that keeps excess blood away

and maintains healthy pressure in your eyes.

Get razor-sharp vision: In one clinical study, men and women with vision loss reported significantly

better visual acuity (visual sharpness) after taking the pine bark extract. Remarkably, at the end of the clinical

study, 75% of the participants reported...

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less blurry vision

sharper-looking letters

better accuracy in identifying letters

After reviewing four additional studies on pine bark, the eye expert wrote that 80 mg or more every day

"increases visual sharpness." Some participants went so far as to say it was like as if a windshield wiper

wiped across his eyes.

Perhaps you're wondering, "If pine bark is so amazing for my eyes, how come I haven't heard about it from

my doctor?" There's a very good reason: unlike studies on popular vision antioxidants, the studies on this

herb were performed in Europe and written up in French and German! It could take years before our doctors

uncover this vision breakthrough. But you don't have to wait. Thanks to 20/20 Vision, you can begin to...

Experience 'eagle eye' vision right away

20/20 Vision gives you 80 mg of pine bark extract in each daily dose. Don't be surprised if soon you're able

to read the newspaper with ease, watch a ball game without glasses, even drive safely at night. Which

reminds me, I still have to tell you about the 'night specialists' in this vision team.

You might have noticed that after about the age of 40 your ability to see in the dark has been progressively

decreasing. Reading at night or watching television at night become difficult. The worst sign is when you

start fearing to step out at night and worry about driving at night.

20/20 Vision can make night driving easier

In terms of personal safety, getting behind the wheel of a car is a risk. But driving a car at night is even

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riskier. In fact, almost half of all fatal car crashes in the U.S. occur at night. The reason for depleting night

vision is simple.

You see, our eyes have a natural compound called rhodopsin, a visual pigment used for low light vision.

Rhodopsin is found in specialized light receptor cells called rods. Now the main function of rods is to

provide vision in low light conditions. Unfortunately, the rhodopsin levels dramatically decline over time

resulting in progressive loss of dark vision. But with 20/20 Vision's unique formula, you can combat these


Research shows that people with poor night vision need more vitamin A. But it has to be the right type of

vitamin A. 20/20 Vision has the right type and right amount of vitamin A that you need to support clear,

sharp vision even at night. In addition, 20/20 Vision also has zinc that helps boost the vision performance of

vitamin A.

Bilberry improves night vision

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The next night vision superstar in 20/20 Vision is found in the anthocyanidins that are commonly found in

certain plants such as bilberry.

During World War II, British RAF pilots were able to find and destroy enemy bombers in the dead of night.

As the story goes, they were eating bilberry jam slathered on their toast! What they didn't know was they

were boosting their night vision and making their eyes night strong.

If you're worried about driving at night, 20/20 Vision can make you more confident. When you start

nourishing, supporting and protecting your retinas, you can have the freedom to go for an evening show or to

your favorite restaurant even when it's pitch black outside.

More berries, more 20/20 advantage

The last ingredient in the 20/20 Vision formula is

blueberry powder. The ORAC (Oxygen Radical

Absorbance Capacity) test shows that a serving of

blueberries introduces more antioxidants into the

body than most other fruits and vegetables. Many of

the amazing health benefits of blueberries are well

known - but their incredible effects on visual acuity

and protecting against macular damage are less often

talked about. Thanks to the high presence of

antioxidants, blueberries are of great use in the

protection against free radical damage especially in the small capillaries that irrigate the eye and other

sensitive areas of the eyes like the macula.

Besides their role as an antioxidant, blueberries are known to help the eyes adapt to the changes of light.

Which is why blueberries are also recommended for improving night vision. You will be pleased to know

that 20/20 Vision has a dosage of blueberry extract to be effective in fighting free radical damage.

Take care of your vision now, before it's too late!

Your vision is your most valuable asset and you must take care of it. You've seen what happens to friends or

family members when their vision fails. Others must help with driving, shopping, errands, even with paying

bills. Suddenly, leaving the house becomes a luxury. They're alone, depressed - it's terrible...

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"Blindness and low vision can lead to loss of independence and reduced quality of life," warns Elias A.

Zerhouni, M.D., Director of the National Institutes of Health.

Of course, you don't need a medical study to tell you that if you maintain crisp, clear vision, you'll enjoy

more of your favorite activities, and feel happier and healthier.

Your vision won't take care of itself!

Sadly, an estimated 180 million people worldwide already suffer low vision or blindness. If you want to see

sharply as you age instead of watching your sight deteriorate, then the research is clear: you should support,

protect and nourish your eyes against poor retinal circulation and macular damage. But as you've learned,

ordinary antioxidant formulas can't do both! That's why I recommend that people over 40 take20/20 Vision.

Cutting-edge retinal support for sharp, clear vision - even at night!

Each ingredient is grounded in science to provide your weakening eyes with the comprehensive support you

must have for seeing with clarity in the years to come. Unlike ordinary antioxidant vision formulas,20/20

Vision supports:

Strong retinal circulation for reduced eye blur. Fragile retinal blood vessels that nourish your retinas

can weaken and result in foggy, blurry, darkened vision.

Pine bark is shown to strengthen these vessels - something no ordinary antioxidant can do! 20/20 Visiongives

you the full 80 mg shown in the research to support sharp, blur-free vision in the Snellen Chart vision test.

Healthy macular pigment for seeing up close. Your maculas let you see the fine print in a book or on

TV. 20/20 Vision gives you a proven dose of lutein shown effective in research. Then it's supercharged with

zeaxanthin to give you powerful vision support. In a study at Harvard, researchers proved that a combination

of lutein and zeaxanthin best supported clear, focused, squint-free vision.

Improved light sensitivity for seeing at night. Clinical research suggests bilberry can improve their

sensitivity to light. 20/20 Vision gives you bilberry plus vitamin A - the only vitamin shown in research to

support strong night vision.

Protection against free-radical vision damage. Your best defense is an antioxidant with the strongest

possible free-radical scavenging power. That's why 20/20 Vision gives you blueberry extract to protect your

clear vision. It's the only fruit extract to beat out 20 others in a USDA test for highest antioxidant activity.

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Start supporting your vision today

Many people don't give their eyes a second thought till they start suffering blurry, foggy vision. Then they

worry that it's too late. But that's not true! I've seen many people experience sharp eyesight with the

ingredients in 20/20 Vision.

In fact, studies such as the European Eye Study suggest that these ingredients become even more essential in

middle age and beyond to support sharp, focused vision.

But don't take my word for it...

Try 20/20 Vision RISK-FREE!

You can try 20/20 Vision's unique formula with no risk whatsoever through this Special Offer. Two

capsules, once a day, is all you need to support clear vision. If you're not thrilled with the way you see during

the day and at night, then return your bottles within 30 days and receive a full refund - even if you send back

bottles that are opened or empty! And when you order today you'll...

Get 3 FREE GIFTS and FREE Shipping!

You'll receive THREE information-packed Special Reports. PLUS, as part of this Special Offer, your entire

order including the Special Reports - is shipped to you FREE.

Free Report #1: Foods Your Eyes Love

In this Special Report, you'll discover what to put on your plate to best protect your eyes against blurry

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vision, vision loss, free radicals and macular damage. Helps keep your vision clear for life. For instance...

Tired eyes? Snack on this nut. It's a great source of nutrients that help relax the smooth muscles in your

eyes for focused vision.

Sick of fish? Here's a little-known way to get large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids from your food for

less than half the cost of fish—tastes better, too!

Weight watching? You'll love this "less than 60 calories per cup" favorite that protects your retinas.

And More!

Free Report #2: What You Need to Know About Eye Surgery

Sometimes eye surgery is necessary to save your sight. But at other times you don't need it. Before you face

the knife or the laser, here's what you need to know.

The real truth about cataract surgery. Cataract surgery is not completely guaranteed. Blurred vision

may develop cataracts mimicking the original cataract.

The new surgery for glaucoma. Why doctors ditched the knife for the laser. But not all laser surgeries

are the same.

The ins and outs of "corrective vision" surgery or Lasik, and who should NOT have it.

And More!

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Exclusive GIFT: Liquid 20/20 Vision (available only with 6-month supply)

Add Liquid 20/20 Vision to your favourite beverage and you can get the vision support you want.

Remember, this amazing liquid version is available only as an exclusive gift with this 6-month offer.

Let's face it; your eyes are your window to experiencing some of the best parts of life. And like any window

pane they need proper maintenance. Now that you know what 20/20 Vision can do for your eyes, the ball is

in your court.

Two very distinct choices are ahead of you. You can either continue to struggle with poor vision which

will only get worse as the nutrients in your body further deplete. OR you can support you vision with the

powerful combination of ingredients in 20/20 Vision. If you choose the latter, you can protect your

independence again. And have the confidence of sharp, squint-free vision, whether you're teeing off on the

golf course, reading a good book, enjoying a favorite hobby, or driving to dinner with someone you love.

As you can see, it’s a no brainer. I trust you will make the right choice.

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References 1. 2012 American Eye-Q®, American Optometric Association 2. www.cdc.gov/visionhealth/basic_information/eye_disorders.html

3. American Foundation for the Blind – Macular Degeneration Guide 4. www.who.int/uv/faq/uvhealtfac/en/index3.html 5. Vision 2008 Conference – Montreal Canada

6. Richer, Stuart, et al. Optometry-Journal of the American Optometric Association 75.4 (2004): 216-229. 7. Bahrami, Hossein, Michele Melia, and Gislin Dagnelie. BMC ophthalmology 6.1 (2006): 23. 8. Fletcher, Astrid E., et al. Archives of ophthalmology 126.10 (2008): 1396

9. Snodderly, D. Max. The American journal of clinical nutrition 62.6 (1995): 1448S-1461S 11. Moeller, Suzen M., et al. Archives of ophthalmology 126.3 (2008): 354. 12. Johnson, Elizabeth J., et al. The American journal of clinical nutrition 71.6 (2000): 1555-1562

13. Chasan-Taber, Lisa, et al. The American journal of clinical nutrition 70.4 (1999): 509-516. 14. Moeller, Suzen M., et al. Archives of ophthalmology 124.8 (2006): 1151. 15. Brown, Lisa, et al. The American journal of clinical nutrition 70.4 (1999): 517-524.

16. Yao, Yuan, et al. Nutrition (2013). 16. Shonlau, F., and P. Rohdewald. FOOD STYLE 21 8.10 (2004): 76-83. 17. Schönlau, Frank, and Peter Rohdewald. International ophthalmology 24.3 (2001): 161-171. 18. Steigerwalt, Robert, et al. Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics 25.6 (2009): 537-540.

19. http://www.noys.org/nighttime_driving_restrictions_statistics1.aspx 20. Ethen, Cheryl M., et al. Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 46.3 (2005): 769-775. 21. Artaria, Christian, et al. (2007): 13-18.

22. http://www.nih.gov/news/pr/apr2004/nei-12.htm 23. Leonard, Robin McInerney. Statistics on vision impairment: A resource manual. 24. Fletcher, Astrid E., et al. Archives of ophthalmology 126.10 (2008): 1396.


The statements made in this presentation have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If you are currently taking prescription medication or have any specific medical condition, consult your healthcare practitioner

prior to use. While clinical research supports the effectiveness of 20/20 Vision, individual results may differ from those in the study. You should carefully read all product packaging and labels.

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Copyright © 2015. The information contained herein is not to be construed as medical advice or instruction. On any matter relating to your health or well-being, please check with an appropriate health professional. Information herein, while believed to be correct by the author, is not guaranteed as accurate or appropriate for all persons. Testimonials are from real users of 20/20 Vision. To protect our customers privacy, stock photos have been used for all customer

testimonials. No statement herein is to be construed as a diagnosis, treatment, preventive, or cure for any disease, disorder, or abnormal physical state. Statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Dr. Victor Marchione is compensated by Bel Mar ra Health for his work in formulating and endorsing this product.

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