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Production Log – Construction

I constructed the ship environment based on my layout concept that I drew at the start of the unit. It is very similar to my design apart from the shape of the coms room and crew quarters, which I had

to simplify to make up for lost time. There is also a missing hallway going from the garage to the crew quarters, I decided not to include it because it wouldn’t fit in the space it had. The hallway

leading to the cockpit was meant to curve; I had to save time so I left that part out.

This is the view from inside the cockpit, which now contains two chairs and monitors to make it look more functional. This set up is similar to other rooms (e.g. coms room, medbay).

The coms room, as I said above, is similar to the cockpit, except this is a smaller room and the table is against a flat wall.

The images above are of the medbay, the medbay contains a table, monitor, chair and bed, I made the room the right size so that it wouldn’t be too small and cramped or too big and empty.

The central room is almost completely empty; I did this because if people were living in this environment then having stuff in the way when someone needs to get from one room to the other

would be annoying.

The crew quarters is dark in the side of the room that has the beds placed in it despite the glass roof I made to allow more light in and the window. This is because of the direction of the light source, but

that is all the room contains and it’s still visible.

The garage is empty in the middle of the room; I used the table I made in modeller to line the walls to make it more interesting as I wanted it to be quite cramped at first, with a bunch of boxes and

other objects filling the room. In the second picture you can see that the corner of the room, which is dark due to the small space, is filled with piles of crates to show what I had in mind for this room

at first.

I left the engine room empty as I don’t think it needs anything, I was also worried that anything I were to put in the room could look out of place.

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